


北师大英语必修5教案 篇1

Lesson 1 Life-long Learning

Teaching aims:

To develop and practice the strategies for prediction, working out meanings and making inference.

To practice using Third Conditional Sentences.

Teaching difficulties:

To practice using Third Conditional Sentences

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Warming up

T:Since childhood we began to learn writing and drawing. Now we work even harder for entering university, is it true? I know you all work hard, sometimes you feel tired. Once you graduate from university and get a job, do you think it necessary to continue learning something new?

T: Look at pictures about middle-aged people having class. Ask students “ what do you think of them” “why do they learn? “Is it true that as long as you live you must learn?” Many adults are sadly too busy to develop learning skills once they start work and have family to support.

You are young and naturally more open to learning.

T: Now let’s read an article “Life-Long Learning. You will learn some new thoughts and ideas about life-long learning. It is valuable for your growth.


1 Read the text silently and find the answers to the questions

1.) When did he find time to study ?

2) What did he think of his four years hard work ?

3) When did she lay off ? 4) How did she feel about it ?

5 ) Why did she lay off ? 6 ) Did she do something wrong ?

7) How did Grandpa Chen connect his daughter in the US in the past ?

8) What do you think of them ?

2.find the information to fill in the table . Do the exercise 3, then check the answers as a class .

3. Do the exercise true or false

1.) Sun Wen can’t graduate from Qinghua University .

2.) Ms Tang didn’t lay off 3 years ago.

3.) Ms Tang didn’t get bored or decided to do a business course .

4.) Grandpa Chen is teaching himself new tricks every day .

5.) Grandpa Chen isn’t doing an English course on the Internet .

Answers: 1. F 2.F 3. F 4. T 5.F

T: draw a conclusion:

1.The world is developing so fast that you must learn all the time, even if you graduated from university otherwise you fall behind others. If you don’t learn you can’t understand the knowledge in your working field, you will lose your job.

2. All jobs ask you to invest time in continuous learning.

3. Life-long learning can keep yourself up-to- date with the changing world.

4. New challenges , competitive job market and technology revolution ask you as life-long learner.

Ⅲ Language skills

1.Language points and some useful expressions

1.) be about to I was just about to ask you the same thing.

2.) a second 3. )worth doing 4.) prove to be 5.) get +pp 6.) go up 7.) in person8.) All you can do is switch off your brain .

9.)switch off 不考虑;觉得乏味10.) All you can do is switch off your head .

2 . Do exercises 6 .

3. Do exercises8 . Which of the conditional sentences is correct in each context?

Ⅳ Analysis and understand

Do exercises 4 In pairs, discuss ways that you can take part in lifelong learning after you finish school or university

Example: A: Learning another language is a good way to keep on learning after finishing school.

Ⅴ Homework 1. Do exercise4 2. Do exercise9

3. Read the article: The Education System in the UK(page 46)

Learning:A Lifelong Career

1.As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. 2.Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age. 3.learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. 4.to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.


北师大英语必修5教案 篇2


(一) 教学内容分析

本课出自北京师范大学出版社出版的高中英语必修模块五Unit 14 Careers, 本版块主要围绕“职业”话题展开。Job Trends是第十四单元第四课, 是以阅读策略训练为重点的阅读课, 内容主要涉及对未来工作趋势的预测以及求职者为适应工作变化而必备的技能和品质。文章提到一些传统行业的职位将急剧减少, 如农业、煤矿业等。而一些新兴行业, 如服务行业、传媒和信息技术将会发展良好。学生在阅读文章的同时, 通过预测和思考、讨论, 激发自己对未来工作的畅想和规划。学生通过对本课的学习, 认识到危机意识, 努力学习, 掌握必要的技能和品质, 在今后的职场中能做到“Survival of the Fittest”。

(二) 学生分析

本课授课对象为文科普通班学生, 整个班级中学生的英语水平参差不齐。大部分学生虽然有一定的英语基础, 但基础不扎实, 对很多较难的单词和语法掌握不到位, 词汇量小, 语法知识理解不透彻。大部分学生虽然有学习的目标性和主动性, 能配合教师的教学, 但不敢主动发言。高二学生经过高一一年的学习, 英语学习习惯已经基本形成。他们不喜欢照本宣科的教师, 且更喜欢有趣味性的学习。如果教师改变单调死板的词汇讲解和语法教学方法, 创设出能激发学生好奇心和创造力的语境, 联系他们最熟悉的日常生活教学, 学生就会很感兴趣, 会积极配合教师完成教学目标。

(三) 教学目标

本课的语言知识目标是识别文章中各段落的主题, 填补段落间空缺的句子;根据语境整体理解全文大意, 学习与工作有关的词汇, 练习动词词组的搭配。

本课的能力目标是使学生进一步提高阅读理解能力, 掌握信息匹配题的解题步骤和做题技巧, 提升他们查找信息、快速获取信息的能力。

本课的情感目标是通过对未来工作趋势的了解, 增强学生的学习动力, 促使学生学习必备的就业技能;培养学生的跨文化交际意识和合作意识。本堂课是这篇文章的第二课时, 第一课时学生已经认识了本课的新词汇, 能运用阅读技巧识别文章各段落的主题, 填补了段落间缺少的句子, 并听了课文录音。同时, 通过小组竞赛的形式提出职业市场的变化和发展趋势, 思考了个人的职业发展, 基本达到了语言知识目标、能力目标和情感目标的一部分。这堂课的任务是, 首先, 复习第一课时的词汇;其次, 着重于对语篇的理解分析, 进一步提高学生的阅读理解能力, 提升查找信息、快速获取信息的能力。

(四) 教学重点和难点

1. 引导学生对语篇的理解分析;

2. 指导学生的阅读策略;

3. 从情感上启发、激励学生。

(五) 教学媒体



Step 1 Warm up

Ss read and spell the new words together. (3 min.)

Step 2 Pre-reading

Words review (7 min.)

Students guess some words by the explanations.

Step 3 Reading (35 min.)

1.Skimming (for general idea)

Give the Ss a sentence with a blank and ask the students to read the passage and fill in the blank.

2.Scanning (Find detailed information)

(1) Show the Ss a form:

In the Past In the Future

Job Market

Working Areas

Size of Companies

Skills For Jobs

(2) Fill in the first two blanks to give an example.Then ask the Ss to fill in the other blanks after skipping the text.

3.Careful reading

(1) Show Ss the questions of Exercise 3:

What is“future shock”?

What is one of the job areas of the future?

How will jobs change?

How will companies change?

What skills and personal qualities will people need?

What personal benefits will the new situation bring?

(2) Ask the Ss to read paragraphs one by one, translate them, find the key words and answer the questions.

Step 4 Post-Reading

A quiz.

Step 5 Discussion

In pairs, students discuss the question“What can we do now to suit the job trends?”

Step 6 Homework

Students make a short passage about the answer to the discussion.


虽然这堂课结束了, 但留给笔者很多值得思考的问题。作为一名经验型教师, 深知“上好一堂课”并不是简单的一句话。从备课、上课到课后反思, 每个环节都不容忽视。备课不仅要备教材, 还要备学生。在课堂上, 教师除了要具备基本的教学素质, 形成自己的风格特点外, 充满激情也很有必要。另外, 反思也是十分重要的。

因为这堂课是常规课而不是公开课, 所以笔者的状态比较放松, 教态自然且富有亲和力。大部分学生愿意在轻松的氛围中配合教师完成教学的环节。每位学生回答问题之后, 教师都给出了及时、有效的评价, 如“Good job!”“Well done!”“Very good!”等, 还有鼓励的话语, 如“Don’t be nervous, you can do it!”等。

但是, 在具体的教学实施环节, 难免有得有失。教学设置的第一个环节是对第一课时学习过的新单词进行回顾。教师并没有直接给出汉语意思, 让学生说出单词, 而是给出英文释义, 让学生边理解边回顾单词。让学生直接用英语解释和记忆单词不仅节约了时间, 帮助学生培养了英语语感, 还能促使学生更好地运用英语。由于是第一次设置这样的单词检测环节, 教师担心有的学生不能完全适应, 所以在给出英语解释的同时, 还给出了中文意思, 以兼顾不同层次的学生。在实际的教学操作中, 学生的参与度和回答准确率较高, 达到了预期的目标, 这是笔者比较满意的一部分。

教学设置的第二个环节是略读, 找出文章的主旨大意。为了降低难度, 首先, 教师运用了填空的方式, 以便学生能很快找到答案, 初步把握文章大意。其次, 教师列出一个表格, 从不同方面把过去和将来的工作进行对比。但由于时间较仓促, 学生预习也不够充分, 导致这部分的反馈并不是很理想。

教学设置的第三个环节是每段落的详细阅读。根据教材的练习部分所给的问题逐段分析课文, 让学生了解未来职业变化的趋势, 以及求职者必备的与工作相关的技能和品质。这部分是整堂课最欠缺的部分。从课堂的操作和学生的反应来看, 课前期望的教学目标并没有完全达成, 且存在不少问题。首先, 课文的处理过于单调, 深度不够。其次, 没有发散学生的思维, 学生只是被动地思考。最后, 没有激发出学生的听课热情, 这是本堂课最大的不足。笔者只侧重于语言知识的学习和运用, 却忽略了“课堂有效性”。

从本堂课的教学容量来看, 教师预期完成对整篇课文的理解和分析, 由于没有考虑学生的认知程度, 所以在实际操作中不得不结合学生的反应, 在分析课文时将节奏放慢, 导致没有在有效的时间内完成所有的教学任务。预先设计的小测试和讨论也没有如期进行。由于担心时间不够, 笔者就没有留出足够的时间让学生思考和寻找问题的答案, 无形中形成了紧张的气氛, 学生的压力较大。这一环节似乎只有一部分英语程度较好的学生在回应教师所提出的问题, 相当一部分学生或听不懂, 或阅读有障碍, 几乎没有回应, 整体参与面不广。鉴于此, 在今后的教学中, 教师首先要调整好心态, 多采取丰富有趣的教学活动来调动课堂气氛;其次, 为了课堂教学的有效性, 因提前布置好预习任务, 这样上课时就能有的放矢, 不至于冷场。

《普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) 》明确提出把“优化学习方式, 提高自主学习能力”作为五大基本理念之一, 特别强调“高中英语教学要鼓励学生通过积极尝试、自我探究、自我发现和主动实践等学习方式, 形成具有高中生特点的英语学习过程与方法”。为此, 以后的阅读教学中教师需要改进以下方面:

首先, 新课标强调培养学生的阅读策略, 重点培养学生在阅读中发现、探究、分析、判断、解决问题的能力和逻辑思维能力。教师可以围绕文本主题精心设计出能引导学生自主思考和阅读的问题。不仅要有整体性, 而且要面向全体学生, 具有层次性和梯度性。这样, 学生可以由易到难、循序渐进地理解文章。

其次, 改进和完善教学设计。虽然本课的教学环节设计得比较清晰, 但显得不太充实, 容量也不够大, 教学的步骤和方法都比较传统。今后在设计教学环节时, 一定要多考虑学生的实际, 设计出符合他们年龄特征和学习认知水平的教学环节, 巧妙构思, 启发学生的思维, 留给学生更多的自主活动时间和空间。根据学生的个体差异, 布置不同的任务, 充分调动学生的积极性, 让学生明确学习目标, 从而有切实的任务可完成, 在学习的过程中体验学英语的乐趣。借助一些教学素材辅助教学, 巧设情境, 通过直观的图片、生动的影音材料等, 让学生在真实、轻松的情境中融入语言环境, 从而活跃课堂气氛, 提高他们学习的积极性。以后的课堂教学可以依托多媒体技术, 设计出更多、更新颖的课件, 为课堂教学锦上添花。

北师大版五年级英语上册教案 篇3








(1)基本掌握核心词汇When, birthday, autumn, spring, March, September, October,及短语happy birthday. 能说,能简单运用。


When is your birthday?It’s March 12th.

How old are you?I’m eight years old.







Step1 Greetings and warm-up

Step2 Set the scene

(1)T: Today is my friend’s birthday. I have a gift for her.

(Ss review and read the word: gift.) Here is a birthday gift. 引入课题,板书课题: birthday.(Ss read and practice the pronunciations).

Let’s sing it!

Ss: Sing a birthday song together, and say “happy birthday” to the friend.


Watch the flash and think about the question: Whose birthday is it? (It’s Mocky’s birthday.)

(3)Read the story one sentence by one sentence.

Show the pictures of the four seasons and a calendar, learn spring, autumn, October, September, and October.

(4)Read the story again, and repeat: Today is Mocky’s birthday.

T: When is Mocky’s birthday? How old is Mocky?

Write down the dialogue and read.

(5)Then do the exercise: T or F.

Step3 Paper work:

(1)Show table 1 and fill Mocky’s birthday and age.

Then read the story again and complete the table 1 in groups.

Check the answers.

(2)Show a calendar again, and ask Ss to answer:

When is your birthday? How old are you?(Point at the right picture and talk about it.)

Ask 3 friends about their birthdays, and complete the table 2.

Ask 2-3 to show their table and read the sentences.

Step4 小结: 新单词和句型.

T:Today we learned five new words…

Ss: Spring, autumn, March, September, October.

T: And how to ask and answer your friends’ birthday and age?

Ss: How old are you? I’m … . When is your birthday? It’s … .

Step5 Say Goodbye.


Unit 4 Mocky’s birthday

When is Ken’s birthday? How old is Ken?

It’s March 12th.

He’s 10 years old.

New words:





1.Read the story.

2.Tell your parents your birthday in English.


“Mocky’s birthday”是小学英语北师大版第九册第四单元的内容。本单元的重点是关于询问及介绍生日,年龄的句型,以及十二个月份的学习。本堂课的教学选择了第一课时,关于课文教学。课文由Mocky看到桌上的礼物,猜测是谁过生日,由此引入关于询问和介绍自己生日和年龄的对话。






北师大英语必修5教案 篇4



2.自我评估 3.长处,优势 4.弱点,缺陷 5.获得,增加 6.适当地

7.被动的,消极的 8.短语,词组

9.集中(思想、注意力)10.以前的,过去的 11.积极的 12.联想,联系

13.脑力的,精神的 14.律师 15.高级的 16.物理学家 17.胡须

18.淡黄色的,毛发及皮肤浅色的19.墨镜 20.制服

21.长在上嘴唇上的小胡子 22.鞋跟

23.衣服袖子 24.面部的25.表情,表达能力,用词 26.联系,连接

27.链条,一连串的事物 28.飞机,航空器 29.紧急情况 30.祈祷,祷告 31.有天赋的32.精确地,准确地 33.描述,形容 34.学术的 35.预言,预测 36.应得,值得 37.失败 38.错误的 39.联想,协会 40.因此,如此 41.可能性

北师大版 必修5

42.残疾,无能力 43.完全地 44.她的45.他(她、它)们的 46.复活节 47.大使馆 48.控告,谴责 49.闪电

50.个性,性格 51.职员

52.售票员,指挥 53.屠夫,肉商 54.爱运动的 55.独立的 56.整洁的 57.自私的58.敏锐的,锋利的,尖的 59.特点,特性 60.渴望,欲望 61.满意,满足 62.收获 63.生物学 64.菠萝 65.桃子

66.和善,亲切 67.要求


69.在(上)船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)上70.潮湿的 71.助手,助理 72.独立 73.诗人 74.翻译员

75.家庭教师,导师 76.眼泪 77.脸颊 78.拥抱

79.不安的,不快的 80.错误,缺点 81.雷声 82.羊毛 83.松树 84.种子 85.松鼠 86.麻雀

88.断的,破的 89.减轻,宽慰 90.躲避 91.学者 92.长凳

93.家庭主妇 94.邮政编码 95.天文学 96.过敏的 97.忧虑,担心 98.复习

99.口头的,口述的 100.稻草,麦秆 101.怒视,瞪 102.部分 103.文学的 104.瞥一眼 105.蒸汽 106.证实

107.图书管理员 108.档案,文件 109.叹气,叹息

110.感激的,感谢的 111.不安的,有罪的112.相像的 113.缺点,短处 114.(银行)账户 115.纽扣 116.鹦鹉 117.笼子 118.评判

119.部分时间的120.(动物或鸟的)爪子121.酸奶,酸乳酪 122.蜂蜜 123.咀嚼

124.卫星,人造卫星 125.皱纹 126.额,前额 127.大厦,街区 128.大腿部,膝上

129.专心致志,献身于 130.含盐的,咸的 131.胡萝卜

北师大版 必修5133.同伴,伴侣 134.奉献 135.永远


136.高中 137.起草


Unit 14


1.木匠 2.化学家 3.接待员 4.打字员 5.保险

6.奖金,额外津贴 7.服务费,学费 8.收入 9.奖赏

10.薪金,工资 11.收费,要价 12.摘要,总结 13.指导 14.段落

15.时间表;课程表 16.机构;学院 17.援助,帮助 18.泵;抽水机 19.资料,数据 20.鹿 21.负责

22.题目,话题 23.收据,收条 24.错误 25.液体 26.理解

27.请教,查阅 28.表格,图表

29.随意的,非正式的 30.争吵,吵架



34.童年,儿童时代 35.打字机 36.片刻,瞬息 37.战斗,战役

38.民间的,国民的,国内的 39.道德

40.基础,根据 41.玉米 42.牛 43.霜

44.附近的,周围的 45.陡峭的,险峻的 46.谷物,谷粒 47.嘴唇

48.烂泥,泥浆 49.智慧

50.习语,成语 51.低级的 52.宇宙 53.人类 54.鸟窝,巢 55.羽毛


57.理解,领会,抓牢,抓紧 58.仔细检查

59.不合法的,违法的 60.投入 61.存在62.光荣,荣誉 63.不断地 64.在底下 65.弯腰,倾身

66.舞台,阶段,时期 67.犹豫,踌躇 68.腕,腕关节 69.旋转,转动 70.判断,判断力 71.减少,降低 72.乘,大量增加 73.部门,分割 74.分支,部门

75.运转,运作,操作 76.精力充沛的北师大版 必修578.灵活的,柔韧的 79.羡慕,嫉妒 80.打扰,烦扰 81.大陆,州 82.舒适,安逸 83.奴隶

84.迅速增长的,迅速发展的 85.恐慌,惊慌 86.算术

87.随信附上 88.资格,资历


89.营业员 90.接管,控制 91.编造

92.听出,看出 93.讨论,细谈

94.大声地说,自由而大胆地说出95.坐直 96.初中

97.信任,信仰 98.反转

99.得到好结果,取得成功 100.跟上,赶上 101.万一

102.简历,个人简历 103.由于 104.此外

Unit 15



2.氧,氧气 3.打勾做记号 4.牛,公牛 5.拼写

6.由后向前地 7.改正,改进 8.简化


10.稳定的,无忧无虑的11.坦率地,真诚地 12.空白的 13.膨胀,肿胀 14.怀疑 15.团,块


17.现状,社会地位 18.最高级别的 19.格言,谚语 20.邮费

21.航空邮政 22.使用者 23.指导,教导


25.区别,辨别;表现突出 26.练习,训练 27.格言,座右铭 28.保守的,旧式的 29.作业,任务,工作 30.可选择的,另类的 31.惩罚,处罚 32.名誉,名声

33.少量的,微小的34.(指言行等)不严谨的,放荡的] 35.服从,听从 36.温和的 37.接受者 38.速度,步速

39.杰出的,优秀的 40.反映,反射 41.挑选 42.误解 43.角

44.三角形 45.原子 46.倒,灌 47.火药

48.火焰,火舌 49.缺乏,没有 50.吐口水,吐痰 51.拖,拉 52.酸 53.洋葱 54.我们的北师大版 必修5

55.接近或进入之路 56.值得努力的 57.间谍,特务 58.胶水,胶 59.同伴

60.获得,得到 61.思考,考虑 62.职衔 63.官僚的 64.值得的 65.宗教

66.保卫,保护 67.忽视,不顾 68.不情愿的 69.假定,假设

70.力劝,强烈要求 71.鼓舞,鼓励 72.阴影,影子

73.传统的,保守的 74.王国 75.文明

76.极其重要的 77.有用的,有益的 78.景象,形象 79.假定,假设 80.使适应 81.设备,设施 82.欣赏




85.老实说,说实话 86.裁员,解雇 87.除……之外

88.行为不检点,品行不端89.在某种程度上 90.引发,出发 91.同学 92.习惯于

北师大英语必修5教案 篇5

Lesson 3 Sports Stars

Teaching aims:

To read a text for specific information

To provide a title appropriate for a whole text

To use the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses appropriately

To practise using positive and negative opinion adjectives.Teaching difficulties:

To use the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses appropriately

Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ.Warming up

First play the song “Pass the Flame”

Ⅱ Reading

First reading do the exercise true or false two sister plan to take up tennis career all their life.In competitive matches the two sisters seldom played each other.The two sisters have no common hobby except tennis.In their childhood the people around Williams sisters often fought each other using gun.5.Williams’ parents played an important part in their success.6.The text refer to us the sisters’ father is good at tennis.7.If one of them lose the game in their match, the other do the dishes.8.The two sisters miss their childhood so they often go back to their hometown.Answers: 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.F

Ⅲ Further understanding

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 高考资源网(),您身边的高考专家

Get student to guess the meanings of these words and check them while reading

Listen to the tape and check the answers

Read the text aloud and answer these questions(do the exercise 3)

Read the article again and suggest a title for the text(do the exercise 4)

Title: How to become a tennis star

Road to success

Tennis is my favorite sports

Tennis stars-Williams sisters

Ask student to choose one title.The answer is: Tennis stars-Williams sisters

Do you want to know more information about them? Add new information about the two sisters

Name:Venus Williams

Sex :female

Birthday :1980.07.17

Weight: 72.7kg

Height : 185cm

Nationality: America


转入职业时间 1995 WTA当前排名 3 迄今职业成绩 304胜69负 迄今单打冠军 29 迄今双打冠军 10 2003战绩 17胜3负

迄今职业奖金总额 $ 12,462,628 征战法网纪录次数 6 欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 高考资源网(),您身边的高考专家

单打最好成绩 2002亚军 双打最好成绩 1999冠军

Name :Serena Williams


Height: 178cm

Weight : 65.9kg

Nationality :


Event :tennis

转入职业时间 1995 WTA当前排名 1 迄今职业成绩 224胜41负 迄今单打冠军 22 迄今双打冠军 11 2003战绩 23胜1负

迄今职业奖金总额 $ 11,284,079

征战法网纪录 次数 4 单打最好成绩 2002夺冠 双打最好成绩 1999夺冠

Show some pictures

Picture1 study design in college

Picture2.the friendly sisters

Picture3 The two sisters’ photo of childhood.The topic of each paragragh

Para1 brief introduction

Para2 their childhood

Para3 training and study

para4 achievement and friendly relationship

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 高考资源网(),您身边的高考专家

Ⅳ Voice your opinion

What are the advantages of being sports stars?

Ⅴ Language points

1.speak about谈论,讲述

We couldn’t get him to speak about his war experiences.我们无法让他讲述当年战争的经历。


He has no interest in fine arts.他对美术没有兴趣。

I’ve lost my interest in collecting coins.我已经失去了收集硬币的兴趣。

The guests showed great interest in the new design.客人们对这种新设计表示出极大的兴趣。

3.come to an end结束

The meeting came to an end at last.会议终于结束了。

4.amazing adj.令人惊异的,指 物 amazed adj.感到惊异的,指人 amaze vt 使„惊异

The amazing performance amazed me.这种另人惊叹的表演让我吃惊

The amazing performance made me amazed.Ⅵ Vocabulary

Do the exercise 6

Ⅶ Language in Use

Choose a star.Make notes about the important achievements or events in his/her life, and the dates they happened.Don’t worry if you are not exact.Ⅷ Grammar

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 高考资源网(),您身边的高考专家

Guide students to study Grammar Summary 4, on page 93

Do the exercise 7

Students look at the sentences from the text and discuss when to use each tense.Do the exercise 8 and 9

Ⅸ Homework

If time is limited ask students do the exercise 10, 11and 12 as homework

北师大版高中数学必修5余弦定理 篇6














环节一 【创设情境】







答:岛屿A与岛屿B的距离为8.24 km


在△ABC中,BC=a,AC=b,AB=c,已知a,b,∠C(∠C为钝角)求 c.在探究1的解法基础上,把具体数字用字母替换,结合三角函数知识,不难得出 c2= a2+b2-2abcosC.


在△ABC中,BC=a,AC=b,AB=c,已知a,b,∠C(∠C为锐角)求 c.如右图,当∠C为锐角时,作AD⊥BC于D,BD把△ABC分成两个直角三角形: A 在Rt△ABD中,AB2=AD2+BD2;



探究4: :若把上面这个问题变为: C


在△ABC中,BC=a,AC=b,AB=c,已知a,b,∠C(∠C为直角)求 c.结合前面的探究,你有新的发现吗?













222在△ABC中已知∠A=900,BC=a,AB=c,CA=b, 求证:a=b+c B 证明:如右图,在△ABC中,设ACb,ABc,CBa.由向量的减法运算法则可得,ABACCB,即cba


222 等式两边平方得,cb2cba,2202222由向量的运算性质得cb2cbCos90a即cba








222其后,引导学生,由余弦定理分析: c=a+b-2abcosC。




从以上的公式中解出cosA,cosB,cosC,则可以得到余弦定理的另外一种形式: b2c2a2






面积。Q 环节五【应用拓展,提高能力】

例2:如图所示,有两条直线AB和CD相交成800角,交点是O,甲、乙两人同是从点O分别沿OA,OC方向出发,速度分别是4km/h、4.5km/h,B O P 3小时后两个相距多远(结果精确到0.1km)? 分析:经过3时,甲到达点P,OP=43=12(12km)乙到达点Q,OQ=4.53=13.5(km).问题转化为在△OPQ,已知OP=12km.,OQ=13.5km,∠POQ=800,求PQ的长。

例3 下图是公元前约400 ┅的图形(可登陆http://math.100xuexi.com 查阅详细资料),试计算图中线

段BD的长度及∠DAB的大小.1B A 环节六 【课堂反思总结】 通过以上的研究过程,同学们主要学到了那些知识和方法?你对此



论的数学思想; D C2、用向量证明了余弦定理,体现了数学知识的应用以及数形结合数


3、余弦定理表述了三角形的边与对角的关系,勾股定理是它的一种特例。用这个定理可以解决已知三角形的两边及夹角求第三边和已知三角形的三边求内角的两类问题。环节七 【布置课后作业】


2、在△ABC中,若a=7,b=8,cosC13,则最大内角的余弦值为 143、已知△ABC中,acosB=bcos A,请判断三角形的形状(用两种不同的方法)。






北师大英语必修5教案 篇7

A general review of Unit 2

Period 1 Word study, Warming up, pre-reading

Period 2 Reading I (P9-10)

Period 3 Reading II: Using language(P13)& Listening(P15)

Period 4 Language points

Period 5 Grammar

Period 6 Learning about language, Listening (p48, P52-53) & Reading(P51)

Period 7 “English Weekly”

Period 1

Pre-class task:

Preview new vocabulary of Unit2, and especially pay attention to the pronunciation of the new word 2. Finish the quiz in Warming up( p9) in groups of four by referring to books or surfing the net.

Step 1 Learning Goals

Get Ss to go through the summing up form on p16 in order to have a general idea of the learning goals of Unit 2

Step 2 Word Study

(Pair work) Get Ss to read aloud the new words and phrases on p93-94 within 3-4 mins; then get Ss to read aloud the words in pairs by turns.

2. Practice Use the correct form of the words to fill in the blanks.
















Fill in the blanks using the correct form:

It was a thrilling story of violence and murder. (thrill)

The railway is under construction at the moment. ( construct)

We have been invited to their daughter’s wedding. ( wed)

Her marriage was arranged by her parents.(arrangement)

The dustmen collect the rubbish once a week. (collection)

I hope that what I say will clarify the situation. (clarification)

Fill in the blanks using the new words in this unit

Don’t let me i__________ your decision. I know you’ve made up your mind. (influence)

Her story p_______ me; I find it hard to believe. (puzzles)

A mistake in the map led the traveler into e______. (error)

He showed me his stamp c_______. (collection)

During the summer holiday, they did a lot of _______ in Guilin.(sightseeing)

In the park there is a s_______ of a king, made of stone not of metal. (statue)

The a_____ of the moon for the earth causes the tides.(attraction)

Step 3 Warming up

Check the answers to the quiz( P9 ). Introduce the UK by showing pictures while Ss giving the correct answers.

Step 4 Pre-reading

(Pair work) What are the four countries of the UK ?

What are the capital cities of the countries of the UK?

What are the three main areas in England?

Get Ss to come up to tell their location on the map ( showed on screen)

See the map on P9

Talk about the different flags of the countries of the UK

( the flags are showed on the screen)

The flag of England is a cross, the flag of Scotland and Ireland are both like a fork, the flag of the Union Jack is the flag of the UK, which is the combination of the three flags.

Step 5. Summary and Speaking

To get Ss to summarize the general knowledge they learned about the UK in class by using given sentence pattern:

A brief introduction of the UK

The official / full name of the UK is The United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but it’s usually known as the United Kingdom or the UK or Great Britain or Britain.

The United Kingdom is made up of four countries, they are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The national flag of the UK is called the Union Jack.. The official language is English. The capital city of the UK is London. Tony Blair is the Prime Minister and his office is located in Downing Street .

Step 6 Homework

Preview the reading passage Puzzles In Geography”(p9), try to do Ex.1, 2 on P11

Read notes 1-10 on p79-80

Go over the new words(“unite”-“leave out”)

Speaking task: a brief introduction or background knowledge of the UK(check in next class)

Period 2

Step 1 Revision

Revise the new words. ( Get the Ss to speak out the words while the Chinese meaning given out)

Step 2 Lead in

Invite 1-2 Ss to give their brief introduction to the UK

Step 3 Reading

Fast reading :

Q1: What’s the main idea of the text? ( D )

A brief introduction to the United Kingdom about its geography and history.

A brief introduction to the United Kingdom about its foundation and development.

A brief introduction to the United Kingdom about its politics and culture.

All of above.

Q: How many groups of invaders influenced London? What are they?

( Four; They are the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings, the Normans)

Careful reading:

Q1: Which part of Ireland broke away to form its own government? ( C )

the northern part B. the middle part C. the southern part

Q2: Are the four countries of the United Kingdom the same in educational and legal system as well as the football team? ( B )

Yes B. No

Q3: Where can you find out Britain history and culture in England? ( C )

the Midlands and south of England B. the South of England

C. the Midlands and north of England D. the North of England

Q4: What can we learn from this text? ( B )

Great Britain was peacefully united while Ireland broke away to be independent by war.

England, Wales and Scotland made up Great Britain, which united Northern Ireland into the UK.

Great Britain used to being Ireland under control by war.

The Union Jack, a new flag, doesn’t stand for Northern Ireland in the world today.

Q5: The writer is trying to tell us __________. ( A )

England is the biggest of the four countries and consists of three rough zones.

Great Britain and Northern Ireland have different systems as well as international relations.

London is well-known for its groups of invaders instead of its historical treasures.

The invaders should be remembered for influencing and constructing London.

Step 4 comprehending

P10, Ex. 1

The Union Jack flag unites the flags of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? Why?

( Wales is left out. It’s usually assumed to be part of England.)

2). What three countries does British Airways represent?

England 2. Scotland 3. Northern Ireland)

Which group of invaders didn’t influence London?

( The Vikings)

Divide the passage and the main idea of each part

Part 1 ( Para. 1): states the topic to be examined in the reading text

Part 2 ( Para. 2-5): explains how the UK came out, the differences between the four countries and between three zones of England.

Part3 ( Para 6): explains London plays an important role as a cultural and political center of the UK

A short summary of the text

The passage clarifies how the UK developed as an administrative union and shows how England is divided into three zones. It explains how London was influenced by four groups of invaders and why London became the cultural capital of England.

Step 5 Difficulties

Get the Ss to raise questions on the text or point out the sentences that they don’t understand.

*P9 Para1 Line3 You can easily clarify any problems if you study British history.

(Explain: clarify-become clearer and more easily understood 澄清;阐明)

P9 Para 2 Line2 Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.

(Explain: Now when people mention or talk of England, Wales is included in it, too.)

P9-10 Para3 Line3 To their surprise, the three countries found themselves united peacefully instead of by war.

( Explain: They were surprised to find that the three countries united themselves as one peacefully rather than violently. find oneself done (不知不觉)发现被… )

P9-10 Para3 Line4 However, just as they were going to get Ireland connected to form the United Kingdom, the southern part of that country broke away to form its own government.

( Explain: they were going to make Ireland become part of the UK, the southern part of Ireland broke away to set up its government.)

P10 Para4 Line1 Although the four countries do work together in some areas…

( Explain: work together 合作(习惯用语)

P10 Para6. Last line You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom worthwhile.

( Explain: keep one’s eye open 睁大双眼 make…worthwhile 使…值得做的 a trip to…去…旅游)

Step 6 Speaking

(Group work) Choose 2-3 groups to tell how Great Britain was formed by the map of the UK

be linked to…

be joined to…

get…connected to…

break away

Step 7 Homework

Finish P11-12, Ex 1,2(on SB)

Pre-read Reading II on P13

Read notes on p80-82 and go over the new words for dictation

“Best English” P18 “文脉理解” P23 “词汇专练” “短语专练”

Period 3

Step 1 Homework checking and Dictation

Dictate the new words

P11-12, Ex 1,2 (on SB)

Step 2 Lead in

Talk about London with the Ss

the famous sites: the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Big Ben, British Museum, Greenwich and Karl Marx’s statue, Windsor Castle etc.

Famous river: the Thames

Famous park: Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens

London’s fog : it’s often foggy and called “fog city”

Step 3 Reading


Q1: How long did Zhang Pingyu visit London? ( For 3 days.)

Q2: To circle the sites mentioned in the text.

( Tower, St Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Greenwich, Big Ben, Highgate Cemetery, Windsor Castle)

Careful reading:

*Get the Ss to study the structure of the text:

Day1: 1) the Tower of London 2) St Paul’s Cathedral 3) Westminster Abbey

4) Big Ben 5) Buckingham Palace

Day2: Greenwich

Day3: 1) Highgate Cemetery 2) The Library of the British Museum 3) Windsor Castle

Step 4 Difficulties

*P13 Para1 Line 5

To her surprise, Zhang Pingyu found the Queen’s jewels guarded by special royal soldiers who, on special occasions, still wore the four-hundred-year-old uniform of the time of Queen Elizabeth I.

( Explain: find…guarded 发现…被守卫 on special occasions 在特殊的场合

the time of Queen Elizabeth I伊丽莎白一世时代)

*P 14 Para.3 Line5

What interested her most was the longitude line.

( Explain: “what interested her most” 是主语从句)

*P14 Para.4 Line1-2

It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.

(Explain: develop communism 发展共产主义


Step 5 Listening

Get the Ss to read Q1 carefully so that they are familiar with the new names and relationship. Get them to read aloud the names so that they can recognize them when they hear them on the tape.

1st time: do Ex.1 and Q1&2 in Ex.2

2nd-3rd time: finish Ex.3-6 in Ex.2

Step 6 Homework

Finish “ Language points”

Go over the rest of the new words for dictation

WB. P49-50 Ex.1, 2

Period 4

Step1 Dictation

Step 2 Language points ( Seen in handout)

*consist of

*there is no need (for sb.) to do sth.

*as well & as well as

be linked to…, be joined/connected to…

** find oneself done

find oneself doing

find oneself +prep.-phrase

*divide & separate

*break away ,break down &…

take the place of…, take place, take one’s place

Step 3 Practice

Step 4 Homework

“Discovering useful structures” on P12-13 Ex.1-3

“Best English” P22-23 语法专讲,语法专练

3.Underline the phrases in Language points, prepare for the dictation

Period 5

Step 1 Dictation

Step 2 Lead in

Eg, 1)Yesterday I had my hair cut.

(Get the Ss to tell “cut” is the object complement, and notice its position-after the object)

2) 上个月,我姐姐的钱包在汽车上被偷了。

My elder sister had her wallet stolen on a bus last month.

3) 他再次向学生解释问题以便让他们明白。

He explained the problem to the students again to make himself understood.

Step 3 Grammar

Get the Ss to conclude the rules from the groups of sentences

The old man had one leg lost in the war.

He got his TV set mended.

He raised his voice to make himself heard.

Conclusion: 表示“使…”的动词,如have,get,make,help,leave

When I got there, I found him seated at the desk.

He was about to enter the hall when he heard his name called.

We would like to see the plan carried out next year.

Conclusion: 感官动词(see, hear, watch, listen to, observe etc.)和表示心理状态的动词(think, find..)

I want this work finished by Friday.

She likes the hair cut short.

They wish a bridge built in their hometown one day.

Conclusion: 表示“希望,要求”等意义的动词,如want, like, wish, order, expect…

With trees planted around the building, our school looks more beautiful.

The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.

Conclusion: with的复合结构

Step 4 Practice

(SB) P12 Ex.1, 2

“Best English” P23 语法专练

Step 5 Test

1. We must get the house _____ during the holidays.(A)

A. painted B. painting C. paint D. to paint

2. Five books on the shelf are found _____.(D)

A. tear B. tearing C. tore D. torn

3. He watched the whole house _____ down.(C)

A. burn B. burning C. burnt D. to be burnt

4. He said he never heard this word ______ in spoken English.(B)

A. use B. used C. using D. to use

5. She felt herself _______ by her friends.(C)

A. misunderstand B. misunderstanding C. misunderstood D. to misunderstand

6. We had a photo ______ with the foreign friends.(D)

A. take B. took C. taking D. taken

7. The result of the test was rather _____ He was very ______ at the result.(D)

A. disappointed, disappointed B. disappointing, disappointing

C. disappointed, disappointing D. disappointing, disappointed

8. There were two roads ______ to the station.(C)

A. lead B. led C. leading D. to lead

9. I observed two men in raincoat ______ the hall. (B)

A. enter B. entering C. entered D. to enter

10. A man was seen _______ to break into the house.(B)

A. try B. trying C. tried D. to try

Note: No.9 & 10 should be explained to the Ss, and simply tell the different usage between ved &ving

Step 5 Homework

P50 Ex.3 (翻译) P50-51 Ex.1-2

P51-52 Reading Task

Period 6

Step 1 Homework check

Step 2 Learning about language

P11 Ex.1, 2

Step 3 Reading Task ( P51)

Explain the following difficult sentences or phrases:

*practise Christianity in their own ways (Para.2 Line7) 用他们自己的方式进行基督宗教活动

the Houses of Parliament (Para.3 Line4) 国会大厦

*take flight (Para.3 Line9) 逃走,逃亡

*bonfire(Last Para. Line2) 野火

*(Para.3 Line3) Fawkes, disappointed at the government’s behaviour, agreed.

*(Last para. Last line) They remember a time in England when people were not as tolerant of each other’s ideas as they are now.

Step 4 Listening ( P48 & P52-53)

Listening (P48)

Get the Ss to familiar with the following words:

a multicultural country Caribbean

the old British Empire India

a British citizen Kenya(肯尼亚)

independent Pakistan Bangladesh(孟加拉国)

1st time: finish Ex.1

2nd time: finish Ex.2

Listening ( P52-53)

Get the Ss to familiar with the following words:

a Catholic supporter(天主教支持者)

practise their religion(进行宗教活动)

the Protestant church(新教教堂)

as they wish


Teaching suggestion: play tape 1-2 times to get the Ss to understand the main idea and finish Ex1.only.

Step 5 Homework

Finish “English Weekly”

Period 7

To check answers to “English Weekly”

To summarize Unit2


Writing Task: “ the United Kingdom”
