


there的反义词 篇1

There存现句是英语存现句的一种, 一直是各种学派语言学家感兴趣的语言现象, 多年来引起了诸多学者的关注并对其进行了深入研究, 主要涉及对there的解释、名词组的格、存现动词与动词后名词组的数一致等问题。学者们 (顾阳, 1997;韩景泉, 2001;潘海华、韩景泉, 2006;唐玉柱, 2001等) 对存现句中的动词为非宾格动词达成了一致, 但对动词后名词组的格位指派问题存在分歧。本文就其中一个基本问题, 即there存现句中DP如何被赋格进行探讨, 有助于更加正确地认识英语存现句。本文首先概述there英语存现句的定义和显著的结构特征, 其次重点探讨there存现句中DP是如何通过格鉴别式的。


存现句是表达事物存在的句子, 由于事物的存在包括事物的产生、发展和消失, 因此但凡表达事物的产生、发展和消失的句子都被视为存现句。英语存现句最典型的结构是:There+VP+NP (+PP) 。there为句法主语, 其后的名词短语为语义主语。谓语动词是不及物动词, 即所谓的非宾格动词, 如be, live, happen, appear, occur, come, go, lie等, 其中be的使用频率最高。VP后的名词短语多为不定指, 所指称的人或事物往往是需要传达的新信息。PP所表达的时间/处所往往是有定的, 在受话人可以辨识的范围内。

本文主要探讨的英语存现句, 是以非重读的“there”为引导词或形式主语, 其谓语动词采用be动词或其他一些表存在意义的动词 (张绍杰, 于飞, 2004) 。按照生成语法中对there的界定, there只是语音部分, 其作为一个虚词填充主语的位置, 不具备结构格特征。顾阳 (1997) 认为there存现句有以下显著特点:第一, 动词VP一般不及物动词中的非宾格动词, 其特性之一就是不能给其宾语赋格;第二, 名词组NP虽然出现在动词的右边, 可是它们在人称和数量上却跟动词相呼应;第三, 名词组都为无定名词组, 具有指称不确定性, 即所谓经过存在量化的名词组。


根据GB框架下的格理论, 所有作为论元的名词性词组都必须被赋予格, 即通过格鉴别式 (NP Case Filter) 。英语存现句中的动词通常为非宾格动词, 只带一个内论元, 没有外论元, 被假定无赋格能力。那么动词后作为存现对象的DP是如何被赋格的呢?该问题主要有以下解释。

3.1 格传递说

格传递说的主要依据是非宾格假说和Burzio定律 (Burzio’s Generalization) :一个动词的赋格能力与其外论元的存在与否有关。一个没有外论元的动词不能赋ACC格;一个不能赋ACC格的动词必无外论元。即并非所有的动词都能赋格, 动词赋格是有条件的, 没有外论元的动词不能分配宾格;不能分配宾格的动词没有外论元 (Liliane Haegeman, 1991) 。

乔姆斯基认为there是虚主语 (expletive) , 没有实际的语义内容, 只是为了满足“扩充的投射原则” (即句子必须有主语) 的要求。there填入之后, 句子的实际主语 (即DP) 与there形成了一个语链 (chain) 。存现句中的NP并非直接从动词那里获得格, 而是AGR首先将格分配给动词前的主语DP (PRO) , PRO和动词后的NP形成语链, 将格位从PRO处传至动词后的DP (熊仲儒, 2002) 。从而使DP通过这一语链获得主格, 满足了格鉴别式。假使认同“格传递”的存在, 名词词组便可毫无限制地出现在存现动词之后, 其格均可通过there“传递”来得到以满足“格鉴别式” (潘海华、韩景泉, 2006) 。然而存现动词后的名词词组须为不定指, 如果使用定指的名词词组, 句子便不合格:

(1) *There are the three pigs escaping.

3.2 直接赋格说

直接赋格说持不同观点, 认为DP可以直接从谓语动词处得到格。观察一些形态丰富的语言, 在众多不同形式的词形变化中, 宾格不是动词后的名词组所能接受的唯一的一种语法格。如芬兰语中的动词后的名词组有两种形式, 一为宾格, 一为部分格。所以, 非宾格动词只是不能分配结构格, 但仍然有分配固有格的能力。存现句中的不定名词短语除了能接受宾格外, 还获得了部分格, 而并非结构格。动词一般可以给宾语指派两个格位, 一个为结构格, 另一个为固有格。固有格表示部分和不定的格位, 因此能接受部分格的只能是表示部分量化意义的无定NP。这就是为什么存现句中不可出现有定指的或表全部的全称量化名词组 (张智义, 倪传斌:2012) , 如:

(2) a.*There are all the men in the room.

b.*There is every book on the table.


通过上面的分析, 我们重新解释了英语存现句的定义和结构特征, 就存现动词后无定名词组的格这个比较棘手的问题, 针对格传递说的不足, 引入直接赋格说, 有助于正确统一认识存现句结构DP格定位的本质。


[1]、Haegeman, Liliane.Introduction to Government andBinding Theory[M].Cambridge:Mass:Blackwell, 1991.

[2]、顾阳.关于存现结构的理论探讨[J].现代外语, 1997 (3) .

[3]、韩景泉.英汉语存现句的生成语法研究[J].现代外语, 2001 (2) .

[4]、马玉蕾, 王振华.英语存现句的认知理据分析[J].外语教学, 2009 (1)

[5]、唐玉柱, 存现句中的there[J].现代外语, 2001 (1) .

[6]、张绍杰, 于飞.英语存在句信息传递再探索-兼与谷化琳先生商榷[J].外国语, 2004 (2) .

[7]、张智义, 倪传斌.英语存现句定指效应及结构推到研究[J].外语与外语教学, 2012 (2) .

[8]、潘海华, 韩景泉.虚词there的句法地位及相关理论问题[J].当代语言学, 2006 (1) .

there be的“非谓”态 篇2

there be结构,我们从小时候学英语就开始接触了,老师会教我们说“There is a pencil on the desk”。即使到了大学,there be结构给我们的印象也不是特别难的语法点。但在近几年的高考(含模拟考试)中,频频出现there be结构融入一些特定句式中变身非谓语状态的情况, 使there be结构瞬间在语法中变成一个难点,让一众考生飞奔相告。

there be结构的“非谓”态,主要有两种:

第一种:there to be

there to be是there be结构的非谓语形式之一,它在句中主要是用作动词宾语、状语或介词for的宾语。

1.做动词宾语,其主要搭配let, like, prefer, hate, want, mean, intend, plan, expect, consider等动词。如:I don't want there to be an argument about this. I expect there to be no argument about this. 这种动词后面跟there to be的用法,在近几年的考题中频频出现,且对没有复习到的考生而言,是一个极大的难点。

例1 If space goes on infinitely far, why would we expect to be copies of all of us out there? B. that C. which D. there

【解析】此题选D项。动词expect可以搭配there be结构的非谓语形式,变成expect there to be,意为“期望有什么”,与题意最吻合。

需要提醒考生的是,在上述常见的动词搭配中,let是个特例,let与there to be搭配时,要省略to。除此之外,还存在let there be something这一习惯用法,此习惯用法的肯定式let there be something可用于表示希望或愿望,其否定式let there be no something则表示强调。如:Let there be peace on earth. Let there be no lies between us.

例2 Let no doubt that this was an attack on the whole team.

A. there is B. there be C. there being D. there to be

【解析】此题选B项。A项there is填入会出现let和is两个谓语,不符合语法规则,C项let there being不符合let there be的用法,be需要省略to且须是原形,同理可排除D项。只有B项符合let there be something的习惯用法,全句意思为“毫无疑问,这是对整个团队的一次攻击”,表示强调。

2.与介词for搭配,担任其宾语或状语或主语。如:They asked for there to be another meeting. 在这个句子中,there to be结构充当for的介词宾语。而there to be做主语时,则常常用于由it充当形式主语的从句结构,且需要for来搭配。如:It was strange for there to be so few people in the church. 需要注意的是,there to be只能做介词for的宾语,其他介词我们需要用there be结构的第二种非谓语形态,下文详述。先看两道例题:

例3 The investment company planned on another discussion which will commence next day at eleven oclock and close at two precisely.

例4 The investment company planned for another discussion which will commence next day at eleven oclock and close at two precisely.

A. there to be B. there be

C. there being D. there having

【解析】例3选择C项。受到介词on的影响,我们不能再直接使用there be的原形,因为be动词受到on的影响必须加ing,故首先排除B项,全句意思是“投资公司计划明天11点再开展一次讨论,且讨论会在下午两点准时结束”。表示何时何地存在某物,没有there have这样的用法,故排除D项。A、C两项,根据there be结构非谓语形态的语法规则,A项只能做介词for的宾语,故排除A项,最终确定答案为C项。

例4选择A项。受到介词for的影响,理由同例3,我们同样率先排除B项,D项也紧接着排除。A、C两项,根据there be结构非谓语形态的语法规则,看到介词for,我们立即就可以根据for there to be的固定搭配,锁定答案为A项。

第二种:there being

there being是there be结构的第二种非谓语形式,它在句中主要被用作主语、状语或者介词宾语。

1.担任主语或状语。如:There being a bus stop so near the house is a great convenience.在这个句子中,there being充当句子的主语。there being充当句子的状语时,则稍微复杂一些,会涉及there being的两种形式:一般式there being和完成式there having been。这两种形式都可以充当状语,只不过there having been更强调时间先后。

例5 no rain for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water.

A. Being B. There was

C. To be no rain D. There having been

【解析】此题选择D项。句子意思是“由于长时间没有下雨,大部分庄稼因缺水而枯萎了”。如果选择A项,being动词的逻辑主语就变成了most of the crops,等于在说most of the crops are no rain,这会让人不明所以;若选B项,则不符合句子只有一个主干的根本特性;C项结构本身就是一个错误。

需要注意的是,there being在句中充当状语时,有时可以与对等的状语从句进行相互转换。如:There being nothing else to do, I went to bed. 该句中的there being充当全句的原因状语,此时该句可以与原因状语从句进行转换,变成As there is nothing else to do, I went to bed. 再看另外一句:There being another chance, Ill do it better. 该句中there being则充当全句的条件状语,此时该句可以与条件状语从句进行转换,变成If there is another chance, I will do it better.

2.担任介词(除for之外)宾语。如:We were annoyed at there being so much noise around.

例6 There is now some hope of a settlement of the dispute.

A. there be B. there being C. there to be D. being

【解析】 此题选B项。there be受到介词of的影响,be动词需要加ing。D项不能表示“存在”这个概念,不符合句意;C项可用于介词for之后,但不能用于其他介词之后,也可以排除。

为了让考生充分认识到there be做介词宾语和there being做介词宾语的区别,我们再来看两道例题:

例7 Considering the risks, they arranged for _________ another field trip.

A. there be B. there being C. there to be D. there was

例8 For there ______ successful communication, there must be concentration and involvement in the debate itself by all present.

A. is B. to be C. will be D. being

【解析】在例7中,看到介词for,立即锁定答案C项。为什么?因为题目很明显是考查there be结构的“非谓”态,there to be与for天生绝配,其他三项不符合语法规范。例8看起来难度较大,其实也只是纸老虎,只要记住介词for只“偏爱”there to be,就知道B项才是正确答案。

最后,再分享一下记忆there to be 和there being做动词宾语的方法。比如说,imagine后面跟there being还是there to be呢?答案很明显,想象做某事,我们都是说imagine doing sth,那想象有什么自然就是imagine there being了。多发现,多比较,语法的世界中,你也可以是“任我行”。


There be 句型 篇3

1、There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人)

2、在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is;主语是复数,be 动词用are

如有几件物品,be 动词根据最靠近be 动词的那个名词决定。

3、there be 句型的否定句在be 动词后加not ,一般疑问句把be 动词调到句首。

4、there be句型与have(has)的区别: there be 表示在某地有某物(或人); have(has)表示某人拥有某物。

5、some 和any 在there be 句型中的运用: some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定句或疑问句。

6、and 和or 在there be句型中的运用: and 用于肯定句,or 用于否定句或疑问句。


How many + 名词复数 + are there + 介词短语?

How much + 不可数名词+ is there + 介词短语?


What’s + 介词短语?

Fill in the blank with “have,has or “there is , there are”

1.I________a good father and a good mother.2.____________a telescope on the desk.3.He_________a tape-recorder.4._____________a basketball in the playground.5.She__________some dresses.6.They___________a nice garden.7.What do you___________?

8.______________a reading-room in the building?

9.What does Mike___________?

10.______________any books in the bookcase?

11.My father_________a story-book.12._______________a story-book on the table.13._______________any flowers in the vase? 14.How many students____________in the classroom?

15.My parents___________some nice pictures.16._____________some maps on the wall.17.______________a map of the world on the wall.18.David__________a telescope.19.David’s friends___________some tents.20.______________many children on the hill.Fill in the blank with “have,has”

1.I_________ a nice puppet.2.He_________a good friend.3.They__________ some masks.4.We___________some flowers.5.She___________ a duck.6.My father____________ a new bike.7.Her mother___________a vase.8.Our teacher_________ an English book.9.Our teachers___________a basketball.10.Their parents___________some blankets 11.Nancy_________many skirts.12.David__________some jackets.13.My friends__________a football.14.What do you__________? 15.What does Mike__________?

16.What do your friends___________? 17.What does Helen___________?

There be 句型课程讲解 篇4

There be 句型课程讲解

(一)一、There be 句型的用法:

表示某个地方存在某物或某人,Be动词的单复数必须依主语的变化而变化。如:房间里有一张桌子。There is a table in the room.区别: 表达一个人拥有某样东西时则用have/has,如:我有一张桌子。I have a table.二、There be 句型的结构:

There is+第三人称单数可数/不可数主语+地点状语

例:There is a ruler on the desk.书桌上有一把尺。There is some water in the bottle.瓶子里有一些水。There are+复数主语+地点状语

例:There are four apples on the tree.树上有四个苹果。

There are many flowers in the park.公园里有许多花。There is+第三人称单数可数+V-ing+地点状语

例:There is a bird singing in the tree.树上有一只鸟正在唱歌。

There is a baby sleeping in the room.房间里有一个宝宝正在睡觉。There are+复数主语+V-ing+地点状语

例:There are some birds singing in the tree.树上有一些鸟正在唱歌。

There are two boys running on the street.街上有两个男孩正在奔跑。

There be 句型的疑问句及回答

(二)一、There be 句型的疑问

1.在“There is/are...”的疑问句中,要把Be动词放在there之前,并将句号变问号。难点:句中出现的some要改成any。

2.肯定回答为:Yes, there is/are.3.否定回答为: No, there isn’t/aren’t.结构分析:


1.There is an apple on the tree.Is there an apple on the tree? 肯定回答:

Yes, there is.否定回答:

No, there isn’t.2.There are five pens on the desk.Are there five pens on the desk? 肯定回答:

Yes, there are.否定回答:

No, there aren’t.3.There is some water in the cup.Is there any water in the cup? 肯定回答:

Yes, there is.否定回答:

No, there isn’t.2 / 3

There be 句型的否定形式


There be 句型的否定:

否定形式只要在be动词后面加not即可,但要注意的是句中的some改成any.1.There is a knife in the kitchen.否定:There is not a knife in the kitchen.2.There are five apples on the tree.否定:There are not five apples on the tree.3.There is some ink in the bottle.否定:There is not any ink in the bottle.4.There are some birds singing in the tree.否定:There are not any birds singing in the tree.There be 句型的练习题


1.There are_____ pencils in my pencil box.(Level1---4S)A.a

C.some 2.There is ______ chair in my bedroom.(Level1---5S)A.a

C.five 3.There are _____ new books for you.(Level2---1T)A.a

C.two 4.There is _______ ruler on the desk.(Level2---1S)A.a


二.把下例句子改成疑问句: 1.There are four apples on the floor.(Level2---1S)疑问句:_______________________________________ 2.There are five birds in the tree.(Level2---1S)

疑问句:_______________________________________ 三.把下例句子改成否定句:

1.There are two bowls on the table.(Level2---4S)否定句:__________________________________________ 2.There are some beautiful flowers in the garden.(Level2---5S)否定句:__________________________________________ 3.There is a tree in the garden.(Level2---5S)否定句:___________________________________________

四、用There be 句型翻译下列句子 1.教室里有很多桌子和凳子。

/ 3




there的反义词 篇5

课型:复习课 年级:六年级




能理解并灵活掌握句型“There be”的一般疑问句、否定句及其肯定与否定回答。


学会利用身边的人或物用“There be”句型来询问叙述。



1、本节课的目的是使学生学会使用句型“There be” 和它的肯定句、疑问句及其肯定与否定回答。再结合所学过的单词,学会利用身边的人或物用“There be”句型问答。把所学的知识运用到实际中去。


教学重点:能理解并掌握句型“There be”.教学难点:理解并灵活使用“There be ”句型的一般疑问句、否定句及其肯定与否定回答。



2、合作学习法:让学生通过小组合作进行操练,使学生学会使用句型“There be ” 板书设计:

“There be ”句型

There is ﹢可数名词单数或不可数名词

There are ﹢可数名词复数

(四)、教学过程 Step 1: Practice 1.翻译句子,检查学生对have和there be的理解情况。2.复习there be和have/has的区别。Step 2: Revision 1.复习there be句型的构成 :There be +某物/某人+某地/某时 主语 状语 3.复习there be句型中be动词单、复数的变化。

4.教师用简笔画呈现图画,学生用there be句子描述所画物品。

5.PPT展示以复数形式作主语的图片,学生区分there is或there are的表达法。Eg: There is a cat and two dogs under the tree.There are two dogs and a cat under the tree.6.Look at my room and my things.Make some sentences.7.Summer: 若主语为不可数名词,be动词用 is Eg:There is some bread on the table.There is some water in the glass.8.a.复习there be 句型的否定式,强调some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定句或疑问句。b.练习题:把句子改为否定句

9.复习there be 句型的一般疑问句及其回答。10.对数量提问:一般有两种句型结构

a: How many +可数名词 +are there +介词短语 ? How much +不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语 ? b.用There be 来回答

c.Practice: 对句子划线部分提问 Step 3: Extension There be 句型的时态变化

1.There be 句型的一般过去时:There was/were +某物/某人 +其它

思考:什么时候用was,什么时候用were? 2.There be 句型的一般将来时:

There will be +sb/sth +其它

There is/are going to be + sb/sth +其它 Summer : There be 口诀

 There be有特点,主语放在be后面,单数主语用is,复数主语要用are。 变否定很简单,be 后要把not添。变疑问也不难,把be提到there前。否定疑问any换,就近原则多多练 Step 4 :Consolidation 1.Practice 1: 用be动词填空

there的反义词 篇6

学生:老师,你看这道题目:It was too late , any buses.

A.for there to be B.there to be

C.there being D.for there being


老师:这道题目实际上考查的是There be句型的非谓语动词形式。在英语语法中,There be结构也可以以不定式(there to be)、动名词(there being)和现在分詞(there being)的形式出现在句子中,作主语、宾语或状语。这种非谓语动词形式中的there在形式上其实起着逻辑主语的作用。



He is a student, isn’t he?

There is a student, isn’t there?

这样一对比,不难看出,我们实际可以把第二句中的there想象成逻辑主语。你看下面这一句:There used to be a big tree in front of the house, ?

学生:填usedn’t there。

老师:对!这就类似于He used to be a doctor, usedn’t he?

学生:可那怎么解释这道题A选项中的for there to be呢?

老师:你已经明白there形式上的逻辑主语作用,因此,像本题中不定式there to be前可加介词for,从而从形式上满足引出不定式逻辑主语的需要,这就类似于“你到这里太晚了。”你说应该怎么翻译呢?

学生:It was too late for you to come here.

老师:那你比较一下这句话跟你刚刚问的题目,再想想我跟你讲的there形式上的逻辑主语作用,这不就是直接套用了句型:“It is + adj. + for sb to do sth”吗?



I should prefer no discussion of my private affairs.

A.there to be B.there being

C.there is D.there are


老师:对。直接套用句型:“prefer sb to do sth”,好,类似的题目你会了,那我再换一题。

There no rain for a long time, the ground was burned black by the sun.

A. to be B. being

C. having been D. has been



学生:这是独立主格结构吧。这应该类似于“It being Sunday, we can go shopping.”在这句话里面be Sunday的主语不是主句主语we,所以赋予它逻辑主语it,而在此道题目中,there的作用就跟“It being Sunday”中的“It”所起的作用是一样的,因此此题其实直接考查了there be的现在分词形式,考虑到“for a long time”,所以应选C。


学生:非谓语动词,除了动词不定式,分词,应该还有动名词形式,那么there be的动名词很显然应是there being,老师,能给个例句吗?


No one would have dreamed of such a good place.

A.there is B.there to be

C.there being D.there was



老师:不用谢,我出几道翻译题,你试着口译一下如何?但我要求你必须用上there be句型的非谓语动词形式,同时,你要说出there be句型在句中所担任的成分。Clear?



学生:这句中,我应该用there be作主语,“There being a shop near the building is a great advantage.” Am I right?

老师:Good! “我们很担心那么多时间浪费了。”

学生:“We were very worried about there being so much time wasted.”此句中there be用作about后面的介词宾语。

老师:Very good. “太迟以至于没有任何公交车了。”

学生:“没有公交车”应是“太迟”的结果状语吧。“It’s too late for there to be any buses.”

老师:Excellent!看来,你是真掌握了。明天课上,我打算让你主讲这个知识点,其实我刚刚让你翻译的句子,就是there be的非谓语动词形式可担任的不同句子成分。你不妨就按着这个线索梳理。

学生:那我试着口头梳理一遍您听听。There be的非谓语动词形式的基本结构有两种,即there to be和there being。它的句法功能可以总结为三点:

1. 用作主语。如:It was too late for there to be any buses.以及There being a shop near the building is a great advantage.

2. 用作宾语。如介词的宾语No one would have dreamed of there being such a good place.还有刚刚老师给我翻译这句We were very worried about there being so much time wasted.此外,还可以用作动词的宾语,比如I should prefer there to be no discussion of my private affairs.和We students don’t want there to be another exam.

3. 用作状语。比如:There being no rain for a long time, the ground was burned black by the sun.還有这句:It’s too late for there to be any buses.就这些吧?


首先,就是作介词宾语时,若介词是for,此时后面只能是there to be形式,其它介词后面则是there being。我给你几组例句:

Brian was waiting for there to be complete silence. 布莱恩等候着完全安静下来。

What’s the chance of there being an election this year? 今年举行选举的可能性有多大?

Bill was relying on there being another opportunity. 比尔正指望再有一次机会。

第二,用作状语时,主要是there being形式用于独立主格结构中。再举两个例子:1. There being nothing else to do, we went home. 既然没有别的事儿,我们就回家了。2. There being nobody else at hand, I had to do it by myself. 由于附近没有旁人,我只得独自干了。


老师:As long as you put your heart into it, you will make it. Just as the saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a way.

用there being/ there to be选择填空:

1. no further business,the Chairman closed the meeting.


2.It was unusual for so few people in the street.


3.I expect no argument about this.


4. Jim asked for give-and-take on both sides.


5. no railway in the town is a great disadvantage.


6. no coffee left, we had to drink tea.


1. There being2. there to be

3. there to be 4. there to be
