


国际渔业复习题 篇1































国际渔业复习题 篇2

本刊讯 (记者申海鹏) 近日, 全球领先的综合性气体和工程公司林德集团亮相第二十届中国国际渔业博览会, 这已是林德集团连续第2年参展。今年, 林德展出了SOLVOX®水卫士水产养殖系统及CRYOLINE®科立冷液氮保鲜解决方案, 展示出林德集团在水产养殖和水产加工领域的综合性创新实力, 更体现出林德集团以产业链的角度出发, 将提高溶氧量及极速深冻作为助推中国水产行业发展的科技引擎, 为全行业带来更多提升价值的创新活力。

SOLVOX®水卫士水产养殖系统, 经过多年持续不断地开发完善, 在水产养殖增氧、溶氧及控制系统方面均有出色表现。通过精心组合使用, 不但能有效提高饲料的利用率、缩短生长周期、降低鱼类的死亡率, 还能减少接种疫苗和抗生素需求, 保证鱼类的成活率和养殖场的利益增长, 并最终为消费者奉上营养和充满活力的产品。

CRYOLINE®科立冷液氮保鲜解决方案, 利用了液氮低达-196℃的工作温度。当水产品进入林德的CRYOLINE®科立冷液氮冻结机后, 将在极短时间内降至-5℃, 之后更可进一步快速降到-50℃以下, 达到真正的速冻。

国际渔业复习题 篇3


一、 我国渔业及渔业保险发展历程及现状





1. 商业性保险公司。作为我国渔业保险发展进程中的开拓者,商业保险公司最早开办了隶属于农业保险的水产养殖保险。但是由于经营管理不善,渔业保险风险巨大等原因,使得众多商业性保险公司接连宣告停办此类保险。目前,虽然它们的身影犹存,却只占市场份额的极小部分,业务范围狭小,通常仅限于渔船船东雇主责任险和大型渔船保险。


3. 专业性农业保险公司。2004年3月2日,上海安信农业保险股份有限公司成立,这是我国第一家专业性的股份制农业保险公司,它是由11家参股企业依法共同认购,股东主要是上海市各区县的国有资产经营公司。此后,保监会先后批设了安华农业保险公司和阳光农业相互保险公司等不同经营模式的专业性农业保险公司,而专业性农业保险公司农业保险费收入在全国农业保险保费总收入中约占30%。相信在未来的发展历程中,它们必将扩大经营范围,实现农业保险全面化、多样化、专业化。

二、 现阶段我国渔业保险发展中存在的问题









三、 借鉴国外渔业保险发展经验给出的解决建议








任何政策能够得到有效实施的重要保障是与之配套的法律规范。为了涵盖全国渔船保险,法国国会制定了《农业保险法》,针对一些关系国计民生的农业和渔业实行强制性保险。日本政府则制定了《渔船损害补偿法》,其中规定,所有渔船都有义务加入渔船保险,并根据法号267的第 1 段第 86 条具体指定渔业部、农业部、林业部各司其职。韩国政府则颁布了《水协法》和《水产业协同组合共济规则》等,对负有义务加入保险的渔船范围、渔船保险业务等做了详细规定。在我国,直至目前为止,还未有专为渔业保险设立的详细法律法规,因此,政府应针对地位和影响逐渐增强的渔业互保协会等组织,出台相应法规,明确其地位,保障且监督其经营和发展。












[1]OECD官方网站,http://www.oecd.org/《OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020》







国际金融复习题 篇4







1、金本位制度下,下列哪种因素会引起一国货币汇率的上升(AB)A 同样货币单位的法定含金量增加 B 该国贸易顺差增加或贸易逆差减少

C 由于技术进步该国货币改铸为黄金所需费用减少 D 该国外债偿还高峰出现

2、无论金本位制度下还是纸币制度下,汇率都主要受到两个因素的影响,它们是(BD)A 一国金融体系的结构

B 货币购买力

C 外汇交易技术

D 货币的供求关系

3、下列因素中有可能引起一国货币贬值的因素有(ABD)A 国际收支逆差

B 通货膨胀率高于其他国家 C 国内利率上升

D 国内总需求增长快于总供给

4、利率上升引起本国货币升值,其传导机制是(AC)A 吸引资本流入

B 鼓励资本输出 C 抑制通货膨胀

D 刺激总需求









8、掉期交易是在某一日期远期卖出A货币,买进B货币的同时,反方向地买进即期A货币,卖出即期B货币的交易F 不定项选择

1、外汇市场的参与者包括:abcde A 商业银行 B 投资银行 C 中央银行 D 外汇投机者 E 持有外汇的个人

2、外汇市场真正的起源在于:bcde A 央行货币监管的需要 B 主权货币的存在 C 非主权货币对境外资源的支配权和索取权的存在 D 投机获利动机的存在 E 金融风险的存在

3、以下哪些属于外汇市场的功能bcefg A 促使国际贸易平衡 B 实现购买力的国际转移 C 提供外汇资金融通 D 抑制外汇投机 E 防范汇率风险

F 形成外汇价格体系 G 反映和调节外汇供求


A贸易结算 B对外投资


D外汇借贷 E金融投机


5、远期外汇交易的目的AB A进出口商为避免商业交易遭受汇率变动的风险而进行期汇买卖。B外汇银行为平衡其远期外汇头寸而进行期汇买卖。C外汇投机者为谋取投机利润而进行的期汇买卖 D央行为外汇储备管理而进行的期汇买卖











1、外汇衍生品的基本特征有:ABCD A 未来性 B 账外性 C杠杆性 D虚拟性

2、影响期权费用高低的因素主要有(ABCD)A 期权供求关系B期权执行汇率C期权时间价值D预期汇率波动性 3下面哪种金融产品属于外汇衍生品的基本类型?ABD A 期货 B 期权 C欧洲货币 D远期 E银行承兑票据

4、外汇远期和期货的区别有B A远期是场内合约,期货是场外合约 B期货实行保证金制度而远期没有



5、已知美国一年期国债利率为10%,英国一年期国债率为5%,则BD A 美元远期升值

B 英磅远期升值 C 美元即期贬值 D英磅即期贬值

6、如果一家进出口公司在三个月后将收到一笔外汇为300万英磅,为了防范未来英磅贬值的危险,该公司可以采取的措施有:AC A 签订一份三个月远期英磅的卖出合约 B 在期货市场上做三个月英磅的多头 C购买一份三个月到期的英磅看跌期权 D以上答案都正确

7、上一题中进出口公司的做法体现了外汇衍生工具的什么功能?B A投机功能 B套期保值功能 C套利功能 D提供流动性 E以上答案全不正确

8、如果某个投资者想要在外汇汇率大起大跌的时候获利,他应持有的资产组合为:D A 买入现汇并同时买一份看跌期权

B 购买一份看涨期权并同时卖出一份相同执行价格的看跌期权 C 卖出一份看涨期权并同时卖出一份相同执行价格的看跌期权 D买入一份看涨期权并同时买入一份相同执行价格的看跌期权 E以上答案都不正确

7、上一题中进出口公司的做法体现了外汇衍生工具的什么功能?B A投机功能 B套期保值功能 C套利功能 D提供流动性 E以上答案全不正确

8、如果某个投资者想要在外汇汇率大起大跌的时候获利,他应持有的资产组合为:D A 买入现汇并同时买一份看跌期权

B 购买一份看涨期权并同时卖出一份相同执行价格的看跌期权 C 卖出一份看涨期权并同时卖出一份相同执行价格的看跌期权 D买入一份看涨期权并同时买入一份相同执行价格的看跌期权 E以上答案都不正确















1、与在岸市场相比,离岸市场具有以下特点:ABC A 与国内金融市场完全分开,不受所在国金融政策限制 B 进行外汇交易,实行自由利率 C 无需交纳存款准备金 D 不需要通过中介机构

2、离岸市场在哪些方面与国内金融市场有所差别ABCD A 业务规定 B 制度结构 C 利率决定 D 资金的借贷方式

3、欧洲货币,这里的欧洲是指:ABCD A非国内的 B境外的 C 离岸的 D 并非地理上的意义

4、欧洲货币市场形成的外在原因包括:ABCD A美国国际收支逆差

B美国政府金融政策的影响 C其他国家的政策影响


5、欧洲资金市场的主要特点包括:ABCDE A它是批发市场,因为大部分借款人和存款人都是大客户,每笔交易金额很大。B它是银行间市场,银行同业交易占很大比重。




7、国际债券可以分为哪些类别?AC A外国债券 B美国债券 C欧洲债券 D武士债券

8、下列债券中,不属于外国债券的是:C A扬基债券 B武士债券 C金边债券 D猛犬债券

10、欧洲债券市场的特点包括:ABCDE A融资的成本低 B不受各国金融法令的约束 C可以自由选择货币面值

D可以用一种货币发行,也可以用两三种货币发行,到期由贷款人选择使用对自己最有利的货币还本付息 E投资比较安全









1、同业拆借市场的特征包括:ABD A不需要抵押品和担保人 B参与者范围狭窄,仅仅包括金融机构 C利率较高 D期限较短

2、国际资本市场最重要的子市场是:C A中长期国际信贷市场 B银团贷款市场 C国际债券市场 D国际股票市场

4、作为金融工具,国库券的特征包括:ABCD A期限短 B不具备抵押品 C政府信誉支持 D流动性高

5、国际金融市场一体化的三个层次包括:ACD A各国银行和金融机构跨国经营而形成的各国金融市场的关联链 B金融壁垒和金融障碍的逐步消除 C各国金融市场之间交易量的扩大


7、有关均值-方差模型,正确的是ABCD A标志现代投资组合理论的开端

B利用确定最小方差资产组合集合的思想和方法,来描述理性投资者的行为 C计算量很大,在实际应用中存在困难 D是现代组合投资理论的核心

8、根据现代组合投资理论,理性投资者:AD A受到效用最大化动机的驱使 B对风险的承受力很强



10、对于系统性风险的表述,正确的是:BCD A国内组合投资只可降低,不可消除系统性风险 B国际组合投资只可降低,不可消除系统性风险 C又被称为不可分散风险

国际贸易实务复习题 篇5

EXW in Incoterms 2010 is the trade term under which the risks of the seller are in minimum.2.(F)

“USD200 per M/T CIFC2 London” means that the Seller will receive 200 US dollars for per metric ton.3.(F)

Counter sample can help avoid disputes over the quantity of goods in the future transaction.4.(T)

For terms marked with “W/M”, the freight is to be calculated on the basis of either weight ton or measurement ton, subject to the higher rate.5.(F)

In most cases, while port of shipment and port of destination are stipulated in the contract, two or more of each are stated to provide more options for either buyers or sellers.6.(F)

Under FOB term, the seller should notify the buyer of the cargo readiness at least 30 days before the time of shipment so that the buyer can have enough time to charter ships and send them to the shipment port in time.7.(T)

Cargo transport insurance is usually taken out on “warehouse to warehouse” basis.8.(F)

The insurance coverage of ICC(A), ICC(B), and ICC(C)is roughly the same as that of FPA, WPA, All Risks under CIC, respectively.9.(F)

So far, documentary credits are the most ideal method of payment to provide security for both buyers and sellers.Therefore, in whatever conditions, L/C should be the first consideration in the method of payment for transactions.10.(F)

Under the terms of D/A, it is the bank in exporter’s country who makes acceptance to the draft and delivers the documents to the importer.11.(T)

Import commodity subject to legal inspection can not be marketed or used before being inspected.12.(T)

Under the terms FOB, CIF and CFR, the risks of loss of or damages to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time the goods have been delivered on board the vessel, is transferred from the seller to the buyer..13.(T)

If one party violates stipulations packing terms, the other party shall have the right to reject the goods and claim for the losses.14.(F)

Neutral packing is adopted to break tariff and non-tariff barriers of some importing countries, and tend to be widely adopted by many countries.15.(T)

When the chatterer fails to load or unload the goods within the stipulated period of time, he has to pay demurrage to the ship-owner.16.(F)

CFR is the term when the consignment is delivered with all the charges up to arrival at the port of destination paid by the Seller.17.(F)

CPT is the most appropriate term when the seller must pay the cost and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination by a roll-on/roll-off vessel.18.(F)

When the seller pays for the goods to be placed alongside the vessel on the quay or in lighters at the named port of shipment, the term is FOB.19.(T)

“Gross for net” is often stipulated in the contract to indicate that the weight of the less valued products is calculated by gross weight.20.(T)

The more or less clause is a clause that stipulates that the quantity delivered can be more or less within certain extent.21.(T)

If the articles had great changes in price at the time when delivery is made, the seller may stipulate that settlement for this part is based on the market price at the time when the goods are shipped on board the vessel.22(F)

Consignment note is used not only for road or rail transport, but also for multimode transport.23.(F)

Merchant vessels can be divided into liners and tramps, and tramps prove to be a more economical means of international cargo distribution.24.(T)

The freight of liners is relatively fixed, while the freight of tramps is mainly determined by the market.25.(T)

According to the usual practices, the insured amount, if not specified in the sales contract, will be 110% of CIF or CIP price.26.(T)

Two types of risks are covered by oceans marine insurance under CIC: perils of the sea and extraneous risks.27.(T)

WPA is a wider cover than FPA in ocean marine cargo clause.28.(F)

If the payment is to be made “30 day’s sight”, it means that the payment will have to be made 30 days after the issuing of this draft.29.(F)

Exporters always insist on payment by cash in advance when they are trading with old customers.30.(T)

Unlike the bill of exchange, the promissory note has two parties: the maker and the payee.31.The draft is issued in duplicate, the drawer makes payment against one draft, and then the other is cancelled accordingly.t 32.In case that the validity time is specified definitely in an offer, the offeror must make an acceptance within the stipulated time limit.The offer still can binding on the offeror when the validity expires.f 33.In Negotiable Instrument Law of the People’s Republic of China, a check is a sight B/E with the bank as the payer, that is to say, it is an unconditional order drawn on a banker by the drawer, requiring the banker to pay on demand a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to the bearer.f Ⅱ.Please choose the best answer from the following choices of each question and write them on your answer sheet.1.The trade terms define the responsibilities and expenses of __A__.A.both the seller and the buyer

B.both the consignee and the consignor C.both the shipper and the carrier D.both the exporter and the operator

2.__D__ can only be use for waterway transport.A.CIF+CIP+DAT




3.According to UCP 600, the confirming bank must negotiate and/or honor __C__.A.if the issuing bank agrees to negotiate and/or honor B.if the applicant agrees to negotiate and/or honor C.if it has received a complying presentation from the presenter D.if the beneficiary has shipped the stipulated goods on time

4.Quality standard of FAQ means that __D__.A.the goods is suitable for sales

B.the goods is merchantable C.the goods has bad quality

D.the goods has fair average quality

5.__A__ are marks of simple designs, some letters, numbers and simple words on packages, often stenciled, that serve as an identification of the consignment to which they belong.A.Shipping marks

B.Supplementary marks

C.Indicative marks

D.Warning marks

6.The losses done to the goods in marine transportation can be classified into two types, namely __D__.A.actual total loss and constructive total loss

B.general average and particular average C.basic loss and additional loss D.total loss and partial loss

7.Under CFR contract, the goods are damaged during marine transport and the buyer suffers losses estimated at USD 1000 due to natural calamity, USD 800 due to fortuitous accidents, and USD 2000 due to extraneous risks.If the buyer has insured the goods for USD 1000000 against WPA before shipment, then the insurer should pay __B__ compensation to the buyer.A.USD 3800

B.USD 1800

C.USD 3000

D.USD 2800 8.The operator who signs the multimode transport document is __B__.A.only responsible for the first stage of transportation B.must be responsible for the whole transportation C.is not responsible for transportation D.is only responsible for the last stage of the transportation

9.Which of the following L/C means double guarantee for the beneficiary? __C__ A.Revocable L/C

B.Documentary L/C

C.Confirmed L/C

D.Transferable L/C

10.An exporter delivered the goods on CIF basis according to the stipulations of the contract, and submitted clean B/L to the importer.After receiving the goods, the importer found that the goods are damaged because of the damages to the outside packing.There is also a sea protest showing that the damage is due to heavy weather.Whom should the importer claim to? __B__.A.shipping company

B.insurance company



11.Under _D__ , the seller minimizes his obligations while the buyer obtain s the goods at the lowest possible prices.A.FOB




12.When the seller pays for the goods to be placed alongside the vessel at the named port of shipment, the term is _B__.A.DAT




13.While choosing the money for the payment in international trade, one should _C__.A.choose hard money

B.choose soft money

C.choose soft money for export and hard money for import

D.choose hard money for export and soft money for import

14.In international trade, the commission is usually collected by _D__.A.the seller

B.the buyer

C.the insurance company

D.the intermediary

15.In sale by sample, if there is no other stipulations on the goods in the contract, then the goods __B__.A.may be roughly the same as the sample

B.must be the same as the sample C.may have reasonable tolerance

D.may have reasonable differences on specification

16.If there is a quality tolerance clause in a contract, within the range of the tolerance, the buyer _A__.A.can’t refuse to accept the goods

B.can refuse to accept the goods C.can demand the price to be adjusted

D.can refuse to accept the goods or demand the price

17.The characteristics of liner transport are that _A__.A.the liner, the port, the time and the freight rate are fixed B.its freight is determined by the market C.the variety and quantity of goods shipped are more flexible D.the obligations and rights of both seller and buyer are stipulated in the B/L

18._C__ merely confirms that the goods have been handed over to and are in custody of the ship-owner.A.Shipped B/L

B.Clean B/L

C.Received for shipment B/L

D.Liner B/L

19.Exporting clothes are soaked heavily because of the ship hitting the submerged reef in the sea, if the cost dealt with and sent to the destination is more than the value insured, then the loss can be regarded as _C__.A.general average

B.actual total loss

C.constructive total loss

D.particular average

20.The goods was exported under CIF, but the whole goods disappeared because of the accident, them the buyer _B__.A.would not pay because of the goods not arriving at the destination B.should pay with all sets of shipping documents supplied C.may lodge a claim to the carrier D.may pay if the bank demanded he should

Ⅲ.Please give the short-answer for each question.1.What are the differences between FOB and FCA.(5%)(Hint: place of delivery, risks transfer, freight, insurance premium etc.2.“USD200 per MT CIFC2 ShangHai”(5%)Please explain this price of term in English as far as possible.3.What are the differences between EXW and DDP.(5%)(Hint: place of delivery, risks transfer, freight, insurance premium etc.)

4.“USD200 per MT CFRC5 London”(5%)Please explain this price of term in English as far as possible.Ⅳ.Calculation(The main calculation process should be given)

1.A trading company exports a number of commodities abroad, the original price: 2,000USD per metric ton CIFC3% London, the buyer require CFRC5% London.Insurance coverage for the original premiums against all risks including war risks, the rates was 0.8% and 0.6%, in accordance with 110% CIF price, Please calculate CFRC5% London.Question: Please calculate CFRC5% London.(10%)(1)CIF=2000*(1-3%)=1940USD

(2%)(2)Insurance premiums=1940*(1+10%)*(0.8%+0.6%)=29.88USD

(2%)(3)CFR=CIF-Insurance premiums=1910.12USD


(3%)2.A trading company exports 10,000 units of arts and crafts which cost 300,000 Yuan(30 Yuan per unit), other domestic cost: 8000 RMB, expected profit: 10%, freight: 10 units/CTN, 1000 cartons, carton size: 25*56*32cm, GW: 32KG NW: 30KG, the freight to Europe is calculated by W/M as 120 Dollars per ton.The price of 40’ containers to Europe: 3500 Dollars, insurance by 110% of the invoice value against all risks at the premium rate of 0.8%, foreign sales price: USD4.85/PC CIF London.(Tips: the USD exchange rate of BOC is 6.2 /6.3: bid price/offer price.)Question: 1)Please calculate the export exchange cost by container.(5%)2)Calculate the profit and loss ratio of export commodities.(5%)

3)If these arts and crafts of raw materials have been imported by another trading company at an amount of 20000 Dollars in CIF term, please calculate the exchange rate appreciation.(5%)See text 3.A UK client ordered 1000 traveling bags, requiring CIF3% Liverpool, other conditions: domestic purchase cost of traveling bags is 50 Yuan per piece, other dominate cost is 5,000 Yuan;the expected profit rate is 10%.The bags are packaged in cartons, 20 per carton.Freight is 20 Dollars per carton from start port to Liverpool.Overseas shipping premium is defined as 0.8% by CIF, which adds 10% insurance against all risks and war risks.(P.S: Exchange rate of RMB against USD is 7:1.)Question: Please calculate CIFC3% Liverpool.(10%)See text Ⅴ.Case Study

1.A Chinese foreign trade exporter contracted with a Canadian importer to export 1000 pairs of sneakers in CIF terms, time of shipment is between July to August in the contract and letters of credit, 5000 pairs of sneakers each month, and transshipment is allowed.Our exporter loaded 5000 pairs of sneakers on board the ship “Wuyi” on 31st, July and got bill of lading for July, and loaded the rest of sneakers on board the ship “Triumph” on 10th, August and got bill of lading for August.Both ships transshipped in Hong Kong and both lots of goods are transported to the final destination by “Noble” of Maersk INC.Questions:

(10%)1)Was it partial shipment? Why?

(5%)It is partial shipment.(2%)According to UCP600:” partial shipment means unloading form one means of conveyance and reloading to another means of conveyance(whether or not in different modes of transport)during the carriage from the place of dispatch, taking in charge or shipment to the place of final destination stated in the credit.” While in this case, the goods were shipped by “Wuyi” on 31st, July and shipped by “Triumph” on 15th, August.Both ships were totally different, so it was partial shipment.(3%)2)Could the seller safely get financed? Why?

(5%)The seller could safely get payment for goods as a result of conformity with the letter of credit clauses.(5%)2.Our exporter exported a load of cargo to a Middle-East country under CIF terms and covered WPA in addition to TPND, but the vessel was detained as a result of the Iran-Iraq war.The importer lodged a claim to the insurance company.Questions:

(10%)1)Can the importer be compensated?

(5%)TPND refers to the cargo being stolen and leads to non-delivery by the consignee at destination.In this case, insurance company shall not compensate.(5%)2)Which type of insurance should be covered so that the insurance shall make indemnity?

(5%)Failure to deliver risk or war risks shall be covered.Failure to deliver risk refers to the risk, once loaded on board the seagoing vessel;fail to be delivered at the destination within six months of scheduled date for arrival due to whatever cause it might be.However, the insurant shall handle equity-transferring procedures so as to get compensation.(5%)3.A vessel collapsed with flowing icebergs on the sea and a crack was founded on one side of the vessel.Sea water flooded in and part of the cargo was wet.The captain had to call at the nearest port to drain off water and afterwards threw off some bulky goods into the sea to make the vessel floating.Questions:

(10%)1)Which part belongs to general average

(5%)Analysis: Particular Average: crack of the vessel and part of the cargo undergone soaking.(5%)2)Which belongs to particular average?

(5%)General Average: the vessel shipped to the nearest port and the losses thereafter.(5%)4.An Italian business man visited Shanghai Happy Trading Company on the morning of Feb.1st, 2012, and negotiated the purchase of some electronic parts.The Chinese seller made an oral offer but received no response from the Buyer.In the afternoon, the Italian buyer came and agreed to accept the offer made in the morning.In the meantime, the seller had learned that the price of the electronic parts might be going up.Questions:

(10%)1)In this case, is there a contract relationship between Shanghai Happy Trading Company and Italian buyer?(5%)There is no contract relationship between Shanghai Happy Trading Company and Italian buyer.(3%)The reason is that the buyer did not give a direct response immediately after the seller made an oral offer.(5%)It means that the oral offer is invalid.(2%)2)What lesson can be learned by the seller in dealing with foreign traders?(5%)For the seller, when the seller provides an offer to the buyer, it is better to provide a specific valid date, such as “within the stipulated period” or “before the latest date”.(5%)

It is better to provide a written formal offer with specific essential terms and validity date of the offer than an oral offer.(5%)It is also correct if one gives other reasonable answers.5.In September 2013, a British trading company and a Shanghai Export Corporation entered into a contract to purchase 5000 sets glassware under CFR London.Both parties agreed to stipulate the following in the contract:

“…… 30% payment by T/T in advance and 70% payment by D/P 90 days after sight.The buyer should remit the 30% of total value on or before September 30th, 2013.Shipment from Shanghai port to London is not later than Oct.21st, 2013.Partial shipment and transshipment are prohibited.……”

After received buyer’s remittance money September 28th, the exporter shipped 3000 sets in Shanghai Port on Oct.4th, 2013, then sent shipping advice on time to the importer and got one set of clean on board B/Ls.Then the exporter shipped the other 2000 sets on board the same vessel in Guangzhou Port on Oct.8th, 2013, sent shipping advice on time to the importer and got other one set of clean on board B/Ls.And then the vessel began to sail to London.1).If during the transportation from Guangzhou to London by sea, the ship struck on a rock and got stranded.Therefore, the ship arrived at Los Angeles after a delay(latter about 20 days than usual time)and part of goods have been damaged during transportation.According to INCOTERMS 2010, whether the importer has the right to make a claim against the seller because of transportation delay? Why?(5%)According to INCOTERMS 2000, the importer hasn’t the right to make a claim against the seller because of transportation delay.2).If the payment term in the contract was changed to “40% payment by T/T in advance and 60% payment by L/C 90 days after sight” and the importer became bankrupt Nov.2009, whether the exporter could receive payments on time provided that it had made complying presentation to issuing bank on time? Why?(5%)The exporter could receive payments on time provided that it had made complying(2%)According to UCP600, under L/C, it is the issuing bank but not the importer promise to pay to the beneficiary(the exporter).And even if the importer became bankrupt, the issuing bank must pay to the beneficiary(the exporter)against(3%)3).Please draw the procedures of L/C payment with figure and explain the main steps.(10%)See text 4).If use Telegraphic Transfer T/T to pay.Please draws the procedures of T/T payment with figure and explain the main steps.(10%)See text 6.A Chinese importer has signed a contract with Iran Company on 2nd November, 1990 in term of FOB.Due to the Gulf War breaking out, the ship of Chinese side cannot reach Iran port until the end of the Gulf War on April of 1991,the Chinese importer notified the Iran company immediately after the war broke out within the agreed time and in the agreed notification way.On 3th July, 1991, the seller claimed for the compensation against us for the storage expense, but the importer







time.presentation.rejected it in the reason of force majeure.Questions:

(10%)1)What`s the basic principles of force majeure? Was it a force majeure event?(5%)2)Should the importer compensate for the storage? Why?(5%)Answer:1)there are three basic principles: the occurrence of a force majeure event is after the conclusion of contact;the event is not resulting from the fault and neglect of the parties involved;the event is beyond the control of the parties involved.It was a force majeure event because it fulfil all principles.2)The importer should not compensate for the storage, there two reasons: first, the event is result from force majeure, secondly, the

国际贸易考试复习题 篇6



















2.里昂惕夫之谜:里昂惕夫悖论(Leontief Paradox)--1947年,美国经济学家里昂惕夫借助投入产出表计算了美国出口行业和进口竞争行业的资本存量与工人人数的比值发现的一个理论悖论,即作为世界上资本最充裕的国家,美国出口的是劳动密集型产品,进口的是资本密集型产品,该悖论说明要素充裕度差异不能有效地决定贸易方式。这种由里昂惕夫发现的赫克歇尔-俄林理论与贸易实践的巨大背离现象,被人们称为里昂惕夫之谜或里昂惕夫悖论

3.需求相似理论:由瑞典经济学家林德尔创立的旨在解释传统贸易理论同现代贸易实践之间矛盾的理论,林德尔在1961年发表的《An Essay On Trade and Transformation》一书中提出,国家间或地区间收入水平的相似性决定它们的需求相似性,因此也决定这些经济体间相互的部门间贸易与部门内部贸易的高度集中性,由于发达国家单位资本收入率相似,因此,它们的需求偏好与需求结构越接近,进行制成品贸易的可能性越高,又由于同种制成品存在着广泛的品质差异性,故它们之间的贸易又多表现为部门内贸易—同种商品的互相出口与进口。
















