


“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛决赛演讲稿 篇1

Technology for All: From I to We

Ladies and Gentlemen:

This Spring Festival I went to the remote countryside to have a family reunion with my grandma.With my laptop in my bag, I arrived at the small village on the Chinese New Year’s Eve.Despite the lack of modern facilities, all villagers were happy, busy preparing the most important dinner of the year.I was deep in the joyfulness of the occasion when I get a text message from a classmate back in the city, “Just returned from a boring dinner in a crowded restaurant, my online game is more fun.” I replied, “I do envy you.There are only 3 TV channels available here, let alone the Internet.” After the dinner, my cousin brought me a big basket of oranges, “Eat as much as you want;they are nice and delicious, but we simply can’t sell them.” “Why? Because of the rumor that they are diseased? But in the coastal region people are buying them again.They are even sold on the internet.” “We don’t have much marketing advantages,” said my cousin, “life’s not easy.”

My cousin’s remarks were really thought-provoking.While my friend was complaining about the mechanical way of life in the city, so many others still have no access to cable TV or the Internet.While some people are talking about the demerits from their affluence, even more are still struggling for their existence.In Davos 2008, Bill Gates spoke at the forum, “The world is getting better, but it’s not getting better fast enough, and it’s not getting better for everyone.” Indeed, the least needy see the most improvement, and the most needy get the least.How can technology improve the life of the needy? We need recognition.We must recognize that technology should develop beyond Me, and towards WE, human beings in general.Suppose the modern marketing facilities could penetrate into our rural areas, where our 800 million peasants are making hard efforts to supply our country;if our social infrastructure could be initiated into every village and mountainside, into Central China, Western China, in fact every part of China;if the high-tech could join hands with the farmers, and could be used to serve the needy, what a wonderful countryside we will see!

What we need is recognition.In the government’s report this year, Premier Wen Jiabao mentioned 29 times the need to serve the agriculture, the countryside, and the farmers.This tells the recognition China has towards its needy.Today, this recognition should be beyond ourselves, and even beyond our country.As we assume a global citizenship, we need recognition towards all the continents, towards all the people.Barack Obama’s 2006 home-going trip to Kenya was a good example.To encourage people to fight against AIDS in the right way, he took an HIV test in public.His action has initiated an estimated amount of 5 million people to trust and benefit from our medical technology.This is not only for a country, but for the world.Above all, I should say this is a long-term task.We need to take the initiative to assume this recognition, to use what technology has bestowed upon us to serve the impoverished, to bring convenience to those in need, thus we’ll have the technology of the people, by the people and for the people.With technology advancing beyond ME, I am proud to be one of WE.

“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛决赛演讲稿 篇2

公共演讲输送演讲者向听众发出的单向消息。成功的演讲建立在英语的实际运用基础上, 而词汇作为强有力的说服手段之一, 诠释演讲者要表达的内容和实现其表达能力。因此, 词的正确、清晰、生动和恰当使用很有必要。本文以“21世纪杯”大学英语演讲比赛为例, 分析参赛者的文稿中的实词分布和各实词类的使用特点, 为演讲的实践教学及学生备赛提供依据。


2005 年至2014 年中历年前十名参赛者的讲稿文本 ( 共57824词) 被选取作为研究实词使用特点的对象。首先, 将文本中缩写形式改成完整的表达方式, 用Tree Tagger软件标签标注词性, 如:Our_PP$ ancestors_NNS liked_VVD to_TO build_VV walls_NNS ._SENT;然后, 将标注后的文本输入到VFP软件中详细标注每种词性的频率, 如名词NN, NNS, NP, NPS。最后, Ant Conc软件检测出多种词性的词在具体语境中的准确词性。


Douglas Biber将词分为实词、虚词和插入词。其中实词包括动词、名词、形容词和副词, 是文本中意义的主要承载者, 在演讲中通常被重读。


1.名词。名词描述人和物质, 包括抽象的和具体的实体。

根据表格1, 参赛者使用最高频率的是名词单数 (NN) ;多于普通名词复数 (NNS) 的2倍;专有名词单数 (NP) 用于传达演讲者想要强调的信息, 比专有名词的复数 (NPS) 频率高。

在Long_RB before_IN the_DT concept_NN of_IN environmental_JJ protection_NN came_VVD into_IN being_NN , _, Dujiang_NP Weir_NP , _, was_VBD built_VVN in_IN south_JJ western_JJ China’s_NP Sichuan_NP province_NN . _SENT中可数普通名词concept, protection, province和专有名词Sichuan, China, Dujiang Weir向听者传达地点和事件。

专有名词呈三个特点: (1) 参赛者倾向于使用China和Chinese, Antconc软件统计China和Chinese的频率占所有专有名词的34.89%; (2) 中国的地名被多次引用, 如Yunnan, Macao等;与中国文化相关的词Confucius, Goubuli等; (3) 体现跨文化或流行事物的词被引用频率较高, 如KFC, Disneyland等。此外, 其它国家名称如London, Iraq等及外国人名如Barack Obama, Franklin等被选用。

2.形容词。形容词强调质量和属性, 为提及的事物提供更多信息。

根据表2, 形容词的基本形式 (JJ) 频率最高, 比较级 (JJR) 和最高级 (JJS) 的频率较低仅占0.39%和0.19%。

在We_PP found_VVD ourselves_PP flanked_VVD by_IN taller_JJR and_CC taller_JJR trees_NNS , _, which_WDT formed_VVD a_DT huge_JJ canopy_NN ._SENT中, huge和taller and taller作为定语修饰名词trees和canopy, 描述其性质和提供更多信息。


表格3显示动词的基本形式 (VV) 频率最高;一般现在时的第三人称单数形式 (VVZ) 频率最低;动词的现在分词 (VVG) 、过去分词 (VVN) 、一般现在时非第三人称单数形式 (VVP) 、过去式 (VVD) 在频率也不高。参赛者多用一般现在时阐述内容。

在Technological_JJ advancement_NN has_VHZ opened_VVN up_RP a_DT whole_JJ new_JJ world_NN ._SENT和It_PP matters_VVZ because_IN the_DT sea_NN level_NN will_MD rise_VV._SENT中, 参赛者用动词作为时态, opened, matters, rise表达动词过去分词、一般现在时的第三人称单数和动词基本形式。


副词作为修饰词, 详述动作、过程或事物发生的状态Biber。

如表格4所示, 副词的基本形式 (RB) 在“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛中的频率最高;疑问副词 (WRB) 的频率高于副词的比较级 (RBR) 和最高级 (RBS) 的频率之和。

在Suddenly_RB an_DT international_JJ student_NN asked_VVD me_PP , _, “Where_WRB is_VBZ the_DT entrance_NN to_TO the_DT Eastern_JJ suburbs_NNS ?_SENT和A_DT little_JJ girl_NN impressed_VVD me_PP most_RBS ._SENT中suddenly指示事物发生的状态;most修饰动词impressed。疑问副词提示演讲者要表达的主题 (Lucas, 2008) , Where引发听者的思考、吸引听者的注意力, 让听者意识到问题与演讲内容相关。


词是体现演讲者的构思和与听众交流的最佳方式, 在所有影响演讲的因素中, 词是可以提前准备的, 而演讲者的语速、语音、肢体语言和目光交流等在演讲时才有所体现。因此, 演讲的参赛者在准备文稿时要侧重实词频率和选词特点同时, 把握词类分布与公共演讲的语言要求和公共演讲的特征的相关性, 以更好地向听众传达演讲的信息。

摘要:本文尝试采用语料库的研究方法, 对“21世纪杯”全国大学生英语演讲比赛中2005年至2014年前十名参赛者演讲文本中所选用词的特征进行研究。通过对讲稿中的实词量化分析, 结果表明参赛者的词类分布与公共演讲的语言要求、演讲的自身特征密切相关。



[1]Biber, D., Conrad, S.&Johansson, S.Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2009.

[2]Hatch, E.&Brown, C. (2001) Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

[3]Hunston, S. (2007) .Corpora in Applied Linguistics[M].Beijing:Cambridge University Press.

[4]Stephen E.Lucas (2008) .The Art of Public Speaking[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛决赛演讲稿 篇3











《口语版》中的内容阅读起来让人感到轻松自在,这是我对它最大的青睐!无论是Quick Fix,还是Screen Talk,其形象生动的图片人物及场景对话总让我能够愉快品读。其他栏目内容也十分有趣,在学习英语的同时,还能广博眼界,开拓视野,确实让人倾心于此!



“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛决赛演讲稿 篇4


Have you ever bought any food on the train? And do you ask for the receipt after buying it? Nowadays, all trains in China provide its passengers with receipts for commodities, but 7 years ago, things were quite different.On 13th of October, 2004, the train T109 from Beijing to Shanghai was speeding on the railway.A graduate student bought a sausage at 1 yuan on the train, then asked for a receipt.“Are you kidding? It‟s just one yuan!” The crew member was surprised.The student, however, answered in a determined voice, “I paid the money, so I deserve the receipt.”

“But we never give receipts on the train.‟ As a result, his further request was turned down by a cold shoulder.Several days later, the student sued the National Railway Ministry, for not providing receipts forpassengers.To his dismay, the court turned down the case for lack of evidence.But he, who majored in law at that time, believed law as a most powerful weapon, so he did not give up.Instead, he began his journey of collecting first-hand evidence by taking trains and buying commodities aboard.When his classmates were playing soccer, he was taking the train;When his classmates were buying food at Mcdonald‟s, he was buying food on the train;When his classmates were asking girls out, he was asking for the receipts.As he joked, „I was either taking the train or on the way to take the train.‟

One month later, he appeared in the court again, with newly-collected evidence and a stronger confidence.And I guess, ladies and gentlemen, you will all cheer for the result

because this time, the student won the case.Very soon, a regulation about receipts on the train came out.And whatever we buy on the train now, there‟s a receipt for us.Outside the court, the student was asked, “How do you make it to the end?” He said, “As a law student, I root my faith in law.I believe that law is there, to protect every person with no exception, and to ensure every person has a say.”

“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛决赛演讲稿 篇5

Ladies and Gentlemen:

¡¡¡¡How well are we in tune with the rhythm of life? In our busy day to day existence, we don¡¯t often stop to ask ourselves this question.At least I don¡¯t.And it wasn¡¯t until I joined a competitive sporting event that I learned a most important lesson ¨C we must place our mind in harmony with the natural order of things to be successful.¡¡¡¡Let me tell you what happened.¡¡¡¡I decided to take part in an International Marathon in my hometown last year.Being an ambitious person, I hoped to finish it within 5 hours, accompanied by my friend with whom I had trained.¡¡¡¡The big day finally arrived.“Ready...set...bang” And we were off.¡¡¡¡At first, we kept a rapid pace and ran nonstop.At this pace, we finished the first 20 kilometers in 2 hours and I thought running a marathon was a piece of cake.Then my running mate began to slow down.I urged him to keep running at the same pace but he said no, he wanted to conserve his energy.I felt I had partnered with the wrong person, therefore, I sprinted on and left him behind in the dust.¡¡¡¡A few kilometers later, I began to understand his strategy as my pace slowed to a jog then a walk.After that I was incapable of moving another step.I was humiliated as more and more people ran passed me.More than once I thought “Maybe I should quit.” I started to doubt my ability to finish this race.¡¡¡¡At this moment, my running mate caught up with me and slapped me on the back.¡°Follow me,¡± he shouted.He had balanced his marathon pace and was encouraged me to do the same.For the rest of this grueling contest, we walked, jogged, ran a few miles, and walked again.Slowly, painfully but hopefully this time, we established the most suitable pace within the natural flow of our physical capabilities.¡¡¡¡Eventually we accomplished our first Marathon of 42 kilometers in 4 and half hours.I asked myself, what did this marathon mean to me? My Marathon experience became an influential metaphor for my life about how we must learn to pace ourselves in everything, by being in tune with the rhythm of life.¡¡¡¡Like the tide that ebbs and flows, we must listen to advice but make our own decisions.Like the show at dawn and dusk, we must learn to balance pride and modesty.And from the way the wind can both shout and whisper, we must learn when to be strong and when to be gentle, for everything moves in its own rhythm and its own yin and yang elements.It is the interaction of these complementary extremes that produces harmony, as Laozi said, extremes meet.Since the marathon, this notion of two opposite forces working together has been my running partner, so to speak.Yin and yang exist everywhere, constantly interacting, and never existing in an absolute condition.¡¡¡¡Ladies and Gentlemen, life is like running a marathon, let us discover, define and develop a natural rhythm of life, in order to achieve both harmony and success.¡¡¡¡Thank you for listening£®

21世纪杯 演讲比赛 问题集 篇6

1.Afraid of making mistake, be a teacher, tolerant mistakes, change education system Q1: teacher, if u were a teacher in high school, what would u do if there is a naughty student who never listens to u?

Q2: if you were asked to value your teacher, what criteria will you make?

(pronunciation 7

content 8 已备演讲ok,即兴演讲和问题都不错,内容好)

2.to be a translator,translate Chinese literature to English Q1: nowadays, a lot of feigners are more interested in Chinese, if they read Chinese well.Do you think it is better?

Q2: worry too much about what other people think of them? How about you? Do you think it is a waste of time?

3.To be a great erhu player Q1: Could you compare the different beauty of traditional chinese music and western music? Q2: Tourism should be tightly control, others say we don’t need too may restrictions, what do you think?

4.TO Be A clear-minded person(胡逸凡)Q1: impressed about the ending.Charles Digens.Could you say more about Charles Digens about his writer.Q2: Parents send kids to training classes.Do you think young people benefit a lot from these classes.Reasons to(1)force them to take classes(2)children want to attend this course

5.Let me life be alive

Q1: being alive, do you think it’s a good life for human beings to live forever? If no one dies, what will happen?

Q2: some people say life is a mirror, if you smile to it, it smiles back, what does it mean?

6.A giver, a host, singer, become famous so that I can contribute …

Q1: Obama and his speech, students’ responsibility.If our president here today, what would he say to the contestants and audience here.Q2: friend.What does a friend need to be a good friend.Characteristics? 7.Q1: Should Chinese government abandon one-child policy? Q2: Which one is more important? Talent or hard-working?

8.Q1: food safety Q2: Should school separate boys from girls?


Q1:a chance for you to give a lecture on one aspect of chinese culture.What will you talk about and why?(Art)Q2: goal of education?

10.A famous journalist Q1: Besides communication skills, what other quality does a journalist should have?

Q2: what are advantages of being rich

11.Q1:spend too much on English other than their mother tongue? Q2:saving money is a good habit, while others think using tomorrow’s money today is better.What do you think of it?

12.Travel around the world q1:time machine that can help you travel to the past, which period of time will you choose to go to? q2:do you think people can learn as much from the internet as from books?

13.Q1: in the record of Chinese history, famous detectives, if there is a competition between Sherlock Holmes and Baogong, who will be the winner? Q2: happiest job the world

14.To be a teacher Q1: is it good to combine arts and science in high school teaching?

Q2: which one is more important? Learning from book or learning from experience?

15.Q1: sweet memory of village life, could you tell us the disadvantages of rural life? Q2: the most important characteristics for success?

16.to be a director

Q1: please recommend your favorite director? Q2: best university in your eye? 17.Q1: people who are well educated are under great pressure.So is it true that people can be happier if they are all educated?

Q2: saw stranger rob on the street? Will you help him/her?

18.Q1: How to waste less in daily life? Q2: how to be self-controlled?

19.gratitude Q1: If you make friends, which kind of people are you looking for? Someone who is similar to you or different from you?

Q2: What makes a happy family?

20.Q1: The pursuit of human being is never ending!Elaborate the philosophy of this sentence.Q2: If you make friends, do you look for someone similar or different?

21.photographer Q1: 3 pictures in our speech contest, what photos will you take?

Q2: Air pollution in chinese cities is very serious, what can we do on a daily basis to improve air quality?

22.Q1: 瓦尔登湖,writer, tell us something about him(since the contestant mentioned the writer in her speech)

Q2: As a high school student, do you think people spend too much time learning English stead of other languages?

11,19,16, 31.Q1: could you share with us about your life when you get very old, 80 years old.Q2: self-control, how can a high school develop self-control? Self-disciplined

32.to be a psychologist

Q1: when you are facing difficulties, whom will you turn to? Your family or friends? Q2: the air pollution is serious, what can we do to improve air quality? On daily basis.33.love peace Q1: If you were the secretary of UN, what will you do to keep the peace in the world? Q2: studying abroad, will you go abroad?


Q1: many high school, falling in love is this a good idea? Q2: evaluate teacher, fair decision?

35.talking about his dad

Q1: What kind of father will you be like in the future.Q2: what is the most important skill to be successful?

36.to be a traveller

Q1: How can you be a traveller if you don’t have enough money? Q2: What do you think will be the happiest job in the world? Why?

37.to be a psychologist Q1: Psychologist himself/herself suffers from pressure, how do they solve the problem?

Q2: if you can get whatever you want, money, power, or beauty?

38.go to a top uni Q1: What else do you expect from university life besides knowledge? Q2: life is a mirror ….AGAIN!

40.Q1: doctor-patient relationship is a problem, can you give some solutions? Q2: Volunteering can show a person’s responsibility, If you were a volunteer, what work will you do to help people?

41.singer Q1: Today’s China, a lot of talent shows, what’s your idea about talent shows? Q2: Having too much money, good or bad?

42.Q1: What is an unqualified teacher?

Q2: Do you think people can as much as they can on internet as they can learn from the book?


Q1:what is your concept is an ideal husband Q2: In some countries, teenagers can get a part time job during school.Do you think it is a good idea?

44.Q1: Q2: Using tomorrow’s money?

45.Q1: Green ambassador? What can we do to better the haze weather? Q2: If you saw strangers rob, will you help him/her?

46.To be a doctor Q1: If you were a doctor, what would you suggest you patient who is suffering from a fatal disease such as cancer and have only three months life? Will you suggest him to receive medical treatment or go home and spend last time with his family?

Q2: Some people say tourism should be controlled to protect the places? Others think it is OK.47.Q1: Who do you think makes greater contribution, musicians or scientists? Why? Q2:

Q1: What should be a perfect relationship between human being and nature? Q2: which is the most important invention in human’s history?

49.Q1: Rewrite the novel, what changes will you make? Q2: it’s getting hard for graduates to find a job, do you thin going to the university is really a good way or do you have any other plan for them?


Q1: You are a student.Do you think online course will take place of traditional classes?

英语演讲比赛决赛流程 篇7





20名选手围绕规定题目:“When Socrates Meets Confucius” 进行演讲;












英语演讲比赛决赛通讯稿 篇8





“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛决赛演讲稿 篇9

Younger Generation Good morning,Ladies and Gentlemen.Today I’m very happy to be here to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of Globlization.And first of all,I would like to mention an event in our recent history.Thirty years ago,American president Richard Nixon made an epoch-making visit to China,a country still isolate at that time.Premier Zhou Enlai said to him,”Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world:twenty-five years of no communication.”Ever since then,China and America have exchanged many handshakes of various kinds.The fundamental implication of this example is that the need and desire to felt by the two countries but by many other nations as well.As we can say today,environmentalists from different countries are making joint efforts to address the issue of global warming,economists are seeking solutiongs to financial crises that economy, and diplomats,and politicians are getting together to discuss the issue of combating terrorism,Peace and prosperity has become a common goal that we are striving for all over the world.Underlying this mighly trend of globalization is the echo of E.M.Forster’s world :”Only connect!”

With the IT revolution taking place, traditional boundaries of human society fall away.Our culture politics ,society,and commerce are being sloshed into a large melting pot of humanity.In this inter-linked world,ther are no outsiders,for a disturbance in one place is likely to inpact other parts of the globe.We have begun to realize that a world divided cannot endure.China is now actively integrating into the world.Our recent entry to the WTO is a good example.For decades ,we have taken pride in being self-reliant,but now we realize the importance of participating in and contributing to a vroader economic order.From the precarious role in the world arena to our present WTO membership,we have come a long way.But what does the way ahead look like?In some parts of the world people are demonstrating against globalization.Are they justified then, in criticizing the globalizing world?Instead of harrowing,the gap between the rich and the poor,they say,globalization enables developed nations to swallow the developing nations’wealth in debts and interest.Globalization,they argue,should be about an earnest interest in every other nation’s economic health.We are reminded by Karl Marx that capital goes beyond national borders and eludes control from any other entity.This has become a reslity,Multinational corporations are seeking the loweat cost,the largest market,and the most favorable policy.They are often powerful lobbyists in government decision-making ,ruthless expansionists in the global market place and a devastating presence to local businesses.For China,still more chanllenges exist.How are we going to ensure a smooth transition from the planned economy to a market-bases one?How to construct a legal system that is sound enough and broad enough to respond to the needs of a dynamic

21世纪杯即兴演讲集 篇10

Topic 1 :Does money equal success?

Ok , ladies and gentlemen , here I’ve got a question for you.What is success?Well, I don’t know.But obviously, the professor hold a simple outlook—money equals success.Here I don’t want to argue whether it is right or wrong.Because we will never come to an agreement on this question.But one thing for sure is that except for money, our self-content and our feelings of realizing our life value will bring us tremendous happiness.Visiting our parents often , sparing some time to date our boyfriend or girlfriend while we are drowned by endless work, having an excursion to explore the world again, Of cause, having an affair is not included.These tiny changes really make us happy, like walking on the cloud, ha? So, why don’t we change the perspective to measure success just in terms of money? No more money-oriented, but stress equal importance of money and living our life happily.Some of you may be thinking that: little pumpkin, you just talk big , you never know what the world really look like.The road we have trudged is much more than the salt you have eaten.Chinglish expression, you know what I mean, right? But I do learn this from my personal experience.My grandmother used to be a cook in a small local restaurant.During that time, she was very busy, but her salaries really disappointed me.―granny , why don’t you just quit this job, what you have gained from this job is really disproportional with what you have done‖ I asked her.―Well, I don’t think so.You know, when I was cooking for you, I was extremely happy.Thinking that you gradually grow up, being a young lady as you always wanted to be.I cannot help you that much through that way, look at me, I am only a cook.But I can promise you that every dishes you enjoyed is full of tender love.The same goes to others, I hope that everyone who eat here could leave with joy‖, my granny’s answer exactly suggest that the highest reward from work is not only about the money, but also the process of making others happy.Absolutely as a cook and granny, she was a huge success, although she earn less.Now my granny has gone, but her spirits live on.In the pursuit of happiness, I never walk alone!

Now, what about those millionaires? They are rich, they have many choices, they have high expectations in life.Three strikes against them, fact is that it’s very difficult to elevate their happiness index.Let me give you an example.Suppose that you were a millionaire, now you want to buy a piece of evening dress to attend a celebrity party.Your favorite is Chanel, which will undoubtedly make you in the spotlight.But your advisor suggest you to choose Lanvin because it will be unique since everyone’s prior choice is Chanel.Meanwhile your friends prefer that you wear Armani to become the queen of that party.Which one is the best? It should be quite simple that you attend that party, meet your friends and have fun.Now it’s much more complicated.You suffer choice anxiety which deprive your happiness index over and over again.You are rich, you can buy anything you want, you have millions options, but the

thing is that you just can’t make your final decision.Because the purpose of attending the party has changed.You lost in the vanity fair, you want to shine, you desire never dies , you become a person who is hard to satisfy.Eventually, your bank account continue to boom, however your soul bank is likely to go bankrupt.Not a single thing can make you happy or satisfied in life.Can we call these guys successful people? Can we say money equal success?

Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think? My point of view is that whether we are rich or not, William Faulkner told us : life goes on.A millionaire may buy a Ferrari when he was in deep blue.Then what about a proletarian like me? We just get hangover.But the two have the same effect.Yes, life goes on!Most importantly, be yourself, then you will be invincible.It’s not about success.It’s not about money.It’s all about you and me.Thank you very much.Topic 2: Need for speed drives change
