四级考前预测作文 篇1
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic On a Harmonious Dormitory Life.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
On a Harmonious Dormitory Life
Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life.But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory be disturbed in one way or another.As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members.On one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study.On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life.Firstly, you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any.Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, you’ll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist.Thirdly, you’ll have to share with each other and make good friends.In conclusion, we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.点评:“和谐”成为我们当今社会词频概率最高用词,就社会而言,倡导建立和谐社会;就家庭而言,提倡建设和谐家庭;就校园来讲,则要建立和谐校园;和谐两字似乎无所不在,大学生宿舍生活同样需要和谐。本预测题与四级考试热点密切相关,又为典型的校园生活主题,值得关注。
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Brief Introduction to the University.You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines:
A Brief Introduction to the University
Distinguished guests,Welcome to our university.Before you start to look around, allow me to give you a brief account of the school.Founded in 1927, our university is one of this city’s earliest universities of liberal arts.It is staffed with an excellent faculty, and has a total enrollment of over 10,000 students.In the past years, it has turned out numerous well-qualified students and found its graduates active in professions of all walks of life.Since its establishment, the university has always steered itself toward the objective that its students have an overall healthy development.Not only does it provide the students with basic academic courses, but it manages to expose them to the up-to-date knowledge.Besides, students are free to participate in colorful campus activities and social practice, which are intended for broadening their mind and developing their potential talent.Currently, both our faculty and students are making every effort to improve the quality of our
education in the direction of a first-rate university.Thank you.点评:近几年,随着我国顺利加入世贸组织以及经济全球化步伐的加快,许多国内高校纷纷与国外大学合作办学,教育走向国际化成为人们关注的热点,也是大学生门比较关心的热点问题。本预测题为热议校园生活话题,与2004年旅游景点介绍2006年考查的名校校园开放如出一辙。
四级考前预测作文 篇2
“作文对考生书面综合运用能力的测量最准确, 效度最高。” (杨惠中.2003:26) 写作测试一直是CET的必靠题型, 权重为15%。2006年开始, 大学英语四级考试进行了改革, 先写作文, 这反映了对写作的重视 (周冠书) 。英语写作不仅能反映学生的语言水平, 而且能反映学生的表达能力、思维能力、知识面广泛程度等 (符容, 谢章华.2006:74) 但是英语写作一直是学生听、说、读、写、译五大基本技能中最薄弱的一项。学生谈“写”色变, 头疼不已。其实, 写作并不是像大家想象的那么可怕。究其本质, 写作就是熟练地使用词汇, 组成语法正确的句子, 然后再把这些句子有机地结合起来, 构成完整的篇章, 成功地表达作者关于某一主题的思想观点。 (王艳.2010:140) 在实际的写作过程中, 学生因为基础的薄弱, 不能够熟练地使用词汇、不能组成语法正确的句子、不能将句子有机地结合起来、不能完整地表达自己对某一个主题的思想观点。所以, 老师就要针对性地对学生给予指导, 在指导过程中, 遵循基本的修改原则:内容是否充实, 内容和写作目的是否一致, 论点、论据是否正确, 段落结构安排是否合理, 有无语法错误, 用词是否符合英语表达习惯、是否地道。学生的写作能力的提高不是一蹴而就的, 需要日积月累的不间断的练习才能提高写作水平。笔者作为大学英语教学一线工作者, 结合在大学英语教学、监考以及考前辅导的亲身经历, 谈谈在四级考试前, 如何最有效地帮助学生在写作中少丢分, 拿到相对比较理想的分数, 助其顺利地通过大学英语四级考试。
1 指导学生进行范文背诵
范文背诵是指学生能将优秀的范文, 尤其是其格式化的表达熟记于心。这样在考试时碰到相同体裁的作文题目, 就可以迅速调动记忆库里的素材来完成写作考试。或许有人认为这样的方式死板, 单调, 缺乏新意, 不能有效地激发学生的创造性思维。但是, 在时间紧迫和精力有限地情况下, 尤其当学生的语言输出能力十分有限的情况下, 这样的背诵不失为在考试前突击高分优秀作文的一种行之有效的捷径 (当然我们更提倡平时的日积月累的写作练习, 也更应该在平时更深入地指导学生进行写作训练) 。如果学生付出足够的时间和努力, 朗读熟读甚至背诵优美范文, 学习范文的优美表达, 遣词造句;学习范文合理的谋篇布局, 研究范文是如何进行承上启下, 转折、因果联系、递进等。在考前的有限的时间里, 进行这样的背诵练习对学生的四级写作有很大帮助。老师可以收集典型的四级高分作文, 这些作文可以是历年的四级真题作文。因为这些作文具有很强的代表性, 涵盖了各种类型的作文, 比如议论文、说明文、记叙文、图表作文、应用文等。每个文体选取优秀的高分作文, 提炼出每个体裁的格式化表达。因篇幅所限, 下面仅以“对比选择型”作文题目来说明如何套用这些格式化语言进行写作表达。以下是一篇以“Study Abroad or in China?”为题的优秀范文, 为方便描述, 对格式话的语言表达用斜体和加粗的方式加以区分。
Study Abroad or in China?
There is no consensus of opinions of among people as to whether students should study abroad or not.Some people are o the view that youths should go overseas for further study if poossssiible, while others take an opposite stand, firmly believing that it is of no necessity for students to study in a foreign country.
Those people who maintain that it is good for students to go abroad for further study believe that diverse culture background can broaden student’s horizon.They also claim that overseas study can shape students’personality because they are forced to deal with all kinds of difficulties by themselves.
Nevertheless, the other people who contend that domestic education is good enough for students argue that our educationa quality had greatly been improved during the past decade.They also point out that domestic education is convenient and economical.
As far as I am concerned, the former opinion holds more weight.For one thing, it can strengthen the learners’abilities to understand and communicate with people from other cultures.For another, the developed countries still have a lot advanced knowledge which is worth our study.When all the factors are eexxaammined, we may reasonably come to he conclusion that studying abroad if possible is advisable.
当学生能将这些格式化的语言表达牢记于心, 在考试时如果碰到同类型的体裁, 学生只需要填充相关话题, 就可以游刃有余地应对。比如碰到“styles of living这个题目, 且给出了以下三个outline:1.有人喜欢和父母住在一起;2.有人喜欢自己独立居住;3.我的看法。学生就可以轻松套用斜体部分的格式化表达, 在第一段相应的地方替换相关话题, 表达出有人喜欢和父母住在一起, 而有人喜欢自己独立居住。第二段和第三段分别就两种观点阐释出各自的好处。好处有两三点即可, 不可以只有一点, 因为太少显得论据不够有力;也不可以四五点, 太多显得太累赘。最后一段需要作者旗帜鲜明地表明立场, 并给出相应的理由。同理, 其他问题解决型、观点论证型、图表说明型、原因说明型的作文等都有各自的格式化表达。学生如果能将各类型的格式化表达熟记背诵, 在四级考试中完成一篇中等水平作文不算什么难事。
2 加强对写作的指导 (写作前的指导, 写作中的指导, 写作后的指导)
写作能力是一个螺旋上升、循序渐进的过程。 (邱桂萍.2007:132) 英语写作教学没有设置成一个独立的课程, 没有给予足够的重视, 往往是精读老师附带穿插偶尔进行了孤立的片面的指导。而且这种指导往往只关注结果, 即老师通常布置一个作文任务之后, 就等着学生交上来。即便教学任务繁重, 学生数量众多, 老师也会对学生的作文进行一定程度的评阅。有时给出一个笼统的分数, 有时会指出拼写语法错误, 有时也指出谋篇布局上的不足, 有时也会就偏题跑题做出点评。当老师把评阅过的作文返还给学生的时候, 学生也只关注得到的分数, 看完之后, 那份被老师评阅过的圈点过的作文被学生随手扔进废纸篓。很少有学生积极主动地认真研究老师对作文做出的评价, 研究自己的这篇文章为什么得到这个分数, 很少去找这个分数下的原因到底出在哪里。这是对老师辛苦评阅的一种消极否定, 对老师的劳动是极大的不尊重。这种现状或许是学生的懒惰和意识不足造成的, 当然也和老师没有进行重写要求也不无关系。如果不改变这样的盲目指导, 学生的写作水平只会在原地踏步, 很难有实质性的提高。下面是笔者对自己班级的一位同学的一篇以“what do part-time jobs bring to us?”为题的文章的指导为例, 对比分析学生在老师指导前完成的一篇作文和指导后重写的同一个题目的作文, 探讨学生在构思, 选词, 逻辑和谋篇布局等方面的进步。 (给每个句子都编号以方便描述)
What do part-time jobs bring to us?
(1) More and more college students became taking a part-time job. (2) They do part-time jobs after class or at weekends. (3) They think that part-time jobs are meaningful in their college life.
(4) However, what do part-time jobs bring to us indeed? (5) Ithink there are three points that part-time jobs can bring to us. (6) First, we can earn money with part-time jobs. (7) It’s a goodthing for the students who are not very rich or those who wants torelieve their family’s burden. (8) Second, we get a lot of preciouswork experience in part-time jobs. (9) These experience may help us after we graduate. (10) Last, our college lifes become full be-cause of part-time jobs.
(11) So, part-time jobs are meaningful to college students.
看了学生的作文后, 笔者发现学生在该篇作文中有如下问题: (1) 用词不符合英语表达习惯:比如, 第 (1) 句的表达become taking a part-time job; (2) 用词不地道:比如第 (1) 里的do parttime jobs和 (10) 句里的become full; (3) 有语法错误:比如第 (9) 句的experience和第 (10) 句的lifes; (4) 思想不够深入, 内容不够充实:第一段和第三段字数都显得太少, 尤其是第三段。如果按照四级作文的评分标准, 该篇作文在7分左右。按照目前的写作水平, 对于能否顺利通过四级考试, 笔者表示出了极大的担忧。如何能写出一篇相对理想的作文呢?写作者应遵循以下的写作过程:写前阶段 (rehearsing或prewriting) 、写作阶段 (drafting) 和修改阶段 (revising) 。写前阶段包括审题、展开、组织内容、收集资料, 进行构思。在写作阶段, 写作者要严格按照以给定的信息展开并兼顾拼写、标点、语法和语义及逻辑等等。修改阶段涉及评判草拟稿, 作必要的添加和删除以便作文能正确表达写作者的写作目的并弥补不足之处。以下是该学生在笔者指导后修改了自己的第一次作文。 (因篇幅所限, 笔者对该学生的指导过程这里就不赘述了。)
What do part-time jobs bring to us?
More and more college students start doing a part-time job.They take on part-time jobs after class or at weekends, such asspreading lists, selling things on the internet.They think thatpart-time jobs are meaningful in the college life.
What do part-time jobs bring to us indeed?I think there are three points that part-time jobs can bring to us.Firstly, we can earn money with part-time jobs.It’s a good thing for the students to improve their life or relieve their family’s financial burden.Secondly, they get lots of precious work experience in parttime jobs.These experiences are important to us after we graduate because the company thing highly of working experience.Last but not least, the part-time jobs make our college lives meaning-ful.
All in all, part-time jobs are very useful in our college andeven are indispensable in our lives.
对比发现, 经过指导和修改, 该篇作文质量有了很大的提高。修改后的作文主题突出、内容充实、内容和写作目的一致、段落结果安排合理、语法错误大大减少、用词比第一篇更地道、更符合英语的表达习惯;而且在标点, 语法, 大小写等基本工方面的错误也基本没有, 算得上一篇理想的佳作 (当然, 这篇作文需要完善的地方还很多, 比如第三段仍需要进一步的充实内容) 。事实证明, 采用这种一题多稿的写作方法, 让学生有机会进行修改和再创作, 在不断完善的过程中, 看到自己的得分一次次提高, 学生能充分体会到成就感, 从而增强了对写作的兴趣和热爱。
3 指导学生一些临场应试技巧
1) 卷面整洁。在写作过程中, 学生一定要注意卷面的整洁。因为四级阅卷是人工阅卷, 每个阅卷员的任务繁重, 每天八个小时盯着电脑屏幕, 阅卷员的疲劳可想而知。如果保持卷面整洁, 给老师耳目一新, 赏心悦目的感觉, 老师对文章的第一印象颇佳, 就有兴趣读下去, 阅卷员就更容易找出作文中的rewarding points, 学生得到的分数相对来说就更理想。相反, 如果卷面不漂亮, 一塌糊涂, 阅卷员对此文章没什么兴趣, 只就总的印象给出一个印象分, 那就看不到文章中rewarding points。这对学生来说, 是不利的。所以写作中的字迹可以不漂亮, 但是必须工整。
2) 控制字数。四级考试要求至少写120个字, 但是只写120个, 每段平均只有40个字, 显得太少。有的同学写200甚至300字, 有太冗长和繁琐。所以, 为了能论证得充分, 150字为最佳。
3) 段落分布。一般写三段, 而不要写成了两段或者四段。另外, 第一段大概写2~3句 (如果每句所含字数少的话, 可以写4句, 这个要根据具体情况来决定, 后面的段落同样如此) ;第二段写5句左右;第三段如果有重点内容同样可以写4~5句。如果是总结性段落, 写3句即可。
4) 动手写个提纲, 把主题句写出即可, 理清自己的思路。第一段要写好, 尤其是第一句话, 一定不能出现语法错误。尽量使用事先准备好的套话, 并学会随机应变, 针对不同的题目要求来替换。
5) 留出2~3分钟检查。有没有错词或病句;标点符号是否齐全、准确;每一句话是否符合英语的思维习惯, 避免语法错误。另外, 修改时要注意卷面整洁。
大学英语考试的写作部分虽然令多数考生相当头疼, 也是他们要获取高分的拦路虎。但是, 如果考生平时能够在老师的指导下循序渐进的练习, 采取一题多稿的方法来训练自己, 不断发现自己在写作中存在的问题, 发现现有水平和目的语之间的差距, 然后通过不断修改逐渐提高自己的写作水平;同时, 老师在备考的指导过程中, 强化学生的写作技巧, 指导学生如何审题、构思、谋篇布局。当然老师在平时的教学中, 遵循二语习得的客观规律, 帮助学生打下坚实的语言基本功, 培养学生良好的英语思维和文化意识。这样, 学生的写作水平的自然能实现质的飞跃。
[1]符容, 谢章华.组织学生参与英语写作过程的教学过程探究[J].广西教育学院学报, 2006 (5) .
[2]王艳.英语写作中“Chinglish”现象的成因与对策[J].齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报, 2010 (5) .
[3]杨惠中.大学英语四、六级考试十五年回顾[J].外国语, 2003 (3) .
中考考前预测作文 篇3
请以 “老师,谢谢您”为主题写一篇文章,文体题材不限,字数在600字~800以内。
四级词汇考前补习1 篇4
Test 1?
Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.
1.He never thought of it before,______the tie of their blood.?
A.taking granted B.taking for granted?
C.taking it for granted D.so take for granted?
2.The death of his wife was a big blow to him.He just couldn’t ___it.?
A.get on B.get over?C.get along with D.get through?
3.I knew I was wounded,but strangely enough,I did not feel any ___.?
A.ache B.hurt?C.pain D.painful?
4.Goe has a family of six to ___.?
A.live B.raise?C.support D.feed?
5.My brother ___ in an electronics factory ever since he graduated.?
A.has been working B.has worked?C.had worked D.worked?
6.The department has ___ an English film to be shown every week.?
A.arranged B.planned?C.set up D.arranged for?
7.The peasants naturally will ___ this new policy.?
A.benefit from B.make profit in C.make money from D.benefit in?
8.He was in a ___ mood,so I had the courage to explain the whole situation to him.?
A.relaxing B.relax?C.relaxed D.relaxation?
四级预测作文 篇5
Significance of Higher Education 1.人们对高等教育的意义日益重视 2.高等教育的意义
(1)Nowadays people of all strata(pl.for stratum 阶层)begin to explore the significance of higher education, partly because university students are facing the increasingly serious unemployment situation now.(2)The essence of higher education lies in the following aspects.(3)In university, students can get a precious opportunity to experience the complicated social life, as university is the society on a very small scale.(4)It is in this period that students can learn a considerable amount of knowledge.(5)What’s more, students can learn to get on well with others and to deal with actual difficulties, which will prove to be of great value.(6)From my personal perspective, higher education is of prime significance in that it can cultivate students’ comprehensive quality.(7)I am to make good use of this period to enhance my integrated strength and get ready for the future social life.(137 w)
How to Choose a Major 1.很多学生对如何选择专业感到困惑 2 选择专业最重要的原则 我的建议
(1)How to choose the most suitable major has long been a heated topic among college students.(2)Many students as well as their parents may feel confused concerning how to make a wise decision.(3)The most important principle is supposed to be choosing the field that interests you most.(4)Only by being engaged in the field that appeals to us can we have an ideal platform on which we can possibly work out our potential.(5)Were one not interested in his major, how could he achieve any success or lead a meaningful life on campus?(6)All in all, I firmly hold that although some majors are not, we’d better not choose them if we are not interested in them, or it will only be a waste of time and effort.(129 w)
预测范文3: How to Be a Qualified University Graduate 1 大学毕业生应具备的素质有很多 2.如何来培养这些素质 我认为 ……
(1)There are numerous qualities that one has to possess in order to be a qualified university graduate such as confidence, adaptability, communication skill, diligence and perseverance.(2)Among these qualities, adaptability and communication skill may be counted as the most important ones.(3)To acquire such qualities, the following measures are to be taken.(4)First of all, we are supposed to participate in a wide rang of social activities, which can help us learn to tackle actual difficulties so as to enhance our adaptability.(5)What’s more, we can participate in the team work to work and change our ideas with others, which can help us improve our communication ability.(6)Viewing from my own perspective, I will make good use of every opportunity to qualify myself as a university graduate.(127w)
Charity Cause 1 目前,慈善事业在社会生活中起着日益重要的作用 有人认为慈善事业应致力于国内事务,而有人认为慈善应不分国界 3 我认为……
(1)Currently, charity cause is playing an increasingly important role, especially when natural catastrophes(disasters)strike a certain area.(2)A good many people advocate that the donated money should be used especially for internal issues, since in this way the general public can enjoy the immediate benefit and enhance the spirit of patriotism.(3)Opposite opinion also exists.(4)People claim that to use the money in helping those in the greatest difficulty regardless of their nationality is more rewarding, thus the significance of the charity cause can be well demonstrated.(5)What’s more, it is against the trend of globalization to confine to a particular nation.(6)I firmly believe that distributing the donated money internationally is a much preferred option.(7)People from all corners of the world are to make their combined effort when facing difficulties.(133 w)
Private Car or Public Transport 1.有人认为应该刺激私家车消费 2.有人认为应该大力发展公共交通事业
(1)As the standard of living in China has improved, people who can afford private cars are on the increase.(2)Some insist that people should be encouraged to make purchase of private vehicles, which can stimulate consumption in this area and contribute to the GDP growth.(3)Others, however, are voicing quite a loud protest.(4)They point out that private cars are responsible for the tremendous amount of air pollution which is accelerating the process of global warming, while public transport vehicles are more environment-friendly with lower levels of carbon emission and thus should be highly promoted.(5)Personally, I think that compared with private cars, public transport is a green alternative.(6)Even though private cars provide people with a lot of convenience, they do more harm to the local environment, which goes against low-carbon living as well.(7)Therefore, people should be encouraged to take public transport more often rather than rely totally on private cars.(153 w)预测作文6:
Craze for Traditional Chinese Learning 1.“国学热”悄然兴起 2.人们对此褒贬不一 3.我的观点
These days, traditional Chinese learning has gained great popularity in China.A few experts call upon Chinese people to learn traditional Chinese culture and a growing number of Chinese are joining the trend.There are varied opinions as to the craze.Some maintain that Chinese people should take time to learn traditional Chinese culture, which boasts countless classics and shows the wisdom of living.Whereas, others argue that it’s not advisable to touch upon these classics as they don’t fit into the modern society anymore.As far as I’m concerned, I stand in line with the former.For one thing, classics of Chinese studies cover the best part of Chinese culture.For another, with the learning of these classics, traditional Chinese culture can be passed down through generations.Therefore, we should spend more time on traditional Chinese learning, and try to make them suited to the modern times.(148 w)
On Low-Carbon Living 1.“低碳生活”日益深入人心 2.我对“低碳生活”的理解
As people are gradually aware of environmental protection, a new concept of “low-carbon living” has been recognized and accepted by more and more climate-conscious people in China.From my perspective, low-carbon living is an emerging living style aimed to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in all aspects of life.It contributes considerably to environmental protection by reducing air pollution and preventing global warming effectively.As a college student, I’m supposed to live a low-carbon life by starting with such small things as avoiding using disposable chopsticks, travelling by bike or on foot if possible, making more use of LED devices and turning off electric devices when leaving, etc.Lots of little steps can make a huge difference.I’m convinced that if we make joint efforts, a low-carbon life will eventually stop climate change from getting worse.(138 w)
Qualities of University Teachers 1.教师在高等教育中起着日益重要的作用 2.高校教师应具备的素质 3.我的建议
Currently, increasing importance has been attached to higher education.Consequently, the teachers on campus have become increasingly important.And as to the teachers’ qualities, people have higher standard.To have a solid academic foundation and to be considerate of others are the essential qualities.Without the systematic and in-depth information of the specific field, teachers would not render valuable information to the students.To be considerate of the students’ feelings is also of vital importance.In addition, teachers are often expected to communicate and interact with students.Last but not least, teachers should teach students according to their individual innate abilities.From my point of view, all teachers should enhance their teaching quality and always take the students’ feelings into account.(121 w)
The NEET Group 1.社会上出现了“啃老族”(the NEET group)2.分析产生这种现象的原因 3.这种现象可能带来的影响
(注:NEET: Not in Education, Employment or Training)
In today’s society, there is a group of youngsters who are currently are not in education, employment or training.They are labeled the NEET group, who are occupied with nothing all day long and are supported by their parents.From my point of view, the reason why the NEET group has emerged is that their parents have been doing too much for them, which deprives them of their chance to learn to take care of themselves and finally, makes them get used to being attended by their parents.If they keep going on like this, they may well regard life as meaningless and develop psychological problem in the long run.Besides, they may rely too much on their parents to be independent in mind.Therefore, I firmly insist that the NEET group go out to earn a living for themselves rather than stay at home counting on their parents.(149 w)
On the Decline of English Classes
1.近年来,有的高校减少了大学英语教学的课时量 2.有人支持,有人反对
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