高二英语作文建议信句子 篇1
Dear Mr. Headmaster,
I am Li Yue, a student from class one,senior II. I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behavior among us students : littering and scribbling. It makes our school dirty and unpleasant, and does harm to the image of our school. I always feel ashamed whenever I see this. It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about. I wonder if the school could place more dustbins around and set up specific rules against such behavior. At the same time, students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves. I believe that, with the joint efforts of bother teachers and students,our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future. Thank for your consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Li yue
高二英语作文建议信句子 篇2
1 常见句子结构错误
英语句子是要严格遵守语法规则的, 如果违背这些规则, 就会写出一些让人费解甚至引起歧义的错误句型。要想使自己的句子流畅、通顺、连贯, 符合英美人的思维方式和表达习惯, 英语学习者就应该处理好句子结构方面的一些问题如残缺句、接排句、误置修饰语、悬垂分词、主谓不一致等最常见的错误。通过对这些问题的排查分析, 可以帮助对外汉语专业学生找出错误原因和纠正的方法, 从而进一步提高他们的英语写作水平。
(1) 残缺句
残缺句指的是不能构成一个完整句子的片段。虽然残缺句在形式上和其它的英语句子一样以大写字母开头, 并且通常以句号结尾, 但是在逻辑关系上却不能表达完整的意思, 只是英语词组而已。请看下面的例子:
Tom tries to call home once a month.To keep in touch with his family.
It was a wonderful week.Fishing every day and dancing every night.
上面的句子代表的是两种典型的残缺句, 第一个句子通常被称为句号错误。可以将句中的句号变成逗号, 这样不定式短语“to keep in touch with his family”就成了主句中的目的状语。而第二个句子可以通过添加某些成分, 将其改成独立完整的句子。因为“Fishing”这一部分既没有主语, 又没有谓语动词, 所以我们可以通过添加句子成分的方法将这句话改为:It was a wonderful week.We went fi shing every day and dancing every night.所以避免残缺句的最好办法就是注意区别句子和句子的一部分, 并且写作者脑子里要绷紧一根弦, 时刻关注各种各样的残缺句。
(2) 接排句
接排句指的是“两个或更多句子混合交织在一起, 而没有正确的标点符号或句子连接词表明它们之间的关系。” (张玉娟、陈春田, 2006:27) 这样的句子, 由于缺乏清晰的逻辑关系, 意思含混不清, 导致读者不能正确理解句子中各个部分之间的关系。请看下面的例子:
Basketball is an exciting sport to watch it is a dangerous sport to play.
Education is an elusive word, it often means different things to different people.
第一个句子之间没有标点符号和连接词, 而第二个句子通常被称为逗号连接, 也就是用逗号代替句号和分号把两个完整的意思连接起来。修改接排句中的错误, 我们可以使用几种不同的方法。当两个句子的关系不是很密切或者毫无关系时, 可以用句号分开。当两个独立分句之间的关系在意义和语法关系上比较紧密时, 可以用分号隔开。当然我们还可以使用并列连词、连接副词和从属副词来修改接排句。比如我们可以将上面的第二个句子改为:
Education is an elusive word because it often means different things to different people.
(3) 误置修饰语
英语写作中, 我们可以通过添加修饰语来扩展基本句型。按照英语的规则, 充当定语或状语的词、短语或者从句必须尽可能地靠近所修饰的成分。如果违背了这一规则, 就可能使句子意思混淆, 引起误解, 产生歧义, 从而破坏语言表达的科学性和规范性。请看下面的例子:
Jim bought an old truck from a crooked dealer with a faulty transmission.
I put the chair in the middle of the room that I had recently purchased.
上面第一个句子里面的修饰语“with a faulty transmission”本来应该修饰old truck, 但是却被放到了“狡猾的经销商”后面, 这样读者会质疑经销商怎么会有缺陷的传动系统。第二个句子中, 根据意思和常识判断, 定语从句“that I had recently purchased”应该修饰“椅子”而不是“房子”。以上两个歧义修饰语会使读者对其修饰的目的感到迷惑不解。所以遇到这样的情况, 写作者应该把易产生歧义的修饰语放在唯一修饰的词的前面。同时还要特别注意像always、even、hardly、often等这些副词的位置, 要把它们放在恰当的地方。
(4) 悬垂修饰语
Looking up the sky, the sun went under a cloud.
After fi nishing the research, the paper was easy to write.
To please the visitors, a cross talk was performed.
While eating my supper, two mosquitoes bit me.
以上句子的共同特征是悬垂修饰语与句子的主语不存在逻辑关系。第一个句子的主语是太阳, 所以不能作为look up这一短语的逻辑主语;第二个句子的主语是论文, 显而易见也不可能完成研究;第三个句子中to please the visitors的逻辑主语应该是表演相声的人;而第四个句子中吃饭的应该是“我”, 那么两个蚊子就不能作为吃完饭的逻辑主语。为了防止这种错误的发生, 我们需要让非限定式短语清晰明确地修饰句子的主语。可以使用下面的方法修改悬垂修饰语:找出句子中隐含的主语, 对所修饰的短语提供行为者;或者补充悬垂短语或省略从句的必要成分, 扩展成为一个完整的从句, 由行为者做主语。使用上面的方法, 我们可以将上面其中的两个句子改为:
Looking up the sky, Jim saw the sun go under a cloud.
While I was eating my supper, two mosquitoes bit me.
(5) 主谓不一致
英语句子的一个重要标志就是具有主谓结构。句子的谓语动词要随主语的人称、数的变化而变化, 也就是主语和谓语动词在人称和数上必须保持一致。如果学习者忽略了这一基本原则, 就会写出不符合语法规范的错误句子。请看下面的例子:
Such poets as Shelley is widely read, of whose works, however, some are diffi cult to understand.
Neither my parents nor my brother are coming.
上面的三个句子都没有遵守主谓一致原则。第一个句子主句中的主语应为poets, 谓语动词用复数are而不是is;第二个句子中the number强调的是数量, 所以谓语动词应用单数is;第三个句子中neither…nor连接两个主语要遵守就近原则, 所以are应该改为is。要解决主谓不一致的问题, 我们要遵循语法学家经常谈及的三个原则:语法一致原则, 即形式上一样;意念一致原则, 即意义上的一致;毗邻原则, 即谓语动词的形式与邻近的名词一致。但是还应该灵活掌握这些原则, 做到具体问题具体分析。
2 消除常见句子结构错误的方法
以上谈到的句子结构错误会严重影响对外汉语专业学生英语作文的质量, 打击他们英语学习的信心, 所以我们需要找出应对策略来解决这些问题, 从而提高学生分析解决问题的能力和英文写作水平, 增强他们英语学习的积极性和主动性。
(1) 牢记英语基本句型
英语基本句型实际上就是简单句的基本句型, 千变万化的英语句子都是由此演变发展而成的。而动词是句子的主干, 使用不同类型的动词, 句子的成分就会不同, 从而形成不同的句型。英语动词可以分为及物动词、不及物动词和连系动词。在句子中, 及物动词后必须接宾语, 意义才能够完整。宾语可以是单宾语、双宾语和复合宾语。所以学生需要灵活掌握下面五种基本句型:主语+不及物动词;主语+系动词+表语;主语+及物动词+宾语;主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语;主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语。此外, 我们还应该知道如何扩展基本句型, 增大句子的信息量, 使内容表达更加丰富多彩。英语句子扩展的主要方法有增添法、并列法、从属法等。在这些语法知识的基础上, 还要教会学生灵活掌握, 学会分析, 活学活用。掌握了英语基本句型和扩展句型的方法, 再加上学生在写作中正确分析和灵活运用, 消除这些常见句型错误的可能性就会大大增加。
(2) 增强衔接意识和整体谋篇布局的能力
就像唯物主义哲学中所谈到的整体和部分的关系:整体居于主导地位, 统帅着部分。当各部分以合理的结构形成整体时, 整体就具有全新的功能, 整体的功能就会大于各个部分功能之和。当学生养成了从整体布局谋篇的意识, 就会有利于克服词汇及句子方面的错误, 提高写作的质量。而从国内外研究的成果来看, 衔接理论被广泛地运用到英语写作教学当中, 并且取得了较为明显的教学效果。在教学中培养学生的衔接意识, 掌握语法和词汇衔接的方法以及各类连词的使用方法, 对提高学生的写作能力是大有裨益的。当衔接手段被熟练掌握以后, 写作者在写作的过程中会更多地关注文章整体结构, 就会有意识地使自己的文章更加得体、连贯, 并且更好地运用逻辑思维使文章符合逻辑, 具有更强的说服力。学生有了整体布局谋篇的能力后, 要进一步引导他们学会如何把握细节, 如标点、大小写、句型结构方面的使用。这样一来, 学生既有了写作的整体意识, 又知道如何处理细节方面的问题, 写出的文章质量就会大不相同。
3 结语
上文所提到的残缺句、接排句、误置修饰语、悬垂分词和主谓不一致是独立学院对外汉语专业最常见的句型结构错误。要根除这些错误, 需要学生牢记英语五种基本句型和扩展这些句型的方法, 并且能够活学活用。同时还要能够从整体上构思、润色英语作文, 学会使用各种衔接手段, 使文章更加连贯得体。最后, 还要养成一些好的写作习惯, 比如合作学习、同伴互评、模仿经典美文、定期进行写作训练。有了这些有效的方法和改进措施, 相信对外汉语专业学生的写作水平会更上一层楼, 写作能力也会不断的提高。
摘要:独立学院对外汉语专业学生英文习作中常见句子结构错误包括残缺句、接排句、误置修饰语、悬垂分词和主谓不一致等。牢记英语五种基本句型和扩展这些句型的方法, 增强衔接意识和整体谋篇布局的能力可以有效地根除这些错误, 提高学生英文写作能力。
[1]丁往道, 吴冰等.英语写作手册[C].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2011.
[2]林洪志.论句子结构歧义及排除方法[J].外语及外语教学, 2001 (4) .
美化英语句子表达的5条建议 篇3
三个“涨价”,raise prices用它三回?且慢!“排比” 虽然好,但让读者怀疑你词汇贫乏就麻烦大了。多样化表达走起!
例 Coffee companies, cafes and corner delis often raise prices; they rarely cut them. Earlier this year, Starbucks increased the prices of many drinks by around 1% in much of the Northeast and Sunbelt (阳光地带,特指美国南部和西南部地区). J.M. Smucker Co., which sells packaged Dunkin’ Donuts and Folgers coffee had hiked them by 23% in 2011.
点评 不难看出,多样化表达需要具备一定的词汇量。你得知道raise、increase、hike都可以表示“提高”,否则上述好句子冥思苦想亦不可得。
例 In the Chinatown section of San Francisco, rice and snow peas are a part of many holiday meals. In New Mexico, one might encounter chili peppers on the Fourth of July. In Hawaii, one popular way to celebrate a holiday is with a feast.
点评 第一个“吃”的表达为:“Sth. is a part of meals.”虽然简单,但很精彩、灵活。第二个“吃”的表达为:“One encounters sth.”用“某人遭遇食物”来表达“吃”,很好玩吧!最后一个“吃”的表达为:“One way to do sth. is with a feast.”做某事的一个方式是来一顿大餐,其意昭然若揭。
如果词语与句型的变化搭配使用,英语句子将会焕发瑰丽的色彩。例如,颜色经常被用来描述人的情绪或状态,猜一猜“红”“粉”“蓝”“绿”分别代表什么?稍作思考,就能得出这个句子:“Red means angry; pink means healthy; blue means sad; green means jealous.”虽然说这个句子表意清晰,但means重复的次数过多,显得单调。如果我们think twice,可将其美化,得出下面这个例句。
例 “Red with rage” describes anger; “in the pink” means to be in good health; “feeling blue” is a sad way to feel; “green with envy” indicates a jealous attitude.
点评 不难发现,英语中有一些习语刚好表达了颜色跟人的关系。比如,red with rage (气得脸色发红)描述了愤怒的状态;in the pink (面色红润)描述了健康的样子;feeling blue (忧郁如蓝调)描述了悲伤的感觉;green with envy (嫉妒得脸色发青)描述了嫉妒的态度。“代表”的表达也实现了多样化:describe、mean to be、indicate是在努力换词,而feeling blue is a sad way to feel是通过换句型表达同样的意思。
例1 Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.
点评 此句属于借助副词加强语气:在进行时be doing中加入了频度副词always,用于表示一种厌烦不满的情绪。
如果我们要用英语表达“秦始皇在中国历史上最具争议”,掌握了初级语法规则的人会不假思索地想到:“The First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty is the most controversial figure in Chinese history.”这个表达虽然准确,但还是建议大家think twice。《新概念英语3》第23课中有这样一句:“No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail.”我们可以模仿这个句子来表达上面那句话。
例2 No other figure in Chinese history receives more praise and abuse than the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty./No other figure in Chinese history is more controversial than the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty.
点评 短语“no … more … than …”乃强化语气之利器!其精髓在于用比较级的形式表达出最高级的含义。
例3 Scientists say malaria-carrying mosquitoes cannot travel far on their own. But the insects can, and do, catch rides in the belongings of people who travel.
点评 这个句子借助助词do来加强catch rides的语气,do可以翻译为“确实”。
具有否定意义的副词及短语放在句首时,句子一般采用倒装。请大家试着表达:“他们不仅勤奋,而且富有创造精神和发明精神。”我们可以表达为:“They are not only industrious but they are creative and inventive as well.”这里的“not only … but … as well”用得不错,但请think twice,这里还有进步的空间。我们可将其美化为:
例 Not only are they industrious, but they are creative and inventive as well.
点评 美化后的句子采用了倒装,加强了句子的语气。
双重否定句可以加强肯定的语气。比如,我们要表达:“当你初遇某人时,对他/她的外表做出反应是很正常的。”我们可以用肯定句:“When you first meet someone, it is usual to react to his/her appearance.”我们也可以用双重否定来加强语气。
例 When you first meet someone, it is not unusual to react to his or her appearance.
点评 这个句子用not unusual替换了usual,语气强烈了很多。
弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)在《论读书》(“Of Studies”)中提到:“有些书可以浅尝辄止;有些书可以狼吞虎咽;而有些书则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化。”完整的表达为:“Some books are to be tasted, others are to be swallowed, and some few are to be chewed and digested.”为保持言辞简洁,我们可以考虑将其精简,美化为下面这个句子。
例 Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
点评 这个句子省略了重复的be动词are。
有时,为保持言辞简洁,我们可以把从句变成短语。以下三个例子分别是状语从句简化为现在分词短语、宾语从句简化为“特殊疑问词(what、when、where、how等词)+ to do”结构、定语从句简化为过去分词短语的情况。
例1 a. After Ford has opened one assembly plant in Chongqing last year, Ford is in the process of building another assembly plant, an engine factory and a transmission factory in Chongqing. (复杂版)
b. Having opened one assembly plant in Chongqing last year, Ford is in the process of building another assembly plant, an engine factory and a transmission factory in Chongqing. (简化版)
点评 b句用分词短语“Having opened one assembly plant …”来替换a句的时间状语从句“After Ford has opened one assembly plant …”,句子更加简洁。
例2 a. “I’ll tell you where you should get off,” answered the conductor. (复杂版)
b. “I’ll tell you where to get off,” answered the conductor. (简化版)
点评 这里的b句用where to do sth.代替a句的宾语从句,句子更加简洁。
《新概念英语2》第29课有个句子的意思为:“Ben Fawcett 机长有一次把飞机停在了一个废弃的停车场。”下面是对这个句子的两种表达。
例3 a. On the other occasion, he landed in the car park that was deserted. (复杂版)
b. On the other occasion, he landed in the deserted car park. (简化版)
点评 这里的b句用过去分词deserted替换a句中的定语从句that was deserted,使得表达更加简洁。
方法3: 将短语变成单词
例 a. The student at the end of the line is responsible to turn off the lights. (复杂版)
b. The last student is responsible to turn off the lights. (简化版)
点评 At the end of the line即为last之意。我们须舍繁冗求简洁。
例 The vitamin, which is crucial for bone health, muscle strength and immune system function, is produced naturally in our skin when exposed to the sun.
点评 在这个句子中,vitamin是句子聚焦的重点,因此该句使用了被动语态,使得vitamin成为句子的主语。
例 Perhaps it is the desire for solitude or the chance of making an unexpected discovery that lures people down to the depths of the earth.
点评 本句采用强调句型“It is … that …”,用于强调人们进行洞穴探险的动机。
例1 a. I saw the BMW advertisement:“The art of life, exclusively for you.” (主语是人)
b. The BMW advertisement, “The art of life, exclusively for you,” captured my eyes. (主语是物)
例2 a. People who have a good memory and a desire for knowledge typically have a bulge in the centre of their forehead. (主语是人)
b. A bulge in the center of the forehead is typical of people who have a good memory and a desire for knowledge. (主语是物)
点评 例1两个句子是对“我看到BMW (宝马)的广告词‘生活艺术,唯你独享’”的英语表达,例2两个句子是对“记性好、爱学习的人的典型特征是额头中间突起”的英语表达。人们在发现新事物时会被深深吸引,甚至浑然忘我。无论是看到了宝马的广告还是说明某种人的长相特征,都不必强调人的存在,客观事物作主语刚好可以表达这种“忘我”的状态。
“告知”不需要感情色彩,通知到了就算完成任务,即“‘telling’ communicates facts”;而“表达”却需要入情入理,惟妙惟肖,使读者心领神会,即“‘showing’ invites understanding”。表达中,太过空泛(general)无法令人满意,细致入微(specific)才能引人入胜。下面笔者介绍三种让表达细节生动的方法:描述、解释与使用数据。以下几组句子请认真对比,孰优孰劣,一目了然。
例 a. Brad Pitt is a and kind person. (空泛)
b. Brad Pitt is a person who always shows consideration for others. (细致入微)
点评 “善良”用 kind表示过于空泛,用who always shows consideration for others就非常具体,让读者对人物品质的把握更有依托,从而使得描述生动。
例 a. Mr. Robinson reached over and grabbed the boy’s arm. (空泛)
b. Mr. Robinson lurched over and grabbed the boy’s thin forearm with his leathery hand. (细致入微)
点评 很明显,a句只做到了“告知”读者发生了什么,而b句不仅告知读者发生了什么,更让读者“看到了”一位老人具体的动作是如何进行的:步履蹒跚走过去(lurch over),用苍老粗糙的手(leathery hand)抓住小男孩瘦弱的(thin)前臂(forearm)。
例 a. There are many breast cancer cases each year in the U.S. (空泛)
b. There are more than 200,000 new breast cancer cases each year in the U.S., making it the second-leading cancer in women after lung cancer. (细致入微)
点评 a、b两句都表示了美国每年患乳癌的人数之多。但a句的many没有明确的数量概念,表意不到位。而b句的200,000和second-leading两个数字使得表意极为明确。
结 语
请再次体会express的目的:描述物体,让物体栩栩如生呈现于眼前;叙述事件,让事件的来龙去脉再现于脑海;表达观点,让别人理解并赞同你之所见。这一切并不太难,只需 think twice。
高二英语句子翻译 篇4
____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ you missed the sports meeting last week.2.就我而言,我认为我们更关注在校儿童的安全问题。
______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ,I think we should pay more attention to the safety of school children.3.当你从雾中来到我的面前时,我已经发现自己想起了一些神话故事。
When you came towards me in the mist, I ____ _____ ______ of some fairy tales.4.直到他生了重病,他才知道健康的重要。
_____ ____ _____ ____ he got seriously ill ______ he knew the importance of health.5.我的弟弟可高兴坏了,我们在那高高的摇晃的台阶上跑来跑去。My brother and I _____ ______ ______ up and down the tall and shaky steps.6.这一工作需要很多的辛勤劳动,但这是值得做的。
The job involves a lot of hard work , but _____ ____ ____ _____.7.人们说语言是银,沉默是金。
_____ ______ ______ _____ speech is silver and silence is gold.8.众所周知,大西洋只有太平洋的一半。
___ ____ ____ _____ the Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the
Pacific Ocean.9.如果价格适宜,我们有可能订购一大笔货。
_____ ______ _____ ______ place a large order if the price is suitable.10.很明显他为自己犯下的罪行感到很惭愧。
高二英语作文建议信句子 篇5
1 break down(机器)坏掉,(人)垮掉,(谈判,计划)失败,分解
联想:break up分散,(关系)破裂 break through 突破break in(vi.)闯入,插嘴
break into(vt.)闯入;突然大哭/大笑 break off中断,折断 break away from摆脱
2 leave sb/sth alone不理会 leave sth behind遗留;留下 leave out 遗漏,漏掉
leave +n.+adj/adv. 使…处于某种状态
eg,He question left me speechless. Don’t leave your work half done.
She left her baby crying. Leave them as they are.
3 defend/protect … against(from)保护…免受…
4 keep sb/sth alive让…生存,保留下来 come alive活跃起来
5 cure sb of sth 治愈某人的疾病;改掉某人的恶习
eg,Moving to the countryside cured her of asthma.搬到乡下他的哮喘就好了。
eg,The painful lesson cured him of the bad habit of drinking and driving.
6 be infected with/contract disease感染疾病 transmit/spread disease传播疾病
(feelings)infect sb情绪感染某人eg,Her enthusiasm infected the whole class.
7 blood transfusion输血
8 because of a lack of/for lack of/in the absence of 因为缺乏
9 as with/as is the case with/in common with同…一样
10 the+adj.表示一类人:the young(=young people) ,the rich(富人),the poor(穷人)
the dead(死者),the living,(生者),the accused(被告)
表示抽象化事物:the beatuiful(=beauty)美的事物,the impossible不可能的事情
11 suffer from (a disease)患有某种疾病
eg, suffer from a bad cold/loss of memory/somnia患重感冒,失忆症,失眠
suffer+n. 遭受,经历(痛苦,损失)
eg, suffer pain/torture/defeat/damage/loss遭受痛苦,折磨,失败,破坏,损失
12 be available 可获得的,可用的;有空的,不忙的
eg,The library is available for the students. 图书馆对学生开放。
Sorry,I’m not available for the comment.我现在没时间做评论。
13 much too expensive(adj.)太贵 too much expense(n.)花销太大
14 spend/waste(time/money…)doing花费,浪费…做
15 discourage sb from doing阻止,打消某人做
16 cheer(sb)up使振作起来
17 get/keep(stay)/lose contact(touch) with 与某人取得,保持,失去联系
put sb in contact(touch)with使某人与…取得联系 contact lenses 隐形眼镜
18 persuade sb to do/into doing(talk sb into doing)说服某人做
persuade sb not to do/out of doing说服某人不做
persuade sb of sth=convince sb of sth使某人相信,信服
eg,We finally persuaded her of his innocence.
19 live with/come to terms with/put up with忍受,忍耐
live through 历经过 live up to不负(盛名),不辜负,符合(标准) live on以…为食
20 develop AIDS(逐渐)患上(疾病) develop films冲洗胶片 develop new drugs 研发新药
develop mind and body发展身心 develop the habit of(逐步)养成习惯
develop an interest in培养兴趣 develop a friendship with 培养友谊
21 as long as/only if/on condition that/provided that…(表条件)只要
22 be immune to 对…免疫,不受其影响
23 have sb do/doing让某人做 eg,Mr wu had us clean the classroom.
Eg, He had us laughing all through the class. 他让我们整堂课笑个不停。
have sb/sth done (表被动)
eg,Mum took me to the hospital to have me examined. / eg,I must have my hair cut.
24 be diagnosed with被诊断出
25 disrupt traffic/public order扰乱交通,社会治安
26 recover from 从…中恢复,痊愈 recover from a cold/ the shock感冒痊愈,从打击中恢复
recover consciousness恢复知觉 recover one’s hearing/sight 恢复听力,视力
recover oneself恢复健康;情绪平稳下来
27 keep/stop/prevent/ban/prohibit sb/sth from doing阻止某人(某事)发生
28 on the contrary相反 be contrary to 与之相反
29 for the moment 暂时,暂且 for a moment 一会儿 the moment…(as soon as)当…时刻
30 be free from摆脱,不受影响 eg,I want to be free from the life of pressure and anxiety.
31 think of ..as/look on..as/regard …as/consider..as/view ..as/count…as把…看作
32 teach sb a lesson给…一个教训
33take/grasp/seize a chance把握/抓住机会
34 to the fullest最充分 live life to the fullest把生活过地充实
1 AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infections and illnesses.
2 People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex,by receiving infected blood transfusions or through birth.
3 The disease is spreading fast in Africa ,mainly because of a lack of proper health care.
4 As with most diseases and disasters, the young suffer the most.
5 If I were to live long enough to have a job,I would choose to be a doctor.
6 I wish people would find out the facts and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person.
7 The cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment,but I know that I will never be completely free from it .
8 Living with cancer has made me realise how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest.
I wish she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.(表现在的虚拟)
I wish I hadn’t made such a foolish mistake.(表过去的虚拟)
I wish AIDS could be cured some day.(表将来的虚拟)
Unit8 first aid
一 重点短语
1 catch fire着火 play with fire玩火;做危险的事
set sth on fire/set fire to纵火,放火 make a fire 生火
2 within/beyond one’s reach范围之内/之外 reach out/hold out(one’s hand)伸出手
3 upside down颠倒着
4 witness(an accident…) 目睹,目击 be witness to 是…目击证人
eg: The year witnessed (见证)a great event-2008 Olmpic Games in China.
5 keep/bear sth in mind将…记住 have sth in mind心里想
6 stay/remain calm保持冷静 calm down 冷静下来
7 get into a panic/ be in(a)panic陷入恐慌
8 respond/react to 对…做出反应,回应 in response to作为对…的回应
eg, The school had to stop teaching classes during the vacation in response to public pressure.
9 sentence sb to death/three years’ imprisonment 判处某人死刑,三年有期徒刑
eg,The criminal Xiong Zhenlin has been sentenced to death for his brutal and savage crime.(野蛮残暴的罪行)。
10 recommend sth to sb把…推荐给某人 eg,Will you recommend a good dictionary to me?
recommend doing sth建议做… eg,The doctor recommended taking the medicine after the meal.
recommend sb to do eg,The doctor recommended me to take the medicine after the meal.
recommend that...(should )do… = recommended that I should take the medicine….
It’s strongly recommended that …(should )do强烈建议做…
11 the accident scene事故现场
12 be conscious/aware of (doing) sth意识到,注意到,明白
be conscious/aware that…
13…is on the way/around the corner/drawing near/approaching临近,靠近
14 in honor of 为了向…表示敬意,为了纪念 have the honor of doing….有做…的荣幸
eg,May I have the honor of dining with you tonight?我能荣幸地请你共进晚餐吗?
= Will you do me the honor of dining with you tonight?您能赏脸与我共进晚餐吗?
15 spit(sth)out吐出 联想:throw up(vomit)呕吐
16 search sp for sb/sth 搜寻某地 search sb搜身 search for sb搜寻某人
1 People who have witnessed an accident often wish that they had done things differently.
2 Seconds count in an emergency.(分秒必争)First impressions do really count .
3 The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm.
4 If we were to get hurt(by)trying to save someone,we would not be able to help.
5 The question will also calm the person,letting him know that help is on the way.
6 If the person is not breathing,we must try to start his breathing at once,using the mouth-to-mouth method.
7 We should never try to revive a person unless(=if not) we know how to do it.
2. if 的非真实条件句:
①If I were you,I would give an AIDS patient a hug. (表现在的虚拟)
If I had a lot of money, I would travel around the world.
②If I had known more about giving first aid,I could have helped them.(表过去的虚拟)
If the hurricane had happened during the daytime,there would have been many more deaths.
③If we were to panic,we would not be able to help.(将来的虚拟)
注意 :表将来的虚拟有三种形式
If you were to fail tomorrow,you wouldn’t get anything.
If you failed tomorrow, you wouldn’t get anything
If you should fail tomorrow, you wouldn’t get anything
If I had worked harder at school,I would be sitting in the comfortable office now.
If I were 10 years younger now,I would have got that job then.
4. if 在虚拟语气中省略,结构要倒装(助动词提到主语前面):
Were I you (If I were you), I would do it another way.
Had I known the truth,(If I had known the truth)I wouldn’t have helped him.
5. 表示建议,命令,要求的动词带从句,谓语动词通常(should)do,如:recommend,suggest,advise,insist,require,request,order,command ,etc.
eg,Many hospitals recommend that we (should)use DR ABC .
①It’s time that we paid a visit to our mother school.
② I’d rather (=wish)that I hadn’t met you yesterday.
③They are talking as if there were friends.
④If only I would be admitted to Peking university.
高二英语作文建议信句子 篇6