


高级中学英语试题初一 篇1


1~5 CAACB 6~10 DDAAA 11~15 DCDBC 16~20 CBABD


1. doesn’t have 2. How long does … last 3. different days

4. a wet day 5. How much does … cost 6. pays … for / spends … on

7. What did … do 8. Did … do 9. cheaper than 10 the tallest


1. is coming 2. doesn’t / didn’t play 3. worst 4. weatherman

5. meaning 6. difference 7. heavily 8. shelves

9. teeth 10. is sleeping


1~5 ADBCD 6~10 BACAC


1. countries 2. December 3. presents 4. travel 5. On

6. naughty 7. comes 8. Before 9. something 10. stocking


1~5 BAABC 6~10 BACAA

高级中学英语试题初一 篇2

首先上好启蒙课。在我给学生的第一堂英语课堂上, 我并没有花太多的时间讲述英语的重要性, 我从学生的档案中了解到了那天有两个学生生日, 于是我带去了一个蛋糕, 学生非常惊奇。我说明原委之后, 我们点燃了蜡烛, 让我们的两个小寿星坐在讲台上, 然后我用英语唱了一遍生日快乐歌。这首歌因为经常在电视电影里面听过, 学生比较熟悉。然后我让全班同学学会这首歌, 送上我们最真挚的祝福。孩子们的兴趣马上就被调动起来了, 跟着我认真的学, 一遍, 两遍, 三遍……第四遍的时候, 我们一起唱, 大多数的孩子能唱了。我们的蜡烛也快完了, 我马上对孩子们进行了鼓励, 我们重新点上蜡烛, 在我的带动下, 孩子们完整的唱完了生日歌。接下来就是吃蛋糕了, 我们一边吃蛋糕, 一边告诉同学们, 从今天开始, 我们就要学习这门非常好玩的课程, 我们不仅仅要让它成为我们考试拉分的科目, 更重要的是我们从今天开始要学会使用这门非常重要的语言。从孩子们红扑扑的脸蛋上, 我知道我的英语启蒙课成功了。

其次, 注重对话训练。在场景教学过程中, 多采用对话的方式进行。这个环节就是让学生根据自己的角色训练, 进行口语交际, 这个过程贯穿着英语教学的整个过程, 既是教学的重点也是难点。因此, 我在教学中, 采用比赛和展示的方式进行。在教学了有关语法、单词之后, 我让学生先熟悉文本的训练, 两人一个小组进行对话练习。这个环节是全班同学站立起来, 记住对话可以不用看书就能说的同学才能坐下。最初的时候, 孩子们兴趣很高, 纷纷用心的进入训练程序, 效果也不错, 大多数的孩子能够尽快的完成任务。但是总是有一部分学生, 觉得记忆这些单词太难。于是我采用了到讲台上展示他们的训练成果的方式让他们再在头脑中记忆刚刚练习过的对话。而且, 我们随时对他们提出前面所学过的问题, 指定他们当中的其中一个人回答。敢上台表现的学生一般都是口语训练中完成得不错的, 所以我们不但复习了前面的句型, 也强化了学生的再次记忆。由于这种活动的时间较多, 但是效果不错, 这就要求我每堂课都要留上15分钟左右的时间给他们进行这个训练。一年下来, 孩子们感觉到英语其实并不难学, 只要多读多记忆, 多开口, 就没有问题。

另外, 精心设计听写训练。学习英语和学习汉语有很多相似的地方, 汉语注重字词句段篇的训练, 英语也注重这些教学。而听写又是完成这一重要任务的特殊环节。我先教同学们任何听写, 然后从他们当中先抽出一两个孩子做示范, 让他们念, 其他学生写。谁得了100分, 就有资格下次听写的时候当小老师。如果一次有好几个同学获得了100分, 那么除了课前5分钟的领读和听写的同学固定下来之后, 其他孩子将成为我们课堂对话练习中最先展示的同学。如果有10人以下的同学不能得满分, 那么, 我们就让这些同学做满分同学做的事, 只是不给他们的操行上加分。通过这种激励, 孩子们只要有时间都拿着我让他们准备的速记本, 遇到同学打招呼的时候也开始慢慢的用英语了。一段时间之后, 孩子们还真上路了。这个环节刚做起了的时候很麻烦, 统计、批改都觉得特别花时间, 于是我让学生自己做。听写完成之后, 前后左右的同学相互交叉批改, 每个学习小组马上统计出他们这个小组的学生情况, 上报到课代表处, 课代表马上对加分的同学进行加分, 整个过程, 也花不了几分钟。不但培养了学生的学习兴趣, 还让他们养成了良好的习惯。

合理有效的利用教具教学。由于我们地处偏远山区, 我们手里的教具只有录音机和教学磁带。进行跟读训练。放磁带, 看着书, 搞明白每一个单词的意思, 理解整个故事情节。然后, 放一句, 暂停, 学着人家读一句, 然后, 放下一句, 暂停, 再学一句, 继续。这个过程我要求学生一定要尽力模仿发音和语调, 越象越好。感觉到学生文章发音、语调完全掌握之后, 就要在放录音的同时同步跟读。争取让自己的声音与他完全重合。注意语调和语音。如果中间有结巴的地方也不要紧, 继续读下去, 然后再回来重读。然后, 关掉录音机, 朗诵课文。注意使用学到的语音语调。等滚瓜烂熟之后, 我们就进入前面的训练环节。等学生有了一定的基础, 我就买一些英语小故事念给他们听, 增加他们的阅读量, 为后面的写作打下基础。

中学英语测试题的命制之我见 篇3

关键词 中学英语 测试题 命制

中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7661(2016)09-0082-02





























[1]张连仲,龚亚夫,李静纯.中学英语教师教学基本功讲座[C].北京: 北京师范学院出版社,1991,(12).

初一下册英语试题 篇4

1. What’s Bob doing? A. That’s Jenny.

2. What’s Mike like ? B. She’s medium height.

3. Where did you go last Sunday? C. Yes, I do.

4. How’s the weather in Toronto? D. It was pretty good.

5. What do you think of the game show? E. I went to the movies.

6. What does Nancy look like? F. Yes, you can listen outside.

7. Can we listen to music now ? G. He’s very serious.

8. Do you like hot weather? H. He’swatching TV at home.

9. How was the park? I. I can’t stand it.

10. Who’s that? J. It’s windy and cloudy.


________ I love it .

___2____ Yes , I watched “Harry Potter” yesterday.

________ Oh, I can’t stand them.

________ Do you like to watch TV?

________ I don’t mind them. How about you?

________ I do , too. What do you think of soap operas?

________ What do you think of it ?


1. You don’t have to clean the classroom now .You ________ clean it tomorrow.

A. can’t B. can C. do D. don’t

2. The game show is boring. I ________ it .

A. like B. don’t like C. love D. mind

3. Ms Lin is short ______ curly hair.

A. of B. by C. for D. with

4. He ______ me his watch and asked me what I thought of it.

A. bought B. put C. showed D. liked

5. Do you enjoy _______ to country music?

A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. listened

6. ----- ________ was your vacation, Nancy?

----- ________ It was great.

A. What B. Where C. How D. Why

7. ---- _________

---- It’s raining.

A. How’s the weather? B. What do you think of it ? C. What does it look like? D. Who’s that?

8. There are many students on the playground. Some are playing football. ________ are playing basketball.

A. Others B. Other C. The other D. Some

9. The American likes Chinese food, ______ jiaozi , rice and so on.

10. Liu Ming likes ______ jokes. He never stops ______.


1. football , captain , Li Jie , of , team , the , the , is


2. tall , hair , who , the , with , curly , girl , is


3. cartoons , blackboard , drawing , he , the , is , on , funny


4. classroom , the , crying , in , I , found , boy , the , thin


5. class , don’t , late, arrive , for


6. sunglasses , they , the , can’t , classroom , in , wear


7. guitar , you , pratice , do , to , day , every , have , your


8. bed , morning , your , you , to , the , have , make , in








watch , happy , want , night , for , eat




Dear Mike,

Gong He Xin Xi! I am on vacation in Beijing. I _______ to see the Chinese New Year celebrations here.

Many things are happening (发生) here . I am going to _______ the lion dance . It will be the first time I see it and I am very _______ . After that , I am going to _______ Chinese food . They were very delicious . At ________ , there will be fire works.

What are you doing ______ Chinese New Year in Toronto?

Lots of love,



1. David is medium height.(对画线部分提问)

__________ _________ David ________ ________ ?

2. Lin Tao is looking out of the window in class.(改成否定祈使句)

_________ _________ out of the window in class , Lin Tao.

3. It’s snowinghere today.(对画线部分提问)

_________ the _________ here today?

4. Marcowent to the post office yesterday.(对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ Marco _________ yesterday?

5. Sally wants to be a bank clerk. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ Sally _________ to be a bank clerk ?

6. I’d like a large size.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ _________ _________ a large size?

7. Listen to the music.(改为否定句)

_________ _________ to the music.

8. They have to clean the classroom now. (改为否定句)

They _________ _________ to clean the classroom now.


1. 在感恩节,美国人吃什么?

____________________________________________ at Thanksgiving?

2. 体育课上我们得穿运动鞋。

We ____________________________________________ gym class .

3. 你认为体育世界这个节目怎么样?

____________________________________________ Sports World?

4. 他们从8点到10点一直在打网球。

They played tennis ____________________________________________ .

5. 你们将和谁一起过圣诞节?

____________________________________________ Chrismas Day with?

6. ----- 他们在干什么?

------ 他们在参观博物馆。

------ ____________________________________________ ?

---- They’re ____________________________________________.

7. 他是一个聪明的卷发男孩吗?

Is he ____________________________________________?


Do you know Mr King ? He and his wife work in the 1 office. She works harder than he does , so she is the 2 of the office . The man has to 3 her.

When they get home , the woman always feel tired and doesn’t 4 to do anything . Mr. King does 5 of the housework . He does the cooking , washing and claning. And their children think his 6 is delicious.

It’s Saturday today and they don’t go to work . Mrs King 7 some friends to dinners. Now they’re talking in the sitting room. And Mr King is busy in the kitchen (厨房) . They say he’s a 8 cook , too. It makes the man 9 .

“ I’m abler(能干)than her at cooking, “ said Mr King, “But my spouse (配偶) is better than 10 at work.”

1. A. different B. same C. small D. their

2. A. teacher B. worker C. head D. host

3. A. look at B. look after C. wait for D. listen to

4. A. want B. have C. decide D. get

5. A. little B. some C. most D. many

6. A. chicken B. cake C. hamburger D. food

7. A. asks B. tells C. makes D. takes

8. A. bad B. good C. quick D. slow

9. A. sorry B. happy C. careful D. clear

初一英语试题及答案 篇5

I’m not happy. I have too many rules at home. I have to get up at 6:00 every morning. I have to come home early after school and do my homework until 10:00 p.m. There is too much homework for me to do . I can’t meet my friends on weekends. I even can’t play soccer after school. I can’t watch TV on weekends. I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. I have to learn the piano on Sundays. I never have any fun. What can I do? Please help me.


初一英语练习试题及答案 篇6

( )1.A.pen B.pencil C.ruler D.ring

( )2.A.key B.book C.notebook D.dictionary

( )3.A.the B.of C.a D.an

( )4.A.this B.that C.please D.it

( )5.A.your B.her C.his D.I



6.b ________

7.r ________

8.pe ________

9.e ________

10.ba ________


11.用英语________ 12.卷笔刀________ 13.电子游戏________

14.一套、一副________ 15.失物招领________


Finland Angola Italy Canada Holland

England France Japan Germany Brazil

16.________ 17.________ 18.________ 19.________ 20.________

21.________ 22.________ 23.________ 24.________ 25.________


( )26.Tom is his ________ name.

A.last B.first C.family D.Chinese

( )27.Is this your backpack? ________.

A.Yes, it’s B.Yes, it is C.No, it not D.No, its not

( )28.How do you spell pen? ________.

A.This is a pen B.It’s a pen C.P— E— N D.Yes. P— E— N

( )29.Is that your watch? ________.

A.Yes, I am B.No, I’m not C.Yes, that is D.No, it isn’t

( )30.Please call me ________ 9543526.

A.in B.ofC.atD.on

( )31.This is ________ eraser and that’s ________ gold ring.

A.a, a B.an, an C.a, an D.an, a

( )32.What’s this ________ Chinese? It is“Dian shi”.

A.in B.ofC.atD.for

( )33.________ Gina, this is ________ book.

A.I’m, my B.I’m, an C.She’s, his D.He’s, her

( )34.This is ________ apple. It’s ________ red apple.

A.a, a B.a, an C.an, a D.an, an

( )35.Sorry, this is not ________ ruler.

A.my a B.a my C.anD.my

( )36.Kate is ________ English. She is ________ English student.

A.an, an B.×, × C.an, × D.×, an

( )37.________ you Miss Read? Yes. My name ________ Sue Read.

A.Are, am B.Are, is C.Is, are D.Is, is

( )38.Tom and I ________ good friends. He ________ twelve.

A.are, is B.am, is C.is, are D.are, are

( )39.Your watch is very nice. ________.

A.No, it isn’t B.Yes C.Thank you D.Sorry

( )40.________ , I’m late. That’s all right.

A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.I sorry D.I’m wrong


how, am, are, his, your, her, my, is, an, what

41.She is a student and ________ name is Maria.

42.Wang Hong,this is ________ bag. Here you are.

43.Where is ________ eraser? I can’t find it.

44.Peter is English. Mr Zhang is ________ Chinese teacher.

45.Excuse me! ________ this your gold ring?

46.________ you Lucy? Yes,I am.

47.This is ________ old watch.

48.I ________ a Chinese boy.

49.________ is that in English? It’s a watch.

50.________ do you spell computer? C—O—M—P—U—T—E—R.



56.This is an ID card. (就画线部分提问)

57.That is a notebook. (改为一般疑问句)

58.Is this his backpack? (做出肯定的简略回答)

59.It is Lucy’s dictionary. (改为否定句)

60.Is that her nice watch? (变为肯定的陈述句)


61.Think, I, pencil, it, his, is, (.)

62.know, you, do, how, him, (?)

63.boy, friend, the, your, is, (?)

64.not, it, this, gold, ring, my, (.)

65.in, the, that, your, and, lost, found, case, key, is, (?)


Ⅸ.用所给选项完成对话, 将序号填在对话下面的横线上

A.How are you B.Hello C.How old are you D.What’s your name E.Yes

F.Thanks G.I’m fine H.Goodbye I.Excuse me J.It’s a pencil

A: 66 ! 67 ?

B: My name is Liu Ying.

A: 68 ?

B: Fine. 69 . And you?

A: 70 , too. 71 , what’s this in English?

B: 72 .

A: Can you spell it, please?

B: 73 . P— E— N— C— I— L, pencil.

A: Thank you. 74 ?

B: I’m thirteen.

A: Goodbye!

B: 75 !


A: Excuse 76 , what’s 77 , please?

B: My name is Ann Read. And 78 ?

A: Wei Hua, 79 you do?

B: How do you do?

A: 80 in the bag? Is it a pear?

B: No, It’s 81 orange.

A: What 82 that in English?

B: It’s a bus, a 83 bus.

A: 84 . Can you 85 “bus”?

B: Yes, I can. b-u-s, bus.

( )76.A.my B.me C.I D.you

( )77.A.that B.it C.this D.your name

( )78.A.are you B.your C.name D.your name

( )79.A.How B.How do C.How are D.How old

( )80.A.What B.Is C.What’s D.How

( )81.A.× B.a C.an D.the

( )82.A.is B.are C.am D.be

( )83.A.chinese B.Chinese C.China D.English

( )84.A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Good D.No

( )85.A.say B.look C.meet D.spell



A: Hello!

B: Hello! What’s your name?

A: My name is Wang Lin. What about you?

B: My name is Wei Hua. How are you?

A: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

B: I’m fine, too. What grade are you in, Wang Lin?

A: I’m in Grade One. Are you in Grade One,too?

B: No, I’m in Grade Two. How old are you?

A: I’m eleven. What about you?

B: I’m one year older than you.

A: Oh! What is in your hand?

B: It is an orange.

A: Can you spell it?

B: Yes, O—R—A—N—G—E, orange.

( )86.Wang Lin is in Grade Two. ( )87.Wei Hua is in Grade one.

( )88.Wang Lin is eleven. ( )89.Wei Hua is twelve.

( )90.There is an orange in Wang Lin’s hand.


Peter and I are good friends. Peter is an American boy. I am a Japanese girl. He is thirteen. I am twelve. We are in the same class,Class Two.

Peter has a nice clock. He likes it very much. He puts it on his desk. Every morning it wakes him up(叫醒他). I have a new watch. It looks beautiful. I wear(戴)it everyday. It tells me the time. It helps(帮助)me a lot in my daily life. I can not live without it.

( )91.Peter and I are ________.

A.friends B.teachers C.sisters D.brothers

( )92.Peter is ________.

A.an English boy B.a Japanese girl

C.an American boy D.an English girl

( )93.I have ________.

A.a beautiful clock B.an old watch

C.a new watch D.a nice clock

( )94.Peter ________.

A.wears his clock everyday B.puts his clock on his desk

C.wears his new watch every day D.likes his new watch very much

( )95.Peter and I are ________.

A.in different classes B.in the same row

C.in Class Two D.in America





Found: _____________________




Lost: ______________________





Ⅰ.1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D

Ⅱ.6.basketball 7.ruler 8.pencil 9.eraser 10.backpack 11.in English 12.pencil sharpener 13.computer game 14.a set of 15.1ost and found

Ⅲ.16.Angola 17.Brazil 18.Canada 19.England 20.Finland 21.France 22.Germany 23.Holland 24.Italy 25.Japan


27.B(一般疑问句Is this…? 的简略回答)


29.D(Is that…? 的简略回答)



32.A(in Chinese用汉语说)




36.D(English既可作名词又可作形容词,前者不需冠词;后者an English student表示“一位英国的学生”)


38.A(Tom and I是复数概念,He是第三人称单数)



Ⅴ.41.her 42.your 43.my 44.his 45.Is 46.Are 47.an 48.am 49.What 50.How



53.A(This’ s改为This is)

54.C(it’s改为it is)


Ⅶ.56.What’s this?

57.Is that a notebook?

58.Yes,it is.

59.It isn’t Lucy’s dictionary.

60.This is her nice watch.

Ⅷ.61.I think it is his pencil.

62.How do you know him?

63.Is the boy your friend?

64.This is not my gold ring.

65.Is that your key in the lost and found case?

Ⅸ.66.B 67.D 68.A 69.F 70.G 71.I 72.J 73.E 74.C 75.H


77.D(因为后面的答语为My name is Ann Read. 所以问句用What’s your name? )


79.B(第一次见面问好常用How do you do? 其回答还是How do you do? )

80.C(此句问“包里是什么? ”即“What’s in the bag”,is不能掉。)





85.D(这句话的句意为“你能拼写它吗? ”,“拼写”用“spell”。)

Ⅺ.86.F 87.F 88.T 89.T 90.F 91.A 92.C 93.C 94.B 95.C

Ⅻ.Found:A set of keys. Please call John at 3539495.

初一英语动词学习小结 篇7

一、“be”动词:有人称和数的变化,它共有“am, is, are”三种形式,应记住:I(我)用“am”,you(你)用“are”,“is”用于“他、她、它”,所有复数都用“are”这一规律。它们没有固定的中文意思,它们所表示的中文意思,可理解为“是,在(哪),有(几岁)”等。例如:

1.I’m eleven. 我有十一岁。

2.He isn’t a teacher. 他不是个老师。

3.Are you in Class 1? 你在一班吗?




1.Is he in Grade 1? 他在一年级吗?(句中有语气词“吗”,助动词放句首)

2.Are they your friends? 他们是你的朋友吗?


1.I can paint. 我会画画。

2.He can’t paint. 他不会画画。


3.“Can you/she sing?”“Yes, I/she can.”“你/她会唱歌吗?”“是的,我/她会。(一般疑问句把“can”放句首)

4.What can you/your sister do? 你/你姐妹会做什么?(特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句语序)


1.I have a computer. 我有一台电脑。

2.You like tomatoes. 你喜欢西红柿。

3.I want to see an action movie. 我想看一场动作片。

4.He often watches TV. 他常看电视。

注意:肯定句中、英文语序相同,但单数第三人称“he, she, it”等作主语时,后面的行为动词词尾应加“s”或“es”,构成单数第三人称形式,其他人称后,动词用原形。


1.I don’t have a computer. (否定句)我没有电脑。

2.He doesn’t often watch TV. (否定句)他不常看电视。

3.“Do you like tomatoes?”“No, I don’t.”“(一般疑问句)你喜欢吃西红柿吗?”“不喜欢。”

4.“Does she get up at 7:00?”“Yes, she does.”(一般疑问句)“她是7点起床吗?”“是的。”

5.Where does Tom live? (特殊疑问句)Tom住在哪儿?


1.I am watching TV. (肯定句)我正在看电视。

2.He isn’t writing. (否定句)他没在写字。

3.Are they shopping? (一般疑问句)他们在购物吗?

4.What are you doing? (特殊疑问句)你在做什么?



1. I ____ (like) tomatoes but I ____ (like) broccoli.

2. My brother ____ (have) a basketball but he ____ (have) a baseball.

3. “What ____ (be) these in English?”“They ____ (be) pencil sharpeners.”

4. “Where ____ you ____ (live)?”“I ____ (live) in Mexico City.”

5. Amy ____ (be) from America. She ____ (speak) English well. She ____ (learn) Chinese in

China now. She ____(like) action movies. But she ____ (like) thrillers. Look, she ____ (read) a book in the room. Her parents ____(watch) TV. Her dog ____(play) with a ball. She ____ (love) her parents. She ____ (have) a happy family.

初一上册英语考试复习试题 篇8

1.What ______ the boy ______(like)?

2.He_______(read) the English book sometimes during a week.

3.We have fun ______(see) that movie.

4.Don’t go there! It is pretty ________(dangerous).

5.The beautiful girl ___________(dance) over there now.

6.There ______(be) so much food on the table.

7.They want ___________(describe) the thief who they saw last night.

8.She enjoys reading books and __________(visit) everywhere.

9.In order to learn English well, he often_______(improve) his life.

10.The rain is terrible, it is a ________(surprise) flood(洪水).


1.Is there a school ___ children___5-8?

A. of; for B. for; for C. for; of D. of; of

2.Do you want an ______job?

A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excites

3.Look! The police _____ over.

A. is coming B. come C. comes D. are coming

4.It is cold, he wears a little and has a fever(发热),now he is ______.

A. in a hospital B. in hospital C. in the hospital D. in hospitals

5.Does Mr.White _______in Beijing?

A. likes working B. likes work C. like working D. like work

6.He doesn’t want to be a worker, he thinks it is a bad _____.

A. wok B. jobs C. works D. job

7.—How about going ___ vacation? —_____! That’s great!

A. to; Sure B. on; No C. on; Sure D. to; No

8.They take a walk _____the park every day.

A. across B. past C. through D. pass

9.Bridge Street is a good place______.

A. have fun B. has fun C. to have fun D. have funs

10.It is tired for me ______ the long story.

A. to describe B. describing C. describe D. at describe

11.Welcome ____ Sidu Middle School !

A. you B. you to C. to D. your

12.These are _____ maps, and this one is _____.

A. he; I B. her; my C. they; me D. their; mine

13.It’s sunny! Let’s ____ for someplace to ____ activity.

A. looking; hope B. wait; taking C. look; take D. waiting; have

14.Please clean the house, it is so _______.

A. dirty B. hot C. clean D. busy

15.I ____ my teacher to be happy forever(永远)!

A. take B. wish C. hope D. relax

16.Please be _____! The television is too loud(大声的)!

A. cute B. smart C. quite D. quiet

17.There isn’t ______ in the bowl(碗)。

A. some rice B. any rices C. some rices D. any rice

18.There ____ a cute girl and many flowers, she with her dog ____watering the flowers.

A. is; is B. are; is C. is; are D. are; are

19.—What’s the whether today in Shanghai? —_________.

A. It’s Sunday B. It’s tumid C. It’s terrible D. Both B and C

20.She is my teacher, and she _____ me many______.

A. likes; skills B. teaches; skills C. teachs; skill D. tells; skill


1.There is a hotel next to the supermarket.(同义句替换)

________ ________ the supermarket is a _________.

2.I go home a little late.(同义句替换)

I go home_______ ________ late.

3.Tom’s sister wants to be a reporter.(划线部分提问)

_______ _______ Tom’s sister ______ _______ ______?

4.He wants to go to study.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ he _______ to go to study?

5.Jim’s parents speak English and Chinese.(改为否定句)

Jim’s parents________ _________ English and Chinese.

6.The shy boy is waiting for his clever dog.(划线部分提问)

_______ _______ the shy boy ______ _______?

7.The thief doesn’t like them.(改为复数句)

The ______ _______like______.

8. Can she play football and shop good things?(改为陈述句)

She _____ ______ football and______ good things.

9. There are 150 workers in the company(公司),65 are women, 85 are men.(同义句转换)

There are 150 workers in the company,65 are women,_______ ______ are men.

10.I like windy day best.(同义句转换)
