


如何写好英文论文摘要 篇1




2.语言简洁。避免使用一长串形容词或名词来修饰名词。不加评论语句,如“相当满意”、“令人可喜”等。不使用多余的词语,如“据报道……”、“大量的调查表明……”等。尽量减少背景信息,如历史或其它注释。不要写作者将来的打算。应尽量删去的主要字句有:in this paper、based on the analyses conducted、on the above basis、in detail、briefly、mainly、in addition、qualitatively、furthermore等等;



A mathematical model for digital closed-loop fiber-optics gyroscopes was established to get the difference equation of the model.To study…,To describe…,To investigate…,To assess…,To determine…








Ground-speed/air-speed control of airplane during

penetration of wind shear

To design the control logic during the penetration of wind shear, nonlinear inverse dynamics method was employed to achieve the decoupling of the nonlinear flight control system and the implementation of the real-time/on-line control for the flight trajectory.Climb rate/air speed control mode in the wind-coordinate system and climb rate/ground-speed control mode in the ground-coordinate system were developed.These two modes were integrated to form ground speed/air speed control law.The simulative calculation results show that the nonlinear inverse dynamics method works effective in the trajectory control of airplane during the penetration of wind shear.感应加热中功率延伸电缆结构形式的优选设计


Optimization design of connecting power cable in induction heating In some induction heating process, induction coil is connected with power source through connecting power cable.In order to solve the problem of lower heating efficiency brought by connecting power cable, the power loss and the energy stored in inductance during induction heating were calculated.The parallel solid cables, the coaxial hollow cables and the cables made by lots of electrically insulated slim lines were tested and analyzed.It shows that the cables made by lots of electrically insulated slim lines have the lowest power loss and the coaxial hollow cables have the lowest inductance.So an advantageous cable structure is put forward, which is arrayed around same axis by lots of electrically insulated slim lines for both inside conductor, and outside conductor, and the middle of inside conductor is hollow.

如何写好英文简历? 篇2

当然,如果您在中学时得过国际奥林匹克比赛大奖或全国性的大奖,不妨提上一笔。另外,写英文简历还需要特别注意以下几点 1.绝无拼写错误。现在文字处理软件都有拼写检查(Spelling Check),您实在没有理由拼错,否则雇主会觉得您连最基本的东西都不去做。因此这是完全不能容许的错误。 2.小心相近字。这是拼写检查查不出的错误,要尤为小心。例如,有一位专业是经济学的同志,他本应写Major: Economics(专业:经济学),但却误写成了Mayor: Economy,摇身一变,成了主管经济的市长。 3.避免明显的语法错误。这并不是说一点儿语法错误都没有,因为英语毕竟不是咱们的母语,稍微有一点小错,别人也是能够谅解的。 4.请友人帮忙看一下,这是非常有效的一个方法。一是从拼写、语法、句式等方面来看,有无错误;二是从构思的角度上来看,有没有更合适、更恰当的表达。旁观者清,换一个角度,别人经常能提出一些特别好的建议来。 5. Objective写不写?有人写,有人不写。其实写和不写各有利弊。如果写上,当然显得目标明确,非这个行业、这个部门不可,但同时也就限制了您在别的行业发展的可能性。比如,毕业生在申请象时明确写上了所选部门,那么万一这个部门没有录用您,而您又好象非这个部门不可,您就很可能失去了在其他部门工作的机会。但如果您什么都不写,雇主参照您的背景和一些测试的结果也许认为您更适合别的部门,这样您就可能获得新的机会。通常美式简历的规范写法都是不写Objective的。 来源:www.lizhi123.net.cn

如何写好英文简历中的页眉部分 篇3



例如“李扬”:1) yang li 2) yang li 3) yang li 4) yang li 5) li,yang 6) li yang 7) li yang

我们认为这7种都有可接受,比如说第四种-yang li,很方便招聘人员,尤其是人事部经理为中国人;但标准的、外资公司流行的简历中的名字写法,则是第二种,yang li.

有人用粤语拼写自己的姓氏,比如,王写成wong,李写成lee.这只是香港人的拼法,并不是国际的拼法。另外,有一小部分人用外国人的姓,如mary smith,这是非常不可取的。因为如果你用外国人的姓,别人会认为你是外国人,或者你父亲是外国人,或者你嫁给了外国人。

双字名,也有四种写法,例:1)xiao-feng 2)xiao-feng 3)xiaofeng 4)xiao feng,列出四种来,我们建议用第三种,xiaofeng,最简单方便。大家一看就知是名而不是姓,要不然,大家有可能会误认为你是姓肖的,




∏懊嬉欢加地区号,如(86-10)。因为你是在向外国公司求职,你的简历很可能被传真到伦敦、纽约,大家不知道你的地区号,也没有时间去查。另外,国外很流行“user friendly”,即想尽办法给对方创造便利,尤其是在找工作时,更要加深这一意识。


G号后的括号和号码间加空格,如(86-10) 6505-2266.这是英文写作的规定格式。



中英文摘要 篇4



















扭转和拉伸形变都会导致SWNTs拉曼模振动频率的变化。研究发现:(1)扭转形变下,RBM变大,位于~1600 cm-1的G+(E2(g))模振动频率发生较大的红移,而其他在1590 cm-1~1560

cm-1范围内的大部分G模会发生轻微的蓝移,振动频率发生红移的G模的位移量,一般远远大于发生蓝移的G模的位移量;(2)拉伸形变下,RBM和G+(E2(g))模振动频率不变,而在1590 cm-1~

1560 cm-1范围内的大部分G模会发生明显的红移。(3)不同Raman活性模对形变的敏感度不同,扭转形变下,RBM、位于~1600 cm-1的G+(E2(g))模比其他G模更敏感,而在拉伸形变下,其他G模却具有更高的敏感度。这与形变导致的发生变化的C-C键是否与各模的原子位移模式相关联有关;(4)通过对SWNTs中形变量大小和Raman频率对形变变化率d/d地计算,发现RBM振动频率对扭转形变的变化率d(RBM)/dt,随SWNTs手性角的增大几乎线性增大。






AFM Manipulation, Deformation and Related Raman Spectroscopy of

Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

Duan Xiaojie


The study on deformed carbon nanotubes(CNTs), including the study of their structure evolution and properties change under strain, is important not only for the application of CNTs in composite materials, strain sensors, nanoelectronic and nanoelectromechanical devices, but also for the development of related theory.In this thesis, we have developed controlled atomic force microscopy(AFM)manipulation techniques for single-wall carbon nanotubes(SWNTs)on surfaces.Using this controlled AFM manipulation, the buckling behavior of CNTs under bending, and resonance Raman spectroscopy of SWNTs under torsional and uniaxial strains, have been studied.The main results are listed as followings:

1.Controlled AFM manipulation techniques for SWNTs on surfaces have been developed By defining proper tip path, manipulation position on SWNT, and choosing optimal tip pressing distance, different kinds of deformation can be induced into SWNT.The deformation is stabilized by the interaction between SWNTs and substrate.To get controlled AFM manipulation, a new kind of nanofabrication---nano-welding has been invented based on the AFM oxidation of Si substrate.When the Si substrate with SWNT on top of it is oxidized by the AFM tip, the newly formed SiOx will grow around the tube, effectively fixing that site of SWNT onto the Si substrate.The existence of SWNT can enhance the oxidation of Si.With same oxidation condition, more SiOx can be produced with the presence of SWNT than the case where there is no SWNT.This is helpful for the fixing.The intensity of the welding can be modulated by changing the oxidation voltage and the tip moving speed.With higher voltage and slower tip moving, stronger welding can be obtained.From the thermal oxidation of SWNTs in air and the Raman characterization, it was found that this nano-welding has no obvious influence on the chemical structure of SWNTs.Together with this nano-welding, the magnitude and distribution of strain induced into SWNT by AFM manipulation can be well controlled.Both SWNT and Si can be oxidized when using stronger oxidation condition(much higher voltage and lower tip moving speed), thus the SWNT can be cut at well defined position.Combining this AFM cutting, nano-welding and manipulation, complex SWNT-based structures can be constructed, proved the function of AFM as a nano-toolbox.2.The buckling behavior of CNTs under bending has been studied

By choosing proper manipulation site on SWNT, the length of the fragment which is being manipulated, manipulation path, and optimal tip pressing distance, the angle can be well controlled when SWNT is bent by AFM manipulation.Based on this controlled bent of CNT by AFM manipulation, A CNT with a series of different bending angles has been obtained.The interaction between manipulated SWNT fragment and substrate is largely decreased after the manipulation.And the effective bending region is located at the fragment where Only vdW interaction exists between it and the substrate.It appears as the cross point between the fixed SWNT part and

manipulated SWNT part in the AFM image.Only vdW force exists between the effective bending region and substrate, and its length keeps constant when changing the bending angle.Through recording the height change at the effective bending region when changing the bending angle gradually, The structural evolution and buckling behavior has been investigated under the bending.Two distinct „abrupt‟ and „gradual‟ buckling modes have been revealed in different CNTs.For the „abrupt‟ buckling mode, the height of the bending „point‟ has a sudden increase, and an abrupt transition from the uniform bending to buckling happens.While the „gradual‟ mode corresponds to a gradual increase of the height at the bending „point‟, with a gradual transition from uniform bending to buckling.The „gradual‟ buckling results in a series of buckling intermediate formation.„Abrupt‟ buckling mode is mostly found for small diameter CNTs, while for large diameter CNTs, the „gradual‟ mode is more common.Through the estimation of the wall numbers and thickness of CNTs, it was found that the CNTs with „abrupt‟ buckling mode has smaller thickness diameter ratio than the CNTs with „gradual‟ buckling mode.The critical buckling angle decreases with the increase of CNT diameter for the „abrupt‟ buckling mode.The buckling behavior has also been investigated by molecular dynamics(MD)simulations.It was found:(1)for all the CNTs studied, the SWNTs have “abrupt” buckling mode, and double and three walled CNTs take “gradual” buckling modes;(2)the “gradual” buckling corresponded to the process that different tube walls of MWNTs buckled at different bending stages, and the buckling degree of individual tube walls gradually increased along with the bending strain increase.This is caused by the unsynchronization of the buckling for different walls caused by the multi-shell character, and the retarding of buckling by the inter-wall vdW force.The study on the formation of the two buckling modes found that the multi-shell structure of MWNTs accounts for the “gradual” buckling modes;(3)The MD studies also proved that the vdW interaction with substrate has no remarkable effect on CNTs buckling behavior.The study on the buckling mechanism suggests that except for the diameter, the wall number also determines the buckling behavior.This means for the mechanical properties of CNTs, a special “dual-size” effect may exists, that is, both the size and the thickness determine the CNTs mechanical behavior.By using controlled AFM manipulation, the work here observed the structural evolution and buckling formation almost in the whole bending process.The founding about the two buckling modes, not only provides support and reference for the relevant theoretical study, fills the gap between theory and experiment, but also is important for the application of CNTs in composite materials, nanoelectronics and NEMs, and strain sensors.3.The resonance Raman spectroscopy of individual SWNTs under torsional and uniaxial

strain has been investigated

The AFM manipulation can induce both torsional and uniaxial strains into the ultra-long straight SWNTs.Because the longer propagation distance of uniaxial strain than the torsional strain, only pure uniaxial strain exists at region far from the manipulation point.While at region close to the manipulation sites, both the two strains happen.The formation of torsional strain suggested the rolling of SWNT under the present AFM manipulation.Both uniaxial and torsional strain can change the Raman vibrational frequency.It was found that:

(1)the RBM and G-band spectra responded differently to the two types of strains.Under torsional strain, RBM frequency RBM was found to upshift and one of the modes assigned to E2 symmetry in the G+ band, which occurs at ~1600 cm-1(G+(E2(g))), downshifted significantly, whereas the rest G

modes located in the range of 1590 cm-1~1560 cm-1 are slightly upshifted.The redshift of the(G+(E2(g)), ismuch larger that the buleshift of other G modes;(2)Under uniaxial strain, RBM and G+(E2(g))do not have noticeable response and the rest of the G modes in the range of 1590 cm-1~1560 cm-1 are downshifted.(3)Different Raman modes have different sensitivity to both strains.RBM and G+(E2(g))is more sensitive to torsion than other G modes.Whereas under uniaxial strain, other G modes have larger sensitivity than RBM and G+(E2(g)).This is related to the correlation between the C-C bond change and the atom vibrational displacement of different modes;(4)The

calculation on the strain magnitude and frequency shift of Raman modes per strains d/d found that, under torsional strain, d(RBM)/dt nearly linearly increased along with the increase of the tube chirality angle.G-band was found to split into multiple sub-bands in some cases, presumably due to broken symmetry induced by torsion.This splitting is most likely found in zig-zag and armchair SWNTs.Both the uniaxial and torsional strains can change the intensity of resonant Raman peaks.This is originated from the influence of strains on electronic tranision energy Eii.From this change, the

modulation direction and magnitude of strains on the electronic transition energy of SWNTs can be calculated.The influence of strain on the resonant Raman spectra of SWNTs has drawn much attention recently.The work here firstly experimentally studied the torsional strain effect on resonant Raman spectra of SWNTs.And the study in the single SWNT scale by AFM manipulation can exclude the average effect originated from different diameter and chiraligy.This helps to reveal the intrinsic property of SWNts.The comparison of uniaxial and torsional strain for same SWNT, also benefit the understanding of the influence of different strains on SWNTs.4.The analysis and modulation of strain distribution along SWNTs axis, and the comparison

of related mechanical parameters of different SWNTs

英文摘要论文 篇5


























As a necessary tool in life and work, computer brings great convenience, but at the same time might be harmful to peoples health.

Firstly, improper use of the computer may affect peoples health directly.

Computer radiation may induce eye diseases.

Long time use of computers will bring about much discomfort in the wrist, neck and waist.

Overconcentration on the computer as well as frequent quick movements of hands and eyes may also exert heavy burdens on the body and the mind, leading to dreaminess, neurasthenia, and even mental diseases.

Secondly, unrestrained use of computers or the internet may lead to Net Syndrome, which is characterized by sleep disorder, depression or loss of appetite.

Thirdly, ozone released by computers may contribute to respiratory problems, even lung diseases.

Then how should we reduce the health risks related to computers and the internet? The key lies in proper use.

To begin with, computer users should enhance their self-awareness of health care.

They are suggested to take a 10-minute break every one hour, exercise regularly and have routine physical and mental checkups.

What’s more, a good working environment should be created by using proper lighting and keeping the room ventilated.

Finally, computer users are supposed to replenish nutrition through carrot, cabbage, orange, milk, eggs and meats, which are rich in vitamin A and protein.

论文中英文摘要 篇6













Improvements on Pushover Analysis Procedure

Mao Jianmeng


How to select the adequate procedure for seismic analysis and design of structures is an essential problem in earthquake engineering field.With the development of Performance-based Seismic Design, Pushover Analysis procedure has attracted many scientists’ and engineers’ attentions and been widely used for its conceptual simplicity and computational attractiveness.To overcome the limitation of Pushover Analysis procedure, some improvements on this procedure were performed in this paper, including the improvement on Modal Pushover Analysis, the revision of target displacement from the pushover analysis for reinforced concrete frame, the correlation of structural response parameters with different lateral load patterns, and the computation of the structural hysteretic energy based on Modal Pushover Analysis etc.The main contents of this dissertation are as follows.1.There is an important assumption that the pushover load patterns keep unchanged even after the structure yields in Modal Pushover Analysis procedure.Recognized the adoption of invariable lateral force distributions in the Modal Pushover Analysis procedure, an improved modal pushover analysis procedure is presented in this paper to estimate the seismic demands of structures, considering the redistribution of inertia forces.It is suggested that after establishing the idealized bilinear curve, a pushover analysis is once again conducted for the first mode in two phases: before and after the structure yields.For the two phases, the structural elastic natural mode and the floor displacement vector at the initial yielding point are used as the displacement shape vector, respectively.2.The approximately estimating method of displacement of reinforced concrete(RC)frame from static pushover analysis(POA)is developed with that from non-linear response history analysis(RHA).Based on the statistic analyses of the RHA and POA results for five RC frames with different height under 80 ground motions recorded at four site conditions, the revised formula of displacements from POA is presented from RHA.The results show that the site soil condition has an important effect on the relation between RHA and POA response results.And the POA results for I and IV site condition should be revised with the formula given in this study while the POA results for II and III site condition can be approximately considered as same to the RHA results.3.The RHA under 15 ground motions recorded on the medium site condition and POA with different lateral load patterns are performed for four RC structures with different height.Several important response quantities are obtained from the RHA and POA, including capacity curves, top displacement ratios and story drift ratios, and location of plastic hinges.The influence of different load patterns on the structural performance demands is discussed for the low-and the high-wise structures.And the rational load patterns for the low-and the high-wise structures are also suggested.4.A simple procedure is presented in this paper for estimating hysteretic energy demands of MDOF systems based on the modal pushover analysis(MPA).Firstly, the characteristic parameters of the modal SDOF systems of structures are computed, and the hysteretic energy is calculated for the modal SDOF systems, then the hysteretic energy demand of structures is obtained by combining these modal demands.In addition, with statistic results of nonlinear analysis of SDOF for 320 ground motions recorded at four site conditions, the equal-strength hysteretic energy design spectra are presented for different site condition and intensity regions.Key words: pushover analysis procedure, capacity spectrum method, the

modal pushover analysis, lateral load patterns, hysteretic
