


初一英语下选择题 篇1

























(北京 京 北京)(天津 津 天津)(上海 沪上海)(重庆市 渝 重庆)其中临海的是天津市和上海市;在内陆的是北京市和重庆市。






18、我国的民族分布特点(大杂居 小聚居)我国少数民族主要分布在(东北 西北 西南)我国少数民族人数最多的是(壮族)








节分配特点 夏秋多,冬春少,水资源的空间分配特点 南方多,北方少;东北多,西部少。





27、保护水资源的办法是 开源节流























43、我国石油主要分布在(东北 华北 和西北)地区

44、我国主要的油田是(大庆 辽河 华北 胜利 中原 克拉玛依)等,主要分的地区是华北和西北



A、秦始皇陵B、黄山C、壶口瀑布 D、桂林漓江


A、阳光海滩 B、流泉飞瀑C、风味佳肴D、奇峰怪石




49、我国的四大工业基地自北向南分别是: 辽中南工业基地、京津塘工业基地、沪宁杭工业基地和珠江三角洲工业基地,其中纬度最高的是 辽中南工业基地。


初一英语下选择题 篇2

1. 首先要根据考试性质和测试目的以及《英语课程标准 (实验稿) 》的规定来确定语法、词汇及日常交际用语等语言知识的考查范围。如:

_____do my grandparents like Beijing Opera_____my father and my uncle.

A.Not only, but also

B.Neither, nor

C.Either, or

D.Both, and

not only放在句首, 后用倒装语序, 这是高考的考查范围。在初中阶段可以这样命题:

______Wang Fan______I am interested in the novel The Monkey King.Both of us like it.

A.Both, and B.Not only, but also

C.Neither, nor D.Either, or

2. 试题设计要具有科学性和严谨性, 保证试题的答案没有争议。如:

I wonder______he will come on time.

A.if B.whether C.that D.when

此题中的A、B两个选项都可以, 因此应避免上述情况的出现。这样命题较好:

______you see him this morning, please ask John______he will have time tomorrow.

A.Whether, if B.If, whether

C.Wether, or not D.If, or not

3. 设计干扰项时, 不能出现拼写、大小写或语法错误, 否则将失去干扰意义。如:

_____is coming.Here are some flowers______you.

A.Womens’Day, to

B.womens’day, for

C.women’s day, to

D.Women’s Day, for

考查节日表达法, 以小写为干扰项有些勉强。

Can you tell me_____?

A.who is heB.he is who

C.who’s thisD.who he is

答案B有明显的语法错误, 因此干扰意义不大。

4. 正确答案与干扰项词性应基本一致, 不应有明显的差别。如:

The coffee______has no sugar in it sells well.

A.though B.which C.but D.even

此题中though和but是连词, even是副词, which是关系代词, 区别太明显。下面这道题干扰项的设置就比较好:

Football is______an exciting sport that people all over the world love it.

A.so B.rather C.such D.quite

5. 设置语境, 突出交际运用, 尽量避免单纯的语法考查。应在一定的语境中考查语言知识的灵活运用能力, 内容上力求多元化、科学化和规范化, 这样有利于考查学生理解和运用英语、捕捉信息、分析信息的能力, 充分体现英语学习的交际原则。如:

—I have to get to the airport at ten o’clock but it is nine twenty now.

—______!I can send you there by car.

A.That’s a deal B.Hurry up

C.Don’t worry D.Try your best

此题4个选项极具迷惑性, 考生需要仔细理解题干语境的有效信息才能正确解题。分析语境得知:现在是9点20分, 10点不得不到达机场, “我”可以驾车送你到那儿, 因此应说“不必着急”。

6. 联系生活, 考查应用能力。

联系学生生活实际是英语课堂教学必须贯彻的原则, 而着力考查学生运用基础知识分析和解决实际 (包括社会实际、生产生活实际和学生实际) 问题的能力, 也是英语命题努力的方向。这就要求学生多留心身边的英语, 联系实际, 学以致用。

7. 关注社会热点, 以当前时事热点为载体考查语言知识。极具时效性的语言材料往往是学生在课本中学不到的, 这对引导学生关注日常生活中的时事, 积累信息会起到很好的正面引导作用。如:

Ren Changxia, a policewoman, was always very busy.She had little time to spend______his family.

A.about B.on C.with D.in

答案为B。此题以我们熟知的任长霞一心为公、全心全意为人民服务的事迹为载体, 考查spend...on...这一习惯用语, 把具有重要社会影响的人物事迹放在考题中, 具有很强的教育意义。

8. 考查中西文化差异, 拓展学生的视野。这也体现了《英语课程标准 (实验稿) 》对基础教育阶段英语课程的要求:帮助学生了解世界和东西方文化差异, 开阔视野, 培养学生的爱国主义精神, 形成健康的人生观, 为其终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。如:

—You speak good English.


A.No, I don’t B.Yes, I do

C.Thank you D.Not at all

回答别人对自己的夸赞, 英语要用Thank you, 这一点与汉语截然不同。

9. 渗透学科整合, 注重不同学科知识间的内在联系。如:

The Yellow River is____the Changjiang River.

A.not so long as B.as long as

C.longer than D.long as

初一英语下选择题 篇3

五、 补全信息法



1. (2011江苏卷) It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. _________, we’d better take it to the garage immediately.

A. OtherwiseB. If not

C. But for thatD. If so

【解析】选D。短语if so实际上是一个省略的表达方式,补全了即为:if the case is so。otherwise 表示“否则”,意思不对;if not表示“如果不的话”;but for what是指“但是为什么呢”,意思用在这儿都不符合逻辑关系。此句意为:听上去好像这辆车的发动机有问题了,要是情况如此的话,我们最好立刻把它送到修理厂去。

2. (2011全国卷II) Jane won’t join us for dinner tonight and _________.

A. neither won’t Tom

B. Tom won’t either

C. Tom will too

D. so will Tom

【解析】选B。此题也是要用补全信息法才能选出正确答案。B选项中实际省略了动词短语join us for dinner,补全了即为Tom won’t join us for dinner either。如果是A选项,因为neither已经有否定的含义,所以应改为neither will Tom才可以。此句意为:珍妮今晚不会来和我们一起吃晚饭,汤姆也不会。

六、 注意标点符号



1. (2011全国卷II) Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, _________ is a stupid thing to do in such weather.

A. thisB. that

C. whatD. which


2. (2004重庆卷) There are eight tips in Dr. Roger’s lecture on sleep, and one of them is: _________ to bed early unless you think it is necessary.

A. doesn’t goB. not to go

C. not goingD. don’t go

【解析】选D。此题很容易选B,认为是动词不定式作表语,但其实冒号已经表明后面是Dr. Roger讲的原话,原话应当是个句子,只有选D才构成一个否定的祈使句。此句意为:罗杰医生的讲稿里提出了八个睡眠注意事项,其中一项就是:不要过早上床,除非你觉得想睡了。

七、 消除思维定势



(2011四川卷) Simon made a big bamboo box _________ the little sick bird till it could fly.

A. keepB. kept

C. keepingD. to keep

【解析】选D。很多同学看到句中有make,就会受思维定势的影响,想到make sb. do sth. 的固定搭配模式。实际上稍微仔细考虑此题就会发现该题不是考查这一固定搭配。空格处应该是一个动词不定式短语作目的状语,因此选D。此句意为:西蒙做了一个大竹箱,以收留那只生病的小鸟,让它在能振翅飞翔之前有地方可住。

八、 注意分析语境



1. (2010福建卷) Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, __________ supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake.

A. sendingB. to send

C. having sentD. to have sent

【解析】选A。本题考查非谓语动词,同时也是对考生实际生活知识的考查,符合课标的要求,同时也提醒考生注意将语言的学习与实际生活相结合。句中,现在分词短语作伴随状语,表示同时发生的动作,故选A项。C项表示send的动作在work的动作之前已完成,不符合题意。动词不定式表示出乎预料的结果,作目的状语时一般不与主句隔开,由此也可排除B、D两项。 此句意为:许多救援人员正夜以继日地工作,向震后的青海省玉树灾区运送救援物资。

2. (2011山东卷) —Are you going to Tom’s birthday party?

—_________. I might have to work.

A. It depends

B. Thank you

C. Sounds great

D. Don’t mention it

【解析】选A。在该题中,如果不看后面一句直接回答上面的问题,则A,B,C都有可能正确。但是观察下一句回答:I might have to work.(我可能得工作。)由此句判断A是最佳选项。即回答是:看情况而定吧,我可能得工作。

九、 熟记固定搭配和固定句型

熟记固定搭配,掌握固定句型。在平时的学习中注意积累一些常见的固定句式、动词与副词的搭配、名词和形容词的搭配等,许多问题便可迎刃而解。掌握学习中常见的一些固定句式,如:祈使句 + andor + sb. will...;It + be + some time + before...; It wasn’t until... that...等,这对于提高单项选择题的准确率及书面表达的规范性都有好处。



1. (2011上海卷) When Mom looked back on the early days of their marriage, she wondered how they had managed with ________ money.

A. so fewB. such few

C. so littleD. such little

【解析】选C。so修饰形容词或副词,such修饰名词;有时候两种搭配可以互相转换,如:such a clever boy可以转换成so clever a boy。但是,名词前面有much, many, few, little修饰时,则只能用so。又因为后面的money是不可数名词,所以不能用few来修饰,故答案选C。此句意为:回忆起他们刚结婚的那段日子,妈妈也很讶异靠那么少的钱,他们是怎么过来的。

2. (2011上海卷) It’s no use _________ without taking action.

A. complain

B. complaining

C. being complained

D. to be complained

【解析】选B。本句考查的是It is no use doing sth.这个固定句型,该句型意为“做某事没有用”。此句意为:一味抱怨而不采取行动是没有用的。

十、 巧妙运用排除法



(2011江苏卷)—I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to the railway officials.

—How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone _________ it.

A. will have stolen

B. might have stolen

C. should have stolen

D. must have stolen

【解析】选B。通过观察句子可以初步判断该题是考查对过去情况的推测。对过去情况推测应该用“情态动词+have done”的形式,由此可以排除A。C选项意思是“本应该”,含有责备的意思,与上下文的意思不符,可排除。B项中might表示可能的,语气不是很肯定的推测;D项中的must表示语气非常肯定的推测。结合句意:——我把手提包丢在火车上了,幸运的是有人将它交给了乘警。——真是难以置信它居然回到了你手上。我是说,有人可能会将它偷走。由此可知,题干语气并不是很肯定,排除D,故选B。

初一下英语期末总结(模版) 篇4

2The Smiths ___________sitting at the table.A isB amC areD be

3On Spring Festival everyone __________ on their new clothes.A hasB haveC havingD are having

4Tony is using his computer __________ her email.A checkB to checkC doD to enjoy

5----Would you like to go to cinema with me?

----_________,A That’s rightB That’s all rightC Thank youD Yes, I’d love to.6I _________ a teacher in the future.A will beB is beC is beingD will is

7Wales has _________ population of about 3 million.A aB anC theD /

8This English newspaper is very easy for the students because there are ________ new words in it.A fewB a fewC littleD a little

9They are friendly _______ us.A toB atC withD in

10Look!The boy _________ over there.A is singingB is going to singC singsD singing

11My classmates listen to our teacher ________.A carefulB quietlyC carelessD loudly

12No one is _______ Mary in the class.A so tallest asB as taller asC so high asD so tall as

13It takes ________ time to get there by train.A too manyB too muchC very muchD much too

14There is a busy street __________ lots of stores.A inB onC atD with

15He ________ his hometown after he graduated from Qinghua University.A came backB went backC returnedD returned to

16Bill’s mother often tells him ________spend too much time playing computer games.A not toB be notC don’tD doesn’t

17----When will you reach Beijing?

----We’ll __________ there on March 10th.The girl spend ten days __________ to ski.A learnB to learnC learningD learnt

19He will wait _________ the bus stop this afternoon.A inB atC forD to

20We enjoy the party ________.A manyB someC a lot ofD a lot

21I ________ the picture, but I can’t ________ any birds

A look;seeB see;lookC look at;seeD see;look at

22Look at the man.He __________ the bus.A runs forB is runsC is runningD is running for

23Thank you for _______ us.A helpB to helpC helpingD helps

24My mother _________ noodles, but my father _________.A likes;doesn’tB don’t like;do C likes;didn’tD didn’t like;do

25My uncle enjoys ___________ TV after supper.A watchingB watchedC watchesD to watch

26There is going to _______ a football match next Saturday.A haveB hasC beD be

27They hope it is going to be _______.A windsB windC windyD to wind

28The boy _______ his homework on time every day.A do doesB does not doC doD do not do

29One of my friends _________ a foreigner.A amB isC areD be

30Hurry up!The bus __________ soon.A leavesB is leavingC going to leaveD leave

31He tries to stop his wife from making ______ with those women.A a friendB friendlyC friendsD friendship

32I think we will _________ ourselves at his birthday party next Sunday.A loveB enjoyC keepD like

33They are going ti watch a football game __________ this Friday.A onB inC atD /

34I am going to revise _________ my test.A withB toC forD because

35We have some problems ____________there on time.A gettingB to getC comingD get

36Our life will be ________ better in the 22th century.A lessB muchC fetD more

37It’s going to be ________ tomorrow.A rainB rainyC rainsD raining

38----I hope you ________ my party next weekend.----Ok.I _______.A to come to;willB come to;will

C can comeD can come to;can

39What _______ weather it is!

A a fineB a badC the badD bad

40----________ will the meeting begin?

----In half an hour.A How longB How oftenC How manyD How soon

41In winter, temperature usually _______ zero.A falls underB falls belowC in falling underD will fall below

42We _________ to the park if it is fine tomorrow.A will goB have goneC goD is coing

43What do you think of the young man __________ a good looking face?

A onB inC withD of

44________ my free time, Ilike listening to music.A InB AtC OnD About

45China is very________ the Great Wall and pandas.A famous asB ready toC famous forD ready for

46__________ the population of Beijing>

A WhatB How many isC What’sD How much is

47Tom is __________ of the two boys.A youngerB youngC the youngestD the younger

48___________ you read, ___________ you will be.A The more;the happier;B The much;the happier

C More;happierD Much;happy

49They are busy __________ their work now.A doingB to doC with doingD do

50The country has __________.A a small populationB a little population

C a much populationD a more population

51Her voice sounds ___________.A beautifulB beautifullyC goodD well

52I find __________ important to learn English well.A thisB thatC itD one

53It’s clever __________ him to do that.A forB withC ofD about

54You need _________ a present for Tom’s birthday.A buyB to buyC buyingD buys

55“Is the math problem __________?”“Yes, I can work is out _____________.”

A easy;easilyB easy;easyC easily;easyD easily;easily

56I waited for him _________ ten last night.A toB untilC forD at

57You mustn’t eat anything __________ you see the doctor.A becauseB ifC whenD until

58The baby is too young to ___________.A put onB wearC get dressedD put on himself

59Here __________ some pictures __________ our trip __________ Shanghai.A is;of;toB are;of;toC is;with;toD are;with;of

60----________ is it from your home to the cinema?

----About twenty minutes’ walk.A How longB How oftenC How farD How soon

61_________ of the two women is my teacher.A The olderB OlderC The oldD The oldest

62One of the two sisters is more friendly than ___________.A that oneB anotherC the otherD others

63She _________ no time to have breakfast.A hasB hadC wasD were

64Quincy is a town ___________ the east coast of America.A inB atC onD with

65__________ I’ll go back to my hometown.I missed it very much.A SometimesB One dayC Some timeD Some times

66Fish cannot live ___________ water.A withB hasC withoutD doesn’t have

67Our teacher is strict __________ us__________ our study.A with;withB with;inC in;withD in;in

68His brother was born _____ May, 1982.A inB atC toD on

69Bill Gates is the _______ of theMicrosoft.A founderB finderC foundD find

70We should be _________ foreign friends.A friendsB friendlyC friendlyD friend to

71There _________ so many people in the street.A isB areC haveD has

72He was born _________ May 18th ,1999.A inB onC toD at

73My brother often ________ me stories in the evenings.A tellsB speakC talksD say

74There was no one there, so Lucy entered ________ the house.A toB intoC /D in

75He went shopping ___________ some food.A forB buyC take

76He hurried ___________ the shop __________ some food.A to;buyB up;buyC to;to buyD to;bought

77----Have your read this book?

----Yes.I ________ it two weeks ago.A am readingB have readC will readD read

78She ________ like the two big beds.A don’tB didn’tC wasn’t

79----Do you know _________ tomorrow?

----At 8’clock.A when did she comeB when she came

C when will she comeD when she will come

80Last Sunday he _________ to the theatre.A by bikeB by his bikeC on a bikeD rode a bike

81I can’t understand this passage _________ there are no new words in it.A ifB becauseC thoughD and

82Some monkeys are sitting _________ the tree.A onB inC atD of

83The old woman ________ at the age of 80.A deathB deadC dieD with

84How long did you it ________ you finish your homework.A takeB spendC tookD spent

85He with his friends ________ going to the USA.A amB isC areD be

86It often _______ here in autumn.A rainB will rainC rainsD is raining


1It’s six o’clock now.The Greens ______________(have)dinner at home.2He ___________(real)likes learning English.3I don’t enjoy ___________(dance).4Red ____________(mean)good luck in China.5Look!The people _____________(swim)in the river.6Christmas is an important ____________(west)festival.7He often __________(do)his homework after dinner, but now he ___________(do)it because he wants __________(watch)a football matches.8How _________ your parents _________(go)to work?

9__________ she __________(go)to Beijing tomorrow.10Are these ____________(knife)yours?

11He often helps me __________(do)my homework.12Everyone is our class __________(like)to learn English.13There __________(be)a basketball match in our school next week.14----What will the weather be like tomorrow?

----It will be _________(wind).I will stay at home and do some __________(clean).He is getting ________(dress)now.The ___________(hard)you are, the ____________(much)you get.The Chinese boy speaks English ___________(well).My sister learns English ___________(quick).Daming runs _____________(fast)in our school.Dick sings ____________(well).Alice sings ___________(well)than John.But Mary sings

初一下学期英语演讲稿 篇5

Hello, everyone!

Glad to be here with you. I’m honored to meet new friends from other regions.

Welcome friends!

Next, please allow me to introduce myself. I hope you will love me. Thank you!

My name is Ma Hao. I’m 14 years old. I come from Hainan Middle School. I am in Grade Two. I love my school, my teachers and classmates. As vice chairman of the student union, I win glory for the school, teachers and students wholeheartedly. I am excellent in character and learning, so I am chosen as “good student of middle school “ and “excellent student cadre” every year.

I am optimistic. I have a lot of hobbies. In my hobby, I realize the power of happiness and knowledge.

I like innovation and technology. I won the second prize of the National Innovation and Technology, the second prize of the National Information Olympics and the third prize of the National Robot Contest. They sparked my aspirations of exploring science and technology.

I like making friends with others. I have many good friends. I feel very happy, because they are not only good friends but also helpful teachers and they will give me help and care.

I like listening to music. Music can make people happy and relaxed and let people forget the troubles. Music opens my mind and brings me a sense of beauty.

I like reading books. I won the second prize of “Shengtao Cup Essay Contest”. Learning with fun, I am reveling in the ocean of knowledge.

In charge of United Nations Club of Hainan Middle School, I had participated in the National Model United Nations for middle school students and got the Best Potential

Award. From the contest, I can see a kind of real situation which contains creativity and vitality. It encourages me to learn English well.

I believe I will be the best in my efforts!

初一下学期人教版英语期末试卷 篇6

基础知识(70分)V、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)根据下列句子的语境及相关信息,选择最佳答案。31.Get up, it’s time _____ school.A.for

B.to go


D.go to 32.Look!They _____ the soccer match on TV.A.watch

B.are watching


D.watching 33.Please _______ in class, boys and girls.Let’s begin.A.eat

B.not talk

C.don’t eat

D.talk 34.My pen pal is English, he comes from _______.A




35.Can you please put my ______ to my mother in the school magazine? She can read it.A.letter



D.vegetables 36.His dog was lost, that made him ______.A.feel happy

B.be sad

C.feel crowded

D.be dangerous 37.We went to the beach ______ Saturday afternoon last week.A.on



D.at 38.I would like to have fish for lunch, ______ it is very delicious.A.but



D.because 39.---What is your favorite_______?

---I like pandas best.A.animal


C.TV show

D.job 40.We watched someone sleeping in Picture ________.A




41.There ______ some money in the wallet that I found.A.is



D.has 42.I can’t go out now, it ______ outside.A.is cleaning

B.is raining

C.is terrible

D.is wind 43.– Where did you go?

--I read at the _______.A.pool



D.restaurant 44.My uncle is a ______ in a big hotel near here.A.nurse


C.shop assistant

D.waiter 45.---_________.Where is the pay phone?

---It’s next to the supermarket.A.Sorry

B.Thank you

C.Excuse me

D.You’re welcome 46.---______ do you think of the weekend talk?

---I ______ stand it.A.What, don’t

B.What, can’t

C.How, can’t

D.How, don’t 47.I’m very hungry, I want to have _____.A.much money

B.lots of heat

C.some hamburgers

D.many glasses 48.---Do you think ______ enjoys their weekend?

---Yes, I think so.A.anybody



D.somebody 49.--______ did they go on vacation?

--They went on vacation last month.A.Where



D.When 50.---What ______ your cousin ______?

---She is a bit thin with long black hair.A.is, look like

B.does, like

C.is, like

D.does, be like VI、口语运用(每小题1分,共15分)A)根据对话内容,从方框中选择正确的答案完成下列对话。A.and I did my homework.B.and I played tennis.C.how about you? D.What did you do last weekend, E.What did you do?

Teacher: So, did everyone have a good weekend? Student chorus: Uh-huh.Yeah!Sure, Ms Clark.Teacher: Good.51

Emma? Emma: I visited my grandmother, 52

Teacher: Great.And how about you, Ben? 53

Ben: I studied for the math test.Teacher: Uh-huh.Carol,54

What did you do? Carol: I went to the beach, 55

Teacher: Sounds like you had fun.B)逻辑排列 根据对话的逻辑顺序重新排列下列对话,使其成为一段通顺的对话,注意首句和尾句已经给出。A: Hello, Sam? A.So, How’s it going there? B.Maria? Hi!Where are you? C.I’m having a party.My whole family is here.D.Hot.Hot and humid.And sunny.E.I’m in Mexico!I’m calling to say happy birthday!F.Terrible.It’s cold and raining.How’s the weather there? G.Great!How’s it going with you?

H.Oh, that sounds like fun.How’s the weather? I.Oh, thanks!J.Pretty good.What are you doing? B: Sounds good …

56-60 ______________ 61-65 _______________ VII、阅读理解(共25分)A)根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(用T表示)误(用F表示)。(每小题1分,共5分)Li Ming went to Shanghai for her vacation.The first day the weather was terrible!It was cloudy and raining.Li Ming took a bus to the museum.The museum was crowded but very interesting.It was hot and sunny the next day.Li Ming went to the beach.She played soccer and went skateboarding.It was great!The last day she visited her aunt and uncle.It was boring, but at night they went to the movies.They saw a very funny comedy.66.The weather was humid on the first day.67.There were many people in the museum.68.Li Ming played sports on the beach.69.Li Ming enjoyed the day with her aunt and uncle.70.The movie was kind of sad.B)根据下列信息或短文,选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共20分)A(1)The looks are for Tom’s family.Family member His /her looks father tall, curly hair mother short, black hair, heavy sister long curly hair, medium build brother looks like my mother, short, heavy(2)Here is weather report in some cities in China.WEATHER REPORT City Max(最高温度)Min(最低温度)Weather Beijing Dalian Harbin Shenzhen Ji’nan Xiamen Chongqing 50C 10C-160C 240C 60C 190C 200C-70C-110C-250C 130C-20C 130C 120C sunny cloudy to sunny light snow sunny to cloudy cloudy windy rainy(3)This is TV show in Chongqing Station.71.Tom’s mother is ______ and heavy with ______ hair.A.tall, curly

B.short, black

C.medium, long

D.short, long 72.Beijing is ______ Chongqing is raining.A.sunny to cloudy

B.cloudy to sunny


D.cloudy 73.We can watch the sitcom at ______ on TV.A.4:50 p.m.B.7:30 a.m.C.3:30 p.m.D.6:20 p.m.74.The highest temperature(最高温度)is ______ and it is sunny to cloudy.A.Chongqing



D.Beijing 75.Which is the following sentence right? A.Tom’s father is a cook.He learns Chinese cooking on TV at 15:30.B.Tom’s sister looks my mother and she likes watching soap operas.C.A reporter asks me about what I did on weekends on TV at 16:50.D.Tom’s mother went to Harbin, she has to wear very warm clothes.B My grandfather never watched TV.He thought that people spent too much time watching it.Some of his friends often talked about sports shows, the movies and plays.My grandfather said to himself, “They never read any books or go out in the evening”.So he didn’t buy a TV.Two years ago my grandfather was 60 years old.He stopped working in the hospital.My father bought him a TV.He began to watch all the news He knows much more about the world now.And he reads more books, too.Now, my grandfather will get very angry(生气)if you trouble(麻烦)when he is watching TV.I can’t know that one can change his idea when he is 60.76.My grandfather didn’t watch TV because ________.A.he had no time to watch it

B.he thought it took(占)people much time to watch TV

C.he couldn’t buy the TV set

D.he thought watching TV is bad for people’s eyes 77.My grandfather ________ when he worked in the hospital.A.went to mountains

B.played sports

C.read books

D.watched TV 78.My grandfather didn’t work in the hospital _______.A.after he was 60

B.before my father bought him a TV

C.when my father asked him not to work

D.after he liked watching the news 79.My grandfather is _______ now.A.58



D.61 80.Which is the following sentence right?

A.The writer knows why his grandfather changed his idea.B.My grandfather enjoys watching TV every day now.C.My grandfather bought a TV at the age of 60.D.The writer as well as his grandfather likes watching TV.VIII、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Mr.and Mrs.Smith arrived at Toronto Airport at the end(结束)of a three week vacation in America.It was very hot there.Mr.Smith__81__ the beard though he had always worn(用旧的)it.But his passport(护照)photo showed him __82__ his beard.An officer looked at the photo for a moment(一会儿), and said, “Will you excuse me? Please __83__I won’t let you wait too long.”With this, he walked__84__.He showed the photo to the second officer, and said, “I__85__that face.”The second officer looked at the passport and asked__86__Mr.Smith had just come from.When he heard(听到)that the Smiths had just come from Washington, the second officer’s__87__lit up(一亮)and said, “A man with a beard stole(偷)a painting(油画)in Washington.And that man__88__just a kind of man...”

Suddenly, the first officer recognized(认出)Mr.Smith.He returned(回到)to him, and asked, “__89__you teach at Feltham High School? ”“Yes, I did, ” Mr.Smith answered in some surprise.The first officer smiled(笑)and said, “I__90__so, I’m Alan Sampson.You taught me history.You haven’t changed a bit.” 81.A.took away B.took down

C.took out

D.took off 82.A.and



D.without 83.A.sit down B.come out

C.go out

D.come round 84.A.down



D.back 85.A.see



D.watch 86.A.where



D.who 87.A.feet(脚)



D.eyes 88.A.is



D.looked 89.A.Do



D.Will 90.A.thought





1.The students s__________ for English exam at ten last night.2.I have lots of r___________ in my school.3.How about ________(游泳)at the pool in the park? 4.My parents like eating noodles with _________(马铃薯)and mutton.5.Tom’s father has a _________(危险的)job.B)根据括号中所给的单词,填入正确的单词形式。

6.We don’t like our English teacher, because he is very _______(friend)to us.7.They are having good fun _______(watch)a basketball match on TV.8.Don’t make the girl ________(cry)in the room.9.June 1st is _________(child)Day.Many kids are pretty happy.10.Would you like ______(drink)some juice, Alan? X、句型转换(15分)A)根据题后要求完成句子,每空一词(含缩略词)。(每空1分,共7分)11.Did Mary go to the movies last night?(作否定回答)

No, _______ ________.12.Wear sports shoes for gym class.(否定句)

________ ________ sports shoes for gym class.13.They’re doing their homework at home.(提问)

________ __________ they doing their homework? 14.My weekend was very terrible.(提问)

__________ ________ your weekend? 15.I wear colorful clothes because I want to be young and beautiful.(提问)

________ _______ you wear colorful clothes? 16.We can eat in the dining hall.We can’t eat in the classroom.(将两句合成一句)

______________________________________________________ 17.the, know, old, with, do, man, sunglasses, you


______________________________________________________? B)同义句转换,每空一词(含缩略词)。(每空1分,共8分)18.How’s the weather today?

___________ the weather _________ today? 19.What do you think of the soap opera?

_________ do you _________ the soap opera? 20.What’s your father?

What _________ your father _________? 21.My sister doesn’t want to do anything all day.My sister _________ to do __________ all day.XI、任务性阅读(每小题1分,共5分)I’m Betty.I am a student in No.110 Middle School I walk back home after school every afternoon.I go out of the school and go straight, Turn left at the crossing and go across the farm road and turn left.Turn to the park road and go down.You’ll see my house in front of me.It’s on my right.Welcome to my house.22.标出Betty从学校回家的路线图。

23.根据短文或图示在下列句子填入正确的单词、短语等,使其符合短文内容和图示。a.There is a subway(地铁)__________ Betty’s house.b.Betty wants to go to the bank, ________ at Garden Road and turn to the song road.c.Post Office is ____________________ and the bank.d.We _____________ the road if the traffic lights(交通灯)are green.XII、短文填空(每空1分,共10分)根据下列短文内容,在空格填入一个正确的单词,每空一词(含缩略词)。

Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective(有效的)? We all know that Chinese students usually study

for long hours.This is very good,it doesn’t help a lot.If you want to study effectively, you must have enough(足够的)sleep, enough , enough rest and exercise(休息和锻炼).Every day you need to go for a

or visit some friends or some nice places.It’s good for your.When you go back to your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒)and you’ll learn

and study better(更好).Here takes English learning as an example.First you make a lot of progress(进步)and you feel.Then your languages study seems(似乎)to stay the same and you may drop(放弃)it.This can go on for days or weeks, yet(仍然)you needn’t lose hope.At some point(点)you will

your language again.You’ll see that you really have been learning all the time.32

you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and interesting.33

drop it along the way.Learn slowly(慢)and you’re sure to get a good result(结果).XIII、展示平台(10分)选择其中一个任务完成,多写不得分。任务一:

A)请你把下列单词按词性进行归类并在每一类后补充一个单词。(6分)exciting, eat, music, popular, visit, noodles, see, museum, listen, delicious, mountains, crowded 名词: ________ _________ _________ _________补充词:_________ 动词: ________ _________ _________ _________补充词:_________ 形容词:________ _________ _________ _________补充词:_________ B)你一定有许多难忘的假期,它们给你留下了许多美好的回忆。请你模仿下列例句进行回答并写出其相似的句子。(4分)I had a good time on my vacation, because I went to the beach.I think it is very beautiful there.How was your vacation? And why?

I _______________________________________________________________,because _________________________________________________________.I think __________________________________________________________.任务二:






4、感受如何? 写作要求:



七年级下学期英语下期期末测试题 录音稿及参考答案 I、句子理解

听一遍 听句子选择与所听句子意思相符的图示。

1.He’d like some French fries, hamburgers and orange juice for dinner.2.We can’t take photos in the museum.3.My brother’s cleaning the room at home.4.My classmates went to the mountains last weekend.5.Thank you for watching today’s weather report in China.II、情景反应

听一遍 根据所听录音内容选择正确的应答语。6.What’s the weather like today? 7.What does your sister look like? 8.What do you think of soccer game? 9.Where did you go on vacation, Alex? 10.How was your last weekend? III、对话理解 A)短对话

听两遍 根据对话内容及后面的问题,选择正确的答案。11.M: Sue, why did you stay at home yesterday?

W: Because my aunt visited my family.Question: Who visited Sue’s family?

12.A: Hey, Peter.You know the rules.Don’t run in the hallways.B: Sorry, Ms Clark.Question: What’s the rule in the school? 13.A: Hey, Peter.Happy New Year!

B: Happy New Year, Tom!

A: How’s the weather down there in Shanghai?

B: It’s cloudy.How’s the weather in Boston?

A: It’s windy.Question: What’s the weather like in Shanghai? 14.A: Anna, does your mother work? B: Yes, she does.She has a new job.A: What does she do? B: Well, she is a bank clerk, but she wants to be a doctor.Question: Where does your mother want to work? 15.Girl: Let’s see the koala.Boy: Why do you like the koala? Girl: Because it’s very cute.Boy: Well, I like the penguin.Girl: Why do you like the penguin? Boy: Because it’s kind of interesting.Question: What animal does the boy like? B)长对话

听两遍 根据对话内容,选择正确相应的答案填入相应的位置。John: Nora, do you live near here? Nora: Yes, my house is on Green Street, next to the bank, on its left.John: I know there is a small park on Green Street.Is it far from your house? Nora: No, it’s near my house.It’s just next to the bank.John: Then the bank is between your house and the park, right? Nora: Yes, you’re right.Is there a park near your house?

John: No, there isn’t.You’re lucky.But there is a post office across from my house.Nora: Oh, that’s good.Across from my house is a supermarket.IV、短文理解

A)听两遍 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。

There are too many rules in my house.It isn’t fun.I have to get up at five o’clock every morning.I can’t arrive late to school.I can’t meet with friends on school nights.I have to do my homework by nine o’clock.Then I have to go to bed by ten o’clock.On weekends, I have to clean my room by eleven o’clock on Saturday evening.B)听两遍 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。

John is a student in New York City.He wants to have fun on weekend.On Friday night he wants to dance.On Saturday morning he wants to play tennis.On Saturday afternoon he wants to go to a party.On Sunday he wants to go to the movies.John doesn’t like comedies.He likes action movies.参考答案 I、听力(30分)I.句子理解(每小题1分,共5分)1-5 BACBC II.情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)6-10 BACAB III.对话理解(每小题1分,共10分)11-15 ACABB

16-20 EDBCA IV.短文理解(每小题1分,共10分)21-25 TFFTT 26-30 BBCAB II、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)31-35 ABCCA 36-40 BADAC 41-45 ABCDC 46-50 BCCDC III、交际运用(每小题1分,共15分)51-55 DAECB

56-60 BEIAG

61-65 JCHFD IV、阅读理解(共25分)A)(每小题1分,共5分)66-70 TTTFF B)(每小题2分,共20分)71-75 BCABD

76-80 BCACB V、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)81-85 DCABB

86-90 ADCBA VI、词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)1.studied 2.rules 3.swimming 4.potatoes 5.dangerous 6.unfriendly 7.watching 8.cry 9.Children’s 10.to drink VII、句型转换(15分)A)(每空1分,共7分)11.She didn’t

12.Don’t wear 13.Where are 14.How was 15.Why do 16.We can eat in the dining hall, but we can’t eat in the classroom./We can’t eat in the classroom but we can eat in the dining hall.17.Do you know the old man with sunglasses? B)(每空1分,共8分)18.What’s, like 19.How, like 20.does, do

21.wants, nothing VIII、任务性阅读(每小题1分,共5分)22.23.a.across from /in front of /near b.turn right

c.between the park d.can’t go across / have to stop going across / can’t cross / have to stop crossing IX、短文填空(每空1分,共10分)27.hard 28.but

29.food 30.walk

31.study 32.more 33.happy

初一英语下选择题 篇7







1. 关注学生基础差异,设计层次性教学内容


2. 注重学生语言能力发展,强调实用性听说能力


3. 着眼学生特长和兴趣爱好,开发多样性选修课程


4. 结合学生体验季,渗透机动化学习内容



1. 制定教学评估体系,明确教学努力方向


2. 探索教学评价途径,扎实践行评价内容













初一英语,音标领航 篇8





按读音对26个字母进行归类,可以让学生找出含有相同发音的字母,如发/ei/音的字母有a,j,h和k,这样学生对这个元音音标/ei/就有了很深的印象,以此类推分别找出含有/e/,/i:/,/ai/,/ju:/,/?藜u/,/a:/音的所有字母,学生在寻找和比较中了解了字母和音标的区别,加强了对这几个音标的巩固,让学生对含有相同发音因素的字母有更深的印象,可以结合一些比赛和卡片游戏来提高学生的兴趣,达到很好的教学效果,与此同时,可以帮助学生区分一下元音字母和元音,帮助学生弄清哪些字母前用不定冠词“an”(A E F H I L M N O R S X),如,There is a“u”and an “m” in the word “umbrella”.


在教学时,每个音标举些含有相同发音且学生熟悉的英语单词,要求学生在音标旁记录一个单词,借助单词发音记住该音标如,/i:/ see,/i/ it,以此借助单词发音辅助音标教学,这样读出48个单词也就记住了48个音标。每个音标老师反复带读巩固,学生课上一个接一个起来试读,学生读对,老师用OK!Good!Wonderful!交替评价给予肯定和鼓励,满足学生的成就感。如果学生读错,老师进行提示和纠正,直至读准为止。课堂上,老师读给学生听,学生模仿发对音。课后要求学生反复练读,巩固每天所学。帮助每个学生一一过好音标关,树立良好信心。



1.顺口溜。如在教音素/?覸/时,可以运用这样的顺口溜That is a black cat. It is big and fat. Don’t lash it.学生模仿老师读句子,读正确,读顺可以为该组加一分,最后得分最高的组为优胜组。



4.摘水果游戏。呈现一棵果树,树上满是果子,每个果子上有一个单词,如pen, bed, it 等,再呈现几个篮子,每个篮子里有一个音标,如: /e/,/i/ 等。让学生把树上的果子摘下来,将含有相同元音的单词放入同一个篮子里,最准确、最快的组为获胜组。


6.听辨音游戏。可以分为两类,一类是书面练习,如:Listen and circle, Listen and tick, Listen and number, Listen and correct等。另一类,利用音标卡举一反三做出多种游戏,如“听音举卡片”,“听音举音标排队”,在九格纸板上做“听音摆卡片”等等。











