


利益冲突及保密信息规定中英文对照 篇1





Enjoying the trust of clients and employees of inestimable importance for an international group like the Company.Developing such trust takes time and thoughtless action can easily destroy it.The Company is committed to and demands a high standard of ethical behaviour from its employees in relation to conflicts of interest that could undermine trust in the group.The basic rule must therefore be: avoid conflicts between personal, the Company and client interest.我公司作为国际型企业,在客户群里享有良好声誉,其作用不可估量。要发扬这种美誉,需日积月累,若要毁坏,只需草率行事。公司在道德行为方面始终以高标准要求员工,防止员工在涉及个人利益冲突时损坏公司整体信誉。对于此类事件的基本原则是:竭力避免公司及员工与客户之间的利益冲突。

For instance:例如

A.Many employees are in a position to obtain information about a client’s business and future prospects.Such information must be kept strictly confidential.It must not be misused for personal gain or to benefit others.In other words, employees must not take action that is(or could appear to be)motivated by information obtained in the course of their work.When in doubt a superior should be consulted in advance.许多员工可以了解到客户的商业信息及其发展前景,但此类信息必须严格予以保密。任何员工不得滥用此类信息另谋利益,换言之,员工不得受工作中所得信息的影响而做出其它与工作无关的行为。如有涉嫌,其领导承担第一责任。

B.Employees are expected to refrain from using information about the Company’s business or future prospects to benefit themselves or others, or to compete directly or indirectly with the Company in the purchase or sale of property, interests or the like.员工不得使用有关公司业务及其发展前景的信息为自己或他人牟利,或在诸如公司采购或财产变卖等事宜中为己牟利。

C.Employees should avoid holding ownership interests of any significance in, or providing any form of service to, a company that has commercial relations with the Company or is in competition with it.They should also refrain from favouring or employing a company in which they or a close relation has ownership interests.员工应避免在与公司有商业联系或存在竞争的公司持有权益或向此类公司提供任何形式的服务。员工同时也应避免向其本人或其亲属持有权益的公司予以偏助或雇用。

D.Nor should employees accept gifts of more then symbolic value, or other types of service(including entertainment)which might suggest that a dependent relationship had been with the Company.Employees should not perform such services themselves or promise to perform them.员工不得接受任何超过象征性意义的礼物或其它性质的服务(包括娱乐服务),此类行为会导致员工与公司产生一种私下独立的关系。员工自身应避开此等服务。

In most cases, employees will know instinctively what is right and what is wrong.The best rule is

“when in doubt do not do it”.If necessary, the advice of a superior should be sought.大多情况下,员工自身能够辨别是非。最好的准则是:身陷疑虑便予以远离。如有必要,可寻求领导建议。


I, __________, an employee of.assigned to Toyo Engineering Corporation(China)(“Company”), hereby acknowledge that I am familiar with the Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Confidential Information of the Company stated above and promise to adhere by them as required for the employees of the Company during the term of my service for the Company.本人__________,属日本东洋工程公司(中国)(以下简称“公司”),在此承诺,本人已了解公司上述利益冲突及保密信息规定,并许诺在为公司作业中按照公司要求执行。

Signature:签字 ______________________

