


用英语介绍好朋友的作文 篇1

Having friends can be both a blessing and a curse. They have the ability to support you through times of crisis and scold you when boundaries have been overstepped. However, it is normally to have various groups of friends that represent different aspects of life. Sometimes, when these pals are introduced to other acquaintances, it can be hard to sufficiently describe your relationship.

Here’s how to do it in Chinese:


男/女朋友 (nán/nǚpéngyǒu) boy/girlfriend

The use is fairly simple and straightforward. It should be employed to induce feelings jealousy and derision amongst other family and friends.



Bàmā, zhè she wǒ nǚpéngyǒu.

Mum, dad, this is my girlfriend.


闺密 (guīmì) sisters; ladybro; close female friends

More commonly used by the female of the species, 闺密 is used to convey a very close friend (bosom buddies?). Normally this would be between two female friends, but sometimes for making a joke, it can also apply to relationships between male and female, and male and male. It all depends on the user.



Zuótiān, wǒ hé guīmì yīqǐ chī le ge dàcān.

Yesterday, my best friend and I had a great meal.


哥们儿 (gēmenr) bro; buddy

Can be regarded as the male equivalent to 闺密. The conditions for use are exactly the same but simply with the genders reversed. The “er” sound at the end is added so the user is not embarrassed and to improve the sound.



Wǎnshàng gēmenr yīqǐ tīqíu.

In the evening, the brothers are going to play soccer.


发小 (fàxiǎo) childhood friend

Remember when you were four years-old and running around the backyard buck-naked, without a care in the world? There was that other kid, he/she used to come round all the time to play in your sandpit. You became fast friends and through the years, have remain on a close level. Even now, after a day toiling in the office of your state-run company, you find time to video chat with that childhood friend. That’s your 发小!



Wǒ sì suì de shehòu rènshì wǒ fàxiǎo.

I met my childhood friend when I was four.


同学 (tóngxué) classmate

Many people go to school at one point during their lives. And during these times, friends are often made. 同学 is used when you need to refer to most of these people. It is normally used to refer to classmates or those that were in the same grade as the user.



Wǒmen míngtiān tóngxué jùhuì.

Tomorrow, we are having a class reunion.


同事 (tóngshì) colleague

Let’s head back to that state-run office you were in earlier. Amongst the people here, there are colleagues that you have a special connection with. Your interests align, personalities match, and sense of humors ally. Colleagues that surpass the employment barrier and establish themselves within your friend zone.

Unfortunately, in Chinese there is no good way to say “good friend who I met as a colleague”. Buttttt, hey. If they’re good enough to hang out with outside of the office, then friendship is a given.



Wǒ jiào wǒ tóngshì yě lái chànggē.

I also invited my colleague to KTV.


邻居 (línjū) neighbor

To be honest, in this day and age, it is rare for people to be on familiar with those that live beside them. Of course, the odd greeting might occur. Maybe you’ve even borrowed some salt or sugar. But that’s as far as it goes. You wouldn’t invite them for a weekend at your lake house, would you? You would? Well, good for you.



Yīnggāi kéyǐ qù wǒ línjū jiā wánchéng.

Should be able to complete it at my neighbor’s house.


狐朋狗友 (húpénggǒuyǒu) “fox and dog friend”

This last one is not a term that is used often in front of people that it is referring to. A derogatory phrase, 狐朋狗友 is used to insult a person’s close acquaintances. While literary translated to mean “fox and dog friends”, it can be thought of as “bad company”. It is most often heard when parents or spouses complain about the people you hang out with.



Nǐ zhěngtiān jìu gēn nǐ nàxiē húpénggǒuyǒu hùn.

You spend all day just mixing with bad company.


用英语介绍好朋友的作文 篇2

高考英语作文的评分标准是:“覆盖了题目提 出的所有内容要点和要求,运用了较多的语法结构和词汇, 内容比较丰富;使用较复杂的结构或词汇;有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,全文结构紧凑流畅。”长短句相结合、多变句式穿 插、固定短语 和句型优 先、打造亮点 句子,以及巧妙布局谋篇,是英语写作的原则。所以,为增强高中生的英语写作能力,提高其英语作文的档次和分数,迫切需要高中英语教师认真按照高考英语评分标准和英语写作的原则,采取以下策略,指导训练学生熟练拓展短句,学透巧用英语长句。

一、学透五个基本简单句句 型,夯 实 巧 用 长 句 的 语 法基础

造句能力是英文写作的基本功。句子 是表达一 个完整意思的最小单位,而句型是文章的框架,搭好架子才可充实其内容。只有学好句法基础知识,活用基本句型,才能写出内容表达准确、生动形象的好句 子。在英语长难句中,无论句子怎样千变万化,句子有多长、结构有多复杂,但万变不离其宗,都由五个基本简单句的句型构成。实践证明,英语作文得高分的学生,其句法基 础知识都扎实牢固,都学透了活用五个简单句的基本结构。五个简单句的基本句型如下。

1.主+谓 (vi.)。如:We sit together.(2013年,辽 宁卷)

2.主+谓(vt.)+宾。如:I will have my own family.(2014年,新课标II卷)

3.主+系+表。如:It was a find day.(2013年,江 西卷)

4.主+谓+间宾+直宾。如:My mother gave me a hug.(2013年,陕西卷)

5.主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾 补。 如:The news made me happy.

当然,高分英语作文还要坚持长短句有机融合的原则。好的短句简洁精悍,起到画龙 点睛的作 用。例如, 作文主题句该用简单句、短句,简明扼要地表现主旨。


根据简单句之间 的逻辑关 系,正确运用 适当的连 词,把两个或几个简单句连接成并列句,形成长句。这 是拓展句子和写长句的最简单有效的方法,也是学生最容易学会的。在高中英语中,并列连词的类型和常用连词主要如下。

例如,They not only offer us joy and excitement but also encourage us to think critically.(2014年,浙江卷) As is known to everyone,I once served as monitor in Junior school and won the top monitor in Junior 2,so I have strengths in management.(2013年,天津卷)

when常用的句式有:1Sb.was about to do/on the sth.when...(+ 过去式);3Sb.had done sth.when... (+过去式)。例如,On Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away,when my daughter heard cries for help.(2011年,浙江卷)又如,Tom was about to close the window when his attention was caught by a bird. (2010年,全国II卷)。


插入语可能是一个词、一个短语或 一个句子,多半用逗号与句子隔开,以表示说话者对句子所表达意思的态度。

例如,Computer can,to a larger degree,influence our life.To tell you the truth,I am not very interested in going to the show.高考英语中插入语的高频短语主要有:that is,that is to say也就是说;to tell you the truth老实说;generally speaking/in general一般说来; to some/a certain/a larger extent在一定/某种/很大程度上;as a matter of fact事实上;for one reason or another由于某种原因;in other words换句话说;in my opinion在我看来等。在英语写作中,学生多背多记多用这些常用的插入语,使句式表达更具客观性,文章更显高端、富有特色亮点。


英语高考评分实 践表明,妙用高级 短语和高 级句型,是书面表达的重要得分点。在英语作文中,学生若使用固定短语、固定句型代替单词,有这样的两个长处: 短语、固定句型使文章增加亮点。精彩的固定 短语、固定句型,体现出考生具有扎实深厚的英语语言功底,评卷教师往往会给高分;目前高考英语书面表达倾向开放性和半开放性的作文,题目所给出的提示非常少,加上考生在关键时刻容易思维短路,在有限的考试时间内如何有效地凑够字数呢?适当运用固定短语、固定句型是一个很奏效的办法,而且表达意思更加贴切。

例如,用put up with代替I cannot bear it.中的bear;用Computer is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.来代替Computer is very important in our daily life.用As far as I am concerned代替Personally,I feel the exam is not too difficult.中的Personally; 用There is no doubt that代替Undoubtedly,it is necessary to know some knowledge of first aid.中的Undoubtedly。这样不仅词数明显增加了,表达更准确了,还显现出考生深厚的语言功底。在高中英语中,常用的一些固定句型主要有:It is/was...that...(强调句型)There is no exaggeration(夸张)in saying that...There is no doubt that...It is known to us all that...It is obvious/evident(显然的)that...It is commonly/widely believed that...There is no need to do...There is no point in doing...这些常用的固定句型值得广大师生重视。


根据高考英语作文关于“使用较多的语法结构和词汇;使用较复杂结构或高级词汇”的评分要求,高考英语作文长短句相结合,简单句、并列句与复合句穿插,突出文章句式、层次和 结构丰富 多彩,亮点纷呈,就能得高 分。但是许多考生的作文仅有一两种结构简单、句式相似、长度相近的短句,往往让评卷教师产生词汇贫乏、结构松散、表达乏味的不良感觉。利用主从复合句拓展句子,就是根据不同的逻辑关系,把两个或几个简单句合并成不同的复合句,这是高中英语中常用的高效写作方法。这种方法既减少句子的个数,也提升作文 的档次。高中英语复合句中的从句主要有定语从句、状语从句和 名词性从句,而名词性从句又包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。引导各种从句的连词主要如下。

非限定性定语从句能把两个简单句转成逻辑清 晰的主从复合句形式。当前一句意思不够明 确、清晰时, 选择插入一个非限制性定语从句,进行深入阐述,或用一个同位语从句来进一步解释说明,就可达到意想不到的效果。而运用so...that...把两个简单句合成一个结果状语从句,可使句式重点突出、生动形象。

例如,We found the water was so dirty that we could hardly catch fish in it.(结果状语 从句)Everyone will have one of those hard periods when things seem to be going wrong,so you don’t have to worry so much.(2014年,安徽卷:定语从句、结 果状语从 句)As a member of the society,I am aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.(2014年,湖北卷:宾语从句、表语从句)

向朋友介绍我的好朋友的英语作文 篇3

Luo Xiao Cheng

I have a lot of good friends. But I have only one best friend. He is Luo Xiao Cheng.Luo Xiao Cheng sitting in front of me. He has an “eye” long in the forehead. He is very thin, almost fragile. He does not jump high. But he quickly ran. His math is not ideal. However, his very good English.

用英语介绍美国的作文 篇4

when this land first became a nation, after winning its independence from engand, it had thirteen states。 each of the states was represented of the american flag by a star。 all these states were in the eastern part of the continent。 as the nation grew toward the west, new states were added and new states appeared on the flag。 for a long time, there were 48 states。 in 1959, however, two more stars were added to the flag, representing the new states of alaska and hawaii。

indians were the first inhabitants of the land which is now the united states。 there are still many thousands of the descendants of these original inhabitants living in all parts of the country。 sometimes it is said that the indians are “the only real americans。”

用英语介绍深圳作文 篇5

Shenzhen is a modern city with many places of interest.If you come to Shenzhen,you must visit the following places.The Window of the World is where you can see many famous “buildings” around the world such as the Eiffel Tower and the Tower of London.Shenzhen Happy Valley is a wonderful place for children to have fun.If you want to enjoy traditional

Chinese culture,you can visit Chinese Folk Culture Village.You will have a wonderful time in Shenzhen.

用英语介绍好朋友的作文 篇6


目前一些改性沥青防水卷材生产企业使用的沥青储罐普遍存在着储罐内的沥青熔化速度慢、燃料消耗大的不足,一些单位虽对沥青储罐采取了局部加热的措施,但效果不够理想。如一个2 000 m3的沥青储罐,配备一个80万大卡(930 kW)的热油炉,采用通常对罐中沥青局部加热的方法,要达到沥青泵能够抽送沥青的温度时,一般需要连续加热2~3 d。这是因为储罐内的沥青经局部加热熔化后,没有及时放出而继续加热,这部分沥青随着温度的升高,粘度和密度变小,沥青就会向上浮逐渐移向储罐的顶部,而周围温度较低、密度较大的沥青就会补充过来,这样就在储罐内形成沥青的上下移动和循环。其后果是,被加热区域的沥青温度上不去,粘度比较大,用沥青泵难以抽送沥青;等到整个储罐内的沥青温度升高、粘度变小、适合沥青泵抽送沥青时,需要熔化掉储罐内绝大部分甚至全部的沥青,势必花费较多的时间和燃料。




本装置中,由于沥青储罐内的沥青加热室和位于沥青储罐外的沥青加热池的体积小(比如,一个2 000 m3的沥青储罐,其沥青加热室和沥青加热池一般可各设为10 m3,其体积只是储罐的1/200),所以沥青加热速度快,需要的时间短。对沥青储罐内的局部沥青加热的温度也不需很高,只要达到沥青流动的温度,沥青能自由流出就可以,而沥青加热池内的沥青也只要达到沥青泵能抽送的温度即可。另外,第一加热器是当沥青罐内液面低时使用,平常不开,因为只有当罐内沥青少时,本身压力太低,才需要对罐底沥青加热,增加其流动性。本装置中的沥青高温区,既是给局部沥青进一步加热的地方,又是沥青装卸和中转的场所。

用英语介绍好朋友的作文 篇7

There are many young people who like to drink ice in summer. In fact, hot tea, especially some mellow famous tea, is more thirst quenching. In ancient China, people had already known how to use hot tea to relieve the heat and to release internal heat. Usually, after drinking hot tea, the skin will sweat slowly, and sweat can help the body to dissipate heat, that is to say, with the drinking of hot tea, the heat will be discharged slowly. However, for cold drinks, the heat is difficult to volatilize in a short time and remains in the body, causing the mouth and esophagus to feel cold for a short time, and soon it will feel unbearably hot. After sweating to dissipate heat, the skin of the body will automatically cool down, making people feel cool and comfortable. The ancients said: a cup of tea, calm nature cool. In fact, it contains scientific theory and life accomplishment.

Of course, if the function of tea is only to quench thirst and relieve summer heat, there is no need to form a huge tea culture. According to the quality, materials and processing technology of tea, tea has the following health functions:

1、Anti radiation chrysanthemum tea, made from white chrysanthemum and superior oolong tea, is an essential tea for office workers who are exposed to electronic pollution every day. Because chrysanthemum in tea has the function of detoxification, it can resist and eliminate the accumulated summer heat, harmful chemicals and radioactive substances in the body.

2、Puer tea, which can eliminate fat and flat stomach, has the effect of promoting fat metabolism in most Chinese teas, and Puer tea is an expert in removing excess fat. The elements contained in tea can enhance the decomposition of abdominal fat.

3、Luohan fruit tea is a kind of sweet tea. For women who want to keep graceful but like sweet food, Luohan fruit tea is not only a kind of substitute but also a good drink.

4、Chinese wolfberry tea can cure constipation. If a person cant defecate for three consecutive days, he should buy some Chinese wolfberry tea to drink, or brew it himself, because Chinese wolfberry can defecate the stool attached to the intestinal wall.

5、Its good to smoke aloe tea with false and true, but once smoking causes pathological changes, its too late to repent. For the sake of health, its better to quit smoking as soon as possible. When you want to smoke, you can make a pot of aloe tea, which is similar to cigarettes. Its the best substitute to relieve smoking addiction.

6、In modern society, it is necessary to drink oolong tea which can sober up in an appropriate amount. There are many times when drinking and getting drunk. In order to prevent the body from being empty and cold, expel the accumulated alcohol and cholesterol in the body, and sober up as soon as possible, you only need to drink the same amount of Oolong tea as the wine.

7、We know that its really indecent for adults to eat snacks, especially when working in foreign enterprises. There is a kind of sweet tea extracted from Rosaceae plants, because it stimulates the satiety center of the brain, it controls the appetite and achieves the effect of understanding hunger.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see that tea plays an important role in our daily life. In addition, tea has the following functions and medicinal value:

1. Gargling with tea can strengthen teeth. Gargling with leftover tea after a meal can gargle out food residue. When gargling, let the tea move repeatedly in the mouth, it can remove the tartar, improve the physiological function of oral mucosa, and enhance the acid resistance and anti-corruption ability of teeth.

2. Tea has the functions of hair care and beauty. It can remove dirt and greasy. After washing, it can make the hair black, soft and glossy. Moreover, the tea does not contain chemicals and will not hurt the hair and skin. After washing face in the evening, use cotton ball dipped in tea to smear face, adhere to often, can eliminate the black spots on the face. Wipe your eyes with tea in the morning to eliminate dark circles.

3. Relieve the symptoms of cold, throat inflammation, hoarseness, may be a cold, drink a few cups of strong tea with rock sugar, immediately feel fresh mouth, pain reduced.

4. Tea contains a lot of tannic acid, which has a strong bactericidal effect, especially for filamentous bacteria causing beriberi. Beriberi patients, if the tea is boiled into thick juice every night to wash their feet for a long time, they will be cured. However, tea washing feet, to persevere, a short period of time will not have a significant effect. When making tea, it is best to use green tea; after fermentation of black tea, tannic acid content is much less.

七年级介绍朋友的英语演讲稿 篇8

Good afternoon, everyone!

My name is Li Yuxi. I’m from Class 1, Grade 7.

Today I’ll tell you something about my friend Andy.

Andy was a little boy. On his first day at school, he learned three words. I, you, and she. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with these words. The teacher said ,:“I, I am your teacher. she(pointing to a girl),she is your classmate. You, you are my student.” after supper, his dad asked, :“what have you learned at school?” Andy said at once: “I, I am your teacher .she (pointing to his mom), she is your classmate. you, you are my student. ”his dad got very angry and said, :“I, I am your dad. She(pointing to his mom), she is your mom. you, you are my son.” the next morning, the teacher asked Andy to make sentences with the three words. “OK” he said: “I,I am your dad. She(pointing to a girl), she is your mom. you, you are my son.

与学生叫朋友用爱去管理 篇9


俗话说, 喊破嗓子不如做出样子, 上梁不正下梁歪。在班级活动中, 要带好这一帮思想既单纯又复杂的小精灵们, 班主任首先应该做好典范。每个晨读, 我都努力和学生来的一样早, 必要时和学生谈话, 没有谈话计划时, 我就经常拿着一本书在班里大声朗读背诵, 让孩子们逐渐意识到一日之际在于晨, 逐渐养成进班读书的好习惯;每次周一升旗, 当国歌奏响的那一刻, 我都是立正站好, 肃然起敬, 用自己的行为告诉学生升国旗的庄严, 告诉学生集会时更能体现一个班级的集体形象;广播操比赛的积极备战时, 我和孩子们看着视频共同研究分解动作, 孩子们感叹我的动作竟然也做得相当不错, 我用自己的行为告诉他们只要认真对待, 年龄也不会阻止一个人的进步。我努力去做, 也真的做到了, 我用自己的行为告诉孩子:再难改的习惯, 只要想改, 一定能够改掉;对于班级事务, 我也会亲力亲为, 弯腰捡起地上的纸屑, 摆摆孩子课桌上物品, 把即将掉下来的张贴物重新粘好, 整理一下扫除工具, 我想用自己的每一个动作告诉孩子, 我们每个人都有责任管理爱护好我们的这个“家”。于是, 我们会发现地下的纸屑总是有人捡起, 偶尔忘了擦的黑板总是有人及时擦, 卫生角的扫把总是整齐站立着, 小桌子上的抹布总是叠的方方正正, 班里还不时的多一盆花, 多一幅画, 多一打孩子用自己的钱为班级复印的班级材料。


学校多次强调班会的重要性, 并鼓励根据自己的班级特点定期召开主题班会。主题班会针对性强, 感染力大, 教育面广, 是德育的重要渠道。认真地开展主题班会活动, 可以更有效地实现教育目标。在过去的一学期中, 我发动全班孩子自愿报名或者小组报名, 根据学校的要求, 结合本班的现实特点给孩子定主题, 并指导他们主体思路, 然后大胆放手让他们去做课件。孩子的潜力是我们无法估量的。一学期来, 他们争先报名, 根据班里的同学吵架、不能控制上网时间、不能充分利用自习时间、以自我为中心等不良现象, 结合学校要求和有关节日分别召开了《学会尊重》《慎独》《合理利用一天的时间》等主题班会。班会上, 主讲人向大家展示精美的课件, 像老师一样的发问, 像老师一样的指导同学们进行小组讨论, 直至总结升华发出倡议等, 使同学们在一种轻松愉悦的情境中知道了当个人利益与集体利益相冲突的时候, 我们应当先集体后个人;知道了同学之间应当是多宽容多帮助;知道了我们身边有很多值得我们去感恩的人;知道了父母的辛苦和他们对我们的期望;知道了学习首先要珍惜时间;知道了一诺千金是一种高尚的品质。孩子们在主持和聆听主题班会的过程中的收获, 远远要比老师一个人苦口婆心的教育深刻的多, 相信他们会真正受到教育和感化。静静的坐在教室的一个角落里, 看着小精灵们在讲台上, 有模有样的主持, 看着台上台下走心的互动, 我, 很享受这一刻。


“师爱”这个词是老生常谈的了。但是我不得不再次提到它。因为它的确有一种神奇而强大的魔力, 帮助我们改变学生, 让学生能够亲其师, 信其道。班主任要真心实意的关爱每一个学生。只有这样, 才能打开学生的心扉。尤其在高年级阶段, 学业紧张, 学生个性和叛逆心理有所增强。单纯的说教和严厉的批评容易引起学生反感, 甚至导致他们和老师的对立情绪, 出现不良后果。而爱, 又源于尊重, 我们要真正的尊重每一个学生, 倾听他们的心声。她不断的告诉我一些教育学生的小窍门:比如对于孩子的进步, 一定要用放大镜式的表扬, 对于孩子的错误, 要理解这是必然发生的;对于孩子的误解, 要宽容大气不计较……

我努力发自内心的去爱我的孩子们。每天早晨来到学校, 用真诚的微笑迎接可爱的他们;遇到天冷的时候, 提醒同学们增加衣服;放学的时候, 叮嘱他们注意安全;看到他们校服领子没弄好, 我轻轻的帮他们整理;看到他们的学习用具掉在地上, 我会主动帮她拾起;我努力、细心地体察学生学习和情绪的变化, 用自己的实际行动想告诉他们:孩子, 我很在意你们。

用英语自我介绍 篇10

My name is XX, the XXX years old, family, college culture, I love reading books and Internet browsing information, lively and cheerful personality, to care about people and things around, friends and relatives live in harmony, understanding and forgiveness can be done, I have full confidence in life.

I once worked in a company in different positions. I started working in X X X XXX then I had some experience and got some achievements in the work because of the company need to go to XX and I was also recognized by the company. Through years of work, I have learned a lot, and have also cultivated my perseverance and perseverance spirit, so that I can overcome difficulties and be enterprising in my work.

Join the ranks of the sales staff is one of my strong desire for many years, I realize and working relationship is established on the basis of self-awareness, and I feel that my enthusiasm has not been excited to the highest, I love my work, but everyone is constantly seeking a better result, my self cognition lets me think that sales is a correct choice, these strengthened my confidence and determination to do sales. To do a good job of sales work, to bring benefits to the company, not only in the material improvement, but more importantly, my life is because of my choice and wonderful.

用英语口语介绍中秋节的对话 篇11

Hello everyone. This is 豆子. Today is our traditional festival, Mid-Autumn Day. All my best whishes to you and your family! Today, I would like share some key words and phrases with you about how to introduce our Mid-Autumn Day in English.

John: Hey Kim. How are you doing?


Kim: Pretty good. I am going to have a reunion with my family today to celebrate our traditional festival. What about you?


John: I am good. I am invited to my friend’s apartment to celebrate your Mid-Autumn Day! Kind of Excited. Are we talking about the same festival?


Kim: Yes! They are the same. I am excited too.


John: Since I was invited, I am interested with buying some gifts. By the way, would you like to give me a brief introduction of this Mid-Autumn Day?


Kim: Sure! It is usually celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of our lunar calendar. It is a time for family members have a reunion and enjoy the full moon—which is the best full moon of the year. It stands for the people’s good expectations including happy family reunion, beautiful things, harmony and luck.


John: Oh, that’s awesome. Is there any legend or story about this festival?


Kim: Of course, a lot of versions. According to old saying, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. People almost cannot bear the heat from ten suns. Hou Yi, who was a strong archer, shot down nine of the suns successfully to save people from terrible heat. He was given elixir, but his wife drank it and flew to the moon. From then on, to memorize his wife, Hou Yi asked people to prepare the fruit and the food his wife loved to express his love. General people prepare the moon cakes and pray to the moon for their family. So we have the moon cakes for Mid-autumn Day.


John: Oh, I see. I came up an idea. I should buy some moon cakes to share with my friends tonight.


You got it! Have a good time with your friend!


Thanks. Best wishes to your family!



用英语介绍好朋友的作文 篇12

1 中医对高血压病名的认识


2 气虚致高血压的理论基础


3 临床验案







4 体会







