


辩论赛英文版串词 篇1








楚汉之争项羽万夫莫敌可以说是真才实学但是人际关系就不怎样如陈平这个才华横溢的谋士最终倒戈到刘邦而刘邦虽是市井之徒但笼络手段极为高明用现在的说法就是善于根据情势揣摸人的心理润滑人际关系有较强的凝聚力周围武将谋士团结人际关系应说是很好 二者相争最终刘邦获得胜利所以我认为人际关系更重要








辩论赛英文版串词 篇2

Evening meals were sacrosanct(极神圣的) at our lit⁃tle house in Burbank,California.Mother provided thefood,Dad the entertainment.I was almost of age beforeI realized that not everyone’s evening meal involved vig-orous,fun,intellectual debate.

Here came the Great Candy Bar Debate.Dadbrought it up periodically,and it became a chronic(习惯性的)family controversy.

Here’s the situation:You approach a candy ma-chine,coins in hand.You can’t wait for that Snickersbar to drop into the tray.But before your coin drops,you notice that there’s already a candy bar in the tray.What do you do?

After fierce debating, Dad became spirited. “I cannot imagine a justification for taking a candy bar you hadn’t paid for! How would you explain that to God?”

I could see Dad’s point, but I knew that in the real world, every one of us except Dad would take that candy bar and eat it.

When Dad’s memory began to fail, things got complicated. To qualify for the Dementia(痴呆) Program,Dad took a battery of(一连串的) memory tests, which included vocabulary.

The psychiatrist told Mother,“I can’t find a word he doesn’t know. When we got to‘frangible’, he gave me synonyms and antonyms.”

The time came when the doctors could do no more. They called Mother one morning. Dad was fading fast.

By the time we got there, Dad lay still and gray against the white sheets, his pulse faint. We wept. Then we dried our tears and started telling him stories. With the family reunited there, things felt strangely festive.When we started to get hungry, I went downstairs for snacks.

I bought sodas from the machine, and then decided to get a Snickers bar. Approaching the candy machine,quarters in hand, I noticed a candy bar lying in the tray. I looked up toward Dad’s room, toward heaven. Was this a test? Was this a joke?

Across the room, an aged veteran said,“Aw, geez! I forgot my money, and I’m starving! Can I borrow change from somebody?”

“How about a candy bar instead?”I asked.

“That’d be great.”

I handed him the misbegotten(以非正当手段获得的) bar.

I returned to Dad’s room. Everyone agreed that giving it to a hungry veteran was the brilliant justification that had eluded(回避) us all those years.

辩论赛英文版串词 篇3




典型的英文辩论,需要积累以下几类词句:critical thinking, listening, argument construction, research, and advocacy skills (批判思维、尝试倾听、论证组织、研究调查、建议技巧)。而经典的新概念四本教材中,惟有第四册拥有大量的同类语句。在此举例说明,仅供参考:

1、Critical Thinking:一个聪明的辩手,要懂得发现对方的漏洞。如Fielden Hughes的Youth是一篇典型的驳斥大众观点的文章,作者用心良苦提出质疑的语句随处可见。如If there is one — which I take leave to doubt— then it is older...再如首句people are always talking about...一个be always doing很巧妙地表达了作者的情绪,容易引起读者的共鸣。

2、Listening:一个优秀的辩手,要懂得在倾听中寻找破绽。如第2课中的Spare that spider, 作者在双方共有相同数据的基础上,抓住最为核心的突破口,找到all of them put together kill only a fraction of... 采用欲扬先抑的方法,在段落之末震撼了读者的视听。而第25课Non-Auditory Effects of Noise亦是在周刊上双方共有的故事中,敏锐地察觉到该故事逻辑上的因果颠倒。

3、Argument Construction:一个有力的辩手,在质疑和突破之后,更需要摧枯拉朽的论证能力。新概念第四册中有许多文章都拥有此类能量。如第6课The Sporting Spirit,第16课The Modern City,第32课Galileo Reborn,第44课Patterns of Culture等. 若能反复咀嚼这些文章的论证方法,举一反三,不仅辩论能力会与日俱增,写作水平也会不断提高。

4、Research:一个严谨的辩手,需要培养调查研究的能力。在辩论中,如何从杂乱的事实中去粗取精,找到自己需要的例子和观点,是一门技巧性极高的功课。新概念第四册中,科技文章比重较大,而研究科学现象,最注重的就是本着求实的治学态度,依据科学的研究方法,得出无误的研究结论。而第四册中的科技文章不仅逻辑严谨,且几乎涵盖了所有重要的研究方法,比如第14课The Butterfly Effect,作者就清晰地告诉我们如何通过格点的方式,在最完美的条件下进行实验。而整篇文章更是遵循了“提议——现象——理论——问题”的典型写作逻辑。我们透彻地分析这类作品,在提高辩论技巧的同时,也掌握了科技文章的普遍思路。

5、Advocacy Skills:一个完美的辩手,需要在挫败敌人之后,让自己的旗帜迎风飘扬。在英文辩论中,驳论在大多数情况下是重头戏,但若是能提出更令人信服的解决方案,就会有画龙点睛的效果。罗素、丘吉尔这些Economist杂志上的知名作者们,都是这一领域的专家。如第46课 Hobbies 中,丘吉尔就通过引用、暗喻、类比、排比和多种文字游戏,细腻地传达了业余爱好的重要性。这些文章所传达的信息都值得我们认真揣摩。

方法正确 事半功倍





在整个论证过程之中,论题只有一个,也就是要遵守同一律的要求,违反这条规则,就犯了“偷换论题”的错误。其中,证明过多,或证明过少,是常见的“偷换论题”的错误。例如,本想证明“纳粹德国与军国主义的日本在二战中的侵略行为罪恶性是等同的”,结果所论证的却是“纳粹德国与军国主义的日本在二战的侵略活动中有着密切的联系(前者包含后者,而后者却不包含前者) ”,这就犯了证明过少的错误。保证论据的真实性,避免常识性错误。

记得有一次笔者在杭州高校辩论大赛中担任评委,在讨论“环境保护与经济进步,孰重孰轻”时,有一位选手十分感慨地质疑:“What if China誷 economy was as developed as the United States, but our environment was as poor as Africa誷?”我们理解这位选手所要表达的是中国应该坚持可持续发展的战略,经济发达但环境恶劣,并非可喜之事。但我们应该注意,经济向美国看齐毋庸置疑,但环境问题怎能以非洲作为反面论据。非洲并无太多工业污染,自然环境应排在世界前列。倘若中国的经济如美国,自然环境如非洲,岂不是大快人心之事?这样的论据,如果拿到世界舞台的英文辩论赛上,不仅犯了逻辑错误,在感情上更是有可能挑起种族仇恨乃至国家之间的争端。



新概念第四册被称为包罗万象的万花筒,涵盖了文化、经济、哲学、艺术、体育、政治、美学、心理学、社会学、教育学、伦理学、天文学等30多个学科门类。从首篇通过石器寻找远古文明,到罗素循循善诱,亲身演绎舍小我取大我、舍大我取无我的至高境界,再到伟大人类学家Ruth Benedict用心良苦地游说人们,唯有人类相互体谅包容,才能实现多元文化的和谐社会。我们跨越不同的国度、不同的学科,体会到人间的乐趣、世界的奇妙。而这一切,对于有志学习辩论的同学来说,不仅是不可多得的知识积淀,更是灵感滋生的肥沃土壤。

对中文辩论赛感兴趣的同学们,应该都了解中文的比赛程式和风格。“美是主观还是客观”等辩题深入人心。然而,英文辩论赛的风格是截然不同的。在国际上流行的辩论方式有Karl Popper debates(波普尔辩论法,即证伪主义辩论法,与证实主义辩论法形成对比)、Legislative debate(立法式辩论,即运用立法机构的辩论模式,旨在熟悉取得多数票数的方法)、Mock trial(法庭式辩论,法学院学生必修课)等。中式的辩论则更倾向于我们所称的Idea debating;而国际英文的辩论,更倾向于Policy debate和国际辩论赛一般采用的two-team and four-team parliamentary debate(英国议会制辩论,一般二至四队,第一个发言者叫prime minister). Idea debating强调各种思想的碰撞感以及优质语言的绚丽感,由于其抽象度较高,掌握得不好则非常容易流于诡辩;而Policy debate(就具体政策进行的辩论)则强调辩题的实用性,如是否应该在校园内佩戴宗教饰物,是否应该惩罚津巴布韦的童工雇佣者等。英国的议会采用此类辩论方法,是为了解决社会的实际问题,其人道主义精神让人肃然起敬。所有的辩题都是关注人性的,关注现实的,拒绝违背人性的空谈,拒绝不切实际的诡辩。而正因为如此,对于享有中国教育体制优势又无可避免烙有同样体制弊端的学生来说, 也许在拿到辩题的第一时间总是有些许意外的尴尬, 无法如剑桥耶鲁的学生们一样从容不迫。例如某场辩论会的辩题为《是否该为对儿童进行性侵犯的人实行化学阉割》。相信很少有中国学生在接受正规训练之前能清楚地列举出世界上如此的典型案例,甚至很少有人听说过这种惩罚手段,更无法阐述此举的利害关系。这些是西方年轻人日常的话题,却很少从深层次得到中国人的普遍青睐。再如萨达姆是否应该由国际法庭来审判等,虽然此类话题难免有受到西方文化沙文主义影响的嫌疑,然而民主的社会需要自由和公开的思想交锋,国际化的人才更需要时刻关注世界的敏锐目光。

国际化不够,包容度不高,是中国的英文辩论爱好者普遍存在的问题。在学习新概念第四册的过程中,要解决这些问题,需要静下心来弄通弄透每篇文章。例如,第1课Finding Fossil Man中讲到中东文明,那么从两河流域文明顺时而下,以色列、伊朗、伊拉克,包括远东的印度等几个知名国度所经历的历史,你至少应该将它们拉成一条主线纵向准备。如此一来,在平时的新闻报道和评论节目中你更可以根据这条主线有目的地拓展横向知识,吸收更多有用的信息,达到事半功倍的效果。再比如,第32课Galileo Reborn从新的视角阐述了伽利略与中世纪社会的关系,那么至少对于天文学的演变发展中重要人物的生平和贡献,有心学习辩论的同学们都应该了如指掌。可见,在经过一段时间坚持不懈的研究之后,新概念第四册就真正成了各种学科的缩影,不知不觉中,我们就可以在辩论陈词中享受旁征博引的快乐了。

辩论赛主持稿串词 篇4

各位来宾,大家好!欢迎大家来到由物理科学与技术学院 电子信息工程学院、地理科学学院、化学化工学院、计算机与信息科学学院 软件学院、生命科学学院、数学与统计学院主办,由物理科学与技术学院 电子信息工程学院承办的西南大学第四届“言理杯”主题辩论赛现场。我是本场比赛主席**,来自**学院。即将在本场进行的是:

初/复/半决/决赛 第 场比赛,总第 场比赛


本场比赛的评委团成员有(注意排序) 让我们以热烈的掌声向各位评委和嘉宾的到来表示由衷的欢迎和感谢!


正方: 院代表队

正方领队: 同学,来自200 级 专业

反方: 院代表队

反方领队: 同学,来自200 级 专业


正方一辩: 同学,来自 200 级 专业

二辩: 同学,来自 200 级 专业

三辩: 同学,来自 200 级 专业

四辩: 同学,来自 200 级 专业

反方一辩: 同学,来自 200 级 专业

二辩: 同学,来自 200 级 专业

三辩: 同学,来自 200级 专业

四辩: 同学,来自 200 级 专业


本场比赛的辩题是有关于 的话题:

































谢谢 老师/同学的精彩点评。


正方/反方 一/二/三/四 辩 同学


下面我郑重宣布,经过评判团认真的评判,最终以 比 的结果判定本场比赛的优胜队是: 正方/反方 学院


英文商务辩论赛主持稿 篇5

H: Before the competition,each team has 5 minutes to introduce themselves to you.Including a 3minutes video and a 2 minutes talent show.Y: Now, let’s step into each team’s world by a short video clip.Y: They are so excellent and versatile.比赛开始,介绍第一轮规则

H: All right, before we officially kick of the contest.I would like to inform you of the rules and regulations.In total, there are 2 round competitions.Y: Yes, and in the first-round competition, each team has 10 minutes to introduce your company.After 2 teams’ introduction, there will be a free debate, referring to the strength and weakness of your rival’s company.H: Please pay attention, each team is allowed only 5minutes for debate.That means you will be interrupted if the time is exhausted.Y: “” And after the free debate , the judges will ask questions and vote for their favorite team.Each judge gets one vote.H: The team with more votes win and can either into the second –round, namely,the cup final.Y: ok, talking so much.I can’t wait any longer to watch our contestants’ performance.Shall we have the honor to declare the opening of the competition? H: Definitely!Now, I officially anounce the commencement of tonight’s contest.Let’s warmly welcome Rock Team and 男精灵.Rock Team

is the representative from YU ER BAO while男精灵is on behalf of the ICBC bank.讲介结束,主持人宣布自由辩论开始

Y:After the introduction, I believe both team have a good understanding of each other.So……

H: So, let’s begin the free debate.评委提问 H:What a fierce debate.Now let’s hear the voice from the judges.MR.胡,can you share some opinions about their performance,or do you have some questions for our contestants?

Y: Now comes the exciting moment.Dear judges, please show us your final decision.H: XXX gets_ votes while XXX gets _votes.So congratulation to XXX.So professor Li, could you tell us the reason you choose XXX ? 张荣臻互动 B组上场

H: After a little relaxation, it’s time to come back to the contest.Now, let’s warmly welcome our second group of contestants.The team Now or never represents the Samsung company and the team Velvet comes for apple.Y: After the introduction, I guess both team have known about the strength and weakness of each other.Let’s begin the debate.评委提问

H: It’s really a wonderful debate.So,professor tan liang,we are looking forward to your views.Y: Again, comes the moment for the result of this group’s competition.H: Right, judges, please give your holy vote to the team that you in favor of.Y: XXX get’s _ votes while XXX get’s _ votes.Congratulations to xxx.Miss huang , you just gave your vote to XX.I guess you have something to tell us about it.第三环节:即兴辩题

Y:Thanks XXX, Thanks for the fabulous performance!Let’s give a big round of applause for all the performers.H: Welcome back to the cup final.I believe this round is going to be much intenser.Y: ‘’I think so.In the cup final , we’ll be witnessing a brilliant debate contest.The topic of the debate is “who should blame for the high housing price, our government or the real estate agency?”

H: Now, I would like to introduce the regulations for this round.The debate will be divided into 3 parts: in the first, the first debater has 3 minutes to state the team’s opinion.During the second part, each team will be given 10 minutes for a free debate.Y: Please pay attention;you will be interrupted when your team accused the time limit.And in the last part, the fourth debater will have 3 minutes to make a conclusion.H: XXX is the affirmative side, and its opinion is “it’s our government that should be to blame for the high housing price.”XXX is the negative side, and its opinion is the real estate agency should be to blame for the high housing price.” Y: The affirmative side, you should begin your statement.H: Thanks, turn to the negative side.H: Right, as the two teams have expressed their point of view, the free debating time is coming!Y: For this stage, each side takes turns to speak, and each side has 10 minutes, the preside speak first please.总结陈词

H: Now comes the last stage, the fourth debater makes the summary statement.Each side has 3 minutes, and conside goes first.比赛总结

Y: Thanks, their views all very sound, right? H: Yes, all the contestants have shown great debating ability, thanks for your brilliant work.Y: And thanks for your outstanding effort.Let’s give them a big round of applause.H: Now comes the most most exciting moment!Which team will win this breathtaking debate? Y: I would like to invite the judges to critique the team’s performance and then give their holy vote.细节:1.so XXX gets one vote.2.the two team get the same vote now, the final result is held in your hand.XXX, so, which team do you prefer?

3.the triumph goes to XXX, congratulations!要请jason 做总结:

H: OK, and now, please allow me to invite our honorable judge jason to deliver a speech about tonight’s competition.Warmly welcome.Female: Thank you XXX for your sincere and encouraging speech.尾声

H: Now please join me inviting XXX to present th award.结束语:

H: Well, unwilling as I am, I’m afraid the competition for tonight is about to wrap up.Thank you again for the presence of the honorable judges, and audience.Y: Tanks for the audiences and performers.It’s you that make this competition possible and a great success.You definitely deserve a big applause!


辩论赛英文版串词 篇6

..i’m..my partner is… we’re honoured to be the chairpersons of this debate.thank youyou’re your participating.2.today,we’ll be witnessing a brilliant debate

the petition is divided into five rounds,before each round begings,i will briefly introduce the petition rules.so our debaters need to listen carefully.now let’s meet the two teams and their debaters.on my right are 4 debaters representing the student-centre,they are ……………………………………..we wele the four debaters.likewise,we’d like to wele the opposite on my left.the 4 debaters represent the teather-centre.they are ……………………………….wele the eight debaters.1.now that we’ve met the 8debaters.let me introduce the four judges for today.they are ………………….2.这个地方适当的加一些话,关于主题的。whose argument is more persuasive,we’ll soon find out.1.i now declare open the debate.we’ll begin with the first round-presenting of arguments.in this round, both teams can send any debater to establish its arguments.we’ll start with the student-centre,if you please.2.thank you.proposition for your opening arguments.let’s listen to how the teather-center make their argument.if you please.1.thank you.now that we’ve listened to the exciting opening arguments from both sides,we’ll move into the next round-free debate and rebuttal.2.in this round,one of the 3 remaining debaters who did not speak ealier will present.the presenting debater can rebut their opponent’s views and also further develop their own.1.we’ll start with the student-centre,if you please.2.thank you, student –centre.let’s now hear the teather-centre’s arguments and rebuttal.1.thank you.after that round of sparring,both teams have received some blows.we now move into the cross-examination round.2.this round is divided in two.first,one of the student-centre’s members who has not presented will cross-examine two of the 2 remaining teather-centre’s members who have not spoken.and the teather-centre’s can only answer questions,and not ask any.1.let’s hear from the student –centre.2.let’s now invite the teather-centre to start the next round of cross-examination.1.now we have the second round of cross-examinations.the student-centre will begin.the remaining debater who has not presented till now will cross-examine the two teather-centre’s speakers who were not cross-examined ealier.2.the teather-centre will now start the next round of cross-examinations.if you please.1.both teams’ exciting cross-examinations have treated us to the robust.we now move into the 4th round of free debate.at every petition, this is the most-watched and most exciting round.2.there is no limit to the number of times debaters can speak,nor the order in which they speake.let’s invite the student-centre to start.1.this round is quite exciting,but our debaters cannot relax.the conclusion round is also important.2.in this round ,the speaker has to be one of those who did the cross-examination ealier.this time we’ll start with the teather –centre.1.thank you.let us now hear the student –centre’s conclusion

2.both teams’conclusion bring today’s petition to a close.let’s leave the judges to do their work now.1.our judges have made their decisions.before we announce that,i’d like to invite mrs wang.to critique the teams’ performance today.mrs wang,please.2.now the judges will give their result.辩论赛主持词开场白


各位同学、今晚的辩论赛即将开始.有请队员入场.首先入场的是正方 *** ,他们的立场是 ***.他们的辩手是:…… 现在入场的是反方 *** ,他们的立场是 ***.他们的辩手是:…… 今天晚上,我们举行的是:****辩论赛 ,欢迎各位辩手和同学们的到来,希望双方在今晚的比赛中都有出色的表现。让我们用热烈的掌声请出今晚到场的评委,他们是:…… 感谢各位评委的到来,今晚的辩题是“.”我们有人说”.”也有人说:”.”谁是谁非呢.台下的同学想必早已经如饥似渴.再看台上的辩手,哈,也早已磨刀霍霍了.1.好,我们进入比赛的第一部分,立论阶段,看双方如何摆开阵势(介绍规则,时间)有请正方立论…….恩,正方x辩真是激-情满怀,下面有请反方辩手进行立论……..2.好,看来双方战略以定,接下来进入我们的盘问阶段……..3.双方真可谓是兵来将挡,运筹帷幄,精彩的盘论过后,下面进入我们的驳论阶段…….4.看来双方真是不分上下,寸不不让埃现在到了现场提问的时间了,大家要把握机会碍…..5.感谢观众的提问,看来万事具备,东风又来,该是短兵相接了,再进入我们最精彩的自由答辩吧…….6.好一场精彩而又激烈的答辩,双方各不示弱,气势逼人啊,那就赶快进入我们最后的总结陈辞阶段吧,看双方如何乘胜追击,保住胜果,还是卧薪尝胆,卷土重来,反败为胜…….7.好了,本场比赛也快结束了,谁胜谁负呢,评委自有公决,现在请评委退场



英文辩论 篇7

Good morning, my dear teacher and classmates.Welcome to listen to our debate.Books and experience are the main two channels for People to acquire knowledge.Both of them play important roles in our daily life.Some people prefer to read books while others insist that experience is better.Compare knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books.Which is better?

So our topic is: books and experience, which is better method to acquire knowledge?

Before beginning, please allow me to introduce the six debaters to you.###,### and ### stand one the positive side, while ###,### and ### stand on the negative side.Now I formally announce that our debate begins.First, both side, please state your opinions.正方陈词:

1.Knowledge can be acquired from many sources.These include books, teachers and practical experience, and each has its own advantages.The knowledge we gain from books enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in daily life.We can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books.2.We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways.3.Furthermore, we can learn from the past by reading books.In this way, we won’t repeat the mistakes of others and can build on their achievements.反方陈词:

1. Practical experience, on the other hand, can give us more useful knowledge.One can

apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making them more meaningful.However, unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, 也就是说, is useless.2.In addition,knowledge learnt from experience is more unforgettable.It is said

that one learns best by doing, and I believe that this is true, whether one is successful or not.In fact, I think making mistakes is the best way to learn.3. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act.Innovations

do not come about through read but through experimentation.That is why I believe that knowledge gained from practical experience is more important than that acquired from books.主席:

Let’s come into the arguing link.Debaters on both sides can ask questions to the opposite side.反方问题


People always are learning and practicing through their whole lives.From reading words in text book such as toy, car, train etc., people have the concept and ideas.They further understand the actual meaning of these words by playing toys and riding or driving cars, trains etc.答:



“The truth comes from practices and experience”

Experience first can prove if the knowledge from books is true or false.The world is changing everyday, and the theories that are right in past may not suitable to the changed world.And people can only justify them if they are right through practices.A few hundred years ago, people learnt from text book that the earth was flat.However scientists found that was wrong through observations and measurement.答:

Most is true.因噎废食

3.Stay where we are forever.As books have limitation, they only teach us the what people found in the past.There are a lot new inventions and new products which could not be found from textbooks.Our society and world are developed through continuous practices, those knowledge, never found in books, such as internet, e-business etc.are all developed through new practices.答:what we learn from books is the Foundation


1.问:Due to the limitation of objective condition, we can not do whatever we want.It means that we acquire all the knowledge we need from experience.答:Maybe you are right.But it is also true that Not everything that is learned is contained in books." We can not learn something which is beyond description from books.2.问:Textbooks are very wonderful in teaching people essential principles, how is the world looks like? what is the basic law of change of people and things? We can learn quiet a lot through books.It is efficient ,and can save a lot of time.Can you do all the research in our textbook by your own hand? Do you have enough time?

答:Of course, that is impossible.Yeah, I admit that I can not do everything on my own.But I think do a perfect job is much better than do hundreds of 勉强的,不够出色的 jobs.主席:summary
