


怎样写一封得体的电子邮件 篇1













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怎样写一封得体的电子邮件 篇2

The enterprise culture is the e nterprise one kind of enterprise which forms in the management and operation process manages the philosophy, is instructs the enterprise production and the operative activity one ideological concept and the operative norm.Speeds up now in the product renewal step, under the competition intense market background, the enterprise competition's success or failure is decided day by day by enterprise's overall strength, but the enterprise culture manifests as the enterprise value idea's one kind, for enterprise's growing strong, the adaptation steep competition will survive will be playing more and more vital role.Party's 16 big reports pointed out:now the world, the culture and the economy, politics blend mutually, is getting more and more prominent in the comprehensive nationa strength competition's status and the function.Party comrade wants to know profoundly the cultural reconstruction the strategic sense, impels the socialism culture development In the comprehensive construction affluent society, starts the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics new ball game in the advancement the cultural strength will demonstrate its function.

The cultural philosophy's research has had many theor moreover Western many scholars have the suitable guiding sense to the cultural philosophy's research results to enterprise culture's construction.Chinese renowned scholar once to cultura philosophy definition:"the cultural philosophy is`through the bulking property standpoint which and the theoretical level has from the philosophy embarks, the utilization melts the abstrac analysis and the concrete synthesis in one, the individual principle production to discuss, the methodology angle of view, to the cultural production, the development and the vicissitude rule, the cultural essence, as well as the cultural each kind of concrete manifestation form's interactive process studies, the construction becomes philosophy system info'".The domestic and foreign many scholars have had many indications to enterprise culture's essence, if US William·Imperial Palace thought:"a company's culture constitutes by its tradition and the atmosphere.They give company's values and the faith transmission the employee.These ceremonies originally add the flesh and blood for these on scarce and the abstract concept, entrusts with them by the life".

The era of knowledge economy, information technology's rapid development already or was changing enterprise's modes o business operation, was changing the market game rule.In enterprise development's many element of production, the knowledge becomes the enterprise life and death the crucial factor.Enterprise's knowledge innovation will become the enterprise technological innovation, the management innovation and the institutional innovations and so on a series of business management activity center.Therefore, era of knowledge economy's enterprise culture should manifest"humanist"the values, respect the staff the self-value, guides staff's self-control.This kind of enterprise culture is one kind of union time background, manifests the actual need the innovative culture.The modern enterprise culture is take the business management philosophy and the spirit of enterprise as a core, manifests for enterprise's core competitiveness, is one kind take the material and the spirit as the carrier economic civilization.Many well-known enterprises have formed a set complete, the formation management theory and the enterprise culture idea.But in this era of knowledge economy, the deep level's enterprise culture constructs now to be how more thorough?How does the enterprise construct one kind of true colors to have the characteristic enterprise culture, has become the question which the new century enterprise business manager is worth thinking deeply about?China traditional culture is broad and profound, many thought have permeated in the modern management process, to formed the good enterprise management and operation pattern, the construction outstanding enterprise culture has had the extremely vital role.China traditional culture and the management concept have positive one side, also has its negative one side.In China business management the key role is mainly the management concept, its thought essence is emphasizes"the doctrine of the mean"the road, stressed that management ethics and the moral standards, this has suppressed to a certain extent also person's creativity.Therefore, in the establishment has the Chinese characteristic modern enterprise system and in the management pattern process, both must absorb China traditional culture and the management concept essence, and must study the Western institution management the superiority, the implementation organization, the scientific management, achieves truly"makes the past serve the present, makes foreign things serve China", causes it to meet the time requirement and the market economy need to develop.

写一封电子邮件中考英语作文 篇3

All good things must come to an end.l am writing this letter to inform you that I will leave this company.

When I look back over the past few years,l feel reluctant to part from you.And all the memories I have of working with you are invaluable to me.I would Iike to deliver my heartfelt thanks to all that have given me guidance,support and assistance.

Attached is my personal contact information.

Keep in touch and I wish all of you a promising future!

Warm regards,

写一封感恩老师的信 篇4






写一封情书 篇5





笨女孩,也不要 忘了一直努力,蜗牛也有爬到树尖的一天,乌龟最后还是拿到了那块奖牌,继续努力吧,不要被目前的困难吓到,坚强的你最闪亮。

