


中考英语作文8个话题 篇1
















My name is Tom.I am 15 years old.__________ my appearances, I am tall ____ I wear glasses.________ my personalities, I am shy _____friendly.I have a happy family.There are 3 people in my family.I have lots of hobbies._______, I enjoy_______singing _________ collecting stamps.Now, I study in Class ____, Grade 3, Bayi High School.My favorite subject is math.__________, I am intested in English,Chinese,physics ____________.I live far from school ____ I usually get up at 6:00 and go to school by subway.________, I have a busy ____wonderful life.basic structure(基本结构的安排)Dear Mr.Know,I’ m pleased to write to ask for some help.I want to tell you some problems we meet in English study.First,some of us aren’t interested in English.We think studying English is such a boring thing.And then it’s so difficult for us to remember all the words in the texts.So lots of us don’t have enough confidence to keep up English study.And we are always afraid to join the group discussion.What’s more, there are so many new words we haven’t meet before in the passage.I don’t know what to do.Sometimes we can’t understand the main idea, let alone(更不用说)answer the questions about them.But the most difficult thing is to write.We often use wrong words and sentences.Can you help us? How can we improve our English? Please give us some useful advice.Thank you very much.Write to me soon.basic rules(写作考试规则)



add(加: 开头和结尾)




审: 根据以下关键词及图表用 简单的句子列出文章的要点。如何度假 调查报告 倡议假日休闲 列:A lot of people travel.Some people stay at home.Some other people visit friends or parents.A few people work.Enjoy your vacation.加:加首尾,使结构完整。


How do people spend their vacation? We made a survey and here is our report.(the beginning)A lot of people travel.Some people stay at home.They watch TV or surf the internet.Some other people visit friends or parents.A few people work.Come and enjoy your vacation.People who relax well work well.(the ending)

连:How do people spend their vacation? We made a survey and here is our report.According to it, a lot of people travel.And some people stay at home.They watch TV or surf the Internet.Also some other people visit friends or parents.However, a few people work.Come and enjoy your vacation.People who relax well work well.Writing skills(“写”的技巧)

1.表示并列或递进: and, as well as, both„and, what’s more , not only„but also, neither„nor 2.表示选择: or, either„or 3.表示转折: but,however,althoughthough,after all,anyway 4.表示因果: because, so, therefore,since,for,as a result 5.表示条件: if , unless 6.表示对比: instead, not„but, while, in the same way, on the one hand„on the other hand 7.表示解释: for example, for instance, such as, that is to say, in other words,to tell the truth 8.表示顺序: to begin with, firstly, first(of all), second(ly), next, later, since then, from then on, finally, in the end 9.表示强调: also, besides, especially, actually, in fact 10.表示结论: all in all, altogether, in a word, generally speaking, in short Let try _____________ I am tired, I keep on working till midnight.He didn’t go to movies, he went to the concert ______.We like doing kinds of sports _____ swimming, running and hiking._____, he stood up.Then he got out._____, he went back.____________, he smiled.加谚语(Proverb/saying)可用于”beginning”和”ending”,多用后者。1.Practice makes perfect.2.Think twice before you do.3.Where there is a will, there is a way.4.Do as the Romans do.5.Failure is the mother of success.6.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.7.All roads lead to Rome.8.Never too old to learn.方法四:妙用引文和例子(多用于“the body”)加例子 在家里,我经常帮助父母亲干家务活。

I often help my parents do housework, such as washing dishes, folding the clothes, taking out the trash and so on

结尾:提出倡议或号召 Let’s „

Do it now!/ Don’t do it again!As students, we should start from ourselves.Don’t wait.Join us now!Start to join us now!Don’t put it off!Become a volunteer today!How amazing!I can’t wait!Save animals!Save Ourselves!Save our planet!Don’t hesitate(犹豫).It will be great fun!

It’s your turn!(请分析以下的文章)The Life as a Grade 9 Student

How time flies!Now I’m in Grade Nine.Actually I feel the life is quite different from it used to be.Now I’m as busy as a bee.There’s a lot of homework and exams.The only feeling I have is : The life as a Grade Nine student is very busy and challenging!

There’s an old saying: He who fails to plan plans to fail.I don’t want to fail, so I create a plan for the following days.Since nothing is difficult if I put my heart into it, I will change my attitude towards maths and physics which I am poor at now.I’ll spend the rest time efficiently.As there’s no elevator to success, I’ll try my best to do everything step by step!I believe that I can do it!

中考英语作文8个话题 篇2


“话题”与“题目”, 二者既相关却又有不同。“话题”是所限定的写作范围, 是进行思维的中心点, 往往内容都比较宽泛, 涉及面比较广。因此, 话题作文常常要求考生自拟题目。可是许多考生却直接用话题来命题。如要求以“幸福”为话题, 学生的作文题就是《幸福》。因为材料给的是一个话题, 也就是说, 题目都比较大, 学生不易把握, 往往难以下笔, 写出的作文也就空泛无物。所以, 考生应在话题的范围内自拟一个符合选材内容的更小更新的题目。如以“幸福”为话题, 就可以拟《我和幸福有个约定》、《别让幸福擦肩而过》、《缝在衣服上的爱》、《幸福的滋味》、《拒绝幸福的“侵蚀”》等。


话题作文往往有“文体不限”的要求, 但“文体不限”不等于“不要文体”。“文体不限”只是放宽了对文体的限制, 给考生提供了选体的自由。其实, 同一个话题的作文, 学生的生活实践不同, 立意与选材上的不同, 写出来的文章体裁也肯定各不相同, 如同样以“幸福”为话题的作文, 有写成议论文的, 有写成记叙文的, 也有写成夹叙夹议的抒情散文, 甚至有的写成了说明文的。但对个体考生而言, 一旦选定了某一种文体, 就必须按这一文体去行文, 不能不管文体, 信马由缰, 切忌写成“四不像”文章。一般来说, 要选择自己最擅长的文体来写, 如果擅长写记叙文, 在记人叙事中必须体现记叙文的六要素;如果擅长写议论文, 在逻辑严密的论证过程中, 要有鲜明、正确的观点, 要有充分有力的论据, 如果擅长写说明文, 就要科学地说明事物的特征, 运用恰当的说明方法, 合理安排说明的顺序, 准确使用语言。总之, 写什么必须是什么, 写什么必须像什么。

三、不扣话题, 若即若离

“围绕话题”是话题作文的唯一限制。能否紧扣话题、突出主旨是评卷老师紧抓不放的。由于有的考生对其置之不理, 考卷中便出现了不少不符话题的离题之作:

1. 任意扩大话题的外延, 写似是而非的内容。如有的考生将“感激”写成“感动”。

2. 整体偏离。指文章内容全部没有落实题目要求, 比如, 题目要求以“诚信”为话题写作, 有的考生拟题“要做个诚实的人”, 全文大谈诚实, 忽略了“诚信”中“守信”的意思。

3. 部分脱轨。即行文中出现离心句、离心段, 使得部分内容偏离题旨和文章中心。比如《我关注“神舟”八号飞船升空》一文, 记叙“我”全天守候在电视机旁关注飞船的情况, 中间写母亲教育“我”不要因此耽误学习, 顺势写“我”以前痴迷于电视导致学习退步的经历, 结尾又写“我”看飞船而感到自豪一事。文中插入“影响学习”的一段就偏离了题旨。

造成偏离题旨的原因, 主要是写作时审题不准, 错误地理解了题意。比如以“责任”为话题作文, 你若将它等同于“任务”, 就会写别人“指定”你担任的工作, 而不是写自己“应尽”的职责。曲解题意, 写作就极容易离题。其次是扣题写作和围绕中心写作的意识不强, 写作时随意性大。特别是话题作文, 不要以为只要把写作内容锁定在话题范围之内就万事大吉了。殊不知, 符合话题理所应当, 扣住自己拟定的文题写作也很重要。三是没有掌握一定的点题方法。比如有的同学重视开头点题而忽视结尾扣题, 结果在中间部分跑了题。

四、选材贪大求全, 内容空泛

考场作文大多有字数限制, 其容量极为有限。有的同学往往忽视这一点, 想在自己的作文中装进尽可能“丰富”的材料, 尽可能“全面”的观点, 尽可能“充分”的感情, 想要面面俱到, 结果是面面不到。如有关“环保”的话题, 有的同学既想谈环境污染的愈演愈烈, 又想谈环境污染的严重后果, 还想谈环保的措施, 最后还不忘呼吁人们都要提高环保的意识, 承担起环保的责任。在有限的篇幅内, 怎能将这些问题一一谈得清, 谈得透?只能是“蜻蜓点水”、浮光掠影而已。平时学生作文的选材常出现以下三个方面的问题:

1. 忌“信马由缰”不着边际。

文章主题集中突出才有“冲击力”, 可有些学生贪大求全, 面面俱到, 搞“多头并进”, 这样反而费力不讨好。例如, 以“朋友”为话题写作, 有的同学把家庭、学校、社会, 人类、物类各种“朋友”, 凡感兴趣的一股脑塞进作文;写“与——对话”, 有些学生则海阔天空, 闲聊瞎侃。还有一种情况是学生对文体把握随意性大。写成“临界文”或“四不像”。因此, 教师要教学生学会在命题范围内, 通过对纷繁的生活表征和积淀的审美印象进行盘点, 并与内心的创造冲动印证, 精准地确立自己要表达的主题, 做到心无旁骛, 思绪不外驰, 确保文章主题鲜明、集中、突出。

2. 忌“顺手牵羊”不作深究。

话题作文取材立意空间广。往往想写、可写的东西很多, 不少学生消除了“巧妇难为无米之炊”的烦恼, 却又容易犯“鱼目混珠”的失误。例如, 以“亲情”话题写一篇文章, 生活中能反映亲情的人和事多如牛毛, 有的学生不能从“真、新、深、独”的要求出发, 通过反复比较, 精心思考选取典型材料, 而是信手拈来一个, 以为符合题意就行, 如此写出来的作文自然是平浅之作。因此, 教师要提醒学生消除这种作文时的懒惰心理和草率态度, 鼓励学生工于构思、勇于创造。

3. 忌“管中窥豹”只见一斑。

中学生写话题作文, 提倡“开口”小, 以小见大, 这样能起事半功倍的作用。但不少学生选材立意时就事论事, 以小见“小”, 不能做到言近而意远, 题浅而旨深。例如, 以“幸福”为话题写作, 不少学生避重就轻, 少惹麻烦, 选取生活中的寻常小事。表现自己对“幸福”的感受, 认为这样稳实可靠, 而忽视对“小事”本身的裁剪与挖掘。这种无视生活的普遍意义、本质意义, 缺少对人类自身深切关注的写作习惯, 断然不足取。

中考英语作文话题句 篇3






10.我有一些爱好,例如,读英语小说和听音乐 11.我擅长英语,并且擅长听和说。话题2.家庭、朋友与周围的人 5.我们就已经认识彼此两年了。6.他是我们班里最好的学生之一。7.她是我在班里教的最好的朋友。











中考英语十大常见作文话题 篇4

一、难忘的事(1)别人帮助我 We became friends by accident.One day Jack was playing basketball on the playground.Amazed at how skillful he was, I made up my mind to play as well as him.I was grateful when he agreed to teach me.Every time when I wanted to give up halfway, it was Jack who encouraged me.Gradually, I mastered the skills and became confident enough to challenge the best players in our school.(2)我帮助别人 It happened on a Friday when I was seated in a crowded bus, heading for my school.It was just at that moment that an elderly lady with her little grandson stepped onto the bus.Immediately, I offered my seat to them without hesitation.The elderly lady expressed her great appreciation to me and we enjoyed a pleasant short trip together.(3)做家务表示对父母的感恩 Being a 15-year-old middle school student and feeling my parents have done so much to me, I have been considering what I can do for them to show my gratitude.Last Sunday, when my parents went out shopping, I decided to take this opportunity to do something helpful for our family.Not only did I clean the bowls and cookers, but I put all the messy things away.Tired and sweaty, I was about to open the door to throw rubbish when my parents showed up at the door.They were amazed to see what I had done and praised me.From then on, I determined to work harder to do more for my family.二、写人(1)外貌 My favorite teacher is Mr.Wang who is handsome and of medium build.My best friend is Linda who is a beautiful girl with long black hair and beautiful bright eyes.(2)性格

Mary is always wearing a sweet smile and willing to help others.Mr.Lee is our favorite teacher who has great sense of humor and always makes his class lively and interesting.(3)爱好 He is not only good at playing basketball but also does well in playing chess.Swimming is his favorite thing to do in his free time and he also shows great interest in playing soccer.(4)学习成绩 She is very good at lessons especially English, so she is one of the top students in our class.(5)难忘的一件事(见话题一)(6)感想(体会)I feel lucky to have such a good teacher / friend who always holds on to achieve his dream.That’s his best quality I should learn from him.Maybe that’s only a small thing and it’s not worth being mentioned.But I always believe a small act of kindness will make a big difference, so I make up my mind to learn from him to be the person who offers timely help to those in need.(7)祝福(祝愿)I sincerely hope Li Lei will make greater progress in a new high school.And I also wish he will have a bright future.三、与人相处,友情

(How to get on well with others)建议式

In our daily life, it is of great importance to know how to get along well with other people.First, sharing common hobbies or happiness with others may be of great help for you to make new friends.Then, being a friendly person, you’d better learn to smile to others often.Because smile passes love and friendship and helps shorten the distance between you and other people.Last but not least, when facing problems, always remember to communicate with each other patiently, try to overcome the difficulties together, which will also deepen your friendship.四、与父母沟通


An ideal relationship between parents and children is very important for our growth.(2)这种良好关系应该是怎样的

Parents always show love and concern for us.They are our good listeners, advisers and supporters.With their help, we can over many difficulties in our life.(2)如何建立良好关系

In my opinion, the relationship between parents and children should be one filled with love, care and understanding, in which parents and children show respect each other and exchange ideas freely.To build a relationship of this kind, parents should become friends of their children while children ought to place more trust in their parents and give voice to their feelings frankly.Only in this way can we enjoy a harmonious relationship between parents and children.五、课余生活,兴趣爱好(1)集邮版 I’ve always been fond of collecting stamps since I was a little child.As far as I’m concerned, collecting stamps is a meaningful hobby, making my spare time interesting and exciting.Besides, when reviewing my collection of valuable stamps, my heart if filled with great sense of satisfaction and I can relax myself and keep away from the great pressure of school study life.Although my parents are strongly against my hobby for they consider it as a waste of money and they also think that searching for stamps may take up much of my time, which should be spent on my studies, I will try my best to communicate with them patiently and I believe they will understand and support me eventually.(2)运动版 户外运动---(健康话题)If the weather is fine, I will always spend my weekends jogging in a park to breathe fresh air which can refresh my mind and make energetic enough to concentrate better on my study.团队运动---(与人相处话题)Playing basketball / volleyball / football with your classmates after school will be a good idea, which will be of great help to not only keep you physically strong but build up team work spirit and deepen the friendship between you and your friends.六、环保

(1)环保的重要性 It is of extreme importance to protect the environment by leading a low-carbon life style which is environmentally friendly.(2)具体做法


Firstly, planting trees in a park on weekends with your friends will be a good choice.Because by doing so, the air will be refreshed and the environment where we live will be beautified.走路/骑车上学---

Besides, if I were you, I would walk to school instead of driving so that the gas that does to our health will be reduced effectively.随手关水龙头---Last but not least, It is necessary to save water by turning off the tap after washing hands.Or we’ll run out of fresh water very soon.(3)结尾,呼吁大家一起来保护环境 The environmental protection is not only the business of the government, but also the responsibility of each of us.Even a small effort can make a great difference, so let’s take actions from now on to protect our environment.七、学习方法(1)学习英语---听 It is of great help for you to listen to English songs and radio in order to improve your English pronunciation every morning on your way to school.(2)学习英语---说 It is strongly suggested to make friends with native English speakers so that you will know the culture of English speaking countries better and speak the language fluently.(3)学习英语---读 Reading some English newspapers and books will be a good idea, this way your English vocabulary will be enlarged effectively.(4)学习英语---写 If I were you, I would write to my pen pal who lives in America because by doing so, my writing skills will be improved.(5)老师指导 Having an English teacher is of great importance.Because you can hardly learn English well without instruction.(6)有信心 If you believe in yourself, you will be strong enough to overcome any difficulty that you face in studying English.(7)团队合作式学习 Study with a group by discussing problems that you can solve and learn from the practical study methods shared selflessly by others.八、假期计划(1)志愿者

做法---Our school is home to many special young people who all volunteer their free time to help others.I have been always dreaming of becoming a professional singer.So in the coming vacation, I volunteer to sing for groups of the elderly people at the old people’s home to cheer them up.What’s more, I love reading, and I put this love to good use by being a volunteer and working in the after-school care center at her local elementary school.Here, I help young children to read.感想---Volunteering is great!Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.”(2)旅行放松(减压话题)After a tiring and stressful school term, the summer vacation which I have been longing for is around the corner.回老家度假---I will go to visit my grandparents and spend my summer vacation there because beautiful natural views of that small country always flash in my mind during the busy school days.I was brought up by them and I always take the place as my second hometown.国内外旅行---Traveling around China or abroad will be my first choice to spend the summer vacation.It can enrich my knowledge that can’t be gained from school books and broad my horizons.What’s more, I will be completely relaxed and free from the stress and tiredness of busy school study life.九、健康话题

(1)以H1N1为例,说明健康的重要性 Presently, the disease HINI is flooding every corner of the world which seriously threatens people’s health.Therefore, it is a hot topic among people to keep healthy.(2)具体做法

吃---To start with, it’s very essential for us to for good habits of eating and drinking.Eating more fruits and vegetables serves our benefit.Meanwhile, keeping balanced diet is equally important to our health.运动---What’s more, we’d best take part in the proper sport activities such as playing basketball or running.It is said that no health without sports because sports can keep us refreshed and improve our immunity system.作息习惯(充足睡眠)---Additionally, a good lifestyle matters a lot.Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.乐观的生活态度---Last but not the least, an active attitude keeps the doctor away.We are supposed to get along well with our friends and keep happy all the time.(3)总结 To conclude, if we hope to lead a healthy life and be strong, we must bear in mind these words: healthy diet, proper sports, good lifestyle and active attitude.十、周围环境(1)交通安全(红灯)It’s very important for students to know about the traffic rules.When the red light is on, you must stop and you are not allowed to go on walking.Even though you have something urgent to do or maybe you think the drivers dare not run over you.But do you know that rushing is at the cost of your life? So it’s not worth taking the risk.(绿灯)It’s safe to cross the road when the light is green.(黄灯)When the orange light is on, you must wait and be careful, because the red light will be on very soon.Here are some suggestions to protect ourselves.First, we should follow the traffic lights and can’t break the traffic rules.Second, we’d better look left and right to make sure we are safe before stepping forward to cross the street.Last but not least, don’t forget that it’s very dangerous to play on the street.From now on not only I myself will strictly obey the traffic rules but I’ll also call on my classmates and my family to do so.(2)网络安全

中考话题英语作文:遵守交通规则 篇5

Advice on following traffic rules 遵守交通规则

It is very important for us to know about the traffic rules. Everyone knows that red light means ‘stop’ and you are not allowed to go. You can walk across the road safely when green light is on. One more thing is yellow light. Some people always forget it. Usually when the green light off, yellow light will be on, please be careful because red light will be on in a few seconds. So you must wait for a while patiently.

Here are some useful suggestions for following traffic rules. Firstly, we should follow the traffic lights and cannot break the traffic rules. Secondly, we had better remember the principle “slowly, look left and right side, go across finally”. Last but not least, (最后一条也是最重要的一条)do not forget that it is rather dangerous to play on the street. If everybody follows the traffic rules we will have a happy life in the future.




中考英语作文8个话题 篇6


复习要点 Learn English 请你以“How to learn English well?”写份演讲稿80字左右.范文:Dear classmates:

We have been learning English for over 6

years and really love it.English is one of the most important langnages in the world.It’s necessary for us to learn it well.How do you study? Everyone learns English in different ways.I think the best way to improve your English is to improve your English skills.They are/include listening reading and writing.We should practice them every day.we should remember more words and grammar.Reading more English story books or novels Watching more English cartoon TVs or moves.Listening English tapes and repeating after the speaker.Second you are not afraid to make any mistakes you speak English as much as possible.Third you ask the teachers when you don’t understand any knowledge.It’s very good for you if you are

中考英语作文写作的几个注意事项 篇7














上一篇:传扬青春文化 展现自我风采——我院举行第六届校园主持人大赛下一篇:向美德少年学习心得