


高中英语万圣节作文 篇1

Halloween is on the last day of October, it is very popular in the western country. On that day, people will dress in the horrible style, especially for the kids, they will knock from door to door.

If people don’t give them the candy, the children will play tricks on them. But in China, more and more young people like to follow this trend, they will play the roles and find some fun. As for me, I’d like to join some ACTivities on the Halloween.

My friends always have some funny costumes, so I will borrow one from them. Then we dress together, when night comes, we will come to join the party. We sing and dance. It is such a fun night. Before the midnight, we will get together and take some drinks. We talk about the happy hour. I like these ACTivities.

高中英语万圣节作文 篇2


在高中英语教学中, 英语作文是一项非常重要的教学内容, 它是综合考查学生对英语的语言逻辑、语言习惯和语法结构等各方面知识进行运用的一种形式。对于考查学生的听、说、读、写等技能来说, 它是对学生要求最高的一个层次。在高考命题中, 学生对英语的书面表达能力是相对比较难的部分, 因为它在考查学生对英语语言的综合运用能力。下面我根据自己的教学实际, 就高考英语写作中经常出现的错误类型等进行举例剖析, 以反馈指导我们的英语写作教学工作, 同时, 对高中英语作文教学方法进行了初步探讨。


高考英语作文中, 学生常出现的书面表达的错误主要表现有以下十类。

1. 中国式英语的错误。例句:Everywhere can see the trees. (不顾英文表达习惯, 硬译中文)

2. 关系不一致。例句1:He closes the door and hurried out.例句2:If I were you, I won't do that. (误用动词时态, 逻辑关系混乱)

3. 词性误用。例句1:60%of the students against the idea.例句2:Two days past before his letter arrived. (混淆词性, 由此不能准确运用于句子中)

4. 重复累赘。例句1:We hope to improve our work better.例句2:I returned back to my hometown.

5. 选词或搭配错误。例句1:Peter is a kindheartedperson, so everybody likes to have friends with him. (have改为make) 例句2:It's cold outside.Please dress your coat. (dress不能与衣服连用)

6. 无关联词错误。例句1:I'm tired, I must go to bed.例句2:His living room seemed empty, there only two chairs and a bed. (中文是讲究意合而英文讲究形合, 两例句中没有正确运用标点符号或者省略了连词)


高中英语作文的教学法是一种渗透式的教学方式, 这种渗透式教学方式是一个分阶段的、循序渐进的、逐渐灌输的发展过程, 在这个过程中, 是让学生通过在学习中一点一滴的体会进行积累, 而不是在一个特定的时间内给学生系统的知识。

1. 扩大词汇量。每天指导学生积累几个单词, 加强单词的记忆, 对于使用频率高的单词要准确掌握单词的含义和一般搭配。

2. 教师在讲授怎样理解课文的时候, 对于描述性的文字, 要让学生掌握形容词和名词是如何搭配的?副词和动词是如何搭配的?对于议论文, 要让学生掌握文章所采用的议论方法是相对比较式还是层次递进式?对于说明文, 教师要让学生掌握是按照怎样的说明顺序来说明的?对于那些新学的短语在平时阅读的文章中出现率较高, 在自己写英语作品时有可能会使用的, 更要用心掌握;对于段落的衔接过渡要让学生把握是怎样使用过渡词语的。


学生英语作文的批、评、改方法是英文写作教学方法的重要组成部分。对于英语作文教学来说, 教师不能只看重学生作品的好赖, 而更应该重视学生写英语作文的过程。教师要通过对学生作文有针对性的批、评、改来调动学生爱好英语写作的积极性。现提出“全批法”这种作文评改方法供大家参考。教师评改学生英语作文最常用的是全批法, 这也是最基本的方法。全批法能使教师比较全面地了解学生的写作情况。使用全批法要注意教师的批阅和讲评工作都要做到及时, 不能往后拖延太久, 否则起不到应有的效果。同时, 教师在批阅中还应从以下几各方面做好工作:把学生作文中普遍存在的典型性的错误摘录下来, 为以后讲评作文环节搜集好素材, 做好充分准备。然后, 选择1~2篇优秀习作作为范文在讲评课上朗读, 通过朗读让学生从中体会他人有特色的写作思路, 做到“取人之长, 补己之短”。同时教师还可以要求学生在自己以后的英语写作中能借鉴范文中的优美词句, 从而把“他人”的知识变为“自己”的知识, 借此提高自己的英语写作水平。

古人说得好:“不积跬步, 无以至千里, 不积小流, 无以成江海”。学生学习英语语言的写作也必须做到“贵在坚持和积累”。尤其是对于脱离教师课堂教学环境的课外交流语言的学习, 更需要我们教师多留心, 多为他们创造更多的接触和使用课外交流的机会。总之, 学生的英语作品是学生写作能力的一个综合体现, 作为教师应该站在更高的角度来规划自己的教学, 从学习生活的点滴入手, 在教学过程中具体进行渗透, 贯穿在英语教学的方方面面, 使英语书面不再成为学生的难题。


[1]党素艳.“基于高中英语作文错误类型分析的教学方法”[J].教学研究, 2010, (9) .

[2]叶莲琴.“渐进、感悟、思维、面批——高中英语作文渗透式教学方式探索”[J].科学教育, 2008, (1) .

[3]扈俊武.“浅谈高中英语作文的基础、原则和步骤”[J].教育实践与研究, 2009, (2) .

万圣节英语作文 篇3

It is hit by in the children eye , Halloween is a festival being full of the mysterious color. The veil of night es , colourful putting on makeup of the children field put on just too impatient to wait is accustomed to , puts on the exceedingly strange mask, mention previous ”Jack light “ running go out to play. And then ”Jack light “ appearance is very lovable , method of work is that Spanish gourd is hollowed out, outside engrave be all smiles the eye and big mouths, having ed a candle , it is ignited in melon, people just can see this charmingly naive smiling face in very distant place.

The portable child ”Jack light “ punishing the ready queen , disguising self as all sorts of evil-doers group, runs before the neighbour door of a house , intimidates as the field is shouting: ”Ask a practical joke to still be to being entertained “ ”, given money to still being eaten“.

万圣节英语作文 篇4


At first, it is celebrated to praise autumn. So it falls on the late autumn. It also has another legend. Since a long time ago, Halloween has been connected with the ghosts. People consider that the ghosts who have no home to go will go out for food on the night of October, 31. No matter this story is true or not, people will feel afraid only hearing it. So they decide to have celebration on that day. They will light up lights to frighten the ghosts.


However, after a long time, Halloween become the day mainly for kids. Every Halloween children will put on strange masks and frightening costumes. Most children will make themselves become the monster or hero in the movie or legend that they like. When they finish the make up, they will carry bags from house to house to play the game, “Trick or treat”. The adults will put the treat candy into their bags. Thus, Halloween is the most favorable festival for children.


Not only the kids like the festival, but also some grown-ups love it. They will join parties after making up. This brings them the satisfaction of being young. How about you? Do you love it?

万圣节高中作文 篇5







高中英语作文教学浅析 篇6


一、让学生积累一定的词汇量, 写完整的句子, 逐步提高写作能力

学生由于词汇量贫乏, 所以不能准确表达出自己的思想, 所以教师要要求学生增加词汇量, 要写好每一个句子。一篇作文都是由句子构成的, 学生对于每一句要细细推敲, 不能出现非完整句、不间断句、语序不当的等。教师对学生的作文要及时批改, 指出或纠正作文中的错词、病句、语法不当、词语搭配不当、时态不一致等问题, 并对学生作文进行适当分析和评价。通过写作训练, 使学生逐步积累词汇量和掌握正确的英文句法。


做题时、训练时, 教师要当场发题, 限时交卷, 促使学生瞬间接受信息, 快速理解信息, 迅速表达信息, 提高实际应用和应试能力。这一步是关键, 也是学生的难关。首先, 教师必须使学生明白高考书面表达题既不是汉译英, 也不是作文, 不可任意发挥, 要求的是将所规定的材料内容经整理后, 展开思维, 目的在于考查运用所学英语知识准确表达意思的能力。教师必须要求学生在写作过程中牢牢记住以下口诀:“先读提示, 弄清要点与格式;时态语态要当心, 前后呼应要一致;句子结构和搭配, 语言习惯莫违背;文章写好细检查, 点滴小错别忽视。”学生明确目的并掌握要领后, 要严格在规定时间内完成作业。训练的初级阶段, 每次时间可放宽一点。随着学生写作能力的提高, 训练时间可相应缩短, 逐步做到30分钟内完成任务, 决不能使学生养成拖拉的坏习惯。


在高中英语写作中, 学生首先要理顺写作思路, 具备良好的写作分析能力。写作的思维越丰富, 学生的写作能力就越强。英语写作能力是一种综合能力的体现, 教师在教学的过程中要注重对学生思维能力进行培养, 要挖掘教材中的知识点, 使学生养成“想到就写”的习惯。如在讲到奥运会的相关知识时, 教师可以引导学生进行思考, 鼓励学生将思考的内容写下来:Why do so many countries want to host the Olympic Games while others do not?Put forward your ideas and give reasons for your choices.学生通过对奥运会的相关问题进行思考, 得出自己的想法和结论。教师在学生思考的过程中, 可以引导学生思考“What can we do to improve people’s Physical Quality”, 并要求学生运用“First...Second...Third...Finally”的格式回答问题, 激发学生的思维火花, 增加学生对生活知识的积累, 让学生的回答成为一篇简练的应用作文, 提高学生的英语写作能力。


现在中学纠错的方法主要有两种:教师判和学生互判。一是教师判, 即教师直接用红色钢笔改在错误的上面。这样做教师很辛苦, 对学生帮助却不大。二是学生互判。这样做, 学生又很难发现错误, 起不到应有的效果。我这里介绍一种方法——教师学生共判。操作过程是:学生作业交上来后, 教师用不同类型的符号标出不同类型的错误。如S表示拼写 (spelling) 错误, C表示主谓 (concord) 不一致, S/P表示名词、代词单复数 (singular, plural) 错误, W/O表示词序 (word order) 不当, P表示标点 (punctuation) 不当等。然后, 教师把标有符号的作业发下去, 给学生一定时间, 让学生在理解符号的基础上自己纠错, 也可以互相讨论纠正。对于个别性的错误而且是学生自己实在不会纠正的, 教师要帮着改, 并做必要的讲解, 对于共同性的错误, 教师要在全班讲解。随着学生纠错能力的增强, 教师要逐渐拉长划线的长度, 直至取消划线, 只标出错误类型的符号, 让学生自己发现错误, 纠正错误。

这种纠错方法起初操作起来较困难, 教师似乎也很费周折, 但学生兴趣很高。随着学生写作能力的增强, 他们在写作中出现的错误会越来越少, 这时教师就相对省劲了。

英语写作是一种综合能力的训练, 它贯穿于英语教学活动的全过程。学生写作能力的提高不可能一蹴而就, 教师必须坚持从易到难、从慢到快、从课本到课外循序渐进的原则, 不断激发学生英语写作的兴趣和积极性。同时, 英语教师一方面要注重培养学生英语写作的基础能力, 发展学生英语写作的准确性和规范性;另一方面要重视写作过程的指导, 发展学生的英语写作兴趣。教师要充分发挥指导作用, 发挥学生自主写作积极性和创造能力, 从而使学生在轻松愉快的氛围下提高英语写作水平。


英语作文介绍万圣节 篇7

One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.

Well, Irish children made Jack‘s lanterns on October 31st from a large potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside. And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. The Irish name for these lanterns was “Jack with the lantern” or “Jack of the lantern,” abbreviated as “ Jack-o‘-lantern” and now spelled “jack-o-lantern.”

万圣节英语优秀作文 篇8

it was the day before my thirteenth birthday: october the 30th and i was taking a long walk through the dajurie woods. i knew i was getting dangerously close to the heart of the forest, but i didn’t care. i had to do something to take my troubles off. my mother thinks it my fault that my 11 year old sister was foolish enough to wander off and get lost. my darn fault! how is that my fault, may i ask? now, where was i? ah, yes, strolling through dajurie woods. to this day, i still don’t know how i ever fell asleep in the middle of walking, but i must’ve done so, for all i remember was breathing in the pine-scented air, enjoying my stroll, and then suddenly falling into a deep black void of darkness.

when i woke up, (or got out of the darkness, if i wasn’t truly sleeping) i was standing in an elegant stony hallway. it seemed to stretch on forever. the hall was only slightly illuminated by torches, glowing (of all things) green. i started tiptoeing down the hall, for how long, i do not know. i only remember the sense of terror, which kept growing with each and every step i take. at last, i reached a dilapidated wooden door with an iron handle. i could smell an enchantment in the air. something was there. something ancient and evil. i could tell… … you know how some people say they have butterflies in their stomachs when they’re scared? well, i had killer bees.

i just stared at the door knob for a while, then, at last, got up all my courage, peeked inside, and immediately screamed so loud that i feared i’d never speak again. for inside, lay the corpse of my sister. the most startling thing was that her eyes were midnight black, instead of their regular grey-green. what in the world happened???

i was shaking all over. my hair nearly stood strait up. suddenly, a voice rasped in my ear “yesss, you shall do quite nicsssely… …”, and before i knew it, i was pinned to the ground. for the first time, i noticed my new surroundings. i was in a gorgeous flower garden, yet it looked different from something you see in an average garden. it looked…, well, it looked more beautiful. more beautiful and deadly. i would’ve probably even enjoyed my stay if i wasn’t pinned down and trying to breath, with my sister already dead.

i looked up at my captor, and immediately wished i hadn’t. i knew, at that moment, that for as long as i live, (which might be really short, depending on what the captor was trying to do) i’ll never forget my captor’s face- for there wasn’t one. yes, there were eyes, a crooked nose, and a mouth, yet somehow they weren’t… … flesh. they were fragrant of fears, shadows, and nightmares. i did not know how that was even possible, but i knew it was true, somehow. its body wasn’t there at all, only an eerie invisible force, pushing me to the ground.

perhaps i should’ve struggled, should’ve screamed for help, but i found that i couldn’t- i was completely paralysed. finally i managed to croak -“what?” the monster smiled with its shadowy mouth, showing blood covered fangs.

“you ssshall fall into the sssame fate asss your sssister,” he rasped in the same snake-like voice, “you mortalsss are ssso foolissssh, never realizing the truth! why do you think thessse woods are named ‘dajurie’? they were elvish for me, the mighty dracula! for centuriesss i have waited for mortalsss with magic in their blood to ssstumble acrosss my trap. you ssshall die a famous death, my dear, the death that bringsss me to a true form. then, i ssshall be able to feassst on whoever i pleassse!”

with that, he started to lower his fangs into my flesh. time slowed down. i knew it wasn’t just about me anymore. if dracula managed to rise to power, my world was doomed. i had to think. what has defeated beings of the night in stories?

just then, dracula’s fangs touched my skin. suddenly, i knew what to do. i shouted at the top of my lungs “i’m not afraid of you! you’re never going to hurt my world. you’re just a shadow!!” i was surprised to feel my confidence soaring back to me. i was somehow, somehow stronger.

dracula jerked away as if all his energy was gone. slowly his terrifying face cracked and crumbled into nothingness. i fell again, into the same darkness that brought me to the vampire’s garden. except this time i was grateful to be whisked away. after a while, i felt someone shaking me. i opened my eyes- it was my mother.

“just what happened to you???” she asked, looking like she was on the verge of tears, but hey, i guess i looked that way too. suddenly, her hand flew to her mouth. “y- your e- eyes,” she stammered, “t-they’re, they’re black!”

高中英语作文提升策略浅析 篇9


英语作文一直是中学生的弱项, 但却是高考考查重点, 占25分。题型也是多种多样, 包括看图说话、日志、书信、启事、通知、人 (物) 介绍、记叙文等, 于学生而言, 各种文体的写作要求不同, 但句式和语法要求是相似的。依据高考作文评分标准, 语言和内容可以决定其基本档次, 包括要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。同时字数不达标、标点符号及拼写影响交际效果都会导致作文分值档次降低。针对作文评分标准, 应对高中英语写作时, 其提升策略可以试着从学生的基本素质培养, 如书写、基本写作模式, 学生基本能力培养, 如中心句的凸显, 语言表达规范性等着手, 加大写作的面, 对标志性作文进行可圈可点的评价。


一方面, 学生语言能力薄弱。英语教学改革以来, 学生及家长对英语的重视程度亦是此涨彼伏, 从表面上看, 大部分学生从小学开始学习英语, 或者进入培训班学习, 但是家长只关注孩子会不会说英语, 说得漂不漂亮, 以此作为学习英语效果评价标准。读英语很流利, 写英语作文时候却不知道如何组织语言, 忽略了英语句式的基本构建方法, 导致处处都是中国式英语。更有甚者, 面对英语作文, 不知道怎么构句成篇, 只会零星单词, 更别提优美句子使用, 连贯性等要求。其次, 随着信息时代的纵深发展, 大部分的学生关注的是网上碎片化信息, 不能结合现实深入思考问题, 无法写出有新意的东西。加上电脑代替了手工, 书写也成了一个被抛弃的传统, 看周围同学的字, 一个比一个有火星文特点, 这些自然会成为高考作文的绊脚石。

另一方面, 老师关注学生作文程度远远不够。目前的中学老师在复习英语课程时, 主要是重点讲解名词、动词、形容词、介词等词汇, 顺便带动其相关短语的学习;讲语法, 如虚拟语气、倒装句式、分词, 情态动词的完成时态等;讲阅读技巧与方法等。大部分时间花在讲解试题之上。学生在被解释的同时也被动接受了老师的说辞, 讲到最后, 写作部分基本就一笔带过, 基本被忽略了。虽然也布置写作任务, 但大部分学生都是抄袭式的完成, 没有进行完整的作文课讲解, 因为作文批阅工作量大, 无法一一进行, 导致学生继续犯错。


作为主观题之一的英语作文, 容纳了学生英语学习的整体素质和综合能力, 彰显着学生在短时间内思考问题的深度和解决问题的效度, 如果能够在字数合理性、内容完整性、语言流畅性、书写规范性等方面都兼顾到, 英语作文也完全可以得到突破。根据目前学生存在的问题, 提出以下提升策略。

1. 重视词汇积累, 对比英汉句式

任何一种语言学习都脱离不了词汇的基本积累, 作为一门外国语, 学生在高中阶段对英语已经不再如初见时那般兴奋, 有兴趣。经过几年的挣扎, 大部分学生已经深刻感觉到英语单词难记却很容易忘记这一事实, 所以经常出现作文中关键词拼写错误, 甚至一篇所谓的作文中没几个正确单词。词汇积累是构成句式的基本因素, 只有反复记忆才可将其深入脑海。

光有词汇还远远不够, 要杜绝中国式英语的出现, 对英语的五种基本句式进行详细讲解, 并引入英语动词的时态和语态。讲解时将英语句式与汉语句式进行对照分析, 找出其异同, 让学生从源头上明白英语句式的正确表达并尝试性的展开延伸。

2. 注重读写结合, 强调模仿

语言重在语感, 汉语有云:熟读唐诗三百首, 不会作诗也会吟。熟读经典对语言表达的提升是不言而喻的。英语也是如此, 典型句式、精彩段落和优美文章都可以是学生素材积累的来源, 一旦大脑中语料充足, 在面临任何主题的作文时, 作者都可以游刃有余, 恰当好处地运用语言。模仿是最好的学习方式, 也是最直接的方式。无论是中心句还是画龙点睛之笔都可以从模仿中派生。作文完成后, 通读文章可以帮助发现错误, 包括语法和拼写等, 所以说读写是一个美妙的结合。

3. 规范写作步骤, 强化练习

许多同学看到作文常有望而却步、踌躇不前的感觉, 于是执笔相看, 久久不知所措, 如此只会耽误时间。作文时, 五部曲, 先审题, 抓要点, 连成句, 写成文, 究其错, 审题包括审文体, 审人称, 审时态, 这是作文的第一步, 也是包揽全局的一步。审题和抓点属于意识, 连句成文属行动, 而纠错则属于意识反馈。意识是导向, 行动是关键, 反馈是保障, 如此可以缩短学生作文时间, 把握好作文方向, 完成作文整体。要想学生在写作时轻装上前, 平时的练习必不可少。写日志是督促自我写作提升的有效手段, 但课堂有针对的练习更显有的放矢。如一节课安排三十分钟进行一项作文练习, 即刻进行讲解, 采用学生中的标志性作文为范本, 以分值标准进行讲解好、中、差, 列出学生常犯的错误, 包括单词, 语法和作文偏向等, 尤其是主题句的完善对作文的点睛之效果。


作文提升不是一朝一夕能达成的, 需要学生和老师双方努力, 解决问题才是根本, 双方要有意识地进行协调, 老师有针对性地信息给学生自我写作中存在的问题并提出改进建议, 重在学生从基础到能力的不断夯实和践行。


[1]王明东.高中英语作文教学的途径和方法初探[J].校园英语 (教研版) , 2011.5:11.

描写万圣节的初中英语作文 篇10

There was a foreign language teacher walking like a ghost, wearing a white flawless dress and his face with white powder. Foreign language teacher like a beast like to come, scared us around the chaos jump. Foreign language teachers see us scared so can not help but “haha” laugh. Foreign language teacher also put a plate to us to see. I was watching with relish, the foreign language teacher ran behind me shouting “ah ......” scared me no one color.

In the afternoon, foreign language teacher introduced us to two people, one is Miri, she dressed like a little witch. And one is white, he dressed like a small doctor. They took out a large bag of sugar, sprinkled the child, the candy fell like rain, we rushed through the lightning speed to grab sugar.

关于万圣节英语作文300字精选 篇11

That was really beautiful and ugly, we liked it so much. then she taught us how to make a pumpkin lantern by ourselves. we each held a small knife, learnt to cut and draw something on that pumpkin. finally, we made it and put a short candle into it. that was truly happy. and the most surprising thing was that the lantern was a present for that day’s super student. who will that be? my god! that was me!

Do you know how excited i was then? i held it, jumping and shouting. that was the most unforgettable day to me. and i will not forget it, never!

浅谈如何指导高中英语作文 篇12


1. 过好单词关。俗话说, 巧妇难为无米之炊。同样, 没有一定的词汇量, 学生不可能写好英语作文的。任何一门语言都是从字词句再到篇章的。词汇量不足或掌握得不好, 都会给写作带来困难。因而, 在进行词汇教学时, 教师不仅要教足词汇量, 还要讲清楚每个词的每个意义的使用语境、用法及搭配关系, 进行典型同义词、近义词比较, 点出构词法等。学生只有在较好地掌握了充足词汇量的基础上, 写作时才能做到随心所欲地写出适合要求与语境的作文。单词的掌握问题必须常抓不懈, 否则功亏一篑。抓单词的时候, 要教给学生记单词的一些技巧和方法。比如说联想记忆, 音标记忆, 对比记忆, 反复记忆, 循环记忆等。

2. 过好语法关。语法规则与句型, 是英语写作必备的另一种重要建筑材料。学生在初、高中已经学过基本语法知识与句型, 由于缺乏操练, 并没有很好地掌握。因此, 在教学实践中, 还必须加强基础语法与句型的训练。句子是作文的基本单位, 成功的作文是由清晰的、合乎语法规则的句子组成的。所以, 加强词汇教学, 注重语法与句型操练, 打好句子基础, 是提高写作水平的重要环节。

3. 努力创造课内外的语言环境。学生的各项语言技能是相辅相成、相互促进的。教师在课堂上组织教学的过程就是与学生交际的过程。教师在教学实践过程中, 尽量多给学生提供语言情景, 让他们在语境中进行模仿、回答、复述等, 以促进他们写作能力的形成。另外, 组织一些合理的课外活动, 也是弥补课内操练时间不足的有效办法。通过活动, 联系自己的生活实际, 适时适当地抒发自己的思想情感, 必然会促进写作能力的提高。


有了扎实的基本功, 还应掌握一定的写作技巧。近几年英语高考卷中的写作, 主要是关于记人、叙事、写信和通知等内容的记叙文、议论文和应用文。

记叙文要求考生根据考卷中提供的信息, 组织语言材料, 编写成文。一般说来, 记叙文有时间、地点、人物、时间、原因和结果六要素, 写作时要明确清楚地给予表达。记人时, 要注意介绍人物的身世、经历和事迹等。叙事时要描写事情发生与发展的过程, 叙述事情发生的前因后果等。

议论文要求学生就某一方面的问题通过摆事实、讲道理的方式来发表自己的看法。一般说来, 议论文有论点、论据、论证三部分组成。要做到: (1) 论点要正确无误。 (2) 论据要可靠充分。论据可以是人们公认的真理, 也可以是经过实践考证的经典著作。 (3) 论证要合理严密。议论文一般按提出问题、解决问题的逻辑顺序来安排层次。


无论是记叙文、议论文还是应用文, 在具体的写作过程中, 我们不防按如下顺序进行。

1. 认真审题立意, 确定写作题材及中心。例如, 如果要求写通知, 就要有突出通知的语言, 往往开头有“ladies and gentlemen ( boys and girls) , may Ihave your attention?”这样的语言。文章中也要避免写那些与中心内容无关紧要的细节。以命题作文“A story moving me most”为例, 文章的主题是关于描述最令我感动的事, 因而就不能泛泛谈论几件感动你的事。同时确定文章用第几人称写, 基本时态是什么。

2. 围绕中心, 列出写作提纲。提纲一定要包含所提供的情景、要点, 同时要尽量使用自己熟悉的词汇与句型。然后连词成句, 串句成段。

3. 根据字数多少, 扩展成篇。扩展的内容一定要紧扣主题, 千万不要写那些与主题不相关的内容。扩展时要注意短文的字数, 以避免由于字数不够引起的扣分。扩展时可添加与所给信息有关的前因后果及条件, 目的等内容作解释说明, 或举例说明, 或加谚语增加语言的灵活性, 或加细节增加内容的丰富性, 也就是让学生学会“短话长说”。

4. 掌握一句多译的技巧

常言道, 条条道路通罗马。英语的翻译也是这样。一个句子往往有很多种翻译方法。当然这是建立在掌握了多种句型的基础之上的。在平时的教学过程中我比较注意一句多译。

在写的过程中也有些窍门, 以下几点可供参考。

1. 改变句子的开头方式, 不要一味以主、谓、宾、状的次序。可以把状语至于句首, 或用分词等, 掌握有用的特殊句型、复杂句型和优美句型。也要避免重复使用同一单词或词组。

2. 学会使用过渡词。如:

(1) 递进:furthermore, moreover, besides, in addition, then, etc

(2) 转折:however, but, nevertheless, afterwards, etc

(3) 总结:finally, at last, in brief, to conclude, etc

(4) 强调:really, indeed, certainly, surely, above all, etc

(5) 对比:in the same way, just as, on the other hand, etc

3. 在整篇文章中, 避免只用一、两个句式, 要灵活运用各种句式。如倒装句、强调句、省略句、主从复合句、对比句、分词短语、介词短语等。学会“花言巧语”, 灵活运用多种表达方式, 高级词汇以及丰富的句式结构, 以增加文章的亮点和吸引力。


写作能力的提高必须通过长期的、大量的反复实践才能获得。如果实践不够, 即使学生完全掌握了所学的语言知识, 也懂得了一定的写作技巧, 但是一旦使用语言时, 也难免思维堵塞, 力不从心, 错误不断。

同时多背诵范文也是有必要的。古人说:“熟读唐诗三百首, 不会做诗也会吟”。背诵范文是中国人学习语言的传统方法, 它不但可以加强记忆、积累语言材料。将背诵用于英语学习更是见效。要使自己具有较强的写作能力, 先应该熟读和背诵一些句型和短文。许多同学写出来的语言根本不符合英语的语言习惯, 相当一部分人有对照中文逐字翻译的不良习惯, 不去理会中英文的差异。大量的背诵和阅读是提高写作能力的有效办法, 若有大量的现成语言积累在脑海里, 自己写起文段来, 就可以做到脱口而出, 顺理成章。

总之, 写作能力是一个人外语水平高低的重要标志。写作能力的培养和提高, 有赖于扎实的基础、写作方法和大量的写作实践。培养学生写作能力不能一蹴而就, 要在教与学两个方面不断摸索、研究, 不断激励学生, 充分调动学生的学习积极性, 培养学生自主学习的能力, 使学生乐写、善写, 真正提高学生的英语写作能力。

摘要:中学英语教学目的是培养学生具备听、说、读、写的基本能力, 其中英语写作是语言综合运用能力的具体体现, 也是很多高中学生学习中的弱项, 对学生来讲是有些挑战性的, 甚至有的学生对此弱项持有恐慌态度。但是在高考试卷中它占就30分的比例, 这就要求我们必须正面解决它, 不能忽视。它要求考生根据要求, 在充分领会理解提示的“前提”下, 用自己的语言, 组织成一片内容充实、句子连贯、用词准确贴切的作文。那么高中生在平日如何培养自己的写作能力呢?对此进行了探讨。

万圣节狂欢夜的英语作文 篇13

When I heard that yonica school was going to hold a Halloween masquerade party on Halloween, my friends and I jumped for joy and went straight to the Halloween party after school. I wore a ghost mask, dressed as a zombie, and scared my father when he came to pick me up.

Enter by two “big monster” the demon hole that guards, discover inside already “beyond recognition” : corner top everywhere climb full of colourful big spider, have black, red, green, purple, in the set off of spider web special terror; On the wall of the head is big and small bat, still have those expression weird jack-o -lantern to smile to you from time to time two times, faint and faint, sending out or black or purple or blue faint light, again listen to as if to come from the distance have the energy of the music...... Even the usually affable teachers were dressed up as evil elves or demons. And we, since entering the hole also dressed as the lowest level of the little demon. If you want to get promoted, you have to get up the courage, stick together with your teammates, and go through it together. In the end, only the best elves get candy and rewards. When I was still in the waiting area, I told myself: “this time must carry a big prize back!”

Light says not to do can not, this, enter a level to begin. The first magic cave I entered was the “magic skeleton”, where we walked clockwise in a circle for a limited amount of time. When the hole master shouted stop, we must in accordance with the hole master temporary than draw the number, find someone to hold together, more than a little one is not good. Look, the magic wheel drives. “Four!” “Quick! Come on! Come with me!” I could not help Shouting out, fortunately we reacted quickly, or we were eliminated. In this way, I successfully through the first level, and then through the second level brilliantly, and through the final area of the devil. In fact, the big devil looks ugly, but the heart is the most kind-hearted person, not only to teach us the fast way to remember English words, but also to send us a beautiful gift.
