


高三英语万圣节120词作文 篇1

Nowadays, house husband has become a hot phenomenon in modern society. As we all know that no matter what country, it’s a tradition that men play a core role in family who always take the burden to earn money to support their family. But things are kind of different as society develops, more and more men are beginning to take over housework while women go out from house. In my point of view, I think this is not a big deal.

In the first place, house husband may be a shame title for men, but when it comes to money, there is no room for reputation. As society develops, the life standard are rising, and everything for living is much expensive than before, if couples want to guarantee their life quality, then they should let the one who earn better to work, although the one is female.

In the second place, it’s fine for women to support family as long as they earn better than men. In the past, women always were treated very badly, and they got no rights to be educated, to work. In some countries, they can’t even show their face to others. A traditional female role is to stay at home, taking care of children and do all of the housework. But now, lots of women have a good job, so that they totally have the ability to be the economic backbone. Therefore, in order to take good care of family, men are likely to stay at home to do housework. I don’t think it’s a shame for men, because no matter what you do, as long as you do it well, you are successful.

To sum up, people should change their opinion about core role of a family. It’s acceptable for women to support the family, and there is no shame for men to do the housework. As long as you remember life quality comes first.

高考英语作文120词 篇2

2009年 “快乐女声” 的火爆已无需渲染。你对此现象进行简单的调查,结果如下: 有些人认为 “平民平等参与,有机会一夜成名等”。也有些人认为 “快女” 中还存在一些不尽人意的地方, 如 “浪费时间和精力,影响学习,产生一夜成名的不良志向 (bad ambition) 等”。请根据以上情况为 “无为论坛” 写一篇报告并发表自己的观点。

注意: 1. 包括以上全部要点可适当 发挥,使上下文连贯。

2. 词数: 100-120。

3. 文章的格式和开头已给出, 不计入总词数。

To: Wuwei Forum

From : Li Hua

Date: June 20, 2009

Subject: Super Girl

Super Girl has already been very hot all over China since it started on May 7, 2009 in Beijing. We have had a survey about the phenomenon recently.


To: Wuwei Forum

From : Li Hua

Date: June 20, 2009

Subject: Super Girl

Super Girl has already been very hot all over China since it started on May 7, 2009 in Beijing. We have had a survey about the phenomenon recently.

There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say Super Girl is their favorite. They hold their view that Super Girl can offer a stage for ordinary people to take part in it equally and have the chance of becoming famous overnight. While others think that Super Girl makes the girls waste time and energy so that it can have some bad effects on their study. In addition, it can cause some teenagers to have bad ambition about becoming famous overnight.

高一英语作文带翻译120词 篇3

There is no question that there is obesity problem in countries all over the world. According to Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 9.9 per cent ofthe adults in our country are obese and over one third of our population isoverweight. So how to control his/her weight is a big concern of everyone.

First of all, obesity is strongly linked to sugar intake. Sugar adds calories to everything you eat. Therefore, you need to either eat a lot less or exercise more to account for the added sugar calories.

Secondly,fast food restaurants are scattered all around the country, and you know for sure that fast food is remarkably high in calories and fat. So reducing the times that you take fast food as dinner is a wise choice.

Thirdly, computer and gaming are good contributors to obesity, but their effects are less pronounced. It is a good idea to limit computer, gaming, and television time to less than two hours every day.

In fact, holding a good habit of diet and doing more workout are proven to be effective in warding off the fat that comes close to you. So be wise, be fit.







When you ask a foreign what’s his impression about Chinese, he will say Chinese people are friendly and kind, but if you ask his impression about Chinese people when they are meeting in social occasion, he will answer you with the drink. It is a tradition for Chinese people that when they invite friends, they must prepare a lot of wine, the guests need to be drunk, because it means the hosts do a good job on treating their friends. Wine culture in China is very popular, it reflects on the business communication, too. When people need to deal with the business, they like to book a table in the hotel, and talk about the business work while they are having dinner. The inevitable thing is to drink, the boss like to watch the young employees to drink, when the boss is happy, the business is done. Chinese social communication is not in the best way, but there is no way to change.



Panda is favored by people from all around the world and it is unique in China. These lovely animals are famous for the round shape and black eyes, who live in the southwest part of China. As its peculiarity, it has long been treated as national treasure. The government often sends pandas to other countries as the gift to show friendliness. Panda has been the important ambassador in dealing with the foreign affairs. Panda is very lazy. They sleep for a very long time and they barely move. People love them and they play the joke that you have the panda eyes, which means you don’t get enough sleep. A lot of people come to the tourist sites to witness this national treasure. There are special nurses trained to look after pandas. They like the families as they get along with each other for a long time.



When we are in primary school, we learn an article about a swan with ugly face before it grows up. Because of its appearance, it gets badly treatment from his fellows. The moment when it becomes a swan, it surprises all. Appearance always influences how others judge you. There is a group to make a test. A girl who did not make up and looked ugly, and she tried to borrow some money to take the bus, but she got refused all the time. So the girl made up and looked lovely. When she continued to borrow money, most people were nice to her and gave her the money, some even gave more. The different treatment shows that people are easy to judge others by appearance, so appearance is important. We need to keep neat and dress properly.



So many children take what their parents do for them for granted, they haven’t realized the meaning of being grateful. So they always get angry with their parents, because they don’t get what they want. According to the news that a little girl went out of the house and refused to go home because her parents did not give her enough pocket money. I was so shocked to hear it, I would never ask much from my parents, because I knew they were not easy to make a living and I am always feel so thankful for what they offer me. Even the one who gives me a hand when I am in need, I would remember him and when I have the chance, I will return. A grateful heart makes us a kind person and create a harmonious environment.



There is an old saying that two heads are better than one, which suggests that the majority’s collective wisdom always dwarfs that of the minority, let alone any individual. There are people who believe that for a society to cohere there must be a strong consensus as well as unity and discipline. Therefore we must not overemphasize the importance of critical thinking which is abound to result in confusion and quarrels.


But I don’t agree with this. First, I have no respect for majority’s wisdom. I believe that most people do not usually use their heads, they are also lack of creativity, and therefore are ignorant and prejudiced and often become mobs and stampede easily. Second, anyone who has the creativity will have an important impact on our society. But their wisdom is usually different from the majority’s.


In a word, everything has two sides. What’s more important is that to learn knowledge from different kinds of wisdom and to improve our ability.


环境保护的英语作文120词 篇4


Protect environment

The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially。 Also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated in environment。 Therefore, We need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks。 So we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life。

高三音乐英语作文100词 篇5

Ilike music very much. It is magical for me. It gives me the sense of happiness.

It can make me happy when I am sad. I will listen to music every day. I listen to it on my way home and school, before fall asleep in bed and eat.

初二英文作文120词 篇6

Dear Bob,

How is it going these days?

I make some new plans for myself.




Do you have any new plans?


Da Ming


Dear Bob,

How is it going these days?

I make some new plans for myself. My first resolution has to do with self-improvement. I want to join an English club to improve my English. I want to get good grades next time. The second is about personal health. I am going to eat less junk food and do more exercise. Finally,I want to learn to take photos in my free time. I will tell my family about my plans so that they can help me.

Do you have any new plans?


高三学生期末评语120字 篇7

2. 热情大方,待人诚恳,礼貌待人,与同学相处关系融洽。各科成绩扎实,学习计划条理性强,理科成绩一直名列前茅。希望今后能保持已经取得的成绩,多关心班集体,注意克服缺点,养成谦逊踏实的品格,努力提高现有成绩,成为一个全面发展的优秀中学生。 聪明能干,性格活泼开朗,乐于助人,在学习上善于帮助同学排忧解难,劳动积极,和同学相处融洽,喜欢动脑筋,是个称职的好体委。对待学习态度端正,上课能够专心听讲,课下能够认真完成作业。你的学习方法有待改进,掌握知识也不够牢固,思维能力要进一步培养和提高。只要有恒心,有毅力,老师相信你一定能取得理想的成绩!

3. 李扬你属于阳光开朗型的男生,相对于其他男生来说,你显得沉稳庄重了些,能发自内心地和同学真诚相处,所以同学之间是和睦的,对老师彬彬有礼,落落大方,所以深受学科老师好评;你在文化学习上基础好,底子厚,潜力大,只要注意方法,用时间来保证,用刻苦来兑现,一定会绽放出自己的成功之花。

4. 丁冬霞你性格内秀文静,为人低调,不多言语,不事张扬,相对于其他女生来说,显得稳重成熟,待人接物得体有分寸,严格遵守校纪班规,对分配的任务能高效高质地完成,深受师生好评;学习有主动性,善于思考,能独立完成作业,成绩显著;希望下学期多和师生交流和沟通,取长补短,和本班的初中校友一比高下,愿你是羞答答的玫瑰,静悄悄地绽放出成功之花。

5. 王婷婷王家有女初长成,长大后的你真的是亭亭玉立,知书达理,家长虽难以用言语表达,但他们内心的喜悦是可以感受到的。家庭的困境是暂时的,穷人的孩子最孝顺,困苦会使你更珍惜现在所拥有的;你在学习上基础好,潜力大,上进心强,老师建议,挂念家中的妈妈是对的,但心思必须集中在学习上,改进学法,有困难学校和老师会和你一起扛,早日学成归来让爸爸妈妈过上好日子,我期盼着这一天。

6. 徐黎鸣你平时少言寡语,性格内向沉稳,不事张扬,为人敦厚,与人为善,大事讲原则有分寸,小事不斤斤计较,同学之间相处和睦;学习基础好,有主动性和自觉性,成绩有很大的上升空间,对高中生活和学习适应能力强,让老师放心和省心,希望你下学期充分利用班级的优势,好学善问,改进学习方法,提高学习效率,进一步增强自己的竞争力,在高手如林的班集体为自己争得一个领先的席位。

7. 金咏春从特殊家庭走出的你坚强刚毅懂事有礼能干,老师认为你的开朗积极的心态尤其值得称道;农家子弟好好努力吧,不理想的家境不是你的错,用你的刻苦耐劳,用你的不屈不挠,用你的学业有成去改变家庭,让所有关心厚爱你的人能因为你而感到幸福,可是你的文化成绩上升空间这么大,还没有充分发挥出来,希望你下学期能正确地定位自己,时刻用困苦提醒自己,再现初中的风采,在班做一名品学兼优的领跑人,坚持三年定能打开大学的绿色通道!

8. 施思你为人敦厚诚实,待人和气,与人为善,同学之间不斤斤计较,因此人际关系好,对老师彬彬有礼,表达落落大方,个人素质和修养高;对自己负责的工作队率先垂范,先人一步,对老师分配的任务能高效高质地完成;上课注意力集中,勤学好问,成绩上升的空间大,能主动和老师交流,找出存在的问题,希望你充分利用班集体的优势,在高手众多的班占领制高点,三年后把成功带回家,报答父母的养育之恩。

9. 陈荣你性格开朗,既文静内秀又善于表达自我,综合素质和能力在班级首屈一指;热心集体事务,模范遵守校纪班规,让老师放心又省心;待人接物得体落落大方,为人处事既有原则又不斤斤计较,深受师生好评;更可贵的是具有积极良好的心态,虽然家庭困难,但从不攀比,体谅家长的艰苦,在校学习勤奋生活俭朴,成绩稳步上升;你这么优秀的女孩,生活会厚爱你的,美好的人生将从淮海展开精彩的画卷。

万圣节英语作文 篇8

When the harvest moon rises on October 31, little hobgoblins, spooky ghosts, ghoulish witches and gremlins — their young faces hidden behind grotesque masks — will go forth to frighten friends and neighbors and to threaten them with ”Trick or Treat “. Halloween (AII Hallows Eve) as the name implies, is a nighttime holiday, the one night in the year when the childs world turns to pure fantasy. Children take all the lead parts while parents and other adults play the supporting roles. Encouraged by teachers and merchants and the remembrance of the good time they had the earlier year, children (from 3 to 11 years old) start preparing their costumes and Halloween decorations weeks ahead. Although parents help the children very much prepare the costumes, on Halloween they must pretend to be frightened by the masked visions that suddenly appear. There will be little witches in long black dresses with tall-pointed hats and magic broomsticks to carry them over the rooftops — to a neighbors house in the next block. Ghosts in sheets run with tell-tale sneakers and half socks showing; and terrible pirates with skull and cross-bones painted on their three-cornered hats. Some carry jack-o-lanterns but all carry bags or UNICEF boxes marked ”Trick or Treat“, which fill up very fast. Teenagers have their fun playing tricks that sometimes get rather rough. They throw eggs or tomatoes at passing motorists , mark up windows and windshields with hard-to-erase candle wax, roll pumpkins down long hills, carry away porch furniture and garbage can covers, engrave graffiti on fences, or do whatever bad things occur to them as they go around looking for ways to ”let off steam“. Police officers are alert but they only arrest those caught doing real damage. In most communities there are school dances or block parties to help redirect the energies of the youthful pranksters. Business firms offer prizes for the best costumes and recreation directors help plan the party y, but the young people themselves take charge of the entertainment and the decorations — a necessary part of Halloween. Dried corn stalks, pumpkin faces, and piles of apples create the harvest atmosphere; and cutouts of witches on their brooms, goblins, ghosts and black cats symbolize the witchcraft aspect of the holiday. The freshments — apple cider, popcorn and pumpkin pie, and witches made of spicy ginger cookies — also carry out both themes. There is an occasional adult Halloween Dance in a bright orange and black setting, with paper-made black cats, witches and grinning skeletons floating above the dance floor. But Halloween has become mainly a young peoples holiday — and the younger the child the more exciting he finds it.

万圣节英语作文 篇9

The Celtics were very afraid of the night of October 31st, because they felt that this night, there was a pile of evil spirits lurking in any place. They at home fire to let those evil spirit leave their homes, they believe that the sun god calls the deceased person. They believed that the sun god dead variable for other things, like a cat.

The Celtics would pretend to be a terrible disguise to get rid of the evil spirits. (this is the prototype of Halloween) after Roman occupation of the land of Celtic, Roman holiday and the Celtics October 31, Samhain Festival together, it becomes the Halloween.
