


七年级英语下册6-12单元词汇 篇1


一 英译汉 将下列单词译成汉语wash ____________2 shop _____________3 young___________ 4 movie ___________5 house __________6 drink______________ 7 pool ____________8 rain _____________9 weather _____________ 10 warm __________11 summer___________12 message____________ 13 skate___________14 vacation __________15 hotel _____________ 16 bank __________17 behind ___________18 around _____________ 19 right __________20 along _____________21 climb _____________ 22 money __________23 town _____________24 build ______________25 later__________26 mouth___________27end _______________ 28 real____________29 beef ____________30 farm_______________

二 汉译英 将下列词语译成英语惊奇 _________2 语言_________3 游客_________ 4 移动_________5 海滩_________6 湖泊_________ 7 便宜的_________8 昂贵的_________9 缓慢的_________ 10 导游_________11 农民_________12 昨天_________ 13 年龄_________14 如果_________15 幸运的_________ 16 肉_________17 特色菜_________18 奶牛_________ 19 火灾_________20 担心_________21 太阳_________ 22 世界_________23 不同的_________24 明天_________ 25 另一,又一_________26 描述_________27 自然的_________ 28 土豆_________29 大小,尺寸_________30 碗_________ 31 鼻子_________32 直的_________33 身材_________ 34 医院_________35 坐_________36 干燥的_________ 37 容易地_________38 瘦的_________39 竞赛_________

三 翻译短语 将下列短语进行英汉互译熬夜______________2 跑开___________________ 3 对···大声喊叫___________4 做汤__________________ 5 出去吃饭___________________6 喝茶___________________ 7 度假___________________8 邮局___________________ 9 花时间___________________10 捎个口信___________________ 11 付费电话___________________12 中等身高___________________ 13 最后___________________14 许愿___________________ 15 切碎___________________16 世界各地___________________ 17 总的来说___________________18 骑马___________________ 19 对···感兴趣___________________20 在乡下___________________ 21 放风筝___________________22 吃惊___________________ 23 吹灭___________________24 把···弄醒___________________ 25 中学___________________26搭起,举起__________________ 27在···的对面__________________28一(大)碗__________________ 29给···带来好运___________________30 砍倒__________________ 31 在···的前面___________________

七年级英语下册第一单元课件 篇2

where’s your pen pal from?




教学内容分析:教学内容分析:在课改的背景下,本套教材避免了传统课程的缺点,强调了学生的兴趣、经验等,能结合实际,贴近生活,插图生动活泼,重视了学生的情感。本单元结构有三个部分: section a为目标句型提供分步示例和指导性练习;section b使学生对学过的目标句型运用自如;self-check使学生对自己的英语水平有明确的认识。本单元标题where’s your pen pal from?体现了本单元话题和语言结构。本单元的语言目标为talk about countries, nationalities and language;ask and tell where people live.本课时为本单元的第一课时,课型为听说课。教材一开始通过主题图引出本课表国籍的重点词汇(1a),又通过1b的听力练习的输入进一步巩固单词以及主题图中的重点句型;1c的结对练习是对主题图中的重点句型进行简单的模仿、重复和替换,进行简单的输出练习。2a、2b、2c是进行深一层的输入,在复习国籍的基础上加入了城市的名称的练习,并结合听力练习。2c是结合2b听力练习进行简单的写的练习;2d则为更深一层次输出练习了。最后的语法聚集(grammar focus)是让学生发现和总结阶段了。本节课为听说课,为下一节综合课打下了坚实的基础。





1、能听懂、会读和会说单词: canada, france, japan, the united states, australia, singapore, he united kingdom, sydney, new york, paris ,live2、能听懂、会读和会说句型

----where’s your pen pal from?----he is from ….----where does he live?---he lives ….3、能自编有关国名、人物、语言的小诗。









教学重点: 1.正确拼读本课单词和词组:canada, france, japan, the united states, australia, singapore, he united kingdom, sydney, new york, paris ,live,be from /come from


----where’s your pen pal from?----he is from ….----where does he live?---he lives ….教学难点:1.本课表国籍的部分单词: canada, france, japan, the united states,australia, singapore, he united kingdom, sydney, new york, paris

2.用所学的目标语言(target language)描述国籍、语言和居住地。


(中文为主 + 所教学科目标语言)

步骤1:warm up

播放flash歌曲《my new friends》


步骤2:free talk1、free talk: hobbies(谈论自己和家人以及你身边的一个好友)



1)learning new words1、以country,people,language分类,看中国国旗引出单词:china chinese2、利用幻灯片分别展示加拿大、美国、澳大利亚、日本和法国、英国等国家的国旗,按country,people,language分类,学习新单词





















say a rhyme:

china , china.i’m from china and i like china.chinese , chinese.i am chinese.i speak chinese.china , china.my friend is from china.he likes china.chinese , chinese.he is chinese.he speaks chinese.canada, canada.i am from canada.i speak english.设计意图:在说一说、玩一玩,自编小诗的活动中增加学生学习的趣味性。玩一玩是对学生注意力的适当调节,在学中找乐趣,在玩中学知识。

3)learning new sentences1、请学生自我介绍,师生问答,引出本节课的重点句型,再用其它国籍进一步巩固:

----where are you from?

----i’m from …./i’m ….----where’s your pen pal from?

----he is from ….----where does he live?

-----he lives in canada.设计意图:学生根据自身特点,解决了课堂中学习单一化的问题,句型呈现直观明了,优化了常规教学。







步骤4: summary



步骤5: talking1、呈现哈里波特等一些外国名人的照片,请学生发问,教师示范做介绍,再让学生之间进行操练。






步骤6 homework:

a.listen and read the new words and the target language

b.copy the new words and the target language

c.collect the data of the countries









七年级英语下册6-12单元词汇 篇3

(Ⅰ)1. Welcome to my house.

2. What do you think of sports shows?

3. I don’t mind sitcoms. How about you?

4. The dumpling king is very interesting.

5. Do you like scarfs?

答案:1~5. CAAAB


W:Bob, do you like soap operas?

M: I can’t stand them. I like sports shows best. What about you, Mary?

W: Oh! I like sitcoms very much.


W: Hi, Mike! What are you doing?

M: I’m watching TV. And I played basketball just now.

W: What do you think of sports shows?

M: I love them very much. I like watching basketball games and they are exciting. What about you? Do you like sports shows?

W: A little. But I like Animal World best. What do you think of it?

M: I don’t like it because I think it’s boring.

答案:6~10. BACBB

Ⅱ.1.【解析】选C。考查want to do sth. 的动词搭配。

2.【解析】选C。问句句意为“你的背包里有什么?”,A、B指代人,anything用于否定和疑问句, 不适合用于答语。nothing意为“什么也没有”,符合答语。

3.【解析】选B。后句是否定句,排除A、D选项,can’t stand意为“无法忍受”,故选B。



6.【解析】选D。考查say something/anything about. . . “就……说一说/讲一讲”, 句意: 你能就肥皂剧说点什么吗?

7.【解析】选A。考查ask sb. to do sth. “让某人做某事”。


9.【解析】选D。how about后接动词-ing。其余选项后接动词原形。


Ⅲ. 1.【解析】选B。由第三句asked some students可知。

2.【解析】选A。考查ask sb. about sth. “问某人关于某事”。

3.【解析】选B。answers是可数名词,该空缺处所在的句子是肯定句,排除A、D,没有lot of 短语,应是a lot of 或lots of, 故选B。




7.【解析】选A。句意为“它们(纪录片)是给父母看的”, for意为“为……”,故选A。

8.【解析】选B。考查don’t mind,而He said后接的是从句,受主句过去时态的制约,所以选B。


10.【解析】选B。enjoy sth. “喜欢某事”,everyone是不定代词,作主语时看作单数形式。所以用动词enjoys。

Ⅳ. 1.【解析】选C。 由短文的开始部分可知。





Ⅴ. 答案:1. agree 2. nothing 3. culture 4. idea

5. colorful 6. take 7. sitting 8. coolest 9. today’s

10. scarfs/scarves

Ⅵ. 答案:1. saw nothing 2. How/What about

3. showed; to me 4. What does, think of 5. Did; put

Ⅶ. 答案:1. 15-year-old 2. speaking 3. enjoy 4. sports

5. think of 6. can’t stand 7. How about 8. In fact

9. like 10. joining

Ⅷ. 【参考答案】

A frog is our friend

Frogs live in the river. They are good at swimming. In summer, I enjoy listening to them sing. They are my favorite animals. Someone can’t stand the sound of their singing, but in fact, they also love frogs. They think frogs are helpful animals. They can help farmers catch harmful insects. They are our farmers’ popular helpers.

七年级英语下册6-12单元词汇 篇4


新目标英语七年级下册Unit 11: What do you think of game shows? Language goals to this unit students learn to state their opinions and talk about likes and dislikes. New language What do you think of soap operas? I dont like soap operas. What does he think of sports shows? He loves sports shows. What does she think of Maria? She likes Maria. What do they think of Tommy? They cant stand Tommy. Section A Additional materials to bring to class: a local television listing list the names of several foods on the board.For example: pizza, broccoli, ice cream, mushrooms. Next to that list, write the sentence, What do you think of ___ ? and leave a blank at the end. Ask a student the question, substituting the word pizza: What do you think of pizza? Help him or her answer / like pizza ot I dont like pizza, Point to the other foods one by one. Ask a student the question and help him or her answer J like...or I dont like.... Then point to the sentence. What do you think of ___ ? Point to a food name on the board and choose a student to ask the question: What do you think of (mushrooms)? Then point to a student to answer. Repeat the activity several times, giving several students chances to ask and answer the question. 1 a This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Focus attention on the five TVs. Say, Each TV shows different kind of TV show. In TV picture a, there is a an playing baseball. This is called a sports show. Talk about the other kinds of shows and ask students what they see. Tell the name of each kind of show as you discuss the picture. Ask students to repeat the names of the shows. Write the word sitcom on the board. Under it write the words situation comedy. Say, The word sitcom comes from the two words situation comedy. A sitcom is a funny show. The people in sitcoms do or say things that make TV watchers laugh. Point out the numbered list of shows. Say each one again and ask students to repeat it. Then ask students to match each TV picture with one of the words. Say, Write the letter of each kind of show next to the correct word. Point out the sample answer. 1 b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Point to the smiley faces and the frowny faces and the words next to them. Read the words to the class or have a student do this. Say, These faces show you what the words mean. If you dont mind something, you dont either like it or dislike it. If you cant stand something, you dislike it very strongly. Your least favorite food is something you cant stand. If you love something, you like it very, very much. Your favorite food is something you love. Say, Now I will play a recording. Listen to what Mark says about the TV shows in la. Write the letter of the TV shows next to the words he uses. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. Point to the lettered pictures. Say, Each picture has a letter. Point out the blank spaces before the words. Say, Each word or phrase has a space in front of it. Listen to the tape and write the letter of a TV show picture in each blank. Point out the sample answer. Correct the answers. 1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Point to the pictures of TV shows in activity la and ask students to say the name of each kind of show. Point out the example conversation. Ask two students to read it to the class. Then ask the class to point to the picture of the sitcom. Say a dialogue with a student. Have the student ask ou a question. Then answer it truthfully. Point to the ppropriate picture as you answer. Say, Now work with a partner. Ask and answer the qstions. Have students work in pairs. As they talk, move round the room monitoring their work. Offer anguage or pronunciation support as needed. 2a This activity provides listening practice using the target language. Call attention to the list of five words and expressions.Point out the blank in front of each one. Ask a student to read the list to the class. Say, The people on the recording are talking about TV shows. They use these words and phrases as they talk about the shows. You will number these words and phrases 1-5 in the order you hear them on the recording. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Point out the sample answer 1 in front of the word love. Say, The first word on the recording is love in the sentence I love it. So the answer in front o/love is number 1. Play the recording again. Ask students to write a number from 1 to 5 in front of each of the words and phrases. Check the answers. 2b This activity provides more listening practice using the target language. Point out the dialogue with blanks. Read it to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank. Say, Listen to the recording again. This time/ill in each blank with a word or phrase from the list in 2a. Play the recording. Students write words in the blanks. Check the answers. 2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Call attention to the dialogue students completed in activity 2b. Say, Read the dialogue with a partner. Help students find partners. Have the students practice the dialogue several times. Then say, Now talk about a TV show you both know.Tell what you like and dont like about the show and the people in it. As students work together, move around the room answering questions and offering language sup- sport as needed. Ask some pairs of students to present their dialogue!to the class. 3a This activity provides pral and writing practice using the target language. Call attention to the list of TV shows and ask a student to read the names to the class. Say, In this activity you ask each other questions about TV shows. Ask students to work in pairs. Ask student A in each pair to look at the chart on page 67. Ask student B to look at the chart on page 86. Remind students not to look at their partners pages. Say the first question and answer with a student. Pretend you are student A and work with a student partner.Say What does Stuart think of Sports News? Have student B look at the answer on his or her chart on page 86.Student B answers, Stuart loves Sports News. Show students that you are writing in the word loves after Stuarts name on the chart on page 67. Then say to your partner, Ask me about Stuart Student B asks, What does Stuart think of Sports News? You answer, Stuart likes Sports News. Have the student write the word likes after Stuarts name on the chart on page 86. Ask the pairs to continue on their own. Move around the room monitoring the progress of the pairs. Go over the answers. 3b This activity provides guided reading practice using the target language. Read the dialogue with a student. Every time one of you conies to a blank, say blank. Call attention to the chart students completed in activity 3a. Say, Use the words in this chart to fill in the blanks in the dialogue in activity 3b. 4 This activity provides listening, speaking, and writing practice using the target language. Read the instructions to the class. Then ask students to name some TV shows they know about. Write the list on the board. Try to include some that students like and some they dont like. Point out the dialogue in the speech bubbles. Have two students read it to the class. Then point out the sample answer in the chart. Say,This TV show is called Tell it like it is! I love it, and Lin Peng does, too. I write I love it under What I think and I write Lin Peng under Student who agrees with me. Say, Now go around the class. Ask students about TV shows you know. Find students who agree with you. After five minutes ask students to sit down. Then ask some students to read the information from their charts to the class. Ask students to make statements such as I dont like The Crime Files. Carlos doesnt like The Crime Files, too. Alternative: If you do not want st

四年级下册英语第七单元练习题 篇5


1。你们常常三点钟上英语课吗?A。Let’s eat breakfast。

()2。我通常六点钟进行体育运动。B。When do you do morning exercises?

()3。我们一起吃早饭吧。C。Usually I play sports at 6 o’clock。

()4。你什么时候早锻炼?D。We eat dinner at 8 o’clock p。m

()5。我们晚上八点吃晚饭。E。Do you often have English class at 3 o’clock?


1。When do you finish class in the morning?


2。When do you go back to schoo lafter lunch?


3。I often go shopping with my father on the weekend。


七年级英语下册6-12单元词汇 篇6

1. General aims:

A. Talk about preferences

B. make plans

C. types of movies and description words

D. conjunction

2. Particular aims:

A. Language Focus.

(1) ordinary questions Do you ….?

Does she/he…?

What kind ….?

(2) conjunction: and and but

B. Language goals

(1). Do you want to go to a movie?

Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

(2) Does she/he want to go to a movie?

Yes, she/he does. /No, she/he doesn’t.

(3). I want to go to an action movie.

(4). What kind of movies do you like?

(5). I like thrillers and I like action movies.

(6). I like comedies but I don’t like documentaries.

C. Language structures:

(1). Do you want to v…?

(2). What kind of … do you like?

(3). … and …/….but…not

D. Useful words and phrases:

Words: comedy, thriller, documentary, tragedy, romance, action movie, funny, interesting, scary, exciting, sad, romantic, fun, but, stay, favorite, think, also

Phrases: stay at home, on weekends, in a word, learn a lot about, in fact,

E. Grammar language:

singular and plural

irrigate sentences

present tense to want


F. Learning strategies:

(1). Inducing

(2). Reinforcing

(3). classifying

G. Interdiscipinary:

(1). Art

(2). Music

(3). show

H. Emotion and manner:

Teaching time: 5 periods

Teaching procedures:

Period One (pp53-54)

Step I. Section A Use vocabulary from earlier lessons to introduce the idea of using want to express preferences and make plans.

1a This activity introduces some key vocabulary words.

ask, what movies have you seen lately?

Call attention to the conversation in the speech bubbles.

Explain the meaning of the four words using simple explanations and gestures.

Step II. 1b This activity gives students practice in recognizing the target language in spoken conversation.

Listen to the tape carefully.

Play the recording a second time.

Step III. 1c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the conversation.

Ask two students to demonstrate a conversation using one of the words from 1a.

Step IV. 2a This activity gives students practice in recognizing the target language in spoken conversation.

You will hear a recording of a conversation.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording the second time.

Step V. 2b This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

Point to the headings on the chart and ask a student to read them to the class.

Point to the names at the left and read them aloud.

Play the first two lines of the conversation.

Play the whole recording and ask students to complete the task individually.

Step VI. Grammar focus

Point out the question, what kind of movies do you like? Ask students to think of other what kind of …questions they might be able to ask.

Period Two (pp55-56)

Step I. 3a This activity provides guided reading and oral practice using the words and and but.

Call attention to the two conversations: Brad and Maria’s and Hidecki and Michele’s.

Write the sentences from this conversation on the board.

Point to the and and say, we use “and” when both ideas in the sentence are the same. We use “but” when the two ideas in the sentences are different.

Call attention to the second conversation.

Step II. 3b This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Point out the sample conversation and ask two students to read it.

Ask several students to say sentences to the class.

Step III. 4 This activity provides guided reading and oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the chart and the list of movie types students are going to ask about.

Ask the students to get into groups of four. Tell them to ask each other questions about the types of movies listed in the chart.

Step IV. Section B

1a This activity introduces key vocabulary words used to describe movies.

Point out the four illustrations with description words.

Ask students to complete the chart individually.

Step V. 2a This activity gives students practice in recognizing the target language in spoken conversation.

Listen to the tape the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording the second time.

Step VI. 2b This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Play the recording.

Period Three (pp56-57)

Step I. 2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Listen to the tape and repeat the passage.

Ask students to translate them into Chinese.

Ask students to talk about it like that.

Step II. 3a This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

Call attention to the two pictures of Charlie Wayne

Ask students to read the review to themselves.

Ask students to repeat the review.

Step III. 3b This activity provides guided reading and writing practice with the target language.

Call attention to the four words in the box.

Read the completed review aloud or ask a student to do this.

Ask students to read again.

Step IV. 3c This activity provides open-ended writing practice using the target language.

Read the two reviews to the class.

Ask several students to read their review to the class.

Step V. 4 This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Ask students to work in groups

Period Four (pp58)

Step I. 1 This activity provides a comprehensive review of all key vocabulary presented in this unit.

Ask students to read the words.

Speak Chinese about words

Step II. 3 This activity provides written practice with the target language.

Ask students to fill in the blanks individually.

Step III. Just for fun This activity provides guided reading practice with the target language.

Ask students to read the conversation.

Ask students if they know anyone who doesn’t like movies.

Period Five

七年级英语下册6-12单元词汇 篇7

Teaching Goal:

1. General aims:

Talk about jobs.

2. Particular aims:

A. Language Focus.

Talk about jobs and the place where people work.

B. Language goals

(1). What do you do? I’m a reporter.

(2). What does she want to be? She wants to be a sales assistant.

C. Language structures:

(1). What do you do? I am a teacher.

(2). What does he want to do? He wants to be an officer.

(3). Does your father work? Yes, he does.

(4). What does your mother do?

D. Useful words and phrases:

Words: assistant, sales assistant, doctor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk, star, thief, nurse, money, station, magazine, dinner, dangerous, afraid, late

Phrases: get … from, work for, work hard, call at, school play, evening newspaper, be afraid of

E. Grammar language:

Special questions

F. Learning strategies:

Learn other’s job

G. Interdiscipinary:

Social and communication.

H. Emotion and manner:

Teaching time: 6 periods

Teaching procedures:

Period One (pp19-20)


1. Match the vocabulary: sales assistant. Doctor. Actor. Reporter. Police. Officer. Waiter. Bank clerk. student

2. Master and use: What do you do? What does he do? Does he work in hospital?



1. The vocabulary

2. language: What does she do? She is a doctor.

难点Use the language to ask for the jobs

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体运用

Step 1

Organization 1’ Organize students to prepare for the class


Ree talk 2’ Talk about the weather and weeks. The student talk about something.

Step 3


15’ 1. Ask students to look at the picture and remember what they can see

2. Find four groups to say the words that they remember. (教师板书,学生说出)

3. Talk about the picture then make a dialogue.

Such as: What is this? It’s a store. What can you see? I can see a sweater. What color is t? It’s green. How much is it? It’s 50 dollars

4. Ask students: What is your father? He is a worker. (Tell them another way of saying:

What does your father do?板书)出示一张人物以及职业的图片,问学生:

Is he a worker? No, he isn’t. What is he? He is a doctor. 或问:What does he do?


Such as: A: What does he do?

B: He is a reporter.

5. Listen to the tape: 1b. 2a. ab.

Listen and number the people (1-3) in the picture above. Listen carefully three times. Point out the picture in activity 2a. Ask who each person is, say, Now work with your partner. Ask and answer questions about the pictures.

Ask ss to close their books and write down the words about the things.

Ask ss to act out in pairs or groups.

Call more students to practice more.

Ask ss about jobs in pairs or groups.





Step 4

Practice 6’ Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

I am a student.

What does your father do?

He is a farmer. 给学生们一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都能有机会来表演。


Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class.

Language: What does he do? What does he want to be? He is a worker. He wants to be a sales assistant. 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 text 4’ 1、Self check 让学生作后再讲解答案。 多媒体放映

Step 7 Consolidation 4’ In this class, we have learned the sentence:

What do you do? What does he do?

What does he want to be?

Talk about the jobs. Pay attention to the usage of “want” or “wants” 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework(1’) Practice The dialogue according to the picture on Page 1. 让学生写出五个询问对方职业的句子。

Period Two (p21)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体运用

Step 1

Organization Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Talk about the family and the jobs, Such as; My father is a worker, And He works in a hospital The student talk freely

Step 3

Presentation 3’

1. Ask students to make some sentences with these words; waiter. Bank clerk. Reporter. Nurse. Police officer.

2. Look at the picture and match the jobs with the people in the pictures. Such as; I see a lot of money every day. But it’s not mine. I count it for other people match the bank clerk.

3. Let the students practice more and more.

4. They make a conversation to proc-tise the drills.

For example: What do you do?

I help doctors and patients. Some people call us “angels in white”, Can you guess what I do?

5. Pairwork: Practise the conversation on the right. Use the jobs and places in activity 3a.

Where does your sister work? She works at a hospital.

What does your sister work? She works at a hospital.

What does she do? She’s a doctor.

6. Game: Guess the game!

Draw a picture of someone at work.

Can your classmates guess the job?

Just like: Is he a police officer?

No, he isn’t? Is he a waiter?

Yes, he is 1. 叫学生口头造句,用一些有关职业的句子。争取大部分的同学都有回答的机会,多次重复加大练习。

2. 教师边让学生读句子边解释这些句子的意思。

3. 教师边让学生读句子,做到熟练掌握。

4. 采用游戏的形式,让尽可能多同学参与。







Step 4

Practice(6’) Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

Where does he work?

He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

Is he a police officer? Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t 给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都能有机会来表演 多媒体放映

Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class

Language: What does he do? What does he want to be? He is a worker.

He wants to be a sales assistant.

Where does he work?

He words in a hospital.

Is she a nurse? Yes, she is. 以提问的形式来进行总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会

Step 6

Test 4’ 1、Self check(见后面) 让学生作后在讲解答案 多媒体放映

Step 7

Consolidation 4’ In this class, we have learned the sentence:

Where does he work? He works in a factory.

A bank clerk: I see a lot of money every day. But it’s not mine. I count it for other people.

Talk about the jobs. Pay attention to the usage of “want” or “wants” 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework Pratice the dialogue according to the picture on Page 25. 让学生写出五个句子,分别询问职业和工作地点

Period Three (pp22-23)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Oranization1’ Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Oral practice: Games, words that describe jobs, such as exciting, dangerous, boring The students talk about freely

Step 3

Presentation 8’ 1. Let students look at the picture and guess the jobs. The teacher describes the jobs and let students guess what. Ask job does the person have? Where does the person work?

2. Then use explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means. For example, Exciting means very interesting and very fast-moving.

A police officer has an exciting job.

3. Let students practice. Such as: He is a police officer. It’s an exciting job.

4. Listen to the conversation. What jobs do Betty, Jenny, and Sam want? Then write the jobs below.

5. Listen again. Why are Betty, Jenny, and Sam interested in these jobs? Complete the chart above.

6. Listen to the tape: Listen and number the picture(1-3) below.

Then practise the dialogue.

7. Grammar focus: 1.叫学生口头造句用一些有关职业的句子。争取大部分的同学都有回答的机会,多次重复加大练习。

2. 教师边让学生读句子边解释这些句子的意思。

3. 叫学生口头练习一些有关这方面的句子。

4. 听录音,让学生填写表格,然后再纠正答案。

5. 分组练习,让学生大面积的练习。

6. 让学生朗读Gammar Focus 多媒体放映





Step 4

Practice 6’ 7. Read the newspaper want ads. And fill in the blanks with the correct jobs.

One: Wanted: Do you like to work late? Do you like to work hard? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is “Yes”, then we have a job for you as a …… 给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都有机会来表演。


Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class Language:

本节课主要是听录音来完成各种对话,充分让学生学会职业的文法以及地点的表达法。 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 test 4’ 1、Self check(见后面) 让学生做后再讲解答案 多媒体放映

Step 7 Consolidation 4’ 在这节课例我们主要听录音然后回答问题,让学生充分练习听力,达到会听、会说然后在自己编对话来练习。 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework Read the newspaper more and more. 让学生朗读3A部分的内容。

Period Four (P24)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Organization 1’ Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Oral composition: My parents.

Such as: I have a very happy family.

My father is a worker. He works in a factory. My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. 学生口头作文,让他们把学到的知识系统地用到自己的作文中来。练习关于职业以及工作地点的表达。

Step 3


1. Let the students hurry to read the words they can’t remember.

2. Then the teacher guid the students to go over the words. See how the students have grasped.

3. Ask students to write five new words in their Vocab-builder.

4. Practise: I magine you want one of the jobs at BFS. Write and explain why your are good person for the job.

They don’t have to use real information about themselves-they can imagine that they have the skills needed to do one of the jobs. Remind them that they have to show why they are good for the job.

5. Go over the whole unit, first the words and useful expressions.

Then go over the frills: What do you do? What does he do?

Where does he work? He works in a factory. 1. 学生自测,看看他们急得如何。

2. 在让学生写五个生词填在单词表上。

3. 找工作:以小组为单位讨论。个人介绍推销自己。

4.总复习时,领着学生复习全部单词,争取让每一个学生都能来掌握。 多媒体放映





Step 4

Practice 6’ Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

Where does he work?

He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

Is he a police officer? Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t

给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都有机会来表演。 多媒体放映

Step 5

Summary 2’ Game: How to find a good job? Discuss and make a dialogue. 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 test 4’ 1. Self check(见后面)

In this class, we have learned self- 多媒体放映

Step 7


(4’) Check, then go over the whole unit. I think most of the students have grasped them very well. 让学生写一篇作文。 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework 1’ Especially the jobs and the places.

Compostion: How to find a good job?

Period Five

Testing (Weekly paper and Nan’an paper)
