


七年级英语参考答案 篇1


这是石家庄市2014—2015学七年级第一学期期末考试英语试卷听力部分。现在是听力试音时间。W: How old are you, Bill? M:I’m twelve.How old are you? W:I’m twelve, too.M: Great, we are the same age.Nice to meet you,Alan.W: Nice to meet you,Bill.试音到此结束。

第一题,听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。下面你将听到5个句子,每个句子读两遍,当你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从所给出的A,B,C三个选项中选出所听到的信息。1.Good morning, Helen!

2.I need a blue sweater for school.3.If you find my key, please call me at 87695.4.The book sounds really interesting.5.I like some milk and bread for breakfast.第二题,听句子,选择最佳答语。下面你将听到5个句子,每个句子读两遍,当你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从所给出的A,B,C三个选项中选择最佳答语。6.Hello, Lucy.How are you? 7.Thank you for your help.8.Can I help you? 9.What’s this in English? 10.How old are you? 第三题,听对话和问题,选择最佳答案。下面你将听到5组对话和5个问题,当你听完第二遍朗读后,从所给出的A,B,C三个选项中选择最佳答案。11.W: What’s your favorite sport? M: Playing basketball, of course.Q: What’s the man’s favorite sport? 12.M: Can I help you? W: Yes, please.I want a dress for the English party.Q: What does the woman want? 13.M: Where is my watch, mom? W: Is it on the desk? M: No, it isn’t.W: Look, it’s on your bed.Q: Where is the watch? 14.M: Mary, you look tired today.W: Well, I had two math classes and one history class in the afternoon.They’re difficult and boring..Q: How many classes does Mary have in the afternoon? 15.W: How much are the socks? M: Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.W: OK, I will take two pairs.Q: How much are two pairs of socks? 第四题,听短文,选择正确答案。下面你将听到两段短文,短文读两遍,当你听完短文的第二遍朗读后,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。


Hello, everyone.Welcome to our Music Club.Our club is on the fourth floor of the Music Building.You can come here every Friday.You will have a lot of interesting things to do here.I hope you can have a great time!Question No.16: Where is the music club? Question No.17.When can we come to the Music Club? 下面请听第二段短文,并回答第18-20小题

My brother Alan is a middle school student.In the morning, he gets up early.After breakfast, he goes to school at 7 o’clock.In the afternoon, he does sports.He likes running best.In the evening, he does his homework after dinner.At about 9:00, he goes to bed.Question No.18.What time does Alan go to school in the morning? Question No.19.What sports does Alan like best? Question No.20.What does Alan do after dinner? 听力测试到此结束,预祝同学们取得好成绩!


1-5: ABCAA


11-15:AACCB 16-20: BCBAB

21-25: ABABD

26-30:ABCBA 31-35:EDCBA

36-40: DAEBC

41-45: ABDBA 46-50: DABCC

51—55 ADBCB 56—60 BCADA

61.A teacher.62.Alan’s father./His father.63.On Mondays/ On Monday 64.5/five 65.他(我的父亲)每天下午都有(上)中文(汉语)课。



68.plays games

69.well 70.May 71.What color is it? 72.My favorite subject is art./ Art is my favorite subject.73.Do you like salad? 74.October is a great month.75.Let’s go swimming.76.(仅供参考)Dear Li Hua,It’s important to keep healthy.I have some advice for you.I think you should often play sports.You can run after school every day.You can also go swimming or play basketball with friends on weekends.Why don’t you eat vegetables and fruits a lot? They are delicious and good for your health.Have a try!And you can be healthy and strong.

七年级英语参考答案 篇2

全国翻译专业资格 (水平) 考试 (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters—CATTI) , 是在国家人力资源和社会保障部指导下, 由中国外文出版发行事业局组织实施与管理的一项翻译水平考试。

全国翻译专业资格 (水平) 考试英语笔译3级考试 (以下简称为CATTI英语笔译3级) , 是具有基本的科学文化知识和一般的双语互译能力, 能完成一般翻译工作的考生参加笔译考试的选择。

翻译是用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整的重新表达出来的活动。 (张培基等, 1980) 译者是从事翻译活动的主体, 而译者本身的主观性及差异性很容易使翻译出现不妥之处, 这是不可避免的。在笔者根据外文出版社发行的全国翻译专业资格 (水平) 考试指定教材《英语笔译实务3级》备考过程中, 发现参考译文存在值得推敲和商榷的地方。笔者以指定教材《英语笔译实务3级》 (2009年版) 第七单元英译汉Impacts of Climatic Changes on Livestock:A Canadian Perspective为例, 对参考译文的语言质量进行评析, 对其中翻译不妥的地方进行阐述, 笔者概括为错译, 漏译, 前后不对应, 翻译不恰当等。


传统人工翻译质量的保障几乎全靠译者自己的知识储备和翻译素养, 翻译易出错, 而互联网四通八达, 内容包罗万象, 现代翻译过程可以利用互联网进行辅助翻译, 降低出错率。“利用电子手段确定普通词语的翻译, 因特网不仅可以帮助我们方便、高效地解决专业词汇问题, 还可以帮助我们确定普通词语的翻译方法, 弥补我们的英语不足。” (李长栓, 2004) 互联网上可以进行辅助的翻译工具种类繁多, “利用电子百科全书查词和平行文本, 电子百科全书 (包括光盘和在线百科全书) 是很方便地查询手段。” (李长栓, 2004) “由于统计机器翻译是在词汇、习语乃至篇章层面针对海量双语平行语料的挖掘, 因而比基于规则的传统机器翻译质量更高, 译文更地道建, 设效率也更高。” (岑秀文, 2013) 本文利用互联网电子手段, 部分内容通过电子百科全书查词以及双语平行语料检索和对比, 对参考译文进行语言质量评析, 并进行示例分析并改译。

2.1 错译

1) 原文:Furthermore, the lack of electricity made it difficult to provide adequate barn ventilation and heating, thereby making the animals more susceptible to illness. (第5段, 本文下划线均为笔者便于讨论所加)

参译:此外, 缺电还容易导致谷仓通风不畅, 供暖不足, 使奶牛易于患病。

分析:此处“barn”被翻译为“谷仓”, 结合上下文, 可知本段是在说明电力供应中断对畜牧业的不利影响。“谷仓”的翻译生硬, 与上下文联系脱节, 根据柯林斯英汉双解大词典的释义, barn:N-COUNT A barn is a building on a farm in which animals, animals food, or corps can be kept.字典释义很清楚, 所以, 笔者建议翻译为“牛棚”或“畜棚”。

改译:此外, 缺电还容易导致牛棚通风不畅, 供暖不足, 使奶牛易于患病。

2) 原文:For the 2002 season, it was predicted that many pastures would be unable to support any grazing, while others would be reduced to 20-30%of normal herd capacity. (第4段)

参译:2002年曾有人预言, 许多草原将不能再放牧, 而其他草原的正常放牧能力也将下降20-30%。

分析:笔者认为本句的翻译存在不妥之处, “for the 2002season”不应像指定教材参考译文说的是预言发生的时间, 而应是草原不能放牧的时间, 而且参考译文中“season”也没有翻译出来, 所以, 笔者认为应将此句进行修改。

改译:曾有人预言, 在2002年的放牧季, 许多草原将不能再放牧, 而其他草原的正常放牧能力也将下降20-30%。

2.2 漏译

3) 原文:It is estimated that a doubling of atmospheric CO2would increase grassland productivity by an average of 17%, with greater increases projected for colder regions and moisture-limited grassland system. (第3段)

参译:据估计, 大气中二氧化碳浓度翻一番, 草场产量就会平均增长17%, 在较冷的地区和湿度较低的草场上增长率更高。

分析:参译中“projected”一词没有被译出, 属于翻译中的漏译情况, 而且本句中推测的语气多多少少会被弱化掉, 建议加上, 使译文与原文意思与语气更加贴近。

改译:据估计, 大气中二氧化碳浓度翻一番, 草场产量就会平均增长17%, 在较冷的地区和湿度较低的草场上增长率预计会更高。

2.3 前后译法不对应

4) 原文1:Temperature is generally considered to be the most important bio climatic factor for livestock. (第2段)

参译1:对家畜而言, 气温通常是最为重要的生物气候因素。

原文2:Warmer temperatures are expected to present both benefits and challenges to livestock operations. (第2段)

参译2:温度较高对家畜业既有益处, 也有风险。

分析:“temperature”一词, 参译中, 既有“气温”的译法, 也有“温度”的译法, 两种译法并存, 略显译文混乱, 笔者建议规范和统一说法, 避免同一词汇前后翻译不对应的情况, 以便读者理解。

5) 原文:Temperature is generally considered to be the most important bio climatic factor for livestock. (第2段)

参译:对家畜而言, 气温通常是最为重要的生物气候因素。

分析:原文是关于气候变化对家畜养殖的影响, 参译中既有“家畜”的说法, 也有“牲畜”的用法, 如, “然而在夏季, 温度上升的风险就会凸现, 热浪可能置牲畜于死地。” (第2段) “除了对牲畜的直接影响外, 暴风雨会导致电力供应中断。” (第2段) 在译文中, “家畜”和“牲畜”说法混乱, 不易于读者理解, 笔者建议, 在翻译时应统一说法为“家畜”或“牲畜”。

2.4 翻译用词不恰当

6) 原文:Challenges would increase during the summer, however, when heat waves can kill animals. (第2段)

参译:然而在夏季, 温度上升的风险就会凸现, 热浪可能置牲畜于死地。

分析:根据新华字典解释, “凸现”有清楚地显现的意思。而“increase”在柯林斯英汉双解大词典中释义为, V-T/V-I If something increases or you increase it, it becomes greater in number, level, or amount.“凸现”与原文“increase”意思上有出入, 不是非常切合, 所以, 笔者建议采用“增加”的意思, 更具体, 更明白直接, 更有利于理解。

改译:然而在夏季, 温度上升的风险就会增加, 热浪可能置牲畜于死地。

7) 原文:For example, a study conducted in Appalachia found that a 5 increase in mean summer temperature caused a 10%decrease in cow, calf and dairy operations. (第2段)

参译:如阿巴拉契亚地区的一项研究表明, 夏季平均气温上升5摄氏度, 会导致奶牛、肉牛和奶制品产业产值减少10%。

分析:此处“calf”翻译为“肉牛”笔者认为翻译不太妥当。维基百科对“calf”的释义为, Calves are the young of domestic cattle.Calves are reared to become adult cattle, or are slaughtered for their meat, called veal, and for their calfskin.而百度百科中, 肉牛即肉用牛, 是一类以生产牛肉为主的牛。肉牛的特点是:体躯丰满、增重快、饲料利用率高、产肉性能好, 肉质口感好。通过对比“calf”和“肉牛”的释义, 笔者发现两者之间存在意思上的不对等情况, 如果翻译成“肉牛”, 中国读者的理解易跟原文产生歧义, 鉴于此, 笔者建议此处“calf”应翻译为“牛幼崽”。

改译:如阿巴拉契亚地区的一项研究表明, 夏季平均气温上升5摄氏度, 会导致奶牛、牛幼崽和奶制品产业产值减少10%。

8) 原文:Provided there is adequate moisture, warmer temperatures and elevated CO2 concentrations are generally expected to increase growth rates in grasslands and pastures. (第3段)

参译:假设湿度适宜, 较高的气温和二氧化碳的浓度通常会提高草场和草原的生长率。

分析:“Adequate”一词在柯林斯英汉双解大词典中的释义为, Adequate, ADJ If something is adequate, there is enough of it to meet a purpose.新华字典中, 适宜含有“合适, 相宜”的意思。在大部分对话中表达的意思是“恰当的, 不超过心理预期度的, 与某事不冲突的, 相吻合的”, 常用搭配为气候适宜。“适宜”与“adequate”意思上仍然有差距, 笔者建议“adequate”此句中直接翻译为“充足”即可, 便于读者理解, 更符合习惯用法。

改译:假设湿度充足, 较高的气温和二氧化碳的浓度通常会提高草场和草原的生长率。

3 结语

全国翻译专业资格 (水平) 考试作为评定翻译水平的一项重要考试, 在全国影响颇深, 其指定教材的语言质量也同样会对未来翻译人才的知识和思维产生影响。

笔者以《英语笔译实务3级》第七单元参考译文为例, 多次对比揣摩原文与参考译文, 把其中语言质量问题归纳概括为, 错译, 漏译, 前后不对应, 翻译不恰当等问题, 并通过互联网翻译工具, 百科全书查词和双语平行语料检索为辅助尝试进行分析和改译, 以帮助提高参考译文的语言质量, 使指定教材更规范化。

译者是翻译活动的主体, 译者的思维和知识储备等主观性因素也在翻译活动中发挥重要作用, 错译和翻译不妥之处在所难免。翻译学习过程, 不仅是一个单向输入的过程, 也应该发现问题, 修改错误, 实现翻译学习过程的双向互动。


[1]卢敏.全国翻译专业资格 (水平) 考试指定教材英语笔译实务3级[M].北京:外文出版社, 2009.

[2]李长栓.非文学翻译理论与实践[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2004.

七年级英语参考答案 篇3

Step 1 (for section A)

Ⅰ. 1. beef2. medium3. kind4. small

5. help6. juice7. bowl8. would; tea

9. reason 10. Friday

Ⅱ. 1~5 DABDA 6~10 BBCDA

Ⅲ. 1~5 BDBAA 6~8 BDB

Step 2 (for section B)

Ⅰ. 1. a large bowl of noodles2. telephone number 3. a bowl of tomato soup 4. a cup of green tea

5. a piece of beef 6. 一些特色菜

7. 多大碗的8. 想做某亊 9. 什么种类的

10. ……的理由

Ⅱ. 1~5 DCBCC 6~10 CBBCD

Ⅲ. 1~5 DBCDD 6~10 BCCBA

Ⅳ. 1. different2. countries3. twelve

4. each5. dumplings6. with

7. Everyone8. new 9. dont10. life

Step 3 (for Self Check)

Ⅰ. 1. large 2. juice3. would4. soup

5. dumplings6. medium 7. beef

8. potatoes 9. chickens; chicken

10. ordered



Step 4 能力拓展专版

Ⅰ. 1~5 BBCAB

Ⅱ. 1~5 BACAA6~10 BBACB

11~15 DCBBC

Ⅲ. 1. drinking 2. family 3. even 4. make

5. kinds6. Sometimes7. money

8. favorite 9. quite 10. with

【新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 9 Step by Step随堂通】

Step 1(for Section A)

Ⅰ. 1. What did; did her homework

2. Did; clean; did; When did; clean

3. How was; played computer games

Ⅱ. 1. speak2. playing3. reading4. swimming

5. cleaned6. watched7. is8. Dont turn

Ⅲ. 1~5 DBCAA6~10 CCDBB

Step 2(for Section B)

Ⅰ. 1. watched TV2. played tennis

3. went to the movies4. went to the mountains

5. played chess6. had a party

Ⅱ. 1~5 CCCBD6~10 BDABD

Ⅲ. 1~5 CBADA6~10 CACCD

Step 3 (for Self-check)

Ⅰ. 1. homework 2. clean3. enjoy4. movies

5. played6. geography7. busy

8. went 9. reading 10. watched

Ⅱ. 1. think; likes; stay; home2. sat; for

3. Last; went; with4. How was; It

5. does; night6. is; kind of7. wants; an

Ⅲ. 1. had2. was3. had4. got5. went

Ⅳ. 1. for2. left 3. afraid4. took

5. minutes6. paper7. there8. another

9. place 10. said

Step 4 能力拓展专版

Ⅰ. 1~5 CBCCB

Ⅱ. 1. 各自付账。

2. Playing a joke on me. / 戏弄我。

3. 24. In the first circle, 56+79 divided by 5=27.

The same formula applies to circles two and three.

4. F. Because they represent the places First,

Second, Third and Fourth.

5. CZ.

【新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 8单元要点检测题参考答案及录音稿】

Ⅰ. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,读一遍。 (每小题1分,共5分)

Text 1 Id like some cabbages, mutton and dumplings, please.

Text 2 I dont like ice cream, cabbages or oranges.

Text 3 What size and what kind of drink would you


Text 4 I want to order some food, please.

Text 5 We have two great new specials.

Ⅱ. 听五段小对话,找出问题的正确答语。每段对话


Text 6Can I help you?

Text 7What kind of noodles would you like?

Text 8What size bowl of dumplings would you like?

Text 9Whats your address?

Text 10Whats your phone number?

Ⅲ. 听下面两段大对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从



听第11段对话, 回答第11至12小题。

Text 11

M: Can I help you?

W: Yes. Id like a large bowl of noodles.

M: And what kind of noodles would you like?

W: Id like beef and broccoli noodles.

听第12段对话, 回答第13至15小题。

Text 12

M: Hello, House of Dumplings!

W: Hello! I want to order some food, please.

M: Sure.

W: Id like beef and onions, please.

M: Uh-huh.

W: And fourteen dumplings.

M: What kind of dumplings would you like?

W: Mutton and cabbage dumplings, please.

M: OK. Anything else?

W: Oh, yes. Id like some soup.

M: OK. What kind of soup would you like?

W: Tomato soup.

M: Is that all?

W: Yes.

M: Thatll be RMB 56.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选出最佳答案。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

Text 13

At the House of Noodles we have some great specials! Special 1 has beef and tomatoes, and is just RMB 12 for 16. Special 2 is only RMB 8, and has onions and chicken. Coca-cola is only RMB 2 for each glass. The noodle and hotdog lunch special is RMB 7. Come and get your great noodles today! Our number is 86457939!


11~15 ACBCA16~20 BCACB

21. order22. kinds23. specials24. juice25. green

26. porridge27. number28. address29. medium30. bowl

31~35 DDBCB36~40 BADCB41~45 DACEB

46. is47. to eat48. has49. drinks50. potato

51~55 BAAAA56~60 CCCAC

61~65 BDBCD66~70 BADCC

71. dinner72. nine73. bread74. milk75. tea

76. First77. vegetables78. fruit79. like80. middle

One possible version:

What kind of dessert would you like? At our Desert House we have some great new specials! Strawberry and banana ice cream special is just RMB 10 for 15. Special 2 is only RMB 8 for 15, and has apple and orange ice cream. Orange juice drinks are only RMB 2. The cake and ice cream special is RMB 11. Come and get your desserts today!

【新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 9单元要点检测题参考答案及录音稿】

Ⅰ. 听录音,选出你所听到的图片,读一遍。(每小题


Text 1 Lucy went swimming last weekend.

Text 2 My sister played computer games last Saturday.

Text 3 My good friend Ann is reading an English book.

Text 4 I played soccer with my friends yesterday


Text 5 Tony was ill yesterday. He went to see a doctor.

Ⅱ. 听五段小对话,找出问题的正确答语。每段对话


Text 6

M: What did you do last weekend, Emma?

W: I went to the mountains.

Q: Where did Emma go last weekend?

Text 7

M:How was your weekend, Sarah?

W: It was pretty good.

Q: How was Sarahs weekend?

Text 8

M: What was the weather like yesterday?

W: It was rainy. But its sunny and hot today.

Q: What was the weather like yesterday?

Text 9

M: How was your weekend, Carol?

W: It wasnt very good. I stayed at home all day.

Q: How was the girlsweekend?

Text 10

W: What did your friends do, Jim?

M: Sorry, I dont know.

Q: What did Jimsfriends do?

Ⅲ. 听下面两段大对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从



听第11段对话, 回答第11至13小题。

Text 11

M: What did you do last Sunday, Sally?

W: I watched TV and did my homework. What about

you, Jim?

M: I visited my grandfather in the morning. In the

afternoon I went to the library to read some books.

W: What book did you read?

M: Harry Potter.

W: Oh, thats my favorite.

听第12段对话, 回答第14至15小题。

Text 12

W: How was your weekend, Tony?

M: It was great.

W: What did you do last weekend?

M: On Saturday morning, I did my homework. On

Saturday afternoon, I studied for the math test. On

Sunday afternoon, I went to the movies with my


Ⅳ. 听短文,选出最佳答案。读两遍。(每小题1分,


Text 13

It was a fine day yesterday. Jim and his friends went to the park. There were a lot of people in the park. They played games in the park. After that, they went shopping. Jim got a new pencil case. Tom didnt get anything. Bob got a lot of food. Li Ping got some fruit. Emma got a beautiful hat. And Lucy got some picture books. They had a happy Sunday.


11~15 ACABC16~20 BCCBA

21. because22. sat23. mountains24. spend

25. middle 26. talk27. had28. wrote29. songs

30. visit

31~35 ABBAC36~40 BDCAD

41. What did42. How was43. did; go

44. didnt clean 45. to have

46~50 BCADB51~55 AABBB

56~60 BDACA61~65 DDBAB

66. sunny67. playing68. went 69. enjoy70. next

71. boring 72. helped73. had 74. walk 75. him

One possible version:

Last Saturday, Sally had a busy day. But it was not very bad. On Saturday morning, she got up early and did some morning exercises. Then she did her homework. On Saturday afternoon, she helped her parents to do some housework. After that, she watched TV at home. On Saturday evening, she went out to have pizza with her friends. She had a good time.

【新目标英语七年级(下)Units 8~9阶段测试题参考答案】

Ⅰ. A)1. shopping2. height3. potatoes4. specials

5. stayed

B)6. geography 7. wrote8. test9. spend

10. practices

Ⅱ. 11~15 DCDAD 16~20 ABBAD

21~25 BBCCD26~30 BCAAD

Ⅲ. 31~35 BCDCA 36~40 BCDBC

Ⅳ. 41~45 BDBCC 46~50 BCADC

Ⅴ. 51. restaurants52. ask53. wait 54. themselves

55. out56. window57. through58. cars

59. popular60. busy

Ⅵ. One possible version:

George had a very busy weekend last week.

On Saturday morning, he cleaned his room and washed his clothes. He did his homework on Saturday afternoon. He visited his aunt on Saturday evening.

七年级英语参考答案 篇4


第一节 听音辨图

1.My favourite animal is the panda.2.Miss Li is our English teacher.3.I usually play football after school.4.His grandfather is watching TV now.第二节 情景反应

5.Would you like to come to my party? 6.What color is it? 7.Hello, Li Lei.8.Spell your name, please.9.What’s this in English? 10.What’s her name? 第三节 对话理解

11.M: Hi, Linda!Where’s your friend from? W: She’s from France.Q: Where is Linda’s friend from? 12.W: Excuse me!Is there a dining hall in your school?

M: Oh, yes.It’s in front of the library.Q: Where’s the dining hall? 13.W: Bob, what does your uncle do?

M: He’s a policeman.W: Where does he work?

M: At the police station.Q: Where does Bob’s uncle work? 14.M: What are you doing, Lily?

W: I’m cleaning the house.Q: What is Lily doing? 15.W: Tony, what day is it today? M: Monday.Q: What day is it tomorrow? 第四节 语篇理解

七年级暑假作业参考答案 篇5

作业1 七上 StarterUnits 1-3参考答案: 音标专项训练: I.答案略


2.zoo 3.tea

4.bike 5.red 6.map 7.big 8.late III.1.A 2.B

3.B 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.B 作业2 七上 Unit1参考答案: 基础达标:


2.phone 3.zero



6.eight II.1-5 CDCAD III.1.What’s her 2.What’s her 3.His name 4.Is your 5.is not

6.Yes is 7.No, aren’t

8.the name of Ⅳ.1.telephone number is 2.your phone No isn’t 3.ID card 4.am Nice to meet 5.What’s a key

6.My name 7.What’s his 8.telephone number

V.1.years 2.is 3.eleven 4.my

5.friends 能力提升: 1-5CAABC

6-10 DDCBA 作业3 七上 Unit2参考答案: 基础达标: I.读音写词

1.father.2.Mother.3.parents.4.cousin, daughter.5.photo, family.6.picture.II用所给词的适当形式填空

are 2.Those

3.first 4.are

5.parents Ⅲ.改写句子

These ,are 2.Who, are 3.Are ,your 4.This ,isn’t 5.Yes , it 6.Who 7.These are 8.Father, mother.Ⅳ.完成句子

your, son 2.My , a 3.These, are 4.Those, are

5.These , brother


Those , parents.8.He’s,brother V.选词并用其适当形式填空


2.parents 3.Those


5.Is 能力提升:C C B D C 七上 Unit3参考答案 基础达标

I 1.these 2.His 3.dictionary 4.Excuse 5.Thank 6.notebook II 1.my Her 2.not her 3.his, his 4.that a 5.you his 6-10 CCBAB Ⅲ 1.What’s that 2.Is your it is mine 3.It isn’t 4.How do you spell 5.It is not her ruler.6.Those are watches 7.How is 8.What’s this Ⅳ 1.your pencil it is It’s my pencil 2.your ring it isn’t It’s his ring 3.What’s this It’s an orange 4.How do you spell 5.call at 6.a set of keys 7.Ask for 8.ID school card V Keys are Are your me 能力提升任务型阅读

1.Many Chinese people eat three meals a day./ Three.2.have/eat, for 3.lunch , tea 4.C 5 开放性试题,答案不唯 作业5 七上 Unit 4参考答案: 基础达标:


2.photos 3.friends



6.room II.1-5.BAAAC

III.1.Is not 2.Is my 3.Where are 4.is on 5.That is

6.I don’t know her phone number.7.I need my notebook 8.Can you bring the key to your brother? Ⅳ.1.Is under 2.Where are 3.are everywhere 4.model hers 5.are on 6.need don’t know

7.bring to

V.1.are 2.has 3.to find 4.help

5.asks 能力提升:完形填空:CADBC ADBCD 作业6 七上 Unit 5参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1.sounds 2.volleyball 3.same

4.love, with 5.sports, them

6.only 7.boring 8.difficult II.1—7: A D B A C C 8.good 9.friends 10.play III.1.don’t have 2.doesn’t have

3.they do, they don’t 4.Does have 5.Where do, do your

6.play soccer with 7.difficult for me 9.The computer game is difficult.Ⅳ.1.Do have 2.don’t have, but does 3.has two, four volleyballs 4.with classmates after class 5.Let’s play

6.don’t have 7.sounds relaxing 8.the same

V.1.has 2.tennis 3.doesn’t 4.play

5.watches 能力提升: A B C D ,擅长 七上 Unit6参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1.burgers 2.healthy 3.tomatoes 4.bread 5.strawberries 6.sure II.1.eat 2.are 3.has 4.Does like


6.doesn’t run



III.1.Does have

2.don’t like or 3.What do like 4.have brothers 5.That’s an 6.How about 7.She likes bananas for dinner.8.My parents want me to eat some healthy food.Ⅳ.1.to be so 2.plays basketball well 3.What do 4.have week 5.sounds boring 6.after dinner 7.Do pears don’t 8.likes carrots tomatoes 9.For breakfast eggs bananas apples V.1.calls.worked 3.is 4.to see

5.won 能力提升: 1.zoo 2.food 3.three 4.don’t think right 5.首先,动物园是人们能看到世界各地很多不同种类的动物的地方。

作业8 七上 Unit7参考答案:

I.1.Much2.dollars3.come 4.clothes 5.sell

6.pair Ⅱ

1-9 BCADD 6-10 CACA Ⅲ 1.Doesn’t 2.What do you 3.What can do for 4.How much? 5.The blue sweater is sever dollars

6.How much

7.at very good prices Ⅳ.1.How much 2.color T-shirt 3.Can help

4.love green.How much

5.looks nice

6.take it

7.one pair two pairs Ⅴ 1.sells 2.has 3.are 4.need 5.Come Ⅵ

CAC BDBDACB 作业9 七上 Unit8参考答案: 基础达标:

Ⅰ 1. February




5.festival 6.first Ⅱ 1.son’s



4.to buy


Ⅲ 1.don’t have

2.When is

3.enjoy yourself

4.see you

5.Do you want to come to my birthday party? 6.How old

7.When do have 8.What’s date

Ⅳ 1.June 28thDo like book sale I do when is

thirteen years old

thirteenth birthday

4.School Day on

5.Is first it is

6.an art festival

7.art music

8.really busy Ⅴ 1.Children’s




5.students’ 能力提升

1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 作业10 七上 Unit 9参考答案: 基础达标:


2.because 3.science



6.useful II.1.was born 2.began was

3.to learn


5.B III.1.is science

2.What is favorite subject

3.don’t think is

4.favorite subject English

5.when do have 6.Why do like 7.Her favorite teacher is Mr.Smith.8.for helping.Ⅳ.1.What favourite subject 2.My favourite subject 3.Why like fun 4.Who

5.Why 6.the next day Saturday

7.difficult interesting

8.have for two 9.for sure V.1.studies 2.to learn 3.gets 4.clean

5.does 能力提升:1.others 2.ask for more food and forget to turn off the lights。3 We can’t use anything and cant move.4.我认为我们应该对每天浪费东西的同学说不。5.Waste

作业11 七下Unit1参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1.join 2.sing 3.speak 4.drawing


6.write II.1.play 2.to join


4.to tell

5.speak III.1.can not 2.Does your want to 3.What club does want 4.helps learn/ study 5.Can play or

6.What can play 7.but he can’t 8.Are you good with the old people? Ⅳ.1.good with 2.tell you stories make friends 3.wants to join

4.help with 5.What sports

6.Let’s join 7.Are busy 8.on the weekend 9.needs help to teach V.1.kind 2.can 3.violin 4.with

5.join 能力提升: CBADB ACDCA 作业12 七下 Units 2参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1.homework 2.usually 3.exercise



6.o’clock II.1.has



4.to eat/eating

5.sister’s III.1.Can do 2.What time does go 3.doesn’t do 4.What do 5.take to

6.Where does have 7.When do you usually play chess with your friends ? Ⅳ.1.at about 2.to get 3.family has 4.What time take a walk 5.healthy likes eat

6.brush teeth 7.at 8.play sports for

9.radio station V.1.has 2.walk 3.takes 4.from 5.tired 能力提升: CBDBA 作业13 七下 Unit3参考答案


I 1.take, 2.train, 3.river 4.boat 5.bridge 6.between II 1-5 DADCD 6-10 BCCCA Ⅲ.1.Does have 2.How far from 3.How long does take your 4.takes to do 5.takes the bus to 6.How to 7.walking to 8.Ti is their dream to have a bridge.Ⅳ 1.How does get

takes the bus.2.between and 3.come true 4.an eight-year-old 5.is afraid of 6.is easy to 7.far is from V 1.speak 2.swimming 3.watches 4.is waiting 5.go 能力提升任务型阅读

1.One 2.B


4.People usually have a good time during the festival.5.B 作业14七下 Unit 4参考答案: 基础达标:


2.noisy 3.practice




6.after III.1.Don’t play 2.Does have 3.Keep quiet

4.enjoy themselves 5.don’t

has 6.Don’t play 7.What do 8.went by Ⅳ.1.Don’t be 2.listen to 3.too many 4.make rules

5.wear school

6.talk about 7.has to

8.finish by V.动词填空:are, make, Don’t, run, work 能力提升:ACBCA DABDC 作业15 七下 Unit5参考答案: 基础达标:


2.Australia 3.sleeps



II.1.interesting 2.to eat




6.first III.1.Does like 2.What animals 3.kind of 4.does come 5.Why not see

6.Why you 7.What do 8.Why don’t you see the pandas first? Ⅳ.1.cut down 2.get lost 3.to save 4.comes from 5.helps with 6.for a long time 7.remember places with 8.symbol good luck

V.1.because 2.beautiful 3.China 4.to play

5.quiet 能力提升: ACBAD 作业16 七下Unit6参考答案:


I.1.host 2.Dragon 3.living 4.studying 5.wish 6.clean II.1.is swimming 2.Do 3.playing

4.helps 5.is sleeping

6.have 7.C

8.C III.1.Is she reading 2.What is doing 3.Why do 4isn’t watching 5.doesn’t want 6.more than having fun 8.Steve is listening to music in his bedroom.9.My father sleeps eight hours every night.Ⅳ.1.is reading 2.is drinking tea 3.Are walking 4.is boring Let’s go to the 5.a photo Mary’s family

6.sounds good 7.are talking to/with 8.making friends

9.is going help with/study V.1.are playing 2.is running 3.look 4.are 5.talk 能力提升:1.C 2,F3.three/3 4.在第一张照片里,他和家人正在吃饭。5.Yes,I do./No, I don’t.作业17 七下Unit7参考答案:


I.读音写词 weather 2.doing 3.visiting II用所给词的适当形式填空/单选.1.is snowing ,2.to visit,3.to help,4.speaking 改写句子

1.aren’t sitting2.What are doing3.to learn4.How’s the weather like in Jinan5.The weather is hot and cloudy.完成句子

1.How’s going 2.take a message for 3.are playing basketball4.How weather sunny5.tell call back.No, problem V选词并用其适当形式填空 watching, swim ,is, take ,write 完形填空

BABDB BDBCD 作业18 七下Unit8参考答案:


Ⅰ1.supermarket 2.street 3.money 4.spend

5.around 6.crossing Ⅱ1.is

2.looking after 3.riding 4.Mary’s


Ⅲ 1.between…and….Are any

3.in front of

4.How does go

5.Where is

6.lots of

7.in front of

8.the way to Ⅳ 1.How many are there

2.Turn left

3.To get to

4.clean air sunshine5.time goes quickly.6.along across from

7.the way to

8.turn right on Ⅴ 1.are 2.supermarkets



5.goes 能力提升 阅读理解:





5.D 作业19八上 Units 9-10参考答案:



2.another 3.differently



6.medium II.1.height 2.singing, singer



5.friendly III.1.Does have 2.What does look like 3.isn’t tall thin 4.has straight blonde hair 5.the same as

6.What is 7.his brother is of medium build.8.Is tall or short Ⅳ.1.of medium height 2.long straight hair 3.tall or short 4.look like 5.medium build 6.long straight brown 7.Do have 8.medium build good at playing V.1.am 2.wear 3.play 4.popular

5.funny 能力提升 任务型阅读

1.playing basketball 2.Hong Kong

English 3.She has black hair and black eyes.4.你能找到我吗? 我是那个戴眼镜的男孩。5.There are seven.作业20七下 基础达标:

I.1.specials 2.order 3.bowl



6.popular II.1.is



4.to drink 5.is III.1.Would, like, any 2.What would 3.doesn’t like, or 4.would like to 5.with chicken

6.What kind of, do 7.What size bowl of, would

8.No, there isn’t Ⅳ.1.May, take, order

2.would, like, or, pancake

3.some good specials 4.a large bowl of noodles

5.mutton, potato

6.also, some ,with 7.What size 8.kind, noodles V.1.adress 2.chickens 3.large 4.porridge

5.dumplings 能力提升: D A C A B B D Unit10参考答案:

作业21 七下 Unit11参考答案: 基础达标: excellent 2 feed 3 pick 4 interested 5 museum 6 expensive 1 were 2 rained watched 3 went 4 climbed 5 have 1 didn’t have any or 2 did see any 3 how was your 4 what did do 5 when did clean 6 grew last year 7 I didn’t 8 I didn’t know they could play chess with us.I.1 did his last night 2 how was trip last 3 did take any photos 4 gift shop expensive 5 everything about 6 all in all an exciting 7 quite a lot of 8 didn’t at all II.Was slept got went relaxing III D B A A D 作业22 七下 Unit12参考答案:


I.1.camped 2.sheep 3.language 4.natural 5.forest 6.beach

II.1.to watch 2.lost 3.flew 4.relaxing


III.1.Did have any

2.didn’t do 3.When did 4.How was 5.didn’t have 6.wrote 7.had fun 8.It’s to Ⅳ.1.shouted at/to 2.with over 3.so that 4.made a fire 5.up and down 6.studied for 7.It’s interesting to 8.stays up V.1.visited 2.to see 3.drank 4.sleeping

5.moved 能力提升: 1.独自,单独2.D 3.One evening,Bill doesn’t come to the restaurant.4.他没有接电话。5.B 作业23上Unit1&Unit2参考答案

基础达标:I.1.anywhere 2.wonderful

3.dislike 4.least

5.almost 6.comedy II.1.came




5.teachers, students 6.twice 7.read III.spent 20 yuan buying

2.Did your family and you visit some places of interest.3.How often

4.How many hours does 5.Does have any

6.We didn’t do our homework 7.What does do IV.1.Nearly no

2.Staying up

3.such that

4.decided to take the train 5.looks great

from the top of the mountain

6.hour later stopped drank 7.playing basketball 能力提升:1.likes 2.will become

七年级英语参考答案 篇6

一、1(3)不能变更的话叫诺言。诚恳劝告的话叫忠言。临别勉励的话叫赠言。写在书前的话叫序言。温和委婉的话叫婉言 2有关龙的成语:龙腾虎跃 龙飞凤舞 龙凤呈祥


2.千万不要去招惹龙, 无论你是什么 名言警句:1.恶龙但怕地头蛇 2.是龙到处行雨

奋斗说:人生就是与风浪搏斗的那双撸; 勤劳说:人生就是耕耘大自然的那头牛; 困难说:人生就是那条坎坷曲折的山路; 挫折说:人生就是那在暗礁中行进的船; 4略 5 这句话的意思是:应当用“而”的地方而(却)不用“而”,不应该用“而”的地方而(却)而(用)“而”,而(像)现在这样用法,日后也而(这样),你的水平也就不过已而(如此)已而(而已)了。6关于雪的诗句: 王维《观猎》草枯鹰眼疾,雪尽马蹄轻 卢纶《塞下曲》欲将轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀 王安石《梅花》:墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开。遥知不是雪,为有暗香来。柳宗元:《江雪》: 孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。刘长卿《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》:柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》:山回路转不见君,雪上空留马行处。7(1)猜谜语 1.二画大,二画小(打一字)秦 2.短一些,再短一些(打一字 此 3.劈岩移山,修田植柳:石榴 4黄瓷瓶,口儿小,瓶里装着红珠宝,只能吃,不能戴,又酸又甜味道好。(打一物或果实名)


(2)1..约十二时(打一姓氏):许 2.舌头没有了(打一姓氏):古 3.后弈介绍拿手功夫(打一姓氏):谢 4.上面小山,下面才是山(打一姓氏):岳 5.多一画教书,少一画带兵(打一姓氏): 帅 师 6.头在水里游,为在天上发光(打一姓氏):鲁 7.左边绿,右边红;右边怕水,左边怕风(打一姓氏):秋(3)茶

二、1(1)略(2)例:人而无信,不知其可。人如果不诚实,不知道他还有什么事可以做好。(3)略 2 成语故事

(只答案)(1)大意:燕国寿陵小子学习赵国本事,却把自己的本事丢了。成语:邯郸学步含义:不要盲目的学习别人的东西(2)大意:珠宝用精致的盒子装着,商人买下了盒子却还回了珠宝。成语:买椟还珠含义:形容目光短浅,取舍不当之人(3)大意:剑掉入湖中,却在舟上做记号,舟行.剑不行,剑就丢了。成语:刻舟求剑含义:世上的事物总是不断发展变化的。3哲理故事 《负担》感悟:人不能目光短浅,不要只看眼前的利益而忘了今后的发展.还要时常变化,不能只针对一种事物。4感悟读书《常读常新的人鱼公主》(1)8岁时读出了人鱼公主的惨痛






三、1 略 2:“府上”、“尊”都是对人的父亲的敬称,用在老鼠上,太可笑了。“尊”字代表对人的恭敬钦佩,用在一个搞破坏的老鼠身上讥讽效果自然出来。


七年级英语参考答案 篇7

Step 1

Ⅰ. 1. vocabulary 2. aloud

3. quickly 4. differently

5. knowledge 6. memorizing

7. frustrating 8. pronounce

Ⅱ. 1~5 DBCBA 6~10 BABAB

Step 2

Ⅰ. 1. challenge 2. term

3. afraid 4. trouble

5. secrets 6. learners

7. realize 8. mistakes

Ⅱ. 1~5 ADDDB 6~10 AABBA

Ⅲ. 1. regards... as...2. ends up

3. deal with 4. Taking notes

5. laugh at

Step 3

Ⅰ. 1. soft 2. duty

3. friendship 4. solve

5. Unless 6. influence

7. regards或regarded

8. facing 9. easily

10. disagreements

Ⅱ. 1~5 CABDA 6~8 CBD

Ⅲ. 1. goes by 2. be angry with

3. to look up 4. is afraid to

5. makes mistakes

Step 4

Ⅰ. 1. Because they think English is difficult.

2. To be interested in English.

3. Because the writers teacher often teaches them nice English songs.

4. Listen to the teacher carefully, speak bravely, read aloud and have a good vocabulary. Then practice again and again.

5. No, he/ she doesnt.

Ⅱ. 1. exercise 2. visit

3. health 4. better

5. example 6. stay

7. last 8. lose

9. drop 10. result

【新目标英语九年级Unit 2 STEP BY STEP随堂通】

Step 1

Ⅰ. 1. admire 2. dessert

3. pounds 4. garden

5. relatives

Ⅱ. 1. tie 2. laid

3. stranger 4. stole

5. treating

Ⅲ. 1~5 BCGFA

Ⅳ. 1~5 BDACD

Step 2

Ⅰ. 1. What a wonderful time

2. How amazing

3. that; would

4. if/ whether; was

5. light travels faster

Ⅱ. 1. care about 2. think of

3. end up 4. remind; of

5. wakes up

Ⅲ. 1~5 ABCBA

Step 3

Ⅰ. 1. presents 2. lies

3. novel 4. business

5. punished 6. dead

7. nobody 8. warns

9. warmth 10. spreading

Ⅱ. 1~5 ABDDC

Step 4

Ⅰ. 1. read between the lines

2. gives birth to

3. gave out

4. not only; but also

5. not to treat them

Ⅱ. 1. celebrate 2. other

3. popular 4. trick

5. Sounds 6. wearing

7. neighbors 8. ask

9. candies 10. fun/ funny

Ⅲ. 1~5 ADBCD

【新目标英语九年级Unit 3 STEP BY STEP随堂通】

Step 1

Ⅰ. 1. escalator 2. exchange

3. blocks 4. convenient

5. furniture

Ⅱ. 1. to get 2. to go

3. to eat/ for eating4. earliest

5. largest

Ⅲ. 1~5 ACDBD 6~8 ACC

Ⅳ. 1. out 2. Where

3. hanging 4. isnt

5. disagree 6. place

7. happening 8. watch

9. advantages 10. money

Step 2

Ⅰ. 1. goes 2. to drink

3. is watering 4. are made

5. will visit/ am visiting/ am going to visit

6. was produced7. has worked

8. were talking

Ⅱ. 1. 给某人打电话 2. 存钱去做某事

3. 更喜欢做…… 4. 打扮

5. 休闲的好地方

6. get some information about...

7. spend too much money doing sth.

8. no longer 9. hang out

10. be interested in...

Ⅲ. 1~5 ABCAD 6~10 ACBCB

Step 3

Ⅰ. 1. wonder 2. foreign

3. Requests 4. stopped

5. hand in

Ⅱ. 1. 做面条

2. 把……放在安全的地方

3. 非常平常且必要的活动

4. 提出请求 5. 例如,诸如

6. depend on 7. the way we speak

8. on the other hand

9. the expressions you use

10. in order to

Ⅲ. 1~5 BBBAC 6~10 BADDB

Ⅳ. 1. borrow; lend 2. borrow; keep

3. lends

Step 4

Ⅰ. 1~5 BABCD 6~10 DBDAA

11~15 BACAC

Ⅱ. 1. top 2. around/ about

3. higher 4. seeing

5. another 6. different

7. richer 8. traveler/ tourist
