浅谈石豆8号种植与杂草防治技术的论文 篇1
摘 要
石豆 8 号是 2014 年通过审定的大豆新品种,该品种具有稳产高产的潜力,抗倒性以及抗病能力较强。因此,探讨防治杂草和提高石豆 8 号单产水平的措施,是发挥该品种优势的主要问题,在生产中显得尤其突出。为了做好该品种的推广工作,本文按照播期、密度、氮肥、磷肥、钾肥 5 因子共设 36 个小区,通过田间栽培试验,对生育期、开花、结荚规律,以及单株荚数、株型等农艺性状进行观察测定。结果表明,单株粒数、单株荚数是单株产量的基础,而单株产量又是获得高产的保障;只有这些性状之间达到相对平衡,栽培时大豆产量方能提高。在大豆田间选用 5 种除草剂单施或混施,进行播后苗前处理和苗后茎叶处理,结果表明,乙草胺+速收混用和克莠灵+高效盖草能混用, 以及乙草胺+速收混用和克莠灵+精稳杀得混用,对各种杂草的.防除都具有明显的效果,播后苗前与苗后茎叶两次除草剂处理对石豆 8 号十分必要。
在除草剂对比试验和田间栽培试验的基础上,从整地、播前种子处理、适时播种、苗期管理、合理施肥和灌溉、合理密植、防治病虫草害、适时收获等方面,就建立和完善石豆 8 号栽培体系进行了分析和讨论,有利于石豆 8 号生长发育,促进产量的提高。
关键词:石豆 8 号;栽培;杂草;化学防治
Shidou No. 8 is a new variety of soybean examined in 2014, this variety ispotentially high and stable in yield and strong in lodging and disease resistance.
Therefore, the key to exert the advantages of the variety is to explore the measures toprevent and control weeds and to improve Shidou No. 8 unit-yield level, especially inproduction. In order to better promote the variety, 36 areas are set according to 5 factors,namely sowing date, density, nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer.
By field cultivation experiments, growth period, blossom, podding regularity, and thenumber of pods per plant, plant types and other agronomic traits are measured. Theresult shows that, the number of seeds per plant and pods per plant is the basis of yieldper plant which guarantees high-yield. The yield of the soybean could be improved onlywhen the relative equilibrium of the traits is reached. 5 kinds of herbicide fertilizer ormixed fertilization in the soybean field are used after sowing pre-emergence treatmentand after seedling leaf treatment. Tests are proved that acetochlor plus sumisoya andgrams of atrazine spirit plus haloxyfop-R-methyl, and acetochlor plus sumisoya andfluazifop-buty mix have an obvious control effect on weeds. It is very necessary toselect applying pesticide herbicide twice for Shidou No. 8 soybean fields after sowingpre-emergence treatment and after seedling leaf treatment.
Based on herbicide contrast test and field cultivation test, establishment andperfection of Shidou No. 8 cultivation system are analyzed and discussed in the aspectsof soil preparation, seed treatment before sowing, timely sowing, seedling management,reasonable fertilization and irrigation, rational close planting, prevention and control ofplant diseases and insect pests damage, timely harvest and so on in the paper to promotethe growth of Shidou No. 8 and increase yield of it.
Keywords: Shidou No.8; Cultivation; Weeds; Chemical control
目 录
摘 要
第一章 文献综述
1.1 大豆生产概况介绍
1.1.1 大豆起源及营养成分
1.1.2 我国大豆生产形势
1.1.3 河北省大豆生产现状
1.2 大豆栽培技术的推广
1.3 大豆田杂草危害及化学防除现状
1.4 本研究的选题依据和研究意义
第二章 石豆 8 号栽培技术研究
2.1 试验材料与方法
2.1.1 试验材料
2.1.2 试验方法
2.1.3 调查及测定项目
2.2 试验结果与分析
2.2.1 农艺性状试验结果分析
2.2.2 农艺性状测定结果与变异性分析
2.3 讨论
2.3.1 品种特性特征
2.3.2 石豆 8 号产量潜力分析
2.3.3 品种评价
第三章 石豆 8 号杂草防除技术研究
3.1 试验材料与方法
3.1.1 试验材料
3.1.2 杂草调查
3.1.3 杂草防除
3.2 试验结果与分析
3.2.1 石豆 8 号大豆田杂草种类
3.2.2 播后苗前除草处理效果
3.2.3 苗后茎叶除草处理效果比较
3.2.4 播后苗前与苗后茎叶两次施药除草效果分析
3.3 讨论
3.3.1 化学防除杂草的效果
3.3.2 石豆 8 号大豆田除草剂在土壤中的残留问题
3.3.3 杂草的抗药性和安全性分析
3.3.4 石豆 8 号化学除草两次施药的必要性
第四章 石豆 8 号栽培及杂草防除技术体系建立
4.1 地块选择与土地耕整要求
4.2 播种前种子准备
4.3 适时播种、保全苗
4.4 苗期管理
4.5 合理施肥、及时灌溉
4.6 合理密植与轮作
4.7 化学除草
4.8 适时防治病虫害
4.9 及时收获
1、石豆 8 号推广和发展策略
2、石豆 8 号杂草化学防控技术的发展策略
致 谢