


每周工作总结英文 篇1

Abstract from Weekly News on Railways 做出重大贡献:have made great contribution to 巡回检查组:circuit inspection team 先进性教育活动:advancedness education campaign 举行各种活动:to launch various activities 为了纪念:In commemoration of

召开全路运输安全电视电话会议:to hold a sector-wide televised conference on transportation safety.要求全路吸取教训:to urge the whole sector to draw lessons 一个重大举措:a significant initiative 明确职责:ascertain responsibility 构建长效机制:to forge long-acting mechanism 增强整体合力:to enhance the overall capacity of 三项治理活动:three overhauls campaign 正在开展的:on-going 发出紧急通知:to issue urgent circulars 从严从重处理:…will be severely punished …严重危及人民群众生命财产安全:..have posed a great threat to the safety of the people’s life and property.采取果断措施:take resolute measures 精心组织,严密监控:conduct meticulous organization and tight control 取得显著成效:Remarkable success has been gained(with…)发现隐患和问题3件:3 problems or hidden dangers spotted 现场整改2件:2 corrected on site 责令限期整改2件:2 ordered to be overhauled within a specified time 先后4次刷新纪录:break historic record for 4 consecutive times 大幅度增长:the dramatic increase of


Dispelling last week’s wet weather, the bright sunshine has lit up our mind this week.复线电气化工程:double-tracking & electrification Project 力争2008年完成:be scheduled for completion by 2008 届时:by then 提供可靠运力保证:provide reliable transportation capacity 经济社会发展:social-economic development 省委书记:the provincial CPC Party Chief 将共同努力,促进…:will make joint effort in promoting… 汛期已经到来:The flood season has arrived 密切关注:keep a close watch on 全面进入防洪状态:shift to full anti-flood mode 严格落实安全措施:earnestly nail down safety measures 确保雨季行车安全:ensure train operation safety during the rainy season 恢复通车:train operation was resumed

倒树:fallen trees 塌方:cave-ins 落石:sliding rocks。。主办:sponsored by …

。。承办:held by…

重点介绍了。。基本思路和措施:sb highlighted …basic thought and approaches for 目前,中国铁路局有良好的发展空间和广阔的市场前景。

Now, Chinese Railways is enjoying remarkable growth potential and bright market prospect.洋溢着节日气氛:festival atmosphere pervaded(some place)先进集体:advanced units 先进工作者:excellent individuals 社会治安综合治理:comprehensive social order management 保卫处:Guard Division 荣获。。称号:received the title of

为适应新体制的要求:in order to better adapt the new structure of 为基层服务:to serve the grassroots units 做出及时准确地答复:make a reply in a timely and accurate manner 新闻联播节目:News Broadcast’s coverage 各大新闻媒体:almost all major domestic media 第一轮建设高潮:the first wave of construction momentum 西部大开发:developing western China 古老的华夏大地:the ancient land of China 建设高潮:a high tide of construction 广袤的祖国西北:in a vast land of northwestern China 铁道部党组:MOR Party Group 国家机密:state secret

个人隐私:individual privacy 向社会如实、及时公开:should be publicized to the society in a timely and truthful manner 增加透明度:enhance transparency 知情权、参与权和监督权:right to know, participate and supervise 人民群众:the general public 调整生产力布局:rationalize distribution of productive forces 取得初步成效:has led to initial success …主持召开:presided over by sb 动员大会:a mobilization meeting 征地拆迁:land requisition and house removal 按照特事特办、急事急办的原则:the principle of “give according priority to various urgent issues 规范报批手续:standardize the procedures of application 简化审批程序:streamline approval formalities 得到高度评价:has won high appraisal from … 针对。。状况:addressing…

为历史罕见:reach an unprecedented level 作为头等大事:give the first priority to

最大限度地保证了:This has secured the need of 迅速启动应给预案:initiate the emergency response plan 六月份,天气持续高温,不少地方普降暴雨,特别是南方地区降水量剧增,对行车安全构成严重威胁

June witnessed persistent high temperature and sweeping heavy rainstorms especially in southern China, which constitute a severe threat to train

safety 发出紧急调度命令:issue urgent dispatch 制定应急预案:work out emergency response plans 全力做好:fully prepare against..确保线路畅通:secure the smoothness of railway operation 铁路第六次大提速:CR’s planned 6th round speed-enhancement programme 200公里动车组:200 km/h EMUs 奠基仪式:foundation-laying ceremony 物流配送网络:logistics distribution station 为适应规模大、标准高、技术新的铁路建设新形势:in order to meet the emerging situation of large-scale, high-standard and technically-advanced

railways construction 严厉打击票贩子:crack down on illicit ticket dealers 全线设计为双线、全封闭、全立交:It is designed for double tracks, complete enclosure and solid crossings.表彰大会:awarding conference 关心下一代:care for the nest generation 出台:be rolled out/worked out 标志着。。进入正轨:mark “well-on-track”of … 做出重要批示:deliver important remarks to 广泛合作:cooperation in a comprehensive way 深入地交换了意见:exchange in-depth views 共同创建绿色家园,营造和谐社会,弘扬生态文明,繁荣生态文化:

Make joint efforts to build a green home, cultivate a harmonious society, promote eco-civilization and enhance environmental culture 全路宣传思想工作会议:CR’s work meeting on propaganda and ideology 适应新形势新任务的要求:to be adapted to the emerging situation and new mission 与时俱进:keep abreast with the times 锐意进取:be committed to progress 铁路跨越式发展:CR’s forward-leaping development 营造良好氛围:to create a favorable environment for 电视电话会议:televised conference 贯彻落实会议精神:to implement the spirit of 合理安排:rationalize …

全力以赴确保:go all out to secure… 夺取全胜:to achieve a complete victory 举行新闻发布会:hold a press conference on… 介绍形势:to brief on the situation 回答记者关于春运热点问题的提问:to address the media on the hot concerns of the Spring transportation 全面启动:to launch…

历年之最:setting a historic record in… 逼近:to near 计划工作会议:planning work meeting 部署2006年工作:to make deployment for Year 2006 加快改革:to accelerate reform on… 全面推进:to advance…in an all-round way 为…做出新贡献:to make new contribution to … 记者从铁道部了解到:According to sources from MOR

今年铁路建设计划投资1600亿元,大规模铁路建设将全面铺开。随着路网建设的全面推进,今年全路计划新开工建设项目87个,续建项目38个,收尾销号项目38个。新线铺轨376公里,投产1436公里。复线铺轨1028公里,投产1214公里。电气化铁路投产3860公里。160 billion yuan will be invested in CR’s full-swing railway construction this year.As railway network expansion gains momentum, CR plans to kick off 87 new projects, continue 38 projects and complete 38 projects this year.376 kilometers of new lines will be constructed with 1436 kilometers put into operation.1028 kilometers of lines will be double tracked with 1214 kilometers put into operation and 3860 kilometers of lines will be electrified and put into operation.铜像:bronze statue 获奖证书:award certificate 提出总体要求:to set forth the general guideline 同比增长2%:up 2% year-on-year 铁路轮渡船:train ferry 国务院第8次全体会议:the 8th general assembly of the State Council 提出明确要求:raise requirement on 确实抓好安全生产:Work safety should be managed in a concrete manner.重点行业、重大危险源、公共聚集场所:key sectors, major danger sources and people-intensive places 坚决遏制各类重特大安全事故发生:All sorts of serious accidents should be avoided.铁道部党组书记、部长刘志军:MOR Party Secretary & Minister Liu Zhijun 认真贯彻落实重要指示:to implement ….important instructions 滞留:to hold up 滞留旅客:the stranded passengers 面对突发事件,铁路有关方面紧急启动红色预警方案:CR immediately activated the red-level alert scheme to address the stringency.制定应急措施:to work out an emergency solution.迅速调集机车车辆:swiftly mobilize rolling stocks 疏散旅客: to evacuate the passengers 运输秩序基本恢复正常:Normal traffic was resumed.踏上回家的旅程:step on the way home 节前客流高峰如期而至:the pre-festival passenger peak has come as expected.春运一线:the front-line of the festival transportation 慰问了广大铁路干部职工:to convey greetings to the railway staff 要牢固树立以人为本和全心全意为人民服务的理念: …should be guided by the philosophy of “Passenger-first” and “serve the people heart and soul”.坚决维护广大旅客切身利益:to firmly safeguard the passenger’s fundamental interests.刷新纪录:to brush the record 与去年同期:in the previous corresponding period 创历史最高峰:reach a historical new high 再创新高:to set another new high 作出进一步部署:to make further deployment on… 细化落实各项措施:to specify all measures 针对:in light of …

烟花爆竹由禁放改为限方:relaxation of firecracker prohibition into limitation 树标塑形活动:image-setting campaign 中共中央政治局委员:Member of CCCPC Political Bureau 在。。的陪同下:accompanied by… 来到。。:come over to …

“能干事、干成事“ the “capable and successful” 非常高兴地指出:cheerfully noted that…

国务委员兼国务院秘书长:State Councilor & Secretary-general of the State Council 充分肯定:to affirm…

坚持以人为本:to uphold the “people first” philosophy 搞好旅客服务:to well serve the passengers 传达工作会议精神:pass on the gist of the conference 总结。。:to round up … 再接再厉:to work harder 夺取全胜:to win a full victory 当人们仍沉浸在新春的喜庆气氛中享受天伦之乐的时候:When people were immersed in the festival atmosphere, 社会主义和谐社会:socialist harmonious society 努力构建和谐社会:try to forge a harmonious society 要心系群众:… should be people-minded 通过添乘机车:by locomotive ride/ by taking a locomotive ride 迅速整治发现的问题:to swiftly overhaul the spotted problems 宣布:declare 运输大动脉:the major transportation artery 正式开工:officially started 全长2公里:with a total length of 2 km 国家一级电气化铁路:a national first class electrified railway 落下帷幕:to wrap up 从容应对:have well addressed…

旅客携带易燃易爆危险品:carry-on inflammable and hazardous articles 雷管:detonator 烟花爆竹:bang-firecrackers 及时消除安全隐患:remove hidden danger in a timely manner 打击票贩子的“蓝盾行动”:”Blue Shield Campaign”, an intensive blow on ticket scapers 查获:to hunt down and seize 倒票团伙:gangs of ticket profiteers 取缔非法售票网点:to ban illegal ticket distributors 收缴车票:to capture railway tickets 第六次大提速:the sixth-round speed acceleration of railway 持续快速发展:the fast and sustainable development 三个一流的目标:3-first-class goal 客运专线:Passenger Dedicated Lines(PDLs)发达铁路网初具规模:form an initial shape of a developed network 三项智力活动:3 overhauls campaign 分阶段、有重点的方法:Thanks to the phase-by-phase and with-focus approach 全路工务部门:all maintenance service section in railway system 中华全国铁路总工会:All China Railway Labor Federation 审核评定工作:the reviewing and approving of …

国家发展和改革委员会(发改委):National(State)Development and Reform Committee(NDRC)/(SDRC)第十届:the 10th….第四次会议:the 4th session 两会:the NPC and CPPCC sessions 隆重开幕:… is unveiled 向大会作政府工作报告:to deliver the government work report to the congress 铁路在国民经济发展中占有重要位置:Railway holds a key role in the national economy.小组讨论:the panel discussion 体制改革:restructuring 建设环境友好型社会:to construct/build an environment-friendly society 推进区域协调发展:to advance the balanced development between regions 听取了。。:hearing….重点介绍。。:to brief on…

地方经济社会发展:the local socio-economic development 历史性突破:historic breakthrough 铁路营业里程:railway mileage 给与高度评价:sing high praise for…

提出殷切希望:to raise ardent expectations for …

针对挡墙铁路运输安全特点:Addressing the current features of railway transport safety 再上一个台阶:set another milestone 运输工作量:transport workload 在大规模高标准铁路建设高潮中:Amid CR’s large-scale and high-standard construction campaigns, 前瞻性工作:the forward-looking task of … 大宗货物:bulk freight 该方案已与3月1日正式实施:This scheme was launched on March 1st.近日出台了。。: formulated … 管理规定:management regulations 自3月1日起实行:…entered into force on March 1st.进一步认清形势:to better understand the situation, 找到差距:to reflect on gaps 明确方向:to be rightly oriented 重点突破:to make key breakthroughs 结束没有铁路的历史:to end its no-railway history 培训班:the training program of… 时速200公里动车组:200-km/h EMU 畅谈。。:sharing the feeling out of… 共话。。大计:sharing the views on… 十分关注。。:keep in view of … 政协委员:CPPCC members 即将试运营:the upcoming pilot run 认真讨论。。:earnestly discuss on…

建设社会主义新农村:to build new socialist countryside 促进区域协调发展:to promote balanced regional development 建设和谐社会主义社会:to build harmonious socialist society 提供可到运力支持:to secure reliable transport capacity for… 推向高潮:push … to a new high 促进东北老工业基地经济振兴:serve the rejuvenation of the old industrial bases in northeastern China 举行会谈:to hold talks with… 会谈纪要:the minutes of talks 积极稳妥地:in a vigorous and prudent manner.要优先发展交通运业,建设便捷、通畅、高效、安全的综合运输体系:Priority will be given to transport and communications sector and an integrated, convenient, smooth, efficient and safe transportation system will be developed.加快发展。。:… will gear up 中长期铁路网规划:The Mid-and Long-Term Railway Network Plan 经过充分讨论:after sufficient reviews 全民义务植树运动:the 25th anniversary of the nation-wide voluntary planting campaign 五一旅游黄金周:the May Day Golden Week 铁路运输方案:the railway transportation plan 客流:passenger flow 两项指标均创历史最好成绩:Both the two indexes set a history record 严格落实:strictly implement 会议精神:the tenet of the meeting 维持不变:remain unchanged 大幅增长:increase considerably

经国务院批准:with approval from the State Council 为缓解。。矛盾:To alleviate the impact of … 呈现美好前景:draw a splendid blueprint for…


Follow the example of Chai Baoguo as excellent Party member and employee and make further contribution to railway-forward-leaping development.柴宝国式好党员:Excellent Party member of Chai Baoguo style 认真组织:make elaborate organization for 扎实推进:push forward solidly 有效控制:effectively control…平稳有序:be smooth and oderly 冒雨来到:to brave the rain to ….没有旅客积压:without passenger hold-ups 看望并慰问坚守岗位的铁路建设者:to convey greetings to the on-duty railway builders 应急工程现场: the emergency construction site 亲自:in person 线路开通试运营:line commissioning 全面部署:make deployment for… 最后冲刺阶段:the spurt phase 向建党85周年献礼:to greet the 85th anniversary of the Party’s foundation 召开动员大会:to hold the mobilization conference 当好主力军,建功“是一五”,和谐奔小康:May 1st International Labor Day celebration & taking the lead in contributing to the 11th Five-Year Plan and heading to a well-off society in a harmonious way.五一劳动奖状:May 1st Labor Reward Certificate 五一劳动奖章:May 1st Laobor Medal 为满足。。的需要:in a bid to accommodate the need.对工作进行总结:to round up the work 彩旗招展,鞭炮齐鸣:Colorful flags and firecrackers added splendor to ….2005年全路技术能手称号:the title of “CR’s technical elite for 2005” 道岔:turnout 交通部水运司: Waterborne Transportation Department of MOC Useful & Practical Words & Expressions:

谚语:proverbs 成语:idioms

习语:usage 俗语:sayings 格言:maxims 隐语:enigmatic language


固定词组:set phrases

有所追求,才有所成功:Something attempted, something done.多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕。:So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently;the world rolls on, time presses.Ten thousand years are too long, seize the day, seize the hour.欲穷千里目,更上一层楼:We widen our view three hundred miles by ascending one flight of stairs.有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?Is it not a delight that friends should visit us from afar? 三岁看大,七岁看老:The child is father of the man.Man and wife: 夫妻

officers and men 官兵

Like master, like man:有其主,必有其仆

a man of God: 传教士 尊重现实:face the reality(instead of “respect the reality”)压力很大的工作:a demanding job/a challenging job(外界期望值过高)

A stressful job(因为工作紧张)我们尽管刚刚踏上归国领土,已经深深感受到两国人民的诚挚深厚的友谊:Although we have just set foot on your land, we have been immersed in the genuine and profound friendship between our two proples.取得共识:reach consensus 实质性进步:substantive progress 有利于。。: contribute to sth.内容丰富而有意义的六天:six substantial and meaningful days 我们广泛接触了工商界人士:We have had extensive contacts with people from the business community.我们领略了贵国迷人的风光:We have appreciated/viewed the enchanting scenery of your country// We have been impressed by the enchanting beauty of your landscape.这显然有悖事实:Apparently, this does not square with the facts.投资方向:Priority Areas for Investment// Investment Priorities//Investment Guidelines 以个人身份:in their personal capacity // in the capacity of themselves 新情况:new developments 2010年远景目标纲要:the Outline of the Long-Range Objectives till the Year 2010 你们的经验很有特色,值得借鉴:Your experience is quite unique which is something that others may draw upon//which is something worth learning from.你还专程陪同我访问A地:You have gone out of your way to personally accompany me on my visit to A.政府支持这个项目:The Government is behind this project.我们对贵国最近发生的事态深感关切:We are deeply concerned about the recent developments in your country.我们相信,在两国的共同努力下,我们两国的友好合作关系必定进一步发展。

We are convinced that with the joint efforts of our two countries, the friendly relations and cooperation between us will develop further.五讲四美三热爱:There are “five things to stress, four things to beautify and three things to love(Notes: stress on decorum, manners, hygiene, discipline and morals;beauty of the mind, language, behaviour and the environment;love of the motherland, socialism and the Communist Party.)两个“凡是”: “the two whatevers”

用好这些人士很顶事的:They will help a lot if they are put to proper use.你有政策,我有对策:You have your policies, I have my way of getting round them.难关:the hardest nut to crack 不能走过场:…must not be conducted in a perfunctory way//…should not just go through the motions in conducting … 经济看好:The economy is looking up.区区小数,不成敬意:Our assistance is limited, and it may not be up to your expectations.我们不是哭穷:We are not overstating our penury// We are not complaining about being hard up.讲信义是我们民族的传统:Acting in good faith is a Chinese tradition.我们说话算数,不搞小动作:We say all this in good faith.We do not play petty games/tricks.干部队伍的革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化:To make our rank of cadres more revolutionary, younger, better educated and more competent professionally.个体经济: self-employed// family business 翻牌公司:government-body-turned companies 保值储蓄:inflation-proof savings/ value-guaranteed savings 街道妇女:housewives of the neighbourhood(instead of “street women”)摆门面:to put up an impressive front 歪门邪道的经营作风:unhealthy business practices 计划单列市:cities separately designated in the state plan// cities with a separate budget 牛奶掺水,淡而无味:milk and water 猫哭耗子假慈悲:shed crocodile tears 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮:Three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Zhuge Liang the master mind.恕不找赎:Please tender exact fare 不准换车道:Keep in lane 我一夜未合眼:I lay awake all night.这次,我再也不走了:I will be here for good, this time.不能自圆其说:The explanation is pretty thin.一路上辛苦了。累不累?How was the flight? Have you had a pleasant flight?//

You have had a long flight.向大家介绍一下。。:to brief you on… 外宾服务部(店名):Souvenior Shop 老朋友来了,不见不行: When an old friend comes, I won’t miss the opportunity of meeting him.陷入了进退两难的境地:be trapped in dilemma

每周工作总结英文 篇2

According to Halliday, the adult’s language becomes much more complex and it has to serve many more functions, which are meta-functions, one of which is interpersonal function (Hu, 2007) .Barack Obama, in his addresses, uses the language to set up closer and deeper relationship with voters, create his own image, and influence votes’behavior.Voters are often deeply moved by his speeches.Thus, Obama’s speech can be seen in the full realization of the interpersonal function.His Weekly Radio Address can be analyzed to see the detailed realization in this paper.

2、Literature Review

2.1、Related Studies

Hewes, Roloff, Planalp and Reibold believe that in order to identify key areas of both agreement and controversy in the study of interpersonal communication, they propose such a hierarchy of skills.

Li Zhanzi (2002) points out that pronoun, tense, direct speech, indirect speech, reflective expression and appraisal methods can also show interpersonal function.She suggests that the interpersonal function of language should be studied from different perspectives in different theories.

Each of the theories mentioned above has its merits as well as demerits in dealing with the interaction in speech.This thesis will absorb the merits from these theories to explore the interpersonal function realized in the specific discourse of political public speech.

2.2、Features of Public Political Speech

Political speech here refers to those given by authorities with political purposes in order to influence a certain group of people.From the definition, we may easily infer the features of political speech.The first is the multiple aims, and the other is the power with which the aims are enforced upon the hearers.

In a political speech, power is a prominent feature that deserves our attention, speaking effectively in public is one of the oldest and most powerful weapons.Obvious examples from the last century include Lenin, Churchill, de Gaulle, Castro and Martin Luther King.As politicians, they represented a very wide range of opinions and beliefs.But one thing they all have in common is a quite extraordinary ability to captivate their audiences, inspire crowds and mobilize mass opinions (Atkinson, 1984) .

3、Case Study


Mood is made up of two parts:the“Subject”and the“Finite”element.The subject can be a noun, a noun phrase, or a clause.As subjects, the personal pronouns play an important part.The choice of personal pronouns can not only indicate their existence of the speaker and the listeners but also indicate the speaker’s attitudes and their relationship.In this article, there are 20“we”s, 6“I”s and 2“you”s as the subject.For example,

“That’s why we’re pursuing an all-of-the-above strategy.We’re producing more biofuels, more fuel-efficient cars, more solar power, more wind power.“

The frequent use“we”as subjects can make Obama and the public stand on the same position as if they have common goals, tasks and interests.Besides, “I”can highly identify the identity of Obama as the President of the USA.He, the President, is working hard for the new policy and a happier and more comfortable life of all Americans.Obama tells the public his great effort sincerely with“I”.The publics should be deeply touched.

However, in the sentences“Now, you wouldn’t know it by listening to some of the folks running for office today“, “you”is the subject.It can stress the exit of the audience and make the address more interactive and communicative.

3.2、Modality and Modulation

Halliday believes that modality the speaker’s judgment and prediction toward a statement.Modulation refers to the scale of obligation and inclination in proposals (offers and demands) , where the meaning of the positive and negative poles is prescribing and proscribing.Both obligation and inclination can be expressed in either of the two ways: (1) by finite modal operators; (2) by an expansion of (上接第176页)

the Predicator such as a passive verb or an adjective (Liu, 2007) .

In the article, there are 5“will”s, 3“would”s and 3“can”s.For example,

“You see, in a matter of days, funding will stop for all sorts of transportation projects.Construction sites will go idle.Workers will have to go home.And our economy will take a hit.”

Obama use modal auxiliaries such as“will”, “might”, “would”to express his blueprint and his confidence, determination and persistence to the new policy.He desires to get the support and trust from publics.

In order to promote the ruling ideology and seek public support, Obama use a lot of offers and statements in parallelism in this address, for example,

“Under my Administration, we’re producing more oil than at any other time in the last eight years.We’ve quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs to a record high.And we’ve added enough oil and gas pipeline to circle the entire Earth and then some.Those are the facts.”

Also, in the following sentence, Obama stimulate the public’s with the contrast power of a positive and a negative statement to emphasize his assumption,

“I don’t want to cede these clean energy industries to China or Germany or any other country.I want to see solar panels and wind turbines and fuel-efficient cars manufactured right here in America, by American workers.”

This kind of sentences can appeal to the audience directly, catch their attention and arouse their enthusiasm.In addition, these statements can also weaken the power relationship, so that the speaker and the audience to keep a relationship of equality and mutual trust.The publics believe that their President is working for them wholeheartedly.


This thesis uses Obama’s Weekly Radio Address as an example to demonstrate how interpersonal function is generally realized in a political speech.It is found that Obama makes good use of the complex references of personal pronouns, the ambiguity of the moda auxiliaries, and the various ways to convey imperativeness implicitly to achieve various purposes in his speech.His tactic uses of these linguistic elements have achieved the multiple aims in a speech and also showed his creativity in making a political speech.These factors determine and influence the interpersonal function of language and also meet the communicative function of the language.Thus, the speaker exploits the language to the utmost to achieve his aims.


[1]、Atkinson, M.Our Master’s Voices The Language and Body Language of Politics[M].London:Routledge.1984.

[2]、Bach, K.&Harnish, M.Linguistic Communication and Speech Acts[M].Cambridge/Massachusetts:MIT.1979.

[3]、Halliday, M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Reach Press.2000.



每周工作四小时 篇3


























跟贝克·哈吉斯的“电子复合”管道不一样,另一个昵称为Tim的美国人创建了他命名为“缪斯”的网上商务模式,并且进行了成功的实践,从一个每天工作十四小时年薪四万美元的上班族,变成了每周工作四小时月薪四万美元的“新贵”(New Rich)。


至少在Tim本人和书中所述成功案例的主人公的身上,人类的乌托邦梦想在全球化3.0时代,以一种个人化的方式,通过伊托邦的形式实现了。Tim用了五年时间研究这些“新贵”——全球化3.0时代的亚文化群落,最终写成了这本英文全名为The 4-Hour Workweek:Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich的书。告别朝九晚五,迈入新贵阶层,恐怕是大多数职场中人的梦想,而Live Anywhere,不仅是旅居世界各地,更是“住”在伊托邦——通过移动通信和网络而互联起来的“电子之乡”。



以个人主义为基础,以一种个性化的方式,Tim设计并实现了又一个“美国梦”。Tim所描述的新贵阶层,目前只是全球化3.0时代的亚文化群落,中产阶级仍旧是主流文化人群——在纺锤型的社会阶级/阶层结构中,中产阶级居于纺锤的中间,稳定和保守是他们的最大特征。在Tim笔下,相比于“中产”,新贵是“漂泊者”。新贵并非新贵族,他们不是那些住在城堡里的旧贵族的再生,与上流社会也没什么关系。《每周工作四小时》台湾版将New Rich译为“新富族”,以区别于“新贵族”,但无论是“富”是“贵”,传统的“富贵”已不能定义New Rich?Tim在书中说:“评判标准正在发生变化。固守在一个地方的生活方式将成为中产阶级的定义新标准。而新贵正由一种看不见的力量——并非简单的金钱——下定义:自由的移动。”因为全球化背景下新的工作原则是:想在什么时候,想在什么地点工作都可以,只要完成工作就行。












每周工作总结 篇4






销售每周工作总结 篇5





每周工作总结英文 篇6

【关键词】总结 大学生 日常生活 自我价值


















