


捡了一个钱包 篇1


我下班一进家,老婆就拦住我神秘兮兮地说:“我捡了一个钱包.” 我的头脑立刻亢奋起来,忙问:“多少钱?”“说多不多,说少不少,足够咱俩幸福十天半月的.”老婆说这话时,脸上写满了兴奋.对于我而言,这无疑是天上掉下个林妹妹--不用动私房钱,就可以满足老婆的消费需求了.因为这月开支超标,老婆美容、买皮衣、换手机的`要求,都被我一一婉言拒绝了.为这,老婆说我心里没有她,对她没感情,正吹胡子瞪眼,家庭战争一触即发.关键时刻,这个钱包不是灵丹妙药却胜似灵丹妙药,也就是说,因为这个钱包的出现,我们家的疑难问题便一一迎刃而解了.心情好,胃口也好,我说:“既然捡了个钱包,咱应该好好改善改善.”

作 者:张青合 作者单位:峰蜂集团小屯矿刊 名:当代矿工英文刊名:MODERN MINER年,卷(期):“”(1)分类号:关键词:

一个小钱包 篇2

“No indeed!” replied the old woman, who was very 2)avaricious. “If you want eggs, beat your rooster so that he may lay eggs for you, and then eat them; I flogged my hen, and just see how she lays now.”

The old man, being stingy and greedy, listened to the old woman’s talk, angrily seized his rooster, gave him a sound thrashing and said: “There, now, lay some eggs for me or else go out of the house, I won’t feed you for nothing any longer.” As soon as the rooster escaped from the old man’s hands it ran off down the high-road. While thus pursuing its way, 3)lo and behold! It found a little purse with two half-pennies. Taking it in its beak, the bird turned and went back toward the old man’s house. On the road it met a carriage containing a gentleman and several ladies. The gentleman looked at the rooster, saw a purse in its bill, and said to the driver: “Get down and see what this rooster has in its beak.”

The driver hastily jumped from his box, took the little purse from the rooster’s bill, and gave it to his master. The gentleman put it in his pocket and drove on. The rooster was very angry and ran after the carriage, repeating continually: “Kikeriki, sir, Kikerikak, to me the little purse give back.”

The enraged gentleman said to the coachman as they passed a well: “Take that impudent rooster and throw it into the well.”The coachman seized the rooster, and flung it down the well. The rooster began to swallow the water, and drank and drank till it had swallowed all the water in the well. Then it flew out and again ran after the carriage, calling: “Kikeriki, sir, Kikerikak, to me the little purse give back.” When the gentleman saw this, he was perfectly amazed. When he reached home he told the cook to take the rooster, throw it on the coals burning upon the hearth, and push a big stone in front of the opening in the chimney. When the rooster saw this new injustice, it began to spit out the water it had swallowed till it had poured all the water from the well upon the burning coals. Then the rooster gave the stone a push, came out safe and sound, ran to the gentleman’s window, screaming: “Kikeriki, sir, Kikerikak, to me the little purse give back.”


“Heaven knows that I’ve got a torment in this monster of a rooster,” said the gentleman. “Driver, rid me of it, toss it into the middle of the herds of cows and oxen; perhaps some bull will stick its horns through it and relieve us.” You ought to have seen the rooster’s delight. It swallowed bulls, oxen, cows, and calves, till it had 4)devoured the whole herd and its stomach had grown as big as a mountain. Then it went to the window again, spread out its wings before the sun so that it darkened the gentleman’s room, and once more began:“Kikeriki, sir, Kikerikak, to me the little purse give back.”

When the gentleman saw this he was ready to burst with rage and did not know what to do to get rid of the rooster. At last an idea entered his head: “I’ll lock it up in the treasurechamber. Perhaps if it tries to swallow the 5)ducats one will stick in its throat, and I shall get rid of the bird.” The rooster swallowed all the money and left the chests empty. Then it escaped from the room, went to the gentleman’s window, and again began: “Kikeriki, sir, Kikerikak, to me the little purse give back.”

As the gentleman saw that there was nothing else to be done he tossed the purse out. The rooster picked it up, went about its own business, and left the gentleman in peace. All the poultry ran after the rooster so that it really looked like a wedding.

When the old man heard the rooster’s voice he ran out joyfully to meet the bird. His rooster had become a terrible object. An elephant beside it would have seemed like a flea; and following behind came countless flocks of birds, each one more beautiful and brilliant than the other. “Master,” said the bird, “spread a sheet here in the middle of the yard.”

The rooster took its stand upon it, spread its wings, and instantly the whole yard was filled with birds and herds of cattle, but it shook out on the sheet a pile of ducats that flashed in the sun till they dazzled the eyes. When the old man beheld this vast treasure, he did not know what to do in his delight. He hugged and kissed the rooster.

But all at once the old woman saw this marvelous spectacle her eyes glittered in her head, and she was ready to burst with wrath.“Dear old friend,” she said, “give me a few ducats.”

“Pine away with longing for them, old woman; when I begged you for some eggs, you know what you answered. Now flog your hen that it may bring you ducats. I beat my rooster, and you see what it has fetched me.”


The old woman went to the hen-coop, shook the hen, took it by the tail, and gave it such a drubbing that it was enough to make one weep for pity. When the poor hen escaped from the old woman’s hands it fled to the highway. While walking along it found a bead, swallowed it, hurried back home as fast as possible, and began to cackle at the gate. The old woman welcomed it joyfully. The old woman hastened to see what the hen had laid. A little glass bead! When the old woman saw that the hen had fooled her, she began to beat it, and beat till she flogged it to death. So the stupid old soul remained as poor as a 6)church-mouse.

But the old man was very rich; he built great houses, laid out beautiful gardens, and lived luxuriously. He made the old woman his poultry-maid, the rooster he took about with him everywhere, dressed in a gold collar, yellow boots, and spurs on its heels, so that one might have thought it was one of the Three Kings from the Christmas play instead of a mere ordinary rooster.















