


高考summary范文 篇1

Lecture 12

This paper is going to discuss sea level rise, ocean warming and ocean acidification.People made a 10-year project, then they find that sediments carried out by ice have an ice shelf overhead while those do not need sunlight and the ice in the Ross Sea region is dynamic, which leads to the rise and fall of sea level.Climate change is caused by both natural and human-induced causes, so it is complicated to address the problem of climate crisis.It also tells us that the dissolution of carbon dioxide into the sea leads to Ocean acidification and the Ocean acidification leads to a major loss of marine biodiversity especially carbonates organisms and the stress on some physiological processes.In addition, we should cap or limit CO2 emissions as soon as possible to protect oceans.Lecture 13

This paper tells us energy and climate are extremely important to the poorest people.It also explains four letters stand for in the equation on CO2.They are P: populationS: services/ personE: energy/ serviceC: CO2/unite.We should lower world population, evenly distribute services, improve efficiency and develop a new energy system in order to bring down CO2 to zero.Such as the fossil fuel, the nuclear, the renewable sources.The lecturer appeals the audience to do more research funding, team up to work on innovative ways and do some market incentives.

高考summary范文 篇2

【关键词】高中英语 英语写作 Summary 有效训练



Summary的中文意思是“摘要”之意,所谓摘要,就是对一篇文章的主要内容的高度概括。如果要用英语进行Summary的解释,就是Summary is a short passage giving the main points of an original article.那么,当我们写一篇摘要时,我们应注意什么细节呢?只要把握了怎样写摘要,从哪些地方注意摘要的写法要点,是写好摘要的必要前提。




1.给文章写摘要。给一篇文章写摘要是近两年来,尤其是2014年高考的一个改革,是对传统作文的创新和革新。平时阅读训练可以把它当做重点来训练。如学习不同题材的文章,以What is the main idea about the article?(文章的中心是什么)What does it mentioned?(文章提到了哪些方面)等引导学生对所读的文章加以高度概括和归纳,久而久之,写摘要,会成为学生的力作。

(1)根据文章主题定好关键词。以Boy missing,police puzzled为例,这篇文章说的是Justin被外星人掠走,警方介入但束手无策的故事。那么,要给这篇文章写摘要,概括这个故事的梗概,确定好关键词是首要任务。根据故事情节,中心词包括a boy missing,UFOs,police puzzled,那么,摘要应围绕这些词语来叙述和概括,否则,失之千里差若毫厘。

(2)把握文章的六要素。从小学到初中,语文课本中最常见的是记叙文,妇孺皆知记叙文一般包括六要素,即谁(who)、什么事(what)、什么时间(when)、什么地点(where)、怎么样(how)和为什么(why),当然,故事发生、发展、高潮也是不容忽略的。因此,摘要务必把握住这六要素,那么boy missing,police puzzled的摘要就不攻自破。


Who:a student,Alan Reed

What:was mistakenly given $50 extra by a bank clerk

How:returned the money;impressed with his honest


显然,这篇文章的摘要写法务必包括Alan Reed去银行取钱,结果回到家一看,发现银行职员多给了50美元,于是这个学生立刻返回到银行将50美元返还给了银行的职员,银行的职员被这个学生的诚实所感动,到当地的报纸上写了一篇文章,表扬这位学生,也表达了对这个学生的谢意。那么这个摘要的写作任务对于学生来说不是很困难的事。


在训练Summary的时候,对于记叙文,除了让学生明确人称、时态、六要素外,还要把握关键词和主题,更关键的为了使文章语气连贯、语句通顺,还要兼顾一些关联词的适当运用,如so、because、and、but等,以确保表达清晰,过渡自然。但务必清楚,写摘要Summary文章,可以使用原文的同义句或相似句,也可以使用一些观点支持summary,但这个观点是文章的观点,不是自己的个人的观点,如How stupid the police are!They couldnt solve the case等等的论点的句子不可出现。




高考summary范文 篇3

Content-based the risk of nuclear power and the

damage of its radioactivity

An earthquake struck Japan in 2011 which severely damaged nuclear reactor at the Fukushima plant, sparking the release of radioactive materials.People are worried about its awful effects to us.So we should learn more about the nuclear power and the damage of its radioactivity.The risk of nuclear power is main from its radiation, reactor accidents, radioactive waste and other radiation problems.At the same time, the risk that estimated by PRA from reactor accidents is very low(Bernard L.Cohen).Next, it is necessary to know that radiation is spread in the form of waves or particles and the health effects caused by radiation exposure depend on its level, type and duration(Nina Bai,2010 & Susan Blumenthal).But on the one hand, some others think that there is no doubt that the radiation is a potential threat to our health and the radiation exposing to the milk and food of the U.S after Fukushima disaster is the powerful evidence(Amber Cornelio).On the other hand, some scholar has the opinion that the advantages are more much than the disadvantages the nuclear power has(Bernard L.Cohen).In conclusion, the unclear power has his advantage but the radioactivity releasing from it has damage to the health of people more or less.(207words)

高考summary范文 篇4

On a sunny day, a father with his daughter called Annie and son called Peter is climbing a mountain.Annie is a green hand and his brother Peter has some experience.Just when they are talking happily, a disaster comes to them.Two green hands right above them falls down suddenly and the green hands knock other climbers down terribly because the safety cords are plucked.Annie, Peter and their father are all fastened to the same cord and hung in the air with Annie above, father down and Peter between them.In great dread, the father tries to calm down his children and instructs Annie to reach back to the wall.But unfortunately, the cam is moving and it is not hard enough to hold them three all.So the father tells Peter to take out a knife to cut his father loose.Annie and Peter don’t want to do it.Their father says if Peter doesn’t cut him loose, all of them will die.In great sorrow, Peter does as his father tells him.Their father sacrifices his life to rescue Annie and Peter.But the father’ death becomes Annie and Peter’s knot in their hearts all the time.Three years later, Peter Garrett comes to Lower Himalaya in Pakistan as a photographer of National Geographic.At that time Annie has become the fastest female ascent and she happens to arrive at the base camp in Himalaya last week.Annie is in a group which is to go up the mountain planned by an entrepreneur Elliot Vaughn.Vaughn is said to be a typical billionaire, sensitive, kind, modest and a bloody good climber.Peter meets Annie at the base camp.Annie tells Peter that she is determined to climb the mountain K2 with Vaughn and she admires Vaughn very much.What’s more, she wants to realize her father’s dream.The due day they climb is approaching.Peter worries about Annie’s safety but Skip Taylor says the leader Tom McLaren is familiar with the mountain and Vaughn says they have analyze the weather and that day is fine for climbing.Although an old climber Montgomery Wick asks Vaughn some challenging questions at the party before the climbing, Vaughn answers in a slippery way and earns himself others’ applause.But to be exact, the climbing is just a market campaign for Vaughn’s commercial profits.They set out as planned.When a group of three, Annie, Tom and Vaughn, climb 26000 feet high, a storm seems to come to them.Tom realizes the danger and he won’t continue going up at the risk of his life.However, Vaughn doesn’t take his advice and insists that they go up.Annie agrees with him.So Tom has no choice but to give up the idea of going down the mountain.On the other side, Peter as well as some people else find the coming storm.Then an argument begins at the base camp.Peter wishes to ask the three to stop their plan and go down instantly, but the director of the base camp doesn’t take it seriously.At last, Skip Taylor informs Tom McLaren.Vaughn and Tom argue again and at this point the terrible storm hits them.To be sad, they are stranded in a crack of the mountain and the snow storm is heavier and heavier.By Moses Code, Annie conveys the message out to the base camp that only three people, Tom, Vaughn and her are still alive.People at the base camp seem to have no intention to rescue them since it’s too difficult and dangerous and the chance of success is little.Although each of the climbers has a fuel can and they can melt ice and rehydrate for a day, after using up it at 26000 feet high, their lungs will fill with fluid which is called pulmonary edema and they will die within another 12 hours.Therefore, the time for their rescue is just 36 hours and it is almost impossible.Peter doesn’t want to leave his younger sister, so he tries to organize a rescue team by himself.He decides to go up the mountain with nitroglycerin on his back.Nitroglycerin is an extremely dangerous chemical which is low-freezing and more powerful than symtex.With Skip accompanied, Peter needs four more people to join them, in pairs, one canister per team.But other people laugh at his stupid plan and think it’s suicide.After Peter’s persuasion, four brave and responsible people,Kareem Nazir, Monique Aubertine and Malcolm Bench with his brother Cyril, agree to join.They work out their rescue project.Skip suggests that they need Montgomery Wick’s help because he once got onto the top of the mountain within 24 hours and he has been searching for his dead wife who died of a storm in the mountain four years ago.Tom has been severely sick and the word that time is life is reflected here.Annie takes care of him but Vaughn refuse to give Tom a dex out of his selfishness.He doesn’t intend to save Tom’s life because he is afraid that if Tom gets the dex, he may not have enough dexes to save his own life.Montgomery Wick doesn’t trust Vaughn’s people at base camp, so he asks Skip to return to the base camp to director for them because Skip knows the mountain best.Wick divides them into three pairs, Wick paired with Peter, Malcolm paired with Kareem and Cyril paired with Monique.The helicopter takes them to a place as high as possible.Then they have to begin the tough climb through three different routes.Time is passing by.Tom is around the death and Annie’s health condition is getting worse and worse.She gets some spindrift in her lungs.Vaughn is still fine.But Vaughn is unwilling to give Annie dexes and he is just delaying.Wick gets through to the summit team and knows their location.There is still a long journey to reach where Annie is.During the journey, they run into lots of unimaginable difficulties.Cyril nearly slides down to the chasm when he is drinking water.He uses his ax to nail in the cliff and Monique makes every effort to drag him up at the risk of their lives.The nitroglycerin on his back falls down and inevitably causes a bombing which hurts Monique’s back.Unfortunately, shortly after Cyril is dragged up, an avalanche claims his life and Monique survives.After he knows Monique and Cyril are in danger through bleeper, Peter wants to go back to save them but stopped by Wick.Monique meets Peter with her broken finger.Peter helps her to straighten it.Malcolm grieves his brother’s death but he still keeps on climbing.After long time’s tire, they all have a rest in the sun.At this moment, the base camp tells Wick that the nitroglycerin reacts to the sun and it will blow.Wick and Peter rush to throw the pack into the shade to make the dangerous chemical out of the sun.Nearly at the same time, Peter rushes to warn Kareem and Malcolm of the danger on the radio.Those two put the pack in the shade in no time and bury it under the snow.Then they sit down to rest and no one expects that the chemical outflows from the pack gradually.The dangerous chemical is exposed to the sun soon.A great explosion occurs in a short time, which kills Kareem and Malcolm almost in a second.The powerful blast caused by the explosion blows away Peter and Wick.From the explosion, Wick finds out his dead wife in the snow.Four years ago, his wife was trapped in a storm with Vaughn.Vaughn used up the dexes himself and Wick’s wife died.Wick intends to revenge for his wife.On the radio, Annie tries to persuade Peter into giving up his rescue plan because she and Tom just have two hours at most.During Annie’s sleep, Vaughn kills Tom secretly.When Wick wakes at dawn, he finds that Peter and Monique have started out.Through last effort, Peter reaches the crack where Annie is trapped.But he cannot ascertain the exact location.Vaughn cuts open Tom’s body to get the warm blood.They use the blood to mark their location.Peter blows open the snow crack with the nitroglycerin.He lowers down a rope to Vaughn.Vaughn ties Annie to the rope.Annie is too sick to have any strength then.Peter exerts all his strength to pull Annie up but the task seems to be too hard.Wick turns up when Peter is nearly dragged down by the rope.Wick gets down to the barranca and helps peter to pull Annie up.However, because Vaughn catches hold of the rope too, it is too heavy for Peter to pull up.In the extremely critical point, Wick takes out a knife to cut off the rope regardless of Vaughn’s shout and prevention.In the end, Annie is saved but Wick and Vaughn falls down the endless chasm.During the thrilling rescue, Peter and Monique falls in love with each other.Annie’s health recovers gradually.Peter puts his brave and noble teammates’ deadees in the high mountain in memory their great sacrifice.
