


让我们学着说不英文短篇演讲 篇1

The importance of smiling and kindness

Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening.Today I’d like to talk about the importance of smiling and kindness.Life is like a mirror.When you smile, people will smile back.When you treat other people kindly, they will treat you kindly in return.Try to spend one day smiling and being kind to everyone you meet.You will see a big difference in your life.If you keep on smiling and being kind, smiling and kindness will become you habits.If everyone tried to do this, the world would be a kinder, brighter, and happier place.Start smiling right away.That’s all.Thank you.I want to change my life I work extremely hard every day, but I’m very tired.I need to work smarter, not harder.I must find better ways to do my job.I must find more time to enjoy life.I know hard work is a part of everybody’s life.But I work too hard.My hard work is ruining my health.My hard work is killing me.Other people have time for fun,going to bars and going to parties.All I do is get in my car and go to work every day.This life is too hard.I need to make a fresh start.Life is about choices

Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to tell you something very important today.I want tell you that life is about choices.You can choose to be miserable or you can choice to enjoy life.You can choose to improve your health or you can choose to destroy it.I hope you will make correct choices.I hope you will choose to enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, enjoy your work, and enjoy your everyday life.Life is a gift, and we really should enjoy every minute of it.Join the group of people who make good choices.Enjoy your life!

The secret of happiness

Ladies and Gentlemen, today I’m going to talk about happiness.Where does happiness come from? It doesn’t come from other people.It doesn’t come from material things.It doesn’t come from having a lot of money and power.It doesn’t come from being popular.It comes from giving love to other people.It comes from giving you best effort to everything you do.It comes from getting satisfaction from helping other people.It comes from growing smarter and wiser every day.The happiness you feel is equal to the love you give.The more you give, the happier you will be.Three Tips about life Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening.There are three things I want to talk about today.The first thing is, think before you speak.Say positive things, don’t hurt other people with words.The second thing is, treasure every breath.Life is precious.We shouldn’t take anything for granted.We must be thankful for every breath.The third thing is, nothing is impossible.If you think you can, you can.Never doubt yourself.You can do anything.These three things have helped me throughout my life.Thank you.What is more important than money? Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening.Today I’d like to make a small speech on family.I have a question to ask all of you.What is the most important thing in your life? I know many of you will say money is the most important.But I want to tell you, many things are more important than money in life.It’s a shame that most people don’t realize this.Family, health, and happiness, are much more important than money.Without family, health, and happiness, money means nothing.Make sure you remember this important lesson and spend time with your family.People who spend more time with their families are usually healthier and happier.Precious minutes of family time are worth more than money.Make your family your first priority.Care makes the world a better place

Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening.Today I want to talk about care.People only care about themselves.They don’t care about other people.They don’t even care about their family.They don’t care about the environment.They don’t care about their community.Worse of all, they don’t care about their country.I am here to encourage you to start caring.We all want to be treated fairly.We all want to be loved.We all want to be taken care of.We all need clean air to breathe.We all need clean water to drink.We all need green places to enjoy.We all share the same motherland.We all share the same emotions.Let’s do our best to start caring more!That’s it.Thank you for you listening.

我们自己也要学着“创造” 篇2


达琳・叶格是美国中西部城市辛辛那提市郊一所小学的美术老师,也是迈阿密大学的在职学生。1994年,她作为交换老师到中国云南昆明进行为期两个月的教学。不少中国老师请教她,在美国的学校里,老师是怎样教孩子的`创造性思维的,并再三要求她在课堂上演示。 这位美国老师感到十分困惑:“创造性怎么能教呢?”是啊,爱因斯坦、爱迪生的创造性不是老师教出来的,鲁迅、詹天佑的创造性也不是跟哪位老师讨教得来的。其实,我们也应自己学着“创造”,在社会工作中、日常生活中、学习过程中学着求异、求新,不要拘泥于一种思维定势,开展多维的思维方法,要力求创出新意,再在实践中检验。就拿咱们熟悉的课内学习来说吧。都说预习好,有的学科能不能不预习?都说某某学科应怎样怎样预习,我们能不能由自己的实际出发,改变预习方法?都说上课要注意听讲,有的自学取得显著成效的学科是不是可以不一定时时都注意听讲?甚至干脆向学校提出申请这门课我可以不堂堂都听?都说要按时完成老师留的作业,有的作业早已掌握是不是可以不完成?是不是可以做一些老师没留的作业? ……多了,只要跳出思维定势,挣脱思维桎梏,就会有新思路、新方法,这“创造”也就悄悄跟随而来了。

让我们学着说不英文短篇演讲 篇3

Can we conquer poverty? —— Feedback In this lecture, the speaker’s statements really shocked me.He believed that the greatest failure of the human race was the fact that we had left more than one billion of our members behind.Extreme poverty were figured out as the most difficult problemneeded to solve.But there isn’t nothing to do for us.Like the speaker claimed that we have several methods to fight against poverty.First of all, there’s a fact we shouldn’t ignore is that most of the world’s poor people are farmers.You can imagine how powerful this is when farmers become more productive, then more than half the world’s poor earn more money and climb out of poverty.We only have two ways we can feed the world’s population.we can either make our present farmland more productive or we can clean out forests and make them new farmlands instead, which would be environmentally disastrous.It’s undeniable that farmers stand at the center of the world because of the significance of agriculture.Next, many farmers who live far away from the modern society can’t get even a little bit of scientific knowledge they needed in their fields.They also lack effective access to basic tools.To overcome such dilemma, actually we have settled these troubles in theory a century ago.We can genetically convert two normal plants into a new productive species through advanced technologies.But the hardest part is delivery of these tools extreme poverty.We need the world’s companies, governments and non-profits set up delivery networks for life-improving goods to eliminate poverty.If we can get our food by take-outs, or receive our deliveries through expressage, then it’s possible for those farmers who live in remote places to get more basic tools and useful knowledge timely.Last but not the least, we need to strength our wills to insist on helping farmers in a long period of time, giving sustainable strategies to make themselves jump out of extreme poverty.Everybody is exceptional people, so it’s unreasonable to left over one billion people behind while developing our society.Until everyone has an opportunity to gain his full human potential, can we become a truly moral and just human race.Let us to deliver an end to extreme poverty in our lifetime.生词 gigantic insurmountable solvable

lean on

disastrous dilemma humble scalable territory pursue constraint exceptional deploy
