


考研英语二模拟题解析 篇1





Text 3

31. 「答案」B


32. 「答案」C


33. 「答案」C


34. 「答案」D


35. 「答案」A




此履带装置的发明人,日本秋田县立大学的Norihiko Saga将会在西雅图举行的磁力材料研讨会上展示他的新的移动技术。除了灯和照相机,搜索履带装置还能装备一系列传感器,测量其他数值――例如放射性或含氧量――这会告诉救援人员此地是否可以安全进入。





不过加州大学伯克利分校的Robert Full认为爬行并不是机器人最有效的移动方式。他是动物行动专家,但偶尔也为机器人设计者提供建议。“如果你将爬行的能量消耗与步行、游泳或者飞行相比较,爬行的能耗量很高。”他说。走路时,每当你换步时,能量就存储在脚部,然后释放来帮助脚弹起。


Text 4








「解析」其实纵观全文,本文的中心讲的是免疫系统可以得到特殊的训练以应对疾病的较弱形式,因此选项 B“免疫系统可以得到特殊的训练以应对疾病的较弱形式”为正确选项。而选项A“挽救大多数的人必然造成少数人的死亡”,选项C“强制性的接种对于大众的生存是不可或缺的”和选项D“接种的过程仍然是一个应该解决的神秘”都不能说明原文的含义。



考研英语二模拟题解析 篇2


( 略)

第二部分阅读理解 ( 共两节,满分40分)

第一节( 共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Researchers in Hungary have confirmedsomething many dog owners have long suspected:that canines understand our feelings.

Using a Magnetic Resonance Scanner, orMRI,scientists found that when it comes to emotions,dogs' brains are similar to those of humans.

Dogs are usually not relaxed in a lab environment,but with a little petting and lots of treatsthey can be trained to sit still even in an MRIscanner. That's how researchers in Hungary'sELTE University were able to get images of theirbrains at work.

Research fellow Attila Andics says it helpedthem better understand the dogs' relationship withhumans.

“We have known for a long time that dogsand humans share similar social environment,but now our results show that dogs and humans alsohave similar brain mechanisms to process socialinformation,”said Andics.

After training 11 dogs to stay motionlesswhile their brains were scanned,the researcherschecked their neurological responses to about 200emotionally significant sounds,from whining andcrying to playful barking and laughing. They thencompared the responses from human subjects.They found striking similarities. Andics says itopens new possibilities for research.

“It establishes a foundation of a new branchof comparative neuroscience,because until now itwas not possible to measure the brain activities ofa non-primate and the primate brain in a singleexperiment,”said Andics.

The canine mind is also being studied atDuke University,in North Carolina. Co-Directorof the school's Canine Cognition Center, EvanMac Lean,says that the Hungarian results are animportant step forward.

“We've known for a long time that dogs havea lot of behavioral similarities compared to humans. But we don't know anything or very little atleast about whether some of these behaviors arerepresented similarly inside the brain of the dog,so this research is providing a first glimpses towhether these behavioral similarities are underlined by similar neural processes,” said Mac Lean.

And what that tells ordinary dog owners,theHungarian scientists say,is to treat your caninecompanions as friends, not mere animals, because they evidently understand human feelings.

21. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. It illustrates the development of neuroscience.

B. It presents a new biological research.

C. It calls on the public to treat dogs asfriends as they can understand human feelings.

D. It shows how advanced technology andequipment support a research.

22. How does the scientific method workduring the research of dogs?

A. Observation, Experiment, Data collection,Conclusion,Question

B. Observation, Experiment, Data collection,Question,Conclusion

C. Observation,Question,Experiment,Datacollection,Conclusion

D. Question,Observation,Data collection,Experiment,Conclusion

23. It is implied in the sixth paragraph that______.

A. all the responses between the dogs andhumans are the same

B. the Hungarian research would make itpossible for researchers to further study

C. different animals respond to the 200 emotionally significant sounds differently

D. not all the dogs were scanned duringthe research


Being a mother is apparently not like it wasin the good old days.

Today's parents yearn for the golden age thattheir own mothers enjoyed in the 1970s and1980s,researchers found.

Mothers have less time to themselves and feelunder greater pressure towork and familylife than the previous generation.

As a result,88 percent said they felt guiltyabout the lack of time they spent with their children.

The survey of 1,000 mothers also found thatmore than a third said they had less time to themselves than their mothers did — just three hours aweek or 26 minutes a day.

And 64 percent said this was because theyfelt they had to go out to work,while nearly athird ( 29 percent) said they were under constantpressure to be the perfect mother, the reportfound.

Other findings showed social networking andparenting websites,as well as technology such asSkype,were important in providing help and support among female communities.

Kate Fox,of the Social Issues Research Centre,which conducted the survey for Procter &Gamble,said“With increasing pressure on mothers to work a ‘double shift ’— to be a perfectmother as well as a wage-earner — support networks are more important than ever. ”

It comes as a separate report examiningchildcare in the leading industrialized nationsfound that working mothers in Britain spend just81 minutes a day caring for their children as a‘primary activity'.

Mothers who stay at home, on the otherhand,manage twice as much time — more thantwo and a half hours — looking after their offspring, accordingtotheOrganizationforEconomic Co-operation and Development.

Critics say the pressure on women to worklong hours,and leave their offspring in the handsof nurseries or childminders,is putting the wellbeing of their children at risk.

The study also reveals that,despite the factthat more and more modern mothers go out towork,the burden of childcare still falls on them— even if their husband is not in work.

A father who is not in work tends to spendjust 63 minutes a day looking after his child — 18minutes less than a mother who goes out to work.

Working fathers spare less than three quarters of an hour with their children.

24. The underlined word “ juggle ” in thethird paragraph most probably means.

A. deal with B. look for

C. fight with D. meet with

25. The working mothers and the motherswho stay at home mainly differ in that.

A. the working mothers spend more time caring for their children

B. the mothers who stay at home spend moretime caring for their children

C. the working mothers and the mothers whostay at home have different attitudes to children

D. the working mothers care more about theirchildren

26. What's the main idea of the passage?

A. Motherhood was harder nowadays.

B. It is easier to be a mother than before.

C. Mothers should spend more time with theirchildren.

D. Fathers spend little time looking after theirchildren.

27. What is the tone of the writer?

A. Pessimistic.B. Excited.

C. Objective.D. Sympathetic.


About 70 percent of the new diseases thathave infected humans in recent decades havecome from animals. The U. N. Food and Agriculture Organization warn it's getting easier for diseases to make that jump as the population and foodsupply chains grow.

The FAO has released a new reported calledWorld Livestock 2013: Changing Disease Landscapes. It says those landscapes have become“vastly more complicated”by human activity.

“I think that if we continue the state of play,we'll only see more diseases emerge — more natural resources disappear — and more threats to thehuman health into the food chain,” said JuanLubroth,the agency's Chief Veterinary Officer.

He described conditions as the “perfect microbial storm”.

“We have certain issues such as climatechange,particularly humidity and tropical weathers. We have increased globalization,more trafficacross the world. People traveling more, moretrade. We are occupying habitats that previouslywe as humans did not really know those ecologicalniches were occupied by other species. But weare invading them. ”

He said inadequate healthcare systems andsanitation infrastructure( 卫生设施) raise the riskof disease in poor areas. And as populationgrows,livestock production intensifies,which hasits own set of risk factors.

“As we intensify livestock production,wehave created,let's say,a monoculture. By usingantibiotics,for example,as growth promoters orantibiotics without the supervision( 监督) of qualified personnel,we do allow for disease resistantorganisms to go throughout the herd or throughoutthe community. And this can,at the end,affecthuman health,”he said.

Lubroth gave some examples of diseases thathave jumped from animals to humans.

“The origin of the human immunodeficiency( 免疫缺陷) virus,HIV,which causes AIDS,probably had its precursor in something that weknow today to be simian or monkey immunodeficiency virus. And then even more recently,wehave the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome,which is caused by a corona virus,which likelyhas an animal origin. We are at the point in research,which we still are trying to find out whatorigin that is. ”

Other diseases that have emerged from animals over the last five to ten years,he says,include the Nipah and Hendra viruses. These areusually found in bats.

“Probably more familiar to your readers orlisteners will be the H5N1avian influenza,whichin 2003 spread in Southeast Asia. And by 2006was present in over 60 countries and territories,”he said.

The Food and Agriculture Organization iscalling for a holistic approach to meet the growingdisease threat. This involves scientists,researchers and doctors and others from many disciplinesworking together and sharing information.

The report said the holistic approach includesreducing poverty, addressing biological threatsposed by globalization and climate change andbetter safety and health measures in livestock production.

The FAO Chief Veterinary Officer is promoting — what he called — dealing with the diseaseat source. He said that means snuffing out a potential outbreak at a particular location,village ortown before it can spread.

28. How many examples of diseases arementioned in the whole passage?

A. 5. B. 6.

C. 7. D. 8.

29. The last three paragraphs play a role in the whole structure of the passage as______.

A. Recommendation

B. Conclusion

C. Introduction

D. Body

30.We can read this passage on a (an)______.

A. biography

B. fiction

C. science newspaper

D. advertisement


Arlene Phillips: My dream is to keep dancing until I'm 80

As one of Britain's best known choreographers( 编舞 ) ,Arlene Phillips has had more thanher fair share of dance floor tumbles. But the onethat still leaves her wincing is the memory of aspectacular fall she suffered 44 years ago while filming a television show with Welsh singer Sir TomJones.

“It's the most excruciating pain I've ever endured,”says Arlene,whoin the1970s when she formed racy dance troupe HotGossip and went on to choreograph West Endshows such as Starlight Express and We Will RockYou. “We were filming the Tom Jones show in1967 at Elstree Studios in north London and theproducers wanted me and another performer,Juliet Prowse,to dance on a table in a kind of stagedfight over Tom,” explains the former Strictlyjudge who lives in London with her partner AngusIon.

“There was a point where Juliet was supposed to push me and I had to jump off the tablebut during the final camera rehearsal the jumpthrew me and because of the way I landed I was inagony. Yet nothing was going to stop me from doing the actual show so I dosed myself with painkillers and carried on but it took me a long timeand many visits to all sorts of physiotherapists( 理疗医师) to recover. ”

Back pain affects 80 percent of the UK population at some point in their lives. Contrary to theold belief that bed rest is the best treatment for theailment,official advice now for treating back painis to keep as active as possible and take a coupleof paracetamol when needed. It is an approachArlene,who has daughters Alana,33,and Abi,22,has always followed. “Throughout my careerI've just worked through any injuries. Howeverbad the pain I've always kept going and it's stillthe same today,”she explains.

Arlene also got severe knee pain. “About 20years ago,I started doing more American jazz andthe newly formed rock jazz style of dancing whichinvolved dropping down on to my knees a lot moreand that's when my knee pain first started. Gradually it increased to the point where I stopped running because I thought I was beating my knees todeath. ”

“When I was choreographing,the bendingdown then jumping back up again really began tohurt. I'm a bit obsessive about cleaning and I noticed that when I got on my hands and knees toclean,the pain in my right knee was worse andbecoming increasingly aggravating ( 加重) . ”Arlene soldiered on without seeking professionaltreatment until she attended a dinner party wherea physiotherapist and osteopath were extolling thevirtues of rose hip for their patients' joint pain.She decided to try it herself,with extraordinaryresults.

Even though she turned 70 last May,Arleneis showing no signs of slowing down. She hasbeen busy in her role as chief choreographer inthe hotly anticipated Monty Python comeback thisJuly. “I truly believe that dancing is keeping mevibrant and young,”she says,“My dream is tocarry on dancing until 80 and beyond. As long asmy mind and body are active,the years may go bybut inside I want to feel that spirit. I want to geton with the life I'm enjoying,keep eating healthily and remain as active as I can and look forwardto a positive future. ”

31. The underlined phrase“shot to fame”in Para 2 means“______”.

A. became famous suddenly

B. made a shot

C. made a fortune

D. began to dance

32. The experience of the Tom Jones show in 1967 shows that______.

A. at that time,Arlene was eager to gain herreputation

B. Arlene's partner was unable to follow herin the dance

C. it was always very difficult and tough tobe a good dancer

D. Arlene was a person with strong will andgreat determination

33. What approach did Arlene follow aftershe got the pain?

A. Arlene followed the official's advice andhad the best treatment.

B. Arlene kept as active as possible andworked through any injuries.

C. Arlene followed the old belief and took acouple of paracetamol.

D. Arlene attended a dinner party to seekprofessional treatment.

34. Which words can best describe Arlene'scharacter?

A. vibrant and young

B. active and positive

C. devoted and kind

D. determined and helpful

35. What is the writer's attitude towards Arlene?

A. He recommends and agrees with Arlene.

B. He opposes and looks down on Arlene.

C. He admires and speaks highly of Arlene.

D. He takes a neutral attitude towards Arlene.

第二节 ( 共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)


Love Needs No Words

“Can I see my baby?”the happy new motherasked. When the bundle was nestled in her armsand she moved the fold of cloth to look upon histiny face,she gasped. The doctor turned quicklyand looked out the tall hospital window.

The baby had been without ears. Timeproved that the baby's hearing was perfect.When he rushed home from school oneday and flung himself into his mother's arms. Shesighed,knowing that his life was to be a succession of heartbreaks. He blurted out the tragedy,“A boy called me a freak. ”

He grew up,handsome but for his misfortune. A favorite with his fellow students,he mighthave been class president,but for that. He developed a gift,a talent for literature and music. Theboy's father had a session with the family physician. “I believe I could graft on a pair of outerears,if they could be gotten. ” The doctor declared. They searched for a person who couldmake such a great sacrifice for the young man Two years went by.

His father said to the son,“Mother and I have someone who will donate theears you need. But the identity of the donor is asecret. ”It seemed that a new personemerged ( 显露 ) . His talents blossomed intogenius. School and college became a series of triumphs. He married and enter the diplomatic service.

He would ask his father,“Who gave me theears? Who gave me so much? ”He stood withhis father over his mother's casket( 棺木) . Slowly,tenderly,the father stretched forth his hand andraised the thick,reddish-brown hair to reveal thatthe mother had no outer ears.his fatherwhispered gently,“and nobody ever thought motherless beautiful,did they?”

Real beauty lies not in the physical appearance,but in the heart. Real treasure lies not inwhat can be seen,but in what can't be seen. Reallove lies not in what is done and known,but inwhat is done and not known.

A. You're going to the hospital.

B. The years kept their profound secret,butthe day did come.

C. It was only his appearance that themarred.

D. The operation was a brilliant success.

E. Ears are too important for a person.

F. Mother said she was glad she never gother hair cut.

G. Hearing is useful for everyone,especiallyfor the little boy.

第三部分英语知识运用( 共两节,满分45分)

第一节完形填空( 共20小题; 每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

41. A. muchB. still

C. moreD. even

42. A. definitelyB. particularly

C. speciallyD. consequently

43. A. districtB. section

C. divisionD. piece

44. A. asksB. suggests

C. requests D. commands

45. A. means B. considers

C. mindsD. fancies

46. A. fromB. out

C. intoD. away

47. A. valueB. difference

C. consequence D. respect

48. A. everything B. nothing

C. not D. something

49. A. guidance B. resistance

C. competenceD. significance

50. A. hand outB. give out

C. use upD. run out

51. A. passing byB. passing around

C. passing away D. passing down

52. A. energetic B. average

C. giftedD. experienced

53. A. merelyB. hardly

C. fairlyD. rarely

54. A. progressB. adjustments

C. decisions D. choices

55. A. need to B. have to

C. ought to D. dare to

56. A. remaining B. satisfied

C. natural D. available

57. A. tastes B. flavors

C. dishes D. features

58. A. what B. where

C. howD. when

59. A. shareB. meaning

C. special D. difference

60. A. whichever B. whatever

C. wheneverD. however


第三部分英语知识运用( 共两节,满分45分)

第二节 ( 共10小题; 每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容( 不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。

A: Hello? This is Smith.

B: Oh,Mr. Smith,my name is Mary Miller. I'm a friend of Mike Black.

A: Oh,yes?

B: When I told Mike Icome ) tolive here,he gave me your name,and suggestedthat I( give) you a ring. I was wonderingyou could give me some advice.

A: I'll be pleased to do so. What can I dofor you?

B: Well,I'm looking for a place to live.Mike thought thatyou're an estate agent,youknow of something suitable.

A: Yes,I think I can give you somesuggest) . Why don't you come round and seeme? Do you knowmy office is?

B: Yes. I've got the address.

A: Good. Where are you now?

B: I' m at the post office.

A: Well,that's just a few stopsmy office. You canNo. 11 Bus. Come roundand see me now.

B: Oh,is very kind of you. Thankyou so much.

A: Not at all.

第四部分写作( 共两节,满分35分)

第一节短文改错 ( 共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅 涉及一个 单词的增 加、删除或修改。

增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ∧) ,并在其下面写上该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( ) 划掉。

修改: 在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者( 从第11处起)不计分。

On May 8th, students in No. 2 middleschool did plenty of interested things to celebrateMother's Day. At the beginning of the activity,they organize a competition in which the one whomade most meaningful gifts would win.

Apart from it,students wrote letters to express thank to their parents,but someone is tooshy to do so. When hear “I love you”,parentslooked at their children mildly. They are deepmoved,most of them were with tears in theireyes.

This wonderful activity gives them the greatopportunity to care about our parents. And it is agood chance to do something in return of love ofparents. Most of the students enjoy taking part it.

第二节书面表达 ( 满分25分)

每个人的心底都有属于自己的梦想。当每个人的梦想都聚集在一起的时候,就聚成了一个强大的中国梦。那么你的人生梦想是什么?请以“My dream”为题撰写一篇100 ~ 120个词的短文,阐述你的看法。要点如下:

1. 你的梦想;

2. 你现在付出的努力;

3. 你的感悟。

注意: 短文的开头已给出( 不计词数) 。

The dream as long as can be lasting,can become a reality. My dream is to______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2015年高考英语模拟试题( 二) 参考答案


( 略)





21. B。主旨概括题。这篇文章全文重在描述科学家的研究和该研究的意义。

22. C。推理判断题。题干的要点是duringthe research。第二、三两段主要是在observation,question。第六段主要是experiment,datacollection,conclusion。

23. B。推理判断题。A项太绝对了,原文只有“They found striking similarities”。C项在第6段没有提到,属于无中生有。D项文章中说“Aftertraining 11 dogs to stay motionless while their brainswere scanned”,所以D也不正确。B项可以从“itopens new possibilities for research”推得。



24. A。词义猜测题。根据第三段可知,现代的母亲面对着处理工作的巨大压力,此处“juggle”表示“应对,处理”。

25. B。细节理解题。根据第九、十两段可知,全职母亲能够花更多的时间在孩子身上。

26. A。主旨大意题。根据第一段总起句和整篇文章可以得出主题为A。

27. C。推理判断题。整篇文章客观地描述了当代母亲面临着巨大的压力,并列举了一系列数据,故选C。



28. B。事实细节题。由human immunodeficiency virus HIV,monkey immunodeficiency virus, corona virus, the H5N1avian influenza,Nipah and Hendra viruses. 可知选B。

29. A。推理判断题。最后三段主要在号召我们如何去做,从call on,promote几个词也可以看出。Recommendation是“推荐,建议”的意思

30. C。推理判断题。根据文章可知选C。


【语篇导读】Arlene Phillips是一位著名的舞蹈家和编舞创作者。虽然在她的舞蹈生涯中,遭受了很多伤痛,但她依旧不改初衷,积极面对,宣称要一直跳舞到80岁。

31. A。词义猜测题。根 据下文的“sheformed racy dance troupe Hot Gossip and went onto choreograph West End shows such as StarlightExpress”可知,她通过参加这些比赛和节目开始成名。

32. D。推理判断题。根 据第三段 中的“Yet nothing was going to stop me from doing theactual show”可以推断出Arlene受伤后仍坚持带伤表演,具有坚强的意志和决心。

33. B。细节理 解题。根据 第四段中 的“official advice now for treating back pain is tokeep as active as possible andThroughout mycareer I've just worked through any injuries”可知,答案为B。

34. B。推理判断题。根据全文的叙述尤其是最后一段的描述可知,Arlene是“active”“positive”“determined”,但是文中并没有提到“helpful”,故选B。

35. C。观点态度题。从整篇文章的描述来看,作者对Arlene应该是欣赏的,故选C。



36. C。根据上句可知,孩子的听力没有受到影响,只是耳朵的外形异于常人,故选C。

37. A。根据父亲的话可知,“找到捐献者了,可以去医院做手术了”,故答案为A。

38. D。根据下文“It seemed that a newperson emerged”可知,手术成功 了,故答案为D。

39. B。根据上下文前后呼应,这个秘密一直保持到母亲去世的那一天,故答案为B。

40. F。根据下文“and nobody ever thoughtmother less beautiful,did they”可知,母亲一直用头发遮住耳朵的部位,故答案为F。




41. C。根据文章第一段的细节描写,可以看出这两位女士应该是完全不一样的两种人,否定加比较表示最高级,在这里表示完全不一样。

42. B。家务活,尤其是厨房里的一些活,无趣得很。particularly表示“尤其是”。

43. B。根据意思,这里应该是指两个人停在了卖冷冻食品的专柜区。

44. B。根据后面的“what about?”可知,应该选suggest。

45. A。这句话的意思是“美国的烹调意味着把……扔进……”。mean to do表示“意味着做某事”。

46. C。“应该把东西扔进微波炉”,所以用into。

47. A。根据上下文,这句话的意思应该是“很多美国 人开始认 识到烹饪 技术的价 值所在。”

48. B。大部分美国人都承认家里的饭菜是最好的。nothing better否定加比较级表示最高级。

49. A。词义辨析题。对于那些在烹饪上需要指导的人来说……

50. D。这句话的意思应该是“对于那些想不出主意的人来说”,所以选run out of sth。

51. B。这里指朋友们互相传递他们最喜欢的菜谱。

52. D。根据上下文可知,这里应该是“对于有经验的厨师来说”。

53. A。根据上下文可知,“食谱只是参考点”。

54. B。由下文提示可知,应根据需要服务的人的数量做出调整,故选B。

55. A。这里是指需要服务的人,所以用need to do。

56. D。available用来修饰the ingredients,they have这里是定语从句,available“可利用的,可得到的”经常做后置定语。

57. B。根据上文“加些这、加些那来做出合适的味道”,可知选B。

58. D。When it comes to“当谈到……的时候”。

59. A。这句话的意思是说“每种文化和每个国家都有自己的一些美味佳肴。”

60. B。Whatever = no matter what ,在这里是说“无论方言是什么”所以选B。


61. coming to。过去将来时,表示即将来这里居住。

62. ( should ) give。考查suggest的用法,suggest sb. ( should) do。

63. whether / if。引导宾语从句,句意为“我想知道你是否可以给我一些建议”。

64. as / since。引导原因状语从句,表示原因可用as或since。

65. may / might。考查情态动词的用法,句意为“作为房产经纪,你可能会知道一些合适的房源”。

66. suggestions。考查名词复数,表示“给一些建议”。

67. where。句意为: 你知道我的办公室在哪吗?

68. from。句意为: 那儿离我的办公室只有几站路。

69. take。“坐公共汽车”动词用take。

70. It。It在句中做形式主语。



第1处: 第一句中的interested→interesting。考查形容词的用法。

第2处: 第二句中的organize→organized。考查动词时态。

第3处: 第三句中的thank→thanks。考查名词单复数。

第4处: 第四句中的hear→hearing。考查非谓语动词。

第5处: 第五句中的deep→deeply。考查形容词和副词的用法。用来修饰动词move,故用副词deeply。

第6处: 第五句中的them→whom。考查定语从句。

第7处: 第六句中的the→a。考查冠词的用法。表示这是一次很好的机会,不用特指。

第8处: 第六句中的our→their。考查人称代词,前后保持一致。

第9处: 第七句中的of→for。考查固定词组搭配in return for。

第10处: 第八句中的take part后面加in。考查介词的用法,take part in表示参加某项具体的活动。


One possible version:

The dream as long as can be lasting,can become a reality. My dream is to be a lawyer.

As I know,an abundant knowledge is a necessity for a lawyer,so I study hard to build a solid foundation. Besides,every chance has beenmade full use of to improve my oral ability. Moreover,to enrich my practical experience,I alwaysgo online to watch the real cases.

高考英语阅读理解模拟题解析 篇3

Switzerland may be a small, little-regarded mid-continental country with a serious image problem. Switzerland covers an area of 41,285 sq km. At the most, it's 220km from north to south, and 348km from west to east. The highest point is the Dufourspitze at 4634m above sea level, the lowest is Lago Maggiore at 193m. The total population is around 7.4 million, of whom 5.9 million are Swiss citizens.

Switzerland has grown into one of the world's richest countries. Its economy is small-scale but thoroughly modern: traditional industries such as watchmaking and textiles(纺织品)now thrive by focusing closely on the luxury end of the market and have ceded(割让)prime position to engineering, pharmaceuticals(药学的)and service industries.

Within this rugged environment, community spirit is perhaps stronger than anywhere else in Europe. Since the country isn't an ethnic, linguistic or religious unity, it's survived simply through the will of its people to resolve their differences.

Tourism has been a high earner since the mid-nineteenth century, when the Alps(阿尔卑斯山)became both a fashionable destination for wealthy travelers and a prescribed retreat for sufferers from breathing diseases needing curative sunshine and fresh mountain air. And yet the country still stands alone.

Switzerland is remarkably polyglot(通晓多种语言的人). There are four official languages: about two-thirds of the population have German as their first language; about a fifth French; six percent Italian; while Romansh, a direct descendant(后代)of Latin, has clung on in pockets of the mountainous southeast. Around one in ten people use English every day, and many Swiss are comfortably tri- or quadrilingual.

1.Switzerland’s economy has the following characters EXCEPT_____________.

A.small-scale but simply thoroughly modern

B.watchmaking and textiles becoming less important

C.traditional industries thriving in luxury markets

D.engineering, pharmaceuticals and service industries are important

2.What’s the advantage of Switzerland in Europe?

A.Its community spirit is stronger than any other country in Europe.

B.Its community is an ethnic, linguistic or religious unity.

C.Its community spirit has survived through the will of its people.

D.Its people have the will to resolve their differences in every way.

3.Switzerland’s tourism is famous for ________.

A.wealthy travelers B.curative sunshine

C.fresh mountain airD.the Alps

4.What are the four official languages in Switzerland?

A.German, French, English and Latin.

B.German, Italian, French and Romansh.

C.German, Italian, Romansh and English.

D.German, Latin, Romansh and French.

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Area of Switzerland.

B.History of Switzerland.


D.Tourism in Switzerland.

6.What’s the meaning of word “thrive” in Paragraph Two?

A.Cause somebody or something to feel a thrill or thrills.

B.Examine and measure the qualities etc of sb or sth.

C.Grow or develop well and vigorously; prosper.

D.Turn or move sb or sth quickly or violently in directions.




3.D。推理判断题。从第四段第一句话后半部分中的the Alps became both a fashionable destination可知阿尔卑斯山是一个受人欢迎的旅游目的地,因此它应该以阿尔卑斯山出名。

4.B。细节理解题。从第五段第二句话There are four official languages: about two-thirds of the population have German as their first language; about a fifth French; six percent Italian; while Romansh, a direct descendant of Latin,has clung on in pockets of the mountainous southeast.可知道瑞士的官方语言应该是German德语、French法语、Italian意大利语和Romansh语这四中语言。


考研英语阅读理解模拟题及解析 篇4



fledgling adj. 年轻的或无经验的 geothermal adj.地热的, 地温的, 地热(或地温)产生的

gigawatt n. 十亿瓦特 turbine n. 涡轮

scalable adj. 可升级的 philanthropic adj. 慈善的,乐善好施的

pledge v. 许诺,抵押 lobby v. 游说


(1) Not only will Google be hiring engineers and energy experts for its new initiative, known as RE

[主体句式] Not only will Google be…but it also…

[结构分析]这是一个并列句。前面的分句中,known as…过去分词结构是前面new initiative的定语;后面分句中,破折号后面的现在分词结构是前面companies的定语,在该定语中,that引导的定语从句修饰前面的those。

[句子译文] 谷歌不仅会为自己新的项目――RE

(2) They are eSolar, of Pasadena, which is specializing in solar-thermal power, using large fields of mirrors to concentrate sunlight and generate steam to run utility-scale electric turbines, and Makani of Alameda, which is developing wind energy technology that takes advantage of the much stronger and more reliable currents available at high altitudes.

[主体结构]They are eSolar and Makani.

[结构分析]这是一个复合句,eSolar后面是用来修饰它的以which引导的定语从句,using large…是现在分词结构修饰eSolar;Makani后面是修饰它的以which引导的定语从句,该定语从句中,that引导的从句是用来修饰technology的。

[句子译文] 这两家公司是帕萨迪纳的“e太阳能公司”和阿拉米达的Makani公司。“e太阳能公司”专业制造太阳能热能,用大片的镜子聚集太阳光生成蒸汽来推动多用途电力涡轮,而Makani公司是利用高地强力、可靠的气流来发展风力能源技术。


1.The word “fledgling” (Line 7, Paragraph 1) most probably means_____1. “fledgling”(第一段第七行)这个词最有可能的意思为_____

[A] inexperienced.[A] 没有经验的。

[B] promising.[B] 有前途的。

[C] new.[C] 新的。

[D] initiative.[D] 初步的,开始的。


[难度系数] ☆☆

[分析] 猜词题。根据上下文,这种公司包括太阳能技术、增强的地热、高地风力的公司,这是一种新兴的公司,因此,最为合适的选项为C。

2. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the coal?2. 关于煤炭,下列哪个陈述是正确的?

[A] It is a kind of controversial fuel given its large quantity and its harm to the harm the environment.[A] 它是一种有争议的燃料,一方面储量巨大,另一方面却对环境有害。

[B] It is a plentiful and cheap fuel that will surely earn more market share.[B] 它是一种充足的、廉价的燃料,因此自然会赢得更多的市场份额。

[C] It will be totally replaced by the renewable energy in years because it produces the worst gas―carbon dioxide.[C]由于煤炭会产生一种最糟糕的气体―二氧化碳,因此在近几年内它就会完全被可再生能源所替代。

[D] It is supported by enthusiastic countries like China and U.S.[D] 它得到了诸如美国和中国这样的国家的热情支持。


[难度系数] ☆☆☆

[分析] 细节题。根据第二段,选项A,从第二段的前两句话可以看出,煤炭由于其资源丰富且廉价、因此得到了广泛的使用,但同时又对环境造成了伤害,可见煤炭是一种颇具争议性的资源。。选项B,对于美国、中国是这种情况,但不一定对于其他国家也是。选项C,Google正在努力的目标是可再生能源产量可以供应旧金山城市规模大小的城市使用,但并不一定能完全取代煤炭,只能是逐步的,同时第二段里面有一句话,说煤炭是产生二氧化碳最严重的燃料,而不是产生了最糟糕的二氧化碳,因此C选项也不正确。因此,答案为A。

3. Google.org is a _____3. Google.org是一个_____

[A] conventionally type of organization.[A] 传统的慈善组织。

[B] equity investor in companies.[B] 投资公司股票的投资机构。

[C] a branch website of Google.com that focuses on charity activities.[C] Google.com的分支网站,专门负责慈善活动。

[D] environmental organization that specializes in promoting green fuel.[D] 致力于推动绿色燃料的使用的环境组织


[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆

[分析] 细节题。关键是要正确理解which is not a traditional charity but can make equity investments in companies这句话的句式结构,意为“不仅…而且…”,说Google.org不仅是一家传统的慈善组织,而且也投资公司股票;后面指出Google投资改善气候变化和全球贫困问题,这都是慈善行为。可以推断,这主要是一家慈善机构。C选项比较具有迷惑定,但是通过阅读全文我们可以发现Google.org看起来像是一个网站名,但是其实是一个组织。D选项把该组织定义为“环境组织”是错误的。正确答案为A选项。

4. Which one of the following is NOT true of RE

[A] It will be realized through investments in solar and wind energy companies.[A] 通过投资太阳能、风能公司可以实现该项目。

[B] It is a programme of environmental protection.[B] 这是环境保护项目。

[C] It is one of the measures taken to neutralize carbon.[C] 这是中化碳的一种方法。

[D] It can come into true in a few years.[D] 在近几年内该项目就可以实现。

[答案] A

[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆

[分析] 推理题。选项A,该项目和投资太阳能、风能公司是实现Google公司产出比煤炭更加低廉燃料的两种途径,并非有直接的手段联系。选项B在文章第五段提到了,是整治气候变化的一步,那么可以算是环保项目;C,第五段有提及“The company says it is on track in its goal to be carbon neutral in ”;D,既然公司的目标在几年内都可以实现,那么其中的一个步骤或项目也有望实现。由此可见,答案为A选项。

5. The best title of this passage is_____5. 这篇文章最好的题目为_____

[A] Google’s RE

[B]Google, the Energy Revolutionary.[B] 谷歌,能源革命者。

[C] Google, the Environmental Protector.[C] 谷歌,环境保护者。

[D] Google’s Renewable Energy Project.[D] 谷歌可再生能源项目。

[答案] B

[难度系数] ☆☆

考研英语模拟试题及答案解析 篇5

37. A   Satisfying social relations are vital to sound mental and emotional health. 让人满意的社会关系对于良好的精神和情绪健全至关重要。 [A] sound作形容词意为“完好的,健全的,合理的,明智的”。例:the sound development of a baby(一个婴儿的健康发育);sound judgment合理(明智)的判断。[B] all-round adj. 全面的,多才多艺的。   38. D   It is believed that in order to initiate, develop, and maintain effective and fulfilling social relationships people must possess the ability to know and trust each other, understand each other, influence, and help each other. 一般认为,要想建立,发展,并且维持有效而给人满足感的社会关系,人们必须拥有了解和信任他人,影响他人,及帮助他人的能力。[D]initiate vt. 创始,发起;[A] illuminate vt. 照明,照亮,阐明,说明;[B] enunciate v. 阐明,清晰发言;[C] enumerate v. 列举。   39. D   上下文中also一词提示天空处需要be capable of的近义词,所以possess the ability符合题意。   40. [A]   They must also be capable of resolving conflicts in a constructive way. 他们必须有能力以建设性的方法来解决冲突。   resolve和solve都有“解决”之意。例:solve/resolve a problem但resolve可用来表达“评定或平息冲突或争端等”之意,相当于settle。例:resolve/settle the quarrel in a friendly way(以友好的方式解决纷争)。此外,resolve还有“决心,决定”之意,相当于decide或determine。例:Parliament has resolved that… (国会决议……);to resolve/be resolved to do… (下决心做……)。   Section III Reading Comprehension   Text 1   41. [C] 意为:人们所受的教育增多以及反童工法的制定   根据题干直接定位到第一段第二句while…部分,它指出,(相对原始社会),工业社会中青春期变长有两方面的原因:教育期的延长和反童工法的制定。所以,正确选项为[C]。   [A]的干扰来自于第一段第一句。它提到,“青春期的长短取决于不同社会对成熟和成年的定义”。接着第二句就比较了原始社会和工业化社会。从这两句其实我们可以推出这两种社会对成熟的定义必定不同。但第二句已经明确指出了具体原因,因此[C]为最佳答案。[B] 工业化社会更加发达,文中未提。[D]是工业社会中关于青春期变化的现象,而非青春期变长的原因。   42. [A]意为:从各类学校毕业   第二段第二句指出:青春期的社会仪式(social ones)已经被一系列阶段(a sequence of steps)所取代。第三句说明了“一系列阶段”的具体所指―─各阶段学习的毕业。所以,[A]为正确选项。   [B]、[C]、[D]的错误在于:social recognition、certain behavioral change 和socio-economic status本身都不是青春期仪式的替代品,而只是和其替代品紧密相连的因素。第三句提到,行为变化和社会认可度是伴随“阶段”而存在的,而一个人的社会经济地位会影响各阶段对他的重要性。   43.[C] 意为:21岁第二段后面部分从It is during the nine years到倒数第二句列举了青春期各阶段的权利。其中,第十句(at the age of twenty-one… public office)指出,21岁是开始享有完全成****利的年龄。所以[C]为正确选项。   11岁不属于该部分介绍的范围;16岁时只能享有部分成****利;12到21岁期间是一个从儿童向成人转变的过程,个人享有权利逐渐增加,但若享有完全成****利,需要达到21岁。因此其他项排除。   44. [C]意为:个人的基本权利将不会比21岁时有所增加。   文中倒数第二句说明,一旦达到成人阶段(21岁),将不再继续获得其他额外的基本权利。所以,本题的正确选项应为[C]。其他项[A] 个人会得到更多的基本权利;[B] 一个人越老,拥有的基本权利越多;[D] 人们将享有社会赋予的更多的权利;与原文内容相反。   45. 答案[A]意为:获得驾照的人就可以算是成人了   第一段末句指出,到了19世纪晚期,美国的青春期和成年期的分界线消失。Frontier意为dividing line。所以,[A]为正确选项。  

考研英语二模拟题解析 篇6


(九)In spite of “endless talkof difference,” American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people.There is “the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and thecasualness and absence of difference” characteristic ofpopular culture.People are absorbed into “a culture ofconsumption” launched by the 19th-century department stores that offered “vast arraysof goods in an elegant atmosphere.Instead of intimate shops catering to aknowledgeable elite。” these were stores “anyone could enter, regardless of class or background.This turnedshopping into a public and democratic act。” The mass media,advertising and sports are other forces for homogenization。

Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which maynot be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous.Writing for the NationalImmigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today’simmigration is neither at unprecedented level nor resistant to assimilation.In1998 immigrants were 9.8 percent of population;in 1900, 13.6 percent.In the10 years prior to 1990, 3.1 immigrants arrived for every 1,000 residents;inthe 10years prior to 1890, 9.2 for every 1,000.Now, consider three indices ofassimilation-language, home ownership and intermarriage。

The 1990 Census revealed that “a majority ofimmigrants from each of the fifteen most common countries of origin spokeEnglish ‘well’ or ‘very well’ after ten years of residence。” The children ofimmigrants tend to be bilingual and proficient in English.“By the thirdgeneration, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families。” Hence thedescription of America as a “graveyard” for languages.By 1996 foreign–born immigrants whohad arrived before 1970 had a home ownership rate of 75.6 percent, higher thanthe 69.8 percent rate among native-born Americans。

Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics “have higher rates ofintermarriage than do U.S.–born whites and blacks。” By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married tonon-Hispanics, and 41 percent of Asian–American women aremarried to non-Asians。

Rodriguez notes that children in remote villages around the worldare fans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet “someAmericans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehowimmune to the nation’s assimilative power。”

Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America?Indeed.It is big enough to have a bit of everything.But particularly whenviewed against America’s turbulent past, today’s social indiceshardly suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment。

21.The word “homogenizing” most probably means

[A] identifying.[B] associating.[C] assimilating.[D] monopolizing。

22.According to the author, the department stores of the 19thcentury

[A] played a role in the spread of popular culture。

[B] became intimate shops for common consumers。

[C] satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite。

[D] owed its emergence to the culture of consumption。

23.The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S。

[A] are resistant to homogenization。

[B] exert a great influence on American culture。

[C] are hardly a threat to the common culture。

[D] constitute the majority of the population。

24.Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned inParagraph 5?

[A] To prove their popularity around the world。

[B] To reveal the public’s fear of immigrants。

[C] To give examples of successful immigrants。

[D] To show the powerful influence of American culture。

25.In the author’s opinion, the absorption of immigrants into 可锐教育官网http://

American society is

[A] rewarding.[B] successful.[C].fruitless.[D].harmful。


21.The word “homogenizing” most probably means


[A] identifying.识别确认

[B] associating.联系,联合 [C] assimilating.吸收,同化

[D] monopolizing.独占,垄断

【答案】 C

【考点】 词义题。

【分析】 本题的答案直接可以定位到第一句话。文章说“尽管人们不停地谈论差异”,用到了表示转折的“in spite of”,后面显然就是与前面的意思相反了。差异的反面自然是相同。如果考生没有把握,只要继续读两句,就会发现作者描述的都是一个同化了的社会的特征。而“homogenize”这个单词,如果从词根来分析,也不难判断。“homo”表示相同的,比如同性恋就是“homosexual”,而“homogenize”的原意就是“使均匀,均质化”,所以只有[C]“assimilate”这个单词合适。“assimilate”的本意是“吸收,消化”,后引申为“使相同、使相象”,以及“把同化到盛行的文化中”。[A]“identify”一般表示对身份的“识别,确认”,不合题意。[B]“associate”表示“联系,联合”,不合题意。[D]“monopolize”,这个单词由“mono+pole”构成,用在本处意思不符合。

22.According to the author, the department stores of the19th-century


[A] played a role in the spread of popular culture.在传播流行文化方面发挥了作用。

[B] became intimate shops for common consumers.成为了和普通消费者关系亲密的商店。

[C] satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite.满足了知识精英的需要。

[D] owed its emergence to the culture of consumption.其出现归功于消费文化。

【答案】 A

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 题干关键词“departmentstores”出现在第一段第三句,该句子的意思是“人们沉迷于一种始于19世纪的商场的消费文化”。随后进一步解释说“商场和那些精品店不一样,是人人都可以去的,购物变成了一种民主和公众的活动”。也就是说,商场对于流行文化的传播起到了推动的作用,故[A]为本题的正确答案。[B]的错误在于它故意将那些迎合精英人士的精品店与其顾客的那种亲密的关系用在商场与普通消费者的关系上。[C]的错误在于商场满足的是普通大众的需要,而不是那些知识精英的需要。至于[D],它故意颠倒了因果关系,商场的出现推动了流行文化的发展,而并不是流行文化导致了商场的出现。而且作者在这一段结束的时候,还提到,其它的一些推动流行文化发展的因素还有大众传媒、广告以及运动业。

23.The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S。


[A] are resistant to homogenization.对于同化是抵制的。

[B] exert a great influence on American culture.对美国文化施加了很大的影响。

[C] are hardly a threat to the common culture.对大众文化几乎没有威胁。

[D] constitute the majority of the population.占人口大多数。

【答案】 C

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 题干中出现了“immigrant”这个关键单词,就是告诉考生,本题解题的关键是和移民相关的内容。只有阅读完相关的内容,才有可能正确答对本题。“immigrant”可以定位到第二段。文章说“移民正在快速适应这个大众文化”。第二句就引用记者的话说“如今的移民既未达到前所未有的水平,而且也不抵制同化”。这样一来,就可以排除[A]。后面提到美国移民的人口比率只有百分之几,显然不可能是人口的大多数,因此[D]“移民占人口大多数”可以被我们排除。不但人数不占优势,所占比率还在缩小,因此,可以说[C]“对大众文化几乎没有威胁”是合适的。至于[B]项,文中没有提及。但是考虑到人数这么少,对美国施加巨大的影响一说就不太现实了。

24.Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned inParagraph 5?


[A] To prove their popularity around the world.为了证明他们在全球都很受欢迎。

[B] To reveal the public’s fear ofimmigrants.为了表明公众对移民的恐惧。

[C] To give examples of successful immigrants.为了举出成功移民的范例。

[D] To show the powerful influence of


American culture.为了展示美国文化的强大影响。

【答案】 D

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 通常在议论文或者说明文中出现事例,引用他人的话等等都是为了说明某一点或者证明某一点。通过引用来判断作者的目的和意图也是英语考试中最常见的命题方法。通过关键词汇“阿诺德·施瓦辛格和葛斯·布鲁克斯”定位到第五段。在第二段的时候,作者提到了“同化”的三个标志,即,“语言”,“房产所有权”和“异族通婚”,第三段讲“语言”和“房产拥有权”,第四段讲“异族通婚”,都是为了说明美国社会的“同化”能力很强大。第五段提及两个名人的目的就是说连国外的偏僻的地方的小孩儿都是美国超级巨星的崇拜者,居然美国还有人担心那些生活在美国的移民对同化免疫。也就是说,作者还是要证明美国文化的强大影响力,故[D]为本题的正确答案。[A]只是描述了一个表面的事实,而不是作者的意图目的。[B]的错误出在它曲解了作者引用罗德里格兹的话的意图,作者以上所提及的,都是为了证明美国文化的强大。因为作者紧接着说美国实在太大了,什么问题都能沾上点边儿,存在意见分歧的问题,以及一些人很愤怒,都是事实存在,但是都是不必担心的。言下之意就是,怎么还会有美国人担心那些生活在美国的移民对同化免疫?根本不用担心,因为相比美国**的历史,这一切几乎不会有什么影响的。[C]“为了举出成功移民的范例”与作者的写作意图则相差很远。

25.In the author’s opinion, the absorption of immigrants into American society is


[A] rewarding.值得的,有回报的 [B] successful.成功的 [C] fruitless.没有成果的 [D] harmful.有害的 【答案】 B

【考点】 推理题。

【分析】 该类型题往往需要通过关键词来寻找答案。本题问的是作者对移民融入美国社会这样一件事的看法,关键词是“移民融入美国社会”,考查的是考生能否从大量的细节中判断出作者的观点是什么。本文作者通篇讲述美国的文化是多么强大,同化的能力是多么强大,但是作者没有说同化给美国人带来了什么好处,只是说移民对美国不构成威胁。因此排除[A]。然后比较[B]和[C]。选项[B]认为美国的移民同化很成功,[C]认为美国的移民同化没有成果,但是通读全文来看,从开始的移民不抵制同化,到适应大众文化,到住房比率比美国本土人士高,到与异族通婚等等此类的信息告诉我们,美国的移民同化是成功的,不是没有成果的。故排除[C],[B]为本题的正确答案。[D]项错误,因为作者在第二段说这种文化虽然不怎么高尚,但是却是无害的。


1.There is“the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and thecasualness and absence of difference”characteristic ofpopular culture。

【结构分析】本句是一个“there be”结构,主语有“the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse”和“thecasualness and absence of difference”。作者将两个主语用双引号括在一起,后面加上“characteristic of popular culture”做这两个主语的后置定语。

2.People are absorbed into “a culture ofconsumption” launched by the 19th-century department stores that offered “vast arraysof goods in an elegant atmosphere”。

【结构分析】本句的主干结构是“People are absorbed into‘a culture ofconsumption’”,后接的“launched”是过去分词做后置定语。在这个后置定语里面,又出现一个“that”引导的定语从句,“that”指代“department stores”。

3.In 1998 immigrants were 9.8 percent of population;in 1900, 13.6percent.In the 10 years prior to 1990, 3.1 immigrants arrived for every 1,000residents;in the 10 years prior to 1890, 9.2 for every 1,000.【结构分析】很多考生无法理解,问为什么移民比例前面是9.8%和13.6%,后面又说移民是每千个人中有3.1个和9.2个?这里特别强调,后面的这两个数据,即3.1和9.2,指的是1980至1990,以及1880到1890之间达到的每千人平均移民人数,原文作者用的是“arrived”,即,“新来的,新增加的”。也就是说,“在1980至1990年间,每1000个居民中新增加3.1个移民;在1880到1890之间,每1000个居民中新增加9.2个移民”。

4.The 1990 Census revealed that “a majority ofimmigrants from each of the fifteen most common countries of origin spokeEnglish‘well’or‘very well’after 可锐教育官网http://

ten years of residence。”

【结构分析】句子主干是“The 1990 Census revealed that„”,“that”引导一个宾语从句,宾语从句的主语是“a majority of immigrants,from each of thefifteen most common countries of origin”做后置定语修饰该主语。本句难点是“mostcommon countries of origin”,正确的理解是“最常见的15个移民输出国”。这些移民输出国并非也不可能都是讲英语的国家。

5.Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics“have higher rates ofintermarriage than do U.S.–born whites and blacks。”








考研英语二模拟题解析 篇7

第二部分阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Jumanji (勇敢者的游戏) is a story for children about a very strange game—a game that becomes far too real and frightening for the players.It was a story by Chris Van Allsburg, which was later filmed in 1996, starring the famous American actor Robin Williams.

The story begins in 1869 in New Hampshire, America.Two young brothers bury a box under some trees.A hundred years later, in 1969, a boy, Alan Panish, finds the box and takes it home.He is unhappy that his father may want to send him to a boarding school.Alan’s friend, Sarah, arrives, and they open the box.Inside is a board game.At the start of the game, some words appear:“Do you want to leave the world behind and go back to the past?Then this is the game for you.”Suddenly Alan finds that he is disappearing into the game.

The story has a deep meaning.Through his adventures Alan learns something important—if you face your fears, your problems will go away.Alan turns to face Van Pelt, the hunter who is trying to kill him.In doing so, he completes the game and returns to reality.Then he finds thathis father is not going to send him to a boarding school after all.

In Jumanji, time is flexible.The film direc-tor Stephen Spielberg’s“Back to the Future”films play with time in the same way.Topscientists even tell us now that time travelis theoretically possible!

21.From the story we learn that Alan is aboy who________.

A.dislikes his study at school

B.is afraid of his serious father

C.was born a hundred years ago

D.goes back to the past in the game

22.Through the game Alan has realizedthat whenever he has difficulties he should________.

A.escape into the past

B.face them bravely

C.ask for his father’s advice

D.read the words on the box

23.What does the author mean when hesays time is flexible?

A.One can travel in time.

B.Science can change the limit of time.

C.Time travel is impossible in space.

D.Time is a common topic in film-making.


It’s that time of year when people need to lock their cars.It’s not because there are a lot of criminals running around stealing cars.Rather, it’s because of good-hearted neighbors whowant to share their harvest.Especially with this year’s large crop, leaving a car unlocked in my neighborhood is an invitation for someone to fill it with zucchini (西葫芦) .

My sister, Sharon, recently had a good year for tomatoes.She and her family had eaten and canned so many that they had begun to feel their skin turn slightly red.That’s when she decided it was time to share her blessings.She started calling everyone she knew.When that failed, she began asking everyone in the neighborhood, eventually finding a neighbor delighted to have the tomatoes.“Feel free to take whatever you want, ”Sharon told her.Later that day, Sharon found that her garden had indeed been harvested.She felt happy that she could help someone and that the food didn’t go to waste.

A few days later, Sharon answered the door.There was the neighbor, holding a hot loaf of bread.The neighbor smiled pleasantly, “Iwanted to thank you for all of the tomatoes, and I have to admit that I took a few other things and hoped you wouldn’t mind.”

Sharon couldn’t think of anything else in her garden that had been worth harvesting and said so.“Oh, but you did, ”the neighbor said.“You had some of the prettiest zucchini I’ve ever seen.”

Sharon was confused.They hadn’t even planted any zucchini.But her neighbor insisted that there really were bright-green zucchini in her garden.Sharon felt curious and decided to go to see where the zucchini had grown.The two of them walked together into the backyard.When the neighbor pointed at the long green vegetables, Sharon smiled.“Well, actually, those are cucumbers (黄瓜) that we never harvested, because they got too big, soft and bitter for eating.”

The neighbor looked at Sharon, shock written all over her face.She gulped (哽住) a few times, and then, smiling, held out the bread, part of a batch she had shared all over the neighborhood.“I brought you a nice loaf of cucumber bread.I hope you like it.”

24.Why does the author warn people in theneighborhood to lock their cars?

A.They might be stolen by thieves at night.

B.They might be moved away by thepolice.

C.Their neighbors might fill them withtheir harvest.

D.Their neighbors might throw cucumbersinto them.

25.How did Sharon’s friends react to theinvitation to take her tomatoes?

A.They did not accept her kind offer.

B.They were all delighted to have the toma-toes.

C.They said they would go when they werefree.

D.They began to tell everyone they knewabout it.

26.What did the neighbor do in Sharon’sgarden?

A.She only harvested some tomatoes.

B.She took some cucumbers mistakenly.

C.She took something with Sharon’s help.

D.She harvested a few zucchini by acci-dent.

27.We can infer that the neighbor’s breadwould taste________.

A.soft and sweet

B.hard and sour

C.funny and bitter

D.fragrant and delicious


Land Art, sometimes referred to as Earth Art or Earthworks, is a form of art which involves using physical landscapes to create art, taking art out of the museum and into the outside world.Modern Land Art movement really got going in the 1960s, when American artists began creating Land Art on a large scale.Today, works of modern Land Art can be seen all over the world, sometimes right alongside much older pieces of Land Art created by people who lived thousands of years ago.

Land Art, which is not necessarily unchangeable, can take a number of forms.For example, in 1970 Robert Smithson created the Spiral Jetty (螺旋状防波堤) , made of a collection of stones and mud, in the Great Salt Lake.The American artist made a large jetty in a spiral shape which sticks out into the waters of the lake.

Reshaping the landscape is a common characteristic of Land Art, which can be created by moving parts around.People can also add things to the environment to create Land Art, like salt, which is added to the Spiral Jetty.It is possible to use plants.In all cases, Land Art is immovable.

Land Art is designed to gradually form, change, and eventually decay (衰落) .That’s one of the biggest differences between Land Art and most of the art one sees in the museums.Some works of art can exist only for a few hours or days.Others are exposed to rain and wind so that they develop and decay over time, which is part of the attractiveness in the eyes of the artists.

28.What can be learned from the first para-graph?

A.Land Art was the most popular art in the1960s.

B.Land Art aims to get people interested innature.

C.American artists were the first to createLand Art.

D.People have been creating Land Art forthousands of years.

29.What do we know about RobertSmithson?

A.He is a great creative artist.

B.He lives near the Great Salt Lake.

C.He made the most famous Land Art.

D.He was a pioneer in creating Land Art.

30.One of the unique characteristics ofLand Art lies in________.

A.it shows the extreme beauty of nature

B.it develops and decays gradually overtime

C.it combines the landscapes around com-pletely

D.it offers the artists a chance to get closeto nature

31.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Works of Land Art.

B.History of Land Art.

C.Changes of Land Art.

D.Introduction of Land Art.


People have been wondering why elephants do not develop cancer even though they have lifespans (寿命) that are similar to humans, living for around 50 to 70 years.

Now scientists believe they know why.Ateam at the University of Chicago, US has found that elephants carry a large number of genes that stop tumors (肿瘤) developing.To be precise, they found 20 copies of an anti-tumor gene called TP53 in elephants.Most other species, including humans, only carry one copy.

According to the research, the extra copies of the gene improved the animal’s sensitivity toDNA damage, which lets the cells quickly kill themselves when damaged before they can go on to form deadly tumors.

“An increased risk of developing cancer has stood in the way of the evolution of large body sizes in many animals, ”the study author Dr Vincent Lynch told The Guardian.If every living cell has the same chance of becoming cancerous (癌变的) , large creatures with a long lifespan like whales and elephants should have a greater risk of developing cancer than humans and mice.But across species, the risk of cancer does not show a connection with body mass.

This phenomenonwas found by Oxford University scientist Richard Peto in the 1970s and later named“Peto’s paradox (悖论) ”.Biologists believe it results from larger animals using protection that many smaller animals do not.In the elephant’s case, the making of TP53 is nature’s way of keeping this species alive.

The study also found that when the same genes were brought to life in mice, they had the same cancer resistance as elephants.This means researchers could use the discovery to develop new treatments that can help stop cancers spreading or even developing in the first place.

“Nature has already figured out how to prevent cancer, ”said Joshua Schiffman, a biologist at the School of Medicine, University of Utah, US.“It’s up to us to learn how different animals deal with the problem so that we can use those strategies to prevent cancer in people.”

32.Why are elephants unlikely to developcancer?

A.They have a rather large body size.

B.Their genes suffer no DNA damage.

C.Certain genes in their body kill existingtumors.

D.They carry many genes to preventtumors developing.

33.According to the passage, what hasbeen a risk in the evolution of large animals?

A.Deadly tumors.

B.The huge body mass.

C.Cells killing themselves.

D.Sensitivity to DNA damage.

34.What does the underlined part“Thisphenomenon”in Paragraph 5 probably refer to?

A.Larger animals have protection fromTP53.

B.The risk of cancer is not related to bodysize.

C.Larger animals suffer the same risk ofcancer as smaller ones.

D.The larger animals are, the bigger risk ofcancer they will have.

35.What can be concluded from thepassage?

A.Depending on nature is surely enough tofight against cancer.

B.The TP53 genes have proved useful instopping cancer in people.

C.Humans are expected to prevent cancerwith the making of TP53.

D.The extra copies of elephants’genes areused to cure caner patients.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Study Links Video Game Use to Problemsin School

A new study warns that too much timespent playing computer games could affect achild’s performance at school.36They showthat too many hours spent playing games canreduce students’chances of success in school.

More than 600 teenagers between the agesof 14 and 16 took part in the research project.37It is said to be the first ever long-term study in Northern Ireland on the influence of information technology on school test results.

The study found that teenagers who played computer games less than once a week were more successful in school than those who played them twice a day or more.41%of the students who used gaming devices two or more times a day received passing grades on school exams.38

The study found that social media use didnot affect school performance.

Celine Mc Stravick is the director of the National Children’s Bureau Northern Ireland.She says the study showed no connection between social media and test results.“39Ithink that’s more because social media is part of every child’s life.It’s the way they communicate.It’s the way they keep in touch with their friends.”

Many parents say their children are becoming increasingly dependent on computer games.Some have compared gaming to a drug addiction.40It suggested that computer games can cause children to stay awake late at night.Less sleep makes children tired and unable to pay attention in school the next day.

A.However, the study did not exploreaddiction.

B.The new games are much different fromolder ones.

C.It was clear that social media didn’thave any effect.

D.It took place over a period of three yearsfrom 2013 to 2015.

E.That compared with 77%of those whorarely played the games.

F.Drug addiction does great harm to theirhealth and performance at school.

G.Britain’s National Children’s BureauNorthern Ireland reported the results of the study.

第三部分英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)

第一节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式, 并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。

Near the town of Montignac in Southern France, visitors can find some of the most beautiful cave paintings in the world—the Lascaux Cave Paintings (拉斯科洞窟壁画) .

Over the years, many historians and artists came to study the art.They wanted to understand who painted the pictures and 65 they might mean.They soon realized some of the art indicated animals that were on Earth a long time ago.Many of the pictures also showed people66 (follow) animals and trying to kill them for food.In the end, historians agreed that this was likely to be the art of a civilization that existed over 15, 000 years ago.

第四部分写作 (共两节, 满分35分)

第一节短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (∧) , 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线 (╲) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



2.只允许修改10处, 多者 (从第11处起) 不计分。

Have you ever been to Wuzhen?It is so beautiful a village that I had already visited it many times.Locating in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, it has a history of about 6, 000 years.Like many small towns in the southern area, which has a lot of small bridges going through clean streams.Local people live in old houses, they are very friendly.During the day, you can walk or sit on a boat enjoy the natural scenery along the stream.The scene at night is attractively as well.There are all kinds of round and square light.Every time I look at the pictures for which I took, I will remember the water, the bridges and the houses.I love an amazing water country!

第二节书面表达 (满分25分)

假设你校学生会定于4月10日组织一次高三学生的登山活动, 请根据下面表格内容, 以学生会的名义用英语写一则通知, 欢迎同学们积极参加。



2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;

3.通知的格式已为你写好, 不计入总词数。

参考词汇:邙山Mangshan Mountain;报名sign up;征文比赛essay contest


Student Union

第一部分听力 (略)





21.D。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据第二段中的“Do you want to leave the world be-hind and go back to the past?Then this is theegame for you.Suddenly Alan finds that he is dis-appearing into the game.”可知, Alan在游戏中穿越到了过去, 因此该题选D。

22.B。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据第三段中的“Through his adventures Alan learnsssomething important—if you face your fears, your problems will go away.”可知, Alan通过玩冒险游戏学到了重要的东西, 那就是:如果你勇敢地面对恐惧, 你的问题就会消失, 因此该题选B。

23.A。考查推理判断的能力。结合游戏中的时空穿越, 再根据最后一段中的“Toppscientists even tell us now that time travel is the-oretically possible!”可知, 人能够在时间中旅行, 说明时间是灵活可变的, 因此该题选A。


【主旨大意】本文讲述作者姐姐自家的菜园里西红柿丰收之后邀请朋友、邻里分享丰收果实, 邻居因分不清西葫芦和黄瓜而闹出了笑话。

24.C。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据第一段中的“Rather, it’s because of good-heartedneighbors who want to share their harvest.”可知该题选C。

25.A。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据第二段中的“She started calling everyone sheknew.When that failed, she began asking every-one in the neighborhood...”可知, 她邀请朋友们来分享她的西红柿, 可他们没有接受她的邀请。因此, 该题选A。

26.B。考查理解事实细节的能力。最终有个邻居接受了她的邀请, 不仅在她家菜园里摘了西红柿, 还摘了老黄瓜, 可邻居却把老黄瓜误认为是西葫芦。可见, 邻居在她家菜园里摘了一些黄瓜。因此, 该题选B。

27.C。考查推理判断的能力。根据第五段中的“they got too big, soft and bitter for eating”可知, 邻居用老黄瓜做的面包的味道会是又苦又怪的, 因此该题选C。funny在此意为“尝起来很怪的”。


【主旨大意】本文介绍地景艺术。艺术家以大自然为创作资源, 把艺术和大自然有机地结合起来, 创造出一种极具视觉效果的艺术形式。

28.D。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据第一段中的“Today, works of modern Land Art can be seen all over the world, sometimes right alongside much older pieces of Land Art created by people who lived thousands of years ago.”可知该题选D。

29.A。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据第二段中的“For example, in 1970 Robert Smithson created the Spiral Jetty (螺旋状防波堤) , made of a collection of stones and mud, inthe Great Salt Lake.The American artist made a large jetty in a spiral shape...”可知, Robert Smithson在大盐湖用石头和泥土创作了地景艺术作品“螺旋状防波堤”, 可见他是一个伟大的艺术家。因此, 该题选A。

30.B。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据最后一段中的“Land Art is designed to gradually form, change, and eventually decay (衰落) That’s one of the biggest differences between Land Art and most of the art one sees in the museums.”可知, 地景艺术与其他艺术最大的不同之处有一点是它会随着时间的流逝而逐渐变化直至最终衰落。因此, 该题选B。

31.D。考查理解主旨要义的能力。通读全文可知, 本文主要介绍了地景艺术的概念、历史和特点等, 因此该题选D。


【主旨大意】本文讲述大象不患癌症的原因。研究发现, 大象携带有很多抑制肿瘤发生癌变的基因。

32.D。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据第二段中的“elephants carry a large number ofgenes that stop tumors (肿瘤) developing”可知该题选D。

33.A。考查推理判断的能力。根据第四段中的“An increased risk of developing cancerhas stood in the way of the evolution of largebody sizes in many animals”可知, 大型动物在进化过程中有患癌症的风险, 这个风险就是“恶性肿瘤” (deadly tumors) 。因此, 该题选A。

34.B。考查猜测词义的能力。根据第四段中的“But across species, the risk of cancer doesnot show a connection with body mass.”可知, 纵观各种物种可以发现, 患癌症的风险与体型的大小没有联系, 紧接着第五段句首说“这种现象……”, 可见“This phenomenon”就是指上文所说的“患癌症的风险与体型的大小没有联系”。

35.C。考查推理判断的能力。根据第六段中的“This means researchers could use the dis-covery to develop new treatments that can helpstop cancers spreading or even developing in thefirst place.”可知, 研究者可以利用这个发现去研发能够有助于阻止癌症扩散或者甚至一开始就能阻止癌症发生的新疗法, 借此人类就有望通过利用制造的TP53 (抗肿瘤基因) 来预防癌症。因此, 该题选C。



36.G。考查推理判断的能力。上文提到一份新的研究警告说, 花太多时间玩电脑游戏会影响孩子在校的成绩, G项提到英国的一家机构对这项研究结果进行了报道, 下文又提及“它们 (研究结果) 表明……”。由此可知, G项起承上启下的作用。因此, 该题选G。

37.D。考查推理判断的能力。上文提到有多少人参加这项研究项目, D项陈述该项目持续的时间, 它们前后紧密关联, 因此该题选D。

38.E。考查推理判断的能力。上文提到每天玩电脑游戏又能成绩过关的学生比例, E项提到很少玩电脑游戏的学生成绩过关的比例, 前后形成对比, 因此该题选E。

39.C。考查推理判断的能力。上文提到Celine Mc Stravick说这项研究表明社交媒体和考试结果之间没有联系, C项是CelineMc Stravick说的原话, 与上文研究结果一致, 因此该题选C。

40.A。考查推理判断的能力。上文提到有些父母把玩电脑游戏比作吸毒成瘾, A项陈述该研究并未对上瘾展开探究, 下文中的“It suggested that...”说该研究表明玩电脑游戏有可能导致孩子晚上很晚睡不着觉。A项与上文形成转折关系, 又引出下文, 因此该题选A。



【主旨大意】本文讲述作者被诊断患癌症后一边化疗一边继续上学, 积极同癌症进行斗争, 最终不仅完全康复, 而且也成功地通过了学业考试。

41.C。我的颈部的肿块“结果是” (turnedout to) 癌。

42.A。我将“需要” (require) 六个月的化疗。

43.D。震惊之后, 我突然想到我的“梦想” (dreams) 中不会有癌症。

44.B。我有很多事情要“完成” (achieve) , 我还有很多目标要努力达到。

45.C。我面临着一个“艰难的” (difficult) 任务:我该如何把这个坏消息告诉朋友和家人。

46.D。我不得不决定是否“继续” (continue) 留在剑桥, 到年底参加五个考试。

47.B。我的医生、家人和老师都劝我不要这样做, advise against在此意为“建议不……”。

48.A。我的医生和老师使我相信花些时间“恢复” (recover) 和放松对我来说将是最好的事情。

49.B。我不能把事情想得“更糟” (worse) , 我不想“错过” (miss) 一年, 接受周围那些人的同情和怜悯。


51.C。我和父母一起努力说服学校“同意” (allow) 我留在剑桥并只学一半课程。

52.A。说服学校同意真是件“难事” (strug-gle) 。struggle在此意为“something that is diffi-cult for you to do or achieve”。

53.A。每隔一周往返于剑桥和伦敦之间去治疗, 这使我感到“劳累” (tired) 。

54.C。尽管劳累, 但比我想象的程度要小得多, 我“能够” (was able to) 完全像过去一样读书、社交。

55.D。期末我能够完成“考试” (exams) 感觉像是一场伟大的个人胜利。

56.B。在治疗的同时, 我“冒险” (took arisk) 继续学习, 并且最终“成功了” (paid off) 。

57.C。参考第56题解析。pay off在此意为“成功, 达到目的”。

58.D。我不仅在考试方面成功了, 而且“更重要的是” (more importantly) , 我完全康复了。

59.A。每一个面对像癌症这样疾病的人, 都必须作出适合他们自己的“选择” (choices) 。

60.D。我为我做出的适合自己的决定感到“自豪” (proud) 。



61.by/in。考查介词的用法。by nature是固定短语, 意为“天生地”, 该句句意是:大多数洞窟都是在地下自然形成的。该题如果填in亦可, in nature在此意为“在自界然中, 实际存在的”。

62.woods。考查名词的用法。wood意为“林地, 树林”时, 常用复数形式, 并且与定冠词the连用, 即“the woods”。

63.When/As。考查从属连词的用法。根据句意“当他们靠近时, 他们发现这不是一块岩石, 而是地面的一个开口”可知, 应该用When或As引导时间状语从句。

64.covered。考查非谓语动词的用法。beecovered with意为“被……覆盖, 被……掩盖”, 表示一种状态, 此时过去分词covered已经转化成了形容词, 不表示被动动作。

65.what。考查连接代词的用法。what在宾语从句中作mean的宾语, 意为“什么”。

66.following/were following。考查非谓语动词的用法。分析句子结构可知, “66 (follow) animals and trying to kill them forfood.”作后置定语, 修饰名词people, 根据并列成分trying可知此处应该用现在分词follow-ing。如果把“people66 (follow) animalsand trying to kill them for food”视为宾语从句亦可, 此时应该用were following作谓语, trying是并列谓语动词。

67.to see。考查非谓语动词的用法。此处使用了“be+adj.+to do”句型, 不定式用主动形式表达被动含义。

68.Sadly。考查副词的用法。作状语, 修饰整个句子, 应该用副词。

69.exactly。考查副词的用法。修饰动词look, 作状语, 应该用副词。

70. (have) made。考查动词时态的用法。根据上下文语境可知, 人们制作这些壁画是过去发生的事情, 应该用一般过去时。另外, 根据句意“人们已经制作了这些壁画, 以便人人都仍然能够了解这伟大的古代文明”可知, 用现在完成时强调已经完成的动作也是可以讲得通的。




第1处:had改为have。考查动词时态的用法。根据主句的时态is和句意“我已经参观乌镇很多次了”可知, 此处应该用现在完成时。

第2处:Locating改为Located。考查非谓语动词的用法。表示“位于……”时, 常用be locat-ed in/at, 此处“Located in Jiaxing, Zhejiangprovince”作状语, 表示状态, 应该用过去分词。

第3处:which改为it。考查代词的用法。分析句子结构可知, 该句是简单句, “Like manysmall towns in the southern area”是介词短语, 作状语。因此, 句子的主语应该是名词或代词, 此处用it作主语, 与上句中的主语it保持一致, 均指前面提到的名词Wuzhen。


第5处:they前加and。考查连词的用法。分析句子结构可知, 该句中有两个简单句, 中间缺少连词。“当地人住在老房子里”与“他们很友好”两句之间在逻辑上是并列关系, 陈述两个事实, 因此用并列连词and。

第6处:enjoy前加to或把enjoy改为enjoying。考查非谓语动词的用法。此处用动词不定式表示目的, 即“步行或乘船以欣赏沿河的自然风景”。也可把enjoy改为enjoying, 用现在分词短语“enjoying the natural sceneryalong the stream”作伴随状语也可以。

第7处:attractively改为attractive。考查形容词的用法。作表语, 应该用形容词。

第8处:light改为lights。考查名词的用法。分析句子结构可知, 该there be句型中, 谓语动词是复数形式, 主语light也应该用复数形式。

第9处:删除for。考查定语从句的用法。分析句子结构可知, “which I took”是定语从句, 修饰先行词the pictures, 关系代词在从句中作宾语, 介词for是多余的。

第10处:an改为the。考查冠词的用法。此处特指迷人的水乡“乌镇”, 应该用定冠词。


One possible version:


In order to encourage Senior Three students to take exercise and relax themselves, we’re going to organize a mountain-climbing activity on April 10.We’re going to gather at the school gate and start at 7:20 a.m.by bus and get back at7:00 p.m.We’ll climb Mangshan Mountain in the morning, on top of which we’ll have a picnic at noon.In the afternoon we’ll be divided into groups and have a free time.Remember to take photos and make notes for the photo exhibition or the essay contest to be held later at our school.Besides, take your lunch and drinking water with you.If you want to join, please come to Student Union and sign up before April 5.

上一篇:初中议论文 :乐观面对人生下一篇:准高三开学祝福语