


和新东方老师学翻译 篇1


not so much…as… because of in short as we call it a series of over the years turn…on… rather than at the expense of vice versa depend on the driving force 1995 in doing sth.divert…from… lie with… be validated by… whether…or… depend upon…and on… depend upon…and upon… such…as… in general for example compensate for grow up

under…circumstances.1996 be results of… social needs to some extent come to the conclusion

make demand of… scientific establishment in detail

a certain amount of not related to… immediate goals be unable to do… in principle deal with

new forms of thought as well as

new subjects for thought in the past give rise to sth.1997

an agreed account of… human rights leads...to… at the outset invite sb.to do sth.extend to no…at all.Arguing from the view that…different from....in every relevant respect in action rather than 1998

even more important be able to look into put forward

be required for sb.to do sth.close in on… as expected 1999 as…as… conform to see…as

less…and more… whether…or… refer to peculiar to… in genera appropriate to… apply to view…as… equate…with….2000

under…conditions such as

it is obvious that… be directly bound up with in turn rest upon… of all kinds owing to be exposed to sth.be forced to do sth.for the reasons given abovespread over or so because of arise from…

modern means of transport 2001

be regarded as… rather than piece together hundreds of around the world key breakthroughs take place point out lead to home appliances result in 2002 what is called trace…to… and so on

…partly because…and partly because…

be held responsible for… give credit for… with it 2003 subject…to… define…as… makes…possible 2004

have some connections with…take root be obliged to sb.die out so…that… accuse sb.of…

be interested in doing sth.come to

believe in a sort of

produce consequences for 2005 bring together in relation to one another …out of… no less than take a loss make up deal with on a scale

it is no exaggeration to say…2006 define…as… be analogous to… lead…to… contribute to… be charged with… dedicate…to… make reflections on… 1990

be determined by… have something to do with… be central to sth.in contrast due to… be deprived of… 1991 shut off in any case or so

at the rate of… take time be likely to… result in not nearly head into in the matter of… make…possible combine…with… 1992 refer to… agreement on….be comparable to… in terms of… on the whole draw a conclusion have the attitude towards…1993 nothing but… of course by means of… by the help of… in a sort of sense manage to do sth.extract …from… out of… build up by no means be compared with… a sort of… set in differ in… go through

和新东方老师学翻译 篇2





历时一年的申请之路,总算是有了个Happy Ending。从2008年9月考虑是否读研,到2009年2月递交申请材料,再到4月参加面试笔试,这一路真是一波三折。



因为香港的大学住宿是不对研究生开放的,我开始在香港一些大学的BBS论坛上找房子,很快就联系上了一个女生。受TVB的毒害太严重,我以为香港的房子都很宽敞,设施超齐备,所以当她打开QQ视频的时候,我彻底被震惊了。一个不足10平米的房子,摆着一张极窄的上下床,一张小桌子可怜地卡在床和墙壁中间,再也放不下任何多余的东西,而一个床位的价格,就要2 500块。我愣愣地坐在电脑前,脑袋一片空白,眼泪刷刷流了下来。我不敢相信,未来的一年,我就要在这样的“鸽笼”里开始所期待的美丽新生活。害怕、茫然、压抑充斥着整个盛夏,机票被我改了又改,终于在开学的前一天,我不得不挣扎着踏上去香港的飞机。







