大学英语六级的重点词汇 篇1
mediate vi调解,斡旋; vt 经调解达成。。。
mingle vt使混合,使相混;vi相混合,相交往
miniature vt使减小到最低;极力贬低
negligible adj 不可忽略的,微不足道的
notorious adj 臭名昭著的
permeate v蔓延,弥漫,渗透,
provocative adj挑衅的,煽动的
recession 经济等的衰退,衰退期
repel vt 击退,驱逐;排斥
subscribe vi 订阅,订购;同意,赞成;捐助
threshold n门槛;入门,开端 on the threshold of即将开始
tow vt/n 车辆等拖,牵,拉
on tow车辆等被拖着;in tow被拖着;陪伴着
void n 真空,空白;空虚 vt使无效;adj 没有的;无效的
venerable adj易受伤的,易受到攻击的 be venerable to
accessory n 常用复数:配件;装饰品;同谋
大学英语六级的重点词汇 篇2
关键词:大学英语 四六级考试 词汇教学
2006年12月,四、六级考试改革全面开始,教育部出台的《大学英语四六级考试改革方案》对四六级考试中无论是题型还是分值都做了重新调整。如果仔细分析教育部出台的这个改革方案可以发现,这次改革力度最大,措施也最坚决的方面出现在四六级的词汇教学上:在英语四六级考试的总分中,对词汇的考核一直占有15%的分值,但是改革后这些都消失了,随之消失的还有题量多达30题的词汇与结构的选择题。非常明显,这样的改革给大学英语词汇教学带来了巨大的变化。面对这一新的形势,有的学生认为从此以后可以不再背诵枯燥的词汇了,觉得可以欢呼雀跃了,但是其实有这样想法的学生都陷入一个巨大的误区。严格来讲,教育部虽然对四六级考试中的词汇测验进行了改革,而事实上,词汇测试并没有完全取消,而是由原来的词汇与结构的选择题改为“篇章语境中的词汇理解测试”。改革之前的考试就是单独考查词汇,而改革后的测试对词汇的要求又提高了,词汇被默认为考生已经掌握,不直接考查,而是由命卷人把对词汇的考查融进了细节题当中去。由此可以看出,词汇测试对考生及词汇教学提出了更高的要求,所以那些认为此后不需要背单词的学生在改革后的测试中就会失利。同时,教师也应该认识到在听说读写译各项语言技能上教会学生掌握词汇的重要性,而不是单纯地让学生背词汇去应付考试。在这种意义上,词汇教学对于教师提出了更高的要求,而且词汇教育的任务依然任重而道远。同时值得教师注意的是,我们在词汇的教学中大多也仅限于词汇表中的词汇意义而授课,这也许是受到课时或课程内容的限制,但这却是造成学生机械记忆词汇单一含义的因素之一,时间长了,学生在做阅读理解或者写作的时候就会出现似懂非懂、不知所云、牵强附会、词不达意的现象,这是由学生背诵单词的时候脱离具体的语言环境造成的。很多西方学者把这种记忆单词的方式称之为“the shopping bag method of learning English words”(购物袋式的学习词汇法)。因此在英语词汇教学中,教师要下工夫教会学生在语境中记忆单词,而不是死记硬背地去背单词,这需要教师向学生传授适当的记忆方法,比如说把每个单元后面的词汇编成一个个学生感兴趣的小故事,或者结合课文内容使学生能比较容易地记住单词,这样就会大大促进其英语词汇学习,对于全面提高学生的英语水平也有帮助。
1.利用词组语境学习词汇的外延意义。在不同的上下文中,同一词具有不同的色彩,不同的语境辐射出不同的外延意义,如soft除其基本意义“软的、温柔的”外,还有很多外延意义,如soft music(轻音乐),soft heart(好心肠),soft answer (委婉的回答), soft drink(不含酒精的饮料), soft fire(文火)。因此,我们在词汇教学中一定要注重对语境的利用,通过语境可以对词进行科学的分析,抓住关键,那么就能举一反三,有助于记忆词汇和扩大词汇量,让学生在语境中学单词,他们课下也会找类似的语境去练习所学到的新词汇。
2.利用语境来学习词汇的内涵意义。内涵意义是附着在外延意义之上的意义,也就是说,根据上下文和逻辑关系,从该词的根本含义出发引申出来的意义。比如,there is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of him.很明显,此句中tiger(老虎)和ape(猿)具有内涵意义,可以理解成像老虎一样残暴和像猿一样狡猾。很多时候词汇的内涵意义在字典上找不到正确的解释,只能通过上下文来进行理解和分析。
3.利用词汇的固定搭配来学习词汇。词汇法认为,词汇是许许多多的词块的集合,它们分布在一个连续体上,这个连续体描述的是词汇的创造新话语的能力。有研究显示,自然话语中的90%是由词汇的“板块”来实现的,这说明了词汇搭配在词汇教学中的重要性。如下面的形容词(或名词)+名词的搭配词块:booming economy/market(繁荣的经济/市场);basic course (基础课);intelligence environment (智能环境);space trash(太空垃圾);woman doctor (女医生)。再如动词+名词搭配的词块:to honor the commitment(兑现承诺);to freeze bank assets(冻结银行资产);to broaden one’s horizon (开阔视野);to strike a balance(达到平衡)。
4.通过阅读学习词汇。大学英语教学要培养学生能够摆脱词典,同时摆脱教师,独立阅读的良好习惯,传授通过上下文提供的各种联系猜测词义的技巧就成了教师义不容辞的责任。比如以下的几个例句:(1)The woman next door kept me awake bawling at her husband all the night.假如学生不识bawl 一词,通过本句子提供的其他信息不难猜出它是“责骂,怒吼”的意思。(2)Most of us agreed, however, Bill dissented.对比前一句子中的agreed, 联系表转折的连词however,可以推断出 dissented 就是“不同意”。(3)She is studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eye. 从“other disease of the eye”可以推断出“glaucoma”也是一种眼部疾病,虽然不一定知道它的准确含义。
大学英语六级的重点词汇 篇3
general n. 一般,将军,大体 adj. 一般的,普遍的 v. 指挥,作...将军
consequence n. 结果,后果
precede vt. &vi. 在...之前,优于,较...优先
predecessor n. 前辈, 前任, 原有事物
conference n. 会议
electrical adj. 电的,电气科学的
prescription n. 药方, 对策, 开处方
vehicle n. 传播媒介, 工具, 手段, 交通工具, 车辆;
consistent adj. 始终如一的, 一致的, 坚持的
constant adj. 经常的, 不变的 n. 常数, 恒量
prestige n. 威望,声望
convention n.会议; 全体与会者; 国际公约; 惯例,习俗,规矩
migration n. 移民,移往,移动
contest n. 竞赛,比赛 vt. 竞赛,争取 vi. 奋斗
concede vt. 承认,给予 vi. 让步
contrast n.对比,对照; 差异; 对照物,对立面; [摄]反差
emphasize v. 强调,着重 vt. 强调
severe adj. 剧烈的, 严重的, 严峻的, 严厉的, 严格的
historian n. 历史学家,编史者
promote vt. 促进, 提升, 升迁; 发起; 促销
convince vt. 说服, 使...相信
extravagant adj. 奢侈的,浪费的,过度的,大量的
myth n. 神话
provocative adj. 气人的, 挑拨的, 刺激的 n. 刺激物, 挑拨物, 兴奋剂
endure vt. 忍耐,容忍 vi. 持久,持续
inertia n. 惯性,惰性
collaborate vi. 合作,通敌
heir n. 继承人
optimist n. 乐观主义者
elaborate adj. 精细的, 详尽的, 精心的 v. 详细地说明, 用心地作, 推敲
commence v. 开始;着手;<英>获得学位
entitle v. 取名为,给与名称,叫做,使有权利
lens n. 镜头,透镜
rapid adj. 迅速的,急促的 n. 急流
industrial adj. 工业的,产业的 n. 工业公司
competitive adj. 竞争的, 比赛的
reckless adj. 不计后果的,大意的,鲁莽的
reconcile vt. 和解,调和,妥协 vi. 调和
migrate v. 移动,移往,随季节而移居 [计算机] 迁移
management n. 管理(层),经营,处理
concentrate vt.& vi.专心于; 注意; 集中; 聚集 vt.浓缩,(使)浓缩; [采矿]汰选; 选矿,精选,富集 vi.凝缩,浓缩,提纯 n.浓缩物 adj.集中起来的,经过浓缩的
bracket n. 支架, 括号, 档次 vt. 支撑, 放在括号内, 归入一类, 包含, 支持
crime n. 犯罪, 羞耻, 罪行
critic n. 批评家, 评论家
significant adj. 有意义的, 意味深长的; 相当数量的; 重要的, 重大的 n. (复)有意义的事物; 标志
incidence n. 发生(率),入射
rebel n. 叛徒,起义者 vi. 造反,反抗,反感 adj. 造反的,反抗的,反叛者的
consumer n. 消费者,用户, 消费品
mask n. 口罩, 假面具,掩饰, 面膜 vt. &vi. 戴面具,掩饰,化装 [计算机] 掩码
induce vt. 引诱,导致,催生
master n. 主人, 硕士, 母机 adj. 主人的, 主要的 v. 征服, 控制, 精通
correlation n. 相互关系,相关,关连
revolve vt. &vi. 旋转,考虑,循环
exaggerate vt. &vi. 夸大,夸张
infectious adj. 传染的
bust n. 半身像,胸部,萧条,破产 vt. &vi. 打碎
romance n. 冒险故事, 浪漫史, 传奇文学
reflect v. 反映, 反射, 归咎
suburb n. 郊区
interaction n. 相互作用, 相互影响
territory n. 领土, 版图, 领域, 范围
executive n.总经理; 行政部门; [计算机]执行指令 adj.执行的; 管理的; 政府部门的
calcium n. 钙
luxury n. 奢侈, 豪华, 奢侈品
nasty adj.肮脏的; 下流的,令人讨厌的; 恶劣的,艰险的; 严重的 n.令人不愉快的事物
rigor n. 严格,严酷, 严密,严厉,[医]寒战,僵直,强直
register v. 记录, 登记, 注册, 挂号 n. 暂存器, 记录, 登记簿 n. (语)语域; 通风调节设备
regulation n. 规则, 规章, 管理 adj. 规定的, 官方的
biography n. 传记
radically adv. 根本地, 完全地,过激地
invest vt.& vi.投资; 花费 vt.授予,使就职; 给…穿衣,装饰; 使充满; 覆盖
slogan n. 标语,口号
slope n. 倾斜,斜坡,斜面,斜线 vt. 使倾斜 vi. 倾斜,有坡度
sentiment n. 感情, 情趣, 意见,观点, 多愁善感
expose vt. 暴露,揭穿,使遭受(危险或不快)
express n. 快车, 快递, 专使 adj. 急速的, 明确的, 直接的 adv. 用快递; 特意地 vt. 表达, 表示; 挤压出; 快递
religious adj. 宗教的,虔诚的,细心的 n. 修道院成员, 僧侣
merit n. 功绩, 价值,优点 v. 博得,值得或应得
extensive adj. 广泛的,广阔的
intimidate vt. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫
depression n. 沮丧,萧条
inspiration n. 灵感,吸入,鼓舞人心(的东西)
hesitate vi. 犹豫, 停顿,口吃,迟疑,踌躇 vt. 用犹疑的态度表示
deduce vt. 演绎,推断,溯源
kidney n. 肾,腰子,类型
simultaneously adv. 同时地
detective adj. 侦探的 n. 侦探
residential adj. 住宅的,与居住有关的
buzz n. 嗡嗡声 vi. 发出嗡嗡声,充满,匆忙 vt. 飞进,使嗡嗡叫
degree n. 学位,程度, 度数
situated adj. 位于, 处于...立场的 动词situate的过去式和过去分词
skip n. 跳跃,跳读 vt. &vi. 跳越,蹦跳,略过,跳过
mirror n. 镜子 vt. 反映,反射
diploma n. 文凭
segregate adj. 分离的, 被隔离的 v. 分离, 隔离, 分凝
world n. 世界(人),领域,俗世
disperse vt. 分散,传播,散开 vi. 分散
大学英语六级高频词汇 篇4
ascribe (to) 把…归于 (= attribute)
award 奖品;授予
brand 商标,品牌;打烙印于
cater 提供饮食及服务
complain 抱怨;申诉
conflict① n. 战斗,斗争;矛盾,冲突
conflict② v. 冲突,抵触
confuse 使混乱,混淆
commit① 委托,提交;(~ oneself)使承担义务,使承诺;调拨,用于;
commit② 犯(错误、罪行等),干(蠢事、坏事等)
considerable 重要的;相当大(或多)的
crime 罪行,犯罪
crisis (pl. crises)危机
display 陈列,展览;显示
ease 舒服,舒适;容易;减轻或消除痛苦等
efficient 效率高的;(人)有能力的
engage (使)参与;(使)订婚;雇佣;占用(时间等)
enhance 提高,增强
establish 建立;确定;安置
expand (使)膨胀,(使)扩张;张开,展开
expose 暴露;揭露;曝光,陈列
grant 助学金;同意,准予;给予
individual 个人;单独的,个人的;独特的
instal (l) 安装,设置
lobby 前厅;(会议)休息室;游说
observe 观察;遵守,奉行(仪式等)
obvious 明显的,显而易见的
英语六级词汇精选 篇5
*acknowledge/ Ek5nRlidV/vt.承认;告知收到
acquaint/ E5kweint/vt.使认识,使了解
acquisition/ 5Akwi5ziFEn/n. 获得,添加的物品
activate/ 5Aktiveit/vt. 刺激,使活动
acute/ E5kju:t/a. 敏锐的
adhere/ Ed5hiE/vi. (fml)粘附;追随;坚持 (~ to sth)
adjacent/ E5dVeisEnt/a.毗连的;紧接着的
adjoin/ E5dVRin/vt.贴近,毗连;靠近
administer/ Ed5ministE/vt.执行,管理,治理,
adolescent/ AdE5lesEnt/a. 青春期的,青年的 n. 青少年
advent / 5AdvEnt/n. 来到,来临
adverse/ 5AdvE:s/a. 不利的,敌对的,相反的,逆的
advertise/ 5AdvEtaiz/vt.通知 vi.登广告
advocate/ 5AdvEkit/n.辩护者 vt.拥护
aerial/ 5ZEriEl/a.空气的;航空的
aesthetic/ i:s5Wetik/a. 美学的,审美的,有美感
affiliate/ E5filieit/vt. 附属,接纳 vi. 有关
affirm/ E5fE:m/vt.断言,批准;证实
afflict/ E5flikt/vt. 使痛苦,折磨
agenda / E5dVendE/n. 议程,应办事项
aggravate/ 5AgrEveit/vt. 使恶化,使更加重
agitation/ AdVi5teiFEn/n.鼓动,煸动;搅动
agony/ 5AgEni/n.极度痛苦
agreeable/ E5griEbl/a.惬意的;同意的
alert/ E5lE:t/a.警惕的;活跃的
alien/ 5eiljEn/a.外国的 n.外国人
allege/ E5ledV/vt. 宣称,申述,主张,断言
alleviate/ E5li:vieit/vt. 减轻,使缓和
alliance/ E5laiEns/n. 联盟,联合
allocate/ 5AlEkeit/vt. 分派,分配
allowance/ E5lauEns/n津贴,补助费
ally/ 5Alai, E5lai/n.盟国,同盟者,伙伴
alongside/ E5lRN5said/prep.在…旁边
alternate/ R:l5tE:nit/vt.使交替 a.交替的
amateur/ 5AmEtE:/a.业余的n.业余爱好者
ambassador/ Am5bAsEdE/n.大使,使节
ambiguous/ Am5bigjuEs/a.模棱两可的;分歧的
ambitious/ Am5biFEs/a.有雄心的;热望的
amend/ E5mend/vt. 修正,改善,vi. 改过自新
amends/ E5mendz/n. 赔偿
ample/ 5Ampl/a.足够的;宽敞的
amplify/ 5Amplifai/vt.放大,增强;扩大
analogy/ E5nAlEdVi/n.相似,类似;比拟
analytic/ AnE5litik/a. 分析的,解析的
analytical/ AnE5litikl/a. 分析的,解析的
angel/ 5eindVEl/n.天使,神差,安琪儿
anniversary/ ,Ani5vE:sEri/n.周年纪念日
anonymous/ E5nRnimEs/a. 匿名的
Antarctic/ Ant5B:ktik/a.南极的 n.南极区
antique/ An5ti:k/a.古代的 n.古物
appendix/ E5pendiks/n.附录,附属物;阑尾
applaud/ E5plR:d/vt.喝彩;欢呼vi.欢呼
appraisal/ E5preizl/n. 评价,估价,鉴定
appreciable/ E5pri:FEbl/a.可估价的;可察觉的
apprehension/ Apri5henFEn/n. 理解,忧惧,逮捕
apt/ Apt/a.恰当的;聪明的
arc/ a:k/n.弧,弓形物;弧光
arch/ a:tF/n.拱门 vt.用拱连接
architect/ 5a:kitekt/n.建筑师;创造者
arctic/ 5a:ktik/a.北极的 n.北极
array/ E5rei/vt.装扮 n.队列;排列
articulate/ a:5tikjulit/a. 发音清晰的,听得懂的
ascend/ E5send/vi.攀登,登高;追溯
ascertain/ AsE5tein/vt.查明,确定,弄清
ascribe/ Es5kraib/vt.把…归于
assault/ E5sR:lt/vt.袭击;殴打 n.攻击
assert/ E5sE:t/vt.断言,宣称;维护
asset/ 5Aset/n. 资产,有用的东西
assimilate/ E5simileit/vt. 使同化,吸收,比较
assumption/ E5sQmpFEn/n.采取;假定;傲慢
assurance/ E5FuErEns/n.保证;财产转让书
重点词汇专练 篇6
A. out of touchB. out of date
C. out of practiceD. out of place
2. Auctioned(拍卖的) goods are sold for the highest price ____.
A. chargedB. takenC. offeredD. ordered
3. ——I’m sorry to have broken your glasses; it was really an accident.
——It wasn’t, in fact. You did it ____.
A. for purposeB. with purposeC. to purposeD. on purpose
4. The expert decided to make further improvements on the computer’s
design ____ the light of the requirement of customers.
A. withB. forC. onD. in
5. I’d like to try and ____ what’s happening in the world.
A. keep upB. keep offC. keep up withD. catch up
6. I used to call people ____, from the moment I woke up to the time I
went to sleep.
A. all the timeB. at workC. at homeD. now and then
7. As you know, I’m not that sort of person ____ easily.
A. take inB. taken in
C. to be taken inD. to take in
8. They are ____ for their daughter’s wedding.
A. dressed upB. dressing up
C. dressed inD. dressing themselves in
9. ——You are so lucky.
——What do you mean ____ that?
A. forB. inC. ofD. by
10. We all think that it was an unfair trick ____ the disabled boy.
A. to play onB. to give toC. played onD. to play of
11. It’s unfair to blame the headmaster. As far as I know, he has done as
much as he can ____ the situation.
A. to controlB. controllingC. controlD. controlled
12. ——Are you tired after the examination?
——Yes, ____ I want very much to have a good rest now.
A. littleB. bitC. not a bitD. not a little
13. The professor’s report on the international situation ____ all the recent developments.
A. took onB. took inC. took downD. took off
14. The scientist ____ many experiments and researches.
A. based his theory onB. put his theory on
C. found his theory byD. make his theory by
15. ——I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in
and knocked me down.
——You can never be ____ careful in the street.
A. muchB. veryC. soD. too
16. I promised to go to the party with Jane and I can’t ____ her ____.
A. let…downB. do…upC. round…upD. set…down
17. ——What do you know about the new school working plan?
——I know every detail about it, ____, I think I know.
A. that isB. namelyC. or ratherD. therefore
18. All the pupils ____ teacher Li are well looked after.
A. taking charge ofB. in the charge of
C. in charge ofD. under charge of
19. The driver began to speed up to ____ for the hour he’d lost in the
traffic jam.
A. keep upB. take upC. catch upD. make up
20. It’s not surprising you’re tired. ____, you didn’t go to bed until 12
last night.
A. After allB. In a wordC. Above allD. At all
21. Cheng Hua’s marrying a foreigner ____ her parents’ wishes.
A. went againstB. went intoC. went offD. went for
22. Experts will have to ____ new methods of increasing the world’s food
A. come up withB. come across
C. come into beingD. come up
23. He took ____ poetry while he was still at school.
A. up to writeB. up writingC. in to writeD. in writing
24. I have read the material several times but it doesn’t make any ____
to me.
A. meaningB. importanceC. senseD. significance
25. We thought of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to ____ it.
It might be valuable.
A. hold on toB. keep up withC. turn toD. look after
26. How much do you ____ me for repairing the bike?
A. costB. chargeC. giveD. spend
27. To his surprise, his daughter was ____ from thousands of applicants
for the job.
A. picked outB. looked intoC. picked upD. made up
28. As the old saying goes, a heavy snow ____ a harvest new year.
A. suggestsB. advisesC. permitsD. promises
29. His mother told us that he came back home ____ 11 o’clock last
night, which made her very worried.
A. forB. by the endC. inD. beyond
30. ——What has become ____ your brother?
——He is seriously in hospital and needs ____.
A. of; operatingB. to; operated
C. to; operating onD. of; operating on
31. After long discussions, China and Europe has ____ an agreement
____ the trade conflicts.
A. reached, forB. arrived at; toC. come to; onD. made; for
32. Because of backwardness this, small weak country has to ____ to
terms with that powerful country.
A. goB. getC. takeD. come
33. Mr White promised to come to attend my birthday party, but he ____ so far.
A. didn’t comeB. didn’t turn up
C. hasn’t come upD. hasn’t shown up
34. Joe Jones, the eldest of the eight children, had to ____ out of high
school at the age of 16 to help his father on the farm.
A. leaveB. dropC. fallD. go
35. It’s the present situation in poor areas that ____ much higher
spending on education and training.
A. answers forB. provides forC. calls forD. plans for
36. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ____ jokes.
A. turning upB. putting upC. making upD. showing up
37. His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed
difficult at first, has ____ many good changes in their lives.
A. got throughB. resulted fromC. turned intoD. brought about
38. At the end of the month my money ____, so I have to borrow some
from my friend.
A. has run out ofB. has run out
C. has been run outD. is run out
39. The bed has been ____ in the family. It was my great-grandmother’s
A. handed downB. held upC. turned down D. kept up
英语六级高频词汇 篇7
2. bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的>a ~future
3. blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁 >
4. blunder n. 大错
5. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地
6. blur v. 变模糊 >Fog blurred my vision.
7. bribe v. 行贿 >Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.
8. browse v. 浏览 ~ a web-page
9. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/
10. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊
11. carve v. 刻
12. casualty n. 伤亡人员 Many casualties are reported inthe battle.
13. cater to v. 迎合 > cater to the consumers
14. caution n. 小心
15. cherish v. 珍视; 怀有>~friendship/~ the hope that
16. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的
17. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量)>Reader has the largest ~ in China.
18. climax n. 高潮 the ~ of the play
19. cling to v. 紧紧抓住, 依恋;坚持,墨守>The baby clung to his mother./ ~ to the hope that....
如何记忆大学英语六级词汇? 篇8
模块四重点词汇复习讲解 篇9
1. educate
【分析】educate v.教育,训练,培养
常用于短语educate oneself自学;be well educated受到良好的教育;Be educated at/in a college受大学教育,上大学;educate one’s interest in培养……兴趣。
As is known to all, school teachers educate children. 众所周知,学校的老师教育学生。
He educated himself in the evening after finishing his work. 他在晚上做完工作后自学。
These young people are well educated in Australia. 这些年轻人在澳大利亚受到良好的教育。
My elder brother was educated at a very good college. 我哥哥在一所很好的大学受过教育。
The father educated his son interest in painting. 父亲培养儿子的绘画兴趣。
【拓展】educated adj. 受到教育的;education n. 教育
Many educated people from the college are shouldering the heavy responsibility. 许多受过大学教育的人正肩负起重要的责任。
His whole school education added up to no more than one year. 他的这个学校教育加起来不超过一年。
2. intended
【分析】intended adj. 为……打算/设计
The advertisement is intended to promote the products. 这个广告是为推销该产品而设计的。
What are you intended to do? 你打算怎么办?
【拓展】Intend v. intend doing/to do 打算做
He intends to be a teacher in the future. 他打算将来做老师。
What do you intend doing next? 下一步你打算做什么?
Intend sb. to do 打算是某人做
My father intends you to take over the company. 我父亲打算让你来接管公司。
3. advertise
【分析】advertise v. 做广告, 登广告
Their company advertised their goods in all the newspapers. 他们公司在所有的报纸上登了他们的商品广告。
advertise for sth./sb. 登广告以求某物或某人
I want to advertise for a job in your magazine. 我想要在你们杂志上登广告求职。
Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow.(Emerson)
【拓展】Advertisement n. 广告
His boss put an advertisement in today’s newspaper. 他的老板在今天的报纸上登了一则广告。
4. share
【分析】share vt. 分享,分担 share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物
She shares the bedroom with her sister. 她与姐姐共用一间卧室。
Good friends should share their joys and sorrows together. 好朋友应该甘苦与共。
The cake will be shared among his four children. 蛋糕将在他的四个孩子中分掉。
【拓展】Share n. 份额
They divided the sweets into equal shares. 他们把糖果分成了相等的几份。
I haven’t got my share of the fruit. 我还没有拿到我的那份水果。
5. impression
【分析】impression n. 印象;感想;印记
His speech made a strong impression on every one present. 他的演讲给每一位到场的人都留下深刻的印象。
You should pay attention to your first impression. 你应该注意你的第一印象。
【拓展】impress v. 使……铭记;使……有深刻印象
His words are strongly impressed on my memory. 他的话使我深深铭记心头。
I impressed on him the importance of his work. 我使他注意到他的工作的重要性。
We are deeply impressed by his words. 我们深深地被他的话打动了。
6. announce
【分析】announce vt. 宣布,宣告,发表;通报(某人/某事物)的出席或到来;(在无线台、电视等上)主持介绍(演唱者、演讲者等)
Would you announce the guests as they come in? 如果有客人来请你通报一下。
【注意】 向某人宣布,不能用announce sb.,必须用announce to sb.。
【拓展】It has been announced that… 据宣布……
make an announcement 发布通知
announcer n. 宣告者;(电视、电台)播音员;(戏剧等的)报幕员;(比赛等的)解说员
7. compete
【分析】Compete v. 竞争;对抗;比赛。
常见的搭配:compete against/with与某人竞争/比赛;compete in参加……的比赛,compete for sth.为争取……而竞争
Several companies are competing against each other for the contract. 几家公司正为争取一项合同而相互竞争。
The two teams competed in the 400meter dash. 两个队参加了400米赛跑。
The new product must be good if it is to compete with the many products in the market. 新产品必须是好的如果要在市场上与许多产品竞争的话。
【拓展】compete的名词是competition意思是“比赛,竞争”。形容词是competitive “有竞争的”。
8. attraction
【分析】attraction n. 吸引,引诱
The Palace Museum is one of Beijing’s great tourist attractions. 故宫是北京吸引游人的地方之一。
The elephants were the chief attraction at the circus. 大象是马戏团很具有吸引力的动物。
【拓展】Attractive adj. 有魅力的,吸引人的
Her dark eyes are very attractive. 她黑色的眼睛很吸引人。
I am interested in this attractive idea of yours. 我对你这很吸引人的想法很感兴趣。
In the meeting, a practical idea is attractive to the chairman. 会议上,一个实际的想法引起了主席的兴趣。
attract v. 吸引,引诱
The concert attracted a great number of people. 音乐会吸引了很多人。
9. remove
【分析】remove vt. 拿走;去掉;
Please remove your hat and bow to the hero. 请摘掉帽子向英雄鞠躬。
His words have removed my doubts about the whole thing. 他的话消除了我对整个事情的疑团。
His son has been removed from school for the crime. 他儿子因为犯罪而被学校开除了。
【拓展】vi. 迁移,搬家
The whole family removed from the city to the countryside ten years ago. 整个家庭十年前就从城里搬到农村了。
10. design
【分析】design v. 计划,谋划;设计,构思
They designed building/to build a house here. 他们打算在这儿建座房子。
The garden was designed by his daughter. 那座花园是他女儿设计的。
The land is designed for a park. 这块土地打算用来建公园。
a hopeless design 毫无希望的计划
a beautiful design 美丽的图案
by design 故意地,蓄意地
Did you do it by design or just by accident? 你是有意那样做的还是无意的?
Part Two 词组专讲
11. even if
【分析】英语中,even if相当于even though它们的意思是“即使;尽管”,引导让步状语从句。
注意与even so的区别:even so表示“即使这样”,起承上启下的作用。
We’ll go there even if it rains. 即使下雨我们也将去那儿。
Allow children the space to voice their opinions, even if they are different from your own. 让孩子有空间去发表他们的观点,即使与你自己的不同。
There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely, even though she was an only child. 尽管她是个独生子女,凯特从来没有过感到孤独的时候。
【拓展】even so
They would not like to go to the park tomorrow. Even so, I will go there. 明天他们不想去公园。即使这样我也要去。
12. be used to
【分析】be used to 对……习以为常,习惯于,适应
My grandpa used to live in the city and now he is used to living in the countryside. 我爷爷过去生活在城市现在他适应了乡下生活。
She is used to getting up early and doing her morning reading. 她习惯于早起读书。
【拓展】used to do sth. (过去)经常做某事
The old man used to live with his sons. 老人过去常和他的儿子们住在一起。
be used to do/for sth. 被用来……
As is known to all, wood can be used to make paper. 众所周知,木头可以用来造纸。
The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.(W. Penn)
13. be satisfied with
【分析】be satisfied with 某人对……满意
My parents are satisfied with the results of my exams. 我父母对我的考试结果表示满意。
satisfied adj. 满意的
What he said made his teacher satisfied. 他所说的使得老师满意。
【拓展】Satisfy vt. 使满意;使满足
常用于satisfy somebody 使某人满意 satisfy the needs 满足需要
What he said satisfied the teacher. 他所说的使得老师满意。
something be satisfying 某事是令人满意的
The result of the discussion is not so satisfying. 讨论的结果不是令人满意的。
satisfaction n. 满意;满足
I expressed my satisfaction by nodding my head. 我点头表示满意。
Satisfactory adj. 令人满意的
Our work is quite satisfactory to our teacher. 我们的工作对我们的老师来说是相当满意的。
14. put forward
【分析】短语 put forward的意思是“提出主意、计划等”。
He put forward several interesting plans. 他提出了几项令人感兴趣的计划。
【拓展】put aside 搁置一边;停下;put out 熄灭(火);put off推迟;put away放好;put on穿上,上演;put down放下,记下,镇压;put up张贴,举起,建立;put… into… 送入,输入,把……翻译成……; put sb. to bed哄某人睡觉;put one’s heart into… 一心扑在……;put up with容忍,忍受
15. take part in
【分析】短语take part in 意思是“参加(某活动)”
Are you going to take part in the singing? 你打算参加唱歌活动吗?
【拓展】attend 用做及物动词,意思是“参加,上学,出席”等。
His father suggested that he attend a private school. 他父亲建议他上私立学校。
The headmaster decided to attend the meeting in person. 校长决定亲自参加会议。
Join 意思是“参加;加入”。
I joined the League in 2001. 我是2001年加入共青团的。
另外,短语join somebody in something 意思是“和某人一起做某事”。
1. The young man is used to________ things advertised on TV.
B.to buy
2. —Was the judge________with the result?
—I don’t think so. But perhaps no judge is easy____ .
A.satisfying; satisfied
B.satisfied; to satisfy
C.satisfactory; to be satisfied
D.satisfaction; satisfactory
3. They are________ the pandas to sit up and perform.
4. The international agreement,________encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on January 16th.
A.intending to
B.being intended
C.intended to
D.to intend to
5. We must________ for a good cook for our restaurant.
6. The sights of the city never fail to________ foreign tourists.
A.impress with
B.impress on
D.impress to
7. The____________ the news________the public on TV.
A.announcer; announced; /
B.announcer; announced; to
C.announcement; announce; /
D.announcement; announce; to
8. Most people didn’t accept the theory when it was first____ .
A.set about
B.set off
C.put forward
D.put out
9. It is reported that more than 20 people________the discussion at the meeting held in Beijing.
A.took part
B.took part in
10. Jean________ with us for the first prize in the competition last Sunday.
1-5 DBDCC 6-10 BBCBD
英语六级动词词汇复习 篇10
acknowledge v. 对……表示谢忱,报偿
acquaint v. 熟悉,认识
acquire v. (靠自己的能力、努力或行为)获得,得到
afford v. 付得起
allege v. 断言,宣称
alternate v. 交替,轮流
anticipate v. 预期
applaud v. 赞扬
ascend v. 上升,攀登
ascribe v. 归因于,归功于
assemble v. 集合,聚集
assign v. 分派,指派(职务,任务)
attribute v. 归因于
base v. 建立在……的基础上
bewilder v. 迷惑,弄糊涂
breed v. 培育,养育
cling v. 坚守,抱紧
coincide v. 相同,相一致
collaborate v. 合著,合作
collide v. 互撞,碰撞
commence v. 开始
compensate v. 补偿,赔偿
complement v. 与……结合,补充
comply v. 遵守
conceive v. 想出,设想
concern v. 涉及
condense v. 压缩,浓缩
conflict v. 冲突,战争
conform v. 符合,遵守,适应
confront v. 面对,面临
conserve v. 保护,保存
consolidate v. 巩固
convey v. 表达,传达
crash v. (飞机)坠毁
cruise v. 航行,漫游
dazzle v. 使眩目,耀眼
deceive v. 欺骗,哄骗
decline v. 下降,减少
dedicate v. 奉献,献身,致力于
defend v. 为……辩护
defy v. 违抗,藐视
deny v. 否认
deprive v. 剥夺
derive v. 得来,得到
descend v. 下落
descend v. 下来,下去
deserve v. 值得
deviate v. (使)背离,(使)偏离
大学英语六级考试高频词汇 篇11
equation (数学)等式;相等
evoke 引起,唤起,引发
evolve (使)发展;(使)进化
excess 过量,过剩;过量的,额外的
exclaim 呼喊,惊叫
exclusive 独占的,排他的
execution [广义]实行,实施,执行;[狭义]执行死刑,处死
exempt 被免除义务(责任)的,被赦免的;(from)免除,赦免
expire (of)断气,死亡;届满;到期,失效
extend 延伸,延长;扩大,扩充;延期;提供,给予
extinct 熄灭了的;灭绝的
extraordinary 非凡的;特别的
fabricate 捏造,编造(谎言、借口等);建造,制造
facet (多面体的)面,琢面;(问题等的)一个方面
facilitate 使便利,有助于
farewell 再会,别了;告别
fascinate 强烈吸引,迷住
feasible 可行的,行的通的
feminine 女性的;娇柔的,女子气的
fertilizer 肥料
finance 财政;资金;为…提供资金
finite 有限的[←→ infinite a. 无限的]
flare 闪耀,闪烁;闪光信号,照明弹
flip 轻抛,掷;轻弹,轻击,抽打;翻(纸牌等);轻弹,轻抛
flutter 鼓翼,排翅;挥动,飘动
forecast 预报,预测
foretell (foretold; foretold)预测,语言
forge 锻造;伪造;建立(同盟等);锻造车间;锻铁炉
formula (pl. formulas/formulae)公式
depart 离开,启程
deport 把……驱逐出境,放逐
descend 下降,下倾;斜坡;血统,世系
desirable (事物)称心的,值得向往的
despair 绝望,失望
destined 命中注定的,预定的;以……为目的地的
destiny 命运;天数,天命
destructive 破坏(性)的
devise 设计,发明,想出
diagnose 诊断
dilute 冲淡(的),稀释(的)
dim 暗淡的,模糊的;(使)变暗淡,(使)变模糊
discard 扔掉,丢弃
discrete 个别的,分离的,不连续的
dismay (使)惊恐,(使)惊愕;(使)失望
disorder 杂乱,混乱(= in a mess);骚乱;(身心、机能的)失调,疾病
dispose 处置,处理
disregard 忽视,漠视;忽视,不管,不顾
distinctive 有特色的
distort 扭曲,使变形;歪曲
distract 使分心,打扰
diverse 多种多样的(=various);(from)不同的(= different)
dividend 红利,股息;被除数
division 分,分割;分配,分担;除(法);部门
domestic 本国的;家庭的;驯养的
dominant 占优势的,支配的,统治的
doom 厄运,劫数;注定,命定
dread 恐惧,担心
dropout 中途辍学者;逃避传统社会的人;(电子设备运作时)短时间信号缺失
duplicate 复制;使加倍;复制品,副本;复制的;二倍的
electrical 电的,与电有关的
embed 把…嵌入,埋入,埋置;使深留脑中
embody 使具体化,体现;[入一整体]编入,包含,包括
emerge 出现;(事实)暴露
emit 散发,放射
emphasize/-ise 强调,着重
engagement 约会,订婚
entertain 使欢乐;招待,款待
envisage 想象,设想
conviction 确信,深信;说服,信服;定罪,判罪
cooperate 合作,协作,相配合
counter ① 柜台;计数器;筹码
counter ②反对,反击;相反
courtesy 谦恭有礼;有礼貌的举止
coverage 覆盖(范围);新闻报道(范围);承保范围,保险项目
crack 裂缝,裂纹;(使)破裂;(使)发出爆裂声
cripple 跛子;使残疾,使跛;严重削弱
criterion (pl. criteria) 标准,准则
crucial 至关重要的,决定性的
culminate (in) 达到顶点(高潮)
cumulative 累积的,渐增的
dart 飞镖,飞镖游戏;[a ~]疾驰,飞奔;投射;猛冲,飞奔
dash 猛冲;猛击;破折号
dazzle [原义]使炫目的光;[原义]使惊叹(的东西)
deception 欺骗;诡计,骗局
decree 法令,政令;判决,裁决;判决,裁定
dedicate 奉献,把…用于;(题词)将(著作等)献给
default 违约,拖欠;缺席;弃权;不履行义务(或债务),拖欠
defect 缺陷,优点
defendant 被告
defiance 违抗,藐视