


大学英语口语考试的应试方法 篇1













大学英语口语考试的应试方法 篇2

大学英语四级考试题型相同, 都包括五个部分:听力理解、阅读理解、词语用法与语法结构、综合测试、短文写作。听力理解部分题量从原来的20题增加到35题, 比例从20%提高到35%。大学英语四级听力考试总共设置了8个短对话、2个长对话 (共7个问题) 、3篇听力短文理解 (共10个问题以及听写 (10个单词或短语) 。虽然听力理解的比重较大, 但是对大部分学生来说, 大学英语四级的听力部分却是所有部分里面最难的一个。因此, 如何适当运用听力应试技巧, 在四级听力考试中取得较好的成绩是大多数考生共同关注的话题。笔者根据个人教学经验, 以2013年12月份的大学英语四级题为例, 针对听力考试的各个部分, 分析并总结一些实用的大学英语四级听力考试的应试技巧。

一、短对话部分应试技巧:听懂题意, 同义替换

短对话一般与日常生活紧密相关, 如衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、生活等话题。短对话是一男一女的形式, 每人说一句, 然后提问, 美式英语发音和英式英语发音的混合对话。在短对话部分, 大多数的题目都需要考生理解含义并进行语义替换。


A) She is exhausted.

B) She is near-sighted.

C) She cannot finish work in time.

D) She cannot go straight home.

W: Is it almost time to go home now? I'm so tired.I canhardly see straight.

M: Just a few more minutes, then we can go.Q: What is the woman’s problem?

A为正确答案。原文中女士说到I'm so tired.I can hardlysee straight, 意为我太累了, 我都快看不清楚了。考生在理解这句话的基础上, 可以同义替换发现选项A中提及exhausted, 筋疲力尽为正确答案。


A) International trade.

B) Product development.

C) Financial consulting.

D) Domestic retailing.

M: Could you tell me a bit about the business your companyis doing?

W: We mainly deal with large volume buyers from westerncountries and our products have been well received.Q: What business is the woman’s company doing?

A为正确答案。原文中女士回答男士说到large volume, western countries等信息, 即大批量的和西方国家, 在理解了这些关键信息的基础上, 考生可选出A, 国际贸易这一选项。

除了以上的两个例子, 短文对话中的其他题也是可以用同样的方法来应对。第一步先认真听原文, 理解原文的意思, 然后在选项里找到同义的表达, 即可选出正确答案。

二、长对话及短文部分应试技巧:作好记号, 记下信息

长对话也是男女日常对话的方式, 但是内容增加了很多, 约有200到300个单词, 长对话涉及的内容与短对话相比也更深入, 一般情况下有一个“中心”, 对话双方都是围绕中心而展开话题。短文理解部分包括三篇短文, 每篇短文提出三到四个问题, 共十道题。这三篇听力短文选材广泛, 包罗万象, 如社会生活、人物故事、历史、科普知识以及文化教育等, 每篇文章的词数平均都在250词左右。


A) About 8:30.

B) About 6:30.

C) About 5:30.

D) About 4:15.


A) Mr.Gartner from Milan.

B) Gianni Riva at Megastar.

C) The company's sales representative.

D) Gavin from the Chamber of Commerce.


13、14题答案都为D。13题的选项全部是时间, 所以考生在听到跟这些时间相关的事件时就要记下相关的信息, 因为在听的时候我们不知道问题是关于哪个时间点的, 而这些时间在文中都提到过, 因此只能先记下相关信息以免听到问题的时候脑子里已经记不清楚哪个时间点做了什么事。但是边听边记的时候是没有足够时间记下每一件完整的事情的, 因此就要学会记下一些核心单词和重要信息。如在A选项后记下get in, B选项后记下leave, C选项后记下check in, D选项后记下leaving home。这样作好记录后问到相关的事件时就可以准确选出答案了。14题的选项是不同的人, 我们也需要在听原文的时候记下相关的事件或者记号。同理, A选项中提及Mr.Gartner却未说他来自Milan, 可根据个人习惯画叉或是写Not, B选项后记下11, seeing, C后记下3:30, D后记下lunch, 以应对与这些选项相关的问题。短文和对话类似, 都是在听完录音后再来看连续几个问题的答案, 我们的瞬间记忆是记不下这么多内容的, 因此都需要用到记笔记, 做记号的方法帮助我们选择问题的正确答案。

三、听写部分应试技巧:通读全文, 理解大意

听写部分的短文一般字数也在250个左右, 题材和难度与听力理解部分的短文相似, 包括英、美国家的文化教育、人文环境、科普知识以及任务、故事等。全文朗读三遍, 第一遍让考生对短文内容有大致的了解;第二遍以稍慢的语速朗读, 在空格处有短暂的停顿, 要求考生把听到的单词或者短语填入空格;第三遍以正常的语速朗读全文, 考生可以核对所填写的内容。

When Captain Cook asked the chiefs in Tahiti why theyalways ate 26 apart and alone, they replied, “Becauseit is right.”If we ask Americans why they eat with knivesand forks, or why their men wear pants 27 instead skirts, or why they may be married to only one person at a time, we are likely to get 28 similar and very uninformative answers:“Because it’s right.”“Because that’s the way it’sdone.”“Because it’s the 29 custom.”Or even“I don’tknow.”The reason for these and countless other patterns ofsocial behavior is that they are 30 controlled by social norms—shared rules or guidelines which prescribe the behaviorthat is appropriate in a given situation.Norms 31 define howpeople“ought”to behave under particular circumstances in aparticular society.We conform (遵守) to norms so readily that weare hardly aware they 32 exist .In fact, we are much more likelyto notice 33 departures from norms than conformity to them.Youwould not be surprised if a stranger tried to shake hands whenyou were introduced, but you might be a little 34 startled if theybowed, started to stroke you, or kissed you on both 35 cheeks.Yet each of these other forms of greeting is appropriate in otherparts of the world.When we visit another society whose norms aredifferent, we quickly become aware that things we do this way, they do that way.

在听这段话之前有一段关于Directions的录音, 考生可以利用这个时间通读全文。读后我们可以得知, 这篇文章主要讲的是人们生活中的很多行为都是由约定俗成的生活习俗或者是大家认同的行为准则决定的, 但是却很少有人会去思考我们为什么这么做。了解大意可以帮助考生更好地捕捉空格里的内容并联想到相关的单词或是短语。以学生反映较难的34题为例, 如果考生事先通读了文章就可以大概了解到这句话讲的是和陌生人第一次见面时, 如果对方来握你的手你可能不会惊讶, 但是如果对方鞠躬, 开始轻抚你或者亲你, 那你就会觉得——。根据推测, 考生可以比较容易想到会很惊讶, 那么在听的时候就很容易把听到单词和“惊讶的”这样的意思联系起来, 也就更容易写出startled (惊讶的) 这个词来。

虽然以上提到的听力技巧可以帮助考生更好地应对考试, 但是也只能是起到辅助的作用。要想听力成绩高, 首先是要提高听力水平, 平时的时候坚持多听广泛丰富的听力材料, 并在同时多记词汇, 这样才能真正从本质上提高听力水平。

摘要:本文介绍了在应对大学英语四级考试听力部分时的应试技巧。短对话部分, 考生要听懂原文大意并同义替换, 长对话及短文需要边听边作记录, 听写部分先通读全文, 了解大意。



[1]全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会编.大学英语四级考试大纲 (2006修订版) [M].外语教学与研究出版社.2007 (1) .

大学英语口语考试的应试方法 篇3































申论考试内容和应试方法 篇4






















证券从业考试应试技巧及复习方法 篇5
















大学英语口语考试的应试方法 篇6

其实进行培训是一个很好的方式,对自己的系统准确学习会有莫大的帮助,应该选择有方法的培训学校。方法是成功的前提。不要从表面现象轻易做出判断,你可以利用免费试听的机会去自己亲身体验,自己去做出合理判断。寻找有责任心的老师。老师是你通过考试的保证,试听时,你可以观察老师的语言表达能力,讲课的连贯性,讲解的是否透彻,有无层次和逻辑性。你不妨和老师交 谈一下,他(她)对考试的把握程度,讲课计划和重点问题的训练方法,有无作业安排等等。



在会计证考试时,计划答题时间,保持稳定的答题速度。选择题考试通常要求在短时间内作答,考试开始时,你应该看一看试题的分量,并目对每道题应 占用的时间迅速作出估计,也许你会发现,每道选择题允许作答的时间不到一分钟。在某些情况下,这似乎不大可能,但你不必担心,有不少问题可能只需几秒钟就 可作出选择,这样,你就有足够时同去考虑相对较难的问题。


雅思英语阅读考试应试策略 篇7

雅思的阅读部分是整个雅思考试四个部分之一, 按照应试者目的的不同, 分为学术类 (Academic Module) 和普通类 (General Training Module) 。希望进入国外的大学或研究生院的选择前者, 而希望接受培训或上中学或出国移民的选择后者。两种成绩不能互换。

两种考试的共同点有:考试时间60分钟, 题目数40个左右, 由三部分构成, 共计单词数2000~2750等。不同之处在于文章的取材、类型不同。学术类考试的三部分由三篇文章构成, 第一篇往往是学术类文章, 编选自具有代表性的期刊、报纸、教材和杂志等;第二篇适于研究生和大学生阅读;第三篇偏重于一般性知识。三篇文章难度由低到高。而普通类考试的第一部分涉及社交生存, 取材于日常生活的社交文章, 可能有三篇;第二部分与课程相关, 取材于教学或培训课程的文章, 但侧重点是学生的生存需要;第三部分是一般阅读, 为一篇针对一个大众话题展开的描述性或叙述性的文章。

雅思阅读考试与国内其他英语考试阅读部分, 如4、6级等, 有着显著的区别, 主要表现在以下两方面:

(1) 题型变化多样。雅思阅读考试的题型包括选择段落标题、简答、选择、完成句子、摘要/示意图/流程图/表格填充、搭配、分类、找出作者的观点或主张、Yes/No/Not Given、True/False/Does Not Say等10种, 比其他一般考试多。因此, 要求考生头脑更灵活, 善于迅速从一种思维方式转换到另一种。

(2) 文章篇幅较长、生词较多。由于雅思阅读考试专业性较强, 特别是学术类, 往往文章中出现很多专业词汇, 让考生望而生畏。其实, 雅思阅读并不是为了考查考生的词汇量, 所以, 很多生词可以通过上下文猜测词义, 或者可以完全忽略。所以, 不必被生词吓倒。


1. 解题总策略

(1) 略读 (Skimming) 。拿到文章和考题后, 首先要对文章进行略读, 以获得总体印象, 知道文章的主题、作者总的态度等重要信息, 以便可以联系自己的背景知识。正因为是略读, 时间控制在1分钟以内, 所以不可能全文阅读, 阅读的部分应该是标题、小标题、第一段以及每段第一句话等处。

以《聚焦雅思———情景技能训练》第15单元的文章“Survive in Space”为例。通过快速浏览标题、次标题 (A voyage to Mars may be every astronaut’s dream, but the health risks are formidable.) 以及每段第一句话, 可以了解到, 本文涉及的主题是宇航员在太空旅行时遇到的巨大的健康问题, 作者在文章中分别就各种健康问题进行了阐述。了解到这一点, 就可以联系到自己在宇航方面的背景知识。

(2) 研究问题, 找出关键词 (Studying the questions and locating the key words) 。在了解文章的主题后, 就应该马不停蹄研究后面的题目, 通过题目找到解题关键词。还是用上例来说明。我们看到上文后有4种题型, 第一种是True/False/Does not say, 第一题所给出的是:Everyone who travels in space suffers from feelings of motion sickness initially.这句话的关键词是“motion sickness”。从后面第c点我们将可以看到, 只有找到这两个关键词, 才能又快又准地找到答案, 而如果找其他词做关键词, 如travel in space等, 将费力不讨好。找关键词的方法是:先特殊名词 (人名、地名、年代等) , 后一般词汇;先名词, 后其他词汇。

(3) 查读 (Scanning) 。所谓查读, 就是在上一步准确找到关键词后, 用这些关键词在文章中搜索, 找到文章中描述、说明这一问题的位置。这一步进行的效率将直接影响到做题速度。怎样节约时间呢?除了不断训练扫描能力外, 雅思阅读考试一个经验是, 题目一般按顺序编排, 根据题目的顺序, 大体可以猜到考点的位置。比如上例, 我们找好了关键词“motion sickness”, 用它们在文章中扫描, 我们将可能在多处找到它们 (或它们的同义、近义词) 。但是, 由于该题是第一大题的第一题, 所以, 我们也从开头看起, 文章第一段就有这句话:“Motion sickness afflicts more than two-thirds of all astronauts upon reaching orbit, …”

(4) 精读 (Perusing) 。通过关键词扫描找到具体位置后, 下一步就是要看懂、理解文章对该事物的描述和说明。这一步对考生的词汇、语法要求较高, 甚至要求对欧美文化传统也要有一定的认识, 因为有的文章不能光凭字面来理解。在上例中, 我们成功地通过前面的步骤找到了文章中出现“motion sickness”的位置, 通过仔细阅读该部分, 可以知道三分之二以上的宇航员在进入轨道时, 都受到由于剧烈颠簸运动而造成的不适的困扰。

(5) 回答问题 (Answering) 。理解文义后, 就可以顺利回答问题了。还是举上例, 我们知道并非每一个 (every) 宇航员都受到“motion sickness”的困扰, 而是三分之二以上的。文义与题义不符, 因此, 该题的答案是“False”。

以上谈到的是解题总策略, 具体情况还得具体分析。有的可以略去一些步骤, 比如如果看标题就很清楚文章主题, 即可略去“略读”一步;有的可能需要增加一些工作, 比如在比较人物的观点时, 可能需要在查读时将人物出现的地方划记下来, 在精读时多一个反复比较的步骤等。

2. 其他相关问题

(1) 速度和效率。雅思阅读考试文章长、题量大, 速度很关键, 要训练自己“按时”做题的良好习惯。所谓“按时”就是在每篇文章、每道题上合理安排时间。原则上, 每篇文章20分钟, 每题1分钟。如果意识到自己在某题上花时太多, 可能该题较难, 应先跳过, 回头有时间再做。而速度和效率往往有矛盾, 快而不能“毛”, 就要求考生在平时训练时, 注意解决这一矛盾, 控制时间, 要快, 但要在严格按照既定步骤来做题的基础上来快, 不能瞎猜。

大学英语口语考试的应试方法 篇8














































大学英语口语考试的应试方法 篇9

A.have a good taste of the pleasures of society

B.feel depressed about the pleasures of society

C.happy with the pleasures of society

D.sorry for having getting the pleasures of society

2、(见31题)Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.We should pity these unhappy people

B.Such unhappy people are critical about everything

C.If they realize the harmfulness of their habits they may get rid of it

D.Such unhappy people are not content with themselves either

3、(见31题)“And scarcely that” in the third paragraph means

A.just like that.

B.Almost not like that.

C.more than that.

D.not at all like that.

4、(见31题)If such unhappy persons don#39;t change their bad behavior, the author suggest that

A.people avoid contact with them.

B.people criticize their misconduct.

C.people help them r***gnize its bad effects.

D.people show no respect and politeness to them.

5、 Drug Addiction It is possible to stop most drug addiction in the United States within a v ery short time. Simply make all drugs available and sell them at cost. Label e ach drug with a precise description of what effect ― good and bad ― he dru g will have on the taker. This will require heroic honesty. For the r***rd I have tried ― once ― almost every drug and like none , disproving the popular theory that taking a single smoke of opium will enslave t he mind. Nevertheless, many #39;drugs are bad for certain people to take and they should be told why in a sensible way. Along with advice and warning, it might be good for our citizens to recall that the United States was the creation men who believed that each man has the right to do what he wants with his own life as long as he does not interfere wit h his neighbour#39;s pursuit of happiness. Now one can hear the warning: If everyone is allowed to take drugs, everyo ne will, and the gross national product will decrease and we shall end up a race of fools. Alarming thought. Yet it seems most unlikely that any reasonably he althy?minded person will b***me a drug addict if he knows in advance what addic tion is going to be like. Is everyone reasonably sensible? No. Some people will always b***me drug addicts just as some people will always b***me drunken, and it is just too bad . Every man, however, has the power to kill himself if he chooses. But since m ost men don#39;t they won#39;t be the majority, either. Nevertheless, forbidding peop le things they like or think they might enjoy only makes them want those things all the more. This psychological insight is, for some mysterious reason, denied our governors.The author#39;s solution to the drug problem is。

A.to make all drugs extremely costly.

B.to put honest warnings on all drug labels.

C.to make the buying and selling of all drugs illegal.

D.to tell people the dangerous effects of drugs on health.

6、(同36题)Many people believe that

A.taking drugs once in a while will not be harmful.

B.a single smoke of opium will make you an addict to it.

C.the authorities are honest in dealing with the drug problem.

D. It is a heroic activity to destroy all the drugs available.

7、(同36题)According to the author, forbidding people to take drugs is

A.unacceptable to the majority of people.

B.not an effective way to stop drug addiction.

C.in the interest of the people and the governors.

D.in agreement with the basic rights of citizens.

8、(同36题)Which of the following is inferred from the passage?

A.Few people will take drugs if they are allowed to.

B.The United States will be easily defeated if its citizens are allowed to take drugs.

C.It is a general practice to forbid drugs in different countries.

D.A majority of people will b***me addictive to drugs if they are allowed to take them.

9、(同36题).Which of the following might best describe the author#39;s arguments in the passage?





10、第五篇Agricultural Pests。Agricultural pests are Integrated Pest Management is a plan that combines several different metho ds to destroy insects and rodents. These methods are specifically developed for individual areas and crops. The control methods include using the pests#39; natur al enemies, controlling the pests#39; breeding environment, and developing stronger varieties of seeds. Chemical poisons are used only when necessary. The IPM me thod accepts the fact that it is useless to try to destroy pests completely with chemical poisons. Its aim is to control pest populations so that crops can sti ll grow well. Cotton farmers in Texas have been using the IPM method. The farmers find the best combination of control methods for their needs. In this way, they can produce crops without using too many chemical poisons. In 1977, three quarters of Texas cotton fields received no pesticides at all. That year#39;s cotton crop w as better than average. The IPM methods showed the farmers a better way to cont rol the pests in their fields. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has been studying agricultur al pests and chemicals. It has found that 223 pests are resistant to, or not af fected by, pesticides. Rodents, including rats, are also gaining resistance to poisons. In 1965, another UN organization, the UN Food and Agricultural Organiz ation, listed 182 resistant types of pests. Three years later, there were 228 s pecies on the resistant list. The 1977 survey raised the number to 364 species . Because so many pests are b***ming resistant to chemical poisons, it is neces sary to find another method of control. By using Integrated Pest Management, fa rmers can still control and limit pests without depending on chemical poisons.

A.rapidly being destroyed by chemical poisons

B.the results of Integrated Pest Management.

C.winning the battle against farmers.

D.b***ming accustomed to poisons.

11、(同41题)IPM is a plan that

A.uses the pest#39;s natural enemies

B.controls the pests#39; breeding environment

C.develops stronger varieties of seeds

D.does all of the above

12、(同41题)IPM is different from the older methods because

A.chemical poisons are rarely used

B.chemical poisons are used very often

C.pests are completely destroyed

D.farmers do not have to worry about pests.

13、(同41题)In 1968 the UN Food and Agricultural Organization found

A.182 resistant pests

B.223 resistant pests

C.228 resistant pests

D.364 resistant pests

14、Science Education for a New Age。Discoveries and Ap____。The very great advances in science just before and after the midpoint of t he twentieth century have caused education in the United States to realize that science teaching in the future must differ from science teaching in the past. D uring the past twenty years science has played an important part in shaping the character of our civilization. The welfare, stability, and security of our nati on are closely related to the discoveries of science and the applications of the se discoveries.

15、Needs for Good Science T____。Governors, lawyers and business leaders have to deal with scientists and e very educated person has his views influenced by science. Yet our science teach ing of nonscientists in school and college, has built up mistaken ideas, dislike s, and the common boast. “I never did understand science.” Even those students who arrive at college with plans to b***me scientists usually bring a mistaken picture of science; some have a collection of unorganized facts about science, a nd some regard the study of science as a game which involves getting the right a nswer.

16、K____and Enterprise。Science teaching must deal with the knowledge and methods of science; both are necessary. From science courses students should acquire a useful command o f science concepts and principles. Science is more than a collection of unrelat ed facts; to be meaningful and valuable, they must be arranged to show generaliz ed concepts. A student should learn something about the character of scientific knowledge, how it has been developed, and how it is used. He must see that kno wledge is subject to growth and change and that it is likely to shift in meaning and status with time.

17、Science and S____。Young people need to understand how our society depends upon scientific an d technological advancetnent and to realize that science is a basic part of mode rn living. The scientific process and the knowledge produced cannot be consider ed to be ends in themselves, except for the classical scientist. A student shou ld understand the relation of basic research to applied research, and the connec tion between technological developments and human affairs.

18、(同41题)In the future, probably

A.chemical pesticides will be used less

B.chemical pesticides will not be used at all

C.chemical pesticides will be used more

D.chemical pesticides will be produced

19、Balance in Ed 。If it were only necessary to decide whether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to find the gifted few and take them as far as they can go, our task would be fairly simple. The public school system, however, ha s no such choice, for the two jobs must be carried on at the same time. Because we depend so heavily upon science and technology for our existence and progress , we must produce specialists in many fields. The public school must educate bo th producers and users of scientific services.

20、Environmental Impacts of Energy Production All primary energy sources that are ***nomic will be required if the world is to avoid energy starvation. The world#39;s needs for e(51)____have been met successively by wood, coal and oil. As these sources decline in importance o(52)____approach depletion, natural gas, nuclear power, solar and other ‘alternative’ energy sources are expected to m(53)____an increasing fraction of total demand. The production and use of energy can h(54)____a significant effect on the environment. The environmental consequences of the use of some energy sources could conceivably b***me so great t(55)____ they could limit growth in energy consumption. On the other hand, meeting energy needs for ***nomic development and s(56)____well being may require that some environmental impacts be accepted. Environmental impact assessments are being used increasingly I(57)____decision?making by national authorities r(58)____for selecting appropriate energy options or energy mixes. The impacts of energy production may be of short duration, long lasting, or irreversible. They may be of l(59)____or global concern, and may involve trans?boundary issues of international significance; they may affect different communities, p(60)_____groups and countries in different ways. They may be detrimental or beneficial. The nuclear industry has taken a leading role in addressing systematically both shortand long term issues.










30、The country was facing difficulties financially and_____the situation was discouraging.





31、I can#39;t advise you what to do. You must use your own_____.





32、Sometimes they ____their students#39; poor comprehension to a lack of intelligence.





33、Gold is a precious, yellow coloured____ used for making coins, ornaments and jewelry.





34、If you persist in doing that, none except yourself should______the consequences.

A.answer for

B.answer to

C.be responsible of

D.be responsible about

35、He saved his daughter from the fire______of his own life.

A.at expense

B.at a price

C.at the cost

D.at the loss

36、The misty weather in London the contact.

A.interfered with


C.insured with


37、Many automobile accidents were_____careless driving.

A.attributed to

B.resulted in

C.contributed to

D.raised from

38、His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any______of it all.





39、Because I don#39;t take any sugar in my tea, I______to forget to offer it to other people.





40、Revolutionary developments in both observational and theoretical astronomy (took place) in the 1960#39;s.



C.were disputed

D.were exchanged

41、In the legends of the American West, Paul Bunyan#39;s most (treasured) possession as Babe the Blue Us, whose horns were said to span a distance of 42 ax handles.





42、A supernova is a star that explodes and then slowly fades to less than its original (brightness).





43、Over six million citizens of the United States collect benefits from( private) pension plans each year.





44、Since the 1950#39;s literary critics have attempted to answer the question: When did children#39;s literature first (emerge) as a distinct literary genre?

A.improve as

B.appear as

C.conform to

D.respond to

45、Granite crystals are large enough to be seen with the (naked) eye.





46、Having (enlisted) in the Marine Corps in August 1918, Opha May Jonnson was made a provisional sergeant a month later.



C.written to

D.risen in

47、The ( widespread) use of X-rays for diagnostic purposes poses the risk of overexposure to radiation.




D. General

48、The geysers, one of the most unusual phenomena in nature, is beautiful to (behold).





49、The lymphatic system includes a network of tiny capillaries that lie (adjacent )to the fine blood vessels.

A.independent of

B.obscured by



50、第一篇 Food and Health The food we eat seems to have profound e ffects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making many food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research h as shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illness are related to diet an d forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of t he colon. Different cultures are more prone to contract certain illness because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illne ss is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researches realized that nitrate s and nitrites, commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additiv es caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives (有致癌作用的添加剂) remain in our food, and it b***mes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging lakes of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives wh ich we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and pou ltry and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows . Some times similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purpos es but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the anima ls in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA. Has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the pract ices continues.How has science done a disservice to mankind?

A.Because of science, disease caused by contaminated food has been virtually eradicated.

B.It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food.

C. As a result of scientific intervention, some potentially harmful substances have been added to our food.

D.The scientists have preserved the color of meats, but not of vegetables.

51、(同21题)What are nitrates used for?

A.They preserve flavor in packaged foods.

B.They preserve the color of meats.

C.They are the objects of research.

D.They cause the animals to b***me fatter.

52、(同21题)What does FDA mean?

A. Food Direct Additives.

B. Final Difficult Analysis.

C. Food and Drug Administration.

D. Federal Dairy Additives.

53、(同21题)The word “carcinogenic” means most nearly the same as



C. Money?making.


54、(同21题)Which of the following statements is not true?

A.Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons.

B. Some of the additives in our food are added to the food its elf and some are given to the living animals.

C.Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for over thirty?five years. C.Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for over thirty?five years. C.Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for over thirty?five years. C.Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for over thirty?five years. C.Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for over thirty?five years. C.Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for over thirty?five years. C.Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for over thirty?five years.

D.Food may cause forty percent of cancer in the world.

55、第二篇Jeans In 1849 two men discovered gold in California. Men from the rest of the U nited States and other countries hurried there to look for gold too. These mine rs needed good strong clothes. A young man from Germany named Levi Strauss arrived in California in 1850 . He went there to sell things to the miners. He saw that the miners needed st rong pants so he began to make them. He used cloth that people make tents from . He put rivets (铆钉) on the pockets to make them strong becau se the men put r ocks in their pockets. These pants were very strong and lasted a long time. Th e pants became very popular immediately. Later Mr Strauss started making jeans from cotton cloth from Nimes, France . “De Nimes”means “from Nimes”. People called this cloth denim. Denim was po pular in the fifteenth century. Christopher Columbus used denim for the sails o f his ships. Sailors in Genoa Italy wore denim pants. The word “jeans”comes f rom the word “Genoa”. Mr Strauss made the first jeans in the United States, bu t the idea and the kind of cloth came from Europe. The names came from France an d Italy Jeans were always blue until recently. People used indigo (蓝靛 ) dye (染) them. Indigo is the oldest dye in the world. Most jeans have blue threads goi ng across and white threads going up and down. These two colors make denim look different from other kinds of cloth. Today Levi Strauss and Company makes jeans in large factories. Other comp anies all over the world also make jeans. Usually one worker makes just one par t of the pair of pants. Someone makes the front of the leg, and someone else ma kes the back. Another person puts in the zipper.The word denim comes from the name of a city in。





56、(同26题)Everyone thinks jeans are





57、(同26题)Levi Strauss went to California to

A.sell things to miners

B.look for gold

C.make jeans

D.be a sailor


A.make good sails

B.make tents strong

C.Come from Genoa

D.Make the pockets of jeans strong

59、(同26题)Cloth is made form thousands of





60、第三篇Two Types of People There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degr ees of health and wealth and the other comforts of life, one b***mes happy, the other b***mes miserable. This arises from the different ways in which they cons ider thing, persons, and events, and the resulting effects upon their minds. The people who are to be happy fix their attention on the conveniences of things, the pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodne ss of the wines, and the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the contrary things. Therefore they are continually discontented . By their remarks, they sour the pleasures of society, offend many people and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind were founded in n ature, such unhappy to criticize and be disgusted is perhaps taken up originall y by imitation. It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit ma y be strong , but it may be cured when those who have it are convinced of its ba d effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of se rvice to them, and help them change this habit. Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious c onsequences in life, since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people o f fend many others, nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the m ost common politeness and respect, and scarcely that. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at obtaining some adv antage in rank or fortune, nobody to favour their hopes. If they bring on thems elves public disapproval, no one will defend or excuse them. These people should change this bad habit. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them.People who are to be unhappy

A.Always consider things differently from others

B.Are usually influenced by the results of certain things

C.Can discover the unpleasant part of certain things

D.Usually have a fault?finding habit


1 B

2 A

3 B

4 A

5 A

6 B

7 C

8 B

9 B

10 D

11 D

12 A

13 B

14 Applications

15 Teaching

16 Knowledge

17 Sociefy

18 C

19 Education

20 energy

21 or

22 meet

23 have

24 that

25 social

26 in

27 responsible

28 local

29 population

30 C

31 D

32 B

33 B

34 A

35 C

36 A

37 A

38 C

39 C

40 B

41 B

42 C

43 D

44 B

45 C

46 B

47 D

48 A

49 C

50 C

51 B

52 C

53 D

54 A

55 A

56 B

57 A

58 D

59 D

60 D

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