


初中英语数词教案 篇1



表示数目的词称为基数词。其形式如下: A.从1——10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten. B.从 11——19 eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen.

这里除 eleven,twelve,thirteen,fifteen,eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。C.从 21——99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one

seventy-six D.百位数


a hundred and one

320 three hundred and twenty

648 six hundred and forty-eight E.千位数以上

2,648 two thousand six hundred and forty-eight F.hundreds of 数百

thousands of


比如 There are hundreds of people in the hall.大厅里有数以百计的人。G.表示人的不确切岁数或年代,用几十的复数形式表示。He became a professor in his thirties. 他三十多岁时成为了教授。序数词的构成及其说明


six→sixth seven→seventhten→tenth four→fourth








hundred→hundredth第一百 thousand→thousandth第一千



序数词前面要加定冠词the。例如the first time



5:00 读作 five o`clock 或 five 2.表示几点过几分,在分钟后加past,再加小时

five past seven 七点过五分

half past six 六点半 a quarter past eight 八点过一刻 3.表示几点差几分,在分钟后面加to,再加小时

ten to eight 差十分八点(七点五十分)

a quarter to twelve 差一刻十二点(十一点四十五分)

twenty to six 差二十分六点(五点四十分)在日常生活中,常用下列简单方法表示时间。以小时、分种为单位分别读出数字。

6:31 读作 six thirty-one

14:03 读作 fourteen o three

23:55 读作 twenty-three fifty-five 注:时刻表上的时间大多采用24小时表示法,这样就不需要用a.m.表示上午,p.m.表示下午了。年代用定冠词及基数词表示的世纪加十位整数的复数形式构成

in the 1930`s(in the thirties of the twentieth century或 in the nineteen thirties)在二十世纪三十年代 in the 1860`s(in the sixties of the 19th century或 in the eighteen sixties)

由数词和其他名词构成的名词性短语作定语时,其中的名词用单数形式,名词性短语中各部分间要用连字符“-”来连接。She’s a sixteen-year-old girl.

初中英语数词误用评析 篇2

误:Her only one daughter studies law at Shandong University.

正:Her only daughter studies law at Shandong University.



误:They will return in one or two day.

正:They will return in a day or two (或one or two days).

析:in a day or two一两天内是固定词组,用a不用one。


误:I have done two-third of the work.

正:I have done two-thirds of the work.



误:These students were born at the end of the twenty century.

误:These students were born at the end of twentieth century.

正:These students were born at the end of the twentieth century.



误:This is a twenty-stories building.

正:This is a twenty-story building.



误:My father has been there one time or two times.

正:My father has been there once or twice.



误:Our half homework is done.

正:Half our homework is done.

析:half our homework是half of our homework的省略式。


误:It is 8 Room.

正:It is Room 8.



误:They have studied the three first lessons.

正:They have studied the first three lessons.



误:It takes me one and a half hour to get to school on foot.

正:It takes me one and a half hours to get to school on foot.

析:句中的hour要用复数形式。再如:one and a half months一个半月。


误:They arrived by two and three.

正:They arrived by twos and threes.

序数词教案 篇3

第七章 数词的基本用法:序数词 教学设计

安远中等职业学校 杜譞








Step 1.Preparation 1.Greetings: Say hello.2.Sing a song.3.Review the numbers。让学生把课件上的单词用英语读出来。(这个环节既复习了上一课内容基数词,又为序数词的新授做铺垫。)

4.Ask and answer“How old „„? I’m „„”“How many „„? ”“How much „„”(学生根据实际情况回答)(目的复习基数词在实际情境中的运用的。)最后教师拿出图问: Where is the living room? It’s on the first floor.Step 2.Presentation


(1)教学单词 first.利用图片直接介绍This is a living room.It’s on the first floor.老师指着图片介绍,学生跟读单词,老师同时板书单词。

(2)运用“Where is the living room? 引出It’s on the first/second floor.”利用相同方法教授单词second和third。(在学习这几个单词时,可以采用TPR的方法,增加趣味)











The students read the words in groups.3.序数词的简写形式:是由阿拉伯数字之后加上单词最后两个字母组成,读音不变。


(1).用来表示事物的顺序:the second lesson

(2).表示年代世纪:the seventies of the 20th century或 the seventies of the twentieth century

(3).表示日期:1949年10月1日:October the first,nineteen forty-nnine(注意日期的缩写表达及读音)


one-fifth Step 3.Practice


Step 4.Prolongation

1.再次通过星期问答“What day is it? It’s Thursday.”导出星期四是感恩节,教育学生要心怀感恩之心。

Step 5.Homework




中考英语语法之数词 篇4



one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty

(2)21-99 先说“几十”,再说“几”,中间加连字符。



586→five hundred and eighty-six,803→eight hundred and three


million,第三个“,”前为billion(美式)或thousand ,million(英式),然后一节一节地表示。

1,001→one thousand and one

9,785→nine thousand, seven hundred and eighty-five

18,423→eighteen thousand, four hundred and twenty-three

6,260,309→six million two hundred and sixty thousand three hundred and nine

750,000,000,000→seven hundred and fifty, billion(美式) seven hundred and fifty thousand million(英式)



eg.Four Of them come from Paris.


eg.一 How many books would you like?

一I would like two.


eg.Seven minus two is five.


eg.There are three people in my family?


eg. You two will go swimming with us.

(6)表具体数字时,hundred, thousand ,million用单数。

eg. There are six hundred students in our grade.

(7)表不确定的数字时,数词用复数。若带名词,再加of。 hundreds of(数百,成百上千的),thousands of(数干,成千上万的),millions of(数百万)two thousand (两千)

Thousands and thousands of people have visited the city.成千上万的人参观了这座城市。


eg,They arrived in two sand threes.他们三三两两地来了。


eg. He is in his early thirties.他有三十来岁(31—34岁):

This took place in the 1930s.这事发生在二十世纪三十年代;



顺读法(钟点+分钟) 如:4:30 four thirty 4:45 four forty-five 4:15 four fifteen 倒读法(分钟+to/past+钟点)

如:4:30 half past four

4:15 fifteen past four/a quarter past four 4:45 fifteen to five/a quarter to five

eg.I watch CCTV News at seven o’clock every evening.


百分数的表达方式是:基数词+ percent(单数形式)+of+名词。如:

Thirty percent of the students in my class are from cities. 我班30%的学生来自城市。

About 61 percent of the surface is covered by water. 大约61%的表面被水覆盖着。

(12)小数的读法:小数点读作“point”,小数后各位数要分别读, 小数点前的数若为“0”可略去不读。

Examples: 2.468 读作:two point four six eight

II 序数词





one→first, two→second, three→third, five→fifth,eight→eighth,



twenty→twentieth, forty→fortieth, ninety→ninetieth


twenty-first,two hundred and forty-fifth



eg.Tom is their second son.

He is the first one to come here.


eg: He tried a second time.他又试了—次。

Shall l ask him a third time?还要我再问他—次吗?我已问了他两次)


1st 2nd,3rd,4th,20th,21st,22nd,23rd


8月15日:(英)15,8,=15th,August,2005;(美)8,15,2005=August 15th,2005


The first lesson=Lesson Two(第二课)

第305房间:Room three o(零)five

长安街76号:seventy-six Changan Street

电话号码:204-2244:telephone number two o(零) four two two(double two four four

十一路公共汽车:Bus(No.) eleven



eg.1/3-one third;2/5-two fifths


eg.3+5=8 Three plus/and five is eight.

9-2=7 Nine minus two is seven.

6x5=30 Five times six is thirty /six unutilized five is thirty.

8÷2=4 Eight divided by two is four.


a. 主语+谓语+倍数(或分数)+ as + adj. + as

I have three times as many as you. 我有你三倍那么多。

b. 主语+谓语+倍数(分数)+ the size (amount,length…) of…

The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球是月球的49倍。

c. 主语+谓语+倍数(分数)+ 形容词(副词)比较级+ than…

The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year.


d. 还可以用by+倍数,表示增加多少倍

The production of grain has been increased by four times this year.


英语中数词的具体使用方式 篇5


基数词:one, two, four, …1, 2, 3……

序数词:first, second, third,fourth…第一,第二,第三,第四……



3.1416 读作:three point one four one six

0.25 zero pointtwo five (twenty-five)

+4.06 plus fourpoint zero six

-2.002 minus twopoint zero zero two


1.02 meters

1.001 grams



one third 三分之一

two fourths 四分之二

3 读作:three and one eighth


Bus 2, No. 2 Bus, Bus No.2 2路车

Train 28 28次列车

18 Shennan Road 深南路18号

Room 101 101房

F24, Floor 24, the 24th floor 24层

Issue 2092 第2092期

日期:August 14 (th), (14th中的th常省去,但必须念出来)

时刻:10:13 读作:ten thirteen(从冒号处分开念)

11:05 eleven five (0 不用念)


five hundred people 五百人

hundreds of people 数百人

thousands of students 数千学生

millions of dollars 数百万美元


1 plus 1 equals 2. 1加1等于2。

2 plus 2 makes 4. 2加2等于2。

10 minus 2 equals 8. 10减2等于8。

107 minus 20 equals 87. 107减20等于87。

4 times 4 equals 16. 4乘4等于16。

9 times 10 equals 90. 9乘10等于90。

16 divided by 2 equals 8. 16除以2等于8。

五年级英语月份和序数词教学反思 篇6



一、二、三要全变,(one变为first, two变为second, three变为third)


八去t,九去e; (eight变为eighth, nine变为ninth)

五和十二变ve;(five变为fifth, twelve变为twelfth)




英语基数词变序数词顺口溜摘抄 篇7









初中英语教案 篇8

He lived here ten years ago.I stayed at her home last night.It was very hot yesterday.动词形式:动词的过去式

用法: 表示过去某一时间内发生的动作或存在的状态。Ⅱ、一般过去时的时间短语

常见的表示过去时间概念的短语: last night, yesterday, last year, … ago, just now, in 过去年份 等 这些短语的位置:句首、句末

e.g.We cleaned the classroom this morning.This morning we cleaned the classroom.Ⅲ、动词过去式的变化(规则动词)一般在词尾加 ed ask → asked help → helped

e.g.They asked me the time just now.以 e 结尾直接加 d arrive → arrived

e.g.I arrived late this morning.动词过去式的变化(规则动词)以重读闭音节结尾的,则双写 plan → planned

e.g.We planned to go to the party.以辅音字母 y 结尾,去 y 变 i 加 ed。如 try → tried study → studied

e.g.He tried to climb the tree, but he could not.动词过去式的变化(规则动词)

练习: 规则动词的过去式的变化方式

(书本)P151 Ⅳ、动词过去式的变化(不规则动词)例: go → went drink → drank eat → ate see → saw

练习: 不规则动词的过去式的变化(书本)p153 动词过去式的变化(不规则动词)e.g.I went to his birthday party last night.I met my teacher in the street today.知识结构 一般过去时 构成 用法 常用时间 动词的过去式

1、表示过去某个时 间发生的动作或 存在的状态。

2、表示过去经常或 反复发生的动作动作。yesterday last night in 1990 two days ago 动词过去式 的构成 规则动词 不规则动词 构成 读音

规则动词过去式的构成 构成规则 例词

1、一般在动词原形末尾加– ed look looked play played start started

2、结尾是 e 的动词加--d live lived hope hoped use used

3、末尾只有一个辅音字母的 重读闭音节词,先双写这 个辅音字母,再加—ed stop stopped plan planned trip tripped

4、结尾是―辅音字母+y‖的动词,先变―y‖为―i‖再加—ed study studied carry carried 清念 /t/ ,元浊/d/ /t/ /d/ 之后念/id/ 规则动词词-ed的读音 说明:

1、清念 /t/,即 ed 在清辅音后面念 /t/ ,例:finished helped passed cooked

2、元浊 /d/ ,即 ed 在元音,浊辅音后面念 /d/ , 例:borrowed enjoyed called moved

3、/t/ /d/ 之后念 /id/ , 即 ed 在 /t/ /d/ 音后面念 /id/ 例:wanted shouted needed counted 写出下列动词的过去式 get is live sent drive run ask push say hurry try use work stop jump meet read see travel carry got was lived sent drove ran asked pushed Said hurried tried used worked stopped jumped met read saw travelled carried 不规则动词表 go am/ is are begin meet write build buy can have/has take catch come do swim drink drive eat get see was were began met wrote built bought could caught came did swam drank drove ate got went had took spend spent leave left saw 用 法

1、表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。He was here yesterday.I got up at six thirty yesterday morning.My father was at work yesterday afternoon.Did you have a good time last summer

2、表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。My father often went to work by bus last year.When I was a child, I often listened to music.常用时间

常与一般过去时态连用的时间有: yesterday yesterday morning(afternoon, evening…)last night(week, month, year…)

two days ago, a week ago, three years ago… in 1990,(in 1998…)


一般来说,一般过去时都有明显的时间状语,它们可以是单词,也可以是短语或从句。1.yesterday或以其构成的短语:yesterday morning(afternoon, evening)等;

2.由―last+一时间名词‖构成的短语:last night, last year(winter, month, week)等; 3.由―时间段+ago‖构成的短语:a moment ago, a short time ago, an hour ago等;

4.由―介词+一时间名词‖构成的短语:on Friday, on Monday morning, on April 15, on the night of Oct.1 5.频度副词:often, always 等;

6.其它:then, just now, once,以及由after或before构成的介词短语等 7.由某些表示过去时态的从句等。PRACTISE 改写句子:

1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _______ _______ her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句)______ he _____ ______ meat in the fridge

3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)______ ______ _____ she _____ there

4、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_____ there _____ orange in the cup didn’t do Did find any

How long did stay Was any That’s great√ 练习


John has a lot of homework everyday. I go to bed at ten-thirty. How is the weather today? 答案

John had a lot of homework everyday I went to bed at ten-thirty.How was the weather yesterday Ⅴ、一般过去时的否定句、疑问句 否定句:

did not(didnt)……(后面动词要变回原形)疑问句:

Did you … …(后面动词变原形)一般过去时的否定句、疑问句 e.g.I stayed at her home last night.→ I didnt stay at her home last night.→ Did you stay at her home last night They cleaned the room this morning.→ They didnt clean the room this morning.→ Did they clean the room this morning Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.一般过去时的否定句、疑问句


1、Be 动词的句子(过去式was/were)(例句)He was at home yesterday.→ He was not at home yesterday.(wasn’t)→ Was he at home yesterday 一般过去时的否定句、疑问句

1、Be 动词的句子(过去式was/were)(例句)They were at home yesterday.→ They were not at home yesterday.(werent)→ Were they at home yesterday

另注意以下这几种句子的否定句、疑问句: 一般过去时的否定句、疑问句


2、情态动词can的句子(can的过去式是could)(例句)She could come to the party → She couldnt come to the party.→ Could she come to the party 一般过去时的否定句、疑问句


3、have 的句子(过去式had)(例句)表示 ―拥有‖ 时:

He had got a car two years ago.→ He hadn’t got a car two years ago.→ Had he got a car two years ago 一般过去时的否定句、疑问句


3、have 的句子(过去式had)(例句)

They had a good time last night.→ They didn’t have a good time last night.→ Did they have a good time last night quickly是quick的副词。

初中英语教案 篇9

T: Can you remember the chant:”Two Balloons”This time let’s change the words(教师把刚才的chant进行了换词,换成了刚刚学过的知识:large和small)Ss: These are large balloons large balloons.~peng!pa!Oh no!These are small balloons small balloons.~peng!pa!Oh no!I have no balloons no balloons~(教师配合chant中的内容将黑板上的大小气球分别扎碎)T: Don’t cry my kids.I have another balloons, Look!(教师拿出六根长气球)T: But these are not large or small, these are long.(教师用手势让学生理解该单词的意义并引出学习单词“long”,出示板书并学习)T:/l//l/long/l//l/long Ss:„„

T: Say the word as long as you can Ss: long~~~~~~~~~~~ T: Let’s do a chant: Look at me: /l//l/long/l//l/long These are long long, These are long Ss:„„

(教师带领孩子拍手做该chant,并越做越快)T: So clever!But if I want so me short ones, What should I do? Do you want to have a try?(教师用手势让学生理解short这个词的意思并发给每个小组一个气球让学生用自己的智慧将长气球变成短的)Ss:„„

T: OK, Good job!Now these are short, Let’s count how many short balloons here(教师让学生通过一遍遍的读short来数出每组短气球的个数,出版书并操练该单词)T:你能说一说你在日常生活中见到哪些东西是long的?哪些又是short的? Ss:„„(学生举手说出自己生活中常见的长短事物)

T: Well done!Can you find large or small, long or short thing sin our classroom? Ss:„„

T: Excellent!I have a magic box, What are on the box? Ss:„„(读出盒子四面的单词:large/small/long/short)T: Good!There are some lucky card sin it, you can take out one and you’re your partner with the same picture(教师先和一个学生做示范,并提示学生:large找small, long找short,让学生抽签说说卡片上的内容并找到和自己卡片有相同图案的反义词,找到后一起说一说)T: Well done!You all you’re your partner now, after class you should observe the things around you and describe them in English, Ok?(教师布置作业,让学生留心观察周围的事物,对比他们的大小长短,并用英语说一说)T: It’s time to say good-bye, see you next time!Ss: Good-bye Suki!课后反思

初中英语教案 篇10







温故知新 复习短语

go swimming 去游泳 wait in line 排队 hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事

So am / do I 我也是。

It looks like rain 看上去要下雨了。

wait for the bus/ train 等车 be late for/to 迟到

I hope so/not. 我希望如此/我不希望这样。


1、学生观察1a中的图片相互提问:A:what can you see in picture 1?

B: I can see……. A:What are they doing? B: They are …….(学生通过相互提问熟悉图画内容,为听力做准备。)

2、教师让学生归纳1a-2c中所出现的反意疑问句,让学生观察、总结反意疑问句的构成。知识剖析: 反意疑问句要点简述





如:It looks like rain, doesn’t it?

He doesn’t need to work so late, does he?


1. 陈述部分是there be 句型,疑问部分也用 there be 句型。

There is a book on the desk, isn’t there?

2. 陈述部分如有 nothing, nobody, never, few, little, hardly 等否定词时(不包括加否定前缀变来的,如:dislike, unhappy等),疑问部分用肯定形式。

They have never been to the farm, have they?

There is little water in the glass, is there?

He dislikes history, doesn’t he?

3. 陈述部分为祈使句时,反义部分用 will you , won’t you 。以Let’s开头的祈使句,疑问部分用 shall we .

Go to the cinema now, will you?

Let’s have a party, shall we?

4. 陈述部分含宾语从句时,疑问部分一般反问主句,但主句含有 I/We think/believe/suppose … 时, 疑问部分要反问从句(要注意否定转移情况)。

He knew that the woman was a thief, didn’t he ?

I don’t think he is a good student, is he?

初中英语下册教案 篇11

1. 语言知识目标:

1) 学习掌握下列词汇:get on with; relation, communication, argue, cloud, elder, instead, whatever, nervous, offer, proper, secondly, communication, explain, clear



4) 了解在如果生活中发生了一些不尽如人意的问题,应当如何面对理性地去解决。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。

2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。

2. 教学难点:

1) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。

2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。


Step 1 Revision

Some Ss give some problems. Other Ss give advice.

Problems and advice:

1. I have to study too much so I don’t get enough sleep.

Why don’t you go to sleep earlier this evening?

2. I have too much homework so I don’t have any free time to do things I like.

Why don’t you go camping with your friends this weekend?

3. My parents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends.

Why not read some interesting books at home?

4. I have too many after-school classes.

Why don’t you talk about it with your parents?

5. I got into a fight with my best friend.

Why not call him up?

Role-play the conversation of 2d.

Step 2 Presentation the new words

1. relation n. 关系;联系;交往

e.g. Their relation seemed quite close. 他们的关系看起来很亲密。

2. argue v. 争吵;争论

e.g. The couple began to argue about the child’s education.


3. proper adj. 正确的;恰当的

e.g. It’s not proper to visit a friend too late in the evening.


4. nervous adj. 焦虑的;担忧的

e.g. Don’t be nervous. It is just a small test. 不要紧张。就是个小测试而已。

5. clear adj. 清楚易懂的;晴朗的

e.g. The sun shone out of a clear sky. 天空晴朗,阳光灿烂。

Step 3 Lead in


1. Can you get on well with your family?

2. Are the relations between your parents good?

3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Can you get on well with him/her?

4. Who do you ask for help when you have problems?

Step 4 Reading

Work on 3a:

1. Tell Ss to read the article in 3a quickly and try to find the answers to these questions:

What’s Sad and Thirteen’s problem?

How does he feel at home?



2. Ss read the article again and fill in the chart.

学生们认真阅读短文,并在表格中填出男孩Sad and Thirteen面临的问题,并填写出罗波特先生所给出的建议。和同学们一起校对答案。

3. Ss read the article again and fill in the blanks.

Work on 3b:

1. 让学生们讨论罗波特先生对问题的建议,并发表自己的看法。

2. 学生们分小组讨论,发表自己的意见,由小组长汇总。

3. 让小组长并汇总的意见和其他同学汇报。

S1: I agree with his advice. Because more communication can make family members understand each other better and know about the feeling they have.
