


三必经步骤:大学英语四级考试作文高分技巧 篇1


时间: 2005年11月30日 08:17作者:来源:竟学网







Directions: For this part ,your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Trying to Be A Good University Student.You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below :












It is very necessary to be a good university student.(议


There are several respects of necessities to be a good university student.(说明体的主题句)

What I will do in the future is the following.(描述体主题句)


Good Health

Importance of good health

Ways to keep fit

My own practice


It is very important to have good health.(将名词 importance变成形容词important)

There are four ways to keep fit for me.(用 there be 句


My own practices are the following.(采用原词)


保证不跑提示写作当中第一任务,第二个重要任务就是要做到条理清楚。对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚,对于说明文来说条理要清楚,对于描述文来说,谁干什么要清楚。就拿上例Good health 来说,第一段保持正反面要清楚救应这样写:正面(With good

health ,we can...),反面(Without good health ,we can do nothing.We can’t do...)

为了使文章更具有条理性,我们可以用first(ly)second(ly)third(ly)等副词,他们可以是文章的条例性更加突出。作文是主观题,想得告分就必须引起老师的主意,老师的时间很短(每篇作文只有一两分钟就要阅完),所以我们在列调试最好不用: To be with,...after that ,...And then,...The next ,...The following ,...As last...。因为用这样的词语不利于老师看出你作文的条理性。




12月大学英语四级考试作文 篇2

This cartoon is silly, and yet compelling: a large customer holds a hopelessly small piece of cloth as the tailor carefully measures. Such an image suggests that one needs to consider practical reality in the pursuance of goals. Merely acting on ones desires, while ignoring the facts at hand, cannot lead to success.

The fact that currently there are more graduates than jobs reminds us of the importance of rational thinking. Every year approximately 3 million students graduate from universities and begin looking for work. Many of them fail to find suitable employment because there are simply not enough opportunities to accommodate such great numbers of graduates. In addition, however, one might also cite flawed individual assessment as a reason.

In order to create a realistic target for ones future, one must make rational decisions and prepare accordingly. A student who aims to be a surgeon, for example, must take care to acquire opportunities to do clinical practice and gain sufficient knowledge. In other words, customers would do well to take accurate measurements before purchasing their fabric. A small piece of cloth cannot adequately clothe a large person.

三必经步骤:大学英语四级考试作文高分技巧 篇3

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write at least 120 words folllowing the outline given below.1.目前不少父母为孩子包办一切

2.为了让孩子独立, 父母应该……

How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? 父母怎样帮助孩子独立





他们应该教会我们如何探寻人生的价值意义。。并且尽自己的努力实现它。。。而不是一味的只要求我们上学,找工作 结婚。。生孩子。。在为了控制孩子而活着。。。



父母坚持认为不要给孩子任何可以依赖的幻想,要告诉孩子真相----你不是最优秀的,你不是最好的,这个世界上有比你更强的人,你想要过更好的生活不是错,但你要自己争取,即使身为你的父母,也没有义务为你提供你所要的一切。你有本事,就自己去挣;没有本事,就不要抱怨。养儿不能放老,反成养老防儿。———台湾财务专家郑森源劝人从壮年开始存养老金,要预防临老儿女是“啃老族”或不在身边。范文: How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?

Today in China, many families have only one child.So the children are usually doted upon by all family members.Gradually some of them get used to depending on their parents and family members, as a result they lack the ability to face their lives by themselves.(dote vi.Dote on/upon, show too much fondness for sb.or sth.热爱、溺爱或宠爱某人或某事物。)

There are some ways to help children to be independent.First, the child should have a chance to see the world around him individually to understand that there are various people and competitions in their lives, and learn to find his right position in the society only by individual efforts.Second, it is impossible to ask a child not to depend on parents at once.The parents may give the child enough help and space to make him feel comfortable.A child needs help from their families.Because without any help, the child may lose his faith.Thirdly, parents can help their children make their own decisions, which can challenge his ability to deal with problems.A child should be praised when he is successful or encouraged when he fails.To be independent is vital for the children, because no parents can go with their children for the whole life.Only an independent person can live and enjoy a full and meaningful life.六级作文:


2.对于这种做法,人们看法不一 3.我认为……

It is a not-uncommon social phenomenon that the university rankings are especially prevalent in our country.For example, universities are measured by scale, academic achievements or the number of papers published in famous magazines.As to this issue, opinions vary from person to person.Some people hold that university ranking dramatically promotes the development of university in various fields.But others maintain that university ranking also leads to some undesirable consequences such as academic fraud even to deceive people.As far I am concerned, every coin has two sides.On one hand, University ranking does encourage the development and growth of colleges.Such growth– the grand libraries, splendid stadiums and fruitful academic achievements, has caught the attention of the world.We’re impressed by these signs of our education’s tour to the 21st century.On the other hand, we have to pay attention to an unexpected phenomenon that some people have ignored the objectivity of university ranking.Take South university of science and technology of china for an example, this university occupies the second position in some university rankings.In those rankings, it is superior to Peking University and Tsinghua university.In a word, we should inspire the advantages of university and abandon its disadvantages.My View on University Ranking

In recent years, all kinds of University Ranking Lists can be found on some educational websites, or newspapers.The ranking standards also vary.These lists have great influence on students.They are even becoming the only scale to evaluate the colleges and universities.People hold different views toward this phenomenon.Some believe that these lists help the students a lot, especially for those who will choose their university.While some other protest vigorously.In their points, the list is really ridiculous and harmful.In my view, the university ranking may have its own reference values, but its disadvantages overweigh its values.For those university-students-to-be, they are supposed to choose the school according to his or her own situation, but not the so-called Ranking List.What’s more, how about the university students? How do they feel about themselves when they see the ranking? The list may become some intangible shackles for them if their own school ranks poorly.In a nutshell, there is no easy method to rank these universities, but the Ranking, only helps students ignore the essentials, namely, their ninety-nine percent perspiration.此次六级作文的自由度很大,看似给出了提纲,实际上具体的观点全靠个人发挥。第一段需要点明大学排名这个现象,第二段需要铺陈不同人的观点,第三段要陈述自己的观点。大学排名这个题目,实际上涉及到了对了大学的理解,对于大学排名标准的理解,以及对于大学排名的目的的理解。而这件事更加离不开中国具体的国情,新中国50年代人至今受教育的情况,90后择校的情况,目前大学的情况,考生发挥的空间可以纵横数十年的教育史,并且可以深入探讨教育的本质。



87.___________________(为了确保他参加会议),I called him up in advance.解析:In order to ensure him to attend the meeting To ensure his attendance at the meeting

【结构分析】本题句子的主干 “I called him up in advance”已经给出,无需翻译,需要翻译部分为“为了确保他能参加会议”。该部分在句子中作目的状语

【考点解释】本题考查是目的状语。①目的状语可以由to/in order to来引导。②确保 ensure sb to do 确保某人做某事,ensure sth 确保某事


88.The significant museum________________(据说建成于)about a hundred years ago.解析:is said to have been built

【结构分析】本题句子的主语为the significant museum,缺谓语,即(据说建成于)about a hundred years ago为时间状语。

【考点解释】本题重点考查:①被动语态。主语museum与动词build之间为被动关系;且bulid这一动作发生在过去。②据说 be said to;be said to+ 动词不定式的完成时,表示不定式表示的动作已经完成。


89.There would be no life on earth ____________________(没有地球独特的环境)。解析: without its unique environment but for its unique environment

【结构分析】本题句子含有There be结构。主干完整,there主语,would be 谓语,no life 表语,on earth 地点状语

【考点解释】本题重点考查:①without的用法 without 是介词,后接名词;同时,表示“没有”,除without外,还可用but for;②单词拼写 unique adj.独特;environment n.环境 ③当名词重复出现时,可适当使用代词,避免重复。


90.______________________________(给游客印象最深的)was the friendliness and warmth of the local people.解析:What impressed the tourists most 【结构分析】本题句子为主系表结构,主语即考查部分,was 系动词,剩余部分为表语。

【考点解释】本题重点考查①what引导的主语从句;what可引导句子充当主语;②impress用法 给…留下印象 impress sb;③最高级的用法most;结合考点②③,可推出“给…印象最深”为impress sb most


91.They requested that ___________________________(我借的书还回图书馆)by next Friday.解析:books I borrowed(should)be returned to the library I(should)return the book I borrowed to the library

【结构分析】本题句子的主干部分分别是they 主语,request 谓语,后接that引导的宾语从句。
