


3700词汇精选 篇1

《3700》高频词 decorate decorationdecorative decorator decrease decreasing decreasingly increase

adv.deep深度 deeply 深深地 defencedefense-defend-defenseless delivery-deliver


depart-departure-department depend-dependant independent

describe-description desire-desirable

determine-determination determined

differ-difference different-differently

difficulty-difficult-difficulty direct-director-directory agree-agreement disagreement

disappoint-disappointment disappointed distant-distance educate-educator education-educated

electric-electrical–electricity employ-employee-employer employment

enthusiastic-enthusiasm equal-equality Europe-European

evidence-evident-evidently expense-expensive explode-explosive fair-fairly-fairness fame–familiar-famous fancy-fantastic favor-favorite fluent-fluency fortune-fortunate

fortunately-unfortunately frequent-frequently-frequency

freeze-freezing-frozen fright-frighten further-future

glory-glorious-gloriously moral-immoral noise-noisy

make some noise normal-abnormal north-northern in the north occur

It occurred to me that… object-objective object to doing sth

permit permission permitted permit doing sth persuade persuasive persuade sb to do sth

persuade sb into doing sth please pleasedpleasant pleasure

polite impolite politeness pollute polluted pollution popular popularity be popular with sb

possible possibly possibility post postage prefer preferredpreferring preference prefer A to B

prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do…rather than do..prepare be prepared for sth preparation

make preparations for sth pride take pride in proud be proud of

promise promising(有前途的)promise to do sth

make a promise to do sth provide sb with sth special specially(adv)spirit spiritual(adj)starve starvation steady steadily(adv)stomach stomachs(pl)

strong strength strengthen(v)succeed success

successful successfully sudden suddenly all of a sudden super superior To my surprise,… take delight in taste tasty tend tendency theory theories tire tired tiring treat treatment

trouble troublesome Be in trouble true truth truly

twelve twelfth twentieth bear unbearable fortunately fortune

unfortunate unfortunately umbrella urban

value valuable volunteer warm warmth wealth wealthy worry worried

worth worthless be worth sth/doing sth be worthy of sth bore-bored-boring

brave-bravery(n)-bravely breath(n)-breathe(v)breathless(adj)break-broken(adj)care(v)-careful carefully-careless caution-cautious celebration-celebrate change-changeable

choose-choice(n)chose-chosen close(v关闭)-close(adj靠近的)-closely combine-bombination comfort-discomfort(v)comfortable(adj)uncomfortable-uncomfortably communicate-communication

compete-competition competitor

conclude-conclusion confuse(v)-confused(adj)confusing(adj)confusion(n)

consider-considerate(adj)continue-continuous(ly)contribute-bontribution convenient(adj)-convenience(n)-inconvenient


creat-creation-creative(ly)cruel-cruelty culture-cultural

curiosity(n)-curious(ly)be curious about

danger-dangerous-endanger ability(n)-able(adj)



advance(v/n)-advanced(adj)advice(n)-advise(v)agree(v)-agreement(n)agriculture(n)-agricultural amaze(v)-amazing(adj)amazed(adj)–amazement(n)ambition(n)-ambitious(adj)anger(n)-angry(adj)







beneficial(adj)-benefit(n/v)Realize one’s goal gold golden

govern government gradual gradually graduate graduation grow growth

hand handy handful handle happy happiness harm harmful health healthy high height

hesitate hesitation history historical host hostess hungry hunger

imagine imagination important importance impress impression include including

independence independent instruct instruction intelligence intelligent intend intention

introduce introduction invite invitation late latest later latter laugh laughter long length

alone lonely loneliness loose lose lost loss marry marriage memory memorize situation social society sorrow spare spread standard

strength strengthen

succeed success successful successive successor suffer

summary summarize supply suppose

survive survival suspect sympathy symptom talent

thechnology technical technicial teenager temporary theft

thorough though thought tiresome tolerate

tourist tour tourism tradition traditional treasure

trust truth true truly truthful unfortunately unusual

谁是卧底精选词汇 篇2






围巾@围脖眉毛和睫毛西红柿炒鸡蛋 鸡蛋吵西红柿麦克风-扩音器








粉丝 米线

GRE阅读词汇精选 篇3

mute adj.沉默的,n.弱音器

reticent adj.沉默不语的

reticence n 无言,沉默,谨慎

tacit adj.心照不宣的,静默的

taciturn adj.沉默寡言的

mum adj. 沉默的,· 无言的

uncommunicative a. 拘礼的,沉默寡言的

reserve n.谨慎,· 话语不· 多,· 储备·

reserved adj.说话不· 多的


douse v.把…浸入水中,用水泼

drenched adj.湿透的

soak v.浸泡,渗透

soaked adj.湿透的

sodden adj.浸透了的

soggy adj.湿透的,濡湿的

souse v.浸在水中,使湿透

steep v.浸泡,浸透

logged adj 笨重的,湿透的

immerse v.浸入,沉浸于

immersion n.沉入,浸入

macerate v.浸软,消瘦

charades n.用动作等表演的字谜游戏

conundrum n.谜语(双关的谜)

rebus n.(以音、画等提示的)字谜,画谜

sphinx n.狮身人面像,· 谜一样的人

enigma n.谜,谜一样的人或事

职称英语常见词汇(精选) 篇4

beat v.打,敲;击败,胜过;[音]打(拍子),(心脏等)跳动beating against/on sth./打在……上the heart beats./心脏跳动beat sb./战胜……a heartbeat /心跳声;beautiful adj.美丽的;很好的;beauty n.美,美丽;美人,佳人;美的事物the beauties of nature/大自然的美beauty art/ 美容术,化妆术 beauty contest/选美会because conj.因为;become(became, become, becoming)v.变为,成为;begin(began, begun, beginning)v.开始,首先begin to do sth./开始…… begin doing/开始to begin with/首先;第一点(理由);beginning n.开始,起点;开端部分,开头部分at the beginning/从一开始at the beginning of/在……初from beginning to end [from first to last]/从头到尾,自始自终 in the beginning/当初,开始时on behalf of/代表;为了on sb.’s behalf/以某人的名义;为了某人;代表某人;behavior n.举止;行为;behind prep.在……后面;向……后面;a human being/人for the time being/暂时;目前;belief(pl.beliefs)n.(宗教)信仰;信心;believe v.相信,信任;认为believe sb./信任某人believe in/信仰,信任belong v.属于(to),合适belong to/属于below prep.在……的下面;低于……;benefit n.利益,好处;(pl)救济金 v.有益于,有助于;for one’s benefit/ 为了……利益benefit from/受益于for the benefit of/为了……的好处;beside prep.在……旁边beside the point/离题beside oneself(with)/几乎发狂;besides prep.除……以外adv.此外,而且try/do one’s best to do sth./尽最大的努力做……;make the best of/ 尽量利用at one’s best/处于最佳状态at best/至多;better(good 的比较级;well 的比较级)be better off 境况好had better do sth.最好做……beyond prep.[表示位置] 在[向] ……的那边,在……之外billion n.adj.十亿(的);biological adj.生物学,生物学的;a bit(of)/ 有点;稍微bit by bit/渐渐,一点一点;blame v.负责;指责,谴责n.责备,责怪blame sb.for sth./因某事责备某人 blame sth.on(to)sb./把……怪到……头上;把某事的责任归咎于某人[事];blank adj.空白的,空着的;没有表情的n.空白,[美] 表格;blind adj.瞎的,盲目的turn a blind eye(to)/不去注意;on board/在船上;在公共交通工具内;a board of directors/董事会book n.书,书籍 v.登记,预订booking office/售票处book in/预定旅馆房间;boom n.繁荣,隆隆声v.发隆隆声,迅速增长 boost v.往上推;增加;提高;n.上推;增加;提高;border n.边界,国界;边,边沿,边境;v.与……接壤,接近加边on the border of/在……的边界上;将要;接近于,濒临于boring adj.令人厌烦的;无聊的;单调沉闷的;borrow v.借,借入both adj.两者, 双方的 pron.双方, 两者 both...and.../不但……而且……;既……又……;branch n.分枝;分部,分店,(学科)分科,部门;支流;支脉;brand n.商标,牌子;brave adj.勇敢的;breach n.违背,破坏break n.休息,暂停;破裂v.打破;违犯;break down/(机器)损坏;失败;分类break into/闯入;强行进入;打断;插嘴;break out/突然发生 break through/突破break up/分裂;结束;breath n.呼吸;气息,气味;空气;微风hold one’s breath/屏息at a breath/一口气breathe v.呼吸brief n.摘要,大纲 adj.简短的,短暂的in brief/简单地说;简明扼要的bright adj.明亮的;欢快的;聪明的brilliant adj.灿烂的,有才气的;卓越的bring v.拿来,带来,产生;引起 bring about/引起,致使;造成;达成bring forward/把……提前;提出bring out/生产;制造bring up/教育;养育;提出britain n.英国;不列颠(英格兰,威尔士和苏格兰的总称)british adj.英国的;英国人的;英联邦的 n.不列颠人,英国人 broad adj.宽的,阔的;广泛的;明朗的 broadcast n.广播;播音 v.广播(无线电或电视);广播播送,播放 budget n.预算 v.做预算,编入预算 build v.建造,建筑 build up/堆积以阻塞,逐步建立burden n.担子,负担 v.使负重担;使麻烦 burden with/使负重担(如债务、捐税等),麻烦burn v.烧,烧焦;使感觉烧热 n.烧伤,灼伤burn out/(使)烧坏;烧光;烧尽burn up/烧完;烧尽;烧光business n.商业;买卖;交易;生意;商行busy adj.忙碌的;热闹的 be busy with [about, in]/忙于keep sb.busy/不让某人空闲,使某人有事做 but prep.除……以外conj.而是,但是;可是;然而adv.几乎,仅仅but for/要不是by prep.在附近,在旁边;经,由;依据,按照;通过;用adv.通过,经过;附近by air/railway/sea/plane/bus/乘飞机/火车/船/飞机/公共汽车pass by/经过;by the rule/按规则by oneself/单独,独自

abandon v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃;ability n.能力,本领,(pl.)才能(ability to pay /支付能力;one’s abilities/某人的才能);able adj.能……的;有能力的;能干的(be able to do sth./能做……);abroad adv.到国外,在国外到处(at home and abroad/在国内外);absent adj.缺席的;心不在焉的;缺乏的(be absent from …/不在../缺席);absent-minded/心不在焉的;absolute adj.绝对的;完全的;absorb v.吸收(液体);吸取(知识);使全神贯注;承担(be absorbed in../专心..);abstract adj.抽象的;深奥的;academic adj.学院的,大学的;学会的,[美]文科的,文学的(academic research/学术研究);accept v.接受;承认;access n.进入;通道;使用;接近(easy of access /易于接近;have [gain, get, obtain] access to/得接近;得会见;得进入;得使用);accident n.意外;偶然事故(by accident /偶然;无意中);accomplish v.完成;实现;according to按照;根据...所说;account n.报导;(书面或口头)报告;账目;原因 v.说明(理由等)(give an account of.../对……做出报导;account for /说明, 占);accurate adj.准确的;精确的;accuse v.控告;指控(accuse sb.of / 指控某人……犯了罪);ache n.疼痛 v.疼痛;achieve v.完成(功绩等),实现(目标、目的等)(achieve one’s purpose/达到目的;achieve success/ 获得成功;acquire v.学得(知识等),求得,养成(习惯等);action n.行动;行为;作用(take action /采取行动);active adj.活动的;活跃的;积极的(take an active part in..积极参加…);activity n.-ties 活动;行动;行为(social activities /社会活动);actual adj.实际的;真实的;目前的;actually adv.实际上;真实地;acute adj.敏锐的;灵敏的;剧烈的;急性的(疾病);adapt v.使适应;使适合;改编(adapt oneself to sth../适应……);add v.加,增添,增加(to)(add up to/ 总计为,总数达);in addition/加上,又,另外;in addition to/加上,除……外;adequate adj.足够的,恰当的,胜任的;adjust v.调整;调节;使适合;使适应(adjust oneself to sth./ 使自己适应……);admire v.赞美;赞赏;钦佩(admire sb.for sth./因……而钦佩某人);admit v.让……进入,使获得(某种地位或特权),接[容]纳,承认(事实、错误等)(admit sb.into the university/获准入大学);adopt v.采用,采纳,选定(道路、职业等),取(立场等),收养;in advance adv.预先;advantage n.优势,长处,利益,便利(take advantage of/ 利用,欺骗);advertisement n.广告(= ad);advice n.劝告,建议,通知(a piece of advice/ 一条意见;give advice /提出忠告;take/follow one’s advice /接受忠告);advise v.建议,提意见,通知,告知(advise sb.to do sth./ 劝某人做某事, advise that../提前通知。)apart adv.分开,离开(tear..apart/把……拆开apart from/除……外);apparent adj.明显的, 外表的;appeal to sb./ 吸引某人;appear v.出现,看来,似乎,出版,发表;appearance n.出现,外观[表],容貌(judge by appearances/以貌取人);application n.应用,申请,实施(the application of science to industry/在工业上对科学的应用;applications software/应用软件);apply v.申请,应用,实施,敷,涂(apply for申请,请求apply oneself to/致力于);appoint v.委派,任命,(常与for连用)指定;appreciate vt.赏识,重视;感激;提高(价值),抬高……的价格;approach vt.接近,动手处理,靠近n.靠近, 途径,通路;方法(an approach to the problem/这个问题的解决方法);appropriate adj.正确的;适当的(be appropriate for.../适合……);approval n.赞成,赞许,批准(with [without] approval of/经[未经]...的批准);approve v.批准,批准,(常与of连用)赞成,赞同(approve of.../准许……, approve the plans/批准计划);argue v.辩论,争论(argue that.../辩解说……;argue with sb./和……争论;argue for [against] a proposal/辩论赞成[反对]某项建议);argument n.争论,论据,论点(argue for/against)支持/反对……);arise v.起来,出现,发生,造成(from/out of);around: adv.环绕,在周围,在附近prep.在……的周围,环绕,大约,左右(around 20 people /大约20人;hang around/在附近徘徊);arouse v.叫醒,唤起,激励(arouse sb.’s enthusiasm/激起某人的积极性);arrange v.排列,分类,整理(arrange for/安排,准备);arrival n.到达,到来(arrival at port/入港;one’s arrival/某人的到来);arrive v.到达,来到(in, at)(arrive at.../获得(结果);达到(目的)arrive at/reach/come to a decision 达成决议);art n.美术,艺术,艺术品 pl.人文学科(work of art /艺术品);article n.文章,论文,条款,物品,物件(articles of daily use/日用品);artificial adj.人工的,人造的,假的(artificial rain/人工降雨artificial satellite/人造卫星);artist n.艺术家,美术家;as adv.同样地,相同地prep.被看作,被认为是,像……(指处于某种状态、性质、情况、工作等之中);conj.(用于比较)与……一样,当,由于,因为(as...as.../和……一样……such as /诸如;as it were/或者说as yet /迄今,到目前为止as you know /正如你知道的;as if(= as though)/ 好像,好似as long as(= so long as)/只要as for/to/关于;至于);asia n.亚洲;aside adv.在旁边,在一边(aside from/ 除了…….以外);asleep adj.[作表语] 睡着的(fall asleep/入睡);aspect n.模样,面貌,方面one aspect of the problem /问题的一个方面;a house with a southern aspect /朝南的房子);assemble v.集合,聚集,装配(机器等)(assembly line/装配线);assess v.估定(财产,价值等),评估(人物、工作等)(damages were assessed at 1000 rmb./ 损失估计达一千元人民币。);asset n.[常用复]资产;财产;assist v.帮助,支援(assist sb.with a task/帮助某人做某事;assist sb.in doing sth./ 帮助某人做某事);associate v.结交,联合,由……联想到……,把……联系起来(associate one thing with another/把某一事与另一事联系起来;associate with/和……来往,和……共事;同……联合);association n.联合, 联系, 联盟, 协会, 社团;assume v.假定,承担,呈(形式,姿态,位置)(assume responsibility/负责,承担责任assume a new aspect/呈现新的面貌);astonish v.使吃惊(be astonished at sth./对……感到惊讶, astonish sb./使……感到惊讶);astronaut n.太空人,宇航员;at prep.[位置,场所,地点,时间]在……时,在……中,在……方面,向,表示以..速度,价格等;arrive at.../到达……at my uncle’s/在我叔父家at the foot[top] of the mountain / 在山脚下[顶上] at the end of the street/在街的尽头at the meeting/在会议上at ten o’clock/ 在十点钟at(the age of)forty/在 40 岁的时候at the beginning of the month/ 在月初at christmas/在圣诞节at one’s convenience/在某人方便时at high pressure/在高压下 aim at.../对准……throw...at.../朝……扔……

BEC中级写作词汇精选 篇5

v. ①获得或达到 ②实现,完成


achieve one’s purpose 达到目的

achieve success 获得成功

The company has achieved all its goals this year.



v. ①承认,公认,公证 ②感谢 ③确认(表示收到)

acknowledge a deed 公证一项契约

acknowledge (the receipt of) a letter 表示收到来信

acknowledge the corn 【美俚】承认为事实,认输,甘拜下风

acknowledge a favor 答谢所受到的关照

He acknowledge that the purchase had been a mistake.


They have acknowledged receipt of the letter.



n. 确认函件


acknowledgement of debt 债务确认书

I didn’t receive an acknowledgement of my application.



v. ①获得,取得 ② 购入,取得所有权


acquired surplus 额外收益(非来自日常业务)

It is out of necessity to acquire a good knowledge of business.


Madison plc. is hoping to acquire Rosewall Holdings.


We seem to be acquiring a reputation for efficiency.



n. ①收购 ②被收购的公司或股份


cross-border acquisition 国外收益

lump-sum acquisition of subsidiary stock 总价采购

non-cash acquisition of subsidiary stock 以非现金资产取得子公司股本

real estate acquisition 不动产购置

stock acquisitions 股票购置

The acquisition of wealth usually takes time.


The recession forced Fitzroy to sell some of his recent acquisitions.


He is a valuable acquisition to the team.

商务英语口语词汇精选 篇6

【商务英语】life assurance 人寿保险

assurance company 保险公司

assurance law 保险法

assurance coefficient 保险系数

【例句】He gave me a definite assurance that the repairs would be finished tomorrow.


2.attest vt.证明 vi.证实

【例句】The handwritting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature.


3.attorney n.律师,代理人

【商务用语】letter of attorney 委任状

prosecuting attorney 检察官

power of attorney 委托权;委任书

4.attribute n.属性,品质

【商务英语】attribute value 属性值

attribute list 属性表

attribute testing 质量分类试验,特性试验

file attribute 文件属性










剑桥商务英语中级精选词汇 篇7

full-time job 专职工作

graduate n. 毕业生

hairdresser n. 理发师

interview n. v. 面试

job agency 职业介绍所

judge n. 法官

laborer n. 劳工

landlady n. 女房东

lawyer n. 律师

manager n. 经理

managing director n. 总经理

manufacturer n. 制造商

newsagent n. 报刊销售人

newspaper reporter 记者

office worker 办公室工作人员

officer n. 官员

operator n. 接线员

out of work 失业

packer n. 包装工

part-time job 非专职工作

permanent job 固定职业

photographer n. 照相师

pilot n. 飞行员

politician n. 政治家

postman n. 邮递员

president n. 总裁,董事长

previous job 以前的工作

price controller 物价员

prime minister 总理

principal n. 校长

producer n. 制造者

professor n. 教授

purchaser n. 采购员

qualification n. 资格

quality controller 质量管理员

receptionist n. 接待员

recommend v. 推荐

redundancy n. 过剩,多余,累赘

GRE考试词汇分类记忆精选 篇8










berate v.猛烈责骂

castigate v.惩治,严责

castigation n.申斥,强烈反对

censure n.v.责难,非难

chastise v.严厉惩罚,遣责

chide v.叱责,指责

condemn v.极力谴责,判刑(死刑等)

condemnation n.谴责,定罪

culpable adj.有罪的,该受谴责的

decry v.责难,贬低(价值)

denounce v.指责,揭发

flak n.高射炮,指责

flay v.剥皮,诈取,严厉指责

fulminate v.猛烈抨击,严厉谴责

fulmination n.抨击,谴责

impugn v.指责,对…表示怀疑

obloquy n.大骂,斥责

rail n.栏杆,铁轨,v.咒骂,猛烈指责

rebuke v.指责,谴责

recriminate v.反责,反控

reprehend v.谴责,责难

reprehensible adj.应受谴责的

reprimand n.v.训诫,谴责

reproach n.谴责,责骂

irreproachable adj.不可指责的,无过失的

reprobate v.谴责,指责.adj.n.堕落的(人)

reproof n.斥责,责备

reprove v责骂,申斥

stricture n.谴责,严厉,束缚

upbraid v.斥责,责骂

vituperative adj.辱骂的,责骂的

dyslogistic adj 指责的,骂人的

objurgate v 怒斥,谴责

arraign v 指责,传讯,弹劾

scarification n 严厉批评,苛责

rap v 严厉指责

twit v 责备,挖苦

animadvert v 苛责,非难

browbeat v(用神情、言词) 威吓; 严词厉色地斥责

culpability n 可责,有罪性,有过失

assail v.抨击,猛攻

diatribe n.(口头或书面猛烈的)抨击,抨击性演说

invective n.猛烈抨击,痛骂

potshot nv 乱射,射击,肆意抨击

excoriate v.撕去皮, 严厉批评

GRE填空的重点词汇精选 篇9

innocence 清白

virtue 美德

good 善良

established 正统的


criminality 犯罪

corruption 堕落

evil 邪恶

errant will 邪恶的意愿

depraved 堕落的

wrongdoing 做坏事

fraudulent 欺骗性的


underground 地下的

heretical 异端的

incomprehension 不被理解的


candid 公正

trustworthy 可信赖


insincerity 不真诚

insincere 不真诚的

feigned 伪装

perfunctory 敷衍了事的

untruth 不真实

cheating 欺骗


disinterested 客观公正冷静的

neutrality 客观中立的

disinterestedness 无私,公正

detachment 客观公正的

objectivity 客观的

neutral 中立

reality 事实

impartial 公平的

unbiased 无偏见的

truth 真实

evidence 证据

fact 事实


bias 偏见

construction 主观的解释

prejudice 偏见

partiality 偏袒

subjectivity 主观的

distort 扭曲

empiricism 经验主义
