


音标优质教案 篇1

音标教案第一周第一次课 教学目标:

1.要求学生熟练掌握元音(vowels)[i:]、[i]、[e]、[æ] 2.要求学生熟练掌握字母Aa-Nn的音标。教学重点和难点:



教学过程: Step1 Resivion 1.复习26个字母,齐唱ABC歌。2.请个别学生朗读字母A-N.Step2 Presentation 1.告诉学生英语中有26个字母,提问:英语中有多少音标?多少元音,多少辅音?(48个音标,其中元音二十,辅音二十八)元音和辅音的关系就像拼音的声母和韵母一样。

2.今天我们将学习四个前元音[i:]、[i]、[e]、[æ] 黑板展示四个前元音的口形图,告诉他们发音要领, 请学生跟读。

[i:] 发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高,口形扁平。(它就是字母Ee的音标)。








she, be, we ea

eat, clean, teacher ee

see, three, meet ey

key i

police [i]


big, pig, fish


any, many, family


orange [e]


bed, egg, ten


many, any,ea

bread, sweater, [æ]


bag, apple, man 6.PPT展示一些音标,请学生起来拼读。Step3 Practice 1.请学生按照顺序读这四个元音


A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.第三课时 Step4 Presentation 1.齐读字母Aa-Nn 2.问学生哪些字母含有[i:](B,C,D,E,G),哪些字母含有[e](F,L,M,N)3.把他们的音标写在黑板上

Aa[ei]、Bb[bi:]、Cc[si:]、Dd[di:]、Ee[i:]、Ff[ef]、Gg[dʒi:]、Hh[eiʧ]、Ii[ai]、Jj[dʒei]、Kk[kei]、Ll[el]、Mm[em]、Nn[en] 4.请学生根据他们的读音归类。Step5

Practice 1.熟读音标。


音标教学第一周第二次课 教学目标:

1.要求学生熟练掌握辅音(consonants)[p]、[b]、[t]、[d]、[k]、[g] 2.复习上节课学过的[i:]、[i]、[e]、[æ] 3.要求学生熟练掌握字母Aa-Nn的音标。教学重点和难点:





Step1 Resivion 1.复习26个字母,齐唱ABC歌。2.请个别学生朗读字母A-N.Step2 Presentation 1.复习四个前元音[i:]、[i]、[e]、[æ](请个别学生起来读一下。)2 教六个辅音[p]、[b]、[t]、[d]、[k]、[g],告诉学生[p]、[t]、[k]是清辅音,不引起声带震动,而[b]、[d]、[g]是浊辅音,引起声带震动。注意和拼音的区别。学生模仿这六个辅音的发音。

第二课时 3.在上节课的基础上告诉学生辅音和元音相拼时,“辅音轻,元音重,两音相拼猛一碰”。

4.在读准单个元音和辅音的基础上,将每一个辅音与元音拼读,反复学习朗读音节。如:[pi:] [pi] [pe] [pæ] [bi:] [bi] [be] [bæ]„ 9.PPT展示一些音标,请学生起来拼读。Step3 Practice 5.请学生按照顺序读这六个辅音。


A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.Step4 Presentation 5.齐读字母Aa-Nn 第三课时



音标优质教案 篇2






















音标教学教案 篇3

the consonants [ p ] [ b ] [ t ] [ d ] [ s ] [ z ] in reading, writing, pronunciation

Teaching methods 1.imitation 2.repeat 3.competition

Teaching materials and equipment computer, wall chart, 8 symbol cards

Period 1(40 minutes)warm-up(5 mins):

discuss about the familiar words, sentences, any famous English songs, movies and pop stars they know.Do you want to get good education in the first-class colleges of China or even of the world?

→ Now is the first step.Step 1 Imitation(15 mins)1.[ i: ](make some gesture to help them master it “ →” [ a: ] 2.to make a contrast between [ p ] [ t ] [ s ]

[b ] [d ] [ z ]

Step 2 Read and write(15 mins)1.use wall chart-----how to read 2.write the letters and phonetic syllables on the blackboard-----how to write 3.practice in groups, rows, single 4.check one by one

Homework(5 mins): 1.new concept english handwriting page 1-2 2.copy each phonetic symbol 2 times 3.review and recite part 2 and part 3, prepare for the dictation Period 2(40 mins)Warm-up(5 mins):

review what we have learned last day(use symbol cards and practice)

Step 1 part 3 key words(10 mins)1.practice 2.listen and mark 3.memorize

Step 2 part 4 words practice(20 mins)1.read and practice 2.group game(4 groups, 2 groups in the first turn, listen and react

the first student of each group to pick the right card

points for the first student, the group with good

scores will win the game

Step 3 page 4 listen and mark(5 mins)

Period 3(40 mins)

Step 1 exercises(15 mins)1.listen and choose the right word 2.syllables practice 3.dictation

Step 2 further practice(14 mins)1.read the abbreviations 2.distinctive sound practice 3.read the phrases and sentences(competition, fluently and correctly)

Step 3 sing the song(5 mins)

Step 4 do it(3 mins)

Homework(5 mins): 1.new concept english handwriting page 3-4 2.copy each phonetic symbol 2 times 3.review and recite part 2 and part 3, prepare for the dictation

Unit 2 Teaching goal to make students master the vowels [ i ] [ e ] [ ]

the consonants [ f ] [ v ] [ m] [ n ] [ ] in reading, writing, pronunciation

Teaching methods 1.imitation 2.repeat 3.competition

Teaching materials and equipment computer, wall chart, 24+2/3 symbol cards

Period 1(40 minutes)warm-up(8 mins):

to review what we have learned in unit 1

(show 8 symbol cards and practice)

Step 1 Imitation(15 mins)1.[ i ](make some gesture to help them master it, instruction [ e ] [ ] 2.to make a contrast between [ f ] [ m ] [ ]

[v ] [ n ]

Step 2 Read and write(17 mins)1.use wall chart-----how to read 2.write the letters and phonetic syllables on the blackboard-----how to write 3.practice in groups, rows, single 4.point out the change of symbol [ i ] → [ I ]

Period 2(40 mins)Step 1 part 3 key words(10 mins)1.practice 2.listen and mark 3.memorize

Step 2 part 4 words practice(20 mins)1.read and practice 2.group game(3 groups, a symbol card for each member, listen and

react, listen the word, stand up as quickly as possible with the matched card

Step 3 page 13 listen and mark(5 mins)

Homework(5 mins): 1.new concept english handwriting page 5-6 2.copy each phonetic symbol 2 times 3.review and recite part 2 and part 3, prepare for the dictation

Period 3(40 mins)warm-up(5 mins):

to review what we have learned

(show symbol cards and practice)

Step 1 exercises(14 mins)1.listen and choose the right word 2.syllables practice 4.dictation

Step 2 further practice(13 mins)1.read the abbreviations 2.distinctive sound practice 3.read the phrases and sentences(competition, fluently and correctly)

Step 3 sing the song(5 mins)

Step 4 do it(3 mins)

Unit 3 Teaching goal to make students master the vowels [ u: ] [ u ] [ ]

the consonants [ k ] [ g ] [ w] [ j ] [ l ] in reading, writing, pronunciation

Teaching methods 1.imitation 2.repeat 3.competition

Teaching materials and equipment computer, wall chart, 24+2/3 symbol cards

Period 1(40 minutes)

Step 1 Imitation(15 mins)1.[ u: ](make some gesture to help them master it, instruction [ u ] [ ]

[ w ] [ j ] [ l ] 2.to make a contrast between [ k ] [ g ]

Step 2 Read and write(15 mins)1.use wall chart-----how to read 2.write the letters and phonetic syllables on the blackboard-----how to write 4.practice in groups, rows, single 5.point out the change of symbol [ u ]

Step 3 page 21 listen and mark(5 mins)

Homework(5 mins): 1.new concept english handwriting page 7-9 2.copy each phonetic symbol 2 times 3.review and recite part 2 and part 3, prepare for the dictation

Period 2(40 mins)warm-up(5 mins):

to review what we have learned last week

(show symbol cards and practice)

Step 1 part 3 key words(15 mins)1.practice 2.listen and mark 3.memorize

Step 2 part 4 words practice(20 mins)1.read and practice 2.group game(3 groups, 8 word cards for each group, read

symbols , listen and react

points for the first student, 2 points for the

second, 1 point for the third one)

Period 3(40 mins)

Step 1 exercises(14 mins)1.listen and choose the right word 2.syllables practice 6.dictation

Step 2 further practice(13 mins)1.read the abbreviations 2.distinctive sound practice 3.read the phrases and sentences(competition, fluently and correctly)

Step 3 sing the song(5 mins)

Step 4 do it(3 mins)

Homework(5 mins): 1.new concept english handwriting page 10-11 2.copy each phonetic symbol 2 times 3.review and recite part 2 and part 3, prepare for the dictation

Unit 4 Teaching goal to make students master the vowels [ ] [ ] [ ei ] [ ]

the consonants [ ] [ ] [ h ] [ r ] in reading, writing, pronunciation

Teaching methods 1.imitation 2.repeat 3.competition

Teaching materials and equipment computer, wall chart, 24+2/3 symbol cards

Period 1(40 minutes)warm-up(8 mins):

to review what we have learned in unit 1,2,3

(show 8 symbol cards and practice)

Step 1 Imitation(15 mins)1.[ ](make some gesture to help them master it, instruction [ ] [ ei ] [ ] 爱 [ ] [ h ] [ r ] 2.to make a contrast between [ ] [ ]

Step 2 Read and write(17 mins)1.use wall chart-----how to read 2.write the letters and phonetic syllables on the blackboard-----how to write 3.practice in groups, rows, single 4.point out the change of symbol [ ] → [ ] [ ei ] → [ e ]

[ ] → [ ]

Period 2(40 mins)Step 1 part 3 key words(10 mins)1.practice 2.listen and mark 3.memorize

Step 2 part 4 words practice(20 mins)1.read and practice 2.group game(6 groups, show a symbol card, 10 points for the first

one who raise hands and read correctly

Step 3 page 29 listen and mark(5 mins)

Homework(5 mins): 3.new concept english handwriting page 12-13 4.copy each phonetic symbol 2 times 5.review and recite part 2 and part 3, prepare for the dictation

Period 3(40 mins)warm-up(5 mins):

to review what we have learned

(show symbol cards and practice)

Step 1 exercises(14 mins)1.listen and choose the right word 2.syllables practice 3.dictation

Step 2 further practice(13 mins)1.read the abbreviations 2.distinctive sound practice 3.read the phrases and sentences(competition, fluently and correctly)

Step 3 sing the song(5 mins)

Step 4 do it(3 mins)

Unit 5 Teaching goal to make students master the vowels [ : ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

the consonants [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] in reading, writing, pronunciation

Teaching methods 1.imitation 2.repeat 3.competition

Teaching materials and equipment computer, wall chart, 24+2/3 symbol cards

Period 1(40 minutes)

Step 1 Imitation(15 mins)1.[ : ](make some gesture to help them master it, instruction [ ] [ ] [ ] 2.to make a contrast between [ k ] [ g ]

[ ] [ ]

Step 2 Read and write(15 mins)1.use wall chart-----how to read 2.write the letters and phonetic syllables on the blackboard-----how to write 3.practice in groups, rows, single 4.point out the change of symbol [ ] [ ] [ ]

Step 3 page 37 listen and mark(5 mins)

Homework(5 mins): 1.new concept english handwriting page 14-15 2.copy each phonetic symbol 2 times 4.review and recite part 2 and part 3, prepare for the dictation Period 2(40 mins)warm-up(5 mins):

to review what we have learned

(show symbol cards and practice)

Step 1 part 3 key words(15 mins)1.practice 2.listen and mark 3.memorize

Step 2 part 4 words practice(20 mins)1.read and practice 2.group game(4 groups, a word cards for each member, read

symbols , listen and react, stand up with the matched card, read the word

points for the first student who stand up and

read correctly)

Period 3(40 mins)

Step 1 exercises(14 mins)1.listen and choose the right word 2.syllables practice 3.dictation

Step 2 further practice(13 mins)1.read the abbreviations 2.distinctive sound practice 3.read the phrases and sentences(competition, fluently and correctly)

Step 3 sing the song(5 mins)

Step 4 do it(3 mins)

Homework(5 mins): 1.new concept english handwriting page 16-18 2.copy each phonetic symbol 2 times 3.review and recite part 2 and part 3, prepare for the dictation

Unit 6 Teaching goal to make students master the vowels [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

the consonants [ ts ] [ dz ] [ tr ] [ dr ] in reading, writing, pronunciation

Teaching methods 1.imitation 2.repeat 3.competition

Teaching materials and equipment computer, wall chart, 24+2/3 symbol cards

Period 1(40 minutes)warm-up(8 mins):

to review what we have learned

(show 8 symbol cards and practice)

Step 1 Imitation(15 mins)1.[ ] = [ ]+[ ](make some gesture)[ ] = [ ]+[ ] [ ] = [ ]+[ ] [ ] = [ ]+[ ]

2.to make a contrast between [ ts ] [ tr ]

[ dz ] [ dr ]

Step 2 Read and write(17 mins)1.use wall chart-----how to read 2.write the letters and phonetic syllables on the blackboard-----how to write 3.practice in groups, rows, single 4.point out the change of symbol [ ] → [ ] [ ] → [ ]

[ ] → [ ]

[ ] → [ ]

Period 2(40 mins)Step 1 part 3 key words(10 mins)1.practice 2.listen and mark 3.memorize

Step 2 part 4 words practice(20 mins)1.read and practice 2.group game(4 groups, 2 groups in the first turn, listen and react,put word cards on the blackboard, read a symbol, the first student of each group should pick the matched word card

Step 3 page 45 listen and mark(5 mins)

Homework(5 mins): 1.new concept english handwriting page 19-20 2.copy each phonetic symbol 2 times 3.review and recite part 2 and part 3, prepare for the dictation

Period 3(40 mins)warm-up(5 mins):

to review what we have learned

(show symbol cards and practice)

Step 1 exercises(14 mins)1.listen and choose the right word 2.syllables practice 3.dictation

Step 2 further practice(13 mins)1.read the abbreviations 2.distinctive sound practice 3.read the phrases and sentences(competition, fluently and correctly)

Step 3 sing the song(5 mins)

音标教案 篇4


徐丹 Lesson 1

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: eight, day, say, safe, make, date, bake.Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson./ i: /

/ I /

/ p / /b /

/ t / / d /

III.Practice./ pi: / / pi / / b i/ / b i:/

/ t i: p / /d i: p / t i p / /d i p / Lesson 2

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.eat

/ i:: t / pea / p i: /

bee / b i:/

tea / t i:/

III.Practice.Lesson 3

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson


/ i t /

pit / pi t /

bit / b i t /

tip / t i p /

III.Practice.Lesson 4

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.元音 : / e / / æ /

辅音 :/ k / / g /

/f / / v /

III.Practice./ p e /

/ p æ /

/ ke /

/ kæ /

/ fe /

/væ / Lesson 5

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson./eg /

/kæp /

/ bæg /

/fig /

/væt /

/pi: g /

/vet /

/giv /

/ted /

III.Practice.egg /eg /

eddy /`edi /


/peg /

bed /bed /

bat /bæt /

cap /kæp / Lesson 6

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.key /ki:/

dig /dig /

keg /keg / gig /gig /

III.Practice.feet /fi: t / gaff /gæf /

gift /gift / veepee /`vi: pi: / Leeson 7

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.元音 : /a: /

/ʌ /

辅音 :/ s /

/z /

III.Practice./a: t /

/ʌp / /a:s / /ʌs / /si:/ / zi:/ /sa:z / /zʌs /

Lesson 8

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson./ s i p /

/ z e d /

/ zæg /

/ s p i: k / / `b i z I / /`v i z i t /

III.Practice./ s t i k / / `i: z I / / pʌb /

/ g a: d /

/ v a: s t / /f i z / Lesson 9

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.car /ka: / start /sta: /

duck /dʌk/ dove /dʌv/

III.Practice.cup /kʌp/ bus /bʌs/ sea /si:/ desk /desk / Lesson 10

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.III.Practice.Lesson 11

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.元音 :/ɔ:/ /ɔ /

III.Practice./ɔ: t / /fɔ: / /bɔ: d /

/ɔv / /pɔt/ /kɔd / /gɔg / /nɔt / /dɔt / Lesson 12

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.辅音 :/m / /n / /ŋ /

III.Practice./ m i:/ / n i:/ / m i: n / / i ŋ k /

/b ʌŋ / / t ʌ ŋ / / s ɔ ŋ / Lesson 13

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.door /dɔ:/ saw /sɔ: / fork /fɔ: k /

pot /pɔt/ dog /dʌk / box /bɔks/

III.Practice.fork /fɔ: k / map / m

æp /

box /bɔks/ mop / m ɔ p / g g

Lesson 14

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.gun / gʌn / fan / f æ n / sword /s ɔ: d /

III.Practice.ink / i ŋ k / king / k i ŋ /

sing / s i ŋ / monkey / mʌŋki / Lesson 15

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.元音 : / u: / / u /

III.Practice./ t u: / / d u: /

/ p u: l / / g u: l / Lesson 16

Activity content: Be able to read listen and

say the phonetic symbol: Activity aims: Be able to read listen and say the phonetic symbol and the words: Activity aids: cards, big screen.Activity steps: I.Warm up.II.New lesson.辅音 :/ h / / / / / r /


i: l / / l i: v / / f i: l /

英语音标趣教学教案- 篇5







1、学习2个元音音素[ i: ] [i],和3个辅音音素[p]、[b]、[m],掌握正确的发音方法。


3、正确书写Bb、Ii、、Mm、Pp这4个字母和 [i:]、[i]、[p]、[b]、[m]这5个音标。









引入:(T: We have five new friends, today.)A、教授[i:]的发音。










2)开火车比赛发音。(p---p---[p] [p] [p])

(运用“p---p---[p] [p] [p]”这样有节奏的练习发音,充满趣味性,学生学得会非常有兴趣)













出示小黑板:[pi:] [bi:] [mi:] [pi]


[mi] [pi:p] [bi:p] [pi:m] [pib]


教师出示一些卡片,其中有小写字母p、b、m、I的卡片,有[p]、[b]、[m]、[i:]、[i]的音标卡片,以及一写其他字母或音标的卡片。教师说:show me the small letter p/b/m/I。或说:show me [p]、[b]、[m]、[i:]、[i]。让学生出示相应的卡片。

(通过字母、音标对比游戏,能培养学生自觉地把单词、音标作音、形比较,直至掌握一些规律,学生逐渐明白“[ i]”表示音标,那么单词中有“i”这个字母,不代表它就发[i]的音,逐步学会见形知音的本领,这样的训练,也能为今后学生单词拼读、速记单词能力的培养作好铺垫。)




1)I see a bee in the sea。2)A big pig in the big ship。

(在教师示范并总结 [i:]、[i]的发音后,进行小组竞读比赛,看哪一组能正确朗读上面的句子,做到既正确又压韵,既流利又有感情,这样一来学习活动既锻炼了学生读对[p]、[b]、[i:]、[i]4个音标的使用技能,又体现学生探究与集体主义精神。)



He sees a ship.She sees a sheep.A ship and a sheep.This is a ship.That is a sheep.(编顺口溜不仅可以使知识变得简单,生动、而且印象深刻,而且通过这样的训练,真正将音标教学与语音教学落到实处。)







Word格式英语音标表: 元音 12个单元音 短元音7个

[i] [ə] [ɔ] [u] [ʌ] [e] [æ] 长元音5个

[i:] [ə:] [ɔ:] [u:] [ɑ:] 8个双元音

[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [au] [əu] [iə] [ɛə] [uə] 辅音 10对 清辅音

[p] [t] [k] [f] [θ] [s] [ts] [tr] [∫] [t∫] 浊辅音

关注英语音标教学 篇6


















