典范英语The pancake教案


典范英语The pancake教案(通用5篇)

典范英语The pancake教案 篇1

Greetings: Good morning!Boys and girls.Today is my birthday, and I want you to sing a song with me, ok? A very easy song.带领学生唱完。Ok!Very good!And in the morning, my mother gives me a birthday cake.My father gives me a watch.My sister gives me a beautiful rose.展示图片。These are all birthday presents.So, do you know the word “presents”? Look at the title!“Presents for dad” , are the presents for me?学生回答。So for……?故意不说出来,让学生说。跟录音读两三遍。Why? Why we give presents for dad? 学生回答

Look at the picture1.Where is dad? He is in the hospital.Do you know hospital? Look at the picture, do you know the Red Cross? Where can we see this Red Cross? In the hospital, right?Red after me, hospital, hospital.What’s the matter with dad? Look at dad’s leg.Dad broken his leg, so, he is in the hospital.so we go to the hospital to see dad.What did they give dad? 展示图片,what’s this ? 学生回答flower.Is there only one flower? Two flowers? Or many flowers? There is a bunch of flowers, read after me a bunch of flowers.学生跟读两三遍。Ok, let’s listen the taps and read after the tapes.如上所示,展示给学生图片,在让学生音频读。分析最后一张图片,what mom gives to dad? She gives dad a kiss, right? Dose dad happy? Yes, dad is very happy, because this is for the best dad of all? read after me…… Ok,I will give you some minutes to remember the pictures and the sentences.Now, if I use this picture, you should say the sentence under the picture, for example…… Now, let’s listen and read the tapes again.Ok, read after me a bunch of flowers,两遍,bunch, bunch,黑板上写上chip, chocolate, chicken, china, Chinese等等,让学生跟读讲解ch读法。

Now, a friend of you is in the hospital, we must go to see him, what do you want to give him? Draw a picture about the presents you want to give to him, and tell us your presents.请同学上来简要说出他们画的是什么。Class is over, thank you!

典范英语读后感 篇2

HOME ——the feelings about Good English 17 After learning Good English 17(Pioneer Girl, the story of Laura Ingalls Wilder), I have some feelings about it.Do you know what Laura said? She said that: “Home was where Pa’s fiddle was hung on the wall.It was wherever Pa put up a shelf for Ma’s china shepherdess.It never got broken.” I’m deeply touched by this sentence.Oh yes, home isn’t only a place for people to live in.But also contains a lot of things in it.What are those? From my point of view, home is a place which full of loves.Family love, affection, friendship will let you not be lonely.They are just like songs, cultivate your sentiment.They are just like rivers, nourish your soul.They are just like sunshine, light up your future.They are just like books, enrich your knowledge.They are just like lighthouses, guide your direction.They are just like shield, protect your safety.They make your life be colourful.Home can also bring you into a world without war, calamity and hatred.So this is why people miss home much when they are in other places, this is why people want to go home in traditional festival, this is why so many poets wrote down lots of poems about missing home.Because they always long for the loves.Just like Laura, no matter where she was, if she was with her family.She would be happy.So she said that: “I remember Jack, of course, those long wagon journeys, and the wild animals and lonely places.We were poor, but we made the best of what we had.When I look back, I remember one thing most of all-we used to sit round the fire, singing, Pa playing his fiddle.It didn’t matter where we were.If we were together, we were happy.” This is probably the centrality of this English story.“East or west, home is the best.” this famous old saying had already told us this sense: You can’t abandon your home.Laura’s family travelled a lot of places, so that their house was in different places,in the Big Woods, on the Prairie, on Plum Creek and so on.In that time, they had happiness, they also had hard time: no food in the summer because of the grasshoppers, her younger brother died and her sister Marry became blind because the terrible blizzard froze them.Although they faced lots of trouble, they never gave up;they never gave in to the difficulties.So today we can read this story.Why? Why on earth they can have strong-minded? Because there was always a home behind them, it gave them courage and strength, it made them be more confident.Yes, home is a part of our life, a long and wonderful life.Home is a beautiful word, a warm association, it has touched countless people.Home is the starting point of life, is the harbour of soul.Maybe you can lose anything, but you can’t lose home.If you ask someone what the most important thing in his heart is.He won’t tell you money, he will tell you:

Home is.Because money isn’t everything, money can’t buy a sweet home.You can lose all of your money, but you can’t lose home.If you don’t have home, this will be unmeaning.Do you know a famous saxophone song called “Go home”? It is touched lot of people’s hearts.Why could the singer write down this song? It is due to once when the writer came home late at night.But he found his mother still sitting on the sofa and waiting for him to return, he was really touching so that he wrote the classic song.If you listen to that sang in a very quiet night, you will be strongly feel the warmth of home care and family members, homesickness slowly rising from the bottom of your heart.This is the magical of the song;this is the magical of home.Leave home, miss home, back home, people often repeated these things.But no one feel boring.Why? Because having home is happiness.Perhaps one day we will be tortured by life, but after undergoing the happiness, the tears, the loneliness, we will find there is such an eternal love——Home.It happens that there is a similar case, in 2013 The Spring Festival Gala of China(the most important programmes in China)there is a public service advertising naming all the voice of Chinese: The life of people always walk on the way home.Chinese hearts, the reunion years.All in all, what is the sweetest thing in the world? It is home.What is the warmest thing in the world? It is home.What is the coziest thing in the world? It is home!In the end, I want to quote a famous author called Long Yingtai words: Don’t you think home is the most precious thing which we have.Someone may ask me what home is.I would tell him that: you tell me where is home, then I can tell you what is eternal.Because I have home, I don’t afraid of challenges any more.Because I have home, I can grow up healthily and happily.Because I have home, I begin to love the world.Because I have home, I always have felicities!

典范英语优秀读后感 篇3

He is not like a man, not an animal, man is man.This is the theme of the film is also the protagonist is Merrick - angle into despair when the last shout, but do not seek to rescue.Like the slow start of a film: a beautiful girl in a picture frame, a mother of desperate people, a herd of noisy elephants.With the background of the noisy sound of the horn, a girls body by elephants trampled trampling.The girl, a mother, the absurd experiences in the rainforest, the origin of the story, was brought to the abstract with such montage.Then it was a long two hours.Black-and-white picture.As people have natural aversion physiological wheeze, deformed body, ugly skin, big head, only can distinguish the left eye and a clear or are left, the beautiful ugly appearance of the sacred heart, night prayer nerve lamb slaughtered lamb.That is the man.

Man is innocent, he tremble with fear like a child, he was afraid of his people to the whip, he laughed at, he was afraid of those people outside the window harbour evil designs appear suddenly in the face, he is afraid of even a sudden closing sound, he is afraid to speak.He took a picture of his mother with a girl with an angels face, and then he said sadly, “if my mother is still there, she must not want to see me.”......Will be ashamed of me, I, I put her to shame......Even those who just posturing like close to him, he was overwhelmed by an unexpected favour, happy like a child, he would say: it is really, really so? He did not dare to believe that he thought his life would really like an animal in the lower dark wet through with a weak body, and heavy wheeze.He expected to come from outside the church, he just wants to do for an ordinary person, but the church is not far out of the window, so close that he could not see, he can only draw the outline of it in the heart, to create his ideal to use their own imagination, one for ordinary people not worth mentioning the ideal.Sentimental personality signature cold girl

I think that this is just Lynch made up by the abnormal people to ridicule the world of black humor, a “Notre Dame de Paris” continuity and reconstruction, with cruel body face to sing the sanctity of the heart.When I began to search for more information about the driver, I find the story of JosephMerrick.“The elephant man” is based on the real experiences of change and JosephMerrick.Its a shock and a sad truth.More than 100 years ago, before the real man.In fact, the reality is far more cruel than what the film shows. After Merrick died, his body was kept by the Royal Infirmary in London for experiments. His rare pathology became a problem that puzzled the medical community for more than 100 years.While the film with deformity of dwarf relief and the doctor finally conscience to prove a perfect one, but still unable to save the mans death.JosephMerrick had personally made a church out of cardboard, and it was gorgeous and fragile.

典范英语The pancake教案 篇4

1.Find “taking tea”on P 7.Why has the author written “taking” instead of “having”?

2.What was the life like for Will as a chimney sweep?

3.Why was Will working for Mr.Fry?(See P 18)Why is “chimney” spelled as “chimbleys”


4.Did Will go down the wrong chimney on purpose?(see P 27)How was Will feeling on P 29?

5.How did life change for Will at the end of the story?

6.Do you like the character Will? Why?

8-13 Sing for your supper

典范英语The pancake教案 篇5


Kipper’s Birthday 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。












1.导入(Lead-in):观看动画片My Birthday Party片段,引入故事情境

观看动画片My Birthday Party片段,引出关于birthday party的讨论,为进入故事做好铺垫。

(1)教师播放动画片My Birthday Party片段(见课件): First, I would like to show you a video clip.(2)学生观看视频后,与学生互动,并自然过渡到看图讲故事环节: It was Peppa’s birthday.What presents did she get? 全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题——《中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法》

Did they have a party? Have you ever had a birthday party? Who went to your party? What did you do at the party? It was Kipper’s birthday.Did he want a birthday party? What did they do? Let’s learn the story.2.看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,了解大家为Kipper生日做准备的过程,感受生日聚会的欢乐氛围


(Picture 1)It was Kipper’s birthday.Look at Kipper.Was he happy?(配合表情,引导学生观察图片并作答)Yes.He had lots of presents and birthday cards.(指向图片)

(Picture 2)Kipper wanted a party.He invited everyone.(动作演示)Did the children want to come? Yes.Everyone wanted to come.(Picture 3)The family prepared for the party.Biff put up balloons.(动作和实物演示)

What did Mum do? Mum made a cake.(指向蛋糕)

(Picture 4)Look!What a lot of delicious food!Yummy!(配合表情与咽口水的动作)

Dad took a sandwich.(配合动作和表情)“Stop it,” said Mum.“They are for the party.”

Look here.What did Dad put in the washing machine?(指向洗衣机)What would happen?(请学生大胆猜测)

(Picture 5)Everyone came to the party.Kipper had many presents.(指向礼物)

(Picture 6)Look at Dad.What did he want to do?(指向爸爸)

He wanted to play a game.But Kipper put the television on.All the children watched TV.(指向孩子们)

(Picture 7)Where was Mum?

Mum was in the kitchen.“Oh no!” said Mum, “What a mess!”

What happened?(指向图片中的洗衣机和泡沫)

(Picture 8)The children played with the bubbles.(指向图片)

Did they enjoy it?(Picture 9)Everyone enjoyed the party.“What a good party!” everyone said.(注意语调,配合动作)Did Mum and Dad enjoy it?(请学生自由作答)全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题——《中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法》


3.听录音模仿(Listening and Imitating):听懂录音并模仿出标准的语音语调 听录音模仿时,录音是什么音什么调,就让学生模仿成什么音什么调。注意“Stop it.”,“Oh no!What a mess!”,“What a good party!”的语调和语气,体会妈妈和孩子们的心情。




4.朗读故事(Reading Dramatically):读懂故事并学会绘声绘色地独立朗读故事 通过多种形式的朗读,让学生能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事,培养学生有感情朗读故事的习惯,练就语言基本功。在朗读过程中注意引导学生感受不同语调表现的不同情感。


(2)小组接龙朗读。学生自由结成4人小组,每组朗读一幅图,进行朗读接龙。(3)个人朗读。请几名学生独立朗读故事。朗读过程中,教师要引导学生读出情感,尤其注意“Stop it.”,“Oh no!What a mess!”,“What a good party!”这几句的语气和语调。

5.检查理解(Story Comprehension):梳理故事情节,培养语言组织能力


将学生分成两组,教师围绕故事提问,请两组学生抢答。问题可参考: Whose birthday was it? Who put up balloons? What did Mum make? Who came to the party? What did Dad want to do?

What did the children play with?

What did they say at the end of the story?(2)图片排序



引导学生看图说话,教师可先示范故事开头,如:It was Kipper’s birthday.He got some presents.。学生两人一组练习看图说话,然后请2-3组展示。如学生有困难,教师可通过简单的问题进行提示。全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题——《中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法》

6.讨论(Discussion):联系实际,讨论如何准备一场生日聚会,培养学生的组织能力 联系实际,围绕故事的主题“birthday party”展开讨论,请学生分组讨论后列出生日聚会需要的物品清单。最后请小组代表上台展示。教师可先引导和示范,如:

What do you need for your birthday party? Do you need a cake? Do you need balloons? I would like you to make a list for your birthday party.Look!This is my list.I need some invitation cards, a birthday cake, some candles, a lot of balloons, some sandwiches and some fruits.7.家庭作业(Homework)















