如何读英文文章 篇1
如何读英文文章 篇2
回顾这节课, 引发了笔者对于阅读教学中文本的多元化解读的思考。
文本的解读活动, 就是接受或鉴赏的活动, 是一个反映、实现、改变、丰富文本的过程, 也是一个融汇了解读者的感受、体验、联想、想象, 以及审美判断等多种心理活动机制的特殊的认识活动和心理活动过程。文本本身是一个极其复杂的世界, 其内涵不是几个简单的概括性的结论可以包容的, 应以多元思维来进行解读。多元解读强调差异优于同一, 主张多元和开放。在语文这门开放性的课程中, 对文本的阅读和理解, 常常存在着多种可能, 高中学生的独立阅读能力更应该体现在对文本的多元解读方面。长期以来, 文本的意义掌握在作者手中, 阅读的任务就是准确地理解作者蕴含在文本中的意义。这种陈旧的阅读观和陈旧的阅读教学观导致师生日趋被动。在这样年复一年的阅读惯性中, 学生的阅读素养不仅没有提高, 反而抹杀了自我体验。许多教师在分析作品时, 虽然能够坚持启发诱导, 却始终是在想方设法将学生的思维引向参考书对作品的分析, 从而表现为一种认识尺度的过分的求同取向, 漠视了学生在阅读思维上的个性差异, 忽略了作品所蕴含的丰富意蕴。因此, 我们要重新审视传统的阅读教学, 确立新的阅读教学价值观。这就是要以学生为阅读的主体, 引导学生变一元解读为多元解读, 正如《课程标准》所言:“注重个性化阅读, 充分调动学生自己的生活经验和知识积累, 在主动积极的思维和感情活动中, 获得独特的感受和体验、理解。”让学生在多元解读的过程中, 张扬个性、完善人格、提高阅读素养。
笔者认为, 在引导学生进行多元解读时, 教师还要把握以下基本的原则:
首先, 要坚持以人为本, 营造宽松愉悦的环境, 让学生能够彰显个性、畅所欲言。“学生的阅读是学生个性化行为”, “阅读教学是学生、教师、文本三者之间的平等对话的过程”。每一个学生都是一个独特的个体, 在多元解读的过程中, 学生对文本的理解不可能高度一致, 应该允许有个人的偏爱, 有自己的独到见解。因此, 教师要营造民主、平等、宽容的课堂环境, 尊重学生的独特感受和体验, 给学生一个宽松、自由的阅读空间。同时, 教师要热情鼓励学生敢于质疑, 敢于创新, 敢于展现自我。
其次, 要发挥主导作用。教师是学生对文本多元解读最初的引导者。对文本多元化解读必然要有一个能够构建解读的支点。教师要抓住文本中这些构建多元化解读的支点, 唤起贮藏在学生头脑中的形象, 引导学生从不同的角度进行思考, 给学生创造一个广阔的思维空间, 让学生自己去探究, 去解读文本的内容, 赋予文本新鲜的生命。正如叶圣陶先生所言:“教师务必启发学生的能动性, 引导他们尽可能自己去探索。”
语文教学中的多元解读必须以文本为基础, 不能脱离时代背景天马行空地去理解, 不能脱离作者的思想进行不着边际的批判和挑剔。任何“脱离文本、反文本”的随意解读和异向思维都将陷入思想的误区。对此, 教师要加以正确的引导, 努力把多元解读引向积极正确的方向, 使消极阐释转化为积极阐释, 避免阅读负效应的产生。教师尊重学生的独特阅读体验, 并非放任自流, 而要对文本的理解有一个大体统一的标准。多元解读不是“多元标准”, 我们不能让学生用个体对文本的解
出于工作需要和个人爱好, 我每年都订阅10余种报刊, 平均每个月要读数百篇文章 (当然其中一部分只是浏览而已) 。每读到让人怦然心动、欣然思动、肃然行动的文章, 都会在我内心生出无限的感激、热爱和幸福, 这种感激和幸福伴随我生活的每一天。
这些让我感动的文章, 主要有三个特点:言之有物, 言之有格, 言之有法。
物, 在这里是内容和实质的意思。所谓言之有物, 就是文章内容实在, 说理透彻, 能把握所论问题的实质。言之有物是好文章的基本标准, 否则, 即使语言再优美, 辞藻再华丽, 表达再充分, 也没什么价值。这就意味着, 在动笔之前, 写作者先要做一番认真的研究工作, 研究一些真问题。真问题不一定是新问题。现在是一个创新的时代, 大家都喜欢谈新问题, 但往往由于对新问题认识不足, 就很难把握问题的内容和实质。其实, 很多老问题也特别值得研究, 比如“因材施教”问题, 有多读代替文本原本的意义。我们在进行多元解读的活动中, 必须明确:一千个读者有一千个哈姆莱特, 但一千个哈姆莱特始终是莎士比亚笔下的哈姆莱特。因此, 我们在肯定文本解读的主观差异的同时必须坚持文本解读的客观统一性, 而其中的引导者和操作者就是教师。尊重学生的个性差异, 倡导多元化解读, 教师要谨记自己“教”的角色, 把握好在阅读教学中的主导作用。
少人把这个老问题研究透了呢?又有多少人能在教育实践中对其驾轻就熟呢?真问题是实际存在的问题。有一次听顾泠沅教授的报告, 他说很多中国优秀教师的教学经验是经过外国的教育研究者总结提升推广的。这不禁使我想到如今我国的教育理论图书市场上, “舶来品”不在少数。在细品其内容时, 我不禁发出感叹, 国内难道没有人能做这样的研究吗?仔细想想, 我们的很多文章是就理说理, 或者“言必称希腊”, 而缺乏与真实教育实际的结合。其实, 言之有物的文章, 必是深深扎根于教育实践, 并对教育实践做了深入研究的结果。
格, 即风格和品格。言之有格就是要思想见解独到, 认识上有深度, 论证的依据充分, 不人云亦云, 表达和行文上有一定特色。当选好所要讨论的问题后, 能否写出好的文章, 关键是能不能提出独到的见解, 并进行充分有力的论证, 或者是合情合理的分析说明。有不少文章谈论的是真问题, 但常常停留在对问题的描述和对其发展的陈述上, 缺乏分析论证, 或者人云亦云, 言不中的。由于对问题的认识缺乏深度, 思维上就缺少广度, 表达上就难以自由, 行文上就不容易有自己的特色。这样的文章缺少启发性、借鉴性和可读性, 当然就算不上好文章。从根源上讲, 还是缺乏对真问题的扎实研究。
法, 即方式、方法。言之有法, 就是指文章结构布局紧凑简约, 遣词造句准确到位, 文气贯通, 语言表达新颖生动, 风格独到, 使用“活生生”的语言。言之有法的基本要求或前提应该是没有病句, 意思表达要尽可能准确, 文章应当明白晓畅, 讨论问题直截了当。文章不仅要自知在写什么, 更要让别人明白其中意味。从阅读的角度讲, 人们喜欢朴素自然的语言, 欣赏那种用浅显的文字表达深刻思想的本领, 而不喜欢过多使用概念 (尤其是新名词) 、冗长沉重的文风。写作时, 在能用简单方式说清问题时, 就不要采取复杂的方式;在能用自己的话充分说理的情况下, 就不要大段引用别人的话。实际上, 我们所关注和讨论的问题, 一般都可以用日常语言和普通概念讲清楚, 如此就无需故作高深了。
文章的这三个特点, 简言之就是:文章要反映思想, 要反映自己独到的思想, 要用流畅自然、易被人接受的方式来反映自己独到的思想。不管是专家教授, 还是教师大众, 好文章的标准其实是“人人平等”的。作为普通教师, 先努力写出自己满意的文章, 就有可能争取写出能让他人也满意的文章。怎样写出满意的文章, 方法是惟一的———多阅读、勤实践、勤动笔, 可谓“一勤解百难”啊。没有“勤”字当头, 再多的专家告诉你再多的“要……”和“应该……”都是无济于事的。反过来, 自己写不出令人满意的文章, 告诉别人再多的“要……”和“应该……”也是无济于事的。
诵读, 即熟读成诵, 是前人甚为看重的读书方法。朱熹说:“大抵观书先须熟读, 使其言皆若出于吾之口;继以精思, 使其意皆若出于吾之心, 然后可以有得尔。”“读书之法, 读一遍了, 又思量一遍, 思量一遍, 又读一遍。读诵者, 所以助其思理, 常教此心在上面流转。”“读一件书, 须心心念念只在这书上, 令彻头彻尾, 读教精熟。”如此等等, 在朱子读书法中是反复强调的。读书百遍其义自见, 这读就包括了诵读。朱光潜在《从我怎样学国文说起》中讲:“私塾的读书程序是先背诵后讲解。在‘开讲’时, 我能了解的很少, 可是熟读成诵, 一句一句地在舌头上滚将下去, 还拉一点腔调, 在儿童时却是一件乐事。这早年读经的教育我也曾跟着旁人咒骂过, 平心而论, 其中也不完全无道理。我现在所记得的书大半还是儿时背诵过的, 当时虽不甚了了, 现在回忆起来, 不断地有新领悟, 其中意味确是深长。”在记忆好的年龄, 确实应当多加诵读。至于讲解, 则可与诵读并重。
如何读英文文章 篇3
Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry—William Shakespeare—but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches.
Stratford-on-Avon:咦,这是什么鬼?不懂!(或许还会有读者把Stratford误读成了Stanford [斯坦福]。)
as we all know:嗯,这个我知道,是“众所周知”的意思。
has only one industry:这个简单,意思是“只有一个工业”。
William Shakespeare:这我知道,是指莎士比亚。
distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches:这一长串单词有点不确定啥意思了,开始有点小纠结了。
下面笔者来与大家分享一下自己读这个句子的心理过程。读到Stratford-on-Avon时,笔者想:“哦,这不就是莎士比亚的故乡嘛,我去过这个地方。”Stratford是英国中部的一个小镇,靠近埃文河(即Avon),因为是莎士比亚的出生地和埋葬地而著名(a town in central England on the River Avon; birthplace and burial place of William Shakespeare),下图的房子就是莎士比亚的故居。
因此,这个小镇每年吸引来自各地的游客,旅游业是该镇的一个支柱产业。这就是为什么下文说“has only one industry—William Shakespeare”,只有一个产业,那就是经营与莎士比亚相关的旅游业。因此,若把这里的industry理解成“工业”,就不对了。
因为有这一旅行经历,笔者看到Stratford-on-Avon这组文字符号时,就能够立即从脑海中提取以往的生活经历,准确地理解这个专有名词的含义,能够把Stratford-on-Avon与下文的William Shakespeare联系起来,并准确理解“has only one industry—William Shakespeare”这部分内容。
这是一条海岸(coast)。当我们汉语里说“海岸边”时,既可以指靠近陆地的这一边,也可以指靠近海水的这一边。也就是说,汉语里的“海岸边”是有歧义的,分不清在陆地上还是在海水里。但是,英文可以明确区分:陆地这边的“海岸边”英文是on the coast,海水里的“海岸边”英文是off the coast。请比较。
1. a. He lived on the coast.
b. The boat was anchored off the coast.
这里b句中船与海岸的位置关系就是off the coast,如果需要具体说明离海岸多远,比如距离海岸两公里,就可以说成two kilometers off the coast。
2. a. Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry.
b. Stratford-on-Avon as we all know it has only one industry.
这里的a句摘自文章开头的句子,而b句则是对a句稍作修改得到的,具体来说,是在a句的as we all know后面加了it。这一修改使得两个句子的意思完全不同(注:在本栏目笔者曾经讨论过as we know与as we know it的区别,此处不再赘述,可参见本刊2012年9月号或是本栏目的结集图书《英语语法新思维——语法难点妙解》)。这显然就不再是词汇问题,而是句法问题,是英文的思维逻辑问题。
Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry—William Shakespeare—but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches.
1. What are the two branches? (这两派都是谁?)
2. Why are they becoming increasingly hostile to each other? (这两派之间为什么越来越敌对?)
①Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry—William Shakespeare—but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches. ②There is the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), which presents superb productions of the plays at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre on the Avon. ③And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the plays, but to look at Anne Hathaway’s Cottage, Shakespeare’s birthplace and the other sights.
①The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny to their revenue. ②They frankly dislike the RSC’s actors, them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness.③It’s all deliciously ironic when you consider that Shakespeare, who earns their living, was himself an actor (with a beard) and did his share of noise-making. (那些可敬的小镇居民认为该剧院没有给他们增添一丁点儿收入。他们坦言不喜欢皇家莎士比亚公司的演员,这些演员留长发、蓄胡子、穿凉鞋、很吵闹。当你想到为他们提供生计的莎士比亚本人就是个留着胡须也爱吵闹的演员时,这真是个可笑的讽刺。)
第一段只是说了存在两派并且两派之间的关系是敌对的。第二段进一步说明了两派敌对的原因:通过第二段的句①、句②,我们明白了双方为什么互相敌视,原来当地居民认为剧院没有给当地收入做出贡献,同时他们也不喜欢剧院的演员们。这里的句①、句②是作者在转述别人的观点和情感态度。句③是作者通过deliciously ironic (可笑的讽刺)在发表评论,并暗含了自己的情感态度:极具讽刺的是,他们赖以生存的莎士比亚当年做演员的时候也是留着胡须并且终日吵闹不堪的。言外之意是,要是莎士比亚在世,难道你们也会如此讨厌他吗?作者对当地居民的嘲讽不言而喻。而对于剧院,作者上文用了superb productions (极好的演出)表达了赞扬。因此,对于敌对双方,作者是比较偏袒剧院这一方的。
如何通过读英文原版书背单词 篇4
A roundup of our recent writing on arts and entertainment.
n. 综述;集拢;围捕;摘要
那么,可以将这个词组理解为:我们最近写的关于艺术和娱乐的综述。这里的综述,也就是朗文当代高级词典所查的第一种含义:a short description of themain parts of the news.
- we are introduced to the narrator, a pilot, and his ideas about grown-ups
Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictorin the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing.
In the book it said: “Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion.”
英文励志文章 篇5
One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites。 Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds darting and dancing。 As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a string kept them in check。
Instead of blowing away with the wind, they arose against it to achieve great heights。 They shook and pulled, but the restraining string and the cumbersome tail kept them in tow, facing upward and against the wind。 As the kites struggled and trembled against the string, they seemed to say, “Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!” They soared beautifully even as they fought the restriction of the string。 Finally, one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose。 “Free at last,” it seemed to say。 “Free to fly with the wind。”
Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze。 It fluttered ungracefully to the ground and landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush。 “Free at last” free to lie powerless in the dirt, to be blown helplessly along the ground, and to lodge lifeless against the first obstruction。
How much like kites we sometimes are。 The Heaven gives us adversity and restrictions, rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength。 Restraint is a necessary counterpart to the winds of opposition。 Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we never soar to reach the heights we might have obtained。 We keep part of the mandment and never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground。
Let us each rise to the great heights, recognizing that some of the restraints that we may chafe under are actually the steadying force that helps us ascend and achieve。
外企英文面试技巧文章 篇6
Dear Ms.Zhang,I am a graduate student at Minzu University of China.I am majoring in corporate management.I am very interested in your company,and your corporate culture attracts me a lot.(介绍自己来自哪个学校、什么专业,表明对公司强烈兴趣)
Therefore, I have searched for information about your company.I am going to graduate soon and would like to ask if your company has any vacancies.I really hope to work for your company.(询问该公司是否有职位空缺)
My research at university is mainly about the operation and management of small and medium-sized companies.I have participated in many small and medium-sized corporate forums and have competedin a variety of related competitions, and I have received many awards.(介绍自己的成就、经验和获得的奖励)I had a short-term summer internship in your company.During the internship, I accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge.I think I am very suitable for your company and hope you can provideme with an employment opportunity.(介绍实
I am looking forward to your reply and hope to get a job interview.If it is convenient for you, please contact me, my phone number is 2222-1111.(请求给予面试机会并留下自己的联系方式。)
文章英文摘要 篇7
Over the past 30 years since the beginning of reforms and opening up, remarkable achievements have been made in the field of opera and musical production in China. However, there do remain some issues that can only be handled by furthering reform policies.
First of all, great productions should always be targeted at the market of a country like China with its particular situation and conditions, and should be conducted very, very cautiously so as to create small- and medium-sized operas and musicals with less investment but higher artistic quality while in the meantime keeping on searching for various market-oriented producing modes.
Secondly, in the present age of multiple opera concepts and styles, the mainstream productions should be as such: the script writing with a complex and vivid plot; the music composition with focus on tonality and with cantabile melody and voice as the main means of expression which can be actively assisted by the dramatic expression of the orchestra, making the main part of the singing easily acceptable to the audience;and the majority of singers with their eyes on the market and the audience, taking the theatric nature and appeal of an opera as the major starting point from where the artists should be able to draw the audience to the theatre by creating exquisite plays that can be enjoyed by every single spectator.
Thirdly, the popularity, entertaining nature and urban culture of a musical should be studied with great attention, while investigation should also be undertaken to find out the real interest of ordinary people and the regularities of musical production and marketing. We should also learn from the mature experience of Western musical productions and make the best use of our traditional culture as well, trying our best to integrate all relevant elements such as scripts, music and other artistic means so as to create something that would ″look beautiful, sound great and be enjoyed by all″.
Fourthly, composers and playwrights should have the sense of high morality and quality and should be free from any unhealthy ways of creation such as rashness, superficiality, extravagance and exaggeration, and should fight against such mean behaviours as acting blindly or eagerly for quick success, ignoring the reality, fabricating totally groundlessly, keeping no promises or failing to perform one's duty.
Fifthly, more opera and musical producers, managers and business professionals should be trained, as they are the must when Chinese operas and musicals are going to be marketized or to be enjoyed by the audience. Luckily, such metropolises as Shanghai and Beijing have already seen talents of this kind who have had enough experience and lessons as well from their past careers in organising commercial performances of operas and musicals, and who will surely encourage more successors to follow suit.
I believe that both operas and musicals should have great market and great audience in China. As long as playwrights and composers observe the artistic and market rules, work hard to improve their own ability and creativity, and search for more ways of development in the face of the opportunities and challenges, it is then for sure that opera and musical production in China will definitely be anticipating a brighter future in this new century!
The Future Belongs to the Children:Written on the
Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment
of the Children and Young Women's Choir of China
National Symphony Orchestra
December 21st, 2008. It was the coldest day in Beijing since the winter came. However, the Forbidden City Concert Hall still saw so many people coming to the concert in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the world famous Children and Young Women's Choir of the China National Symphony Orchestra.
A big audience filled the concert hall. They came to share the happiness of the children and the entire concert show was so impressive that, to a spectator like me who has enjoyed their shows for several times, each image of their wonderful performance would remain in my mind, so unforgettable and so striking.
The choir was founded in 1983 by Prof. Yang Hongnian, music educator at the Central Conservatory of Music. He and his family have devoted so much to the development of the choir. The past 25 years saw its growth from the birth to today's fruitful achievements, with both joys and tears, but always persistent in pursuing their dream.
Shortly before the concert started, Li Lanqing, former Chinese Vice-Premier, sent his message for the choir: ″Developing the choral art to raise the general quality of the youth and enrich the cultural life of the society.″ This is not only an encouragement, but also a real portrait of the choir itself. Yang's wife, Prof. Tang Chongqing, the choir's artistic director, also a musician, unveiled some untold stories about the choir to the audience at the concert hall. Over the past 25 years, the choir has brought music and love to almost every corner of the world. As early as in 1987, the choir participated in the 3rd International Children's Choir Festival in Washington D.C. where they received the Diploma of Highest Appreciation with signature of the former US President Ronald Reagan. This marks the beginning of their world tours of singing as little ambassadors of peace, friendship and love. The choir has given nearly 600 shows for the past twenty years in such countries as Hungary, Austria, Japan, Singapore, Monaco, Italy, Sweden, Russia, Germany, Korea and Canada, as well as the region of Taiwan where they were praised as ″the common pride of the Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait″. The choir has so far won eight prizes at international contests, including four great prizes at the 44th International Polyphonic Contest ″Guido d'Arezzo″ in Italy in 1996, the only Special Prize at the Moscow Young Talents Music Festival in honouring the 200th Birthday of Alexander Pushkin and the First Prize ″Golden Tuning Fork″ at the First International Chorus TV Contest in Russia in 1999. Moreover, they visited Monaco and Moscow together with the Chinese delegation for bidding for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, and in particular, 66 members of the choir sang the Olympic Hymn a cappella at the Opening Ceremony of the 29th Summer Olympiad in Beijing on August 8, 2008, winning great attention from all over the world.
Apart from international chorus festival and concert shows, the choir has also attended numerous charity performances for the Project Hope, the SOS Orphans' Village and foreign elderly houses as well as reform centres. These regularly held charity concerts fulfilled the very objective of the choir for ″love and contribution″. The young singers of the group enjoy not only the joy of the music, but also the charms of the music. One member said that ″the choir helps me feel the happiness and sentiment that can never be described in words, and makes me touched in the cleanest and also the most sensitive heart, and this state of being touched helps me understand that I can have something that I believe in, something from the bottom of my heart rather than a particular person or deity or any doctrine or argument.″ The choir is thus filled with love and care just as the teachers love the children and vice versus.