


人教版高二unit3教案 篇1

Art and architecture

New words:

1. design vt. 设计,计划

1) vt.设计

He had designed all the scenes.


a) be designed for

to do

This found is designed to help worthy students.

The course of study ids designed to help those wishing to teach abroad.

b)be meant for打算给(谁),打算(作什么用)

What (Who) is this meant for?

Is this picture meant for me?

The room was originally meant for workers’ reading-room.


be intended for (原)打算给(某人),准备让…干

I intended ( meant ) that for you.

I intended these flowers for your mother , but as she is away I’d be glad if you would accept them.

This gift is intended for you.

The movie is intended for the adults only.

n. 1) 设计[c,u]

2)图案,图样,式样[c] pattern

I like the design of your furniture.

The cloth has a pattern of red and white squares.

*by design有意地 (反) by accident 无意地

Did you do it by design or by accident?

2. furniture n. [u]

The room was small and contained far too much furniture.

The furniture was moved in.

a piece of / an article of furniture 一件家具

3. convenient adj. suited to one ‘s needs 便利的, 适宜的

a convenient house/ time/ store

It is convenient to do sth.

be convenient to sb./ for sb. 不能人作主语

Will the 3:30 train be convenient for you?

Come whenever it is convenient to you.

It is convenient to live in the modern house.

convenience n. 方便, 合适 [u]

at one’s convenience在方便的时侯,以方便的方式

Deal with it at your convenience.

We’ll meet at your convenience.

4.construct vt. build, more formal than make

construction n.

under construction

There are two new hotels near here under construction.

5.impress vt.

1) fill sb. with admiration给人深刻的印象,引人注目

be impressed by/ at / with被…所感动

I was very impressed by/ with their new house.

We were deeply impressed by his deeds.

2)铭刻,铭记, 让明白(…的重要性)

impress on sb. sth.=impress sb. with sth.

My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.

He impressed me with the importance of the work.

=He impressed on me the importance of the work.

3) be impressed on one’s mind/ memory被印在脑海里,留下很深印象

What he said that day was deeply impressed on my memory.

6. belong to (1.不能用被动2.只有一般时,不用进行时)

That dictionary belongs to me.

is belong to me.×

is belonged to me.×

is belonging to me.×

belongs to mine.×

is mine.

China is a country belonging to the third world.

belongs to×

which is belonged to×

belonged to×

which belongs to


1. If …were/ did …, … would …

If I were you, I would go with him.

If she stayed at home now, she would be watching TV.

If …did/ should/ were to…, … would…

If …had done…,…would have done…

2. I’d prefer


1) prefer+ n.

Would you like to live in a modern flat or do you prefer a traditional house?

2) prefer + to do

In which house would you prefer to live?

3) prefer + doing

I prefer working on my own.

4) prefer sb./ sth. to sb. / sth.

Even today, most Americans prefer coffee to tea.

5) prefer doing to doing

I prefer staying at home watching TV to going shopping out.

6) would prefer that

I’d prefer that the job were a little closer to my home.

3. I’d rather

1) would/ had rather do

I’d rather go myself.

2) would rather have done宁愿做过

I’d rather not have said that.

3) would rather do ..than ..do

I’d rather stay at home than go out.

Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the streets.

4)would rather did

I’d rather you went there.

4.take examples from模仿

His designs tale examples mainly flowers and plants.

follow ( copy) example of 以…为榜样

set an example to

take … for example

5. have sth./ sb. do

have sb. / sth. doing

have sth. done 1)让别人来做某事2)遭到某种情况

have sth./ sb. to do

won’t have sb. doing容忍

1) I won’t have him cheat me.

2)He had the fire burning all night.

I had a car waiting at the gate.

3) I’ll have my bike repaired.

Why didn’t you have your suit cleaned?

King Charlie had his head cut off.

She had her watch stolen.

4) Do you have any clothes to wash?

Do you have any clothes to be washed?

5) I won’t have you saying like that.

get sb. to do sth.

get sb./sth. doing

get sth. done

get married /changed/drunk

eg. Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had ___ went wrong again.

A. it B. it repaired C.repaired D. to be repaired

6. 1)find + O + adj.

I found English hard to learn.

2)find +O + n.

I find it a hard book.

3)find + O + doing

We found him waiting to receive us.

4)find + O + done

On his return from his office, he found the house deserted.

He found the door closed.

5)find + O + adv.

We went to her house but we found her out.

6)find + O + prep. phr.

I found myself in prison.

7)find + O + to be

I find the Chinese people to be happy and cheerful.

We found him ( to be ) dishonest.=that he was dishonest.

8)find + O + that

I called on her this evening ; but I found she had gone to the country on a visit.

7.go against 1)违背,违反

You can’t go against nature.

Her father is so strict that she is scared to go against his wishes.

2) 对…不利

The case may go against you.

The game was going against us.

8.While in traditional architecture materials such as earth, stone, brick and wood are used, the materials of modern architecture are steel, glass and concrete. 传统建筑使用土石和砖木等材料,而现代建筑的材料是钢铁和混凝土等。


Jane was dressed in brown while Mary was dressed in blue.

Books were everywhere on the floor while magazines covered the table.

9. include包括,包含(部分,可能还有别的)

contain 1) to hold装2)包含,含有(强调整个)

The plan includes most of your suggestions.

The price includes both house and furniture.

Everyone laughed, me included.

including me.

This bottle contains two glasses of beer.

His paper contains no mistakes at all.

Hamburger is a kind of food containing fat

contains ×

contained ×

to contain ×

which contains

10. 1) despite

He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.

2) in spite of

He came to the meeting in spite of rain.

3) although

Although my car is very old, I don’t want to buy a new car.

4) though

Though it is hard , I enjoy it.

5) as

Young as (though) he is, he knows a lot.

Hard as he studied, he failed.

Try as he might, he failed.


Why do you want a new job when you’ve got such

a good one already? 你已经有了这么好的工作,


7) while尽管,虽然(多放在句首)

While they are my neighbours, I don’t know them well.

While I understand what you say, I don’t agree with you.

11.refer to

12.pull down

13. decorate…with… 用…装饰

be decorated with

She decorated her room with flowers.

All the walls of her room are decorated with pictures of pop stars.

14.remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事,使某人想起

remind sb. to do sth.

remind sb. that

This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed in last year.

Remind me to write to Mother.

The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.

The sight of the clock reminded me to leave at once.

15.compare …with…

compare… to…

compared with/ to…同…相比

When ___, the museum will be open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being Completed D. to be completed

16.set aside

1) save for a special purpose把…放在一边,搁置;留出

She set aside a little money every week.

He set aside the book and turned off the light.

2)pay no attention to无视,不管

Setting aside what I think, what would you like to do?不用管我怎么想,你想干什么?

17. of different sizes

of + n.用来表示人或事物说具有的特征或性质,作表语或后置定语

a. 指人,物(表语)

They were both of middle height.

be of different sizes, weights, shapes

b. (定语)

He is a man of character.

I don’t find anything of interest (anything interesting)?

c. be of great value/ interest / use/ importance/benefit/ help

be very valuable/ interesting/ useful/ important /beneficial / helpful

The book is of great value.

The book is very valuable.

18. far from 1)远

How far is it from your office to the bank?

2) 远远不是,不仅不…(而且)

a. far from doing

She is far from being pleased about it; she is very angry.

Far from admiring his paintings, I dislike them intensely.强烈地

b. far from + adj.

It is far from perfect.

She was sure that she was far from happy.

But I was still far from satisfied.

人教版高二unit3教案 篇2



教学内容为人教版新课标选修八第三单元Inve ntors and Inventions中Reading部分的以读促写。《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》指出,“听、说、读、写这四种语言技能在语言学习和交际中相辅相成、相互促进”(教育部2003)。本课以阅读材料为前半堂课的教学内容,后半堂课的写作部分是分析并运用课文中的精彩句型进行仿写,这是一种创新教学模式。











1. 教学重点和难点


2. 教学设计思路



1把课型定为Summary Writing。先讲解summary写作的一般性要求,然后给出课文第一部分summary的范例,再留6分钟时间让学生写第二部分summary,最后挑选优秀作品进行展示。

2把课题定为How to write the first paragraph。以课文为范例,讲解怎样写好文章的开头部分,留8分钟时间让学生写作,剩余时间依旧为优秀作品展示。








Step 1:Warming Up&Leading in


本堂课的第一步是由执教Reading部分的教师引出“Only+状语”的倒装句型(见图1)。通过问题“Do you think the sentence in our textbook is a little bit strange for you to understand?Do you want to know more about it?Then let’s welcome Mr.Fan to tell you more about it.”引出后半堂课的执教内容和执教教师,再由Writing部分的执教教师对两个句子稍加分析:Which of the two sentences do you think is better?


Step 2:Practicing

提供给学生更多的例句(例句中体现出情态动词、助动词、be动词),让他们自行改成Only提前的倒装句(见图2)。学生可以齐答,也可以小组代表回答。三句都转换完成后,教师要求学生read out the beautifully written sentences。


Step 3:Group Work



Step 4:Practice according to the students’own abilities




Step 5:Brief Summary



Step 6:Assignment

Write five sentences using the structure we have learned.(见图4)










本堂课的写作部分以课文中出现的精彩句型赏析为输入,通过创设情境,引导学生输出。在Exercise Sheet中的第三层次问题还创设了自由发挥的空间,促使学生输出精彩句子。






Cohen,A.D.2000.Strategies in Learning and Using Second Language[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Eskey,D.E.1993.Reading and writing as both cognitive process and social behavior[A].In J.Carson&I.Leki,Reading in the Composition Classroom:Second Language Perspectives[C].Boston:Heinle&Heinle Press,220-241.

人教版高二unit3教案 篇3


本教学设计的内容为PEP小学英语三年级下册第三单元C 部分的Story time,整体教学思路设计如下图:



本单元以动物为话题,重点是描述动物的体貌特征,通过设计的教学任务来训练Look at the… Its … It has…句型的使用。 这个单元的教学内容与三年级上册Unit 4 We love animals.认识小动物有紧密的联系,在以前的学习中学生已经掌握了部分动物的词汇。这个话题贴近学生生活,他们对描述小动物的体态特征比较熟悉且感兴趣,教学活动比较容易开展,可以在让学生掌握课本知识的基础上适当进行拓展,以丰富学生知识。本课是第三单元的故事课,通过听说使学生掌握并运用与动物有关的目标词汇及介绍动物的常用句型。

Part C部分是故事课教学,是在学习完AB 部分关于描述小动物体态特征的形容词thin, fat, tall, short…以及语句Look at the… Its … It has…的语言基础上而进行的文本阅读。本故事通过两个主要人物Zoom和Zip比赛认识动物,重现了已学的部分动物单词和形容词,并拓展了新的动物单词lion, fox, wolf, zebra, gorilla and horse.以及句型:How many animals do you know? I know all the animals.目的是想通过这样一个较为有意义的语篇,增加学生们语言的输入,使得学生逐步适应文本的阅读,培养学生在实际情景中运用语言的能力。






2. 已知起点




学生此前已经学过Look at the… Its … It has…的句型,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提。教学过程中,教师一定要根据学生的实际掌握情况进行引导。









(二) 过程与方法






(1) 能够在图片、实物或动作的帮助下,听说、认读动物类单词lion, tiger, fox, wolf, zebra, horse, gorilla, monkey.

(2) 学生能在图片、动作、老师的帮助下读懂故事的大意。

(3) 能够根据具体的情境与同伴之间运用语句:How many animals do you know? I know all the animals. A tiger and a lion.进行交流。

(4)能在日常生活中学会使用功能性语言:Yes! Right! Good! 肯定他人的回答。

2. 语言技能目标

(1) 听:能听懂故事大意。

(2) 说:能利用How many animals do you know? I know ...与同伴进行交流,介绍小动物。能使用功能性语言:Yes! Right! Good! 肯定他人的回答。

(3) 读:能读懂故事,并从故事中快速找到相关信息。

(4) 演:能为故事配音。

3. 情感态度目标:培养学生具有热爱动物和保护动物的意识。

4. 文化意识目标:使学生了解主要英语国家的象征性动物。



有关动物的词汇;How many animals do you know? I know all the animals.在具体情境中的应用;以及使用Yes! Right! Good! 肯定他人的回答。




Step 1. Warming up and leading in

1. Free talk


2. Lets chant(播放三年级上册第39页的歌谣)


Look at the cat, it is fat.

Look at the pig, it is big.

Look at the dog, its on the log.

Look at the duck, its in the truck.

Look at the bear, its on the pear.

设计意图:通过播放三年级上册以动物为主题的歌谣导入,为学生复习部分动物的名称以及本单元学习的形容词fat, big和语句Look at…,歌谣对三年级的学生来说,简单易懂,节奏感强,琅琅上口,迎合小学生的心理特点。同时能培养学生的学习兴趣,迅速抓住学生的注意力,有效地将已学知识进行复习。

3. Puzzle

为学生们讲述“懒羊羊”寻找食物的故事,从而引出单词apple, nine, ice, milk, arm, leg,并让学生们根据图片所代表单词的首字母,组成核心词:animal。

设计意图:通过设计的“懒羊羊寻找食物”的故事,使这些单词能具备故事间的相互联系。故事情境的创设,能够极大的激发学生们猜谜的兴趣和参与的热情,将其六个单词的首字母组成“新单词”animal。 核心词的引出,使师生之间拥有交际的话题:How many animals do you know?

Step 2. Revision and presentation

1. 目标词汇的引入

引导学生说出动物类名称。笔者预设了两种情况:一种是学生能够说出已学的动物类单词,如:cat, dog, duck, monkey等,不能说出本课的目标词汇,如:gorilla, lion, zebra等。学生可通过观看动画,进行有意义的语言输入,使学生逐步适应文本阅读,在语篇中学习新词汇。第二种情况是,B类学生能够说出已学的动物类单词,A类学生通过自主预习能够说出故事中部分动物名称,此时要抓住学生自己所构建的文本信息,对新单词先行输入。

设计意图: 引导学生说出所认知的动物名称,和学生共同建构本课的文本信息,改变了传统教学的直接呈现新知,发散了学生的思维,培养他们积极思考的能力。在必要时予以点拨,充分发挥学生的主体地位。

在学生们回答完自己所知道的所有小动物的名称之后,老师用自己的肢体语言为学生们表演其它动物来补充学生们的答案。根据师生的“合作”,数一数所知的所有小动物的种类,在具体情境中使用语句:I know all the animals.

设计意图:将小动物的名称呈现于黑板上,并带领学生一同数小动物的种类。在具体的情境中引出故事中的目标语句:I know all the animals!


为学生们创设了真实的情境:The animals live in a zoo.并用神奇的魔法,将其动物园的大门打开,出现了小动物panda, elephant和bear.并要求学生们用本单元所学语言知识Look at the… Its … It has…对动物们进行描述。


3. 故事主要人物的巧妙引入


设计意图:由动物bear引出Zoom,再由Zoom引出Story time,这样的设计很轻松的由“故事前”过渡到了“故事中”。而此时,词汇输入还未完成,还有待于学生自己在文本中发现。

4. 故事文本的呈现

接下来与故事文本进行链接,让学生们带着问题观看故事的动画,使学生们从视、听、想等多角度对故事的内容进行了解,充分调动学生的多种感官,启发学生学习的主动性。通过第三个问题的呈现:Do you know the names of these animals?使词汇的输入基本完成。


Question: How many animals can you see in the story? (Except Zoom and Zip)




Does Zoom know all the animals?

Do you know the names of these animals?




设计意图:培养学生们在日常生活中学会使用功能性语言:Yes! Right! Good!肯定他人的回答。

帮助学生熟悉小动物的名称,并在适当时运用句型:Its … It has …来帮助学生熟悉动物的体态特征,在形貌相似的动物之间还可以让学生模仿做动作,如:Act like a gorilla. /Act like a monkey…


Step3. Practice

1. 认读单词比赛


2. 跟读、模仿


3. 复述故事

设计意图:通过让学生对故事文本的三次听说、模仿,实现让学生对照板书进行语言的输出,复述故事的内容。在看文字进行语言的输出后, 对学生们的能力进行了强化性的训练,看图片复述故事,和看无声的动画进行配音。这为学生们提供了一个使用语言的真实环境,使学生在听说训练后,将所学知识直接运用于交际活动中。

Step 4. Production

Group Work

学生对故事文本内容进行了几次输入与输出之后,为了使学生们能够灵活运用所学的目标语言,与同伴进行交流,笔者设计了Group work的小组活动环节。活动中,主要以六人一小组为单位,运用老师给提供的动物玩具,和所提示的本单元和故事中的主要目标语言进行组内交流,活动时间大约为4—5分钟。活动中,采用轮流扮演B同学的角色,与组内的其他成员进行介绍并描述小动物。


Step 5. Extension

Good to know & Homework

设计意图:学生们已经了解并简单运用了所学的目标词汇和句型,接着通过我对教材的整合,将第一单元所要介绍的一个文化背景,kangaroo, eagle, beaver, panda等动物所属的国家放置Good to know部分,使其在动物教学单元更能拓宽学生们的眼界,培养学生们爱护并保护小动物的情感。最后,通过作业的布置,培养了学生们用英语表演小故事和用语言进行交流的能力。



1. 对教师教学工作的评价


2. 对学生学习效果的评价

根据所预设的教学目标,所检验到的学生学习效果是:通过练习,95%的学生能够在图片、实物或动作的帮助下,听说、认读故事中的动物类单词;80%的学生能够根据具体的情境与同伴之间运用语句How many animals do you know? I know all the animals. A tiger and a lion.进行交流。100%的学生能会使用功能性语言:Yes! Right! Good!肯定他人的回答。75%的学生能够根据图片或动画复述故事,给故事配音。



1. 口头表扬

课堂上教师不应吝啬言语和时间给学生以口头表扬。在口头表扬时要注意语言的丰富性:Cool! Great! Super! Wonderful! So brave……这些简单的语句无不鼓励着学生树立自信。

2. 体态语言


3. 奖励制度


4. 小组评价

人教版高二unit3教案 篇4

Step 1 warming up

Activity 1 talking about some signs used everyday

T: Most of you have been to many places whether big or small , far or near , and I’m sure you must have seen many signs . Now I’d like you to see some signs used everyday , and tell me what they represent , ok ?

Ss: Ok .

(show the signs on the screen)

T: What does Sign1 mean ?

Ss: Be quiet

T:Where do you usually see it ?

Ss: bus / railway station

T: what about sign 2 (sign2/3/4…the same as above)

Activity 2 : talking about the pictures on Page 15

T: turn to page 15 and have a look at the pictures ,I’ll give you two minutes to discuss with your partner and see whether they are doing wrong and write your answers on the line .there is already an example in picture 1, the man is driving too fast , he should drive at the speed of 30 km an hour , but he is driving at 60 km per hour .

(2 minutes later)

T: S5, is she doing anything wrong in picture 2?

S5: Yes

T: What’s that ?

S5: She is littering

T: Why?

S5: Because there is a sign in the tree saying Don’t litter/No littering.

(picture 3 and 4 the same as above)

T : Very good , Whenever you go on a trip , we shouldn’t do what we aren’t allowed to do , is that clear ?

Ss : Yes

step 2 an open discussion

T: How do you usually go to school? Or what kind of means of transportation do you take to go to school ?

( Bb : means of transportation : a means of carrying people or goods from one place to another)

Ss: By bus / by bike

T: Why ?

Ss: Because it’s not far.

( Bb : by bus –not far - distance)

T: Does anybody of you live in Dongtou Island?

Ss: No

T: Then suppose you live in Dongtou Island , and now it’s the weekend , how are you going home ?

Ss: By ship

T : why ?

Ss : because there is a lot of water around it .

( Bb : by ship-water - location)

T: suddenly the typhoon comes , how are you going home ?

Ss: By bus

T: So the weather is very important . Ok , what you said is reasonable

T: so from the above we can have a conclusion : before we decide which means of transportation we have to consider many things , now comes the question : what have we to consider ? ( an open question)

Ss: weather , time , distance, location …

( Bb : consider : think about , follow by sth ./doing sth /wh-to do sth /clause)

( show the map of PRC)

T : look at the third part of warming up , there are 4 situations and now discuss how you’d like to go to the places , by train , by boat , by air or others , and give reasons , the map can help you , please work in group of 4.

T: how would you go from shanghai to London( pointing to the map)what about from Beijing to Guangzhou / chongqing to chengdu / dalian to qingdao

Ss: By plane / train or bus / ship

Step 3 Speaking

Activity1 pre-speaking :ask and answer

T : do you know which actor I like best in Hongkong ?

Ss: …

T: I like him best , he plays an important part in this series (show the picture of Looking back into the Tang Dynasty on the screen)

T: What does this series talk about ?


( show on the screen “ a modern man traveled into the past ”)

T: what will you travel by if you want to go to the past or the future ? I have a machine which can take you to wherever you like and whichever year. (show the picture of the machine) I’m quite generous , if you want to borrow it from me , I’m glad to lend it to you.now I’ll give you 2 minutes to the place you’d like to visit best , the years when you would go and the reasons

( 2 minutes later)

T :Ok, who’d like to borrow it from me ?

( several students respond)

T: Ok, S9,which year would you like to go to ?

S9 :

T: where would you go ?


T: why ?


T: Good , now take my machine , I wish you a good journey

T: OK ,S10, what about you ? Now S9 has come back , she said my machine was wonderful , which year would you like to go to ? ( S10/11 the same as above)

(the answers to each student are written on the blackboard)

Activity 2 making dialogues

T: Just now , I have made three examples for you . now please look at the examples in your books . it’s a dialogue between 2 students . They are talking about traveling to the future , read the dialogue by yourself first and two of you are to make a new dialogue using the information on the screen

(show the questions on the screen :Which year would you like to go to? Where would you go ? Why ? )

and make as many sentences as possible . I’ll give you 4 minutes to prepare and then I’ll ask 2 pairs of you to act out your dialogue , any questions ?

Ss: No.

( 4 minutes later )

T: who’d like to have a try ? S11 and your partner ,please ( 2 pairs)

Step4 debate

T : each of you wants to go somewhere else to have a trip , but not all the local people like you to go there , some thinks tourism is good for them ,others think it bad , now suppose you live in a village , some of you want to develop the lake and turn it into a tourist resort (胜地) while some not .

( show the two parties on the screen :)

A :You think tourism will be good for your village because




B :You think tourism will be bad for your village because




T: now group 1and 2 are A , and groups 3 and 4 are B , you can think out as many reasons as possible , then we’ll have a debate to which party will win I’ll give you 3 minutes to prepare

Step 5 summary and homework

Activity 1 : summary

Today we’ve done some speaking and know how to choose means of transportation , also we’ve used my machine and traveled to many places to the future and the past , besides we’ve learned some new words

Activity 2 : homework

Preview the reading text on page 17 and underline the new words and expressions

Do the exercises on page 101

Period 2 : Reading

Step 1 greetings

Greet the whole class as usual

Step 2 pre- reading

Activity 1 : pre-reading : questions

T : In the last period we’ve learned something about traveling , do you like traveling

Ss : Yes

T :why ?

Ss: because

T: where would you most like to go ? S1

S1: …

T: Why ?

S1 : because

( 2 students )

T : Do you want to experience something different ?

T : now turn to page 17 , look at the picture , what are they doing ?

Ss : they are walking

T : yes , and what are they carrying ?

Ss : Large bags

T : yes , or we can say it’s backpack . in front of them ,there is a high mountain , they are to climb them .

T: One of my friends went to Qingzang Plateau in the summer holiday .And he told me that he was making an adventure travel , do you think so ?

Ss : Yes

T : Then in your opinion , what’s an adventure travel ?

( S2 answers the question , 2 or 3 others add the answers)

T: Yes ,quite right . what are the two popular activities ?

Ss : hiking and rafting ( since some of them may have previewed the lesson , so they may know the answer )

Activity 2 : main idea

T : is it right ? now listen to the tape to find out whether hiking and rafting are the two popular activities , and to find out the main idea of the text , are you clear ?

( show the questions on the screen to make sure they won’t forget the questions)

( play the tape)

T : now all together , it’s right or not ?

Ss: Right

T : who ‘d like to tell us the main idea of the text . Ok , S3

S3 :

( generalize his answer and show the answer on the screen)

T : Very good . ok , we watch TV a lot , and from the TV , what other kinds of adventure travels do you see ?

Ss : ( climbing , diving , mountain biking , sailing , downhill snowboarding ,camping ,bungeeing)

Step 3 While reading

Activity 1 extensive reading

T: ok , now let’s turn to the text , This time , let’s read the text quickly and do the true or false questions on the screen .

T : first read through the questions

( 1minute later)

T : You can start reading now I’ll give you 3 minutes to do the job . if it’s false , correct it , ok?

( 3 minutes later )

T : ok , now , No. 1 …

( check the answers )

1.Hiking and rafting are both very dangerous.

2.When you are hiking , you should wear a life jacket .

3.People make adventure travels because they are looking for unusual experiences

4. The name “ whitewater” comes from the fact that the water is white Activity 2 intensive reading

T: turn back to page 17 . read the first paragraph carefully and find out the main idea of the paragraph , or what’s it about ? and find out the reasons of traveling , understand ?

( 1’ later)

T : ok , all together , what’s the main idea of the text

Ss: Why do many people travel ? ( shown on the screen )

T : yes , good . well , what are the reasons ?

Ss :see other countries , visit places …( shown on the screen)

T : yes , people travel for many different reasons , what do you travel for ? S4


T : what about you S5 ?( S 6 /7 the same as above)

S5/6/7 :

T : any problems about paragraph 1 , if not let’s go on

T : turn to page 18 , here is a chart , now you are wanted to read the following two paragraphs carefully and do the chart , finding out the similarities and differences between hiking and rafting , remember if the item is not mentioned in the text , just escape it , ok ? I’ll give you 3 minutes to do it.

( 3’ later ) ( ask one of the students who does the work more quickly to write the answers on the blackboard)

( then check the answer in accordance to the screen)

`Activity 3 : talking

T : can you go rafting in wenzhou?

Ss: Yes ,

T : where can you go rafting ?

Ss : nanxi river

T : who has ever been to nanxi river ?

Ss :

T : What can you do in nanxi river ?

S1 :

T : ok , now look at the pictures on the screen, can you tell me which picture is more likely to be the rafting in the nanxi river ?

Ss : the left one .

T :Do you think going rafting in nanxi river is the same as the rafting in the picture ?

Ss: No

T : what is the difference ?

Ss:more dangerous….

( the differences between normal rafting and whitewater rafting )

Step 4 post reading

T: now you have known a lot about the text , turn to page 18, there are 5 multiple choices here, after you have read them choose one of them , ok ?

Ss ; ok

T : I’ ll give you1.5 minutes to do it .

( 1.5’ later)

T : No1, adventure travelers want to ________

( check the answers just in the book)

Step 4 summary and homework

Activity 1 : summary

In this class , we’ve read a passage about adventure travel. And we’ve learned something about hiking and rafting . I hope you’ll go hiking and rafting if there’s a chance .What’s more ,in your spare time , read some passages about other adventure travels to know something about them .

Activity 2 : homework

Preview the integrating skills part

Workbook : do the related exercises (the reading parts)

( time permitting , options :check the exercises of reading on page 101

discuss the tips of other adventure travels)

Period 3 : Reading Integrating skills and writing

Step 1 revision [reading ( useful expressions) ]

T :yesterday , we have got the general idea of the reading part , who can tell us what it is mainly about ?

S1: It’s mainly about the adventure travel , rafting and hiking .

T : Yes , very good . now let’s have a quick look at the text and explain some language points of the text .

( teacher retells some main sentences of the text which have language points and the language points will be shown on the screen )

T : Are you clear now ?

Ss :Yes .

T ; Very good . look at the blackboard , there are several multiple choices , you are to do the exercises to make sure that you all know them .

Step 2 integrating skills

Activity 1 reading

T : When people travel , what kind of travel do they usually make ?

S1 : hiking .

T : And what kind of travel is hiking ?

S1 : adventure travel

T : Yes , besides adventure travel , what is the other kind of travel ? you just go to Beijing to see the Great Wall , what’s it ?

S1: normal travel .

T : Good , have you ever heard of another kind of travel-eco-travel ?

Ss : No .

T : In yesterday ‘s debate , B said that tourism was bad for the ecology , for people had to cut trees to develop the lake . ( ecology )so in your opinion , does eco-travel have sth to do with ecology ?

Ss : Yes

T : look at the two words , do they have something in common ?

( write the words on the Bb)

Ss : the beginning 3 letters of the 2 words are the same .

T : Yes , the prefix eco – usually means “ o f ecology ” “ 生态的 ”

T : Now guess what an eco-travel is ? what do people make an eco-travel for ?

Ss :

T : Good , now turn to page 20 and read out the words above the table loudly ,try to find out the meaning of eco-travel and the differences between normal travel and eco-travel . I’ll give you 2 minutes .

( 2 minutes later)

T : Ok , S1 have you found out what eco-travel is ? ok , what’s it ?

S1 : Eco-travel is a form of travel that combines normal tourism with learning.

T : S2, can you tell us the differences ?

S2: normal tourism is bad for the environment and eco-travel can make the environment better , or at least understand it better .

Activity 2 talking about the eco-travel

T :Yesterday I surfed the Internet and noticed 2 places , they are very suitable for us to make an eco-travel , do you want to see what they are ?

( show the pictures on the screen )

T : How are they ? Are they good ?

Ss : yes .

T : One is the red river village in Viet nam , the other is snow mountain , it is longgu mountain

T : S2 , which one do you like better ?

S2 : Red river village .

T : suppose now you are making an eco-travel in the red river village , what can you do ? What can you learn ? What can you help do ?

( 3 students are required to do it .)

T : Good , now discuss in group of four , you can choose one of the 2 places and finish the red box , then send us a representative t o make a report to us , ok ?

You can do as _______

I think we should go to ________ , because we can __________and we can learn about _______

If we visit Red river village ,we can help __________

Step3 writing

T :Above all , wherever you go , you must make a schedule everyday . In that case , you will make good use of time and have a good time . Naturally , you will not waste money . I like traveling very much and have been to many places , last night I went to Japan and I had a good time so I wrote a letter to you , ( in my dream) , have you received it ?

( show a letter on the screen )

Qs : How many time points have I told you in the letter ?

What did I do yesterday ?

What am I doing today ?

What will I do tomorrow ?

( 4 Ss are to answer it )

T : Good , in writing a letter , you should use the past tense to indicate the things happend in the past , ( so does the present and future tense ) and pay attention to the form of the letter

T : Now look at my letter carefully and see whether there is anything wrong with it ?

S3 : the date , comma

T : Yes ,very good , thank you very much , so next time when you write a letter , pay attention not to make mistakes

Step 5 homework

T : Now comes your homework , please write a letter to your friend or teacher about the schedule of your trip like mine .before you start writing , you need to think about what you are going to write , list good ideas and make notes , you should pay attention to the form of a letter ( shown on the screen )

( option : do the exercises on useful expression and the tenses)

1.The girls _________(下班) work at five p.m.

2.______(当心)that you don’t get into trouble .

3.Clothing can _______(保护)us _____cold .

4.I __________(进行锻炼)every morning on the playground .

5.He ______(细心)with his homework .

6.He has _____________(徒步旅游)

7.He is tired , let me go _____(代替)

8.He is tired , let me go ________(代替) him .

9.Don’t _________(靠近) the tiger , it’s dangerous .

Period 4 :Listening

Step 1 greeting

T : Good morning , boys and girls

S: Good morning ,Miss Huang

Step 2 pre-listening

Activity 1 : listening to a song

(play a piece o f song 2 or 3 minutes before the bell rings )

T : Is it a lovely song ?

Ss: Yes .

T: what’s the beautiful place in the song

Ss: California hotel

T: California is a lovely place for us to travel . If you want to go there , how can you make it ,by plane or by train ?

Ss: By plane

Activity 2 : talking about boarding calls

T : ok, now listen to me carefully , and tell me where you usually hear it ?

“ Ladies and gentlemen , attention please , Flight BA 432 from Shanghai to Wenzhou is boarding at Gate A2 in 20 minutes , please get ready .”

T : Have you heard of it before ?

Ss : Yes

T : Where do you usually hear about it ?

S1 : In the airport

T : When does it usually happen ?

S2 : Before people get on the plane .

T : Yes , very good . we can also say “ board the plane = get on the plane”

T : Now listen to me again and try to find out how many messages there are in my broadcast

( the same as the above)

T : now can you see how many messages ?

Ss : 3

T : yes , very good , what are they ?

S3 : the flight number , the destination , gate number

T : yes, ok now look at the screen , do you know what it is

Ss: Boarding pass

T : yes , now let’s go through the pass and find out the flight number , the destination , and the gate

T : ok , now altogether

Ss :

Step 3 : listening

Activity 1 : listening to the tape and doing the exercises on P15 -1

T : now turn to page 15 , there are 3 boarding calls , you will listen to them once and write down the destination , the flight number and the gate of each call , and pay attention to some details , make notes while listening

( play the tape once )

T: Have you got it ?now , all together .

( if necessary , play it again )

T : Good , you have done a wonderful job , among the 3 calls , which one isn’t changed ? What is the origin of each flight ? What happens to No.3 flight ?

( play again for the details)

Activity 2 : arrange the order of the pictures on page 97

T : We can see that things always change without expectation , so when you want to go somewhere by plane , please arrive at the airport earlier . you can wait in the waiting hall , when you hear the boarding calls , you can begin boarding the plane , now comes the question , when you hear the boarding calls what other things will you have to do before you get on the plane ?


T : Ok, turn to page 97 , what are they doing ?


T : yes , very good , arrange the pictures first by yourself before listening

T : S5 , what’s your result ?

S5 :

T : Ok , now let’s listen to the tape to see whether it’s right or not

( play the tape )

T : arrange the right order

Activity 3 : listening to the tape and doing the exercises on P16-2

T : Do you know how to board a plane now ?

Ss : yes

T : Good , since you know how to board a plane , so going abroad becomes much easier , if you have a lot of money , where would you most like to go , at home or abroad ?

S6/7/8 :

T : Ok , you have many choices and we can’t say which is better , which is worse . I have been to many places , I think I could be a good guide for you , now look at my suggestions to see whether you like it or not.

( show pictures and describe the pictures : the Forbidden city , tian anmen, mona lisa , Eiffel Tower – how can we go up to the top of the tower , penguine , polar bear , yangliwei )

T : 5 world travelers like them very much , they take my suggestions and they wrote 5 postcards for us about their trip , now turn to page 16 , listen to the tape and find out the answers to the table

( listen to each card after talking about each picture on the screen )

( play the tape again if necessary)

( listen to it again one by one and discuss some other information)

NO.2 What’s the color of the flag?

Do you know where the painting is kept ?

What’s France called in the postcard ?

NO3 . How long is the plane ride ?

NO 4 . How high can we jump ?

NO5 : How long have we had to swim to get here ?

Is there enough air below ?

Step 5 : homework

do the exercises on page 18 : word study

Page 99-100 practising

Period 5 :Language study

Step1 word study

T : ok , now open your book ,turn to page 19 , match the words and phrases . Yesterday I have asked you to finish it , have you done your homework ?

Ss : Yes .

T :Good , now let’s have a check .

Step 2 grammar

Activity 1 do some exercises to review the tenses

T :We have learnt a few tenses before ,such as the present tense , the past tense , the past perfect tense and so on . Now look at the screen , we’ll do an exercises to review them . I think 2 minutes is enough for you .

( 2 minutes later , check the answers )

T : Ok , are you ready ? let’s have a check .

( explain the tenses and list the table of 12 tenses on the screen )

1.Unless he ________(promise ) to help us , we shall lose the games .

2.It is five years since my dear aunt _____(leave) here .

3.I don’t know when he _________(come) , but when he _____(come), I’ll speak to him.

4.She___(be) poor in French , but she _______(do) her best to improve it .

5.I’m sorry I ______( forget) to tell him to come here for the meeting .

6.I ________(have) the bad cold for a week ,still I can’t get rid of it.

7.Tom told me that he _______(meet ) John and ______(give) him he message already .

8.She __always _______(work) when I go to see her .

9.He ________(do)his lessons from seven to nine last night .

10.He said he _______( be) free the next week

Activity 2 : talking about the changes of life in different time , using 3 different tenses

T : Look at me carefully , am I different today ?

Ss : yes

T : Ok , now what are the changes ?

Ss : Hair style

T :yes , things are always changing . times change and so does the way we live , many things we often do become easier and faster ,such as writing , reading , shopping and so on , do you know the ways of doing things in the past ? can you imagine the ways in the future .

T :ok , now look at the red chart on page 19 , for example , in the past we traveled by horse , today we travel by car/plane , in the future, we will perhaps travel by spaceship . try to fill in the blanks and read out yours answers as the examples in part three . are you clear ?

Ss: yes.

(teacher copies the chart on the Bb ,4 students are required to do it ,T write down the answers on the blackboard)

T : look at part 3 ,When you make the report , follow this :

In the past people…

Today people…

In the future , people will …

Activity 3 the future tense

T : so we can say , to express the future tense , we can use “ will do ”, what else ways can we use to express the future tense ?

Ss : be going to , be to do

T : Yes , quite right , now we’re going to learn another kind of expression about the future tense .

( Bb : will do, be going to , be to do ; while explaining the grammar , use Chinese properly)

T : turn to page 19, Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ time , ok, S1 and your partner , can you read out the dialogue for us

( S1 and his partner read the dialogue)

T : thank you , sit down please

There are quite a number of expressions to express the future tense , now please underline the verbs that express future , I’ll give you 2 minutes to do the job


T : S2 , please .

Ss : are off, be getting to …

( when S2 is speaking , write down the answers in the blackboard and explain some important phrases)

T : Very good , the verbs used are 移动性动词, can you think out other移动性动词 like go

Ss : arrive , reach.. come, stay , return, leave , start …

T : yes , usually , when present continuous tense is used as the future tense , it aims to function as

1) 表示即将发生的或预定中计划好的活动。

Are you staying with us this weekend? 这周和我们一起度周末吗?

We are leaving soon. 我们马上就走。

2) 渐变动词如:get, run, grow, turn become, begin及die。

Eg :He is dying.

移动性动词:go,come,return,arrive,get,reach,leave,meet,see off,take off,start,fly,stay等

3)与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。

You are always changing your mind

( shown on the screen)

Step 3 expressions for good wishes

T : If it’s my birthday today , what will say to me ?

SS : Happy birthday

T : In our everyday life , we often have to wish others

now read the dialogue again ,try to find out some expressions for good wishes .

( 30 seconds later)

T : Are you ready ?

T : What are they ?

Ss : Have a nice time in Guangzhou & have a good trip .

T : How should we respond ?

Ss : Thanks & the same to you .

( when Ss finish answering , show the answers on the screen )

T : and we have a lot of other expressions . How can we say“ 祝你好运 ”“新年快乐”, “圣诞快乐”,“ 国庆节快乐”…

( shown on the screen )

Step 4 homework

Finish the exercises on page 99-101(完成课后99-101练习)

Finish workbook(完成同步练习)

Step 5 consolidation ( option)

T : Now we’ll do an exercise to consolidate the tense reviewed and learnt today .

( shown on the screen )

1.There ___ an English evening next Saturday.

A will have B is to have

C is going to do D is going to be

2.You’d better set about doing your homework now , or it __ too late .

A is B was C has been D will be

3.The boy is ill , he ___ absent from school for at least a week .

A has to B is to C will have to D will have to be4. They don’t buy any new clothes because they ____money to buy a big house

A save B are saving

C is saving D were saving

5.How ___ you ___ on with your work recently ?

A do ;get B have ;got

C are ; getting D were ;getting

6. He __ out when it began to rain .

A is going B was going

人教版高二化学教案 篇5



本节课是人教版化学必修Ⅱ第二章第一节第一课时的教学内容,是化学学科重要的原理性知识之一。初中化学已经从燃料的角度初步学习了“化学与能源”一些知识,在选修“化学反应原理”中,将从科学概念的层面和定量的角度比较系统的深入的学习化学反应与能量。该节内容既是对初中化学相关内容的提升和拓展,又为选修“化学反应原理”奠定必要的基础。另外本节内容是在学习了“物质结构 元素周期律”之后,应用物质结构理论来指导化学反应原理的学习,是对第一章内容知识的深化。该部分内容在初中化学,高中必修和选修模块中均有安排,既有学习的阶段性,又有必修、选修的层次性,在具体内容上前后还有交叉和重叠,学生概念的形成和发展呈现一种螺旋式上升的形态。同时化学反应释放的化学能是现代能量的主要来源,这一节知识在工农业生产,科学技术研究和日常生活都有广泛的应用,与我们每一个人息息相关。因此,本节在全书中占有重要地位,是整个高中化学的重要内容之一。








实验步骤 实验现象 得出结论 将铝条打磨光,插入装有3ml 6mol/l盐酸的试管中 反应方程式:

该反应为 热反应 用手触摸试管外壁 用温度计测量溶液的温度


实验步骤 实验现象 得出结论 将ba(oh)2·8h2o晶体研细后与nh4cl晶体一起放入烧杯中,放在滴有几滴水的玻璃片上,立即用玻璃棒快速搅拌混合物。 反应方程式:

该反应为 热反应 用手触摸烧杯下部 用手拿起烧杯 (思考、讨论)中和反应是吸热反应还是放热反应?举例说明什么是中和热?如果要通过实验测定盐酸与氢氧化钠反应的中和热,你认为在设计实验装置和操作时应该注意哪些问题?





人教版高二unit3教案 篇6





















谪(zhé)潇水上 犹龂龂(yín yín)然

不可以不更(gēng)也 遂负土累(lěi)石


又峻急多坻(chí)石 幽邃(suì)浅狭




第一段,交代溪水的地形方位——“灌溉水之阳”,“东流入于潇水”,介绍两种不同的命名——有的给这条溪冠以姓氏称为“冉溪”,有的根据溪水可以染色称为“染溪”,叙出改名的原因有三:一是作者“以愚触罪”,贬谪到此;二是古代就有“愚公谷”之说;三是当地居民为溪水的命名争辩不休,“故更之为愚溪”。而 这条溪水,又是那么幽深浅狭,对人并没有什么益处,所以称它为“愚溪”。

第二段,由“愚溪”带出“愚丘”“愚泉”,从“愚泉”生出“愚沟”“愚池”,而“东为愚堂”“南为愚 亭”“中为愚岛”,又就“愚池”着眼写出。叙出“八愚”,紧扣诗题。





































(一)①灌水之阳有溪焉 ②予以愚触罪,谪潇水上 ③爱是溪,得其尤绝者家焉

④土之居者,犹龂龂然 ⑤不可以不更也

(二)①愚 泉凡六十穴 ②遂负土累石,塞其隘



(三)①今是溪独见辱于愚,何哉 ②盖其流甚下,不可以溉灌 ③又峻急多坻石,大舟不可入也④而适类于予 ⑤然则虽辱而愚之,可也


(四)①宁武子“邦无道则愚” ②颜子“终日不违如愚” ③悖于事,故凡为愚者,莫我若也


(五)①溪虽莫利于世,而善鉴万物 ②能使愚者喜笑眷慕 ③超鸿蒙,混希夷 ④于是作《八愚诗》,纪于溪石上





















