


大学英语三级(A)真题2011年12月 篇1


2011年11月05日 15:09 新浪教育微博


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五、答题时,PartⅠ至 Part Ⅳ部分用2B铅笔按示例填涂,如:■[B][C][D],用其他符号答题者不记分。修改时,必须先用橡皮擦去原来选定的答案,然后再按要求重新作答。

六、PartⅤ 部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔在答题卡规定区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框区域的答案无效。



PartⅠReading Comprehension(30%)

Directions: There are three passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet。

Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

The reflective towers of New York City, which is on the Atlantic migrating(迁徙的)route , can be deadly for birds.“We live in an age of glass,” said Ms.Laurel, an architect。(76)“It can be a perfect mirror in certain lights, and the larger the glass, the more dangerous it is。” About 90,000 birds are killed by flying into building in the city each year.Often, they strike the lower levels of glass towers after searching for food in nearby parks.Such crashes are the second-leading cause of death for migrating birds, after habitat(栖息地)loss, with an estimated number of death ranging up to a billion a year。

(77)As glass office and apartment towers have increased in the last decade, so, too, have calls to make them less deadly to birds.San Francisco adopted bird-safety standard for new building in July.The United States Green Building Council, a nonprofit industry group that encourages the creation of environmentally conscious buildings, will introduce a bird-safety credit this as part of its environmental certification process。

There are no easy fixes, however.A few researchers are exploring glass designs that use ultraviolet(紫外线的)signals, but they are still in their infancy.Covers, dot patterns, shades and net are the main options available。

Often, only one section of a building needs to be changed.“You don’t necessarily have to treat every window,” Ms.Laurel said.“It would be too expensive to do the whole building。” The Jacob Convention Center, which has been undergoing alterations, is the most recent building to voluntarily correct the problem of bird crashes.The architects used less reflective glass and dot patterns。

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.New York is a city of glass towers。

B.Glass tower are dangerous for migrating birds。

C.New York adopted new safety standards for buildings。

D.Glass towers are a new trend in the United States。

2.What is the number one cause of death for migrating birds?

A.Climate change B.Habitat loss

C.Lack of food D.Crashing into buildings。

3.What does the word “fixes” in the third paragraph probably mean?

A.Choices B.Explanations

C.Solutions D.Developments

4._____are used in the alteration of the Jacob K.Javits Convention Center。

A.Dot patterns B.Shades

C.Nets D.Covers

5.Which of the fowling statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.In many cases, the whole building needs to be altered to prevent bird crashes。

B.The Jacob K.Javits Convention Center is the first building to deal with the problem of bird crashes。

C.About 90,000 birds are killed due to habitat loss in New York City each year。

D.Unfortunately, glass designs that use ultraviolet signals are still in their early stages。

Passage 2

Question 6 to 10 are based on the fowling passage:

Today’s students have grown up hearing more about Bill Gates than F.D.R., and they live in a world where amazing innovations(革新)are common.The current 18-year-olds, after all, were 8 when Google was founded by two students at Stanford;Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in 2004 while he was Harvard and they were entering high school.Having grown up digital(数字的),they are impatient to get on with life。

The easiest way to find kids like these is to check in on entrepreneurship(企业家才能)education, in which colleges and universities try to prepare their students to recognize opportunities and seize them。

A report published last year by the Kauffman Foundation, which finances programs to promote innovation on campuses, noted that more than 50,000 entrepreneurship programs are offered on two-and four-year campuses—up from just 250 courses in 1985.Lesa Mitchell , a Kauffman vice president, says that the foundation is extending the reach of its academic influence, which used to be found only in business schools.Now, the concept of entrepreneurship is blooming in engineering programs and medical school, and even in the liberal arts.“Our interest is the programs,” she says.“We need to spread out from the business school。”

Either as class projects or on their own, students in a variety of majors are coming up with ideas, writing business plans and seeing them through to prototype and, often, market.In their spare time, students in agricultural economics at Purdue invent new uses for bean;industrial design majors at Syracuse, in special laboratory, create wearable technologies。

(78)The entrepreneurship movement has its critics, especially among those who see college as a time for extensive academic exploration.“I just don’t think that entrepreneurship ranks so high in terms of national need,” says Daniel S.Greenberg, author of Science for sale: The perils, Rewards and Delusions of Campus Capitalism。

Leonard A.Schlesinger, Babson College’s president, says that the question of whether innovation can really be taught is “an age-old argument”

6.When Google and Facebook were established, the founders were still_____。

A.in high school B.in the army

C.in primary school D.at college

7.According to the passage, what is the main purpose of entrepreneurship education?

A.To prepare students for future academic life

B.To prepare students to find opportunities and seize them。

C.To prepare students for overseas career。

D.To prepare student to develop interpersonal skills。

8.The word “prototype” in the fourth paragraph is most likely to mean_____。

A.model B.strategy

C.method D.stage

9.What does Daniel S.Grennberg think of entrepreneurship education?

A.Entrepreneurship, or at least certain elements of it, can be taught。

B.An entrepreneurship program can help students find what they really like and entrepreneurship isn’t all about business。

C.Entrepreneurship should be spread across different fields。

D.Colleges shouldn’t put too much emphasis on entrepreneurship programs。

10.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Entrepreneurship courses in business schools。

B.Qualities of an entrepreneur。

C.Entrepreneurship education in colleges。

D.Kids in the information age。Passage 3

Question 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

Regret is as common an emotion as love or fear, and it can be nearly as powerful.So, in a new paper, two researchers set about trying to find out what the typical American regrets most.In telephone surveys, Neal Rose, a psychologist and professor of marketing at the School of Management at Northwestern Universtiy, and Mike Morrison, a doctoral candidate in psychology at University of Illinois, asked 370 Americans, aged 19 to 103,to talk about their most notable regret.Participants were asked what the regret was, when it happened, whether it was a result of something they did or didn’t do, and whether it was something that could still be fixed。

The most commonly mentioned regret involved romance(浪漫的事)(18%)----lost loves or unfulfilled relationships.Family regrets came in second(16%),whit people still feeling badly about being unkind to their brothers or sisters in childhood.Other frequently reported regrets involved career(13%),education(12%),money(10%)and parenting(9^%)。

Rose and Morrison’s study, which is to be published in social psychological and personality science, is significant in that it surveyed a wide range of the American public, including people of all ages and socio-economic and educational backgrounds.Previous studies on regret have focused largely on college students, who predictably tend to have education-focused regrets, like wishing they had studied harder or a different major.The new survey shows that in the larger population, a person’s major.The new survey shows that in the larger population, a person’s “life circumstances—accomplishments, shortcomings ,situation in life—inject considerable fuel into the fires of regret,”the authors write。

(79)People with less education, for instance were more likely to report education regret.People with higher levels of education had the most career regrets.And those with no romantic partner tended to hold regrets regarding love.Broken down(分解、细分)by sex, more women(44%)than men(19%)had regrets about love and family----not surprising, since women “value social relationships more than men,” the authors write.In contrast ,men(34%)were more likely than women(27%)to mention work-related regrets, wishing they’d chosen a different career path, for instance ,or followed their passion。(80)Many participants also reported wishing they had worked less to spend more time with their children。

There was an even split between regrets about inaction(not doing something)and action(do something you wish you didn’t).But, like previous studies, the current research found that some regrets are more likely than others to persist over time: people tend to hang on longer to the regret of inaction;meanwhile, regrets of action tend to be more recent。

11.In the second paragraph, the author shows ______。

A.the researchers’ findings B.the importance of family

C.the importance of money D.the importance of career

12.According to the passage , college student participants mainly had regrets about their ______。

A.family and childhood B.study and major

C.career and job D.romance and fear

13.The word “notable” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______。

A.common B.capable C.wonderful D.remarkable

14.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The less education he or she has, the more regrets she or he would have。

B.The more education he or she has, the less regrets she or he would have。

C.More women than men had regrets about love and family。

D.The regret of action seems to last longer than that of inaction。

15.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.How regret is understood by a typical American。

B.Common regrets is more important than love and hate。

C.Why regret is more important than love and hate。

D.How regret has shaped Americans。

PartⅡ Vocabulary and Structure(30%)

Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentences.Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet。

16.Mr Smith is coming to visit us soon.We’d better get everything ready before he _______。

A.arrives B.arrive C.will arrive D.arrived

17._______yesterday, you would have met Professor Jones.But now he has left for London。

A.Did you come

B.Had you come

C.Should you come

D.Were you to come

18.The man denied_____ into the neighbor’s garden and ______his cow。





19.Ted worked like a horse in his youth, ______contributed to his great success later as a businessman。





20.A few hours ago, a small suitcase with some important papers _______ stolen from the general manager’s office。

A.is B.are C.were D.was

21.______ on the New World,he felt like crying。

A.land B.Landed C.To land D.Having landed

22.Visit our store..Nowhere else such good bargains。

A.you find B.find you C.do you find D.you do find

23.After seemed an endless wait,ir was his turn to go into the doctor’s office。

A,this B.that C.which D.what

24.Ever since the Simiths moved to the lake area a year ago,they ______ better health。

A.could have enjoyed B.had enjoyed C.have been enjoying D.are enjoying

25.The boss doesn’t want to talk about the accident;now he is in no ______ to do so。

A.feeling B.attitude C.emotion D.Mood

26.I can’t understand why you regard it as music.It ______ me mad!

A.puts B.sets C.drivers D.changes

27.Yesterday Mr Blake was caught in the rain and got wet through.______ he caught a bad cold。

A.Consequently B.Finally C.Lately D.Strangely

28.William likes to eat out,but he is not ______ about what he eats。

A.pecrliar B.unusual C.particular D.special

29.Their house stands at a hilltop, _____ the Hudson River down below。

A.seeing B.viewing C.looking at D.overlooking

30.I can’t understand why my boss is always _____fault with my work。

A.finding B.seeking C.looking D.making

31.This is the same knife _____ I lost yesterday。

A.which B.what C.like D.as

32.---When will you be back?

---I’ll be back _____a couple of days。

A.after B.for C.about D.in

33.We hear that they will _____ a new school here。

A.set down B.set up C.set off D.set out

34.He will never forget the days _____ he spent in Japan.A.when B.after C.that D.how

35.Interestingly enough, the two brothers have noting in_______。

A.ordinary B.Common C.General D.particular

36.The scientists are trying to find out the facts to _______ their theory。

A.support B.carry C.design D.raise

37.The performance of the English team was ________.They played much worse than expected。

A.disappoint B.disappointing C.disappointed D.to disappoint

38.You are welcome to order the goods now.But payment should be made________。

A.for advance B.from advance C.in advance D.to advance

39.Speak louder so that you can make yourself _______。

A.heard B.to hear C.hearing D.have been heard

40.Now it won’t be long before we meet again, ________?

A.will it B.do we C.won’t we D.does it

41.Americans eat______ vegetables per person today as they did in the 1960s。

A.more than twice B.as twice many

C.twice as many D.more than twice as many

42.I was so familiar with her that I recognized her voice ______ I picked up the phone。

A.the moment B.since C.before D.while

43.The education of ________ young is always ______ hot and serious topic。

A./, / B.the, a C./, the D.the, the

44.Dad wondered where I’d been, and I ________ a story about being at Grandma’s

A.made out B.made up C.looked out D.looked up

45.Your sister doesn’t study as _______ as you do。

A.hard B.hardly C.harder D.hardest PartⅢ Identification(10%)

Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D.Identify the one that is not correct.Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet。

46.No sooner had they entered the room when the telephone rang。


47.As a graduate from high school, Tom is faced with three choices: attending college, finding a


job or the army。


48.Those freshmen hope to offer some part-time jobs to support themselves financially。


49.It was his nervousness in the interview what probably caused him to lose the job。


50.Lucy’s parents give her everything she asks;what else does she need?


51.I must work hard, however I’ll fail in the exam。


52.I am used to read the paper after lunch.That’s one of the things I really enjoy。


53.He told us that John, as well as his brother, were coming to the party。


54.Ted has sat an the table and drank more beer than is good for his health。


55.With no one to turn over for help in such a frightening situation, she was in despair。


Part IV Cloze(10%)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A , B , C , and D at the end of the passage.You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage.Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet。

Experts suggest using a different password for every website you visit, and changing the password every few months.It takes trouble to keep them in mind, but it’s well worth the 56.Be 57.with your passwords and make it difficult it is for someone to enter your 58.The more 59 you make your password, the more difficult it is for someone else to figure it 60。

Use privacy settings(设置)on social websites to 61 entry into your personal information and limit the 62 of private information you share.Even seemingly innocent information you expose about yourself could be used 63 you.I once read about a burglary(入室盗窃).It 64 that the thieves selected that particular home 65 they discovered the owner was out of town by 66 a Facebook message。

According to personal safety experts, it isn’t a(n)67 experience.The information you post on websites can 68 criminal activity.You may not think 69 about posting the concert you are going to or your weekend away, but could be a(n)70 for trouble。

Information on the Internet has made it easier for thieves to steal any information about you.Never 71 your full birth date.Never respond to e-mails 72 personal or financial information.Do not freely offer personal information to anyone 73 you are certain who you are dealing with.74 the necessary precautions(预防措施)is the best way to 75 you and your personal information stay protected。

56.A.effect B.effort C.labor D.matter

57.A.proud B.true C.honest D.creative

58.A.accounts B.records C.directions D.collections

59.A.complex B.careful C.diligent D.elastic

60.A.away B.on C.out D.in

61.A.respond B.resign C.restrict D.resemble

62.A.number B.amount C.pile D.piece

63.A.with B.for C.about D.against

64A.turned out B.turned in C.picked out D.picked up

65.A.which B.while C.because D.although

66.A.knowing B.reading C.inspecting D.realizing

67.A.impacted B.collected C.repaired D.isolated

68.A.lead to B.result from C.see off D.make up

69.A.out B.aloud C.once D.twice

70.A.resistance B.statement C.invitaion D.struggle

71.A.reveal B.revise C.resemble D.require

72.A.threatening B.requesting C.worshipping D.delivering

73.A.since B.as C.when D.untiil

74.A.Replacing B.Liberating C.Taking D.Depending

75.A.ensure B.separate C.spread D.switch

Part Ⅴ Translation(20%)

Section A

Directions: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese.These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in Reading Comprehension.You can refer back to the passages to identify their meanings in the context。

76.It can be a perfect mirror in certain lights, and the larger the glass, the more dangerous it is。

77.As glass office and apartment towers have increased in the last decade, so, too, have calls to make them less deadly to birds。

78.The entrepreneurship movement has its critics, especially among those who see college as a time for extensive academic exploration。

79.People with less education, for instance were more likely to report education regret。

80.Many participants also reported wishing they had worked less to spend more time with their children。

Section B

Directions: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese.You should translate them into English.Be sure to write clearly。








2011年11月05日 15:13 新浪教育微博

新浪教育(微博)讯 2011年下半年北京地区成人本科学士学位英语(成人三级英语)于11月5日进行。考试刚刚结束,新浪教育频道特别邀请北京地区成人本科学位英语统一考试辅导专家刘本政老师,第一时间为广大考生分享2011年下半年北京地区成人本科学士学位英语考试答案。





2.【答案】B。定位第一段,Such crashes are the second-leading cause of death for migrating birds, after habitat loss, with„,可判断撞击是既栖息地减少后的第二个主要原因。故选B

3.【答案】C。词汇题。There was no easy fixes„ 表示解决起来不容易,即没有容易的解决办法。故选C。

4.【答案】A。全文最后一句The architects used less reflective glass and dot patterns.故选A。

5.【答案】D。定位文中第三段。„that use ultraviolet signals, but they are still in their infancy。表示使用紫外线信号还在初步使用阶段,即D项,in their early stage。





通常,只有建筑的一部分需要改造。“不用改造每一扇窗户。”劳拉说。“如果改造整栋大楼费用太大了。”Jacob K.Javits会展中心正在实施改造方案,近期的大多数建筑主要是针对减少鸟类撞击问题而设计的。建筑少用反射玻璃,而采用点式型。



6.【答案】D。定位第一段,the 18-year-olds, „two students at Stanford;„at Harvard„, 即斯坦福和哈佛两所大学,故选D。

7.【答案】B。定位全文第二段,„in which colleges and universities try to prepare their students to recognize opportunities and seize them.故B对

8.【答案】A。Prototype 意为典型,模式,意为:在市场模式下,审查经济计划。故选A。

9.【答案】D。定位倒数第二段,„I just don’t think that entrepreneurship ranks so high in terms of national need,„ 表示Greenberg 认为,根据国家需要,企业家才能没有占太高的地位。所以同义转化为D,没有太高地位,因此学校也不必太重视它。





去年,考夫曼基金会发表了一则报告,在校园里实行推进创新的财政计划,报告显示,在2年到4年间提供超过5 000个企业家才能培训计划——比起1985年仅有的250个课程有所增加。考夫曼基金会副会长Lesa Mitchell说基金会扩大了它的学术影响力,而这曾经仅在经济类院校使用。现在,企业家才能这个概念在工程计划、医学类院校及艺术领域兴起。“我们感兴趣的是让这个概念在所有领域中使用,”她说,“我们需要把这个概念从经济类院校中传播出去。”


企业家才能运动受到一些人的批判,特别是那些把大学时代视为一个广泛学术研发的时期。“根据国家需求,我认为企业家才能没有占有很高地位,”Daniel S.Greenberg说,销售科学:校园资本主义的风险、回报和妄想一书的作者。

巴布森大学校长Leonard A.Schlesinger说创新能否被教出来这一问题是一个长期备受争议的话题。




12.【答案】B。定位第三段,„college students, who predictably tend to have education-focused regrets,„studied harder or a different major.即B项 study and major。意为学习和专业。

13.【答案】D。定位第一段,„find out what the typical American regrets most。即最主要,最典型的遗憾,故D对。

14.【答案】C。定位第五段,„more women than men had regrets about love and family„ 故C对。原文第四段,学历越低的人,对学历及教育的遗憾越多,A项不明确;学历越高的人,对事业的遗憾最多,B项是对文章的曲解。最后一段,不行动的遗憾要比行动的遗憾持久,D与其意思相反,故排除。



遗憾和爱与恐惧一样,是一种普通的情感,同时它又能产生强大的力量。因此,在一项新报告中,两个研究者试图找出美国人最典型的遗憾是什么。电话调查显示,西北大学管理系营销教授及心理学家Neal Roese和伊利诺伊大学心理学博士Mike Morrison调查了年龄从19岁到103岁的370个美国人,让他们谈论一下各自最遗憾的事。参与者被问到遗憾是什么,何时发生,这些遗憾是否是他们造成的,这些遗憾是否还会继续下去。






第二部分 词汇及语法


17.【答案】B。虚拟语气,省略if,句子需要倒装,原句为“If you had come„”。译为:要是你昨天来了,你就能见到琼斯教授了。但他现在已经去伦敦了。

18.【答案】A。动词固定用法,deny +doing 表示否认做过某事,译为:这个人否认潜入到邻居家的花园,并且偷了牛。

19.【答案】D。非限定性定语从句。which 指代前面的句子,译为:泰德年轻时像老黄牛一样工作,这使他日后成为了一个极其成功的商人。

20.【答案】D。主谓一致。由with引导的名词词组的谓语动词看with前面的名词,即a small suitcase,再者因为是几小时以前,故选D。过去时单数。几小时前,总经理办公室的一个装有主要文件的小整理箱被偷了。

21.【答案】D。非谓语动词。land on 着陆,登陆,根据felt,故用完成时。来到了这个新世界,他感觉很想哭。

22.【答案】C。倒装句。否定词nowhere 置于句首,故助动词提前,句子倒装。到我们商店看看,在哪儿你都找不到这么便宜的价格。

23.【答案】D。由what 引导的主语从句。


25.【答案】D。固定搭配。be in no mood to do sth.没有做„„的心情。feeling 指感受,attitude指态度,emotion指感情,情感。译为:老板不想谈这次事故,他现在没有心情这样做。

26.【答案】C。固定搭配。drive sb.mad把某人弄疯。我不能理解你为什么把它视为音乐。这快把我弄疯了!


28.【答案】C。固定搭配。be particular about 讲究„„,译为:威廉姆喜欢下馆子,但是他不讲究吃什么。

29.【答案】D。overlooking 表示俯瞰,眺望,由于河是down below,故选D项。译为:他们的房子在山顶,可以俯瞰到下面的哈德孙河。

30.【答案】A。固定搭配。find fault with挑剔,吹毛求疵。译为:我不理解老板为什么总是给我的工作挑毛病。

31.【答案】D。固定搭配。the same as 像„„一样。译为:这把刀像我昨天丢的那把。

32.【答案】D。in 接时间表示将来时,表示我几天后回来。

33.【答案】B。动词词组。set up 建造,set down 记下,写下,set off 动身,set out 出发。译为:我听说他们将要在这儿建一所新学校。

34.【答案】C。定语从句。that修饰先行词the days, 即he spent the days in Japan.译为:他将永远忘记在日本度过的那几天。

35.【答案】B。固定搭配。have sth.in common,在某方面有相同点。译为:太有意思了,这兄弟俩儿没有一点儿相似之处。

36.【答案】A。support支持,支撑。表示找到证据支撑理论。carry 施行,design设计,raise升起,均不符合题意,故排除。译为:科学家正试着找证据来支撑自己的理论。


38.【答案】C。固定词组。in advance预先,事先。译为:欢迎你现在订货,但是得先付款。

39.【答案】A。使役动词的用法。make sb.done表示使某人被„„,译为:大点声讲话,好让别人听到你的声音。

40.【答案】C。反意疑问句。前半句表示我们马上就再见面了,即肯定意义,相当于we will meet again soon,所以用否定形式,即won’t we。

41.【答案】C。倍数表示法。即倍数+ as + adj.+ as,译为:现今,平均每个美国人食用的蔬菜量是20世纪60年代的两倍。

42.【答案】A。the moment表示瞬间性,而while表示持续性,本题表示一接起电话,是瞬间性行为,故选A。译为:我和她太熟了,以至于我接起电话就能辨认出她的声音。

43.【答案】B。冠词用法。the youth表示一代人,所以特指。译为:青年一代的教育一直是一个热门、严峻的话题。

44.【答案】B。动词搭配。make out理解,辨认出;make up编造,虚构;make up a story表示编故事。

45.【答案】A。as+ adj.+ as 固定用法,译为:你姐姐不像你学习那么刻苦。

第三部分 挑错

46.【答案】C。应改为than。即No sooner„than„。

47.【答案】D。应改为or joining the army。并列成分全部用动名词形式。

48.【答案】B。应改为be offered。新人希望得到一些兼职工作,表被动。


50.【答案】B。应改为asks for。表示要求。


52.【答案】B。应改为reading。be used to doing表示习惯于。

53.【答案】D。应改为was。As well as连接名词,谓语要和前一个名词保持一致,即John。


55.【答案】B。应改为turning over。With加动名词表伴随。

第四部分 完形






60.【答案】C。figure out查出,找出。即破解出密码。


62.【答案】B。大量信息,固定用法,the amount of information。

63.【答案】D。against sb.表示违背意愿。即你所透露的个人信息可能对你造成危害。

64.【答案】A。turn out表示显露出,显示出。




68.【答案】A。lead to导致。

69.【答案】D。think twice想第二遍,表示透露个人信息后不会再想起来。

70.【答案】C。invitation邀请,去前文go to concert or weekend相呼应。




74.【答案】C。take precaution 采取措施。



专家建议对你登陆的每一个网址设置不同的密码,并且每几个月就更换一次密码。记住这些密码很麻烦,但是所做的努力是值得的。你的密码要有创新性,并且使其他人难以登陆 你的账户。你设置的密码越复杂,别人就越难以破解。




第五部分 翻译








81.Standing by the window, he is thinking about his study plan。

82.She managed to finish the work on time。

83.This novel, which I have read three times, is so moving。

84.I will tell him the news as soon as he comes back。

85.Thoughts can be expressed by words。真题点评:


下面我就具体的阅读文章逐一说一下: 第一篇文章为说明文,讲述了由于纽约建筑物多采用反光性强的玻璃结构,导致鸟类撞上玻璃身亡的情况以及应对措施。第一段介绍了玻璃建筑物对鸟类的致命性。第二段介绍旧金山的鸟类安全标准以及美国绿色建筑协会的措施。第三段介绍一些研究者正在研究如何在建筑物的设计上做些改变,比如加些点状花纹。第四段介绍并非所有的建筑物都需要作此改变。









大学英语三级(A)真题2011年12月 篇2




12. What does the man mean?

A. He was looking forward to seeing the giraffes.

B. He enjoyed watching the animal performance.

C. He got home too late to see the TV special.

D. He fell asleep in the middle of the TV program.

解析:在这道题的录音中,第一个说话人(woman)的话不难理解,通过其提到的“TV special (特别节目)”可知对话探讨的话题为电视节目,这类场景在短对话中经常出现。对话的关键点是第二个说话人(man)所说的话:“… but I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.”通过转折词but及其后出现的表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,考生可以推测出此题的感情色彩转向了消极的方向,即第二个说话人可能没有观看此节目,而原因就是没有stay awake,言外之意是说第二个说话人在观看节目的过程中睡着了。因而选项D为正确答案。



11. What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Read the notice on the window.

B. Go and ask the staff.

C. Get a new bus schedule.

D. Board the bus to Cleveland.

解析:在这道题的录音中,通过第一个说话人(woman)所说的bus schedule、leave等词,考生很容易听出这道题讨论的是“发车”问题。答题的关键在于理解第二个说话人说的话:“Why don’t you just go to the ticket window and ask?”这句话表面上是反问的口气,实则是建议第一个说话人去ticket window询问一下,正确答案显然为选项B。虽然选项A、C、D中分别出现了对话中的词汇window、bus schedule和Cleveland,但只是片面地表达了某些细节,目的是想迷惑考生。因此,考生在做题时不要一看到选项中出现了自己听到的词汇就妄加选择,而是要对选项进行仔细分析。此次短对话的第17题同样也考查建议句。对于这类题型,考生要注意掌握常见的建议句式,仔细体会建议的具体内容。


18. What do we learn about the speakers from

the conversation?

A. They were camping this time last year.

B. They didn’t quite enjoy their last picnic.

C. They learned to cooperate under harsh conditions.

D. They weren’t experienced in organizing picnics.

解析:该题的难点体现在其与众不同的出题思路上。短对话题多是针对对话中某一个人的话提问,而该题是针对整个对话提问,加大了考生的分析难度。解答此题的关键在于理解第一个说话人(woman)的话:“This picnic should beat the last one we went to, doesn’t it?”考点就体现在beat一词上。Beat是口语中常用的词汇,词组“beat sth./sb.”表示“在某一方面胜过或优于某事(人)”。通过第二个说话人的回答(Oh, yeah, we had to spend the whole time inside. Good thing, the weather was cooperative this time),考生可推断出对话中的两人都认为“今年的野餐胜过去年的”,言外之意就是“去年的野餐不太理想”,由此可知正确答案为选项B。





20. What do Swedish people complain about when they visit England in winter?


A. The bad weather.

B. The gloomy winter.

C. The cold houses.

D. The long night.

解析:这道题对应第一个长对话的前半部分,题目中没有生僻词汇,考生可凭对话中的句子“Swedish people always complain that when they visit England, the houses are cold even in the good winter”找到答案。通过这句话,考生不难判断Swedish people抱怨的内容为“the houses are cold”。根据“视听基本一致”原则,与该内容最为吻合的选项为选项C,由此可知选项C为正确答案。


23. What was the man’s major at university?

A. English Literature. B. Management.

C. French. D. Public Administration.

解析:这道题询问的是面试者的专业。在此类有关面试场景的对话中,被面试人的个人信息通常出现在对话的开头部分。掌握了这一特点,考生可直接在对话开头寻找答案。根据对话开头的句子“I did a degree in French at Nottingham”,考生很容易判断此题的正确答案为选项C。





29. What is Chris’ main responsibility at Taxlong Company?

A. Directing personnel evaluation.

B. Buying and maintaining equipment.

C. Drawing up plans for in-service training.

D. Interviewing and recruiting employees.

解析:这道题为第二篇短文的第一题,所以考生可依据“题文同序”原则,将注意力集中在短文的开头部分。根据录音材料中的第一句话“Chris is in charge of purchasing and maintaining equipment in his division at Taxlong Company”,结合“视听基本一致”原则,考生可确定正确答案应为选项B。选项B中的buying正是录音中purchasing的同义替换。



此次复合式听写文章的题材不是以往常见的科技文,而是记叙文,所以整体难度不高。单词听写部分需要填入的单词多为名词,并且没有涉及单复数变化,考生只要足够细心即可。唯一有些难度的是第40题,该题要求考生填入sewn (sew的过去式)一词,有些考生对该词不太熟悉,结果在此处失分。


2013年12月A级真题 篇3


1.So far the child _____ many times not to play computer games before going to bed.(A)was told

(B)is told

(C)has been told

(D)had told 2.There was a knock at the door and it was the third time someone _____ me that evening.(A)had interrupted

(B)would interrupt

(C)has interrupted

(D)was interrupting 3.You will note that we _____ you a special price now for your support in the past.(A)allowing

(B)to allow

(C)are allowing

(D)allowed 4.In view of the large size of your order, we _____ to deliver the goods immediately.(A)had prepared

(B)are prepared


(D)prepare 5.He began to write it two hours ago.He ought to _____ the article now.(A)finish

(B)have finished


(D)be finished 6._____ some animals came to live on the earth still remains unknown to us.(A)What



(D)Until 7._____his degree, he began to work for a large state-owned corporation.(A)Having finished



(D)To have finished 8.The story he told about her _____ her true courage.(A)expresses


(C)identifies(D)hints 9.CNN alone bore _____for a printed article in the June 15 issue of Time.(A)responsibility




词形转换题: 1.The author knows very well about the problems in the hospital because he(work)_______ there for many years.2.(impress)________ by the young man’s good qualifications, they offered him a job in their firm.3.His(fail)________in the election was quite reasonable because of his poor manner.4.It is high time that he(finish)________ the annual report.5.They have discovered that gas prices are much ________(high)here than in other parts of the country.6.Don’t hesitate(ask)________ for help if you have any problems in this computer training.7.It is said that the criminal is of medium(high)________.8.Please remember(turn)________ off the lights when you leave the office.9.If I(work)________ harder in my twenties, I would be better off now.10.People complain that the cost of the house is so much that only the rich can afford(buy)________ one in this area.11.The modern pop(sing)________enjoys the great opportunity with the young orchestra in China.12.We regret to inform you that we no longer manufacture the product you are(interest)________ in.13.Food(purchase)________ in the supermarket must not be eaten at the restaurant.14.The police compared the suspect’s fingerprints with those(find)________ at the crime scene.15.In all human(communicate)________, information is sent from one person’s memory to another.16.She was glad that he had such good(judge)________ in the choice of friends.17.Mary was lying on the sofa with her eyes(close)________.18.In human communication, information(pass)________from one person to another in many ways.段落翻译:

1、If you are the parent of a child under 17, or you are looking after an adult, you have the right to ask your employer for flexible working.You must also have worked for your employer for at least 26 weeks before you send in your application.Although you have the right to ask to work flexibly, your employer doesn’t have to agree to it.However, they must consider your application seriously and have a good reason if they decide not to agree.作文:

一、说明:假设你是某公司的员工Mary Johnson,根据下列内容给公

司人力资源部经理John Smith先生写一封辞职信。




2.辞职原因:远在家乡的父母生病,需要回老家照顾; 3.希望能尽快办理离职手续;

4.对于在工作期间所得到的指导和帮助表示感谢。Words for reference: 辞职

resign v.resignation n.二、说明:请以办公室秘书名义给公司全体员工发一份通知。


1.公司已决定推行弹性工作制;附件中是实施的方案; 2.请向各自部门领导提出书面申请;

3.办公室收到申请后将会把具体安排反馈给各个部门。Words for reference: 弹性工作制



Words for reference:


entertain v.四、说明:假设你是某部门主管,请按以下内容写一份员工推荐信。







3)可以根据该公司的情况制定新的培训方案; 4)希望有机会合作。



1.按计划基本完成今年的大部分岗位的招聘任务,共招聘员工 295名; 2.新入职的员工已完成各项培训,并顺利上岗;

3.但个别重要岗位没有找到合适人选(如:…….[请自拟]),还需与专业的人才公司接洽。Words for reference:


recruit v.recruitment n.七、主题:请写一封欢迎信,欢迎Bill White 先生来公司指导工作。

内容要点: 1.表示欢迎

2.介绍自己的公司:本市最大的进出口公司,员工1400人,12个部门,业务涉及全世界100多个国家; 3.介绍本地景观;

4.预祝Bill White在本公司生活愉快、工作顺利、合作成功!




2.说明你去信的目的:决定应聘广告中的商场经理一职; 3.说明你应聘的理由:……






1.本学期图书馆从12月14日开始开放使用,开放时间: 星期一至星期五:上午8:00至晚上10:00 星期六∕日:上午8:00至下午5:00 2.阅览室增添了一些新期刊杂志,欢迎大家借阅;

3.上学期借书超期未还的老师和同学,请办理续借或还书手续,否则将不准继续借阅任何图书。Words for reference:




1.原本安排的接机服务根本没有,你只能自己打出租车去旅店; 2.在前台登记住宿时被告知要六点以后才能进房; 3.离店结账等候时间长,差点误了班机; 4.要求旅行社给予解释及赔偿。Words for reference:


pick-up service






1.一周前你在该购物网订购……(订购货物名称请自拟)2.今天收到的快递公司送来的邮包后发现……(问题请自拟),请求调换; 3.希望对方尽快安排更换事宜;


十四、说明:以John Brown的名义写一封给中国铁道出版社的推荐信。


注意信函格式。Words for reference: 速记:shorthand 中国铁道出版社:CHINA RAILWAY PUBLISHING HOUSE

十五、说明:假设你是David Shen,给ABC Company的John Smith先生写一封信。

发 件 人:David Shen 收 件 人:Mr.John Smith, ABC Company 发信日期:2013年12月16日 内容:

1.你在上个月的广交会上认识了John Smith先生,曾与其谈起过双方合作意向;

2.你表示希望能成为ABC公司产品在中国的代理; 3.希望和Smith先生约时间洽谈具体事宜; 4.希望及早回复。Words for reference:

大学英语三级(A)真题2011年12月 篇4

I. Establishing

J. Narrow

K. Naturally

L. Personnel

M. Properly

N. Respect

O. Widen

Section B

Directions There are 2 passages in this section, each passage is followed by some question or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A B C D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage one

Question 57 to 61 based on the following passage.

If you are a male and you are reading this ,congratulations: you are a survivor .According to statistics .you are more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman ,and nine times more likely to die of AIDS. Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78 years for men in Australia, you will die on average five years before a woman.

There are many reasons for this-typically, men take more risks than woman and are more likely to drink and smoke but perhaps more importantly, men don’t go to the doctor.

“Men aren’t seeing doctors as often as they should, ” says Dr. Gullotta, “This is particularly so for the over-40s,when diseases tend to strike.”

Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two. For those over 45,it should be at least once a year.

Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old ma who had delayed doing anything about his smoker’s cough for a year.

“When I finally saw him it had already spread and he has since died from lung cancer” he says, “Earlier detection and treatment may not have cured him, but it would have prolonged this life”

According to a recent survey, 95%of women aged between 15 and early 40s see a doctor once a year, compared to 70% of men in the same age group.

“A lot of men think they are invincible (不可战胜的)”Gullotta says “They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think” Geez, if it could happen to him.

Then there is the ostrich approach,” some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know, ” says Dr. Ross Cartmill.

“Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies,” Cartmill says .He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups

Regular check-ups for men would inevitably place strain on the public purse, Cartmill says.” But prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to treat the diseases. Besides, the ultimate cost is far greater: it is called premature death.”

57.Why does the author congratulate his male readers at the beginning of the passage?

A. They are more likely to survive serious diseases today.

B. Their average life span has been considerably extended.

C. They have lived long enough to read this article.

D. They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier live.

58。What does the author state is the most important reason men die five years earlier on average than women?

A. men drink and smoke much more than women

B. men don’t seek medical care as often as women

C. men aren’t as cautions as women in face of danger

D. men are more likely to suffer from fatal diseases

59. Which of the following best completes the sentence “Geez, if it could happen to him,…’(line2,para,8)?

A. it could happen to me, too

B. I should avoid playing golf

C. I should consider myself lucky

D. it would be a big misfortune

60what does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by “the ostrich approach”(line q para.9)

A. a casual attitude towards one’s health conditions

B. a new therapy for certain psychological problems

C. refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved

D. unwillingness to find out about one’s disease because of fear

61. What does Cartmill say about regular check-ups for men?

A.They may increase public expenses

B.They will save money in the long run

C.They may cause psychological strains on men

D.They will enable men to live as long as women

Passage two

Question 62 to 66 are based on the following passage

High-quality customer service is preached(宣扬) by many ,but actually keeping customers happy is easier said than done

Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of a retail store, but instead will alert their friends, relatives, co-workers, strangers-and anyone who will listen.

Store managers are often the last to hear complaints, and often find out only when their regular customers decide t frequent their competitors, according to a study jointly conducted by Verde group and Wharton school

“Storytelling hurts retailers and entertains consumers,” said Paula Courtney, President of the Verde group.” the store loses the customer, but the shopper must also find a replacement.”

On average, every unhappy customer will complain to at least four other, and will no longer visit the specific store for every dissatisfied customer, a store will lose up to three more due to negative reviews. The resulting “snowball effect” can be disastrous to retailers.

According to the research, shoppers who purchased clothing encountered the most problems. ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers.

The most common complaints include filled parking lots, cluttered (塞满了的) shelves, overloaded racks, out-of-stock items, long check-out lines, and rude salespeople.

During peak shopping hours, some retailers solved the parking problems by getting moonlighting local police to work as parking attendants. Some hired flag wavers to direct customers to empty parking spaces. This guidance climinated the need for customers to circle the parking lot endlessly, and avoided confrontation between those eyeing the same parking space.

Retailers can relieve the headaches by redesigning store layouts, pre-stocking sales items, hiring speedy and experienced cashiers, and having sales representatives on hand to answer questions.

Most importantly, salespeople should be diplomatic and polite with angry customers.

“Retailers who’re responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren’t so friendly.” said Professor Stephen Hoch. “Maybe something as simple as a greeter at the store entrance would help.”

Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filing complaints to the retailer, instead of complaining to the rest of the world. Retailers are hard-pressed to improve when they have no idea what is wrong.


62. Why are store managers often the last to hear complaints?

A Most customers won’t bother to complain even if they have had unhappy experiences.

B Customers would rather relate their unhappy experiences to people around them.

C Few customers believe the service will be improved.

D Customers have no easy access to store managers.

63. What does Paula Courtney imply by saying “ … the shopper must also find a replacement” (Line 2, Para. 4)?

A New customers are bound to replace old ones.

B It is not likely the shopper can find the same products in other stores.

C Most stores provide the same

D Not complaining to the manager causes the shopper some trouble too.

64. Shop owners often hire moonlighting police as parking attendants so that shoppers_____

A can stay longer browsing in the store

B won’t have trouble parking their cars

C won’t have any worries about security

D can find their cars easily after shopping

65. What contributes most to smoothing over issues with customers?

A Manners of the salespeople

B Hiring of efficient employees

C Huge supply of goods for sale

D Design of the store layout.

66. To achieve better shopping experiences, customers are advised to _________.

A exert pressure on stores to improve their service

B settle their disputes with stores in a diplomatic way

C voice their dissatisfaction to store managers directly

D shop around and make comparisons between stores

Part V Cloze

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C,D on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

playing organized sports is such a common experience in the United States that many children and teenagers that them for granted. This is especially true 67 children from families and communities that have the resources needed to organize and 68 sports programs and make sure that there is easy 69 to participation opportunities. Children in low-income families and poor communities are 70 likely to take organized youth sports for granted because they often 71 the resources needed to pay for participation 72, equipment, and transportation to practices and games 73 their communities do not have resources to build and 74 sports fields and facilities.

Organized youth sports 75 appeared during the early 20th century in the United States and other wealthy nations. They were originally developed 76 some educators and developmental experts 77 that the behavior and character of children were 78 influenced by their social surrounding and everyday experiences. This 79 many people to believe that if you could organize the experiences of children in 80 ways, you could influence the kinds of adults that those children would become.

This belief that the social 81 influenced a person’s overall development was very 82 to people interested in progress and reform in the United States 83 the beginning of the 20th century. It caused them to think about 84 they might control the experiences of children to 85 responsible and productive adults. They believed strongly that democracy depended on responsibility and that a 86 capitalist economy depended on the productivity of worker.

67. A. among B. within C. on D. towards

68. A. spread B. speed C. spur D. sponsor

69. A. access B. entrance C. chance D. route

70 A. little B. less C. more D. much

71. A. shrink B. tighten C. limit D. lack

72. A. bill B accounts C. fees D. fare

73. A. so B. as C. and D. but

74. A. maintain B. sustain C. contain D. entertain

75.A. last B. first C. later D. finally

76.A. before B. while C. until D. when

77.A. realized B. recalled C. expected D. exhibited

78.A. specifically B. excessively C. strongly D. exactly

79. A. moved B. conducted C. put D. led

80. A. precise B. precious C. particular D. peculiar

81.A. engagement B. environment C.s tate D. status

82.A. encouraging B. disappointing C. upsetting D. surprising

83.A. for B. with C. over D. at

84.A. what B. how C. whatever D. however

85.A. multiply B. manufacture C. produce D. provide

86.A. growing B. breeding C. raising D. flying

Part VI Translation

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write your translation on answer sheet 2

87.Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problems that they haven’t found answers_to (他们至今还没有答案)

88.What most parents are concerned about (大多数父母所关心的) is providing the best education possible for their children.

89.You’d better take a sweater with you in case it turn(s) cold (以防天气变冷)

90.Throught the project, many people have received training and decided to start their own business (决定自己创业)

大学英语三级(A)真题2011年12月 篇5












六安第三次党代会 提出的建设幸福六安的目标。决策层认为的幸福就是 全名转型。..富市强民

大学英语三级(A)真题2011年12月 篇6

真 题 解 析




2010. 6~2011. 12六级阅读理解各题型文章选材








所谓依次而下,就是出题者所设置的题目顺序和答案在文中出现的先后顺序基本是一致的,考生可以通过依次而下原则在文中逐一寻找答案区域。例如,在解答此次考试深度阅读第一篇的第52~55题时,就可以分别利用题干关键词pessimists、U.S. trade deficit、June、the trade data of the past two years、 the rising volume of trade、the challenges、American economy分别依次而下将答案信息定位至原文第二、三、四、六段中。按照依次而下的原则,最后一题的答案区域肯定在文章最后一段。

依次而下原则特别适合在关键词不明确的情况下使用。考生可以利用这个原则划出答案所在区域,从而缩小阅读范围,快速排除错误选项。例如,简答题第47题:“To be good leaders, managers must pay close attention to their own _______.”该题题干中没有明确的关键词,但如果考生根据第48题的关键词将第48题的答案区域定位至原文第一段第三句,那么根据依次而下原则,第47题的答案区域肯定在原文第一段的前两句中。通过第一句后半句的“it directs the manager of a business to focus inward on their personal capabilities and style”,考生可以得出正确答案为personal capabilities and style。


出题者在设置题干时会使用一些核心词汇,这些词汇正是考生用来寻找答案的关键词。关键词通常包括三大类:显性关键词(时间、地名、人名、国家名、阿拉伯数字、特殊符号等)、核心动词、比较明显的描述性名词及生僻词。考生可以利用这三类关键词迅速回原文定位,找到答案所在区域。例如简答题第48题:“According to Peter Drucker, leaders should be good at ______.”考生可通过显性关键词Peter Drucker将答案区域定位至原文第一段第五行:“When a noted leader on the art of management, Peter Drucker, coined the phrase ‘Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things’ …”然后通过细读“leadership is doing the right things”这句话,考生可得出正确答案为doing the right things。

再如快速阅读第三题:“Opponents of Google Books believe that digitally archiving the world’s books should be controlled by ______.”考生可通过关键词opponents、digitally archiving the world’s books将答案区域定位至文章第五段结尾:“In broad terms, these opponents have leveled two sets of criticisms at Google.”还有第六段:“First, they have questioned whether the primary responsibility for digitally archiving the world’s books should be allowed to fall to a commercial company ... only public, not-for-profit bodies should be given the power to control them.”由此考生可得出正确答案为选项C (non-profit organisations)。



例如深度阅读第二篇第58题:“What does the author say about the national data on UK universities’ performance in commercialisation?”考生可通过关键词the national data将答案区域定位至原文第四段but的后面:“But national data masks the very large variation in the performance of individual universities.”选项B中的does not reflect the differences是对原文信息masks the very large variation的同义改写,所以选项B为正确答案。


比如快速阅读第五题:“Google defends its scanning in-copyright books by saying that _______.”考生可利用题干中的核心动词defend将答案区域定位至原文第十段第二句:“In its defence, Google points out that it displays only small segments of books that are in copyright—arguing that such displays are ‘fair use’.” 考生很容易被选项D (it displays only a small part of their content)所误导,虽然原文中的small segments与a small part属于同义替换,但是出题者在此处却偷换了一个概念,即of结构后面的内容:原文中的books that are in copyright指一部分具有版权的书籍,而选项D中的their content却指具有版权的书籍的一部分内容。对于这种情况,考生要多留心。

备 考 策 略



考生首先要把六级大纲中所列出的词汇全部吃透。复习词汇时,考生要把握住词汇的固有释义和外延释义。因为单词在不同的语境中会有不同的释义,所以考生不能仅限于知道单词的第一层含义,还要注意一词多义的现象,即外延释义。以此次快速阅读第二题选项中出现的词组humanity’s intellectual horizons为例,对于其中的horizon一词,很多考生只知道它有“地平线”的意思,却不知道其在该词组中应表示“范围,领域”。如果考生了解此意,很容易就会发现该词组与原文的the frontier of human knowledge属同义改写,也就能准确找到答案了。




在做阅读理解题的过程中,考生或许都有过这样的体会:如果对文章题材比较了解,或对文章的背景知识非常熟悉,答题速度就会很快,准确率也会很高,更重要的是,答题时你会信心十足。所以,笔者建议考生平时注重对文章背景知识的积累。六级考试中的高频话题在网站、杂志、报纸甚至教材上都屡见不鲜。这其实也给了考生一个启示:在备考过程中,考生应该关注热点话题,多浏览一些外国报刊(如The Economist、The Guardian、USA Today等)的网站,丰富自己的背景知识,这样在考试中才能游刃有余。

