


BEC中级口语练习:同事Co-Workers 篇1


A: I’m really ___①___ Larry! He’s the biggest airhead I’ve ever met. He always makes careless mistakes, and he’s a pain to work with.


B: You shouldn’t be so negative. You’ll always have some co-workers that are harder to work with than others. But if you are negative and start name-calling in the office, it will make a bad working environment for everybody.


A: You only say that because you don’t have to work with him. The people in your department seem so capable and ____②____. Take Mary for example. She’s smart and enthusiastic. I’ve never met anyone as cheery as she is.

A:你这么说是因为你没有和他共过事。你们部门的人好像很能干,很好交往。以玛丽为例, 她既精明又热情,我从来没有见过像她这样爽快的人。

B: Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. Even Larry. He might be a pain to be around, but he’s also very good at ____③____ on projects. Mary, on the other hand, spends our project money like there’s no tomorrow. Also, she’s never willing to stay a little later at the office. She always leaves at 5:00 pm sharp.


A: Isn’t there anyone in the office that is a perfect co-worker? What about Bob? Everybody loves Bob. Even though he’s fresh out the college and still ___④___, he is a great co-worker.


B: You’ re right. He’s a hard worker, easy to get along with, honest, and he never steals the credit on projects. The only thing he’s lacking in is experience.


A: Maybe that’s why he’s so nice!



1.airhead 傻瓜 骂人

3.capable 有能力的

4.enthusiastic 热情的

5.cheery 愉快的


1.…I’ve ever met :我所遇到的

2. steal credit:盗用经费


1.fed up with (be fed up with 受够了)

2. nice to be around 友好相处

3. staying in budget 没有超过预算

4. a bit green (be green:没有经验)


1.a change of pace 节奏变换

You can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace.

2. a far cry from 相距甚远

The published book is far cry from the early manuscript.

3. and how 的确

A: She’s a good dancer.

B: and how.

4. a matter of time 时间问题

It is only a matter of time.

5. a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。

If you need my help. do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away.

6. a while back 不久以前

7.all along 一直

I knew it all along.

8. anything but 绝对不

I was anything but happy about going.

9. account for 解释

How do you account for it?

10. after all 到底

A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine.

B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all.


11. allergic to 对|……过敏

Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch, I must be allergic to something.

12. at sb’s service 愿为某人服务

I am at your service at any time.

13. around the clock 24小时不停

Martha studied around the clock for management exam.

14. as far as I know 就我所知 home with 对…..很熟悉

She is at home with problems like this.

16. back out

1) 退出

A: Wasn’t Bert supposed to sing tonight?

B: Yes. but he backed out at last minute


She finally backed out of her promise.

17. be cut out for 天生适合

I’m not cut out to be a hero.

18. be absorbed in

She has been absorbed in a horror fiction. I can’t tear her away.

19. be addicted to 对……上瘾

She has been addicted to drugs for years.

20. be attached to 对……有感情

A: I’m amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. I thought you would have gotten rid of it years ago.

B: It runs well and I’ve actually been quite attached to it.


21. back up

1) 累积

The subway is running behind schedule. and traffic is backed up for blocks. I don’t know if we’ll make the 6:30 show.

2) 支持

I’ll back it up.

22. be bound for 到……地方

The bus is bound for New England.

23. be (feel) myself 找到自我

I’m feeling myself again.

24. be burned up 生气

She was really burned up at the news.

25. be hard up for

I’m hard up for clothes, but I have a lot of books.

26. be head and shoulders above 好许多

In calculus. Joe is head and shoulders above his classmates.

27. be in the dark 蒙在鼓里

A: Do you have any idea what his notice is about?

B: I’m as in the dark as you are. stuck 卡住了

I can’t get this window open. It’s stuck.

29. bite off more than one can chew. 贪多嚼不烂

A: I hear you’re taking an advanced physics course this semester.

B: I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.

30. break new ground 有了新的突破

His architectural design broke new ground in the field.

BEC中级口语练习:同事Co-Workers 篇2


Strategic significance 重要战略意义

Overall purpose 整体目标

Feedback on performance工作反馈

Communication channel 沟通渠道

Annual reviews 年度回顾

Coping mechanisms 应对机制

Organizational relationships 组织关系

Tangible performance standards 具体工作标准

Two-way communication 双向沟通

Opinion survey 意见调查

Staff appraisal (对员工的)业绩评估,业绩考核

Layout 版面设计

Cartoon picture 漫画

Management message 管理信息

Subordinate 下级,下属


企业内部沟通在公司运作中起到重要战略意义(strategic significance)。企业要搞好内部沟通(Internal Communications),首先,要有共同目标(Overall purpose),树立全员沟通理念增加凝聚力(collective cohesion)。其次,要建立健全的工作反馈制度(Feedback on performance)和效及时沟通渠道(communication channel),其包括书面沟通(written communication)、口头沟通(verbal communication)、网络沟通(internet communication)。接下来,我们看看下面的例子。

What’s important when…?

Communicating management messages to the staff


1.Overall purpose


2.Feedback on performance


3.Enrich the communication channels


First thing first, in my view, I think a successful company is consequence to define a clear and unifying overall purpose among all the employees. The reason is that the overall purpose resemble a beacon to guide the employee, the follower, to turn the purpose into achievable goals, projects, and actions in the next step.


In addition, a timely and correct feedback on performance is the key methods to optimize and evaluate the goals for theupcoming year. The staff perform the annual reviews and give feedback on performance which can help the company to amend or provide continuous effective coping mechanisms.


Besides, its broad range of communications activities, channels and media strive to help employees manage and use corporate information they receive in their work and organizational relationships, and it can help them feel both valuedand valuable.



E-mail Newsletter电子邮件快讯

You company would like to introduce an E-mail newsletter to send to all members regularly. You have been asked to help co-ordinate the project. Discuss the situation together, and decide:


1.what kinds of articles and information should be included


2.what the newsletter should look like and how often it should be sent


(1)It should carry articles about the tangible performance standards for staff to follow, and information about any changes in the company, such as new policies, new projects and new managers, etc. this will help to reduce the chance for confusion and misinterpretation of key corporate polices and decisions.


(2)I think we should place emphasis on two-way communication. The newsletter should also focus on the employee side. We should allow our employees to voice their opinions about day-to-day work and corporate development. They should also have a chance to comment on the performance of the managers and point out problems in their work.


(3)Besides the contents, the layout is also important. We can use some photos, people usually like to see pictures of themselves and people they know. So it will be able to attract more readers. We can also use cartoon pictures to help illustrate our ideas.

bec中级口语考试攻略 篇3



心态对于任何事情都是非常重要的。语言口语测试更是如此。千万不要在考前过度紧张导致失利。尽量把参加BEC口语面试当作拜访朋友,朋友有些问题不明白 需要向我请教。面试前一定要睡个好觉,进入面试房间前做几次深呼吸,然后告诉自己,英语说得不错。就算口语真的不好,倒不如彻底放松,奋力一搏,说不定也 能有柳暗花明的时候。

3. 让思想服从于语言


4. 善于运用你的常识

在中级bec口语考试中,一定要注意运用你的常识,不要因为缺乏常识或不会利用常识而轻易放弃机会,白白丢分。放弃一个问题,意味着分数降一个档次。有 些问题被考生放弃了,不是因为无法用英语表达,而是大家对这个问题没有想法。可以灵活运用一些常识进行自圆其说。任何时候都不要放弃任何问题。

BEC商务英语中级口语词汇 篇4

【商务用语】corner grocery 食品店,酒店

2.grantee n.被授予者,受让人

【商务用语】voluntary grantee 无偿受让人

grantee of credit 信用受让人

3.graph n.图表;图形;图解 vt.用画曲线图表示,把...绘人图表

【商务用语】cost-volume-profit chart 成本销量利润图表

profit graph 利益图表,损益平衡图表

profit volume graph 利润量图表

4.gratuity n.抚恤金,养老金;小费;赏金

【商务用语】grant gratuity 赠送酬金

【例句】No gratuity accepted. 不收小费。

5.grievance n.委屈;牢骚;不满意见

【例句】The trade union leader spoke about the grievances of the workers.

6.guaranteed adj.有保障的

【商务用语】guaranteed annual income 保障年度收入

guaranteed delivery 保价信函
