


如何教你用英文卖关子 篇1

You may already be aware of some of China’s traditional styles of music, as well as some of its instruments. Confucius, who lived around 2500 years ago, was said to be a skilled musician and set the ‘guidelines’ for good quality music.

Unlike western style music, traditional Chinese music was not meant to be danced to and was instead meant to ‘promote tranquillity’. Because of this, Chinese music does not tend to have any emphasis on beat or rhythm.

Here are some of the instruments common to traditional Chinese music

二胡 (èr hú) – a two stringed violin type instrument that is used to expressed sadness and to imitate birds and singing.

古筝 (gǔ zhēng) – an 18-23 stringed instrument that is plucked horizontally. It is usually played solo, by a female musician at an opera or concert.

琵琶 (pí pa) – 4 stringed instrument, similar to a medieval lute. The instrument was popular in Chengdu, the capital during the Tang Dynasty and is now most commonly seen in performances.

笛子 (dí zi) – a flute made from bamboo with around 6 finger holes. One hole was covered with paper to create a raspy noise.

中国风 (zhōng guó fēng) : “Chinese Style” Music

中国风 (zhōng guó fēng) means “China Wind” in literally. Zhongguo feng mixes elements of traditional Chinese music, Chinese opera and poetry with modern pop music. 中国风 (zhōng guó fēng) comes from 中国风格的 (zhōng guó fēng gé de)meaning ‘Chinese Style’and was first seen in , when Jay Chou 周杰伦 (zhōu jié lún), the Taiwanese Pop star released ‘East Wind Breaks’ 东风破 (dōng fēng pò). The song is a modern R&B song with the traditional instruments of the 二胡 (èr hú) and 琵琶 (pí pa). ‘East Wind Breaks’ uses a traditional element of Chinese music, known as the pentatonic scale. A pentatonic scale has 5 notes per octave, as oppose to a heptatonic scale that has 7. Heptatonic scales are more commonly found in western style music.

东风破 (dōng fēng pò) (East Wind Breaks)

Actually, Jay Chou周杰伦 (zhōu jié lún) and song writer Vincent Fang 方文山 (fāng wén shān), had been creating many traditionally influenced songs apart from ‘East Wind Breaks’ 东风破 (dōng fēng pò)..

When interviewed about ‘zhong guo feng’, 方文山 (fāng wén shān) said he was

always concerned about the subjects about nation, tradition and culture. When this cultural consciousness is combined with music, lyrics with so called “China Wind” element are naturally created.


教你用经典英文称赞美别人 篇2

You do a g00d job.你干得非常好。

We’re so proud of you.我们十分为你骄傲。

I’m very pleased with your work.我对你的工作非常满意。

This is reallv a nice place.这真是个好地方!

You’re 100king sharp!你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。

You always know the right thing to say.你总能说到点子上。

You’re very eloquent.你说话总是很得体。

Nice going!=you do a good job.干得好!

The food is delicious.好吃!

Everything tastes great.每样东西都很美味!

What an adorable baby!多么可爱的孩子。

I admire your work.我羡慕你的工作。

You’ve got a great personality.你的个性很好。

You have a good sense of humor.你真幽默。

Your Chlnese is yeally surprising.你的中文令人驚讶。

Your English is incredihle.我真不敢相信你的英语。

You have a very successful business.你的事业很成功

You’re very professional.你非常专业。

You’re so smart.你非常聪明。

I envv you verv lllUeh.我非常羡慕你。

You’re really talented.你很有天赋。

You look nice in that color.你穿那种颜色很好看。

Y0u have a good taste.你很有品位。

Y0u look like a million dollars.=you look outstanding.

教你用可选颜色调色 篇3












如何教你用英文卖关子 篇4



教你用PS制作个人简历 篇5



创作工具:PS 7.0/CS

1. 打开PS,新建一个空白文档,取名“封面.psd”宽度和高度分别是42厘米、29.7厘米,分辨率300像素/英寸,模式选用CMYK模式。点击菜单“视图→标尺”,调出刻度尺。点击菜单“视图→新参考线”,弹出“参考线”对话框,“取向”选择“垂直”,在“位置”后输入“21”,确定后将在图片中央出现一条垂直的蓝色参考线,这样我们可以区分开封面和封底。

2. 选择“矩形工具”在参考线右侧绘制宽1厘米的矩形,颜色为灰绿色(RGB:194,202,193)模式为“变暗”,透明度为“90”。选择“画笔工具”,选择“矩形”18像素笔触,间距为240%,在刚绘制的矩形右侧绘制一根虚线,将颜色设置得更深一点。本作品配色,主要使用的是相似色,这样整体感比较协调。

3. 打开竹叶素材,将其拖入“封面.psd”中,点击菜单“编辑→自由变换”,改变竹叶图片的大小和位置。“自由变换”是PS中常用的工具,使用“Ctrl T”快捷键调出更方便,


4. 新建一文件,宽度和高度分别是1像素、5像素,“内容”为透明,“确定”。按“Ctr ”,将图片视图放大,在三分之一处绘制白色矩形。

全选该图片(“Ctrl A”),点击菜单“编辑→定义图案”,PS将把该图片作为填充样本存入库。关闭该图,不需保存。

