


仲夏夜之梦读后感英语 篇1


Once I attended a speech given by a professor from a university in Hong Kong. When we introduced ourselves as BE majors, he asked, “You study English, how many foreign classics have you read? Who is your favorite author?” We all were in silence. But by that time, I made a decision that I would read Shakespeare at least while I am still in university. And the first book I chose myself is A Midsummer Night’s Dream. For Shakespeare, his tragic works may be more famous than comedies. But I prefer comedy.

The moment I opened A Midsummer Night’s Dream, I thought it’s a tragedy. But it seems that all happiness come after sadness. As Yu Qiu Yu once said, “Tragedy is not great, neither is comedy, but those tragicomedy that let people read it over with tears and laughter. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is believed to have been written between 1590 and 1596. It portrays the events surrounding the marriage of the Duke of Athens, Theseus, and the Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta. These include the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateur actors, who are manipulated by the fairies who inhabit the forest in which most of the play is set. I found some common points among Shakespeare’s masterpieces, especially his love stories――the protagonists rebel against the traditional established practices and they look forward to a peaceful and equitable world; they even sacrifice their lives to achieve this dream. Hermia dose so. She refuses to follow her father Egeus’s instructions to marry Demetrius, whom he has chosen for her. Juliet and Romeo also do in the same way, they die together for their love.

I guess why Shakespeare wrote like this is that he wanted to do the same thing just like the people he modeled. We all know he had to marry a woman he didn’t like at all, and he didn’t protest. So he modeled these characters on purpose to let them resisted the ruin of society.

The more I read, the greater I think Shakespeare is. If this play had been divided to 10 chapters, I bet you can’t predict what the ending will be. He created the magical juice from a flower called “love in idleness”, which when applied to a person’s eyelids while sleeping makes the victim fall in love with the first living thing seen upon awakening, to make these characters within his grasp. If someday people’s sentiment is controlled by this kind of magical juice, it will be really terrible. Emotions are subjective things, there will be on difference between mankind and machine if our emotion are controlled. This situation can just exist in Shakespeare’s masterpieces. It’s an imagination of us. But finally, Shakespeare made the most beautiful marriages in the world.

Shakespeare’s play is really a cultural peak. A Midsummer Night’s Dream explains the essence of tragicomedy. Lovers are ruthless separated and recombined mistakenly. These lovers are likely to be in an endless dream, but they can’t remember anything when they wake up, except the tears on the canthus. If delight can be compared to Qomolangma, then sorrow is the deepest oceanic trench――Marianas Trench. We can feel a big shock when read this play. We cried but finally laughed. It’s just a midsummer night’s dream.

仲夏夜之梦读后感 篇2







仲夏夜之梦英文读后感 篇3

The book tells the story of the conflict caused by “magic juice” and the conflict being solved, and the lovers finally get married. Two young men, Lysander and Demetrius, fell in love with Hermia. Hermia was in love with rashander, and her friend Helena was in love with Demetrius. In order to fight against arranged marriage, Hermia eloped with her lover and went to the agreed forest. Helena told Demetrius the news, and they rushed to the forest. In this forest, there used to be a fairy king, a fairy queen, and the little fairy and fairy who served them. At this time, the fairy king and the fairy queen were at loggerheads because of a “change of children” (it is said that the fairy often steals the beautiful children of others to serve as waiters at night). In order to make the queen give in, the fairy king sent the elf puck to get the magic juice (a pure white flower in the West that mistakenly hit Cupids love arrow, the juice from the wound) to tease the queen. This kind of magic juice has such magic power: if it drips on the eyelids of the sleepers, both men and women, wake up to see the creatures, they will love it like crazy.

Because of the appearance of magic juice, the whole story changed dramatically. The magic juice dripped on the eyelids of the sleeping rashander. When he woke up, he saw Helena who had broken in by mistake. Therefore, poor Hermia was very sad because of the “empathy and dont fall in love” and was very attentive to Helena. But when Demetrius woke up, he saw Helena who was attracted by the spirit, so “old love revived”, which made poor Helena very distressed. Two equally beautiful and kind-hearted girls are driven mad by grief and confused by surprise, so they begin to maliciously speculate and even slander each other. And two other infatuated young people dueled for Helena in anger. At the moment, we find that these four people are running in different directions, which makes us laugh and feel sorry. The struggle of happiness is so difficult, and fate makes people, but the process of this struggle is not a kind of pain, a kind of tragedy, but a kind of dramatic thing with the meaning of happiness. In this story, the most dramatic plot is probably the fairy queens absurd “love” with a weaver who broke into the forest under the influence of magic juice. The funny Weaver originally came to play in the forest with several fellow craftsmen. The elf forced Ke to make the weaver become a more funny donkey. When the fairy queen woke up after contacting the magic juice, she saw the poor guy. So for the weaver, “misfortune” became “fortune”, because he got the favor of the noble Fairy Queen. What an incredible thing and how funny it is! It all depends on the power of magic juice, the will of the fairy king and the naughtiness of the elf. Later, according to the Immortal Kings will, the magic was relieved, the lovers were married, the immortals were as good as ever, and the fairyland and the world returned to peace. How can strong fantasies, combined with dramatic plots and the accumulation of dramatic factors, not be pleasing to the eye?

The name of the play is called “dream” because the development of the plot is too fantastic and confusing. From four young people love each other, to complex infatuation and hatred. Then the fairy queen fell in love with the stupid donkey. Since the strange thing “magic juice” appeared, the whole story has changed dramatically. The magic power of “magic juice” makes people feel too like a dream. Later, according to the will of the fairy king, magic can be removed, lovers eventually get married, immortals are as good as ever, and the fairyland and the world return to peace. The intense fantasy is integrated into the dramatic plot. These chaotic changes turn into a peaceful and happy ending at last. At the end of the play, puck did say that if anyone is angry with the story of the elf prank, it should be regarded as a fantasy dream when he is sleeping. At the same time, I hope no one will still be angry with this beautiful and harmless Midsummer Night Dream.

Its true that although all the elves are making trouble with it, its a little absurd, funny and helpless. But it is because of such a dreamlike prank that a perfect love is achieved. On the way of good things, a midsummer nights dream is very happy and easy to grind. Finally, it ends with a grand singing party.

英语短剧剧本 仲夏夜之梦 篇4








There was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of forcing their daughters to marry whomever they pleased.For if a daughter refused to marry the man her father had chosen to be her husband, the father might by thus law cause her to be put to death.Egeus and Hermia上场

Egeus: Hermia, you have to marry Demetrious, the best guy in the city.荷米亚,你必须嫁给狄米崔斯,这城中最好的年轻人。

Hermia: I’m sorry, Dad!I can’t be his wife.I don’t love him.I’ve fell in love with Lysander.爸爸,抱歉。我不能成为他的妻子。我不爱他。我已经爱上了莱赛德。

Egeus: Lysander? Is he better than Demetrious? No!


Hermia: Oh!Dad!Demettrious had ever said that he love my friend, Helena, and she, a sweet lady also love him deeply.喔!爸爸,狄米崔斯曾说过,他爱我的朋友—海伦娜,而这一个甜美女孩也深爱狄米崔斯。Egeus: No matter what you say, I’ve decided to let you marry to Demetrious.I stick to do this!


Hermia: Oh!Please, please do not!My dear father!Don’t you love me any more? Don’t give me up, please!



Lysander: Sweet Hermia, my love!What’s going wrong? Let me wipe your heart-breaking tears!


Hermia: My father said that unless I marry Demetrious, or he’ll be put me to death!What can I do?


Lysander: Fear not and hear me.Tomorrow night, I’ll wait for you in the wood a few miles outside the city.If you really love me, getting far away this sad city with me.不要害怕并听我说,明天晚上,我将在城外几哩的树林里等你,如果你真的爱我,就和我一起逃离这伤心的城市吧。

Hermia: I will because I love you so.我会的,因为我如此爱你。


Helena: Hello!Hermia.嗨,荷米亚。

Hermia: I’m so glad to see you, my friend!


Helena: But Demetrious love you.Oh, teach me how to attract his eyes, please?但是狄米崔斯爱的是你,请教我如何吸引他的目光吧?

Hermia: Take comfort, he no more shall see my face.Tomorrow night Lysander and myself will fly this place.We’ll meet in the wood.Please pray for us and don’t tell others, good-bye!(下)


Helena: I will go tell Demetrious of fair Hermia’s flight, and then he’ll pursue her.I just want to have his sight again.(下)



口白:Tonight, the moon is so beautiful.The wood was a favorite meeting-place of those little fairies.The king is always thinking, but what is he thinking of? The atmosphere is a little strange


Oberon: I’ll meet by moonlight, proud Titania.真不巧又在月光下遇见你,傲慢的泰妲妮亚。

Titania: What jealous Oberon!You are as lovely as before.Why dou’t you become a little handsome?Your head is just a pig head.Your stomach is like a big melon.下

Oberon: Well, go your way.Before the morning dawns, I will make you suffer for this injury.Come here, my gentle Puck.好,你走吧,在黎明之前,我一定要为这侮辱惩罚你。我的好派克,过来。

Puck: I’m here, my lord.我在这儿,我的主人。

Oberon: Fetch me the juice of that little purple flower, laid on the eyelids of those who sleep, will make them, when they awake, love madly the first thing they see crazily.替我把花拿来,一旦将那紫色小花的汁液滴在睡眠者的眼皮上,当他们醒来时,便会疯狂的爱上所看到的第一件东西。

Puck:.I’ll do that very well.Believe me.(下)



Lysander: Fair love, you faint with wandering in the wood;if you think it good, and tarry for the comfort of the day.好人,你在树林中跋涉著,累得快要昏倒了,要是你同意,让我们休息一下吧。Hermia: Be it so, Lysander.Good night, sweet lover.就照你的意思吧,莱赛德。晚安,爱人。

Lysander: I wish sleep give you all his rest!


Hermia: I will share with you.我愿与你分享。


Puck: Ah!Who is here? This is he, the cruel youth.And she is the lady.Pretty soul!She durst not lie near this lack-love.Churl, I’ll drop the love-juice in your eyes.Hey!It’s so funny!(下)



Helena: I am out of breath in the fond chase!The more my prayer, the less is my grace.Who is lying on the ground? Oh!He is Lysander!Is he dead or asleep? Good sir, if you are alive, awake.这痴心的追赶使我累得喘不过气来,我愈是祈求,却愈惹他讨厌。是谁躺在地上?喔,是莱赛德,他是死了还是睡著了?好先生,如果你还活著,就醒醒吧。

Lysander: What a pretty beauty!Helena, I would through fire for your sweet sake.多漂亮的美女,海伦娜,我愿为你赴汤蹈火。

Helena: Do not say so, Lysander.Don’t you love Hermia?


Lysander: I don’t love her at all.For me, she is just a black raven, and you are a white dove.我一点也不爱她,对我而言,她只是只乌鸦,而你是只白鸽。

Helena: Oh!Why was I born to be mocked and though nothing of by everyone? Is it not enough, young man? That a lady, of one man refused, should of another be so abused!(下)


Oberon:Demetrious and Lysander are gone to seek a place to fight in.Puck, this is your carelessness;or did you do it purposely?

狄米崔斯和莱赛德已经去找地方打架了。派克,这都是因为你的粗心,还是你故意的?Puck: Believe me, king of shadows, it was a mistake.相信我,国王,那是无心之过。

Oberon: You heard, I command you to fill the night with a thick fog, and let they shall not be able to find each other.And when they are asleep, drop the juice of this other flower into Lysander’s eyes.你听著:我命令你使黑夜中充满浓雾好让他们找不到对方。当他们睡著时,就解除莱赛


Puck: I know, I know


Oberon: Go about this quickly, Puck.and all things shall be peace.(两人同下)



口白:These people, at no great distance from each other, sleeping on a grass-plot.Puck: Look!How careful I am!I’ll release the magic.When you are awake, everyone will find true love.This is really a happy ending!(下)



Hermia: Oh!Lysander, the doings of the night are too strange!Do you still love me or not?噢!莱赛德,今晚真奇怪!你还爱不爱我?

Lysander: I still crazy about you!But I dreamed I love Helena ……how mad!


Hermia: Ay!I had the same dream!


Helena: Me, too.Now I just wonder if Demetrious love me as in the dream?


Demetrious: Helena, I promise, now all my faith and all virtue of my heart is only you!海伦娜,我保证我一切的忠信一切的心思只属於你

Hermia: Oh!Here comes my father


Egeus: You!You dare to get far away!I’ll beg the law, the law, upon your head!Demetrious, I’m so sorry!


Demetrious: Don’t say that.Now the lady I want to marry is Helena

别这麼说,现在我想娶的是海伦娜。.Egeus: Is it true?


Lysander: Yes, it is.Please, please let Hermia marry me too, I’ll bring her happiness, I swear.是的。也请把荷米亚嫁给我吧,我会带给她快乐的,我保证。

Hermia: Oh!Dad!Please, he is really a perfect guy.喔,爸爸!请答应吧,他真的是个完美的人。

Egeus: Hmmm…, since Demetrious wouldn’t marry you, I will no longer opposed your marriage with Lysander.Now, you these lover, can we come home?





Oberon: Look!What the sweet couples they are!


Titania: I like to see their smiling face.我喜欢看见他们的笑脸。

Puck: I also like to hear their laughter.我也喜欢听到他们的笑声。

《百年之梦》读后感 篇5


“起来,不愿做奴隶的人们,把我们的血肉,筑成我们新的长城……”每当唱起国歌,心里总会涌起一种无法形容的感觉,或许是激动,或许是悲怆。心里会立即沸腾起来:我是中国人! 我生长在正在改革开放,强民富国的道路上稳健、自信坚定的向前迈进的中国。以前,我们中国曾被掠夺、被宰割、被侮辱、被歧视、被嘲笑。今天,我们以名副其实的大国强国的资格,站在了全世界的面前! 中国申奥成功,13亿中国人的.狂喜,13亿中国人的激动。 7月13日这是一个令13亿中华儿女骄傲的日子。那些曾嘲弄和呵斥我们中国人的西方人和洋人,今天看着冉冉的五星红旗升起,面对着豪迈热情的中国人,他们也不得不鼓掌,不得不竖起大拇指! 2008年5月12日,一个永远被中华儿女铭记的日子。这天,万座大楼同时倒塌,留下的是废墟,是不舍。天灾无情人有情!全国人民纷纷伸出援助之手,向汶川开始了募捐活动。全国各地的明星、教师、学生、演员……都献出了自己的一份爱心。成龙捐了一千万,妈妈捐了100元,舅舅捐了200元,我捐了30元。只要人人献出一点爱,世界将变成美好人间!一方有难,八方支援。终于,汶川人民没有被困难压倒,而是重新更加坚强的站了起来! 中国现已日益强大,我为我是中国人而骄傲、而自豪!!!

《新教育之梦》读后感 篇6






新教育之梦读后感 篇7


























春之梦观后感 篇8



