


外贸产品质量英语对话 篇1


A:Your request for compensation makes me surprised .What happened?


B:It is because of the quality.


A: Could you tell me the particulars?


B: I told you that we want first-class goods. So the quality. specification and pnce are clarified in our contract. Do you remember those details?

B:当初我说过要的是一等品.所以合同里 将质量价格都写的很明确,你还记得吗?

A: Yes.l do.


B: The re-examination results indicate that one-third of the goods are not up to standard.


A: Really? We began to load the goods after we made sure they were qualified.


B: I told you the truth. According to the contract . if you fail to honor the contract.we are entitled to cancel it.


外贸产品质量英语对话 篇2

如果 我们需要零部件配件,你们能提供吗? 机器在保修期后坏了,你们修理吗? 当然,我们时刻考虑顾客的利益。 8 A: How long is the warranty? B: We guarantee our product for two years. It is guaranteed for one year. It carries a three-year warranty. 保修期多长时间? 我们的产品保修两年。 保修一年。 三年保修。 9 A: How about repairs after the warranty expires? B: All repairs are billed at cost. We’ll only bill you for parts. The on-site service is $ 500 a year after the warranty. 在保修期过后的修理怎么办呢? 所有的修理都是成本价。 我们只收取零件修理费用。 在保修期外的现场服务是500美金一年。 10 A: What do you think of Model 8? It can serve as a good substitute. It’s equally good in quality. It’s very close to the sample. B: I’m not sure whether the users want exactly the same thing or they may take substitutes. I’m not sure if we could persuade our users to accept the new specifications. I have no idea if we could interest our users in your new product. 您认为第八号模型怎么样?它可以作为很好的替代品。 它的质量一样出色。 它与样品非常接近。 我不确定使用者是想要完全一样的东西呢还是替代品。 我不知道我们能否说服用户来接受新规格。 我不知道你们的新产品能否吸引我们的用户。 11 A: I’d like to know if you accept orders in the buyer’s design and measurement. the articles could be made especially for our market. B: Yes, we do. If the order comes to a certain quantity. That can be done. We can arrange production to meet your requirement. Certainly. We can make products according to buyer’s samples. 我想知道 你们是否按买方的设计和尺寸接受订单。 货物能否按我们的市场特别制造 是的,我们可以。如果订单达到一定的数量的话。 可以做到。我们可以安排生产满足您的要求。 当然。我们可以根据买方的样品生产。 12 A: Our users like the material, but they don’t care for the color and design.

有关订单的外贸英语对话 篇3

2. Well, if your order is large enough, we are ready to reduce our price by 2 percent.

3. If you reduce your price by 5, we are going to order 1000sets.

4. Considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we accept it.

5. This is a trial order; please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the market. If successful, we will give you large orders in the future.

6. We have decided to place an order for your electronic weighing scale.

7. I’d like to order 600 sets.
