


BEC写作测试练习题 篇1


advertising 广告;广告业(总称,不可数)advertisement 广告;宣传(可数)advertiser 广告主;广告客户

advertising agency 广告公司;广告商 advert/ad 广告

Product life cycle 产品寿命周期

Classification by target audience(目标受众):International/global advertising(global markets)Regional advertising(in one area or region)Informative advertising 商品介绍广告Reminder advertising 提示性广告

Classification by medium: Print/press advertising打印/媒体广告(newspaper, magazine, brochure, flyer)Outdoor advertising(billboard)广告牌, street furniture, transport)Electronic advertising 电子广告

-television, radio: commercial商业广告, infomercial专题广告mobile advertising 手机广告/移动广告/行动广告annual general meetings 股东大会fare(fares)

-airport tax/fee机场税/费;fuel surcharge(FSC)燃油附加费fare


-rental租车费, gasoline fee, parking fee, road toll 过路费

line charts/graphs:折线图

-horizontal axis/label横轴;vertical axis/label纵轴solid lines实线, broken lines虚线

Area charts/graphs面积图 bar charts条形图 column charts柱状图

histogram:直方图:bars/rectangles pie charts饼图: segments/sectors flow charts流程图: steps organigrams(organizational charts)组织结构图: layers venn diagrams维恩图: sets A、B、C Intersection交集: overlapping area(both)重叠面积 Union并集: combine area tables: columns列 rows行

Wholesalers批发商, retailers零售商

entertainment 娱乐 team-building sessions团队建设课程, company picnics公司野餐,sporting events体育节目/运动项目

retreats awards ceremonies颁奖仪式/颁奖典礼,product launches 产品发布 corporate travel 商务旅行、出差

Commute 通勤

Subsidised transport 交通补贴

Congestion 塞车 Give a lift to someone 搭便车

Rush our 高峰期 Teleconferencing 电话会议

Car share scheme 拼车计划 Travel expenses 差旅费

claim vt./n.(make a claim)声称 claimant 原告;索赔人;提出要求者

reimburse vt.赔偿 reimbursement [C/U]偿还

Reimbursable 可补偿的 receipt 收入,收据

-Expenses must be supported by receipts.allowance [C] 津贴

advance [C] 预付款

Subsistence衣食/ per diem每日 / M & IE(Meals & Incidental expenses)Lodging/accommodation: hotel酒店/inn客栈/motel汽车旅馆/hostel招待所/旅馆

room rate房费 budget hotel/ economy hotel 经济型酒店 youth hostel青年旅馆 fax or telephone charges话费;roaming rates 漫游费 laundry fees 洗衣费 business expense业务费: meals & entertainment for business associates debriefing session 情况汇报会Lead time 前置时间 Spam/junk mail垃圾邮件 infomercial 专题广告 flyer 传单 invoice发票

BEC高级写作 篇2

It is with deep regret, that we accept your resignation as [position] of the [organization]

We can appreciate the demands that this position has placed on you,and appreciate all of the fine contributions you have made as [position]


Thank you for your comments. A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the author for his response. I am sure you will be hearing from him in the near future.

I am pleased that you found our article informative and hope that you will continue to read our publication. Should you have any comments or questions in the future,please do not hesitate to write to this office.

bec中级写作句子 篇3

1. In accordance with the instructions given (contained) in your favour of the 10th May

2. According to the directions contained in yours of the 6th May

3. According to the instructions given in your letter under date of the 10th of last month

4. In conformity with (to) your instructions of the l0th ult.

BEC中级写作词汇精选 篇4

adj. 在国外的(地)

adv. ①往国外 ②到处;海外


agency abroad 国外代办处

investment abroad 国外投资

market abroad 海外市场

representative abroad 国外代表

at home and abroad 在国内外

income earned abroad 国外收入

My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this business trip very exciting.



n. ①缺席,不在场 ②缺乏


a long absence 长期缺席

an absence of leadership 缺乏领导

in the absence of 缺乏……时;当……不在时

leave of absence 请假;准假

In the absence of the manager I shall be in charge.



adj. ①缺席的 ②不在,不参与


absent oneself from 缺席,不在

He was absent from the meeting.



n. ①(经常性)旷工,旷职 ② 缺勤


absenteeism rate 旷工率,缺勤率

Absenteeism has cost the organization thousands of working days this year.


Improvements of working conditions helped to reduce levels of absenteeism.



n. ①不在者 ②缺席(勤) ③旷工人员


BEC初级写作复习讲义 篇5


准备工作可以采用多种形式。 具体讲, 一般需要对以下几方面有明确的认识:

1. 作者的角色

一般来说,首先要判定交际双方的等级关系和亲疏关系,然后即可确定交际走向是否应为上行文、下行文或平行文。划分出这个界限,才能做到语言准确得体。考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。

2. 读者的角色






3. 预期的目的




1. 确定篇幅



2. 组织布局



3. 区分类别


ⅰ 记叙与非记叙

ⅱ 互动性与单向性

ⅲ 抽象信息与具体信息

ⅳ 客观描述与主观判断



n 布局合理,层次分明

n 信息合理,内容完整

n 语气恰当,适合读者

n 语句连贯,一气呵成

n 句型丰富,短句为主

BEC剑桥商务英语练习 篇6

・ The bar chart below shows the number of complaints made by consumers about different types c products and services in the years 1994 and .

・ Using the information from the bar charts, write a short report summarising the changes that took place between 1994 and 1997.

・ Write about 100 words on your answer sheet.


・ Your company or organisation is becoming more successful. In order for this success to continue, you want to expand and increase the budget of your department. The Directors have asked you to write a report saying why your department needs extra money.

・ Write the report, explaining why your department needs more money, and include the following points:

・ whether extra staff are needed (and, if so, why)

・ whether changes to the office space and equipment should be made

・ what plans you have for future development

・ how the investment would generate extra business

・ Write 200 - 250 words on your Answer Sheet.










BEC商务英语中级写作 篇7

Dear Ms. O’Flanagan,

Thank you for your e-mail 5 September. I am pleased to confirm that the SR100 will launch on time on 20 November with brochures available from 8 October.

We are also planning a sales conference for mid-October to train salespeople in how to use the product and brief them about its selling points, I hope to confirm the dates and venue of the conference in a couple of weeks

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me.


BEC商务英语高级口语练习 篇8


重点词语:stand vi.测得数量;基于 vt.请客 n.庄家

商务用语:stand on ones rights 坚持某人的权利

a good stand of wheat 一片生长良好的小麦

2.Coffee is the staple of this district.


重点词语:staple n.主要产品(或商品),原材料 adj.主要的;大宗生产的 v.把分类

商务用语:staple goods 大路货

staple market 主要市场

重点词语:story n.故事;问题;情况

商务用语:the same old story 惯用的藉口;常遇到的困难

cover story 封面故事

BEC中级写作模拟题集 篇9


Dear Mr.Randall,

Subject: Order for 10,000 Pairs of Sheep Leather Gloves

Please dispatch to us 10,000 pairs of sheep leather gloves as per the terms started in your offer of March 29.

Would you please take special care of the quality and the package of this order? The leather should be of the same quality as that used in the sample.We hope that you can pack each pair in an airtight polythene bag,a dozen pairs of gloves in a box and then 20 boxes to a strong seaworthy wooden case.We will order more if the first order with you proves to be satisfactory.

We are enclosing our Purchase Confirmation No.-399 in duplicate for your signature.Please sign and return one copy for our file.Upon receipt of your confirmation,an L/C will be issued.Sincerely,

Li Ming

Import Director

2. Order Letter订购函


Please send to the following items to be shipped by way express,and bill us.The order is contingent on receiving the terms of 2%-30 days:1 doz.linen handkerchiefs:

$ 2.40 4 pair tan pigskin gloves:

$ 12.00 2 doz.Assorted Orlon sport shirts:

$ 72.00 5 pair assorted cotton socks:$ 2.00


3. Asking for/ Sending/ Declining Sending Samples索取/同意送付/拒绝送付样品

Sample 1


We are going to produce a trial piece of all wool suiting according to your sample cutting and written instructions.The sample piece is expected to be accomplished and sent to you by the end of next month.

Sample 2


高级BEC商务英语写作指导 篇10

1. 先上升后下降的句型:

...... increased slowly during…… and …… but fell sharply in …….

A steady fall in …… during …… and …… followed the sharp increase in …….

2. 先下降后上升的句型:

…… fell before …… began to make a recovery ……

…… continue the recovery, climbing to ……

…… dropped during …… but increased again in ……

…… fell and then pick up during ……

…… collapsed before rising to ……at the end of ……

3. 起伏波动的句型:

…… fluctuated sharply all through ……

4. 波动不大的句型:
