


名词性从句专项练习 篇1


(一)1.____he does has nothing to do with me.A.whateverB.No matter whatC.ThatD.If

2.The manager came over and asked the customer how____

A.did the quarrel came aboutB.the quarrel had come about

C.had the quarrel come aboutD.had the quarrel come about

3.Energy is ____makes thing work..A.what B.something C.anythingD.that

4.Information has been putforward ____ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.A.while B.that C.when D.as

5.This is ___the shenzhou V Spaceship landed.A.thereB.in whichC.whereD.when

6.They have no idea at all____.A.where he has goneB.where did he go

C.which place has he goneD.where has he gone

7.The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient’s fear ____he would die of the disease.A.thatB.whichC.of whichD.of that

8.The order came ___the soldiers ____the small village the next morning.A.that;had to leaveB.that;should leave

C./;must leaveD.when;should leave

9.___is no possibility ____Bob can win the first prize in the match.A.There;thatB.It;thatC.there;whetherD.It;whether

10.The question came up at the meeting_____ we had enough money for our research.A.thatB.whichC.whetherD.if

11.Is _____he said really true?


12.____the meeting should last two days or three days doesn’t matter.A.ThatB.WhetherC.IfD.Where

13.It worried her a bit _____her hair was turning gray.A.whileB.ifC.thatD.for

14.???_____more countries can use natural energy in the future remains to be seen.A.WhetherB.ThisC.whoD.If

15.____he will go to work in a mountain village surprises all of us.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhetherD.If

16.____you don’t like him is none of my business.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhoD.How

17.____all the inventions have in common is ____they have succeeded.A.What;whatB.That;thatC.what;thatD.That;what

18.____appeared to me that he enjoyed the food very much.A.WhatB.ItC.All thatD.That

19.It is widely ______that smoking can cause cancer.A.believedB.thinkC.sayD.hoped

20.____caused the accident is still a complete mystery.A.WhatB.ThatC.HowD.Where


1—5 ABABC6—10 AABAC11—15 BBCAB16—20 BCBAA


(二)21.____he always serves the people very well is known.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhichD.Who

22.____has passed the test will get a prize.A.WhoeverB.No mater whoC.WhomeverD.Who

23.Is____ true that the famous scientist will give us a lecture next week?

A thatB itC hisD he

24.It has not been decided ___ they will leave for New York.A.whenB whyC thatD what

25.Obviously___ we do morning exercises every day ___ us good.A.that doB.if;doC what;doesD.that;doseIt is said____ ____ was all ___ he said.A that;that;thatB what;what;whatC that;which;whatD that;that;which

27___ gets home first is to cook the supper.A.WhoB WhomC.Those whoD.Whoever

28___ moved us most was___ he liked after the old man for more than twenty years.A.That;thatB.What;thatC What;whatD.That;what

29.___ you did it is not known to all.A.WhoB.WhatC.HowD.Which

30.___ you do should be well done.A HowB.ThatC.WhateverD Why

31.The reason I plan to go is___ she will be disappointed if I don’t.A.becauseB.thatC.thanks toD.what

32.What time do you think__?

A.will Tom come backB.Tom will come back

C.is Tom coming backD.can Tom get here

33.The teacher said that light___ faster than sound.A.Has traveledB.traveledC.had traveledD.travels

34..___ is still a question___ will win.A.It;thatB.It;whoC.That;whoD.This;that

35.If you know___ it was that write A Tale of Two Cities, raise your hand.A.whomB.whichC.whoD.that

36.In some countries,___ are called “public schools” are not owned

by the state.A.thatB.whichC.asD.what

37.Thinking___ you know___ in fact you don’t is a terrible mistake.A.that;thatB.what;whatC.that;whatD.what that

38.Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just___ worries the public.A.whyB.whichC.thatD.what

39.Why don’t you bring___ to his attention that you are too busy to do it?


40.___ David says sounds right to Helen.That’s why she has made up her mind to leave with him___ happens.A.whatever;whateverB.No matter what;whatever

21.____he always serves the people very well is known.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhichD.Who

22.____has passed the test will get a prize.A.WhoeverB.No mater whoC.WhomeverD.Who

23.Is____ true that the famous scientist will give us a lecture next week?

A thatB itC hisD he

24.It has not been decided ___ they will leave for New York.A.whenB whyC thatD what

25.Obviously___ we do morning exercises every day ___ us good.A.that doB.if;doC what;doesD.that;doseIt is said____ ____ was all ___ he said.A that;that;thatB what;what;whatC that;which;whatD that;that;which

27___ gets home first is to cook the supper.A.WhoB WhomC.Those whoD.Whoever

28___ moved us most was___ he liked after the old man for more than twenty years.A.That;thatB.What;thatC What;whatD.That;what

29.___ you did it is not known to all.A.WhoB.WhatC.HowD.Which

30.___ you do should be well done.A HowB.ThatC.WhateverD Why

31.The reason I plan to go is___ she will be disappointed if I don’t.A.becauseB.thatC.thanks toD.what

32.What time do you think__?

A.will Tom come backB.Tom will come back

C.is Tom coming backD.can Tom get here

33.The teacher said that light___ faster than sound.A.Has traveledB.traveledC.had traveledD.travels

34..___ is still a question___ will win.A.It;thatB.It;whoC.That;whoD.This;that

35.If you know___ it was that write A Tale of Two Cities, raise your hand.A.whomB.whichC.whoD.that

36.In some countries,___ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.A.thatB.whichC.asD.what

37.Thinking___ you know___ in fact you don’t is a terrible mistake.A.that;thatB.what;whatC.that;whatD.what that

38.Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just___ worries the public.A.whyB.whichC.thatD.what

39.Why don’t you bring___ to his attention that you are too busy to do it?


40.___ David says sounds right to Helen.That’s why she has made up her mind to leave with him___ happens.A.whatever;whateverB.No matter what;whatever

C.No matter what;No matter whatD.Whatever;however


21—25 BABAD26—30 ADBCC 31—35 BBDBC36—40 DCDDA

名词性从句专项练习 篇2

1 从句的概念和结构

1.1 明确从句的概念

从句中的“从”的指的是“从属, 属于”, 也就是说一个句子属于另外一个句子的某个部分, 该句是从句, 另一个“不完整”的句子就是主句。缺少主语的句子是主语从句, 缺少宾语或者表语的句子就是宾语或者表语从句。同位语从句相对来说是完整的, 这时只要分析名词和从句的关系。

比如:That he will come to the discussion is certain.

该句中的That he will come to the discussion是一个完整的句子, is certain的主语不是he也不是discussion, 因此这个句子不完整, 为主句。

1.2 明确从句的结构

众所周知, 英语是一种重句子结构的语言, 也就是说只要是句子就要有“主谓”或者“主系表”结构。从句一定是两个或者两个以上的句子组合到一起。也就是说从句拥有两套或两套以上的“主谓宾”或者“主系表”。在无法判断是哪种从句的情况下应从找句子的谓语开始。一般来说有多少个谓语就有多少个句子, 就有“谓语的个数-1”个从句 (其中一定有一个是主句) 。

1.3 判断主句和从句

判断一个句子是主句还是从句的“法宝”就是连接词。一般情况下, 连接词后的第一个句子单位“主谓宾”“主系表”就是从句, 另外的部分就是主句。

1) 引导词在句子中间时, 以引导词为界, 它以后的都是从句。

例如:They are discussing what they know nothing about.他们在讨论所不知道的事情。 (引导词what以后的都是从句)

2) 引导词在句首时, 一定是主语从句。此时, 引导词以后的第一套主谓/主系表是从句。

例如:What is revealed in the newspaper is only part of the story.

报上所披露的只是部分内幕。 (引导词what以后的第一套主谓/主系表是从句)

3) 疑似多个引导词时, 则应判断各句的成分。

例如:That is what I mean.这就是我的意思。that虽然是引导词, 但是也是指示代词, 在句中要做主语, 因此what才是引导词, 其之后的主谓结构是从句。

4) 若是省略连接词时则应该分析句子的成分。根据关联词省略的规律, 一般来说作宾语从句处理。

例如:I know he has returned. (宾语从句, 从句是第二套主谓he has returned) 我知道他已经回来了。

1.4 名词性从句公式的构成要素

名词性从句由主句、从句和关联词组成。即相关的主语、谓语、系动词、表语、句子其他成分、关联词构成。其中句子其他成分包括宾语、定语、状语等。关联词包括从属连词that, if, whether, 连接代词what, whom, 连词副词when, where, why, how。这些关联词适用以下的公式。

2 名词性从句的公式

2.1 主语从句Subject Clause的公式

1) 关联词+主语+谓语+句子其他部分+谓语+句子其他部分



例如:Whether they can win the match depends on their actual performance.


2) 主语从句可以用it作形式主语, 此时公式应该为:

It is+名词/形容词/过去分词+关联词+主语+谓语+句子其他部分

主句从句 (真正的主语) 例如:It’s a pity that you have missed the last train.遗憾的是你错过了末班车。

It is stange that he had made a mistake.真怪, 他竟做错了。

It’s said that he’s got married.听说他结婚了。

2.2 宾语从句Object Clause的公式

1) 主语+谓语 (及物动词) +间接宾语+关联词+主语+谓语+句子其他部分


例如:He told us that he had made up his decision.他对我们说他已经做出决了定。

例如:I know he was unhappy that day.我知道他那天不高兴。

2) 介词、不定式等后可以带宾语。此时公式为:

主语+谓语 (不及物动词) +介词/不定式+关联词+主语+谓语+句子其他部分


He was deeply impressed by what he had seen in the special economic region.


2.3 表语从句Predictive Clause的公式

1) 位于系动词后的成分叫表语。因此表语从句是一个句子作主句系动词的表语。表语从句的公式与宾语从句的公式大致相同。是位于系动词如be, seem, look, appear, remain等之后。其公式为:



例如:The question is whether we should leave for Shanghai immediately.


2.4 同位语从句Appositive Clause的公式

1) 同位语中的“同”指的是“相同”, “位”指的是“位置”。也就是说句子成分相同, 在句中的位置相同的成分。因此同位语从句在名词 (一般是抽象名词, 常为idea, fact, news, remark, report, evidence, suggestion等) 之后。其公式为:


从句例如:There is no doubt that he staged the plot.毫无疑问, 他策划了这一阴谋。

The question who should do the work requires consideration.谁该干这项工作, 这个问题需要考虑。

3 关联词who、what的公式

由于who和what在从句中可以充当主语, 因此在各种从句的公式中从句的关联词和主语都是who和what。

1) 主语从句:

Who (what) +谓语+句子其他部分+谓语+句子其他部分


例如:Who will go hasn’t decided yet.2) 宾语从句:

主语+谓语+句子其他部分+who (what) +谓语+句子其他部分


例如:I wonder who will pay the bill.3) 表语从句:

主语+系动词+表语+who (what) +谓语+句子其他部分


例如:The question is who will do us a favor.

4 结束语

名词性从句的运用要求学生先找出每个句子的谓语或者系动词, 然后根据以上的公式正确判断出从句的种类, 最后分析从句的句子成分, 选择合适的关联词。这样才能更加有效而快速的掌握英语名词性从句。公式法能简单、快速、准确地判断出从句的种类。更重要的是, 它能是把英语语法的语言知识用逻辑推理的方法归纳出来, 降低学生学习英语从句的难度, 提高学生的理解能力。


[1]薄冰.薄冰英语语法[M].北京:开明出版社, 2007.

[2]吴秀.英语从句教学的新探索——多维模型理论的应用[J].中国科教创新导刊, 2011 (11) .

名词性从句专项训练 篇3

A. which; that

B. what; which

C. that; which

D. what; what

2. I don’t say I am against Jackie’s plan. But the problem is____________he does doesn’t agree with what he says.

A. what that

B. that what

C. whether what

D. what whether

3. The pollution problems in China are different in kind from____________are in Germany.

A. thatB. which

C. whereD. what

4. He knew the files could be of help to____________took over the job.

A. whoB. whoever

C. whomD. whomever

5.____________ is recommended that cars

carefully every morning to ensure safety.

A. This; must check

B. This; should check

C. It; be checked

D. It; are checked

6.____________ of you figures out the answer will receive a gift.

A. AnyoneB. Whoever

C. NoneD. Whichever

7. Some of the scientists held the point____________the book said was right.

A. what whatB. that that

C. what thatD. that what

8.____________is known to us is that time is limited and precious.

A. WhatB. That

C. ItD. As

9. Mother made a promise____________I passed the college entrance examination she would buy me a mobile phone.

A. thatB. if that

C. that ifD. that whether

10. I remember____________ the factory owed a small workshop and two machines.

A. whenB. how

C. whetherD. what

11. We try and give them____________ they want,____________their religion is, so that they can face death without fear.

A. no matter what; no matter what

B. no matter what; whatever

C. whatever; no matter whatever

D. whatever; whatever

12. Majority males said that the reason why they seldom take exercise is____________they pay more attention to other more significant affairs.

A. becauseB. that

C. howD. what

13. You can imagine____________to hear that his son had won first prize in the speech contest.

A. how excited he was

B. how excited was he

C. how he was excited

D. how was he excited

14. Our factory has been developing rapidly these days. This year’s production is five times____________it was ten years ago.

A. whatB. that

C. whichD. as

15. My classmates and I won’t go hiking this weekend so it won’t make any difference

it’ll rain or not.


A. whenB. whether

C. thatD. where

16. (2011北京卷)____________ Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness.

A. WhichB. What

C. ThatD. Whom

17. (2011山东卷)We’ve offered her the job, but I don’t know____________she’ll accept it.

A. whereB. what

C. whetherD. which

18. (2011安徽卷)His writing is so confusing that it’s difficult to make out____________it is he is trying to express.

A. thatB. how

C. whoD. what

19.(2011北京卷)The shocking news made me realize____________terrible problems we would face.

A. whatB. how

C. thatD. why

20.(2011重庆卷)It is not always easy for the public to see____________use a new invention can be of to human life.

A. whoseB. what

C. whichD. that

21.(2010江苏卷)—I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.

—That’s____________I don’t agree. You should have a more active life.

A. whereB. how

C. whenD. what

22.(2011辽宁卷)When the news came the war broke out, he decided to serve in the army.

A. sinceB. which

C. thatD. because

23.(2009浙江卷)—Is there any possibility____________you could pick me up at the airport?

—No problem.

A. whenB. that

C. whetherD. what

24. —How do you usually find out about new software?

—In the magazines like Popular Electronics. That’s____________computer companies usually advertise.

A. whichB. where

C. whatD. why

25. The other day, my father drove his car at____________I thought was a dangerous speed.

A. asB. that

C. whichD. what


1. B。第一空为宾语从句,且从句中缺少宾语指物,因而用what,第二空为定语从句,缺主语,因而用which或that。句意为:他没有意识到想从生活中得到什么,所以他不停地换似乎吸引他的工作。

2. B。表语从句很显然不缺少成分,所以用that。句中“ he does”为主语从句,does后缺少宾语且无明确范围,因此使用what来引导主语从句。句意为:我没说我反对Jackie的计划,可问题是他言行不一致。

3. D。介词from后为宾语从句,又因为宾语从句缺少主语,判断应用what。句意为:中国的污染问题和德国的在种类上是不同的。

4. B。介词to后应跟宾语从句,空格处的连接词在宾语从句中充当主语,因此可以判断使用whoever。而who表疑问,与语境不符。句意:她知道这些文件可能对接管这个工作的任何人有帮助。

5. C。It is recommended that... 是主语从句,it是形式主语;且recommend是“建议”之意,从句中用虚拟语气should be checked, should可以省略。句意:人们建议每天早晨应认真检查车辆以确保安全。

6. B。主语从句中缺主语,而且有of you 范围,所以只能选whoever。句意:你们当中任何一个算出答案的会收到一份礼物。

7. D。that引导同位语从句进一步解释说明the point的内容;同位语从句中还含有一个主语从句,said后缺少宾语,故应用what引导主语从句。句意:一些科学家持有本书所说的是正确的这样的观点。

8. A。所选项引导主语从句并在从句中作主语,所以用what 。that 在从句中不作成分;it is known to us that time is limited and precious...是形式主语从句,而as is known to us, time is limited and precious是定语从句。句意:众所周知,时间是有限的而且非常珍贵。


9. C。名词promise后是同位语从句,从句不缺少成分,用that引导,且同位语从句中又有一个if 引导的条件状语从句。whether不能引导条件状语从句。句意:妈妈承诺如果我通过了大学入学考试就给我买一部手机。

10. A。when引导宾语从句,并在从句中作时间状语。how表方式;whether和what 不作状语。句意:我还记得这个工厂曾经只有一个小车间和两台机器的那段时期。

11. D。第一空是whatever 引导的宾语从句,第二空是whatever引导的让步状语从句。No matter what 只能引导让步状语从句,而whatever既能引导的让步状语从句也能引导名词性从句。句意:不管他们的宗教信仰是什么,我们都尽量给他们提供他们想要的任何东西,这样他们才能毫不畏惧地面对死亡。

12. B。The reason why...is that...“……的原因是……”是固定句式,that引导表语从句。句意:很多男性称他们很少锻炼身体是因为他们将注意力都用到其他重要的事情上去了。

13. A。how引导感叹句,且感叹句作宾语从句,用陈述语序。句意:你能够想象到他听到他儿子在演讲比赛中获得第一名是多么兴奋。

14. A。从句中缺少表语,故用what引导表语从句。句意:这些日子我们工厂一直发展很迅速。今年的生产量是十年前的五倍。

15. B。根据句末的or not可知,在此用whether引导主语从句。句意:这个周末我和我的同学们不去徒步了,所以是否下雨都没两样。

16. B。选项引导的是主语从句,且从句中谓语动词offers缺少宾语,故选B。句意:巴巴拉·琼斯给予她粉丝的是诚实和快乐。

17. C。及物动词know后面是宾语从句,且从句中主谓宾结构完整,故排除B项和D项。句意:我们已经提供给她这项工作了, 但我不知道她是否愿意接受。故C项正确。

18. D。make out 后应是宾语从句,且从句中express 后缺少宾语,故只选D。句意:他的书写是那么混乱,以至于想要弄明白他在试图表达什么是困难的。

19. A。由从句句式可看出为宾语从句,what接后面的中心名词problems构成感叹句;而how后面接形容词或副词。句意:这个令人震惊的消息使我意识到我们将会面临多么可怕的问题。

20. B。see后的宾语从句中what实际上是作为形容词来修饰后面的use,构成“be of ... use”结构。句意:现在公众很难知道新发明对人们的用处是什么。

21. A。这里填表语从句的引导词。agree为不及物动词,表语从句中不缺主语、宾语和表语,结合句意可知选A。句意:那就是我不同意之处。如果选what的话,agree后应加介词。

22. C。that 引导同位语从句,对news进行解释说明。句意:当战争爆发的消息传来时,他决定参军。故选C项。

23. B。that在此处引导同位语从句,具体说明possibility的内容。that引导同位语从句时在句中不作任何成分,但不能省略。句意:你有没有可能到机场来接我。

24. B。根据答语的前句可知表示的是地点。where引导的是表语从句,where在从句中作状语。句意:那就是电脑公司通常登广告的地方。

25. D。at为介词,后边的从句为宾语从句,先排除暗示。I thought为插入语,不充当从句中的语法成分,从句中明显缺主语,再排除that;which在名词性从句中的词义为“哪一个”,而此句中不是词义,故选D。句意:前几天,我父亲开着车以我认为危险的速度行驶。

名词性从句专项练习 篇4


1.She was so angry and spoke so fast that none of us understood _______ he said meant.A.that B.what

C.that that D.what what 【陷阱】可能误选B。许多同学一看选项首先就排除了C和D,认为这样两个“引导词”叠用的情况不太可能。在A和B两个选项中,选项A肯定不行,因为它引导宾语从句时不能充当句子成分,所以便选择


【分析】正确答案选 D。第一个what 用作动词 meant 的宾语,第二个what 用作动词 said 的宾语,即在 none of us understood what what he said meant 中,none of us understood 为主句,what what he said meant 为宾语从句,而在此宾语从句中又包括有 what he said 这样一个主语从句。

2.After _______ had happened he could not continue to work there.A.which B.how C.what D.having


【分析】最佳答案选 C。有的同学误选A,是因为认为介词后应接关系代词 which,但实际上,若填关系代词,其前没有先行词,这根据不是一个定语从句。另外,由于 had happened 缺主语,所以B和


He pointed to ______ looked like a tomb and said, “Ghost.”

A.that B.what C.which D.as 3.“Is ______ you want to say?” asked the teacher.A.this B.that C.all that D.that all


【分析】最佳答案选 D。假若选A或B,那么转换成陈述句即为:This is you want to say./ That is you want to say.显然句中的两个谓语动词 is与want相冲突。选D组成的句子是 Is that all you want to say? 其中的that 为句子主语,all 为表语,you want to say 为定语从句,用以修饰all。

4.“When ______ leave for Japan?” “When ______ leave for Japan is kept secret.”

A.they will, will they B.will they, they will C.they will, they will D.will they, will they 【陷阱】可能误选D,认为 when 后应用疑问句词序。

【分析】最佳答案选 B。第一个when引出的是一个特殊疑问句,故用疑问词序;第二个 when 引出的是主语从句,故其后用陈述句词序。请做以下试题(答案选C):

(1)None knows if _______ that boy, but if _______ him, her parents will be disappointed.A.she will marry, she will marry B.she marries, she marries C.she will marry, she marries D.she marries, she will marry(2)“Where _______ go to work?” “Where _______ go to work is not known.”

A.we shall, we shall B.shall we, shall we C.shall we, we shall D.we shall, shall we 5.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see ______.A.who is he B.who he is C.who is it D.who it is


【分析】此题最佳答案为D。首先可以排除A和C,因为空格处实为一个宾语从句,所以不能用疑问句词序。另一方面,但按英语习惯,当用于指代身份不明的人时,要用代词it,而不用 he 或she等。


Mr Smith is at the door.He wants to see you.史密斯先生在门口,他想见你。Someone is at the door.It may be the postman.有个人在门口,可能是邮递员。第一句因前面指明了是 Mr Smith,所以后面用代词 he;而第二句因前面用的是不定代词

someone,说明此人身份尚不明确,故其后用了代词 it 来指代。

6.Don’t you know, my dear friend, ______ it is your money not you that she loves?

A.who B.which C.that D.what 【陷阱】此题容易误选 A或B:选 A 的同学认为这是指人的,故用who;选B的同学认为这是非限制性定语从句,两者都是误认为这是定语从句(注意没有先行词)。

【分析】其实答案应选C。that引导的是一个宾语从句,用作动词 know 的宾语,它只是被句中的插入语 my dear friend 隔开罢了。请做以下试题(答案均为C):

(1)Everyone knows, perhaps except you, _______ your girl-friend is a cheat.A.who B.which C.that D.what(2)I think, though I could be mistaken, ______ she liked me.A.who B.which C.that D.what

(3)He told me the news, believe it or not, ______ he had earned $1 000 in a single day.A.that B.which C.as D.because 前面两题 that 引导宾语从句,后面一题 that同位语从句(修饰the news)。


1.They lost their way in the forest, and _______ made matters worse was that night began to fall.A.it B.which C.that D.what 2.Patience is a kind of quality — and that is ___A___ it takes to do anything well.A.what B.which C.which D.how 3.It has come to my notice _______ some of you have missed classes.A.what B.which C.that D.when 4.“What were you trying to prove to the police?” “___ I was last night.”

A.That B.When C.Where D.What 5.Country life gives him peace and quiet, which is ______ he can’t enjoy while living in big cities.A.that B.why C.where D.what 6.It is pretty well understood _______ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the

atmosphere today.A.that B.when C.what D.how 7._______ she couldn’t understand was ______ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her

lessons.A.What;why B.That;what C.What;because D.Why;that 8._______ we are doing has never been done before.A.That B.What C.Which D.Whether

9.People have heard _______ the President has said;they are waiting to see _______ he will do.A.how, how B.what, what C.when, how D.that, what 10.When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden rule: Always give

the monkey exactly _______ he wants.A.what B.which C.when D.that 11.These wild flowers are so special I would do _______ I can to save them.A.whatever B.that C.which D.whichever 12._______ she was invited to the ball made her very happy.A.What B.That C.When D.Because 13.Eat ______ cake you like and leave the others for ______ comes in late.A.any, who B.every, whoever C.whichever, whoever D.either, whoever 14.I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella._______ I got wet through.A.It’s the reason B.That’s why C.There’s why D.That’s because 15.____ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.A.Who B.The one C.Anyone D.Whoever 16._______ medicine works in a human body is a question _______ not everyone can understand

fully.A.How;that B.That;which C.That;which D.What;that


1.选D。what made matters worse 是主语从句(注意其后有谓语动词was),相当于 the thing that

made matters worse。

2.选A。what 引导的是表语从句,相当于 the thing that it takes to do anything well。

3.选C。that 引导的是一个主语从句,句首的it为形式主语。

4.选 C。答句为省略句,其完整形式为 I was trying to prove to the police where I was last night,在此 where 引导的是一个宾语从句。类似地,下面选 C:

“_______ made her struggle to become an artist so hard?” “______ she was a woman.”

A.What, What B.That, That C.What, That D.That, What 5.选D。what 引导的是表语从句,what 在此相当于 the things that。

6.选 C。句首的 it 是形式主语,空格处所填词用于引导主语从句。由于该主语从句中又缺主语,故排除A、B、D。(注意:不能选 A,因为 that 引导名词性从句时不能充当句子成分)7.选 A。第一空填 what,是因为该主语从句中的动词 understand 缺宾语;why 和 because 均可引导表语从句,其区别是: why 引导表语从句强调结果,because 引导表语从句强调原因。句中空格

后文表明的是结果,故用 why。

8.B。what 在此引导主语从句且在从句作宾语,它相当于 the thing that。

9.B。两空均填 what,均用于引导宾语从句,因为两个宾语从句中的动词 said 和do 均缺宾语,而在各个选项中只有 what 可用作宾语。

10.选 A。what 引导宾语从句。由于动词 wants 缺宾语,所以填 what。句意是:当你找工作面试回答问题时,请记住这条黄金定律:永远给予对方确实想要的东西。

11.选 A。I can to save them 为 I can do to save them 之略,此句中的 do 缺宾语,故选


12.选 B。that 在此引导主语从句,无词义,也不充当句子成分。注意不要根据中文意思选 D,因

为 because 不用于引导主语从句。

13.选 C。两个空格处均为引导宾语从句的引导词,而四个选项中两者可引导宾语从句的只有 C。14.选 B。比较 That’s why… 与 That’s because…:前者用于强调结果,后者用于强调原因。如

下面一题选 D:

I got wet all through._______ I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella.A.It’s the reason B.That’s why C.There’s why D.That’s because

15.选 D。由 is worth praising 这一谓语可知前面是主语从句,排除不能引导从句的 B 项和 C 项;whoever 引导主语从句表示“任何……的人”,在此它相当于 anyone who。

名词性从句教学 篇5
















I.lead-in 复习导入 II.presentation 一)定义和分类


二)引导词 不充当任何成分的连词(5个)that(无任何词意)


as if ,as though(均表示“好像”,“似乎”)2 充当成分的连接代词(9个)

what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose, which, whichever 充当成分的连接副词(7个)

when, where, how, why, whenever, wherever, however


It 做形式主语,形式宾语时,真正的主语从句,宾语从句放在后面。





例1 That she was chosen made us very happy.(主语从句,that不可省)

例2 We heard the news that our team had won.(同位语从句,that不可省)


(3)尤其要注意that 在这两种从句中的用法,that在同位语从句中不作成分无意思,that在定语从句中要做成分有意思。


同学们首先要知道基本上我们所学的所有特殊疑问词都可以引导同位语从句,还有就是要记住that,whether,if,as if,as though 这几个词也可以。


III.production 六)练习巩固

我讲完这些之后就给学生发一些打印的名词性从句练习题让他们做。我一般会先讲解几个,其他的让他们自己按照我们上面说的去做。1.________that they found an unusual plant in the forest.A.It is said B.They are said C.It said D.It says

答案A:句型It is said that+主语从句。类似的还有It is believed that……etc

2._____ caused the accident is still a complete mystery.A.What B.That C.How D.Where


3.It worried Mary a lot _____ she would pass the college entrance examination.A.whether B.if C.that D.how

4.Shanghai has taken on a new look.It isn’t like _____ it used to be.A.what B.how C.that D.which

5.____ is no possibility ______ Bob will win the first prize in the match.A.There, that B.It, that C.There, whether D.It, whether 6.Little Tommy was reluctant to tell the schoolmaster ____ he had done the day before.A.that B.how C.what D.where

7.The old man smiled when he saw how pretty _____ up to be during the past few years.A.had his daughter grown B.would his daughter grow

C.his daughter would grow D.his daughter had grown

8.Have you seen Mary lately? My boss wants to know _______.A.how she is getting along B.how is she getting along

C.what she is getting along D.what is she getting along 9.____surprised me most was _____such a little girl of seven could play the violin so well.A.That;what B.What;that C.That;that D.What;what

名词性从句公开课教案 篇6

Teaching material: Senior English Grammar Teacher:

Class: Class 15, Grade 2 Date:

Teaching aims and demands: Students should be able to

1.Identify the four types of noun clauses.2.Master the conjunctions leading noun clauses.3.Understand the indicative order of noun clauses.4.Practice their ability of using noun clauses for reading and writing.Focal points and difficulties: 1.Distinguish the usage of the conjunctions.2.The noun clauses using in writing.Teaching methods: 1.Use the task-based method to revise the noun clauses.2.Use the problems-inspired and discussion method to raise Ss’ memory of conjunctions which lead the different noun clauses.3.Teach according to students’ different English levels.Teaching means: textbook, PPT Teaching procedures:

Step1 Organization: greeting and getting students ready for the class.Step2 Revise the four types of noun clauses.[Level----E]

Step3 Revise the positions and functions of different noun clauses.[Level----E-M]

Step4.Identify the similarities and differences between the appositive

clauses and the attributive clauses [Level----E-M]

Step5.Emphasize the correct order of noun clauses.[level------E]

Step6.The usage of different conjunctions [Level----E-M]

Focus on

what / that,if / whether,that / which.Step7.Writing practice.[Level------M-H]

Step8 Self-evaluation

Step9 Assignment

名词性从句专项练习 篇7


在句子中充当名词作用的各种从句被称作主语从句。值得注意的是, that从句位于句首时, 连词“that”是绝对不能省略的。

1.“that从句”作主语时, 常用“it”作形式主语, 避免头重脚轻。

(1) It+be+形容词 (possible, wonderful, likely, obvious, certain, etc.) +that从句。

例如:It is certain that she will perform well in the math competition.

(2) It+be+名词词组 (no wander, no surprise, a pity, etc.) +that从句。

例如:It is a pity that she can not get the scholarship.

(3) It+be+过去分词 (reported, believed, announced, etc.) +that从句。

(4) 例如:It is believed that Lei Feng is a kind person.2.“whether/if”引导的主语从句。

当it作形式主语时, 把主语从句放在句尾时可用“whether”或“if”。但是, 当主语从句放在句首时, 只能用“whether”不能用“if”。

例如:主语从句放于句首时, Whether he will come is still a problem.

主语从句放于句尾时, It is doubtful whether/if he will come here.


当用特殊疑问词引导主语从句时, 常用“it”作形式主语, 语序一般为陈述语序。

例如:It has not been decided that who will be our class’s monitor.



例如:What they need is sincere friendship.


这句中的what=the things that/which, 即先行词“The things”和之后的定语从句“that/which they need”构成了名词性关系从句。“what”充当主语, “what they need”就是以“what”开头引导的名词性关系从句。




作及物动词宾语时一般可以省略, 然而作介词宾语时“that”却很少可以省略。

例如:Do you think (that) he is a honest boy?

2.“that”从句一般只能作介词“in, except”等后面的宾语。

例如:He decided to give up in that he had run up of his money.


(1) 及物动词之后。宾语从句为否定句时只能用“if”, “whether”从句中不能有否定形式。 (I don’t know whether he doesn’t come.这句话是错误的。)

(2) 介词后。在介词后的宾语从句只能用“whether”不能用“if”。

例如:This decision will have effect on whether or not he wil succeed.


(1) 作动词宾语。能够接特殊疑问词的宾语从句的动词很多, 像“see, hear, watch, etc.”

例如:I can’t imagine how he did it.

(2) 作介词宾语。

例如:We are worrying about what we should do next.


She will give whoever needs help a warm support. (凡是需要帮助, 他都会给予热情地帮助。)

这句中的“whoever=anyone who”, 可知“whoever”即作“give”的宾语, 由充当宾语从句的主语。



例如:My opinion is that we should cherish our life everyday.


例如:The question is whether we should eat the cake withou permission.


例如:The problem is where we cannot figure out.


1.that引导的同为语从句一般是对前面的名词起到补充说明的作用, that只起到连接的作用, 但是不可省略。



例如:The mother gave her daughter a beautiful toy, exactly what she longed to have. (很明显, 后半句是对“the toy”的补充说明。)


名词性从句在英语等级考试中常常以完型, 单项甚至是阅读上考查考生的思维运用能力。特别是强调考生能区分定语从句和名词性从句的差异, 从而正确地做题。例如:

1.Quality iscounts most.


解析:考查名词性从句的连接词。“What counts most”相当于“all that counts most”, 意思为最重要的东西。

2.However, when we observe the language behavior of______ we regard as primitive cultures, we find it surprisingly complicated.


解析:句意为:然而, 当我们观察那些在我们看来属于原始文化的语言行为时, 我们发现他们复杂得令人惊讶。

在本句中, 我们可知是考查名词性从句引导词的用法。这个词既要能作of的宾语, 又能作名词性从句regard的宾语。从选项中得知, 只有D符合。因为what引导的名词性从句在句子中可以充当主语、宾语、介词宾语等成分。

3.There is no evidence________antibiotics, or anti-vira medicines help, so doctors can offer only supportive care.


解析:还没有证据能显示抗生素和抗病毒药物能治愈非典, 所以医生只采用治疗性方法。

很明显, 这句旨在考查考生对同为语从句的认知。“There is no evidence”后必须跟“that”, 起到解释说明的作用。本题很容易就选出正确答案B。

4.Facebook, a social networking site that began in 2004 as a way for college students to keep in touch has expanded to allow everyone to create their own Facebook page.Since then, Facebook has carved a niche for itself in the tech world as a company that is willing to break though the traditional barriers of business.

Facebook distinguished itself when () .

A.It broke through the traditional barriers.

B.It allowed people to create their own page.

C.It provided a platform for communication.

D.Developers began to drive new programs.

解析:在阅读时考生往往由于时间或者是粗心的原因误选A。从文章可知答案就在第二句, 然而有些考生误以为这是主语从句 (that is willing to break though the traditional barriers of business.) , 匆匆下定论。如果仔细分析, 我们就可得知这只是修饰“company”的定语从句, 答案A就必定是错误的。


毋庸置疑, 名词性从句在英语等级考试中的考查点还是很多的。考生对名词性从句分析的能力不是一朝一夕就可以培养的。这需要对名词性从句的基本知识的了解和掌握, 注意语法方面容易出错的地方。只有经过平时认真练习积累, 考生才能准确地分析有关名词性从句的考题, 甚至能正确分析阅读理解时碰到的长句, 更好地理解阅读的内容, 从而选择正确的答案。

摘要:名词性从句一直以来都是英语等级考试中的考点。名词从句是一种具有名词功能的非独立分句。一般来说, 名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句, 以及同位语从句。本文对这些从句进行归纳和分析, 为考生的英语等级考试提供借鉴, 减少其在英语等级考试中的失误。



[1]赵体华.名词性从句重难点揭秘[J].新高考, 2010, (1) .

[2]胡雯雯.浅析英语语法中的名词性从句[J].现代企业教育, 2009, (20) .

[3]谭福成.全面剖析名词性从句[J].新高考, 2011, (6) .

[4]张剑.考研英语语法精讲[M].世界图书版公司出版社, 2012.

名词性从句问答(一) 篇8


教师:名词性从句通常由三类词引导:1. 连词that,whether或if;2. 连接代词 who,whom, whose, what,which, whoever, whomever, whatever, whichever等;3. 连接副词when, where, why, how, whenever, wherever, however等。

学生:引导名词性从句的词有这么多,一下子记不住啊。老师,您就先给我讲讲连词that, whether或if的用法吧。


1. That I can do a bit for you makes me happy.

2. I wonder if daughters are valued as much as sons in the countryside.

3. My question is whether I can lose weight in this way.

4. His coming late is due to the fact that the car went wrong halfway.


教师:说得对。从这几个句子我们可以看出,连词that, whether或if只起连接主句与从句的作用,在从句中并不担任句子成份。这是第一点。要记住的第二点是:除在动词和部分形容词后面引导宾语从句的that在口语中通常省略外,其他情况下,无论是that还是whether或if,都不省略。



1. that引导主语从句时,常用it作形式主语,而将that从句后置。如上面的第一个句子常改写为: It makes me happy that I can do a bit for you.

2. that引导宾语从句时,如其后有补足语,则用it作形式宾语,而将that从句后置。如:

We find it necessary that we should send more people to the earthquakestricken area.

3. that引导的从句通常不作介词的宾语,但可以用在in和except之后。如:

The trouble of bird flu lies in that human cannot stop birds flying from one place to another.

The trip was perfect except that the cost was a bit high.

4. sure, certain, glad, happy, satisfied, afraid, aware等表示“情感”的形容词后面也可接that引导的从句,而且that在口语中通常省略。如:

I’m pretty sure (that) he’ll agree to do the work alone.

5. 在It’s important/necessary/strange/natural that ... 句型中以及与advice, advise, order, insist(坚持要),suggest(建议),suggestion, require, request等词有关的名词性从句中,谓语动词通常采用“should +动词原形”的形式,且should可以省略。如:

It’s important that he (should) attend the meeting to be held this afternoon.

At the meeting he suggested that everyone (should) donate 500 yuan to the area.



1. 如果动词之后有两个或两个以上由that引导的宾语从句,第一个that可以省略,其余的that不省略。如:

I don’t believe (that) he has ever read any of Shakespeare’s works or that he has ever heard of him.

2. 如果that引导的宾语从句中,that之后紧接一个由其他连词引导的从句,则该that不能省略。如:

He said that if I did not have time I might not go.

比较:He said (that) I might not go if I did not have time.


I shouted to find out whether/if there was anyone there, but there was no answer.

I’m not sure whether/if they’ll agree to such a plan.



1. 在介词之后引导宾语从句。如:

It all depends on whether he will support us.

2. 与or not直接连用时。如:

I don’t know whether or not he finally found his missing bike.

对比:I don’t know whether/if he finally found his missing bike or not.

3. 用if引起歧义时。如:

Please let me know whether you like it.

这个句子中用whether,引导的是宾语从句。如果将whether换成if的话,就有可能误解为:If you like, please let me know.


The problem whether we should continue the experiment remains unsolved.




一、 选用that, whether 或if填空:

1. It was reported________ the football team was warmly received by the Queen.

2. The question is________ the film is worth seeing.

3. I asked her________ she was getting along well with her new classmates.

4. It hasn’t been decided________ we shall attend the meeting.

5. This suit fits me well except________ the trousers are too long.

二、 选择最佳答案:

6.________ she will come or not is not easy to say.

A. ThatB. WhenC. IfD. Whether

7. The foreign minister said, “___ ___ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”

A. This is B. There is C. That is D. It is

8. We don’t doubt________ he can do a good job of it.

A. whetherB. thatC. ifD. which

9. The reason why the car was stopped was__ ___ .

A. that the road was icy

B. due to the icy road

C. because the road was icy

D. because of the icy road

10. All I want to say is________ you should tell the truth.

A. thatB. whomC. whetherD. what

11.His suggestion________ to see the art exhibition interested every one of us.

A. that we goB. which we should go

C. that we would goD. we should go

12.___ ___ that I was not in London at that time.

A. There happenedB. It happened

C. I happenedD. It was happened

13.________ has been announced that the 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London.

A. ThereB. AsC. ThatD. It

14.Word has come________ some American guests will come for a visit to our school next week.

A. ifB. thatC. whetherD. which

15.It is required that something________ to get rid of air pollution.

A. will be doneB. is done

C. is to be doneD. be done

16.He is very brave. I wish I________ his courage.

A. hadB. have

C. had hadD. should have

17.It makes no difference________ we will go today or tomorrow.

A. whatB. eitherC. ifD. whether

18.Keep in mind________ you want others to respect you, you must respect others first.

A. thatB. that if

C. ifD. that whether

19. — What are you anxious about?

— ________.

A. If we succeed

B. Whether we will succeed

C. That we will succeed

D. Do we succeed

20. —I believe________ you’ve done your best and________ things will improve.

—Thank you.

A. that; whetherB. what; that

C. that; ifD. 不填; that


1. that。 2. whether。 3. whether/if。

4. whether。 5. that。

6. D whether 引导主语从句。Whether ... or not 是习惯搭配。

7. D it是形式主语,代替that the two sides will work towards peace。

8. B that 引导同位语从句。doubt 在疑问句、否定句中后接名词性从句时,用that引导,肯定句中用 whether 或if。

9. A The reason why .../for ... is that ... 是习惯搭配。

10. A that引导表语从句,无意义。

11. A that引导同位语从句,从句中的谓语动词要用“should + 动词原形”,should可以省略。引导同位语从句的that不可省略,所以不选择D。

12. B It happens that ...,碰巧……;常用句式,it是形式主语。

13. D it是形式主语,真正的主语是that the 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London。

14. B that some American guests will come for a visit to our school next week是word的同位语。

15. D 与require相关的名词性从句中的谓语动词要用“should + 动词原形”,should可以省略。

16. A wish后的宾语从句中的谓语动词要求用动词的过去式表示现在的情况,用过去完成时表示过去的情况,用“would/could+动词原形”表示将来。

17. D it是形式主语,真正的主语是whether we will go today or tomorrow。

18. B that 引导宾语从句,if引导条件状语从句。由于if引导的条件状语从句紧接在that之后,所以that不可省略。

19. B whether we will succeed是宾语从句,完整的答句是:I am anxious about whether we will succeed。
