


Unit_9_新视野大学英语教案 篇1

Unit 9 Health Care

Teaching aims: 1.Goals:

Learn about health care

⑴Practise expressing opinions and making decisions

⑵ Review the Subjunctive Mood(2)

⑶ Write a letter

2.Special focus:

A.Improve reading skills and Enlarge vocabulary.a.Direct Ss to read the 3 passages on the text book;

b.Guide Ss to learn to use the following words and expressions:

medical insurance, poverty, unemployment, AIDS, housing, income, economic development, essential, desperate, fundamental, statistics, pressure, constant, allowance, re-employment, sacrifice, aggressive, intelligence, sense of responsibility, sympathy, willingness, observation, resident, laid-off, vow, mould, etc.B.Reading A Helping Hand(p75)Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in

1.Can you think of the situations where people need help?

Serious illness, jobless, accidents, wars, disasters…

2.While one is in such situations, which organization can help besides the people around him or her?

The WHO together with the government.Step 2 Listen and answer:

1.Was Wanglin cured or not?

2.How much was spent on the poor people by 2003?

3.What is another big challenge for the government? Step 3 Scanning

Read the passage and try to come up with the general idea of each paragraph.Then ask students to fill in the chart to see if they have got a general understanding of the whole passage.Main Ideas of each paragraphs:

Paragraph A

A man suffering from a serious disease was unable to pay for treatment.Paragraph B

With a health care project’s help, Wang Lin’s disease was cured.Paragraph C

A new health project is aimed at exploring and developing a new health care model for China.Paragraph D Many urban Chinese are living on money given by the government.Paragraph E Millions of Chinese people in urban areas cannot afford proper health care.Paragraph F Health care project is very important in our country’s efforts to fight poverty.Paragraph G The Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS.Paragraph H People must help each other if society is to develop and prosper.Paragraph I Our country is working hard to fight poverty and improve health care.The main idea of the passage:

The Passage gives a brief introduction to the health care condition in our country, and it emphasizes on the efforts that our government is making to fight poverty and improve health care by giving examples of Wang

Lin.Step 4 Careful-reading

1.In what way is Wang Lin’s situation similar to that of other low-income families?

They all can only make ends meet on their low income, and if someone in their families becomes seriously ill, the family is forced into poverty, and has to ask for help from the government.2.Why is medical insurance so important to low-income families?

Because medical insurance can provide easy access to hospitals and clinics for low-income families.3.What is the government doing about AIDS in China?

Chinese government has vowed to provide free AIDS tests for the general public as well as free treatment for those who cannot afford the treatment fees.And we learn from news that our government has decided to control the number within 1.5 million before 2010.4.What can we do to care for the weakest members of our society?

Our country decided to move forward without leaving anyone behind.Now we are taking measures, such as reducing poverty, helping sick people get treated properly and providing medical insurance for the poor.And we all know that the famous programme “Developing the West”, it is an important measure to put an end to poverty.Only by helping each other, can our country develop and prosper.Step 5 Comprehension

Unemployment—poverty--bad housing condition/ no healthy diet/ cannot afford to purchase medical insurance/ no good education—AIDS/ accidents--government programmes Step 6.Post-reading

A.Choose the best answers:

1.Thanks to______,Wang Lin was able to receive a treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his health.答案:C

A.his son in college B.the insurance for his family

C.the health care project D.the kindness of his family and neighbors

2.According to the text, if Wang Lin had had______, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem.答案:C

A.a good job B.a high income C.insurance D.a good doctor to consult 3.What’s the aim of new health care project? 答案:D

A.Helping people get rid of poverty.B.Exploring and developing a new health care model for China.C.Letting sick people treated properly.D.Providing medical insurance for the poor.4.According to the United Nations AIDS agency’s report,how many people will be infected by AIDS in China by 2002 unless more is done to prevent the spread of the disease? 答案:B

A.9 million.B.10 million.C.11 million.D.12 million.5.The text“A Helping Hand”is mainly about______.答案:C

A.millions of Chinese people in urban areas can’t afford proper health care

B.the Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS

C.a new health care project is being explored and developed in China

D.people must help each other if society is to develop and prosper B.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with one to three words.The poverty and the poor health care of low-income families The government’s efforts to fight poverty

and poor health care

Low-income families cannot afford to pay for 1________, that is to say, they cannot afford to 2 _____a doctor or 3______medicine.① The government encourages health care form and reduces poverty by designing a health care project which provides poor patients with treatment at 7____or less to help them get treated properly.② The Chinese government is working with other countries and international organizations to explore and develop a new 8_______ for China.③ The government encourages people to 9_________ in order that other measures to fight poverty will work.④ The government has vowed to stop the spread of AIDS by providing free 10_______ Low-income families cannot provide 4___ for their children.Many low-income families cannot afford to 5_______.Low-income families live on allowance 6____________.Keys: 1.medical treatment 2.consult 3.purchase/buy 4.a healthy diet 5.purchase medical insurance.6.given by the government 7.half the cost 8.health care model 9.purchase medical insurance 10.tests and treatment C.Answering the questions on P77.Step 7 Homework

Finish all the exercises on Word Study and Grammar on p77-79.Integrating Reading Skills

The Little Mould That Could(P79)Step 1.Scan the passage

A.The main ideas of each paragraph: Paragraph 1 Health care in the past was often dangerous and risky.Paragraph 2 Alexander Fleming invented many ways to treat the wounded during the First World War.Paragraph 3 Fleming discovered a mould that can kill bacteria by accident.Paragraph 4 Fleming was excited about his discovery, which he called Penicillin, but other scientists showed no interest.Paragraph 5 Penicillin played a very important role during the World War II and at present as well.B.answer after scanning the passage as quickly as possible.1.What could the little mould do?

The little mould that could treat/cure/fight infection.2.who discovered it? When was it discovered?

In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered it

3.What is its name?

It is called penicillin(In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin that could treat/cure/fight infection.)

Step 2 Careful reading Choose the best answers:

1.Who discovered penicillin? 答案:B

A.Howard Walter Florey.B.Alexander Fleming.C.Paul Ehrlich.D.Earnst Boris Chain.2.It was not until_____that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized? 答案:B

A.World WarⅠ

B.World WarⅡ



3.When did Fleming receive the Nobel Prize with the two other scientists? 答案:D

A.In 1914.B.In 1928.C.In 1929.D.In 1945.4.From Paragraph 4 of the text“The Little Mould That Could”we can see that Fleming was all the following except______.答案:D




D.kind and warm-hearted

Step 3.Read the passage again and finish the exercises on the page 78.And retell the life experience of Fleming and how he discovered penicillin.Alexander Fleming was a young doctor in the early 1900s when a German chemist developed a chemical treatment to cure an incurable disease.Fleming began using it in his clinic.Then in 1914, he had to go to the battlefield to treat wounded soldiers during World WarⅠ, when he invented many ways to treat the wounded.After returning from the war, he went on with the search for the chemical because he believed it could treat infections.One day, he found a mould was growing in some old glass containers.To his surprise, the bacteria he had been growing had died.He believed that it was the mould, which later he called penicillin that killed the bacteria.Penicillin was a great discovery.It played a very important role during World War Ⅱ and as well as at present time.Fleming was awarded Nobel Prize for his great discovery in 1945.Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin Phrases:

1.take measures to do sth.2.a laid-off worker

3.have an income of

4.to make matters worse

5.take a bank loan

6.put extra pressure on the family

7.keep a healthy diet

8.live in poverty

9.make ends meet

10.look forward to

11.ready-made clothes

12.cure many diseases

13.a story of hard work

14.search for

15.clean up 16.in a good mood

17.set a goal

18.be effective in

Reading on P213

Florence Nightingale

She is remembered as a pioneer of nursing and a reformer of hospital sanitation methods.For most of her ninety years, Nightingale pushed for the reform of the British military health-care system.Main ideas of each paragraph:

Para.1(Para1): Fear had gripped the nation when SARS broke out.Parts2(Para2-7): Thanks to the quick and forceful action the country took and the sacrifices the health care staff made, SARS ended in he summer of 2003.Part 3(Para 8): We will never forget the “Angels in White”.Step 5 Language points

1.suffer deadly infections as a result of operations(Para.1)

2.cure, curable, incurable, treat

3.It was not until after the war that he made his most important discovery.(Para2)

It was not until World War Two that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized.(the last para.)

4.clean up(Para.3), clear up

The workwomen cleaned up(the mess)before they left.(除去垃圾等)

Clean up a room for a party.(打扫干净)He clean up a small fortune.(挣得,赢得)I hope it clears up this afternoon(天气转晴)

Has your rash cleared up?(你的皮疹痊愈了吗?)

Please clear up the mess in here before you go.(使整洁,清理)5.be excited about(Para.4)6.belong to(Para.4)

7.Despite their lack of interest, Fleming kept trying to develop the chemical so that it would be safe and effective.(Para.4)

8.Explain the last sentence of the whole passage.Step 6 Homework

1.Write a composition about penicillin in the exercise book(Page 81)2.Do the exercises about vocabulary on Pages 211~212.The Third Period Contents: practice Teaching Steps:

Step 1 Explain the usages of the following key words: 1.abuse vt.1.)滥用,妄用

He abused his power while in office.他在职时滥用权力。


You are always abusing and offending people.你总是出言不逊得罪人。


Those captives were physically abused.那些俘虏遭受了肉体上的摧残。


There is no freedom that is not open to abuse.任何自由都可能被滥用。


She greeted me with a stream of abuse.她一见我就吐出一连串的污言秽语。


Child abuse is widespread in this country.这个国家虐待孩子的情况很普遍。

2.insurance n.1.)保险;保险契约[U] 保险业[U]

I found a job selling insurance.我找到一份推销保险的工作。

She works in insurance.她从事保险业。


He has $100,000 life insurance, which his wife will receive if he dies first.他有十万美元的人寿保险,如果他先去世,他的妻子将得到这笔钱。


I bought some new locks as an additional insurance against burglary.我买了一些新锁具以进一步防止盗窃。


The insurance on my house is very high.我的房屋保险费很高。

3.allowance n.1.)津贴,补贴;零用钱[C]

The child has a weekly allowance of five dollars.这孩子每星期有五元零用钱。


His allowance for food is $100.他拨出一百美元用于购买食物。


the allowance of a claim 对要求权的允准


the allowance of segregation 对种族隔离的容忍

4.pressure n.1.)压;按;挤;榨[U]

The small box was flattened by the pressure of the heavy book on it.小盒子被这本厚厚的书压扁了。


He works well under pressure.他在有压力的情况下工作很出色。


These old people are unaccustomed to the pressure of modern life.这些老人不习惯现代生活的紧张压力。

5.significance n.1.)重要性, 重要[U]

The proposals they put forward at the meeting were of little significance.他们在会上提出的建议无足轻重。

2.)意义, 含义;意思[U][S]

He did not understand the significance of my wink.他没有领会我眨眼的意思。

6.devotion n.1.)献身;奉献[U][(+to)]

We appreciated his devotion of time and money to the project.我们感谢他为这一项目花费的时间和金钱。

His devotion to science is well known.他对科学的献身精神为人熟知。

2.)忠诚;挚爱,热爱[U][(+to/for)] devotion to music 热爱音乐

Unit_9_新视野大学英语教案 篇2






a. 能听、说、认读 friends, long/short hair, strong, thin 等单词和词组。

b. 能听懂、会说 I have a friend. He / She is ... He / She has ... 并能在实际情景中运用。

c. 学会用适当的形容词描述身边的同学、朋友等。



b. 借助图片、体态语等帮助学生理解词句。


课前 Sing a song.

T: Do you want to be my friend?


Step 1. Revision/Warm-up


通过教师的自我介绍和 Greeting 与学生交朋友,拉近师生间的距离。带领全部挥挥手,拍拍手,活跃气氛,调动学生学习的积极性。同时教学了 friends,明确了主题。

b. 板书






















[1]张敬华;;练习很给力 英语更有趣——冀教版小学英语第四册期末综合训练[J];河北教育(教学版);2011年05期





Unit_9_新视野大学英语教案 篇3

Unit 4 Robert isn’t well.【教学目的】:



1.well E.g.I’m very well.我(身体)非常好。

Well done.做得好。

2.How? E.g.(1)—How are you? 你好吗?—I’m fine.我很好。

(2)—How old are you? 你多大了?—I’m ten.我十岁。

(3)—How do you go to school? 你怎么去学校?

—I go to school by bus.我乘公共汽车去上学。

(4)How about you? 你呢? 3.fine 健康的:I’m fine.我很好。

晴朗的:It’s a fine day.今天很晴朗。

4.but 连词,表示转折; 拓展:and 连词,表示并列。

5.very 词组:very well 非常好

very good 非常好 very much 非常多 6.What’s the matter with? = What’s wrong with? …怎么了? 7.hot 反义词:cold 冷的 8.poor 反义词:rich 富有的

be poor at…


I’m poor at Chinese.9.doctor 词组:see a doctor 看医生 10.busy

句型:be busy with sth


be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

E.g.I am busy with my homework.我忙于我的作业。

I am busy doing my homework.我忙于做作业。

11.or 或者

在一般疑问句中构成选择疑问句,or前面读成声调,后面读成降调,回答时选择一项来回答,不可用yes或no.E.g.Is he thirsty or hungry?他饿了还是渴了?

He’s thirsty./ He’s hungry.【重难点句型】: 1 How are you? 2 Robert isn’t well.3 What’s the matter? 4 Is he hungry / thirsty ? 5 Prepare better than safe.(有备无患。)【教学过程】: 1.Warm Up 教师提问学生,如果问how are you? 应如何回答好与不好,来导入新课.2.Presentation A.讲解正确回答身体状况不好的情况,用somebody isn’t well.来回答;听到对方说身体状况不好的时候,礼貌回答应是I’m sorry to hear that./ I’m sorry.B.根据课文情节,继续讲授重点句子:What’s the matter?(怎么了?)Prepare better than safe.(有备无患。)并延生俗语名言,如:Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

Unit_9_新视野大学英语教案 篇4

Unit 4

Unit 4 Sports Text Three: The Great American Sprinter—— Maurice Greene

Teaching Objectives(教学目的)Students will be able to 1.Grasp the main idea and structure of the text 2.Master the key language points and grammatical structures 3.Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.Teaching procedures(教学步骤)(1)Pre-reading activity(Period1)a.Information related to the text b.Introduction to the Text c.Pre-reading questions(2)While-reading activity(Periods2-4)a.The organization of the text b.Detailed reading---study of the language points(3)Post-reading activity(Period 5-6)a.Speaking Activity b.Writing Practice c.Have students finish the exercises

Period 1 Pre-reading activity a.Background Information 1.Maurice Greene Born: July 23, 1974 Birth place: Kansas City, US Nationality: USA Height: 5’9’’(1.75m)Weight: 175lb(79.4KG)Event: Track & Field sprints—60, 100 and 200 meters.PRs: 100m 9.79s(1999)

200m 19.86s(1997)

60m WR 6.39s(1998,2001)

2.The Olympic Spirit The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” The most important thing in the Games is not the triumph but the struggle;not to have conquered but to have fought well.After the hard training of a lifetime, every athlete deserves a medal in the Games, no matter whether he won or not.By undergoing the stress and strain of tough <<创新大学英语>>预备级

Unit 4 competition, the athletes grow in strength, endurance and discipline.The athletes must learn to respect and to cooperate with people from many nations during the Games.The purpose of passing the Olympic touch by way of relay was to spread the Olympic spirit and make the seeds of peace and friendship root, grow, bloom and bear fruits in more countries.The five rings represent the close unity and friendly meeting at the Olympics among athletes from five continents.The Games help promote a better and more peaceful world.b.Warm-up Activities Purposes: ·To start students talking about sports ·To start students thinking about the spirit of sports ·To familiarize students with the topics in the text.Activity one Directions: Ask each group to list the sports names as many as possible, then have a competition among groups.Tips:

Track and field, boat racing, boxing, cycling, shooting, diving, football, basketball, wrestling, hurdle race, table tennis, volleyball, badminton, baseball, handball, weightlifting, swimming, surfing, ski jumping, hockey, figure skating… Activity Two Directions: Ask Ss to have a group discussion.1)Which sport do you like most? Why? 2)Who is your favorite sportsman? 3)How do you understand “the spirit of sports”? Tips: · Football Competitive, violent, teamwork, exciting, fantastic… ·Liu Xiang Liu Xiang was the first Asian to win the men’s 110m hurdles at the Olympic Games in Athens.After that he has become the pride of our country and an idol to the young people.He broke the 110m hurdles word record on July 12th in 2006 and became the center of world attention again.He is optimistic, easy-going, confident, energetic and hard-working.Activity Three Directions: Ask some excellent English learners to share their learning experience.Period 2-4 While-reading activity a.Text Organization

Part one(Para 1): Becoming fluent in learning English requires four skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.Part two(Para 2-6): Read actively as much as you can and listen every day for about <<创新大学英语>>预备级

Unit 4 30 minutes.Within the productive skills, you need to learn to produce basic structures correctly and learn words and phrases to express meanings in English.Part three(Para 7): Learning English can not only teach us the language knowledge, but it also can give insights into English culture, and our mind is opened to new ways of seeing things.b.Detailed Study of the Text available: adj.able to be used;at one’s disposal 可(利)用的 e.g.The swimming pool is available only in summer.There are plenty of jobs available in the area.effective: adj.having a definite or desired effect 有效的 e.g.The medicine is an effective cure for a headache.means: n.(~ of)method by which a result is brought about 方法,手段 e.g.For most people, the car is still their main means of transport.The window was our only means of escape.by no means: not at all 绝不

e.g.It is by no means certain that the game will take place.This is by no means a good way to solve the problem.appear(to be): seem 似乎

e.g.He appear to have many friends.The house appeared to be deserted.fairly: adv.to some extent, but not very 还算,相当 e.g.I’m fairly pessimistic about his survival.It’s fairly cool for this time of the year.straightforward: adj.easy to understand or do 简单的,易懂的 e.g.It seems a straightforward explanation.input: n.what is put in or supplied 输入 e.g.Two input keys don’t work.This method changes the input power of the motor.output: n.the product of a process 输出

e.g.The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day.whereas: conj.in contrast or comparison with sth 但是,而 e.g.Some people like fatty meat, whereas others hate it.Whereas we want a flat, they would rather live in a house.complicated: adj.difficult to do or understand 复杂的,难懂的 <<创新大学英语>>预备级

Unit 4 e.g.For young children, getting dressed is a complicated business.The puzzle is too complicated for the children.come across: to find or meet by chance 偶然碰到,遇到 e.g.When reading, you can come across many new words.I come across one of my friends in the supermarket the day before yesterday.recommend: vt.to say that one thinks sth.is good or that sb.is fit for a position, etc.e.g.Can you recommend some books to the children.We can recommend the boy as a good student.in addition to: besides, as well as 除…以外

e.g.In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language.concentrate: v.(~ on)to focus one’s attention 集中,专心 e.g.You should concentrate on your schoolwork.Be quite;let me concentrate on my homework.catch up on: to do what needs to be done because you haven’t been able to do it until now 弥补

e.g.Staff must stay behind after hours to catch up on their work.native: adj.associated with the place and circumstances of one’s birth 本地的 e.g.Her native language is German.automatically: adv.done without thought;unconsciously 自动地 e.g.The doors opened automatically as we approached.be exposed to sth: to be in contact with;to feel the effect of 与…接触,受…影响 e.g.We can learn much by being exposed to other minds.Studying abroad, he was exposed to a new way of life.involve: vt.to cause sb.to participate in sth;what such action will imply or entail包含,涉及

e.g.Learning English involves learning to listen, speak, read, and write.Don’t involve yourself in such trouble.isolated: adj.separated;kept apart from;sth.on its own 隔(分)离的 e.g.Not many people visit this isolated spot.isolation: n.(~ from sb./sth)when one group, person, or thing is separated from others

communicative: adj.relating to the ability to communicate, especially in a foreign language交流(际)的

e.g.The meaning of a word of phrase depends largely on the communicative context.<<创新大学英语>>预备级

Unit 4

competence: n.ability 能力,资格

e.g.His competence in handling money is excellent.His thorough knowledge and competence were recognized.amount to: be equal to等于;to add up to总计,合计

e.g.What you say amounts to a direct accusation.你所说的话等于直接的指责。

Unit_9_新视野大学英语教案 篇5

Teaching aims:

Words: turn left/right, get on/off, a primary school, a middle school, a shopping center, a train station, a history museum, a post office.Sentence patterns:

Can you tell me the way to „., please? Teaching difficulties:

词组history museum 的正确读音和拼写。Teaching steps: Step 1 preparation 师生进行FREE TALK AND GREETING,并用学习过的日常交际用语进行对话和应答。

Step 2 presentation T: what did you do last Sunday? S: I went to „.T: where is „? Can you tell me the way to „?(同时板书这个句子。)S: „„„..T: I see, thank you so much..I went to a post office last Sunday.(板书该词)please read after me.S:(read-spell-read)

T:(出示B部分挂图)Now look at the picture, let’s learn these new words one by one.(教授B部分的单词和词组)Step 3 consolidation 1. 分组、分排念拼念单词和词组,重点词组a history museum, a post office, a primary school, a middle school, a train station, a shopping center可发开火车方式进行单个练习,纠正发音。

2. 结合C部分的挂图和所给句型,教师可先介绍而后请一同学配合问答,进行示范,然后让全体学生进行pairs work, 就B部分的单词和C部分的相关句型进行分组操练。操练时要注意情景和对话的准确,教师应来回巡视,及时进行指导。

C部分有两个新的表达方法,在分组操练之前应先进行指出:crossing 十字路口,on your left/right 在你的左/右边 Step 4 homework 1. 抄写B部分的单词和词组(3+1)2. 预习A部分课文。、牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit 3 Asking the way Period 2

出处: 更新:2005-05-11-作者:-责编:keensoldier Teaching aims:

1.learn the whole text;

2.words :stops, along, street, city, crossing, away,3.daily express: Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing.How far is it from here? It’s about a kilometre away.You can take bus No.5.How many stops are there?

How can I get to the shopping center? Difficulties:

问路的几种不同的表达方法和回答的不同表达方法。Teaching steps:

Step 1 free talk and greeting 师生互致问候并以学过的日常交际用语进行对话。Step 2 revision(出示B部分挂图)T: Where is it?

S: It’s a post office.T:(在相应位置板书该词)How about this one? S: „„


T:: Now let’s play a game, “you speak I draw”.Who want have a try?(游戏方法:教师任意给出一个地点,一名学生随意想象到达该地的路线并描述出来,另一名学生则按此描述画出路线图。)Step 3 presentation T: do you like traveling? S: Yes, we do.T: We know NanJing is a famous city of the world, so many many people from the other countries come here nowdays, today I want introduce such a person, Mr.Smith, he is from Australia, let’s listen to the tape and see what happened to him.After your listening, you should answer my questions.(听录音一遍)

Q1: Where does Mr Smith want to go?

Q2: How can Mr.Smith get to the History Museum? Q3: How many stops are there from here to the museum? Q4: Where is the bus stop?

Q5: What’s the way to get to the post office?(学生回答这些问题)

T: Now let learn the text sentence by sentence and check our answers.Step 4 consolidation 1. 学生听录音跟读课文;

2. 齐读课文,并纠正发音; 3. 分组、分排、分角色读课文。

4. 完成课后有填空练习。(keys: the History Museum, take bus, the cinema, second, the city post office, take bus, the History Museum)Step 5 homework: 1. 熟读并背诵课文; 2. 抄写课文并翻译;

牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit 3 Asking the way Period 3

出处: 更新:2005-05-11

作者: 责编:keensoldier Teaching aims:




Teaching steps:

Step 1 greeting and free talk

师生互致问候并进行日常交际用语对话。Step2 revision 1. 分组进行拼写单词比赛,2. 开火车朗读课文,一人一句。

3. 齐读课文,要求尝试背诵。Step 3 part D and F 1,要求学生自行阅读D部分的对话并进行口译;

2,F部分的练习是重点课前教师准备好28页地图上出现的所有地点名称的卡片,然后抽出二张,要求学生按照地图说出从一地点到另一地点的路线,鼓动学生说出多条路线.在学生练习前,教师应先进行示范,在学生练习过程中要及时指出错误的表达方法并加以纠正.Step 4 home work 编写C部分对话。

牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit 3 Asking the way Period 4

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keensoldier Teaching aims:

1. 课堂完成E、G、H部分; 2. 课堂完成练习册的听力练习Difficulties:

进一步指导学生的听力题解题能力。Teaching steps:

Step 1 greeting and free talk 师生互致问候并进行日常交际用语对话。Step 2 part E 让学生先自行阅读此短文,并找出不会的单词和词组,在教授学习过这些生词之后听短文录音并完成文后练习.Book about animals关于动物的书 follow跟着 along the street沿着大街

begin to run 开始跑 get something back得回,找回

keys:a2,b4,c6,d3,e5,f1, Step 3 part G

板书单词blouse, house, mouse, out,教授字母ou的发音/au/,接下来听录音并跟读,可将此部分中的句子当做来练习,增加趣味性。另外可鼓励学生找出其他例词,如trousers, shout,等。Step 4 part H 在欣赏歌曲的基础上尝试演唱歌曲。Step 5 listening exercises 在做听力练习前要求学生认真读图和所提供的文字信息,并进一步指导做题技巧,如淘汰法、放弃法等等。Keys to E1: a6b4c2d5e1f3

Keys to E2: 1ci,2bii,3dv,4eiv,5aiii Step 5 homework 完成练习册

牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit 3 Asking the way Period 5-7

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2005-05-11 Test and exercises 复习和巩固6B U3的词语和句型及相关语法(词形变化、句型结构等)一翻译词组 1. 向左转 2. 上公共汽车 3. 沿着街走 4. 去邮局 5. 在第二个路口 6. 在右边

7. The city library 8. In front of 9. Every ten year 10 on holiday 二情景选话


A I’m sorry.B Can I help you? C Excuse me.()2,你是外地游客,想去玄武湖公园,可以这样问: A ,Where is XuanWu Lake? B,How can I get to XuanWu Lake?

C,Would you like to show me the way to XuanWu Lake?()3,别人向你打听去江苏展览馆怎么走,你可以回答: A, You can take a bus.B, It’s near XuanWu Lake.C,Sorry, I don’t know.()4,你告诉别人你弟弟跑得比你快你可以说: A, I run faster than my brother.B,I can’t run as fast as my brother.C,My brother runs faster than me.三找出发音不同的单词

()1 A blouse B trousers C you D house()2 A young B but C worry D out()3 A what B water C ball D morning()4 A theater B there C thanks D anything()5 A work B early C teacher D turn()6 A thing B long C English D orange()7 A jeans B bikes C boys D girls()8 A how B yellow C window D know 四选择填空

()1.My father is holiday HongKong.A on/on B in/on C on/in()2.How is Hong Xing Park from here? A long B many C far

()3., where is the No.2 Hospital? A Excuse me B I’m sorry C Thank you()4.Can you tell the way to the airport? A he B him C his

()5.Look, the policemen are catching those two.A thief B thieves C thiefs

()6.I want to buy interesting book my little sister.A a/for B an/with C an/for()7.Take a taxi, you’ll get there.A earlier B fast C slowly

()8.I want to to the library.How can I there? A go/get to B go/get C get/go 五连词成句

1.along, then, at, turn , the , crossing, go, street, the, left, and, second,(.)

2.it, far, from, how, is, school, the(?)

3.take, you, No.7, get, bus, to, can, there(.)4.from, how, here, stops, there, many, are(?)5.to, post office, I , how, get, can, the(?)

6.show, would , way, to, you, the ,get, like , me there, to(?)六写作
