


小学英语演讲文及儿歌 篇1


1.A Wolf

One day, a wolf sits like a dog.At this time, a cat and a rabbit see the wolf.Cat: Who is that animal?Rabbit: Which one?

Cat: The animal over there.Rabbit: Oh, is it a dog?

Cat: No, it isn’t!Rabbit: Is it a horse?

Cat: No, it isn’t!Rabbit: Is it a wolf?

Cat: Oh, yes, it is.Wolf: Ha, ha, I am a big wolf.I will eat you!Rabbit: Oh, my God.Go!

2.A Wolf and a Sheep

A wolf was badly wounded by dogs.He lay sick in his room.He felt very hungry and thirsty.When a sheep passed by, the wolf asked her to fetch some water from the river.“If you bring me some water,” said the wolf, “I will be strong enough to get food myself”.The sheep said: “If I take you water, you will make me your food!”

3.A Dream

One day, a beggar sat on a bench in a park.Soon he fell asleep.He said to the God: “Give me a house”.Then he had a house.He asked again: “Give me a nice garden”.Then a nice garden was there.Then he asked for all kinds of good food.All the food came to the beggar.“Ouch!” He fell onto the ground.The beggar just had a dream.4.My Hobbies

Dear guests and judges,I am very glad to say something here.At this time, I’d like to talk about my hobbies.I like some kinds of sports.I like being outdoors.I love fresh air and sunshine.Playing outdoors with friends is fun for me.Swimming in the sea is my favorite.Besides, I like to draw pictures at home.I often read picture books on the bed in the evening.I like music and singing.I often sing film songs while I walk in the street.Of course, I learn English every day.As you know, English is used everywhere in the world.So I learn English very hard.I hope I can travel around the world and speak English with foreigners someday.It’s my colorful dream to travel around the world.My world is nice, and I hope your world is nice too!

Thank you!


7.1.Evening red and morning gray, One, two, three, fourSend the traveler on his way,Merry at the cottage door,Evening gray and morning red, Five, six, seven, eight,Bring the rain upon his head.Eating cherries of a plate.8.2.Cow, cow,Work while you work,Friendly and brown,Play while you play,Let down your milk,That is the way,For the hungry town.To be happy and gay.9.3.Books are full of many things,Good, better, best,That I would like to know,Never let it rest,Books are full of greatest men,Till good is better,That lived long, long ago.And better, best.Books are full of mountains,4.That can be high or low.Try, try ,Books are full of flowers,Never say die,That I would like to grow.Things will come right,10.To you, by and by.Rain, rain, go away,5.Come again another day,Peas pudding hot,Little Johnny wants to play.Peas pudding cold,11.Peas pudding in the pot,There was a little girl,Nine days old.And she had a little curl,Some like it hot,Right on the middle of her forehead.Some like it cold,When she was good she was very good,Some like it in the pot,But when she was bad she was very horrid.Nine days old.12.6.Twinkle, twinkle, little star,My kite is white,How I wonder what you are,My kite is light,Up above the world so high,My kite is in the sky,Like a diamond in the sky.Now, low, now high,Twinkle, twinkle, little star,You see it, you and I.How I wonder what you are!

13.Spring is gay with flowers and song,/Summer is hot and the days are long.Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,/Winter brings snow and new year again.14.I like coffee.I like tea./I like the boys and the boys like me.I love coffee.I love tea./I want somebody to come in with me.15.冬冬走进 zoo,拣到一只shoe。问谁丢了 shoe,没人知道who。冬冬拿着pen,从一数到 ten。围着一群 men,看冬冬画 hen。16.一月January月份早二月 February大年到三月 March花儿笑

四月 April风筝摇五月May劳动好六月June儿童闹

七月July暑假到八月 august烈日照九月 September回学校

十月 October节日俏十一月 November 雪花飘十二月December圣诞喽
