


U6咨询顾问岗位职责 篇1

1.be divided into… 2.be decided by… 3.like to be the leader 4.a hard-working person 5.like saving money 6.love peace 7.argue with others 8.keep secrets/keep a secret 9.on the phone 10.come up with new ideas 11.formal language 12.do extra work 13.be painted blue 14.take action 15.be hungry / be in hunger(starve)16.worry about not doing sth.17.share similar characteristics 18.give up one’s plan/dream 19.a curious and outgoing person 21.a confident person 22.pay no attention to details 23.a polite and fair person 24.get along/on well with sb.25.energetic=be full of energy 26.forgive sb for his/her faults 27.have a good sense of humour/direction 28.travel to different places 29.be successful/ have success at school or at work 30.be patient enough to do sth.31.wait without getting angry/ with patience 32.hate to be like anyone else 33.try everything different34.a creative and imaginative person

被划分为… 被…决定 喜欢成为领导 一个努力工作的人 喜欢存钱 热爱和平与别人争论 保守秘密 在电话里 想出新主意 正式语言 做额外的工作 被漆成蓝色 采取行动 感到饥饿 为(做不到某事)而担心 有相似的性格 放弃某人的计划/梦想 一个有好奇心且外向的人 一个自信的人 不注重细节 一个有礼貌又公正的人 与某人相处的很好 活力四射/充满能量 原谅某人的过失 有很强的幽默感/方向感到不同的地方去旅行 在学校或工作中取得成功做某事有足够的耐心 不生气地(有耐心)等讨厌和别人一样 尝试不同的事情一个有创造性又富有想象力的人

35.make friends with sb36.be good at drawing

37.spend a lot of time doing sth 38.show off

39.have problems with… 40.be afraid of doing sth.41.get full marks

42.make a speech in assembly 43.help sb/oneself get more organized

44.recommend someone as the new chairperson

45.the most suitable job/position 46.try one’s best to do sth 47.It’s exciting to do… 48.sth look good/nice on sb

49.the relationship between colours and moods

50.affect/change our moods 51.make us feel energetic52.feel relaxed

53.be good for the mind and body 54.create the feeling of harmony 55.live in cold climate 56.prefer to do sth

57.prefer doing A to doing B

58.remind sb of a warm, sunny day

59.represent new life and growth

60.have difficulty in making a decision

与某人交朋友 和某人交朋友 和某人交朋友 擅长绘画

花费很多时间做某事 炫耀

在…有问题 害怕做某事 得满分





尽某人最大的努力做某事 做某事是激动的某物穿在某人身上好看 颜色与情绪之间的关系

影响/改变我们的情绪 使我们变得精力充沛 感觉放松的对身心有好处 创造和谐感

住在寒冷的气候里 更喜欢做某事

更喜欢做A…而不做B… 宁愿做A而不做B


get a problem

代表新的生命和生长 做决定有困难

61.eat too much 62.be good for 63.feel lonely

64.youth worker 65.hand in 66.give up67.stay out late

68.from time to time

69.offer me some suggestions 70.succeed in doing sth 71.make a list of72.apiece of advice 73.a lot of traffic

74.have a rest for a while

75.keep your worries to yourself

76.rather smart

77.an unhealthy diet 78.laugh at

79.suffer from stress 80.shout at sb

81.remote control

82.up-to-date information 83.a number of 84.horror film

85.be full of/be filled with 86.get scared 87.natural habitat

88.make you unhealthy 89.get enough sleep 90.close friends

吃太多 对…有好处 感到孤单

青少年辅导员 上交 放弃

在外面呆到很晚 不时/有时给我一些建议 成功地做某事 列一份…的清单 一条建议 交通拥挤 休息一会儿


相当聪明 不健康的饮食 嘲笑 承受压力 对某人大叫


最新信息 很多 恐怖片 充满 受惊吓 自然栖息地

使你不健康 有足够的睡眠 关系亲密的朋友

91.give special attention to 92.work out

93.agree with your parents 94.revise for texts

95.the solution to the problems 96.write down your answers 97.get angry with each other

98.pay no attention to … 99.reply to sb 100.deal with

101.one main cause of 102.wish for

103.send out programmes 104.TV channel

105.a weekly round-up 106.cover different sports 107.vote for 108.kill oneself 109.solve mysteries 110.take a close look at 111.win a great prize 112.drama series 113.take a shower

114.put sth away

115.pack my school bag 116.come third

117.a thank-you letter

118.surprising ending 119.stop daydreaming

120.one of Hollywood’s all-time favorite actresses

对…特别关注 计算出

同意你父母的观点 复习迎考

解决问题的方法 写下你的答案 生彼此的气

忽视…/对…不理睬 给某人回信 处理/解决/应对 …的主要原因 希望得到,渴望 传送节目 电视频道 每周新闻综述 涉及不同的运动 为…投票 自杀 揭开谜底近距离地关注 赢得大奖 电视剧 沐浴

把某物收拾起来 打包书包 第三名 一封感谢信

令人惊讶的结尾 不要做白日梦了


121.at a very young age

122.attract the writer’s attention 123.Be made into a play 124.mark the beginning of 125.a big success

126.win an Oscar for Best Actress 127.play the lead role

128.her final appearance in films 129.act in TV series

130.show us the beauty of nature 131.devote…to… 132.work closely with 133.help needy children 134.pass away

135.(be)known for…

136.have a bad effect on sb.137.have happy endings 138.be experienced in acting 139.star in many other successful films

140.ought to do sth

141.the right person to do… 142.make notes on 143.much more serious

144.the body of a 22-year-old man 145.be seen doing sth 146.take place 147.be brought to

148.ask sb.to contact us

149.be particularly interested in sth.150.be attacked with a knife 151.bleed to death as a result 152.evidence of a struggle


引起那位作家的注意 被改编成戏剧 标志…的开端 一次巨大的成功

获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖 扮演主角

她在电影中的最后一次露脸 在电视剧中演出 展示给我们自然之美 把 …奉献给 与…密切合作

帮助需要帮助的儿童 去世


对…有不好的影响 有大团圆结局




做…的合适人选 做…笔记严重得多

一位22岁年轻人的尸体 被看到正在做… 发生 被带到


对…特别感兴趣 被用刀子袭击 结果流血过多致死 有搏斗痕迹

153.put up a good fight

154.check the scene for fingerprints and clues

155.have an interesting and well-paid job

156.computer crimes 157.be charged with 158.breathe heavily 159.offer a reward of… 160.lead to

161.the arrest of… 162.arrest the murdered 163.with blood on his shirt 164.at the scene of the crime 165.be highly possible… 166.do … for a living 167.be shocked168.be involved in

进行了激烈的搏斗 核实指纹与线索


电脑犯罪活动 被指控… 呼吸沉重

提供悬赏…的奖金 导致 逮捕

U6咨询顾问岗位职责 篇2

Comic strip and Welcome to the unit

I.Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.learn about the names of outdoor activities;2.talk about their favorite outdoor activities;3.share happiness with others and learn to interact with others.II.Teaching contents 1.New words and phrases: outdoor, hurry, complain, that, camping, cycling, riding, skating, ride,outside, hurry up, that heavy, complain too much, go riding/camping 2.New Sentences: What outdoor activity would you like to try?

What do you like about camping? I like being outside.III.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty Learn how to talk about the favourite outdoor activity and the reason.IV.Teaching procedures A Comic strip Step 1 Lead-in T: Hello, boys and girls.Today we will learn Comic strip and Welcome to the unit of Unit 6.First, please see some pictures.T: They are all about outdoor activities.Do you like outdoor activities? Which of them do you like best?

T: Today, we will talk about different outdoor activities.【设计意图:借助震撼的户外运动视频引出话题“户外活动”,活跃气氛,导入新课。】

Step 2 Presentation 1.Look and say

T: Look at the pictures of our friends, Eddie and Hobo.What outdoor activity are they doing?

S:(They are hiking.)2.Listen and answer T: Yes, they are hiking.Now let’s listen to their dialogue and find what is happening.Before listening, please read the questions and get ready.(1)How does Eddie feel?(2)Why can’t Eddie hurry up?

T: Can you guess the meaning of “hurry up”? It is similar to “come on”.Let’s practice.Please fill in the blanks.3.Read and answer T: Now, please open your books and read the dialogue with the tape.While reading, pay attention to the sounds and intonation.After reading, you should answer two questions.(1)What does Hobo think of Eddie?(2)What does Hobo think of the bag? 4.Answer and learn T: Let’s answer the questions one by one.“What does Hobo think of Eddie?”

S:(He thinks Eddie complains too much.)(此处学生可能对complain不了解,教师可以帮助他们正音。)T: Let’s practice the word “complain”.Please fill in the blanks.S:(She never complains too much about anything.)T: Boys and girls, read the sentence and try to find the use of complain.(稍作停顿)We often say “complain about something or somebody.”(圈出about)

T: Now try to answer the second question “What does Hobo think of the bag?”

S:(He thinks that the bag isn’t that heavy.)T: Can you say “that heavy” in another way?(此处教师应鼓励学生通过上下文猜测that heavy的意思。)

S:(Really heavy/so heavy.)T: Yes, you are right.Let’s practice the word “that”.Please fill in the blanks.S:(The baby can’t walk that far.)5.Act it out T: By now, we’ve known the dialogue better.Please work with your partner and read the dialogue again.Later, we will act as dubbing(配音)actors.6.Tips for hiking T: Great!After acting the dialogue out, can you give Eddie some advice on hiking?

S:(Don’t bring too many things while hiking.)

T: Yes.I agree with you.It’s said that the weight of your backpack should be less than one fourth of your weight.【设计意图:借助问题,鼓励学生听对话、读对话;借助回答,给予学生支架,帮助他们扫除语言障碍,让他们在语境中感知生词的意义和用途,达到细化处理文本内容的目的。在此基础上,设计配音活动,鼓励学生进一步熟悉和理解对话内容,教师也可以通过该活动了解学生的掌握情况。最后借助问题,提醒学生远足的注意点,拓展文本。】

B Welcome to the unit Step 1 Presentation 1.Learn to say T: We’ve known Eddie and Hobo are hiking.Hiking is a kind of outdoor activity.What other outdoor activities do you know? Look at the pictures and say what outdoor activities they are.T: In picture one, what’s the man doing?


T: Good.Please move on.S2:(In picture two, the man is swimming.)

S3:(In picture three, the lady is skating.)

S4:(In picture four, the girl is riding a bike.)

T: Yes.And we can call it “cycling”.S5:(In picture five, the boy is riding a horse.)

T: Yes.And we can call it “horse riding” or “riding” for short.What can you see in Picture Six?

Ss:(A tent and a fire.)

T: Yes.We call it “camping”.2.Learn and match T: I am sure it’s easy for you to finish the exercises in A1 on page 69.T: Now, let’s check the answers.I’d like you to talk about the pictures one by one like this: A: What outdoor activity would you like to try? B: I want to go....T: Let’s review the phrases again.They are “go jogging/camping/skating/swimming/cycling/ horse riding or riding.” 4.Brainstorm T: Do you know other outdoor activities? I will show you some pictures for help.Try to say as many outdoor activities as you can, such as go hiking.Ss:(Go fishing/boating/roller skating/skiing/walking/running/sailing/surfing....)

T: Great!There are so many outdoor activities.Which is your favourite? 5.Listen and answer T: Daniel and Amy are also talking about outdoor activities.Let’s close our books and listen to their conversation.Try to find the answer to the questions:(1)What outdoor activity would Amy like to try?(2)What about Daniel? 6.Read and learn T: Now, please open your books and red their conversation with the tape.After reading, try to fill in the table on the screen.T: I’d like you to answer like this: Amy/Daniel wants to go ________ because ____________.S1: Amy wants to go riding because She loves horses and she really wants to ride one.S2: Daniel wants to go camping because he likes being outside, near beautiful lakes and hills.7.Useful expressions T: Try to find some useful expressions in the conversation.T: Can you put the Chinese sentence into Chinese? S: What do you like about your school? 【设计意图:从Eddie和Hobo进行的hiking导入其他的户外活动。借此环节呈现部分生词,完成书本练习,复习拓展户外活动词汇,操练go...结构。设问学生最爱的户外活动,导入Amy和Daniel的对话。先听后读,设置问题,细化文本内容,为下面的对话活动打好基础。】

Step 2 Production 1.Pair work T: Now I’d like you to share your ideas with your friends.Please make a conversation to talk about outdoor activities, using Amy and Daniel’s conversation as a model.2.Learn more about outdoor activities T: Do you want to know more about outdoor activities? Let’s listen to Susan for more information.T: Fill in the blanks according to Susan’s words.You can discuss with your partners first.T: Well done.Now let’s find out the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph One: About seasons.Paragraph Two: About group activities.Paragraph Three: Old people and young people do different outdoor activities.Paragraph Four: Be careful because some outdoor activities are dangerous.T: Perfect.We should be careful while doing outdoor activities.If we do so, we can get fun from them.That’s the topic of this unit.Let’s read together.【设计意图:铺垫和积累至此,学生已经具备开展活动的知识储备。本部分旨在鼓励学生灵活应用所学,实现语用价值。同时,本部分以合作形式开展活动,学生在小组合作中互相学习。借助外教视频,拓展户外活动知识,概括文本,讨论总结户外活动注意点,回应课外活动主题outdoor fun,体现了“乐”的升华。】


U6咨询顾问岗位职责 篇3

Unit 6 Topic 1 Is there a sofa in your study?

1.Welcome to my new home.欢迎到我的新家 2.why not / don’t you go upstairs?为什么不上楼呢? 3.have a look(at the picture)看看(那张图画)4.a moment later一会儿以后 5.come in进来

6.so many books/much water那么多书/那么多水 7.play with his pet dog和他的宠物狗一起玩 8.talk about Jane’s study谈论简的书房

9.put them here/there/on the desk把它们放在这里/那里/桌子上

put them away把它们收好

10.You must look after your things你必须看好你的东西 11.I love playing on the computer我喜欢玩电脑 12.in front of/behind the house在房子前面/后面 on the first /second floor在一楼/二楼

in the garden / kitchen/dining room/living room/ bathroom/ bedroom/ study 在花园/厨房/餐厅/客厅/浴室/卧室/书房里

13.in the glass /bottle/ drawer在玻璃杯/瓶子/抽屉里 on the chair在椅子上 under the bed在床下

near/next to the window在窗户附近14.on the river(ship/boat)/in the river(fish people)在河里

on the tree(树上长的东西如flower, leaf)in the tree(外面落到树上的东西如:bird, kite)在树上 on the wall(picture/map/clock)/ in the wall(hole/window/door)在墙上

15.I’m very glad to get a letter from you/ hear from you/get your letter我很高兴收到你的来信 16.want to tell you something about my house想要告诉你我房子的事 17.语法:There be 句型:表示某地有某物 结构为 There is / are + n..+sw.1)基本句型:

肯定句:There is a lamp on the table.桌子上有盏灯

一般问句:Is there a lamp on the table? Yes, there is.No , there isn’t.桌子上有盏灯吗?是的,有。不,没有

复数问句:Are there any lamps on the table? Yes, there are, No, there aren’t.桌子上有些灯吗?是的,有。不,没有。

否定句:There isn’t a lamp/ aren’t any lamps on the table.桌子上没有灯。

特殊问句对数量提问:How many lamps are there on the table? There are three桌子上有几盏灯? 有三盏。

特殊问句对名词提问: What’s on the table?桌子上有什么?


There is a lamp and some books on the table.桌子上有一盏灯和一些书。There are some books and a lamp on the table.桌子上有一些书和一盏灯。3)不可数名词的提问:

There is some water in the glass.玻璃杯里有些水。How much water is there in the glass?玻璃杯里有多少水?What’s in the glass?玻璃杯里有什么? Dialogue:

A: What’s on the desk?B: There are some model planes on it.桌上有什么? 有一些飞机模型。A: How many planes are there?B: There are three.有多少个飞机? 有三个。A: Are there any shoes under the bed?B: yes, there are.床下有鞋子吗? 是的,有。A: How many pairs are there ?B: There are two pairs.有多少双? 有两双。

A: Is there a computer on the desk?B: No, there isn’t.桌上有个电脑吗?不,没有。A: What’s on the desk then?B: There is a lamp on it.那么桌上有什么?有一盏灯

Unit 6 Topic 2What’s your home like?

1.an apartment building/ a town house/ a farmhouse in the country一座公寓楼/一幢平房/在乡村


2.live with your grandparents和你的祖父母一起住

3.look for an apartment near our school寻找学校附近的一间公寓 4.write an ad写一张广告 5.what kind of house什么样的房子

a house with furniture for a family of three适合三口之家家俱齐全的房子 an small apartment for students适合学生的小公寓 a house with three bedrooms=a three-bedroom house有三个卧室的房子

a quiet double/ single room一个安静的双人/单人间 6.for rent/ wanted出租/求租

rent sth to sb for $以。。价钱把某物租给某人 rent sth from sb for$以。。价钱向某人租某物 7.call sb at +电话号码打。。电话找某人 8.under $100 per month每月不高于100美元 9.Would you like me to help you? Yes, thanks.你希望我帮助你吗?

10.Are there any supermarkets near here? Yes, there is one on the street corner.附近有超市吗?是的,街角有一个。

Is there a bookstore here ?Yes , there is one in front of our building.这儿有书店吗?我们楼前有一个。

11.mail letters in the post office/ keep and show things in the museum在邮局寄信/在博物馆保存


park cars in the parking lot/ see a doctor in the hospital在停车场停车/ 在医院看医生

keep money in the bank/ take a train in the train station在银行存钱/在火车站乘火车 A:是的,街角处有一个。B:每月多少钱?have meal in the restaurant在饭店吃饭 A: Under $300 a month.The bus stop is not far from it.一个月不高于300美元。公车站离它不远。12.What’s the matter/ What’s wrong/ What’s the problem(with sb)?。。怎么啦? B: Good..Let’s tell him right now.太好了。让我们马上告诉他吧。13.hear/see sb doing sth听见/看见某人在做某事Unit 6 Topic 3 14.play the piano/guitar弹钢琴/吉他 15.I’m afraid it’s too loud我恐怕那太大声了 16.I’m really sorry about that对那我真的很抱歉 17.at the end of the road/ close to my home/ far from here/ in our area在路的尽头/我家附近/离这儿很远/在我们区 18.families with children有小孩的家庭 19.call the community service center for help打电话给社区服务中心求助 20.My kitchen fan doesn’t work=My kitchen is broken我厨房的风扇坏了

There is sth wrong with my kitchen fan

Something is wrong with my kitchen.21.The line is bad.(电话)线路很糟

22.I’ll get/ask someone to check it right now.我马上叫人来检查。

23.move from cities to suburbs从城市搬到郊区

24.The traffic is heavy./ busy交通拥挤 25.The cost of living in cities is high/Living in cities costs too much.生活花费太高 sth costs sb.$ eg: The book costs me Y10.某物花了某人。。钱如:这本书花了我十块钱。26.houses with big yards有大院子的房子

27.like 的用法:v.喜欢prep.像

1)be like : What’s your home like?像:你家什么样?

Look like: What does your home look like?看上去像:你家看上去什么样?

It’s an apartment building.2)What is he like? He is friendly。他是什么样的? 他很友好。What does he look like? He is very tall with big eyes。他长什么样的? 他很高,有一双大眼睛。What does he like?He likes playing basketball。他喜欢什么? 他喜欢打篮球。3)How does he like the house?=What does he think of the house?他有多喜欢这房子?=他认为这房子怎么样?

He likes it very much。/ He thinks it’s nice.他非常喜欢它。他认为它很好。


A: What’s your home like?B: It’s an apartment building.What about yours?


A: I live in a townhouse.Michael is looking for a house.A:是平房。Michael正在找一个房子。

B: What kind of house does he want to rent?B:他想要租什么样的房子?

A: A small apartment near our school.B: Are there any near here?A:我们学校附近的小公寓。B:附近有吗?

A: Yes, there is one on the street corner.B: How much is it per month?

(1)英语中常见的问路方式 1.Excuse me, is there a bank near here? / are there any banks near here? 劳驾,这附近有银行吗? 2.how can I get to the bank?请问我如何才能到达? 3.where is the bank?请问银行在哪里?

4.which is请问去银行是哪条路? 5.do you knowthe way to the bank?请问你知道去银行的路吗? 6.could you tell me您能告诉我去银行的路吗?

(2)指路的方式有 1.Go up/down/along this street to the end, you’ll find it on your right/left.沿着这条路走到尽头,你会在你的右边/左边找到它。2.Go along this road and turn right/left at the first/second/third street.沿着这条路在第一/二/三个街口向右/左转。

3.Go along this road until you get to Xinhua Street.沿着这条路直到你到达新华路。

4.Turn left/right and walk on.You’ll see it on your left/right.向左/右转并继续走。你将会在你的左

边/有边看到它。5.It’s about 15 meters/ kilometers away form here.离这儿大约有15米(公里)远。

6.It’s about 15 meters/ kilometers along on the right/left.前方右/左侧大约15米(公里)。

7.You need to take a bus.First, you need to take bus No.1, then you should change to the No.2 bus.你需要乘巴士。首先,你需要乘坐一路车,然后你应该换乘二路车。8.Sorry, I don’t know.I’m new here.对不起,我不知道。我是新来的。9.You can’t miss it./You’ll find(see)it./ The bus will take you there/ to the library.你不会错过它的。

/你将找到(看见)它。/ 公车将带你到那儿(图书馆)。


1.on the corner of / on Zhongshan Road(Street)在……拐角处/在中山路(街)上 2.across from在……的对面 3.betweenand在……与……的中间

4.turn left/ right at the first street/ turning/ crossing/ traffic lights在第一个街口/拐弯/十字路口/交通

灯处/向左/右转 5.No right/ left turn/ No turning right/ left禁止向右/左转 6.Go straight直走 7.No parking禁止停车 8.Parking可停车 9.crosswalk斑马线 10.sidewalk人行道 11.public phone公共电话

12.(at the)traffic lights交通灯(处)13.Danger危险

14.No U-turn禁止掉头/转弯 15.get hurt受伤 16.lose one’s life失去生命

17.in traffic accidents在交通事故中 18.make the roads safe使道路安全 19.obey the traffic rules遵守交通规则

20.keep on the right of the road靠道路的右边

21.cross / go across the road/ the bridge过马路/过桥 22.look both ways向两边看 23.look left/right向左/右看

24.play on the road/street在马路上/街上玩耍 25.It’s good to do sth.什么……是好事

e.g.It’s good to help children(to)cross the road.帮助小孩过马路是好事。26.a ticket for speeding=a speeding ticket:超速的罚单

a ticket for drinking and driving=a drinking ticket酒后驾车的罚单

a ticket for parking in the wrong place=a parking ticket违章停车的罚单 a ticket for making a wrong turn=a turning ticket违章转弯的罚单 27.drive too fast开得太快

28.wait for your turn/ a bus/ him等候轮到你/等公车/等他 29.be careful小心 30.keep/be quiet保持安静 31.be late for school上学迟到

32.Don’t eat in the classroom不要在教室吃东西 33.How far is it from here?它里这里有多远?

It’s about 10 kilometers away from here.大约离这里有10公里远。34.call(sb.)from sw从某处打电话给(某人)


表示请求或命令的句子。主语省略,谓语用原形,没有时态的变化 否定式:Don’t + do/be(有时在句末加please)

Do your homework after school.在放学后做你的家庭作业 Don’t do your homework after school.不要在放学后做你的家庭作业 Keep quiet in class, please.请在上课时保持安静 Open the door, please.请开门 Don’t be late for school.不要迟到 Be careful.小心

Let’s(not)play soccer.让我们(不要)踢足球Dialogue:

A: Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?

B: Oh, yes.I want to go to the West Lake Park, but I don’t know the way there.哦,是的,我想去西湖


A: Oh, it is far form here.It’s about 15kilometers away from here.First, you need to take the No.821 bus

and then change to the No.801 bus at the library.哦,它离这很远。离这儿大约15公里。首先你需要乘821路车,然后在图书馆改乘801.B: So far? What can I do? I must get there at four o’clock.这么远?我能怎么办?我必须在四点钟到那。

A: Would you like to take my car? I’ll take you there.你想要坐我的车吗?我会把你带到那。B: That’s a good idea.Thank you.那是个好主意,谢谢。动词归纳及练习

一: 谓语动词:动词在句中充当谓语,往往是句中的第一个动词,有时态语态人称和数的变化。主要根据主语确定数的变化,根据时间和句意确定所用时态,采用相对应的动词形式。目前我们所学的有:

一般现在时: 表示目前的状态或习惯性行为,动词用V原形/ V单三。对实义动词提问用do/does现在进行时:表示说话时正在发生的行为及事情,动词用Be+Ving.提问把be提前。祈使句:使用动词原形开头,无主语。

情态动词:can/could/will/would/may/must/should/need +V原形

例题:1.He usually __________(walk)to school2.There _______(be)a computer on the desk.3.Jim ______(not like)playing the piano.4.There ________(not be)any glasses of milk on the table.5.My family ________(watch)TV now.6.How often ______ the students _______(swim)in summer? 7.What ______Kate______(do)? She is a student.8.What _______ Kate _______(do)at the moment? 9.Look, your mother __________(not cook)She is _______(run)in the park.10.______(sit)down and _____(be)quiet.Listen, the teacher _______(say)something.11.How can I ________(get)to the park?12.He must ________(obey)the traffic rules.13.Now, we mustn’t _________(do)our homework.We should ________(listen)to the teacher carefully.二:非谓语动词:动词在句中不充当谓语,而是充当宾语,状语定语等其他成份,一般不是句中的第一个动词,无人称时态语态数的变化。主要根据前一个动词来确定自身形式。目前我们学过的有:V原形,Ving , to+V原形 这三种形式。

后面要跟V原形的有这些动词:help make let sb + V原形

后面要跟Ving的有这些动词:like/love/keep/go/do some /hear/see/find(sb)+Ving

介词如:what about/ be good at/ do well in/a ticket for/ thank you for +Ving 句型如:No+VingThere be sb +Ving
