英语教案参考 篇1
课 时 教 案
Unit 1 My friends (1)
教 学目 的
1. To learn the adjectives
2. Use adjectives to describe people
The spelling and pronunciation of the new words
Flash cards, wall picture, projector, blackboard
Pencils, books
Ⅰ Greetings
Ⅱ Warming up questions
Ⅲ Presentation
1. lead-in
Look at Miss Zhu. I am (strong). Can you give me some other adjectives?
Things People
Long, short fat, thin, tall, short, beautiful,
Big, small handsome, strong, good, clever, foolish
2. Teach the adjectives using the wall picture and the flash cards. T may describe a situation first, encourage the students to say out the adjective, e.g. John always helps his mother feed the dog. He is a good boy. He is (helpful).
3. Ask Ss to match the flash cards with the right child in the wall picture. Ask them to make sentences like that:
Charlie is naughty. Or I can see Charlie. He is naughty.
Ⅳ Summary
Unit 1 My friends
Things People
Long, short fat, thin, tall, short, beautiful,
Big, small handsome, strong, good, clever, foolish
Following the models, write eight sentences according to the pictures in copybook①
英语教案- My friends
英语教案参考 篇2
主要责任者.题名:其他题名信息[文献类型标志].其他责任者.版本项 (第一版不著录) .出版地:出版者, 出版年:引文页码[引用日期].
潘文.现代汉语存现句的多维研究[M].南京:南京师范大学出版社, 2006.
辛希孟.信息技术与信息服务国际研讨会论文集:A集[C].北京:中国社会科学出版社, 1994.
2. 专著、论文集中析出文献:
析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[文献类型标志].其他责任者//专著主要责任者.专著题名:其他题名信息.版本项.出版地:出版者, 出版年:析出文献的页码.
陈晋镶, 张惠民, 朱士兴, 等.蓟县震旦亚界研究[M]//中国地质科学院天津地质矿产研究所.中国
震旦亚界.天津:天津科学技术出版社, 1980:56-114.
五届大会论文集.西安:西安电子科技大学出版社, 1996:468-471.
3. 连续出版物
主要责任者.题名:其他题名信息[文献类型标志].年, 卷 (期) -年, 卷 (期) :起止页码.获取和访问路径.
中国图书馆学会.图书馆学通讯[J].1957 (l) -1990 (4) .北京:北京图书馆, 1957-1990.
4. 连续出版物中的析出文献
析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[文献类型标志].连续出版物题名:其他题名信息, 年, 卷 (期) :页码.获取和访问路径.
英语教案参考 篇3
一、1.②③ 2.②④ 3.瞭望、心不在焉、昂首阔步、夜晚 4.怀念、想念、挂念、思念等。5.幻想、想象、假想 6.Q qi 寒冷 单人旁 8 到 7.绝胜烟柳满皇都;一枝红杏出墙来;白银盘里一青螺;春来江水绿如蓝。 8.杜甫;孟郊;白居易;杜牧。 9.①阮小二、卢俊义、施耐庵;②贾宝玉、刘姥姥、曹雪芹;③周瑜、赵子龙、罗贯中;④铁扇公主、沙和尚、吴承恩。10.答案不固定。如“刻舟求剑、自相矛盾、亡羊补牢、惊弓之鸟”等,符合要求即可。 11.书山对学海,有对无,勤对苦,径对舟; 12.风对雨,摇对打,竹影对梅花,有对无,声对字,画对诗。
阅读二1. 兴隆 2. 没有把哥哥的话当回事情。只按照自己的思考来做事情。意思对即可。 3. 诚信;丢掉了诚信,就丢掉了生意,做人应该讲究诚信才行。
4.反衬。环境衬托了乔依的心情不好,也衬托了乔依生活艰难;但这样艰难情形下,乔依还是无私的帮助了老妇人,从而突出了乔依对人充满爱心的特点。 学生未必答出“反衬”术语,意思对即可。
5.店面破旧与毛巾雪白的对比(或店面破旧与女店主热情的对比)。意思对即可。 对比来写还是要反衬,用店面破旧来反衬主人的干净和热情。属于要求同上。意思对即可。三、习作。(略)
一、4 二、2 三、(1)却、确(2)势、式(3)雳、历历、厉、立
四、z zhāng、③①④⑤ 五、穷凶极恶、无动于衷、化险为夷、奇珍异宝、气势汹汹、指挥若定、心领神会、气宇轩昂、 奇珍异宝、穷凶极恶、无动于衷、气势汹汹、气宇轩昂、指挥若定、心领神会、化险为夷
七、1.“爱护”改为“维护”。2.“习惯”改为“态度”。3.“劳动”改为“劳动力”八、1.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 2.一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。
3.哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。 4.春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。
阅读理解 一、 略 二、 1.“ , , 。 ” 《 》 , 《 》 , , 。 , , 。
2.但……不仅……更…… 由于……并且……
3.耽误 承诺; 4.略 5.略 6.略 习作:略
一、 1. 魁梧 蕴含 锻炼 橱窗 撇嘴 荣誉 朦胧 陶醉
2.(1)C (2)B (3) D (4)D (5)C (6)B (7)D 3.(1)老人注视着海鸥们。 (2)秋天的香山是个美丽的地方。 (3)地球太容易破碎了,我们应该保护它。 (4)诸葛亮对鲁肃说,三天之内要造十万支箭,得请鲁肃帮帮他的忙。(5)虽然爷爷满头银发,但是行动十分利落。(6)略
4.(1)观千剑而后识器 (2)稻花香里说丰年 (3)我劝天公重抖擞 (4)此花开尽更无花 (5)纤毫必偿 时刻不易 (6)学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 (7)本自同根生 相煎何太急 (8)谁言寸草心 报得三春晖 5.(1)《孟子·告知》 专心致志,惟弈秋之为听。
学习应该专心致志,不可三心二意。 (2)、(3)略 6.略
二、(一) 1.坚决 即使 2.讥笑 鼓励 周到 3.作者连用四个“哪里”把勘测线路中遇到的种种困难展示在我们面前,作者用词精炼、准确,几个动词的连用也恰到好处,“开山”、“架桥”、“铲平”、“改小”读起来朗朗上口,很有感染力。 4.塞外常常狂风怒号,黄沙满天,一不小心还有坠入深谷的危险。5.这是中国人自己修筑的第一条铁路,一定要把他修好;否则,不但惹那些外国人讥笑,还会使中国的工程师失掉信心。 表现了詹天佑热爱祖国的思想感情和为祖国争气的坚强决心。 (二)1. zhènɡ dān yè 2. , :“, , , 。 , , 。” 3.连连碰壁:连续不断地受到拒绝,事情行不通。 寝食难安:形容放心不下眼前的事,焦急到了极点,都到了睡也睡不着,吃也吃不好的地步了。 4.在他心里面,父亲给予的爱已经超越了所有他所遇到的灾难,并且给予了他无比的力量去战胜那些他身边一直以来无以面对的困难。 5.(1)为让儿子过得安宁去住老年公寓。(2)要为儿子捐献角膜。 6.我想对妻子说的是:“灾难只是上帝开的一个玩笑,亲情是上天赐予的最美的礼物。老人并不是家里的负担,而是家里亲情的核心。你如今嫌弃丈夫的父亲,说不定日后,被孩子留在老人公寓的人就是你了。” 三、习作展示。(略)
一、1.十三亿七千零五十三万七千,14亿;亿,三个亿。2. 25,0.8。
3. 2 3 5 7 4. 8 5. 6. 1 7. 324 8. 60 9. +7
二、1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.D 三、 1.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.√ 6.× 7.× 8.√
四、1. 334 0.16 90 15 1 1∶5
2. 10 20 0.6 57 3. x=5 x=20 x=
五、1.面积:6.88(平方厘米) 周长:28.56(厘米) 2.169.56(立方厘米)
六、 1. 25×(1-64%)=9(分) 2.根据比例尺,学校实际长是320米,宽240米。 320×240=76800(平方米) 合7.68公顷
3.第二天看(180-15)× =15(页) 15+15=30
4.(1- )÷( + )=10(天)
5. 62.8÷(4÷2)2×3.14=5(分米) (4÷2)2×3.14×(5-1)=50.24(升)
6.⑴(15+18+20+25)÷12=6.5(万人) ⑵选用折线统计图(略)
一、1.十二亿二千五百九十三万,12亿。 2. 3. 315 160
4. 0. 5.34%、0.3 6.2 3 5 7 11 13 17 7.20 8.锐角9.24 10. 2∶3=10∶15 11. 98 12. 25 13. 14. 15. 375 350
二、1.× 2.× 3.× 4.√ 5.× 三、1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5. B
四、 1. 0.35 1 1 1000 129 690 21
2. 2 4 999000 15 9 3. x=4.5 x=1.2
五、画图(略) 六、 1. 102+102÷3×25=952(米)
3. 10÷( - × )=60(千克)
1.2x+0.8×(15-x)=16 x=10 15-x=15-10=5
5.两个正方形面积减去三个三角形的面积。 312.5(平方厘米)
2. 2009到2010年手机增加的最快,增加了80部。
卷1: 一、 770 280 90 4800 4 100 12 0.021 二、 4403 3095 15.27 2.07 2622 0.945 206 1.8 三、50000 16.5 100 5.6 240 2
四、x=3 x=2 x=2.5 x=21 x= x=1.5
五、1. 4.8÷(32-26)=0.8 2. 1.8×6= x x=16.2
3. x∶12=0.5 x=9 4.(x-15)÷2=7.5 x=30
卷2: 一、1.小 大。2. -800。 3. 2065000。 4. 4。 5. 5∶1 5。 6. 2016。 7.小明。 8.成反。 9. 3600 10. 4>0.4>-0.4>-4
二、1.× 2.× 3.√ 4.√ 5.× 6.√ 7.× 8.√ 9.√ 10.×
三、1.④ 1.③ 3.③① 4.②④ 5.② 6.② 四、动手操作(略)
五、1.左图:84(平方厘米) 右图:3,44(平方厘米)
2.左图:268(立方分米) 右图:800(立方分米)
六、1.解:设还需要x分钟。 36∶72%=x∶(1-72%) x=14
2.(42-36)÷2=3(吨) 3. 36÷(80-56)=1.5(小时)
圆柱形水桶容积。π(1.2÷2)2×1=1.13(立方分米) 12÷1.13≈11(次)
5. 3200×(1-20%)=2560(元) 2560÷(1+5%)=2438(元)
6.⑴折线统计图(略) ⑵一分店销售量上升的快,下降的也快,可能是管理等方面出现了问题。二分店稳步上升,销售前景看好,有发展前景。
Ⅰ. 1. This is cabbage. 2. I like this T-shirt. 3. I see a panda.
4. This is a pair of shoes. 5. I live in a house.
Ⅱ. 6. Are you okay? 7. Are you hot? 8. Can a cow fly?
9. What’s your favourite food? 10. Is this your hat?
Ⅲ. Amy: Him Sam! Where are you going?
Sam: Hi Amy! I’m going shopping. I want to buy a gift for my grandma. Tomorrow is her birthday.
Amy: Can I go shopping with you?
Sam: Of course you can. What are you going to buy?
Amy: I’m going to buy some new clothes. Tomorrow I’ll go to the Children’s Theater(儿童剧院). I will act there.
Sam: Won’t you go to school tomorrow?
Amy: No, I won’t. Tomorrow is Saturday.
Ⅳ.16. Sixty minutes make an hour.
17. Teachers’ Day is September tenth.
18. You write an e-mail on a computer.
19. The old man is healthy. 20. A cashier works in a supermarket.
Ⅰ. 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B Ⅱ.6.B 7. A 8.A 9.C 10.C
Ⅲ. 11.T 12.T 13.F 14.F 15.T
Ⅳ.16. minutes 17. Teachers’ 18. computer 19. healthy
20. supermarket
Ⅰ.1. r 2. o 3. n 4. f 5. w 6. k 7. p 8. a 9. s 10. e
Ⅱ.11. arm胳膊 12. blackboard黑板 13. candle蜡烛
14. shoulder肩膀 15. businessman 商人
Ⅲ. 16. always 17. difficult / hard 18. potatoes 19. slower 20. has
21. riding 22. walks 23. windy 24. playground 25. basketball
Ⅳ.26.A 27.B 28.B 29.C 30.C 31.C 32.B 33.B 34.C 35.A
Ⅴ. 36. Touch your nose for yes.
37. Is this a bathtub or a shower? (Is this a shower or a bathtub?)
38. The carrots are on the table.
39. These words get bigger with an s.
40. The cloud looks like a donut.
Ⅵ.41. Linda third floor clerk
42. Jim first floor teacher
43. I fourth floor cashier
44. Sam second floor doctor
Ⅶ. Wang Hong is my friend. She is twelve years old. She is very pretty. She likes dancing. But she doesn’t like to eat cabbage.
Ⅰ.1.My hair is blond and curly. 2.The slippers are below the bed.
3. In spring, I take off my winter clothes.
4. A clerk works in a store.
5. The president of the U.S. lives in the White House.
6. Her birthday is October second. 7. Today is Friday.
8. I have a pink marker. 9. Do you have any ping-pong balls?
10. His mother goes to work by car.
Ⅱ.11. Are mitts and mittens the same? Yes!They are the same!
12. Does a kangaroo have stripes? No! A kangaroo has a pouch.
13. What’s your favourite fruit? My favourite fruit is melon.
14. I like to play basketball with my father and brother.
15. What are you doing? I’m playing on the computer.
Ⅲ.16. Yes, please! I would like some noodles.
17. How tall are you? 18. May I go on a trip to Australia?
19.That’s easy! English! 20.Do you usually go to school by bus?
Ⅳ.21. Linda bought a new pair of trousers.
22. This flower is beautiful. 23. Please listen to me!
24. Wang Fei and I often go to school together.
25. The capital city of China is Beijing.
Ⅰ.1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9. A 10. B
Ⅱ.11.A 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.B Ⅲ.16.B 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.B
Ⅳ.21. trousers 22. beautiful 23. listen 24. often 25. city
Ⅰ.1. u sun(run, us, duck, etc )
2. oo look(wood, cookies, bedroom, etc) 3. i kite(like, nice, time, etc)
4. a cake(lake, name, grape, etc) 5. e bed(leg, egg, hen, etc)
Ⅱ.6. sunny / fine 7. sheep 8. their 9. street 10. ice-cream / ice cream
Ⅲ.11.A 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.C
Ⅳ.21. Are, playing soccer 22. are not 23. How often does, eat
24. Yes, have some 25. bought, yesterday Ⅴ.26.E 27.D 28.A
29.B 30.C Ⅵ.31.A 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.C Ⅶ. 略
Ⅰ、1. He plays on a team. 2. I will make things with the sand.
3. I eat peas about twice a month. 4. What sports do you play?
5. Do you know onions can make you cry?
6. Let's have a party for him to say good-bye.
7. I like watching clouds better than flying kites.
8. I'm showing you the skin on my arm.
9. Everyone wants to be strong and healthy.
10. I lie on the grass and look at the clouds.
II、11. Sometimes I play sports with my friends.
12. Jenny finds some flags. These are souvenirs of Canada.
13. We had our umbrellas and our sandles. We were dry.
14. The flower is weak and sick.
15. Danny can hit the ball with this paddle. It's easy.
Ⅲ、16. What's the score? 17. Where did you go yesterday?
18. How much exercise do you need?
19. Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt? 20. How long is the trip?
IV、21. In fall, the trees lose their leaves.
22. I need a gift for every person in my family.
23. There's someone at the door.
24. For strong bones, you need to eat good food.
25. I like to play basketball with my friends.
Ⅰ、1~5 A B B A C 6~10 A B C B B
Ⅱ、 11~15 F T F F F Ⅲ、 16~20 B B A B A
Ⅳ、21. leaves 22. every 23. someone 24. bones 25. basketball
Ⅰ、1. player 2. hour 3. swimming pool 4. cabbage 5. runners
Ⅱ、6 ~10 C C B B A 11~15 A B C B C
Ⅲ、16. early 17. lost 18. before 19. forget 20. catch
Ⅳ、21. will fly / are going to fly 22. brushes 23. hitting
24. riding 25. taught
Ⅴ、26~30 B D E C A
Ⅵ、31. I will pick some flowers for my mother.
32. Everyone is going to learn English. 33. What do you wear to swim?
34. It is good for you. 35. I like to look at flowers.
高中英语精选教案参考 篇4
词类 英语名称 意 义 例 词
名词 The Noun (缩写为n) 表示人或事物的名称 Basket, mouth, hospital, year, train
冠词 The Article (art) 用在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物 a, an, the
代词 The Pronoun (pron) 用来代替名词、形容词或数词 They, his, him, mine, which, all
形容词 The Adjective (adj) 用以修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 Long, empty, heavy, different, cheap, hungry
数词 The Numeral (num) 表示数量或顺序 Three, thirteen, twenty, second
动词 The Verb (v) 表示动作或状态 Hear, write, swim, eat, borrow, sing
副词 The Adverb (adv) 修饰动词、形容词或其他副词 Quickly, early, out, soon, then, sometimes
介词 The Preposition (prep) 表示名词、代词等和句中其他词的关系 From, with, at, into, behind, between, for
连词 The Conjunction (conj) 用来连接词与词、短语与短语或句与句 And, or, but, so, because
感叹词 The Interjection (interj) 表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感 Oh, hey, ouch, well, there, dear
(一) 名词:
专有名词:表示人名、月份、日期、地名等。如 China, John, London, the USA, Harbin .
个体名词:表示单个的人或事物。如 boat, chair, desk, apple .
集体名词:表示一群人或一些事物的总称。如 family, people, class, police . 可数名词
普通名词 物质名词:表示无法分为个体的物质。如 water, air, tea, sea, money, cotton .
抽象名词:表示抽象概念的词。如 health, help, work, friendship . 不可数名词
2.名词的数。可数名词有单复数,不可数名词没有单复数。X| k |B| 1 . c|O |m
1.定冠词-the .
○1 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。The students are very good.
○2 说话人与听话人都知道的人或事物。Where is the toilet ?
○3 重复提到上文的人或事物。I have a cat , the cat is white and black .
○4 表示世界上独一无二的事物。The moon moves around the earth .
○5 形容词级和序数词前和表示方位的名词前。I am the oldest . He is the first to school . I live in the south .
○6 乐器的名称前常用定冠词-the 。I like playing the piano / violin .
○7 和某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表某一类人。We should help the poor .
○8 放在某些专有名词前。We will go to visit the Great Wall next week . the people’s Republic of China .
○9 放在姓氏的复数形式前,表示全家人或夫妇两人。The Whites are watching TV .
○10 固定词组中。In the morning / afternoon / evening .
2.不定冠词-a / an .
○1 指人或事物的某一种类。A horse is a useful animal. A table has four legs.
○2 指某一类人或事物中的任何一个。Pass me a pencil, please. We write with a pen.
○3 指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。The book was written by a peasant. Last month we were working in a factory.
○4 不定冠词还可以指“事物的单位”,如“每日”、“每斤”等。 Here is a letter for you . The meat is 18 yuan a kilo.
○1 泛指人类或男女。Man will conquer nature .
○2 抽象名词在用来表示它的一般概念时,通常不加冠词。Knowledge begins with practice .
○3 有些个体名词有时可以转化成具有抽象意义,其前面也常不加冠词。We had better send him to hospital at once.
○4 在专有名词前一般不用冠词。China is a great country. Mr Smith is an artist.
○5 在三餐饭何球类运动名称之前不用冠词。He often goes out for a walk after supper. Sometimes I play basketball.
○6 在节假日、星期几、月份、季节等名词前。October 10th is Teachers’ Day.
○7 称呼语或表示头衔、职务的名词前不用冠词。Granny is sleeping now. We call him monitor.
○8 在语言名词前,名词前有指示代词、物主代词或数词时,不用冠词。This is his book. I can speak English .
○9 不用冠词的惯用语。At night / on food / go to town / at home / in class / at work 等。
○1 简单形容词由一个单词构成。Good, long, green, large, bright, interesting, surprised, learned, developing, sleeping .
○2 复合形容词由一个以上的词构成。20-minute, second-hand, 500-word, 8-year-old, three-legged, round-trip, part-time, good-looking.
○1 修饰名词作定语。She is a beautiful girl .
○2 作表语。He is very strong.
○3 作宾语补足语。Let the door open. You must keep your classroom clean .
○4 “定冠词+形容词”表示一类人或物,在句子中可作主语或宾语。We should speak to the old politely.
○5 大多数形容词既可作表语又可作定语,但少数形容词只能作表语,不能作定语。如:asleep, ill, awake 等。
○6 有些形容词只能作定语而不能作表语。如:many, little, wooden, golden 等。
○1 形容词通常放在它所修饰的名词的前面。A heavy box.
○2 与表示度量的词连用,形容词要放在它所修饰词语的后面。3 metre long. 12 kilometer away .
○3 与不定代词something, anything, everything, nothing 等连用时,可以放在这些词之后。 Something important . nothing serious .
○4 当名词前有多个形容词修饰时,一般按下面的词序排列: 冠词(包括物主代词、序数词、基数词)-描述形容词(brave, beautiful)-表示形状(大小、长短、高矮)的形容词-表示年龄或新旧的形容词-表示颜色的形容词-表示国籍、出处或来源的形容词-表示材料、物质的形容词-表示用途或类别的形容词-被修饰的词。My nice small brown leather bag . those large round black wooden tables .
4.形容词的比较级和级。(一般加 er / est ,不规则见表)
○1 原级的用法:“……和……相同”
A. 肯定句:A + 动词 + as + 形容词原级 + as + B . He is as tall as me .
B. 否定句:A… + not as +形容词原级 + as + B (即A 不如 B 那么…)
A… + not so +形容词原级 + as + B = A…+ less + 形容词原级+than + B .
○2 比较级的用法:
A. A + 动词 + 形容词的比较级 + than + B . (A 比B 更… ,在这种句型中,比较级前面可用 much, even, still, a little, a bit, a lot, any, far 等修饰,表示“…得多”,“甚至…”,“更…”,“…一点儿”。
B. “比较级 + and + 比较级”、“more and more + 部分双音节或多音节的原级” 译为“越来越…”。
○3 级的用法:(个体用-of ,范围用-in,级前面要用定冠词-the)
A. 三种级表示法。
级:Shanghai is the largest city in China .
比较级:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China . / Shanghai is larger than the other cities in China .
英语教案参考 篇5
Who are you(teaching aims and demands)
1.鼓励小朋友之间大胆交流,养成说英语的习惯。2.在快乐的游戏中习得英语,培养一定的主动交际能力.3.学会用“who are you”询问对方的姓名,并且能正确回答别人询问自己的姓名的问句
Day one who are you
句型:who are you?I am „ 教学用具
教学活动 1. 教师走进教室,亲切、和蔼、大声地用英语向小朋友问好:“Hello!”“Nice to meet you ,boys and girls一边问候一边与小朋友挥手。小朋友回应“Hello,nice to meet you,too”,教师应当高兴地表示赞许,并且引导小朋友表扬自己“Good,good,very good” 2.教师拿出手偶,一只手戴一种手偶,模仿小猫的声音对小狗说:“Hello!”“who are you ?”小狗汪汪叫两声后回答,“I am dog,I am dog.”将小狗的手偶让小朋友戴上,老师和其他小朋友一起问“Who are you ?”戴手偶的小朋友回答“I am dog”,看哪位小朋友问的好,就将手偶传给谁。反复练习。
3.老师请四位表现好的小朋友到前面来,将小狗小猫小鸭小兔的动物面具发给他们戴上,让小朋友围成一个圈,四位小朋友站到圈里去,小朋友一边转圈一边问“Who are you ?”老师说stop,哪只动物没蹲下来,哪只动物就必须马上回答“I am „
1. 教师提示幼儿,用“Who are you ”询问新朋友的名字。
2. 建议家长在家播放本课录音,并及时反馈幼儿在家的复习及兴趣状况。
Day Two chant and sing 教学内容
Chant: who are you Sing: who are you
录音机一台 大汽锤一个 教学活动
1.教师戴上小狗的手偶,用夸张的表情和变换的语调向幼儿打招呼:“Hello!”问候以后复习上节课内容“who are you ”,先一起问,后面单独问小朋友,加深对句型的掌握。对反应积极的幼儿及时表扬,引导更多的幼儿回应。
2.复习后,教师配以肢体语言先将chant 表演一遍,再放录音请小朋友一起欣赏。3教师教唱。
1. 教师给幼儿一个家庭作业,让幼儿回家去把所学的chant 和 song 唱給爸爸妈妈听。2请家长给小朋友放录音。Day Three exercise 教学内容
练习:listen and tick;colour it 教学用具 水彩笔一盒,教学活动
1. 请小朋友自己和朋友互相练习对话“Who are you”。2. 大家一起复习chant和song.3. 单独请小朋友上来表演,培养他们的表演能力和胆量。4. 放录音,做练习2 5. 老师带着小朋友一起做练习5,辨别和复习颜色。教学延伸
1. 请家长在家给小朋友再次放练习的录音,巩固复习。2.练习chant 和song Day Four
story 教学内容: 故事情节
The clown and the missing nose
1.A clown is getting ready for a show.Suddenly he finds that his nose is missing.He can’t find his big red nose.“Where is my big red nose?” He hears many people laugh.2.He looks at the platform and sees his dog is on the stage.To his surprise, the dog is wearing his big red nose.He calls to the dog, “Come back!Come back!Give me my big nose.” But the dog doesn’t listen.3.So the clown gets a bone and goes to the dog.The dog sees the clown and runs away.4.The clown holds the bone in his mouth and feels angry.The dog comes back again.He also has a big bone in his mouth.He wants to give the clown a big bone, too.Everybody laughs and thinks that this is a funny and interesting dog.教学用具: 1.一个夸张的红鼻头。2.小丑玩具。3.小狗玩具。4.两根骨头。
1.老师先把整个故事的大概先讲一遍,拿出小丑玩具,教读“clown”, 2.教师请幼儿上前做游戏:“Now,let’s play a game”,一定有很多幼儿举手:“Let me try”,教师示意幼儿安静下来:“Please be quiet.”表示只需要五个小朋友参加:“only five”,并强调:“one、two、three、four、five”.教师此时说明游戏规则:当教师发出“one”的指令时,五个小朋友中有一个要跳入地上的呼拉圈中,如有多余的进入者要退出来。当教师发出“four”的指令时,要有四个小朋友跳入圈中。教师还可安排下面的幼儿来发出指令。3.教师可设计一个小故事涵盖以下的单词:(run、moo、saw、pie).用故事来组织教学活动,让幼儿成为其中的角色:教师带领幼儿慢跑,边跑变说:“run、run、run”,教师拿出主题教学图片(农场背景)说:“Run to a farm”,指着在吃草的奶牛说:“cow”,带着幼儿模仿奶牛的声音:“Moo….moo….”,教师和幼儿都扮演“farmer”的角色来工作,锯木头来搭建牛栏,边锯边说:“saw、saw、saw”,大家都很努力,擦擦汗,摸摸肚子,表示饿了,教师出示图片“pie”,示意幼儿边传图片边说“pie”,还假装咬一口,让每一个幼儿都参与进来。
1. 教师提示幼儿回家听本课录音时,一定要将动作和歌谣都展示出来,表演给家人看。2. 教师在以后的教学中定期复习。
Day Five
Let’s sing!
1. Review it!(复习和回顾):Hi!Hello!Good morning!Your name,please? Circle big Circle small numbers(1-5)words(saw pie)Chant.2. 问候语:Good bye!3. 歌曲:Good bye
1. 教师出示手偶和毛绒玩具,给幼儿一一打招呼:“Hi!”“Hello!”“Good morning!”,引导幼儿也积极回应。
2. 教师告诉幼儿每五个幼儿手拉手围成圈,中间放一个“好朋友”(一个毛绒玩具),大家一起玩 “Circle big Circle small ”的游戏,游戏之前先让幼儿报报数(from1-5).3. 教师和幼儿围成一个大圈,边传递一个小玩具,边问旁边的小朋友:“Your name,please?”旁边的小朋友回答了自己的名字后又问下一个小朋友:“Your name,please?”,完成以后教师带着幼儿表演Chant.4. 最后,教师告诉幼儿今天的活动要结束了,要对我们的“好朋友”说:“Good bye!”,同时教师播放“再见歌”的录音,引导幼儿吟唱…….教师在将玩具一一收进包里时,模仿它们的声音再次给幼儿们告别:“Good bye!Good bye!”
1.教师每次下课前用“Good bye!”和幼儿告别.提示幼儿和老师、家长告别时要用“Good bye!”
《过年了》参考教案 篇6
【学习领域】综合•探索 【课时建议】1课时 【教学目标】
同学们,坐好了。今天,同学们真精神!你们知道咱们中国有哪些传统的节日吗? 生:端午节、中秋节、元宵节、春节等。
师:同学们知道的可真不少,你最喜欢哪个节日?为什么? 课件出示一首歌曲《吉祥如意》。
(二)过年用的物品 生:春联、福字。师:为什么贴春联、福字? 生:为节日增加喜庆气氛。
师:同学们都搜集了哪些与过年有关的故事呢? 生:年的来历(故事)。
师:你搜到的资料很有价值,让我们知道了夕相传也是一种怪兽。师:同学们知道春节都有哪些活动吗? 生:打扫卫生,辞旧迎新。
生:在守岁的时候,长辈要将事先准备好的压岁钱,分给晚辈。师:你们都收到压岁钱了吗? 生:收到了。
师:边看边问,他们在干什么? 生:舞龙、舞狮、扭秧歌„„ 师问:看完了,同学们感觉热闹吗? 生:热闹。
师:饺子像金元宝,过年时吃饺子,也带有“招财进宝”的吉祥含义。师:过春节时,我们除了吃水饺,还能吃到哪些好吃的饭菜呢? 生:
鱼——年年有鱼; 鸡——大吉大利;
年糕——我们的生活一年一年提高; 汤圆——全家团团圆圆;
2.师:过年了,现在老师想把祝福送给你们,谁愿意和老师一起表演? 师:(做打电话的样子)叮铃铃,是×××吗?
生:我是王老师,新年到了,祝你新年快乐,笑口常开„„ 生:谢谢,我也祝你„„
师:现在我们来分角色扮演他们,给他们送上你的祝福。谁想表演? 学生扮演并演示。(分三组)4.师小结:刚才同学们的祝福热线,让我们每个人感受着幸福与温暖。打电话可以表达祝福,还有什么方式可以表达我们的祝福呢?
英语教案参考 篇7
自2001年正式公布至今, CEFR所定义的三层六级语言能力量表已经得到世界各国语言教学者、学习者和评估者的广泛认可。作为语言学习、教学和测评的纲领性文件, CEFR对英语教学具有重大指导意义。
1 CEFR (《欧洲语言共同参考框架》)
CEFR采取行动导向的方法 (Action-oriented Approach) , 把语言的使用者和学习者首先看作“社会主体”, 即需要完成各种任务的社会成员。在此基础上, 它对涉及语言学习者及语言学习、教学和评估的方方面面做了系统、全面、详尽的阐述。
以语言能力为例, CEFR首先把使用者的语言能力分为一般能力 (General competence) 和交际语言能力 (Communicative Language Competence) 。一般能力包括陈述性知识、技能和应对、个性能力以及学习能力;而交际语言能力则由语言能力、社会语言能力和语用能力构成。其中仅语言能力一项又涵盖以下六个方面的能力, 它们分别是词汇能力、语法能力、语义能力、语音能力、正确拼写和标准发音的能力。
在全面阐述的基础上, CEFR还制定了评定使用者语言能力的整体能力分级说明量表 (Common Reference Levels:global scale) 。量表把使用者的语言能力由低到高分为三层:基础水平 (Basic User) 、独立运用水平 (Independent User) 和熟练运用水平 (Proficient User) , 每个层次又分两级。这样, 使用者语言能力从低到高共分六个级别:A1、A2、B1、B2、C1、C2。
值得注意的是, 为了服务不同的目的, CEFR提供了不同类型的共同参考值。首先, 为了使整个分级体系较容易被非专业使用者接受, 同时也为教师和课程设计者提供定向值, CEFR用一个整体段落对每个等级应具备的能力做了概述。为了服务学习者和教师的更加实际的目的, CEFR提供了语言应用主要范畴六个级别的详细概述。比如以六等级为基础的自我评价定位工具 (a self-assessment orientation tool) , 这一参考值旨在帮助学习者了解主要语言技能, 判断应当使用哪一个级别的检查表对语言水平做出自我评价。此外, 为了对语言能力做出更加细致准确的评价, CEFR还提供了大量各级别单项语言能力的参考值, 如评价听、说、读、写、词汇、语用等能力的量表。
世界著名的语言能力评价机构剑桥大学考试中心 (ESOL) 将其举办的各项英语考试与CEFR所制定的能力分级进行了匹配。如表1所示, 广受国内英语学习者关注、报考人数连年增加的雅思考试和商务英语考试与CEFR等级能力量表的匹配情况。从表中可以看出, 6.5分的雅思成绩, 也就是国外大多数本科院校对留学生的英语能力要求, 介于CEFR的B2和C1之间。而剑桥商务英语考试, 它的初、中、高三个级别分别对应CEFR的B1、B2、C1三级。
不仅如此, CEFR的整体能力分级量表也成为了语言教材编写的基准。牛津大学出版社和剑桥大学出版社最新发行的英语教材都注明了相对应的CEFR级别。比如牛津发行的Headway系列教材, 以及剑桥出版的Unlock系列。Unlock系列是一套学术类英语教材由剑桥出版社和探索频道 (Discovery) 合作编写, 2014年发行。教材共分四级, 从A1到B2教材的每个级别分别对应CEFR的一个层次, 以确保教材所教授的知识处于正确的层次水平。教材在编写的时候还考虑到学习者的目标, 确保为学习者提供达到一定的雅思成绩所需要掌握的知识和技能。
2 CEFR对英语教学的指导意义
CEFR对使用者/学习者能力的详尽描述和语言能力等级量表的提供对语言教学有着重要指导意义, 它为教学活动的各个环节提供了参照的基准。
CEFR的整体能力分级有助于对学习者的当前水平进行准确的评价。国内目前的英语教学中用于评价学习者水平的方式, 比如大学英语四、六级考试等, 都具有一定的局限性。局限性之一是测试不能做到对受试者英语能力的全面评价。四、六级考试的绝大多数考生不参加口试, 那么测试就不能反映学习者“说”的能力。其次是缺乏一个语言能力参照体系。四、六级成绩报告单能够反映受试者的总分和单项分, 以及与其他受试者分数的比较情况, 但不能反映受试者的英语能力等级。因此, 四、六级考委会也计划制定与国际接轨的英语语言能力等级量表, 以更准确地描述受试者的英语能力。与此相反, CEFR不仅提供了共同的语言能力量表, 也引导了一系列与之相匹配的国际化标准英语考试。教学者可根据学习者的专业及层次选取适当的考试来对其英语能力进行评价, 以评价结果作为后续教学工作开展的基础。
对学习者的英语水平进行准确评价为教学方法的采用、教学目标的制定和教材的选择提供了依据。目前各高校的大学英语教学通常以年级和专业为教学单位, 同一年级和专业的学生编入同一个教学班, 使用相同的教材, 有同样的教学目标要求, 而不考虑学习者之间客观存在的语言水平差异。这种混合水平班级给教学带来极大困难, 难以满足不同层次学生对教学的要求, 不能够实现预期的教学目标。反之, 学习者水平的准确评价首先是使得分层次教学成为可能。将学生按英语层次编入不同教学班级, 根据学习者的现有水平制定科学合理的教学目标。并且根据教学目标选择与学习者能力相匹配的教材, 确保传授与学生能力相符合的知识、发展相关技能, 从而提高教学效果, 提升教学质量。
CEFR也提供了对教学效果进行评价的方法和手段。以CEFR的语言能力等级量表为基础教师能够对学生的整体和单项语言能力做出评价, 从而检验教学效果, 检查教学目标的实现情况, 及时对教学做出调整和改进。学习者同样能够使用CEFR做自我评价, 检验学习效果, 改进学习方法, 有效调控自己的学习过程, 提高自主学习能力。
3 结论
作为语言学习、教学和评价的纲领性文件, CERR使得广大教育工作者能够更好地了解语言使用及语言使用者、认识语言使用者应具有的能力、理解语言学习与教学、明确任务以及其在语言教学中所扮演的角色, 从而提高了教学与科研水平。
[1]Council of Europe.The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:Learning, Teaching, Assessment[Z].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2001.
[2]www.ielts.org.IELTS Guide for Teachers.http://www.ielts.org/PDF/Guide_Teachers_2013.pdf.2013.
英语教案参考 篇8
A: 1—3 DAA B: 4—7 ABDC
1. informal 2. serious 3. confidently 4. lack
5. advance 6. nodded 7. sighed 8. opportunities
1. over→from 2. of→to
3. 去掉第二个of 4. over→of
1. Are you nervous about the situation of being at a social event in another country?
2. Small talk is very important and it can prepare you for more serious conversations.
3. Have you ever crossed the road on purpose to avoid talking to someone you know?
4. Communication is a two-way process which involves listening and speaking.
1—5 DCBAB 6—8 CBD
1. On any day of the week.
2. Digital broadcasting and people’s love of sport.
3. More people have become interested in actually playing sport.
4. Because they cannot compete with the large clubs.
5. Changing the nature of live sports events.
A: 1—4 CACB B: 5—9 ADADC
1. obligation 2. prize 3. formed 4. impolite
5. tidied 6. favour 7. Certain 8. reply
1. immigrations→immigration 2. polite→impolite
3. reply→answer或reply后加to 4. 第一个to→with
1. I want to ask a favour of you. Could you please lend me your bicycle?
2. Susan did not feel under any obligation to tell Bill the truth because they weren’t good friends any more.
3. I already have that book. You needn’t have brought another one for me.
4. You don’t need to buy any gifts for Jenny, but she will be very pleased if you do so.
1—5 CCDAC 6—8 CAB
1—5 DBAAB 6—10 CCABB
11—15 DACDA 16—20 CABDC
A: 1—4 CADA B: 5—9 BCDAD
1. firm 2. customers 3. awkward 4. cautious
5. divorced 6. clerk 7. anyhow 8. interrupted
1. to→in 2. on→in
3. 第二个you→yourself或去掉第二个you
4. customer→customers
1. The good news of our football team winning the game cheered up everybody who heard it.
2. The students are more cautious not to make any mistakes in spelling than ever before.
3. Jerry often studies deep into night. As a consequence, he got the first place in this grade exam.
4. Emily got the top mark in the exam but she was too modest to tell anyone.
1—5 CBDBA 6—8 DCA
1. A sense of humor.
2. Because his new heart was younger than Anthony’s.
3. Their eating habits.
4. He had been on an exercise program.
5. To feel even better than his brother.
A: 1—3 CDA B: 4—7 DCBC
1. factual 2. secretive 3. aware 4. function
5. successful 6. imagined 7. purpose 8. apologising
1. with→of 2. stand→standing
3. 去掉to 4. have后加been
1. The local people are very hospitable to the visitors from all over the world.
2. No wonder I couldn’t get through. I left out two numbers in the phone number.
3. As the person in charge of the company, she volunteered to take the lead in carrying out the assignment.
4. The children started showing off as soon as anyone came into the house.
1—5 DBABD 6—8 CDD
1—5 CABDB 6—10 ACDAC
11—15 DABDC 16—20 ABDDB
A: 1—3 CBB B: 4—7 DCDA
1. heroes 2. vanished 3. definitely 4. hesitated
5. bitten 6. invisible 7. tail 8. edge
1. It→There 2. to→with
3. 第一个in→on 4. were→was
1. This project will play an important part/role in encouraging the popularization of compulsory education in poverty-stricken areas.
2. If you have any problems, please do not hesitate about contacting me directly.
3. The wind direction is the direction from which the wind blows.
4. He cast about in his mind for a proper excuse for not turning up at the meeting.
1—5 DACAD 6—8 DBA
1. Within 20 days or so.
2. Because they see it as an investment in their future.
3. Because they can get good positions with a driver’s permit.
4. They have a full-time job.
5. They were very able and serious.
A: 1—5 CBCAB B: 6—9 BCDC
1. square 2. profoundly 3. bending 4. revenge
5. married 6. wicked 7. cottage 8. punished
1. very→wide或fully 2. dream后加of
3. through→ around或去掉through
4. profound→profoundly
1. Jack being very naughty, his T-shirt which he just bought for several days has completely lost its shape.
2. Although living a very hard life, they did not hold out their hands for the government’s aid.
3. Are you paying now, or shall I put it down to your account?
4. After he got married, Hera successfully put a spell on him, demanding that he kill his wife.
1—5 ABBCA 6—8 DBC
1—5 BCABD 6—10 CDBAD
11—15 BABDC 16—20 BADCB
A: 1—4 DABA B: 5—8 DADA
1. appeal 2. envelope 3. gifted 4. burden
5. stubborn 6. overcame 7. thus 8. Attaining
1. 第一个to→with 2. swiftly→swift
3. for→to 4. allowed→allowing
1. By helping each other they managed to overcome the difficulties of rebuilding their hometown.
2. What has been put down in black and white cannot be erased without special tools and wisdom.
3. While being welcomed by scholars, the book makes immediate appeal to the general readers.
4. Those reports are restricted to descriptions but give no opinions about the facts.
1—5 ADCCB 6—8 BBA
1. Over/More than 1000 years.
2. In London, England.
3. Because science had shown sea creatures could survive together there.
4. The Adventure Aquarium.
5. Many chances to experience life under the sea.
A: 1—4 ADCB B: 5—9 CAACD
1. sorrow 2. ought 3. glimpse 4. trailing
5. graciously 6. magical 7. power 8. possessed
1. of→with 2. 去掉being
3. on→over 4. possessing→possess
1. In spite of all kinds of difficulties, we still tried our best and managed to finish the task ahead of schedule/time.
2. If you drive the car, you should fix your eyes on the road and we will be much safer.
3. Paul just caught a glimpse of Lucy before she vanished into the crowd.
4. Jayden made up his mind to set out as soon as he get a reply from his friend.
1—5 CADBD 6—8 ABA
1—5 BACCA 6—10 DBDCB
11—15 ADCBA 16—20 DBCCD
A: 1—3 DCC B: 4—7 DCAC
1. trust 2. chatted 3. notes 4. moody
5. interest 6. amounts 7. raised 8. swung
1. have→has 2. on→in 3. watched→watching
4. 第二个large前加a或number→numbers
1. We heard some of their conversation as they raised their voices from time to time.
2. He had lost interest in the football match but decided to see it through.
3.The students stood by the roadside, raising money for the poor.
4. The man who has made up his mind to succeed will never say “impossible”.
1—5 CAABD 6—8 BAC
1. Building a stronger heart and lungs. /Helping in weight control. /Causing very few injuries.
2. Sleeping better and having a better attitude to life.
3. He/She only needs to walk faster, farther and more often.
4. Sidewalks, streets, parks, fields and malls.
5. Good walking shoes and comfortable clothes.
A: 1—4 CDAD B: 5—8 DBAC
1. confronted 2. counted 3. lively 4. quarreled
5. touch 6. alike 7. ashamed 8. considerate
1. confronted后加by 2. have→having
3. at→on/about 4. Having后加been
1. I regret to have to leave this city, but I will keep in touch with all my friends.
2. Don’t you remember seeing that girl before?
3. Having finished the exercises, we went on to learn the new words in the next module.
4. Not knowing the native language or having no friends in this country, he found it impossible to get a job.
1—5 ABDDC 6—8 CDC
1—5 BBCCB 6—10 CACBA
11—15 BCBDA 16—20 CADAD
A: 1—4 BDCB B: 5—8 CBAC
1. forgave 2. scolded 3. blessed 4. ripened
5. harvests 6. torn 7. perfect 8. predictions
1. 第一个for→of 2. should后加be
3. at→to 4. him后加for
1. We have been on good terms with our neighbors for all these years.
2. I’ve been so busy in the last few months that I’ve lost touch with most of my friends.
3. These old letters brought many of my friends to mind.
4. Millions of people all over the world keep in touch with each other in this way.
1—5 CACAD 6—8 CCB
1. An elderly man and his wife.
2. In the clerk’s room
3. Because he was grateful to the clerk.
4. On the corner of the Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.
5. The original Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
A: 1—4 BCBD B: 5—8 AACD
1. clicked 2. flee 3. paced 4. liar
5. reunited 6. mention 7. belong 8. bottom
1. return后加for 2. seating→seated或sitting
3. have→having 4. What→How
1. The mother thanked the person from the bottom of her heart for saving her son’s life.
2. With the help of the police, she was reunited with her children last night.
3. He bought me a pretty scarf, and in return, I cooked a delicious meal for him.
4. It’s very difficult to get on well with a moody person.
1—5 DBCCD 6—8 DAD
1—5 BDCAD 6—10 CBDAB
11—15 DCCAA 16—20 BCDAB