


2024上海中考英语试题 篇1





Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)

V.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共26分)

()31.Can I have ____ look at the photo of your pen friend?

A.a B.an C./ D.the

()32.The teacher often takes his students to visit the Science Museum ____ Saturdays.A.in B.by C.at D.on

()33.The foreign visitors asked ____ lots of questions about Chinese culture during the tour.A.I B.my C.me D.mine

()34.____ of these two hats looks good on my daughter.Do you have another one?

A.Both B.All C.Neither D.None

()35.The little boy saved his classmates in the earthquake.____ brave he was!

A.What B.How C.What a D.What an

()36.The American student could speak only ____ Chinese, but he managed to communicate with us.A.few B.little C.a few D.a little

()37.Thanks to the new inventions, our lives are much ____ than before.A.convenient B.more convenient C.most convenient D.the most convenient

()38.The home-made ice-cream in this restaurant tastes ____.Would you like some?

A.softly B.greatly C.nice D.well

()39.When summer ____, some children will go to the seaside for fun.A.comes B.came C.will come D.would come

()40.I ____ you already that washing hands often will help prevent the A-H1N1 Flue.A.tell B.told C.have told D.am telling

()41.He was still working on his project while other people ____ a rest.A.were having B.are having C.will have D.have

()42.Many houses ____ in the big fire a few days ago.What a shame!

A.were damaged B.damage C.were damaging D.damaged

()43.To everyone’s surprise, Alex ____ play chess very well when he was only four.A.might B.should C.would D.could

()44.The woman feels that she should let her son ____ his own decision this time.A.makes B.make C.to make D.making

()45.Susan finally became a poplar singer after she practiced ____ for years.A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.sang

()46.____ John failed to climb to the top of the mountain several times, he didn’t give up.A.Although B.Because C.Whether D.Unless

()47.Keep an English diary, ____ your English will improve.A.or B.since C.when D.and

()48.Could you please tell us ____ in Shanghai?

A.when will you visit the World Expo B.when you will visit the World Expo

C.when the World Expo will you visit D.when the World Expo you will visit

()49.The room is very dark.I can’t ____ anything clearly without a light.A.watch B.look C.see D.notice

()50.It’s ____ to read the map before you travel to a new place.A.helpful B.harmful C.powerful D..awful

()51.Once a year, people take part in “____ Lights” activity to help save energy.A.Show off B.Turn off C.Take off D.Put off

()52.Our headmaster invited Christine to ____ the English Festival last term.A.be late for B.be angry with C.be familiar with D.be responsible for

()53.Many sports players became well-known after they joined in the Beijing Olympic Games.The underlined part means ____.A.rich B.strong C.lucky D.famous

()54.Be careful!There’s some broken glass on the ground.The underlined part means “____”.A.Look out B.Go ahead C.Get ready D.Keep quiet

()55.— How about raising some money for the charity?

— ____

A.Enjoy yourself.B.Good idea.C.You’re welcome.D.Never mind.()56.— You’ve done a great job, Grace.— ____

A.I’m afraid not.B.Thanks a lot.C.I agree with you.D.It’s hard to say.VI.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一次)(共8分)

57.Many historical __________ will be shown on National Day.(movie)

58.With the help of Yellow Pages, we found the address of the theatre __________.(easy)

59.Eric, the __________ son of the family, has a special interest in physics.(three)

60.It’s __________ for him to be so active today as he is always a man of few words.(usual)

61.Who is the __________ of the book War and Peace?(write)

62.The short play was very __________.I laughed from beginning to end.(fun)

63.It’s raining heavily.I’d __________ you call a taxi home now.(suggestion)

64.I think the girl is old enough to tie up her shoes by __________.(her)

VII.Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共12分)

65.They work on the farm with their parents every weekend.(改为一般疑问句)

___________ they __________ on the farm with their parents every weekend?

66.Let’s take a picture in front of the fountain.(改为反意疑问句)

Let’s take a picture in front of the fountain, __________ __________?

67.The Shanghai International Arts Festival is held once a year.(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ is the Shanghai International Arts Festival held?

68.He was very nervous.He couldn’t go on with the job interview.(合并为一句)

He was __________ nervous ___________ go on with the job interview.69.I have no idea how I can operate the new machine.(改为简单句)

I have no idea __________ __________ operate the new machine.70.I’m going to make an early start in order not to miss the train.(保持句意基本不变)

I’m going to make an early start ___________ ___________ I won’t miss the train.Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)

VIII.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共6分)

A.True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用 “T” 表示。不符合的用 “F”表示):(7分)

Daily News

A 14-year-old boy from the USA was descried as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in another country.Dean Bluey from Dallas, Texas, was a school boy who was interested in computer.One day, he was sending an e-mail to a friend on the Internet.Suddenly he received a message saying “Help!Help!Help!” The message was from Finland,(芬兰)thousands of kilometers way from the USA.“I didn’t know what I should do, “ Dean said to a reporter afterwards.“It was really difficult to tell if the message was real.” So Dean did nothing at first.But the message kept coming.“By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble,” Dean explained.He replied and discovered that the sender was a 20-year-old student called Tarja, who was alone in a university library.She was very ill.What was worse, there was no phone around her.Her only way of communicating with the world was by e-mail.Dean got in touch with the Texas police.The police immediately realized that the situation was quite serious.They found it necessary to telephone the police in Finland.Then an ambulance rushed to the university, and soon doctors found Tarja.Luckily, she was still alive and was quickly sent to the hospital.“I’m glad she’s OK,” Dean said.“It’s hard to believe, but e-mail saved her life.”

()71.Dean Bluey was a 14-old-year boy from Dallas, Texas, the USA.()72.When he was sending an e-mail, Dean heard someone calling outside.()73.Dean didn’t know whether the message was real when he first got it.()74.Tarja was a university student in the USA, thousands of kilometers away from Dean.()75.At that time in the library, Tarja was able to ask for help in many ways.()76.Dean made a phone call to the police in Finland and told them about Tarja’s trouble.()77.From the story we know that the Internet played an important part in saving Tarja’s life.B.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(7分)

Have you ever had an embarrassing(尴尬)experience? Last week we asked readers to tell us about embarrassing experiences.We received thousands of letters!Here is a selection.Tony:

My most embarrassing experience happened when I had just left university.I had just started teaching in a Liverpool secondary school.One morning my alarm clock didn’t ring.I woke up at half past eight and school began at nine.I quickly washed, dressed, jumped into my car and rushed to school.When I arrived, the students had already gone into class.I didn’t go to the office, but went straight into class.After two or three minutes the students began laughing, and I couldn’t understand why!Suddenly I looked down and understood.I had put on one black shoe and one brown shoe!


The most embarrassing experience I’ve ever had, happened two years ago.After seeing a film, my wife and I had lunch in our favorite restaurant in town.Then we decided to take a walk along the street.The street was very busy and we started looking at some watches in the new window.After a minute or two I reached for my wife’s hand.There was a loud scream, and a woman slapped my face.I hadn’t taken my wife’s hand.I’d taken the hand of a complete stranger!


My wife and I had decided to buy a new house, and I’d made an appointment to see our bank manager.I’d never met him before and I was a bit nervous.I went into town in my car and I was lucky enough to find a parking space outside the bank.I’d just started reversing(倒车)into the space when another car made its way into it.I was irritated!I opened my window and shouted at the man in the car.He ignored me and walked away.It took me twenty minutes to find another space.As soon as I had parked the car, I rushed back to the bank.I was ten minutes late for my appointment.I went to the manager’s office, knocked and walked in.The manager was sitting behind his desk.He was the man who had taken my parking space!

()78.Tony arrived at school late that morning because ____.A.he couldn’t find his shoes B.his alarm clock didn’t ring

C.he washed and dressed slowly D.his car went wrong on the way

()79.The students began laughing when they saw Tony ____.A.wearing a wrong shoe B.carrying an alarm clock

C.looking down suddenly D.rushing into the classroom

()80.Henry and his wife held hands ___.A.at the cinema B.in the shop C.at the restaurant D.along the street

()81.Henry was embarrassed because he ____.A.slapped the woman in the face B.took the hand of a complete stranger

C.heard his wife screaming in the street D.knocked over some watches in the shop

()82.James went into town to ____.A.put money in the bank B.look for a job C.meet the bank manager D.buy a new car

()83.The underlined word “irritated” probably means “____”.A.angry B.nervous C.worried D.embarrassed

()84.The best picture for each story is ____.A.B.Tony Henry James Tony Henry James

C.D.Tony Henry James Tony Henry James

C.Choose the words or expression_r_r_r_r_rs and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文):(14分)

Sometimes you may not understand your parents.One minute they’re friendly, the next minute they’re shouting and screaming loudly enough for the whole street to hear.So who makes them so __85__? You, probably!

When you take your clothes off, remember to __86__.Get into the habit of taking glasses and plates down to the kitchen.Before long you’ll be doing it without thinking.Even though you may not realize it, your parents have bought you many clothes.But they’re not buying themselves new things every week, are they? The simple truth is that there are more __87__ things to spend money on, like the electricity bill and food.You may hate missing a party to visit some boring old relatives.They may go on and on about what a sweet baby you were.You have no choice but to listen.Even if you __88__, your parents won’t change their minds.Parents like to show off their family.The best thing you can do is to help entertain your relatives.Your parents will be so pleased with you afterwards that they’ll probably allow you to go to the next two __89__.You might not want to eat, but think of it from the parents’ point of view.If you cook two meals a day, it means 730 meals a year.Can you imagine how boring this can get? Imagine how your parents feel when you say you’re not really hungry.__90__, your parents are probably worried that you aren’t eating enough.Eat fewer snacks and leave room for your meals.Finally, offer to __91__ after the meal.Your offer may not be accepted, but your parents will be pleased.()85.A.friendly B.lonely C.changeable D.comfortable

()86.A.hang them up B.leave them alone C.put them on D.throw them away

()87.A.interesting B.difficult C.important D.surprising

()88.A.agree B.complain C.listen D.win

()89.A.concerts B.meetings C.classes D.parties

()90.A.In addition B.In return C.At most D.At last

()91.A.do the cooking B.lay the table C.buy some snacks D.wash the dishes

D.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,是其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

E.Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(14分)

Kyra Komac, 28 years old, now has 25 furniture stores all over the country.The new store, in London’s Camden High Street, takes her back to where it all started.She tells us about how the business began.When I was little, my mother began selling flowers in Camden Market.She couldn’t leave me at home on my own, so I had to go to the market with her.To begin with, I didn’t have to do anything.I just sat there, and my mum told me jokes and stories so I didn’t get bored.When I got older, I gave my mum a hand and I really enjoyed it.Then, one year, my grandma gave me a book for Christmas.It was all about making candles and I loved it.I was 14, and I didn’t have to go to the market any more because mum could leave me at home on my own.I spent my free time making candles of all shapes and sizes.I made hundreds of them.One day, my mother was ill so I had to go to the market on my own.I decided to take some candles with me and see if I could sell them.They were sold out in twenty minutes!The next week, my mum gave some money to buy some wax(蜡)to make more candles.They sold out really quickly, too.Nine months later, we decided to stop selling flowers.My mum and I couldn’t make enough candles during the week, so some of my school friends started to help us.I paid them one pound for every candle, and we used to sell them for three or four times that.It was fun and my friends worked with me in the market.At the age of 22, my uncle lent me some money and I opened my first shop in Portobello Road.Since then, I’ve never looked back, even in difficulties.In the first store, we only sold candles, but now we sell everything from designer furniture to paintings.Oh, and candles, of course.99.How many furniture stores does Kyra Komac have now?


100.Where did Kyra’s mother sell flowers?


101.What did Kyra do in her free time when she was fourteen?


102.Did the candles sell well on the first day in the market?


103.Who helped Kyra and her mum when they couldn’t make enough candles during the week?


104.How did Kyra’s uncle help her to open her first shop?

He helped her ___________________________________________________

105.What do you think of this story?

I think _________________________________________________________


106.Write at least 60 words about the topic “I want to do something for my school”.(以“我想为学校做件事”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)


Use the following points as a reference.(以下内容仅供参考)

l What do you want to do for your school?

l Why do you want to do it?

l How are you going to do it?

Keys to the above:

31.A 32.D 33.C 34.C 35.B 36.D 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.C 41.A 42.A 43.D 44.B 45.C

46.A 47.D 48.B 49.C 50.A 51.B 52.D 53.D 54.A 55.B 56.B 57.movies 58.easily 59.third 60.unusual 61.writer 62.funny 63.suggest 64.herself 65.Do, work 66.shall we 67.How often 68.too, to 69.how to 70.so that 71.T 72.F 73.T 74.F 75.F 76.F 77.T 78.B 79.A 80.D 81.B 82.C 83.A 84.C 85.C 86.A 87.C 88.B 89.D 90.A 91.D 92.nobody 93.different 94.again 95.instead 96.less 97.drive 98.reduce 99.(She has)twenty-five / 25(furniture)stores.100.(She sold flowers)In Camden Market / a market / the market.101.She made candles(of all shapes and sizes)/ spent her free time making candles.102.Yes(, they did).103.Some of Kyra’s school friends(did)/(helped Kyra and her mum).104.by lending her some money.105.it is encouraging / inspiring / interesting / a success story…(Any reasonable answers are acceptable.)

2024上海中考英语试题 篇2

( ) 1.——Sorry , I can’t take part in your party .


A.Never mind; B.Don’t say so;

C.Don’t say that D.Nothing.

( ) 2.——Our team won the football match .


A.Keep trying; B.Well done; C.Go on; D.They are great.

( ) 3.——Can I help you move the desk to the corner

——______. I can do it myself .

A.No , thanks; B.Not at all; C.Of course; D.Never mind.

( ) 4.——I’m going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow .


A.Enjoy yourself; B.Come on;

C.Good luck; D.It doesn’t matter.

( ) 5.——John , it’s 10 p.m. It’s time to go to bed now .

——OK , ______, Mum !

A.good morning; B.good afternoon;

C.good evening; D.good night.

二、单项选择。 (共15题, 15分)

( ) 1.——Look ! ______

——Oh , hurry up , or we will miss it .

A.Here comes the bus . B.Here the bus is .

C.Here the bus goes . D.The bus goes here .

( ) 2.——Hello ! Could I speak to Mr. King , please

——Sorry , he’s______the supermarket .

A.been at; B.been in; C.been to; D.been on.

( ) 3.Nancy’s voice was so low that______students in our class could hear her .

A.all; B.many; C.few; D.most.

( ) 4.Beijing______the 2008 Olympic Games and it made Chinese people very proud .

A.will succeed in hosting; B.has succeeded in hosting;

C.succeeded in holding; D.succeeds in hosting.

( ) 5.Japan is a______country while China is a______ country .

A.developing , developed; B.developed , developing;

C.developing , developing; D.developed , developed.

( ) 6.My brother______like collecting stamps , but now he likes collecting coins .

A.is used to; B.was used to; C.used to; D.get used to.

( ) 7.Look ! there is a cat______a tree over there .

A.have climbed; B.climbed; C.climbing; D.climb.

( ) 8.——How many students are there at school on Sunday


A.No one; B.Anybody; C.None; D.Someone.

( ) 9.Though the workers are tired , they don’t want to stop______.

A.working; B.work; C.to work ; D.works.

( ) 10.______hard work it is to plant so many trees around the lake !

A.What a; B.What; C.What an; D.How.

( ) 11.People say “ hello ”______in______countries .

A.differently , different; C.different , differently;

C.different , difference; D.difference , different.

( ) 12.The machine______by Uncle Wang last year .

A.invent; B.invents; C.invented; D.was invented.

( ) 13.This is the book______sells well now .

A.who; B.this; C.whose; D.which.

( ) 14.It______me about two days to get to America by plane last year .

A.spent; B.cost; C.took; D.paid.

( ) 15.______you______I will go shopping , because one of us must cook at home .

A.Neither , nor; B.Either , or; C.Not only , but also; D.Not , or.

三、补全对话, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 (其中两项是多余的, 共5题, 10分)

John : Can I help you

Grace : Oh , yes , please .______

John : What are they

Grace :______

John : What are they

Grace : They are our homework notebooks .

John :______

Grace : To the teachers’ office .

John : ______

Grace : No , it isn’t . It’s just over there .

John : OK . Let’s go .

Grace :______

John : You are welcome .

A.Really? B.Where should we take them?

C.Thanks a lot.That's very kind of you.

D.They are very heavy. E.Pardon?

F.Is it far from here? G.It's so small.

四、完形填空。 (从A、B、C、D中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文意思完整, 共10题, 10分)

What is the population of China There are more than 1.3 billion people in China . It is 1 one fifth of the world’s population . How to control the population growth is a big problem . Some people think it is 2 to control the population growth . But I don’t quite agree 3 them , because where there is a will , there is a way .

The question is how we could 4 it known to everyone how serious the population problems are . Our farmland is becoming less and less to everyone . We have already got too many mouths to feed . 5 we control the population growth , many people will die 6 hunger . Too fast population growth has been and will be bad for our nation . Though laws have been passed to control the population growth , in some places 7 has been done to carry out ( 贯彻 ) the laws .We should make people 8 that it is foolish of them to bring too many children into the world . They shall no longer do what they have been doing for years .

We are fighting 9 too fast population growth . Yet the fighting won’t end 10 everyone knows its importance and does something for it .

( ) 1.A.most; B.almost; C.highly; D.hardly.

( ) 2.A.possible; B.necessary; C.impossible; D.unnecessary.

( ) 3.A.to; B.for; C.with; D.on.

( ) 4.A.let; B.make; C.have; D.bring.

( ) 5.A.If not; B.Unless; C.Until; D.If.

( ) 6.A.of; B.about; C.from; D.out of.

( ) 7.A.many; B.little; C.a lot; D.much.

( ) 8.A.to know; B.to learn; C.know; D.learning.

( ) 9.A.for; B.against; C.about; D.without.

( ) 10.A.until; B.after; C.when; D.as.

五、阅读理解, 阅读下面短文, 选择最佳答案。 (共20题, 40分)


Which is the best way to learn a language We know that we all learnt our own language well when we were children . If we learn a second language in the same way , it won’t seem so difficult . How does a small child do It listens to what people say , and it tries to guess what it hears .When it wants something , it has to ask for it . It’s using the language , thinking in it and talking in it all the time . If people use a second language all the time , they will learn it quickly .

In school , you learn to read , to write , to hear and to speak . It is the best way to learn all new words through the ear . You can read them , spell them , and write them later .

( ) 1.When we were very young , ______.

A.it’s difficult for us to understand people;

B.we learnt our language through our ears;

C.we could not guess what people say;

D.we could hear our own language but couldn’t understand it.

( ) 2.A small child can learn his own language very well because .

A.he’s clever;

B.his parents take good care of him ;

C.he keeps on using it;

D.he often tries to guess what he hears.

( ) 3.According to the text , which is the best way to learn a second language ______.

A.Remembering as many words as we can;

B.Writing all the time;

C.Using our ears first;

D.Looking up the words in the dictionary when we don’t know their meanings .

( ) 4.In school , when we learn a second language , we must______.

A.do nothing but listen to our teachers;

B.often listen , speak , read and write ;

C.learn it by heart all the time ;

D.translate it into our own language all the time.

( ) 5.The word “ it ” in the sentence “ it won’t seem so difficult ” refers to (指的是) ______.

A.the small child;

B.the second language;

C.learning the second language;

D.the best way to learn a language.


Scientists have always wanted to know more about the other worlds in space .

Years ago , they knew many facts about the moon . They knew how big it was and how far away . But they wanted to know more about it . They thought and thought . At last they found the only way to know more was to send men to the moon .

The moon is about 384000 kilometers away from the earth . A plane can not fly to the moon because the air reaches only 240 kilometers . then there is no air . But something can fly even when there is no air . That is a rocket .

Rockets can fly far out into space . Rockets with men in them have already reached the moon . Some rockets without men in them have flown to other planets much farther away than the moon . One day rockets may be able to go to any place .

( ) 1.Scientists have always wanted to know more about the other______in space .

A.moon; B.planets; C.fields; D.sky.

( ) 2.The moon is______away from the earth .

A.over 348000 kilometers;

B.over 240 kilometers;

C.about 384000 kilometers;

D.only 384000 kilometers.

( ) 3.A plane can’t fly to the moon because______.

A.it’s too far away;

B.it can’t fly without air;

C.there is no water on the moon;

D.it is too small.

( ) 4.Rockets with men in them have reached______.

A.the earth; B.the sun; C.the moon; D.the planet.

( ) 5.One day rockets may be able to go to any place______.

A.in the world; B.in the air; C.in the sun; D.in space.


( ) 1.Where can we often see a menu ______ .

A.In a hospital; B.In a restaurant;

C.In a supermarket; D.In a school.

( ) 2.Li Ming has only two yuan . What can he buy ______ .

A.Coke; B.Ice cream; C.Orange juice; D.Egg hamburger.

( ) 3.Han Mei wants to eat a beef hamburger , two cups of coffee and an apple pie . How much should she pay ______.

A.¥24.60; B.¥13.30; C.¥14.30; D.¥18.80.

( ) 4.The most expensive food in the above menu is______.

A.Rice with meat; B.Beef hamburger;

C.Chocolate; D.Chicken hamburger.

( ) 5.“Dessert”here means______.

A.沙漠; B.冷饮; C.热饮; D.甜点。


The idiom (方言) originated (发明) from a young American painter by the name of Arthur Momand . He told the following story about himself . He began making $125 a week at the age of 23 . That was a lot of money in those days . After he got married , young Momand moved with his wife to a very wealthy ( rich ) neighborhood on Long Island , outside New York City . The rich neighbors became examples to the Momands in every way of their life . When Momand and his wife saw that their neighbors belonged to a country club , they two joined a country club . They rode horses every day simply because their neighbors did so too . They also employed a maid because their neighbors had servants , and then even invited their neighbors home and fed them with festival banquets (宴会) . Very soon , the Momands could no longer pay for their new way of life . They left their wealthy neighborhood and rented a cheap apartment in New York City .

Momand later said that his experience had been a cruel awakening for him . He looked around him and noticed that many people were just like himself before , foolishly looking for a fashionable and luxurious (奢侈的) life that was equal to others . He decided to invent a comic series (系列漫画) entitled “ Keep up with the Joneses ” which was taken by a newspaper in 1913 . Ever since , the phrase was so widely used in the States that it developed into an idiom . Momand’s comic series appeared in different newspapers for over 28 years .

( ) 1.The passage deals with______.

A.how an idiom was invented;

B.a real life story of Momand;

C.fashionable life in the USA;

D.how people live their life.

( ) 2.When Momand was 23 , ______ .

A.his job was making money;

B.he had been married;

C.he lived on Long Island;

D.he started to make a lot of money.

( ) 3.The underlined word “ rented ”in the passage probably means______.

A.borrowed from;

B.lent to;

C.paid for the use of;

D.bought with money.

( ) 4.What do you think of Momand ______.

A.He was a man laughing at himself;

B.He was experienced in life;

C.he was good at thinking of his past;

D.He was a fashionable and happy man .

( ) 5.The English phrase “ Keep up with the joneses ” has the same meaning to the Chinese phrase______.

A.邯郸学步; B.人云亦云; C.要面子; D.赶时髦。


A.根据首字母及英文解释写单词。 (共5题, 10分)

1.p father and mother

2.f go and bring something or somebody

3.i the land that there is water around

4.d not clean

5.w the last season of the year

B.根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词, 缩写词算一词。 (共5题, 10分)


They were pulled down in______ ______.


We should______the world______animals and plants .


______soccer______your body strong .

4.不到一年, 食品的价格增加了10% 。

Food prices increased by 10% in______ ______a year .

5.她家人口多, 我家也是。

She has a big family , ____________I .

七、按要求进行句型变换, 每空一词, 缩写词算一词。 (共5题, 10分)

1.Tom reads Englisn every day . (改为一般疑问句)

______Tom______Englisn every day

2.Both you and he are right . (改为否定句)

______you ______he is right .

3.He said , “ I want to stay here very much .” (改为间接引语)

He said that______wanted to stay______very much.

4.Could you tell me

Does he come from Hunan (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)

Could you tell me______he______ from Hunan

5.Mary was so angry that she couldn’t say any words . (改为同义句)

Mary was______angry______say any words

八、改错, 下列各句斜体有一处错误, 请将答案填在题后的括号内, 并在横线上改正。 (共5题, 10分)

1.Not only Japanese but also Americaare are our

(A) (B) (C)



2.The girl can speaks Chinese very well .

(A) (B) (C) (D)

3.Peter usually gets up early on the morning .

(A) (B) (C) (D)

4.His grandpa died of illness for last year .

(A) (B) (C) (D)

5.The busier he is , the happy he feels .

(A) (B) (C) (D)

1. ( ) ______2. ( ) ______3. ( ) ______ 4. ( ) ______5. ( ) ______

九、书面表达。 (共两部分, 25分, A部分5分, B部分20分)


王明初中毕业后考入某县城的一所高中就读。现急需一个安静的房间, 要求价格在每月400元以下。他的联系电话是6873699。请用英语为王明写一则租房广告。




假如你要接受一家英文报社的采访, 记者提出的问题是“ How can you be a good child ”请你根据下面所给提示及要求, 准备一段应答稿。 (文稿的开头已给出, 但不计入总词数)


1.What should you do at school

2.What can you do to give help at home

3.How do you show your love to your parents (or grandparents…)


1.文稿必须包括所有提示内容, 可适当发挥。



Well , to be a good child , I


一、1-5 A、B、A、A、D 二、1-5 A、D、C、B、B 6-10 C、C、C、A、B 11-15 A、D、D、C、B 三、D、E、B、F、C 四、1-5 B、C、C、B、B 6-10 A、B、C、B、A 五、A:1-5 B、C、C、B、C

B:1-5 B、C、B、C、D

C:1-5 B、C、A、D、D

D:1-5 A、D、C、A、D

六、A:1.parents; 2.fetch; 3.island; 4.dirty; 5.winter

B:1.the , 1960s; 2.share , with; 3.Playing , makes; 4.less , than; 5.So , do.

七、1.Does , read; 2.Neither , nor; 3.he , there; 4.if / whether , comes; 5.too , to;

八、1. ( C ) Americans; 2. ( B ) speak; 3. ( C ) in; 4. ( D ) 去掉; 5 ( C ) happier

2009中考英语模拟试题(一) 篇3




1.——Where do you come from?


A. Yes I doB. I’m a studentC. I come from CanadaD. It’s very nice

2.——How do you usually go to school?


A. By a busB. On footC. On bikeD. With car


——The kitchen fan doesn’t work.

A. What’s thatB. What’s the matter

C. Can I help youD. How are you

4.Mike was born ____ a hot summer evening.

A. atB. on C. inD. of

5.——Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the hospital?


A. You can’t miss itB. I don’t know

C. No, I don’t knowD. I’m sorry; I’m new here myself

6.The plane will leave at ____.

A. a quarter to elevenB. eleven a quarter

C. eleven past a quarterD. quarter

7.——What’s the matter with your leg?

——I ____ yesterday.

A. fell about B. fell downC. fell over D. broke down

8.Last Saturday, we made the cards ____ hand.

A. ofB. aboutC. by D. with

9.The local people were very ____.

A. friend B. friendly C. fine D. expensive

10.——Happy New Year!


A. It’s OK. B. The same to you!

C. Yes.D. Happy birthday!

11.He is sitting ____ the classroom.

A. at the frontB. in the front ofC. in frontD. in front of

12.It was very different ____ ours.

A. ofB. about C. fromD. for

13.——How was the weather yesterday?

——It was ____.

A. sunB. rain C. snowD. cloudy

14.——Is there a shop around here?


A. Yes, it isB. Yes, that isC. Yes, there isD. No, there is

15.Go straight ahead and turn right ____ the second turn.

A. on B. inC. at D. of


Mr. Green lives in a village. He has a big __1__ and a strong dog. He has no work __2__ in winter, so he goes to a city and __3__ work there.

When New Year is coming, he __4__his home to see his wife and children. But something is wrong with his eyes. When he __5__his door, his dog comes out and bites (咬) him. His wife__6__to drive it away(驱赶).

He goes to see the doctor. The doctor gives him some medicine(药). Before he __7__, he tells him about his dog. The doctor __8__ and says, “Something is wrong with its eyes, too, I__9__.”

When he gets home, he tells his wife about what the doctor said. The woman says. “I’m__10__it’s true. If a thief(小偷) comes in, it won’t see him and he’ll steal(偷) something.”

Mr. Green has to make the dog take his medicine.

1.A. groundB. familyC. roomD. floor

2.A. doB. to do C. does D. doing

3.A. wants B. hopes C. findsD. begins

4.A. landsB. telephonesC. returns to D. gets ready for

5.A. hits B. does C. looksD. knocks at

6.A. hurriesB. laughs C. jumpsD. walk

7.A. falls asleepB. goes to bed C. leavesD. falls behind

8.A. cries B. laughs C. writesD. works

9.A. see B. understand C. wishD. think

10.A. afraid B. sorryC. angry D. happy



When Abe Lincoln was just a boy, he had to help his father to look after their farm. It was hard work and there wasn’t any interesting thing for him. Abe wanted to go to school, but there was no school there. Abe was sad most of the time.

Mrs. Lincoln loved the boy very much. She tried her best to make Abe happy. One morning she got up early and went to the town. That was a long way and it took her a long time to get to the town. She bought something there and started back. And it was late in the evening when she got home.

The next morning Mrs. Lincoln said to Abe, “Today is your birthday. We’re going to have a party.” She put some food on the table, then brought out a present.

“A book!” Abe cried. It was an old book, but he liked it. A smile came to his face. He looked up at Mrs. Lincoln and said, “Thank you, Mum.”

1. Abe Lincoln’s father was a ____.

A. farmer B. soldier C. worker D. teacher

2. Abe Lincoln couldn’t go to school because ____.

A. his family had no money B. his mother wanted to teach him herself

C. he himself didn’t like school D. there was no school near his home

3. On the farm most of the time little Lincoln was ____.

A. happy B. unhappy C. worried D. angry

4. It took Mrs. Lincoln ____ to the make a trip to the town.

A. a whole day B. a quarter of a day

C. three hours D. two days

5. What was the present for Abe’s birthday? ____.

A. A mooncakeB. A new bookC. An old bookD. A school bag



East England, North East England

Mostly rather cloudy at first, although it will be dry. Bright or sunny spells(一段时间) are expected in many places by the afternoon. Light west to southwest winds.

North West Scotland, Northern Ireland

A lot of cloud is expected. Western coasts will also see some light rain at times. Light southwest winds.

South Wales, West Scotland

Cloudy at first but bright or sunny spells should develop, away from western coasts, by the afternoon. Light west winds.

Edinburgh, North East Scotland

A dry day with some pleasantly warm sunshine by the afternoon, especially around Edinburgh. Light west or southwest winds.


Dry, bright and very warm once again in central and eastern parts. Western coasts will be still rather cloudy with the chance of a little rain.


6. What day is today? ____.

A. FridayB. SaturdayC. SundayD. Monday

7. Which of the following cities is the coolest city these days? ____.

A. BirminghamB. LiverpoolC. NewcastleD. Glasgow

8. In the afternoon, the weather in ____ will not get better.

A. North East England B. Northern Ireland

C. West ScotlandD. North East Scotland

9.There are southwest winds in some parts of Britain except ____.

A. East EnglandB. North West ScotlandC. South Wales D. Edinburgh

10.The underlined word “outlook” in this passage means “____” in Chinese.

A. 态度B. 观点 C. 风光 D. 展望


No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. It is important to make the right impression from the very first day. You will face new people. You will be in a new place. It may be difficult to know what to do. Here are five tips to help you make it through the first day at a new job:

1. First impression can last forever. Make sure you make a good one. Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code (rules about what you can wear to work). If so, be sure to follow it. No matter what, always be neat and clean.

2. Get to work on time. Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time.

3. Pay attention to introductions. One of the things that your supervisor may do is to introduce you to co-workers. These co-workers will be important to you. They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.

4. Ask plenty of questions. Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you. If he or she has not told you duties, ask for a list. Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.

5. Never be the first to leave. Observe what your co-workers do around quitting time. It does not look good for you to be eager to leave.

11.Before you arrive at work, you should ____.

A. dress in a right wayB. introduce yourself

C. know your dutiesD. know your co-workers well

12.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? ____.

A. You should be the first one to arrive at work

B. You should ask co-workers for your duties

C. You should not be eager to go back home

D. You are required to arrive 15 minutes earlier

13.According to the passage, your supervisor is mostly like your ____.

A. visitor B. teacher C. workmate D. leader

14.The writer thinks that a new job is ____.

A. a duty B. a challenge C. an offer D. fun

15.What is the best title for this passage? ____.

A. Getting a New JobB. Tips on How to Work

C. The First-day WorkD. The Importance of Co-workers



A) 根据句子意思在空白处填上一个适当的词,使句子意思完整、正确。

1. Miss Li is a teacher. She teaches in a ____.

2. The month between March and May is ____.

3. There are sixty ____ in an hour.

4. Beijing is the ____ of China.

5. There are many ____ in the zoo.


6. The ____(run) from Class 2 were first past the finishing line.

7. Tom woke me up when I was falling ____(sleep) last night.

8. Don’t trouble him; he is busy ____(get) ready for his lesson.

9. September 10th is ____(teach) Day.

10. Tom, help ____(you) to some oranges.



Doctor: __1__, madam?

Madam: I’ve got a pain here.

D: Let me look you over. Do you feel the pain here?

M: Yes, __2__.

D: I’m afraid you’ll have to stay in hospital for a few days.

M: Really? It must be quite serious.

D: Don’t worry. __3__.

M: Operation? Do I need an operation?

D: Yes.

M: But my son… He’s only ten. __4__.

D: But your health is very important, isn’t it? You can ask your husband to look after him.

M: Yes, __5__. I’m coming tomorrow.


1. This is the house. We lived in the house two years ago. (合并为一句)

This is the house ____ ____ we ____ two years ago.

2. The dog which has white ears is Lin Tao’s. (改为同义句)

The dog ____ white ears is Lin Tao’s.

3. He had a letter written in English. (改为同义句)

He had a letter ____ ____ ____ in English.

4. This is the cage that Polly lives in. It’s empty now. (改为同义句)

The cage ____ Polly lives is empty now.

5. The man that our teacher is talking with is my father. (改为同义句)

The man ____ ____ our teacher is talking is my father.


假设你班明天下午将召开一次以“Keep Our School Clean”为主题的班会,请根据以下要点写一篇简短的发言稿,要点如下:







Good afternoon, everyone!________________________________________________



2024上海中考英语试题 篇4
























































③他犹豫了半天,很不好意思地问售票员:“去颐和园应该在哪儿下车啊? ” ④售票员是个短头发的小姑娘,正剔着指甲缝呢。她抬头看了一眼外地小伙子说:“你坐错方向了,应该到对面往回坐。”



⑧旁边有个大爷可听不下去了,他对外地小伙子说:“你不用往回坐,再往前坐四站换904 也能到。”


⑪我心想,大爷这话真是多余,车上年轻人好多呢,打击面太大了吧。⑫可不,站在大爷旁边的一位小姐就忍不住了。“大爷,不能说年轻人都没教养吧,没教养的毕竟是少数嘛,您这么一说我们都成什么了!”这位小姐穿得挺时髦,两细带子吊个小背心,脸上化着鲜艳的浓妆,头发染成火红色。可您瞧人这话,不像没教养的人吧,跟大爷还“您”啊 “您”的。谁叫她也忍不住非要说那多余的最后一句话呢!

⑬“就像您这样上了年纪看着挺cí xiáng的,一肚子坏水儿的可多了呢!” ⑭没有人出来批评一下时髦的小姐是不正常的。可不,一个中年的大姐说了:“你这个女孩子怎么能这么跟老人讲话呢,要有点儿礼貌嘛,你对你父母也这么说吗? ”



⑱车门一开,售票员小姑娘说:“都别吵了,该下的赶快下车吧,别把自己正事儿给耽误了。” 当然,她没忘了把最后一句多余的话给说出来:“要吵统统都给我下车吵去,不下去我车可不走了啊!烦不烦啊!”


⑳那个外地小伙子一直没有说话,估计他受不了了,他大叫一声:“大家都别吵了!都是我的错,我自个儿没看好地图,让大家跟着都生一肚子气!大家就算给我面子,都别吵了行吗? ”






上了年纪看着挺cí xiáng()的


















25、保护环境人人有责。当你发现有陌生人在公共绿地采摘花朵时,你作为普通游客选用下面哪句话加以制止最为合适?()(3分)A.请不要采摘花朵。B.你怎么敢釆摘花朵? C.不准釆摘花朵!


















8、岳阳楼记 范仲淹(2分)







13、(4分)做事要讲究策略(多动脑筋)要善于透过现象看本质 遇事要沉着冷静











19、(4分)A 20、(5分)这是她的肖像,由此可以看出,她打扮时髦妖艳,与其语言之间有明显反差,反衬出其缺少教养。(答题思路:依次认识了这是小姑娘的肖像,是怎样的肖像,是怎样的人)








示例:不焚烧农作物桔杆 少开私家车多乘公交车 对生活用水加以循环利用

用节能灯照明 利用平房屋顶安装光伏发电

上海中考英语作文3 篇5

I Would Like to Be a Polite PersonI am pretty sure that I would like to be a polite person throughout my life.I am brought up in a family whose members are polite to each other.My parents share the same quality with me.I am taught never to be rude to anyone else even if he behaves badly enough.I am aware that a polite person should have an air of tolerance.My mother always says, “Ignore the ill-mannered people because they do not know what they are doing.Be polite to those who deserve your respect.” I also hold many other good manners to be a polite person,such as being friendly and helpful to others, keeping graceful postures all the time, trying to be understanding, talking in a modest way and so on.All in all, my family’s motto, never stop being polite, will stay with me forever.(146)COMPOSITION 2

I Would Like to Be a Soldier

My dream changes all the time.But the other day, I happened to hear an English song named Tell Me Why, which tells something about poor kids whose country is in war.At that moment, I made up my mind that I would like to be a soldier in the future.If I become a soldier, I can fight for people’s freedom.I can help those who suffer a lot in war, especially the innocent kids, who are supposed to sit in class studying, just like the ones living in the peaceful world.I will do whatever I can to realize my dream.(103)


I Would Like to Be a Singer

The other day, I was on my computer going on You Tube to listen to music.I happened to find out that one song had almost five hundred million views.At that moment, I decided that I would like to be a lead singer in the future.I think it would be awesome seeing tons of fans wearing a shirt with my face right in the center.How great it is to hear my song played on the radio that billions of people will listen to!What a delightful sense to have my face appear on the cover of a magazine!Then I can afford to tour the world purchasing expensive and nice clothes.Maybe I will be rich enough to buy a cruise ship.someday.(146)

All in all, being a rich and famous lead singer is my dream.I really hope it will come true


On Helping with Family Chores

2024上海中考英语试题 篇6


(满分:150分 完成时间:100分钟,在答题纸上完成)











唐 常建


6、来源于本诗,形容周围环境非常安静的成语是“ ”。(2分)




















A、没时间整理自己的屋子,怎会有空闲治理国家呢? B、这间屋子还没整理好,是因为不知如何治理国家? C、连屋子都不能整理好,怎么让天下像家国一样呢? D、连一间屋子都不能整治,你凭借什么治理国家呢?
























































(2)项目方则认为“有福童享” 在使用语言上很有创意,理由是

2024上海中考英语试题 篇7

听力部分 (第一节)

I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 1.A.diaryB.dailyC.dictionary

() 2.A.February 30th, 1998 B.February 13th, 1989 C.January 3rd, 1969

() 3.A.thinking of B.thinking over C.thinking up

() 4.A.You can borrow it when he comes back.

B.You can borrow it before he comes back.

C.You can’t borrow it after he comes back.

() 5.A.I don’t like traveling.B.I would rather stay at home than travel.

C.I prefer traveling to staying at home.

II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 6.A.That’s all right.B.Good idea.C.With pleasure.

() 7.A.I don’t think so.B.I have some good news.

C.My father doesn’t allow me to go out.

() 8.A.Thank you.B.Really?I hope so.C.It’s nothing.

() 9.A.Yes, I will.B.Sorry, I can’t.C.Sorry, I won’t.

() 10.A.You’re right.B.Yes, please.C.Thank you all the same.

III.听对话和问题, 选择适当的选项。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 11.How was Lucy’s exam yesterday?

A.Not too bad.B.Not very good.C.Very good.

() 12.When is Father’s Day?

A.The third Sunday of July.B.The third Sunday of June.

C.The second Sunday of June.

() 13.Who often reads English newspapers?


() 14.What will the girl do during the winter vacation? () 15.Where does the man want to go?

IV.听语段、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)

() 16.What does Bill do?

A.He’s a worker.B.He’s a driver.C.He’s a teacher.

() 17.How many days does he work in a week?

A.He works six days in a week.B.He works fi ve days in a week.

C.He works four days in a week.

() 18.Where did the mother fi nd two pairs of gloves?

A.In her daughter’s pocket.

B.In her daughter’s backpack.

C.In her daughter’s desk.

() 19.Why does the girl carry two pairs of gloves?

A.Because her mother asked her to do so.

B.Because she has two pockets.

C.Because she wants to share them with her classmates.

() 20.Why do many fans like Wang Leehom according to the passage?

A.Because he dances well.

B.Because he is young and handsome.

C.Because of his social responsibility and hard work.

() 21.How long has he paid attention to the environment?

A.Since he was born.

B.Since his middle school years.

C.After he left middle school.

() 22.Where did Sue and her friends stay in the countryside?

A.In a hotel.B.On a farm.C.In the mountains.

() 23.What was the weather like in the countryside?

A.It was sunny.B.It was rainy.C.It was terrible.

() 24.What did they have in the farmers’houses?

A.Meals.B.A party.C.Tea.

() 25.How long did it take Sue to get back from the countryside?

A.Thirty minutes.B.Four hours.C.Four and a half hours.


V.单项选择 (共20小题, 每小题1分, 计20分)


() 26.—How do you like______story you read last night?

—It’s______terrible story, I think.

A./, theB.the, /C.the, aD.the, the

() 27.—I want to go round the city and have a look, but I don’t know the______.

—A map is helpful, I think.


() 28.Don’t make any noise, or______of the two boys can fall asleep.


() 29.—How was the weather yesterday?

—It was terrible.It rained______.People could______go out.

A.hardly, hardlyB.hard, hardC.hard, hardlyD.hardly, hard

() 30.You’d better start early______you can be on time.

A.even thoughB.as ifC.what ifD.so that

() 31.I am a little weak in English.Could you tell me what I can do______it during the summer


A.improveB.improvedC.improvingD.to improve

() 32.My friend Julie______to the city three times.She loves the city.

A.has beenB.had beenC.has goneD.had gone

() 33.—Could you tell me______?

—Go upstairs and turn left.

A.what is the teacher’s offi ce B.what the teacher’s offi ce is

C.where is the teacher’s offi ce D.where the teacher’s offi ce is

() 34.—Mum, ______I play computer games?

—Yes, but you have to fi nish your homework fi rst.


() 35.There______a talk show on CCTV 4 this evening.

A.will have B.is going to be

C.is going to have D.is having

() 36.______the students in our primary school is about three thousand, and______of themare girls.

A.A number of, two third B.The number of, two third

C.A number of, two thirds D.The number of, two thirds

() 37.Many girls would like to______skirts in summer.

A.put onB.dressC.be dressedD.wear

() 38.Betty goes to the violin classes every afternoon______Saturday and Sunday.She has to

do the housework at home these days.

A.on B.during C.except D.from

() 39.You’ll miss the train______you hurry up.


() 40.The place______interested me most was the Children’s Palace.

A.whichB.whereC.whatD.in which

() 41.David was born on a cold snowy morning______.

A.since twenty years agoB.for twenty years

C.twenty years agoD.just over twenty years

() 42.He says______he will be back soon.


() 43.His books______well in those years.

A.are never soldB.never sold

C.sold neverD.never are sold

() 44.—Did you see Mr.Smith when you were in France?

—No.When I______France, he had gone to China.

A.had arrived to B.arrived to

C.had got to D.got to

() 45.Smoking is bad for your health.You’d better______.

A.give up it B.give it up

C.take out it D.take it out

VI.完形填空 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Tom and Fred were talking about the year 2050.

“What will 46______be like in the year 2050?”asked Tom.

“I don’t know, ”said Fred.“What do you think?”

“Well, no one knows.But it is 47______to guess, ”said Tom.“In the year 2050 everybody will 48______a pocket (袖珍的) computer.The computer will give people the 49______to al their questions.We shall all have telephones in our pockets, 50______.And we’ll be able to talk to our friends all over the world.Perhaps we’ll be able to 51______them at the same time.Machines will do 52______of the work, and people will have more 53______.Perhaps they will work only two or three days a week.They will be able to fl y to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there.”

“I’m very 54______to hear that.I hope to fl y to the moon.And I hope I’ll be able to live55______, ”said Fred.“Won’t that be interesting?Just like a fi sh.”

() 46.A.a home B.the traffi c C.a factory D.the world

() 47.A.pleased B.no use C.interesting D.unusual

() 48.A.carry B.bring C.give D.send

() 49.A.news B.ways C.things D.answers

() 50.A.either B.again C.too D.also

() 51.A.write to B.see C.call D.listen to

() 52.A.most B.many C.lot D.every

() 53.A.work B.duty C.holidays D.jobs

() 54.A.sorry B.glad C.sure D.afraid

() 55.A.in the sea B.on the land C.in the mountains D.under the ground

VII.阅读理解 (共15小题, 每小题2分, 计30分)

阅读A、B、C三篇材料, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Are you the only child in the family?So you are the most important in the family.But parents are the closest people to you in the world.Father and Mother love you just because you are you And they would do anything for you.But a lot of middle school students have a problem.They don’t get on well with their father or mother.

A junior middle school student in Shijiazhuang said that her father used to talk at (唠叨) her but never listened to her.This made her very unhappy.Another student in Jinan, Shandong, said his mother didn’t allow him to play computer games when other classmates were doing this.Now he doesn’t talk to his mother.

Do you and your parents also have problems?Well, why don’t you take a walk and have a talk with them on Saturday?It is the International Day of Families.On May 15th, people around the world give thanks for good things about their families and work on family problems.A study las year showed that 1, 500 Beijing families had the same problem talked about.The children, 12 to 15years old, didn’t like talking much with their parents.They weren’t happy at home.

Of course, lots of kids feel unhappy, but you and your parents will be much happier if you can be friends.Here are some ways to have a good talk with them.

1.Find a good time to talk, like when you’re eating dinner, going out for a walk or watching TV.

2.Tell them something you are interested in, or ask them about their lives when they were young.They love to talk about that!

3.Listen to them carefully, and look them in the eye.

4.Be honest.Your parents will believe you more.

If you do like these, you will have a happy family life.

() 56.The passage says your parents love you just because______.

A.you are the only child B.you are clever

C.you are you D.you are unhappy

() 57.Lots of middle students have the same problem with their parents.What is it?

A.They don’t want to go out for a walk with their parents.

B.Their parents like to talk at them instead of listening to them.

C.Their parents do not love them.

D.Their patents have no time to talk with them.

() 58.The writer asks children to______.

A.fi nd a good time to talk to their parents

B.play computer games with their parents

C.see a fi lm with their parents

D.have dinner together with their parents

() 59.Which day is the International Day of Families?

A.Sunday.B.May 15th.

C.Monday.D.March 5th.

() 60.If you can______, your parents will believe you much more.

A.be happy B.fi nd a good job

C.play games with them D.be honest


() 61.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?


() 62.Now Mr.Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10.How much

are the tickets in all?


() 63.Which of the following is the right visiting time?

A.8:30 a.m.on Monday.B.9:00 a.m.on Friday.C.3:00 p.m.on Sunday.D.5:00 p.m.on Tuesday.

() 64.From the passage we can guess the giraffe must be very______.


() 65.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

A.Give food to the dogs.

B.Touch the monkeys on the head.

C.Throw things everywhere.

D.Take a few nice photos.


Qiao is a sixth-grader at Yuhui Primary School.He is only 12 years old but has been smoking for three years.Liu, 15, is a Junior 2 student at Chicheng No.2 Middle School.He began smoking four years ago.“Smoking is part of my life, ”Liu said.Qiao and Liu are not those boys’real names But their problem, smoking, is a very real problem.In many countries smoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people.Most smokers start in their teens (years of a person’s age from13 to 19) or earlier.

A study of 8, 000 Beijing students last May told us that smoking is a problem for many Chinese kids.More than 21%of middle school students and 6%of primary school pupils said they smoked.

“If young people start smoking early, they will probably get addicted to nicotine (尼古丁) And it will be very hard to give up later on, ”said a professor.

Every year, about four million people die because of smoking.And if people keep smoking that number will go up to about 10 million a year by 2030, the World Health Organization says.So we have to learn and tell others about the dangers of smoking.

() 66.The sentence“Smoking is part of my life.”probably means“______”

A.I don’t smoke very often.

B.Smoking is very important to me.

C.I don’t smoke at all.

D.I’m going to give up smoking.

() 67.What will probably happen if a person starts smoking early?

A.He will surely die early.

B.He cannot stop smoking.

C.It will be diffi cult for him to give up smoking.

D.He will become lazy soon.

() 68.The study in the passage shows that______.

A.smoking is a serious problem among Chinese students

B.there are more and more smokers in China

C.some student smokers have already been seriously addicted

D.most of the smokers in China are middle school students

() 69.The main idea of this passage is that______.

A.smoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people

B.many people die because of smoking every year

C.WHO asks young people to give up smoking

D.nicotine makes people all over the world addicted

() 70.As middle school students, what should we do from now on?

A.We should start smoking after middle school.

B.We should ask others to smoke outside.

C.We should laugh at smokers.

D.We should say no to smoking.

卷II (非选择题共35分)

听力部分 (第二节)

VIII.听短文, 填空。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

IX.任务型阅读 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)

阅读短文, 并按要求完成下列试题。

One day, a rich family went on a trip to the countryside.The father wanted to show his son how poor some people lived, so they spent a day and a night on the farm of a very poor family When they got back from their trip, the father asked his son, “My dear son, how was the trip?”

“Very good, Dad!”

“Did you see what a life some people live?”the father asked.


“And what did you learn?”

The son answered, “I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four.We have a pool tha reaches to the middle of the garden and they have a river that has no end.We have lamps in the garden and they have the stars.Our patio (院子) reaches to the front yard, yet they have a whole horizon (地段) .”

When the little boy fi nished, his father was speechless.

Whether it is true depends on the way you look at things.If you have love, friends, family health, good humor and a positive attitude towards life, you’ve got everything!

根据短文内容, 填入所缺的单词。

76.One day a rich family went to____________________.

77.They stayed there for____________________.

78.The father wanted to show his son the____________________life of the people.

79.The son thought that the family in the countryside was____________________than his own.

80.We should look at things with a____________________attitude according to the passage.

X.词语运用 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

根据下面句子的意思及所给的汉语提示, 写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。

81.Whether we can go out or not___________________________ (取决于) the weather.

82.I’m__________________________ (瘦的) than her.

83.Do you have any___________________________ (零花钱) ?

84.We must respect different___________________________ (文化) .

85.What’s his___________________________ (姓) ?

XI.基础写作 (包括A、B两部分, A部分5分, B部分10分, 共计15分)

A) 连词成句 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。 (单词不得重复使用, 标点已给出)

86.an, happened, on, day, thing, unexpected, that______________________________________________________________________________.

87.he, did, make, to, be, a, businessman, a, decision______________________________________________________________________________?

88.the, I, women, what, said, hear, was, to, not, able______________________________________________________________________________.

89.vacation, where, will, spend, you, your______________________________________________________________________________?

90.there, room, you, in, the, for, boat, is, no______________________________________________________________________________.

请根据下面的提示, 以How We Spent the Teachers’Day为题, 记述一次教师节的活动。







2009年中考英语模拟试题 (五)

Section I

I.1.Keeping a diary can be a good way to improve your writing.2.My brother was born on February 13th, 1989.

3.Jennifer is thinking of fl ying to New York next week.4.You can borrow it as soon as he comes back.

5.I like traveling better than staying at home.

II.6.What about going to Sanya for our winter holiday?7.You look unhappy.What’s wrong?

8.You gave a wonderful speech!9.Don’t make any noise in the cinema.10.Would you like something to eat?

III.11.M:Hello, Lucy!How was your exam yesterday?

W:Not very good.It wasn’t as easy as the last one and it was longer than before.

M:Well, work harder and you will certainly do better next time.Q:How was Lucy’s exam yesterday?

12.M:Tomorrow is Sunday.It will be Father’s Day.

W:Oh, I nearly forgot.The third Sunday of June is for fathers in most countries.Q:When is Father’s Day?

13.M:Betty, do you often read English newspapers?W:No, I don’t.But Larry often does

Q:Who often reads English newspapers?

14.M:The winter vacation is coming.Are you going skating with me?

W:Sorry, I can’t.I’m going to stay at home and study for the coming semester.We’re in Grade 9 now.I hope to go to a goodhigh school.

Q:What will the girl do during the winter vacation?

15.M:Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to the bookstore?

W:Yes.Go along this street and turn right at the second turning.You will see a drugstore on your right.Next to the drugstore

is a fruit shop.And the bookstore is just across from the fruit shop.

M:Thanks a lot.Q:Where does the man want to go?

IV.Passage I

Bill lives and works in New York.He works in a factory.It makes machines.His house is far away from his factory.He usually goes to work by train.Today, the train is late.So he drives to work.He works from Monday to Friday.On Saturdays and Sundays he doesn’t go to work.Sometimes he goes to see his friends.Sometimes he stays at home and watches TV.

Questions:16.What does Bill do?17.How many days does he work in a week?

Passage II

One winter morning, when I was cleaning out the pockets of my six-year-old daughter’s coat, I found two pairs of gloves.Then I asked why she was carrying two pairs of gloves in her pocket.She replied, “I’ve been doing this for a long time, Mum.You see, some kids come to school without gloves and if I carry another pair, I can share with them.Then their hands won’t get cold.”

Questions:18.Where did the mother fi nd two pairs of gloves?19.Why does the girl carry two pairs of gloves?

Passage III

Chinese American pop singer Wang Leehom is really a role model for youth.Many fans like him for his social responsibility and hard work.He tells his fans to protect the environment on his album Change Me.He said that he had paid attention to the environment since his middle school years.He rides his bicycle as often as possible and never wastes water when he takes a shower.He also tries to get more people to join him.He is supported by lots of fans from different cities across China.

Questions:20.Why do many fans like Wang Leehom according to the passage?

21.How long has he paid attention to the environment?


M:Good morning, Sue.W:Good morning, Jack.M:Did you enjoy your holiday in the countryside?

W:Yes.And some friends went with us.M:Where did you stay?In a hotel?

W:No.We camped in the mountains, near Snowdow.We cooked all our meals over an open fi re.

M:Sounds wonderful.How was the weather?W:The sun shone nearly every day and it didn’t rain at all.

M:Did you like the people there?W:Yes, they were great.We met some farmers and had tea in their houses.

M:When did you get back?Last night?

W:No.This morning.We got up at 4:30, left at 5:00 and arrived here at 9:00.I’m so tired.What about you?Did you have a good weekend?

M:Yes, but I didn’t do much.I just stayed at home.The weather was terrible.

Questions:22.Where did Sue and her friends stay in the countryside?

23.What was the weather like in the countryside?24.What did they have in the farmers’houses?

25.How long did it take Sue to get back from the countryside?

Section II

VIII.To save time, many Americans often buy fast food.But during holidays, families enjoy nice meals at home.For example, on Thanksgiving Day, families will get together for a dinner.Usually they will enjoy a big turkey and some pumpkin pies.

The United States is famous for its fast food, such as hamburgers, sandwiches, pizzas and ice creams.People can easily fi nd fast food restaurants, like McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken, in most of the big cities in the world.

Besides, there are many foreign restaurants in the USA.Chinese, Italian and French cookings are the most popular.People like to go to these restaurants.There are many other restaurants, too.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (六)

Section I

I.1.What’s the weather like tomorrow?2.In the 1960s computers were large and expensive.12.M:Hi, Mei.Did Gary run fastest at the sports meeting?W:No, he got the second place.Dan won at last.

Q:Who ran fastest at the sports meeting?

13.M:Will you be free this afternoon?W:Sorry, I’m afraid not.What’s the matter?

M:I’ve got two tickets for Hai Mingwei’s concert.Q:What does the man want the woman to do?

14.M:What do you hope to be when you grow up, Cathy?

W:I hope to be a teacher but my parents would like me to be a doctor.M:What about your sister Kate?

W:She likes singing and hopes to be a singer.Q:What do Cathy’s parents want her to be when she grows up?

15.M:What do you do on weekends, Lucy?

W:I often do some reading at home, and sometimes I help do the washing.What about you, Leo?

M:I usually play basketball.You know, I’m playing for the school team.Q:What does Leo do on weekends?

IV.Passage I

John works in a factory in a new town.But he lives far from his factory.Every day he gets up very early.He eats breakfast at home.Then he goes to a bus station by bike.There he takes a bus to get to the River Stop from the bus station.There is no bridge over the river.He takes a boat to get across the river.He gets off the boat and then walks to his factory.He does the same thing every weekday.

Questions:16.Where does John eat breakfast?17.How does he get to his factory at last?

Passage II

Ann’s mother was about seventy, so Ann wanted to give the old lady a nice present for her birthday.She liked drinking tea, so Ann bought a small electric machine that could make tea.She brought it to her mother on her birthday and showed her how to use it.“Before you go to bed, put tea and water in it, ”she said, “and don’t forget to turn on the machine.When you wake up in the morning, your tea will be ready.”The old lady was very happy.

Questions:18.How old was Ann’s mother?19.Why did Ann buy her mother the electric machine for her birthday?

Passage III

Jet Li is a famous Chinese martial arts star.He was born on April 26, 1963.He began to learn martial arts at the age of 8.At the age of 11, he won his fi rst national championship.For the next fi ve years, he remained the All-Around National Wushu Champion of China.When he was 17, he retired from the sport and began his fi lm career.He acted in the fi lm Shaolin Temple which made him a well-known martial arts star.Later, he acted in many other excellent fi lms such as Hero and The Warlords.

Questions:20.When did Jet Li begin to learn martial arts?21.How many movies are mentioned in the passage?


M:Anna, you won an Oscar last year for the fi lm Fear.How did you feel about that?

W:It was very exciting, but I don’t think the Oscar is only for me.It should go to everyone who worked on the fi lm.

M:Scary fi lms don’t usually win Oscars.Were you surprised?W:No, not really.I think it’s a very good fi lm.

M:I agree.And how did you become an actress?

W:Well, I loved acting at school, but I had trouble reading, so I couldn’t read very well.Everyone thought I was silly.

M:That was terrible.How did you solve it?

W:My parents helped me a lot.Then I went to a theater school, but I waited a long time before I got a good part.

M:How did you get the part in Fear?

W:The director saw me in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and he liked my scary character!

M:Have you got any advice for young actors?

W:Well, they should learn from other actors, but they must believe in their own talents.M:Anna, thank you.

Questions:22.When did Anna win the Oscar for the fi lm Fear?23.Was Anna surprised when she won an Oscar?

24.Who helped Anna to solve her problem?25.What’s Anna’s advice for young actors?

Section II

VIII.Before 1750, the idea of skating hadn’t appeared.That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin.

Merlin was a man full of ideas and dreams.One day Merlin got an invitation to a party.He was excited.As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a special entrance at the party.He thought he could skate into the room.Merlin tried different ways.Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe.These were the fi rst roller skates.

On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin.Everyone was surprised to see him.But Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates.He rolled on and on.Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror.Then the mirror broke into pieces.No one ever forgot Merlin’s special entrance!

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (五)


I.1~5 ABAAC II.6~10 BCACB III.11~15 BBBCA IV.16~20 ABACC 21~25 BCACB

V.26~30 CBDCD 31~35 DADBB 36~40 DDCAA 41~45 CCBDB VI.46~50 DCADC 51~55 BACBA

VII.56~60 CBABD 61~65 CCCDD 66~70 BCAAD


VIII.71.save 72.get together 73.famous 74.fast food restaurants 75.French

IX.76.the countryside 77.a day and a night 78.poor 79.richer 80.positive

X.81.September 82.to protect 83.liveliest 84.taking photos 85.was woken up

X.A) 81.depends on 82.thinner 83.pocket money 84.cultures 85 family name/surname

XI.86.An unexpected thing happened on that day.87.Did he make a decision to be a businessman?

88.I was not able to hear what the women said.89.Where will you spend your vacation?

90.There is no room for you in the boat.

B) One possible version:

How We Spent the Teachers’Day

2024上海中考英语试题 篇8


















例如:31.—How long have you pre-paredfor the art festjval?

ASince April

BIn April





例如:35,Could you tel/me——?

Awhatare youlookingfor

Bwhatyou areIookingfor

Cwhat were you looking for

Dwhat you were looking for



10小题依次考查了交际用语、现在进行时、介词短语、不定代词、动词短语辨析、现在完成时、There be句型、一般现在时的被动语态形式、if引导的条件状语从句、宾语从句。作为主干知识的动词时态、语态以及动词短语辨析为4小题、各种从句为3小题,共计占该题70%的权重。孰重孰轻可见一斑。


















