教育类及 篇1
1.What are the main tasks of universities: to offer students knowledge and skills essential for their future career, or to provide students with access to knowledge itself? What do you think university education should contain?
引入话题,观点提出:提供知识,并提升知识 ; 说明理由:1)正 2)反 ; 回答第二个问题
Serve a larger population of students that are more culturally and socially diversified.Universities should be perfectly aware of their main tasks : providing students with easy access to knowledge and, at the same time, encouraging them to make active contribution to the advancement of human knowledge.Universities, first, should be the learning communities where knowledge is not only disseminated but also advanced.As full-fledged members of this community, students should not be information recipients who learn the knowledge in a passive way.Instead, they should be challenged to achieve their potential and, indeed, to excel.Therefore, rather than focus merely on knowledge dissemination and transfer, universities should contrive to provide learning conditions that encourage students to remain curious, to value diversity in opinions and perspectives, and to think critically and communicate effectively.In this way, students can gain problem-solving experience and confidence.Furthermore, universities will never attain their goals if they tailor all their courses or programs to meet the needs of specific employers or occupational sectors.Today’s social environment is more dynamic and turbulent than ever before.Only those graduates who possess certain personality traits and can do well in diversified situations can distinguish themselves from other job applicants.In order to fulfill the main tasks of universities, university education should contain amply opportunities for independent learning which can cultivate students who are more likely to adapt to the changing society.Students can also learn to exercise their autonomy more effectively, and they may clarify their own professional interests while learning in an independent way.2.Nowadays computers are widely used in education.As a result, some people think teachers no longer play important roles in classrooms.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
计算机是否可以取代老师 观点:老师仍重要
理由:1.电脑的缺点:不能创造性思维 2.老师的优点:组织学生,启发学生 3.老师的优点:互动
Invented less than a hundred year ago, computers are now used everywhere, even inside the classrooms.While teachers remain more or less the same, computers are doubling in speed and capability on a yearly basis.In light of the increasing presence and importance of computers in classrooms, people can’t help wondering whether teachers are as important as they once were.As far as I am concerned, teachers still play a major role are still of great importance.It is well known that computers are better at repetitive work but incapable of creative thinking.However advanced they may be, computers are nothing more than human contrivances, programmed to perform certain tasks.They are unable to deal with students with different background.Needless to say, a classroom is a place where individual attention and creativity matter most.Therefore, computers are no better than other tools used by teachers and couldn’t possibly undermine the roles played by them.It might be argued that in terms of accuracy and the amount of information , computers outshine humans;but to make a good teacher means far more than being an encyclopedia where one can access all relevant information.Indeed, a good teacher organizes and inspires the students, putting them into different groups and sharing with them his or her own experience and understanding of a certain subject.Instead of being the source of knowledge, a teacher is more like a guide who shows students the right path towards their destination.Besides, the interaction between students and teachers is vital for learning.According to most education authorities, real learning occurs during the discussion and sharing of ideas with one’s teachers and classmates, which is a task beyond the power of a computer.Moreover, a teacher is there to monitor every slight change in students’ attitude, to respond to and encourage them whenever they show a sign of frustration and impatience.Without this kind of interaction, education is unimaginable.In conclusion, despite the increasing presence of computers inside classrooms, teachers are just as essential, if not more so, as instructors were in the past.Some inherent drawbacks make it impossible for computers to replace teachers in classrooms where creative thinking and interpersonal skills are vital to ensure success.3.As science and technology contribute most to the development of society, science students should get more financial support from government than students in other fields(e.g business, language, etc.)to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
反驳时,可以从因 下手: 前提不存在,科技并没有做出最大的贡献 其次,财政资助 真正应该由什么决定 :学生的学习成绩
4.Some parents maintain that co-education is better for their children while others believe it is better if boys and girls go to single-sex school.Discuss.Discussion 类:从正反两面展开论述,一段写:混和教育的好:自然,消除偏见,一段写:单一性别教育的好:安全,特别是对女生; 专心学习,防止早恋。最后一段指出两种各有利弊,因此不同人有不同的选择。
There have been schools catering exclusively to boys or girls in many countries.Co-education seems the natural mode of education.They can ride on the same bus, eat at the same restaurant and work in the same company.There is no justification to set up separate schools.Co-education resembles the real world.After graduation, those students will not have difficulty adjusting to a world where the opposite sex also exists because they have learnt how to tolerate, appreciate and cooperate with each other in school.Besides, co-ed schools help to reduce the prejudice against the opposite sex.By mingling with one another on a daily basis, boys and girls can relinquish the stereotype view about the other sex.They will find that a girl can be as brave as any boys and that gossiping is also common among boys.Thus, we are equal.On the other hand, single-sex schools have their unique appeals as well.safety is regarded as the foremost reason for choosing those schools, especially girls’schools.It is safe to send one’s kids to a place where they won’t be seduced, molested or even assaulted by the other sex.of course , it is to assume that none of the teachers an staff is criminally inclined.In addition, the students can focus more on their study.Free from the burden of co-existing harmoniously with the opposite sex, boys and girls often turn their attention to scholarly pursuits.This might explain why many prominent scientists went to single-sex school at one time or another.Last but definitely not least, single-sex school bars the possibility of the much-dreaded puppy love among students.It might be gathered from the above that each type of school has its strength and weakness.5.Many schools are troubled by students’ behavioral problems.What are the causes? What solutions do you recommend?
6.Should the teacher in physical education class encourage the students to be more competitive or urge them to cooperate with one another? What is your opinion? 竞争还是合作 +体育
选择合作 :理由1,2 让步竞争
竞争:a sense of competition can certainly bring about improvement.Driving force 合作:1.cooperation is more essential to success.Most sports require cooperation among team members.Football, basketball, for example.To defeat another team, all team members must work together, adjusting to and communicating with each other.The total synergy is far more important than the strength of an individual player.After all, rarely can one accomplish much all by himself.2.compared to competition, cooperation gives a greater impetus to progress.Whereas the urge to improve provided by competition is based on personal gratification, i.e.The seeking of glory and victory and the avoidance of pain and humiliation, that of cooperation is grounded on one’s devotion to a common goal.To put it simply, to compete one often works for himself;to cooperate one works for others.One will try his uttermost because his performance will affect others’ and because he cannot bear the thought of letting others down.---success is not achieved by defeating others but improving ourselves.7.It is right that college graduates earn higher salaries than the less well-educated in the community.But they should also pay the full cost of their study.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
观点类:不应该:1.否认它的前提:大学生并不比那些没有学历的人享受更高的工资 2.教育对社会有利
In reality, college graduates are far from enjoying higher salaries than those without a diploma.工资与贡献有关,一个人的工作表现与他收到的教育没有直接联系
Long gone are the days when college education guarantees enviable salaries.A university does not and should not act as a career training center, whose aim is merely to prepare students for the work ahead.Rather, college education cultivates the mind of the students and improve one’s overall abilities.With more people receiving higher education, the whole nation benefits in numerous ways.This had been testified in the developed countries, all of which put a premium on education.Thus, it is fitting that gifted students with potential not be barred from universities simply because they cannot foot the bill.Adequate grants and scholarships should be set aside to alleviate the financial burdens of those underprivileged students.7.Many people believe that subjects such as music or sports are not useful.Thus school should concentrate on subjects that offer better career prospect.What is your opinion? Not justified.理由:1.教育的目的不是给学生提供就业培训,其目标在于完善一个人的综合能力。
Career prospect is on most’s people’s mind when choosing a major, but this can hardly justify the overemphasis on certain disciplines.It is not the goal of education to provide job trainings to students.Education aims to improve one’s all-round abilities.2.雇主看中的不只是专业技能。
8.Is distant learning as effective as school education?
9.Some think students can learn more effectively in groups, while others think they should study alone.What are the benefits of each method? Which one do you think is more effective?
10.Nowadays college students or even high school students start to work at a younger age.Do you think that it is a positive or negative development?
11.Many people think that education is losing its value.Do you agree or disagree?
12.Education used to be a period of schooling.But now people regard it as a lifelong process.Do you agree or disagree? 13.Today, many students take the course international news in secondary school.Some say it is a waste of time.Discuss and state your opinion.14.Some people think that in order to improve the quality of education, high school students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers, but other people maintain that such evaluation and criticism may cause loss of respect for teachers and discipline.What do you think? 15.Some say that students with similar academic abilities should be put in one class.Others believe a class should include students with different academic performances.Discuss.16.There are lots of difficulties for the new students on the first day in a high school or college because they feel lonely.What are the difficulties they may face on the first day? What can the school or college do to solve these problems? 17.Many schools demand that the students should wear uniform.Some people think that such a practice undermines students’ personality and individuality.What do you think?
教育类及 篇2
[例] 什刹海正位于我母校的后门,度过一道筑在溪水上的石桥,再一转弯,便会听见那愉快的水声,伴着水滨青翠的树色在欢迎来访者了。送着清晨无课,我总是拿了一本诗集,在水边倘佯,那时候,正是充满了诗意与幻梦的年纪,水边有时是“自在飞花轻似梦”的诗境,有时是“无边丝雨细如愁”的凄凉境界,还有什么更适于少年的心灵流连徘徊?我常是将书放在身边,双足垂到水面,叫水上的白云,将我带到又温暖又惆怅的幻梦里。我曾有一首小诗,其中两段是:
(08四川卷张秀亚 《我爱水》)
问题:“这首诗里,实在交织着无限的怀念和怅惘”,这里“怅惘”的含义是什么? 答案:“怅惘”是指作者思念什刹海却只能在梦中相见的遗憾。解题思路总结:将段落语境内容和词语字面含义有机组合。
[例1]今天终于以另一种方式接近了你。今天来到了从小就觉得神秘的这位艺术家生活过的实实在在的空间。多么不可思议,多么幸福。我们可以用手抚摸一下诗人触摸的东西,小心翼翼。我们试图通过逝去的诗人遗留在器物的神秘,去接通那颗伟人的灵魂。(08山东卷 张炜《歌德之勺》)问题:“今天终于以另一种方式接近了你”这句话在文中的含义是什么?
【参考答案】(1)通过寻访诗人生活过的实实在在的空间和遗留的器物,去接通(感受)歌德那颗伟人的灵魂。答“通过用手抚摸一下诗人触摸的东西”,“去接通歌德那颗伟人的灵魂”也可。[例2] 在去阳关古城的路上,只见沿途平沙千里、荒无人烟,戈壁滩与蓝天相互对峙,偶尔有芨芨草、骆驼刺等沙生植物零星地点缀在远处,把广袤的戈壁滩映衬得更为荒凉。车轮飞转,发出沙沙的声响,远方地平线,隐隐约约出现了一线锯齿形的屏障。那屏障原是一条林带。我们的汽车驶进林带,就好像突然闯进了绿色的海洋。这水渠交错、万木争春的景象,仿佛就是可爱的江南水乡。
【分析】 本题需要结合句子和前后文分析解答,此句要抓住戈壁滩中的“绿色海洋”来解答。考比喻性的句子,需要找准印证的对象。【解题思路】:以中心句命题的题目,抓住中心句提供的信息,对内容进行概括;以比喻说明的句子(或例子)命题的题目,抓准与之相印证的中心词或句。【练习】
他是个了不起人物,从性情、智慧、人格各方面来讲,在这种时代,要找这种人,已经不太容易了。他的议论不管是对是错,都有真知灼见。他和社会上一般的名人、名流不同,他对中国有极深的关怀,平生所志都在为中国未来的发展寻出一条恰当的途径,例如“乡村建设运动”,就是梁先生思想见之于行动的具体表现,不只是讲说学问而已。(08山东 牟宗三《我所认识的梁漱溟》)
【分析】 此题属于筛选“原因”的题目。设计的题目从结果或结论生发而来,答案都藏在前后文的“因”之中。这类题目既有筛选也有组合,不宜简单地、不加选择的照抄原文。
【分析】这是典型的提炼题。在文本中不存在现成语句可筛选,没有局部的词语可以组合,也没有剔除谁留下谁的问题。需要从整体把握后进行提炼。那么,提炼从何处下手呢?分析答案可知,答案涵盖两 方面内容:一是数学、人类社会、日常生活、社会科学、自然科学五个例子的范围(社会生活和科学);二是五个例子的共同倾向(模糊性)。
(07浙江卷 蔡家园《泰山之恩》本文略有删改)
21、联系全文,就“我看不清来路,更找不到去路”写一段赏析性的文字。(7分)【参考答案】 ①照应前文,表现泰山之雾浓密;递进句式的运用,表达出思想探索的艰难。②既是实写,也是虚写,虚实结合,令人回味。③突出泰山文化的博大、精深,并进而对民族文化、民族命运作更深层的思考。
命题点密:本题考查“对作品进行个性化阅读和有创意的解读”的能力,能力层级为F级。教育部2007年新考纲第一次增加了探究能力,探究能力第一次明确作为一种规定考查能力进入了考试大纲。探究,即“探索研究”,是一个“多方寻求答案,解决疑问”,“探求事物的真相、性质、规律 等”的学习、研究活动过程。所谓“对作品进行个性化阅读和有创意的解读”有两层含义,其一是“对作品进行个性化阅读”,其二是“对作品进行有创意的解读”。前者侧重“个性化”,立足求异,展示对文本的不同解读;后者侧重“有创意”,立足求新,提出自己的新发现。本题的“你怎样看待这种人生态度”一问,是“对作品进行个性化阅读”;“假若你处在这样的环境又会如何”一问,是“对作品进行有创意的解读”。
解题指津:做“对作品进行个性化阅读和有创意的解读”,首先必须明确:其一,探究类试题的内容是有疑难的,甚至是有争议的,即答题指向不是单一的,是多向的;不是单层次的,是多层次的,可以考查考生对文本的多元解读和多层理解。其二,试题的答案不是唯一的.甚至不是规定的,目的在于考查考生“能否发现作品的丰富内蕴和深层意义,是否对作品有独到的感受和创造性理解,是否具有批判质疑的能力等”。第三,由于高考的选拔性特点,试题将不可能是全开放性的,即“一千个读者心目中的一千个哈姆雷特必须首先是哈姆雷特”,因此,试题应该是半开放性的——多角度,但不是漫无边际。回答本题的基本思路是:首先评价作者介绍的人生态度,然后谈自己的做法并加以阐释。07山东卷 杨明 马小林《梦碎雅典》