


口语考试口语对话 篇1

Campus love

A:Well, have you ever seen that movie

B: Certainly , it’s a so romantic movie ,and every time after seeing this movie ,I just want to have a lover in campus!A:really?you desire for campus love? B:yes!nothing is more wonderful than love!A:Um …but I think that campus love is a bitter fruit which may cause pains and make people hurt.B:But we are college student now!since we are college students, we should learn to take total responsibility and it is time for us to experience various kinds of “growing pains”, including love.A:oh…may be you are right!But as you can see ,some student around us who were fell in love would have less time in their studies and they are also be absent-minded sometimes!It’s awful!B:Um ……yes ,it is really a big problem for them.A:I think students should not neglect study!It’s their main task in college!

B:Of course ,you are right!I do not mean that study can be neglected compared with love.Actually, but if you can arrange your time well, or if you find your soulmate ,and he would encourage you to be a better person, Don’t you think it is so excellent to have a try!A :OK …I just wish you can find your soulmate in campus B:Thank you dear!the same wish to you!

Communication problem A;Hello XXX!What‘s wrong with you ?you look so upset „ B:….um….there are really something bother me …

A:Well ,you can just complain to me, it may comfort you after speaking out.B:I just had a quarrel with my boyfriend ,I found he totally couldn’t understand me!A:what happen? Why do you think so? B:you know I did badly in the exam ,I just so sad ,and I really want him to comfort me ? A:um?Have he done? B:„„He said: “It’s not a big deal。”!!so ridiculous!!I am his girl friend!!And the exam

is so important!!he said it’s not a big deal!He doesn’t care me at all, and this is out of his business So he said it’s a trifle!

A:oh ,my dear!just calm down, may be you have misunderstood him.B:umha?I misunderstood him???Are you kidding? A:Yes ,he just want to comfort you,and he hope you can be happy,not just thinking the past exam all the time.just put it down!B:Really? A: In many romantic relationships, men use this blanket phrase instead of being more specific as your boy friend did.B: men and women communicate really differently,I think their from mars A: Use your judgment: If he’s still being affectionate and just feels a bit smothered, give him some breathing room B:yes you are right ,I need to apologize for my fault ,and try to talk with him calmly.A:and you can also try to understand him, don’t complaint to him all the time.Psychology in Our Daily Life A: have you ever heard of placebo? B:um…no ,what’s that ?

A: Briefly is a substance with no effects that a doctor gives to a patient instead of a drug.Placebos are used when testing new drugs or sometimes when a patient has imagined their illness.B:wow.you said it is no effective.so ,what is the function of this? A:it may be a approach to comfort the patient sometimes.B:but ,does it would have side-effect? A:um,may be ,but I don’t know so much about it.B:And what ‘s your opinion of this kind of medicine?

A;I think sometimes it’s proper for doctor to use this kind of medicine.The placebo effect is the measurable, observable.The placebo effect is not mind over matter;it is not mind-body medicine.B:but I hold some different opinion.A:oh?why? B:Using the placebo constantly ,may make you depend so much on it.Taking such kind of medicine may do bad for your health improvement.A: But as effective as the new drugs seem to be in the treatment of various brain disorders, some researchers maintain that there is not adequate evidence from studies to prove that the new drugs are more effective than placebos.B:May be ,you are right ,and I sincerely hope it can relieve the patient.Dreams : A:hey!I have something interesting to tell you.B:what ?you look so happy A:I had an interesting dream last night.B:really? What is your dream about? A:I dreamt that we play a joke on you ,you was so angry and then cry out.But I didn’t apologize to you ,I just laugh at you.At last ,you burst into laughter, but I don’t remember why you laugh? Isn’t it so interesting?

B:Oh ,yes it really be..just because interesting is always so interesting and mysterious, so many scientists study it.A:so ,what is their interpretation to the dreams? B:some experts said that Dream are closely tied up with an individual’s mind and analysis is so open to mistakes or errors.Dreams can be relevant to your true life.A:Yes,I just have see a comedy last night ,and the hero in this movie always play jokes on others,I think it is so cool!B:And sometimes dreams may have a simple physiological cause.And the frustrating dream in which you try to run but your legs won’t move may be explained bedding is too tight.A:but I sometime dream for no reason ,just totally nonsense.I think it just the result of the the misfiring of electrical impulses in the brain.B: you know that although countless person study ,there are still a lot of questions haven’t been solved.I hope some they I can know why we dream ,and what can dreams predict.Ordering Food at a Restaurant

A:Welcome to Sunshine Fast-Food Restaurant.What can I do for you? B:Oh,yeah.I’m very hungry and thirsty now.I want to order something to eat and drink.A:Okay.Here is the menu.You can look at it first.B:En.The noodles look pretty good.How about the tomato and beef noodles? A:Tomato and beef noodles?I’m so sorry.It has been sold out.Can you choose another one? B:Okay.How about this potato and mutton noodles? A:OK.What size do you want?Small size is 10 Yuan.Middle size is 15 Yuan and large size is 20 Yuan.B:Middle size is enough.Do you have any advice about drinks?I have no idea now.A:We have tea,milktea,juice and coffee.I think a cup of apple juice is Okay.Do you want one? B:Okay.Just a cup of apple juice.Iwant it made by green apples.A;Okay.No problems.A middle bowl of potato and mutton noodles and a cup of apple juice.That’s your order.Please wait a few minutes.B;OK.Thanks.A;You’re welcome.Have a good lunch time.Food A:Hi,July.Long time no see.I;ve heard you have been to America for a visiting.Are you OK? B:I’m fine.But I have to say Chinese diet and Western diet are really different.I can’t get used to it when I first arrive there.A:Oh,really?Can you give some examples? B:Sure.In China,we use chopsticks to help us to eat.However in US we use knife and fork.I still can’t use them very well.A:En,that’s true.Besides,we often stir vegetables and many kinds of meat in China.In US,I believe you can hardly eat such kind of dishes.Maybe you often eat salad and humbugers.B:Yeah.You can’t imagine how much I missed rice and Chinese dishes in the US.In America,they just like mixing raw vegetables and turkeys.And the sauce is really strange.A:I can understand.There do have many differences between them.How about table manners? B:In China,we ofen put a dish in a plate.Then we eat it from the plate.But in western countries,everybody have their own dishes in their own plate.I think it’s better.A:I agree with you.Oh,it’s time to have lunch now.Let’s go to have some traditional Chinese dishes now.B:OK.Let’go.Registering for a class A:Excuse me? Is this where I register? I’d like to sign up for my courses

for next semester.B:Yes, of course.First,I need your Student ID Card please.A:Here you are.B:Okay, Susan.It says here that you are a business major and you are in

your second year.Is this information correct?

A:Yes.I do want to take some additional credits this year to get a minor

in psychology.B:I see.Do you have the list of courses you want to take this semester?

A:Yeah.Here’s my list.I’m not sure if the class schedule will allow me

to take all of them though.B: What about the subjects for your minor?

A:I need to take Chinese Literature and Computer Languages.B:Well,let me have a check.There is one Computer Languages class open.But there are still two Chinese Literature classes open.A:Can you tell me what days the Chinese Literature classes are on? B:One class is on Tuesday and Friday from 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.The instructor is Professor.Wang.A:How about the other class? B:The other class is on Monday and Wednesday from 3:00p.m-5:00pm.And the instructor is Professor.Li.A:I think the class on Tuesday and Friday will be fine.B:Okay, here you go.You are registered now.You

will have to make your first tuition payment before classes start.A:.I’ll do that as soon as possible.Thank you very much!B:You’re welcome.Topic8: A Busy Life A:The finnal exams are coming and I am very busy.B:Oh,that is true.You know there are so many books to read and lots of exercise to do,I just don’t know what shoud I do for the exams.Can you give me some advice? A:Sure,it is my pleasure.Usually,we can make a study schedule firstly.My schedule is as follows.In the daytime,I attend a lot of classes.At the breaktime,such as lunchtime,sleeping time,I also try to finish my homework if time permits.As for the time between dinner and night, I often go to the classroom to review my notebooks and read books.That is all.B:Sounds a good schedule.On constraction,my timetable is rather bad.I play games and watch TV series all day.Before exams, I have to stay up to go over.A:Terrible!Though different people have different ways to deal with these stuffs,I think nobody shoud sacrifice health for exams.The best way is to make full use of time and take care of our health.A good plannation is also important.B:Yeah,you are totally right!And would you feel tired after having done so many things? A:Sometimes,I feel tired.But,I feel more satisfied than tired when finishing the stuffs..The progress of dealing with so many stuffs may be hard and full of difficulty,but if I try my best to do it ,everything is ok.No matter the result is good or bad ,I am satisfied if I tried my best.B:Wow,I think it is high time that I shoud study hard.A:I hope you can get a high score.B:Thank you very much.Topic 9:Making a Shopping List A:Wow,the birthday party is coming.Anna,let us make a shopping list for the things we shoud buy for the party.B:Yes,the party will be on Tuesday.We can make a list today and go shoping tomorrow.A;The list should include food ,fruit ,drink, meat, dishes and a big cake.B:Aha,I have heard that a brand of cake named Christine is very delicious and many people like it.Maybe,we should try it,how do you think?

A:We can buy it if it is not too expansive since we will not have enough money to buy other things if we spend too much money on a cake.B:No problem,be at ease,it is rather cheap.So,we decide to by Christine.A:OK.Now,for fuit,what kinds shoud we buy? B:Amm,just apples,oranges,lemons,cucumbers,pairs,watermelons.That will be enough.A:Good idea.And then,how many dishes should we buy? B:I think 100 dishes is enough.And do you have any idea on meat? A:We can buy some pork ,beaf,chicken,fish,duck,mutton and so on.Five kilogram for each kind.B:What about drinks、A:Cocktail,juice,cola,champagne are good choices.B:Wait ,we nearly forgot vegetables.We also need some vegetables such as tomatoes,potatoes,green vegetables.A;You are right.Now,let me make out the cash accounts.Emm,the total cost is about 2000 yuan.B;It is ok.So,we will buy these things at Sunshine shopping mall tomorrow at 2 pm,ok? A:I am afraid 2 pm is too late because we must prepare the party tomorrow afternoon.I think 8 am tomorrow is better.B:Ok,see you tomorrow.Topic 10:Experience in Wuhan A:How time flies!We have been in Wuhan for 4 months.B:Yes, and the winter holiday is coming.I am going to visit some places here.Have you ever been to some famous places in Wuhan in the past 4 months? A:Yes,I have been to the Province Museum and the Art Museum.They are both wonderful places to go.B:Well,what have you seen in these museums? A:In the Province museum,the tour guide showed us the things that used by Napoleon,they are old and precious.And in the Art Museum,I saw lots of paintings painted by Picasso.The paintings are really amazing and beautiful.B:Sounds great,I love paintings very much ,I think I would go to the Art Museum.A:In Wuhan,not only the sceneries are beautiful,people here are also good.B:I agree,they are enthusiastic,polite ,friendly and helpful.Once I lost my way to school,a old man helped me find my way out.I was really lucky to meet such a helpful man.A;Yeah,you are right.I have such experience too.You know the weather here is changeable,it is rather hot in summer,and in winter it is really cold.Besides,it often rains suddenly.I have got sick many times for not adapting to the environment here.At this time, my roommates take care of me and help me recover.I appreciate them very much.B:Wow,we are so lucky.And it is time for lunch.Shall we get some food to eat together? A:Of course,it is said that ducks and noodles here are delious.Maybe, we can eat them for lunch.B:So cool,I love ducks and noodles here!Now,we can go to Hubuxiang to have lunch,ok? A:ok,let us go!

口语考试口语对话 篇2


1) 重视程度不够。长期以来, 由于受中考“指挥棒”的影响, 不少教师仍然把教学重点放在语言点、语法和解题上, 将英语学习等同于做练习, 考什么就教什么, 忽视了学生的口语训练, 造成学生学习兴趣和语言能力的缺失。

2) 缺乏必要语言环境, 听和说机会太少。我国学生除了每周有限的几节英语课外, 接触英语的机会很少;多数中学生的社交圈很窄, 在现实生活中很难遇到需要用英语进行交际的场合, 学生也不必用英语解决生活中的实际问题, 严重地阻碍了学生听说能力的发展。

3) 大班教学, 人数过多。由于我国人口众多的国情, 初中班级人数往往在四五十人以上, 教师很难组织有效的口语训练活动, 导致学生无法获得足够的交际练习时间和机会, 提高学生口语能力教师心有余而力不足。

4) “恐惧”“害羞”心理影响。很多学生由于英语基础不够扎实, 词汇、句型、语法不熟练, 语音语调不够正确规范, 记忆背诵不到位而易产生惧怕、害羞心理, 以致形成开口难、难开口的恶性循环, 导致学生在口语表达时显得焦虑和紧张, 影响他们正常的思维和流利的表达。


2.1教师首先要转变思想, 提高自身素质

我们教师应当充分认识到英语是门语言, 是交流的工具。衡量学生是否学好英语的标准不仅是卷面的分数, 而是会运用, 会表达自己的思想。在新形式、新环境下, 老师要适应这种转变, 积极探索, 尽力坚持用全英文组织课堂教学, 要充分利用课堂有限的教学时间, 为学生创造良好的语言环境。还要提高自身素质, 使用简洁, 易懂, 清晰, 流利的英语, 坚持用正确的语音语调授课, 积极示范以便于学生口头模仿, 使学生养成用英语思维的习惯, 激发学生说英语的欲望。长期熏陶, 学生自然会养成用英语表达思想的习惯。

2.2口语训练形式多样化, 激发培养学生说英语的兴趣

教师应了解学生感兴趣的话题, 为口语教学创设良好的氛围, 使学生自觉和主动地参与听说活动。例如, 七年级下Unit5内容是讲述动物园游览的话题, 教师可选择截取《马达加斯加》电影原版片段供学生欣赏, 用幽默诙谐的电影画面激发学生对动物学习了解的兴趣。

此外, 形式多样的口语训练方法对激发学生学习口语的兴趣起着事半功倍的教学效果。教师应积极创设情境, 以学生口头报告、小组对话、讲故事、学唱歌曲、短剧表演、演讲、辩论、游戏等多样化的口语教学方法贯穿课堂。

2.3创设适当的语言环境, 鼓励学生开口说英语

教师应该多给学生开口说英语的实践机会, 给学生提供广阔的空间, 让学生每人都到这个舞台上去尽情地表演发挥, 用所学过的英语知识表达生动的场景。

2.4培养学生良好的英语学习习惯, 使用恰当教学方法

1) 加强基础语音正确性训练。从起点做起, 规范发音, 教会学生有关语音知识, 拼读规则, 重视语音训练, 培养学生良好的发音习惯。

2) 重视课文朗读和复述课文。教师应重视课文朗读, 并有效地纠正学生错误的语音和语调;督促学生多听英语磁带, 并且每天坚持跟读, 以使学生的语音语调纯正。

3) 加强词汇和语法的教学。重视口语教学不等于不顾语法词汇教学。学生必须有足够的词汇量和语法知识储备才能正确表达心中所想。现在还有的学生会使用I very like car.的句子, 这要求教师在教学中仍然要高度重视语法教学, 使之不要成为口语表达的障碍。

4) 运用多媒体进行协作学习, 提供学生展示口语的平台。多媒体技术的普及, 为英语口语教学提供了很好的教学平台。它活化了教材, 营造了学习氛围, 有效激活了英语口语课堂, 有利于实现以学生为主体, 教师为主导的教学模式。例如, 七年级下Unit 5的阅读教学主题是保护和拯救大象。在教学过程中, 教师先用图片展示精美的牙雕作品, 然后启发学生思考How can people get ivory?教师可以播放Michael Jackson的Earth Song片段, MJ动人心魄的歌声配以横飞的枪声、大象鲜血淋漓倒地的图片, 让学生一下子就直观地体会到了人们捕杀大象获取象牙导致大象面临危险这一核心信息。教师如果在口语课堂教学实践中适时、适度、适当地使用多媒体, 就能为初中英语口语教学增光添彩。

5) 进行针对性的模拟训练, 提高口语考试能力。人机对话考试对学生的应试技巧、心理素质都有很高的要求。教师应当坚持定期的针对性训练, 让学生熟悉考试氛围、考试流程, 熟练掌握考试操作, 这样才能在口语考试中获得高分。

“团购”的英语口语对话 篇3

WQ: KAT, I have some crabs and prawns. Do you want them?

吴琼: KAT, 我这里有一些螃蟹和大虾,你想要么?

KAT: Of course!I love sea food!

KAT: 当然!我喜欢海鲜!

吴琼: Go to my home and fetch them! All of them are free for you!

WQ: 去我家拿吧!全给你,不要钱!

KAT: Wow ... Wuqiong, that’s really nice of you! Are you sure you don’t want them?

KAT: 哇……吴琼,你真是太好了!你真的不想要它们吗?

WQ: You don’t know, I buy them through group buying. They are too much for me to eat. I also have meal tickets, movie tickets, and fitness cards. Many of them will soon expire, but I have no time to go.

吴琼: 你不知道,这些都是我团购买来的,太多了,吃不了! 我还有餐券,电影票,健身卡,好多都快到期了,我又没时间去。

KAT: What is group buying?

KAT: 团购是什么?

WQ: It is a very popular marketing gimmick now. It’s used by retailers to attract more people to buy products of mediocre quality and popularity. A lot of my friends are just as obsessed with group buying as me!

吴琼: 它是一种现在非常流行的市场营销手段,它被零售商用来吸引更多的人来买他们的质量普通的产品,我很多朋友现在都是“团购控”。

KAT: You are right. On the ordinary, group buying is for small shops, new shops, and the things for group buying is not very popular. I don’t think I can ever get a discount on LV purses through group buying.

KAT: 你说得有道理。一般推出团购的都是小店、新店,团购的东西也不是什么名牌抢手货。我不认为我可以团购到打折的LV包。

WQ: That’s right. In that sense, group buying is just another form of price war. But I am not a fool, when they raise the prise, I will find the new things for group buying!

吴琼: 是啊,在某种层面上,团购是另一种形式的价格战。不过,我也不傻,等他们把价格升上去了,我就去找新的团购货!

KAT: Haha, that’s exactly how you became a group buying maniac!

KAT: 好了,说说你今天都学了什么吧!

WQ: 第一:“团购”是group buying;


口语考试口语对话 篇4

Man or Nature ,Which Is More Powerful 甲:When it comes to the question, “man or nature ,which do you think is more powerful? ”, how will you reply? 乙:As the saying goes, “One thousand audience has one thousand Hamlet”, I can tell that everyone holds a different notion.So,what’s your idea about it ?

甲:I think that man can conquer nature.Nowadays,people can forecast weather in advance , build reservoir(水库)and so on.All of above show that we human being have the talent and ability to conquer nature.乙:I don’t think that we can conquer it because we have suffered seriously from the disasters at the latest several decades.In contrast, people can make use of nature to seek wealth as much as possible rather than conquer it.甲: That isn’true,I think.In ancient times,our ancestors made skins of animals into clothing to cover themselves from cold weather, set fire for warmness and protect themselves from wild animals.(我们的祖先用动物皮为衣服,在寒冷的天气中保护自己,温暖放火,保护自己免受野生动物。)And The Great Wall and the Pyramids indicate the huge power of humans.Can we control the nature? We can!乙:However,I still insist on my own point of view that everything has its cause, we are suffering because we have done something unforgivable before.For example,disasters such as tsunami, flood, snowstorm ,earthquake happen more frequently, causing immeasurable loss to humans.甲: Since we have do many damages to the nature and we also suffered a lot in return,we must do something to make up for it.I wonder what’s your opion?

乙:I agree that nature is so mysterious and more powerful than what man have know about it.Whether it is a man-made disaster or natural disasters, those of this things are terrible, so, please take good care and protect our earth.甲:I feel that people must obey nature because we can’t live without it.And then people has the ability to explore nature and by making use of it in a scientific way we can make profits.乙:Where there is a will,there is a way.If we take things from the nature and also return something to it,we can live better and get along well with the nature in the future!

英语口语对话 篇5

Tony: things goes very well, Jack.Tom: yes,everything is ok.what about you,Jack?

Jack: me too.but last week,our class held a class meeting about’my ideal wife’,which brougt a heated discussion among our class.now,I have a question to ask two of you.Tony: sounds interesting,go ahead.Jack: Tony,what’s your ideal wife in your heart?

Tony: as far as l’m concerned,first of all, I think an ideal wife should honor our parents.besides,an ideal wife should trust her husband.what’t more ,she should devoted to her family.Jack: very nice.ok,what about you,Tom?

Tom: let me see,...in my point of view,an ideal wife should beautiful and generous,and she should

be virtuous and caring for elders.I think it would be better if she could be helpful for myjob,but it does’t matter.Jack: your idea is very original,Tom.Both of you ’s anwer is very perfect.I hope both of you

can find your ideal wife.Jack: thank you!

英语日常口语对话 篇6


3、Excuse me、对不起,打扰一下。

4、Can I have two cakes? 我能吃两个蛋糕吗?

5、Do you know his telephone number? 你明白他的电话号码吗?

6、May I e in? 我能够进来吗?

7、Are you sure? 你能确定吗?

8、That’s all right、没关系。

9、May I have yours? 我能吃你的吗?

10、No, you can’t、不,你不能。

11、Yes。/All right、Here you are、好的。给你。

12、Come in, please、请进。

13、You’re wele、不用谢。

14、Come in, please、请进。

15、Sorry, I don’t know、对不起,我不明白。

16、I’m sorry、对不起。

17、Can I have one,please? 我能吃一个吗?

18、Thank you。/ Thanks、多谢。

19、Can I go with you? 我能和你一齐走吗?

口语考试口语对话 篇7


教师应当积极营造良好的小学英语口语交流环境, 有效激发学生对英语口语交流的兴趣和主动性。教师可以通过多媒体技术营造良好的小学英语课堂口语交流环境。多媒体技术有着形象生动的视频、图片等功能,教师可以通过播放与英语教学知识有关的视频,让学生跟着视频中的人物练习英语口语的表达。

例如,在小学四年级英语教科书Unit 4祈使句语法的教学中,教师可以播放有关祈使句的视频,让学生跟着视频对话来学习祈使句的口语表达,从而有效地提高他们对英语口语交流的兴趣。




选择一个关于小学生实际生活的辩论话题:“Pri-mary school students cannot eat snacks.(小学学生可不可以吃零食)”。然后将学生分为两组,正方持“Primary school students can eat snacks, because eating snacks is the nature of the primary school students.”的观点, 反方持“Primary school students cannot eat snacks, be-cause eating snacks will lead to toothache.”的观点,以此让学生进行英语口语辩论。通过这样的英语辩论方式,教师可以有效地提高学生的英语口语表达能力。




第一,注意纠正学生英语口语发音时的语言艺术。 小学生的英语口语表达能力基础较为薄弱,在用英语进行口语对话交流的过程中或多或少会出现一些发音上的不准确和语法、词汇上的错误。这时就需要教师及时进行纠正。而在纠正的过程中,教师一定要注意语言艺术,千万不能打击学生用英语进行口语交流的积极性和自信心,尽量多用一些委婉的词汇,如“good!”“Very well!”等。

第二,教师在课堂上要坚持使用英语口语进行教学。教师是学生学习英语口语发音技巧的引导者。因此,在课堂教学的过程中,教师应坚持使用英语口语授课,如“Today we learn the reading comprehension of the fourth unit, please open the books...”。通过这种方式,教师能为学生树立正确的英语口语发音标杆,让他们在标准的口语学习环境中逐步增强使用英语口语进行对话交流的自信心。

口语考试口语对话 篇8















