人教新课标 高二Unit16 reading


人教新课标 高二Unit16 reading(精选5篇)

人教新课标 高二Unit16 reading 篇1

Reference for Teaching


Weddings in the U.S.

Weddings in the United States vary as much as the people do.There are church weddings with a great deal of fanfare1;there are weddings on mountain-tops with guests barefooted2;and there have been weddings on the ocean floor with oxygen tanks for the guests.But many weddings,no matter where or how they are performed,include certain traditional customs.

Before a couple is married,they become engaged.And then invitations are sent to those who live nearby,their close friends and their relatives who live far away.When everything is ready,then comes the most exciting moment.

The wedding itself usually lasts between 20 and 40 minutes.The wedding party enters the church while the wedding march is played.The bride carrying a bouquet enters last with her father who will “give her away”.The groom enters the church from a side door.When the wedding party is gathered by the altar3,the bride and groom exchange vows.It is traditional to use the words “To have and to hold from this day forward,for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish,till death do us part”.Following the vows,the couple exchange rings.Wearing the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is an old custom.After the ceremony4 there is often a party,called a “reception” which gives the wedding guests a chance to congratulate the newlyweds.

The car in which the couple leaves the church is decorated5 with balloons,streamers and shaving cream.The words “Just Married” are painted on the trunk or back window.The bride and groom run to the car under a shower of rice thrown by the wedding guests.When the couple drives away from the church,friends often chase them in cars,honking6 and drawing attention to them.And then the couple go on their honeymoon.

1.fanfare n.铜管乐声

2.barefooted adj. 光着脚的

3.altar n.圣坛,祭坛

4.ceremony n.典礼,仪式

5.decorate v. 装饰

6.honk/h莐/ v. 鸣笛






It is an honour for me to be asked to speak here.


It is necessary for us to be constantly reminded of our shortcomings.



He asked to be sent to work in Tibet.


He hated to be flattered.



What I want is to be left alone.


The question is what is to be done next.



He wanted the paper to be typed at once.


They didn’t expect the book to be so well received.



The book are not allowed to be taken out of the reading-room.


The date is expected to be announced before long.



Are you going to the banquet to be given at the embassy?


It will be the first such project to be designed by Chinese engineers.



The children are going to the hospital to be inoculated.


She was not old enough to be given such heavy work.



It was a good thing for him to have been criticized.

他受到批评是件好事。(to have been criticized作真正的主语)



His being neglected by the host added to his uneasiness.


So being killed by sharks was a common occurrence.



He didn’t mind being left at home.


She couldn’t bear being made fun of like that.


We congratulated him on his being admitted to the Party.


They insisted on their being treated as ordinary workers.



I don’t remember having ever been given a chance to try this method.




The building being repaired is our library.


This is one of the experiments being carried out in our laboratory.



You’ll find the topic being discussed everywhere.


As we approached the village,we saw new houses being built.



The key having been lost,she couldn’t enter her room.

由于把钥匙丢了,所以她进不了屋。(The key having been lost作原因状语)

The decision having been made,the next problem was how to make a good plan.

决定作出后,下一个问题就是如何制定一个好计划。(The decision having been made作时间状语)


(1)by turns轮流、交替

e.g.They wash dishes by turns.


She went hot and cold by turns.


(2)in one’s turn(常用作插入语)轮到某人也(做某事),也

e.g.They,in their turn,made a proposal.


(3)in turn依次,轮流

e.g.speak in turn依次发言

Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.


(4)on the turn正在转变中;(牛奶)正在变酸

e.g.His luck is on the turn.


The milk is on the turn.


(5)serve one’s/sb.’s turn合某人之用,有助于达到某人所要达到的目的

e.g.This hoe will serve my turn.


(6)take turns轮流,依次

e.g.The nurses and doctors take turns to be on night duty.


(7)It’s one’s turn to do sth.


e.g.It’s your turn to keep guard.



1.live on,depend on,make a living by doing sth.,live by

(1)live on表示“靠……为生/过活”时,介词on的宾语一般是维持生命的主要食物和主要经济来源,也能接人,但表示的是“靠某人的钱生活”之意。如:

I don’t know what he lives on.


She still lives on her parents’ wages.=She still lives on her parents.


(2)如果表达“靠某人过活”,可用depend on/upon。如:

Tom has to depend on his parents(for support).


Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.


3.表示靠某种职业或工作为生时,常可用make a living by doing sth.或live by doing


She makes a living by teaching.(=She lives by teaching.)她靠教书为生。

2.insist on,stick to,keep on,persist in

(1)insist on意思是“demand or maintain persistently”,“坚决要求,坚持认为”,是对要求、看法、意见或主张的“坚持”。“on”是介词,后面接名词或动名词作宾语。如:

She insisted on her opinion at the meeting.


She insisted on going with us.


(2)“stick to”的意思是“persist in,not abandon”,是对“愿望、原则、决定、诺言、意见、理想或某种理论”的坚持不渝。“to”是介词,接名词或动名词作宾语,不能接不定


We should stick to the study of Marxism-Leninism.


We stick to the point that theory comes from practice.


We stick to what is right and correct what is wrong.


(3)keep on意思是“continue to do”,“on”是副词,表示克服困难,顽强奋斗之意,后面通常用动名词作宾语。如:

They kept on until the work was finished,although they were rather tired.


Keep on practising and you will speak English well.


(4)persist in后面常接名词或动名词,表示对某种活动坚持不懈或对某种信念固执不


If you persist in breaking the law,you will go to prison.


He persisted in his own belief.


3.recover from,get well,be well again,be all right(again)

(1)recover from…意为“从……状态中复原”。如:

He has completely recovered from his illness.


The country has not recovered from the effects of the war.


(2)get well,be well again,be all right(again)都是口语中表示恢复健康的用语,译为“好了,痊愈了”。如:

I have got well.


He will soon be quite well again.


You will be all right again in a week or two.


4.aim at,aim for

二者的后面均可接名词、代词或动名词,都表示“目的是、旨在”的意义,一般可以换用。不同的是,aim at含“瞄准、对准”的意义,后既可跟表示目的的名词,又可跟射击的目标。

be aimed at是aim at的被动语态。aim for强调最终目的。总之,at强调“目标”,for强调最终目的。如:

What she is aiming at is to win a scholarship.


He aimed(his gun)at the lion and fired,but missed him.


The visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries.


We aim for the completion of the task by the end of the year.




(1)How have you done with the letter?

答案:应将done改为dealt或将How改为What。因为习惯上how常与deal with连用,what常与do with连用。

(2)These girls called out their names in turns.

答案:应将turns改为turn。因为in turn是一个固定介词短语,意思是“依次、逐个地”。

(3)These agreements have an affect on both the buyer and the seller.

答案:应将affect改为effect。因为affect是动词,effect是名词,在这里,have an effect on意思是“对……有影响,起作用”。

(4)My remarks were not aim at you.

答案:应将aim改为aimed。因为be aimed at是一个短语,它的意思是“针对,目的是”。

(5)I’d like the question not to raised again.


(6)The flight was delayed as the result of fog.

答案:应将the改为a。因为as a result of是一个固定短语,它的意思是“由于……的


(7)She seems to finish her work.

答案:应将finish改为have finished。因为不定式动作是发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前的,所以应该用不定式的完成式,即to have done。



These animals have already______ ______.

答案:died out


That day we killed and wounded the enemy______ ______ ______.

答案:in great/huge/big/large numbers


They gave a banquet______ ______ ______the delegation.

答案:in honour of


Trade soon______ ______the effects of the war.

答案:recovered from


They______ ______ ______their success/of being so successful.

答案:were proud of


He tried______ ______to sleep last night.

答案:in vain


Mind you don’t______your fingers______.



1.(2004上海春)Victor apologized for______to inform me of the change in the plan.

A.his being not able B.him not to be able

C.his not being able D.him to be not able

简析:选C。根据apologize for sth.(或doing sth.)应排除B和D;又因v.-ing的用法中,否定词not应放在v.-ing之前,故选C。

2.(2004上海)The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945,and their power______increased enormously ever since.

A.is B.was C.has been D.had been

简析:选C。本题考查动词时态用法。因句中有时间状语ever since,故应用现在完成时。

3.(2004江苏)The man insisted______a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.

A.find B.to find C.on finding D.in finding

简析:选C。本题考查动词短语的用法。insist on是一个动词短语,on为介词,所以


4.(2004浙江)The winter of 1990 was extremely bad.______most people say it was the worst winter of their lives.

A.At last B.In fact C.In a word D.As a result

简析:选B。at last“最后、终于”;in a word“简而言之”;as a result“结果是……”。根据题意选B,意为“实际上”。

5.(2004湖南)You were silly not______your car.

A.to lock B.to have locked

C.locking D.having hocked


6.(2004北京)______in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

A.To wait B.Have waited

C.Having waited D.To have waited



He was in hospital for six months.He felt as if he was______from the outside world.

A.cut out B.cut off C.cut up D.cut through

简析:选B。cut out“切掉,裁剪出”;cut off“断绝,使隔绝”;cut up“切碎”;cut through“抄近路,凿穿”。该句意为:他在医院呆了六个月,觉得好像与外界隔绝了似的。可见B为最佳答案。

人教新课标 高二Unit16 reading 篇2



教学内容为人教版新课标选修八第三单元Inve ntors and Inventions中Reading部分的以读促写。《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》指出,“听、说、读、写这四种语言技能在语言学习和交际中相辅相成、相互促进”(教育部2003)。本课以阅读材料为前半堂课的教学内容,后半堂课的写作部分是分析并运用课文中的精彩句型进行仿写,这是一种创新教学模式。











1. 教学重点和难点


2. 教学设计思路



1把课型定为Summary Writing。先讲解summary写作的一般性要求,然后给出课文第一部分summary的范例,再留6分钟时间让学生写第二部分summary,最后挑选优秀作品进行展示。

2把课题定为How to write the first paragraph。以课文为范例,讲解怎样写好文章的开头部分,留8分钟时间让学生写作,剩余时间依旧为优秀作品展示。








Step 1:Warming Up&Leading in


本堂课的第一步是由执教Reading部分的教师引出“Only+状语”的倒装句型(见图1)。通过问题“Do you think the sentence in our textbook is a little bit strange for you to understand?Do you want to know more about it?Then let’s welcome Mr.Fan to tell you more about it.”引出后半堂课的执教内容和执教教师,再由Writing部分的执教教师对两个句子稍加分析:Which of the two sentences do you think is better?


Step 2:Practicing

提供给学生更多的例句(例句中体现出情态动词、助动词、be动词),让他们自行改成Only提前的倒装句(见图2)。学生可以齐答,也可以小组代表回答。三句都转换完成后,教师要求学生read out the beautifully written sentences。


Step 3:Group Work



Step 4:Practice according to the students’own abilities




Step 5:Brief Summary



Step 6:Assignment

Write five sentences using the structure we have learned.(见图4)










本堂课的写作部分以课文中出现的精彩句型赏析为输入,通过创设情境,引导学生输出。在Exercise Sheet中的第三层次问题还创设了自由发挥的空间,促使学生输出精彩句子。






Cohen,A.D.2000.Strategies in Learning and Using Second Language[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Eskey,D.E.1993.Reading and writing as both cognitive process and social behavior[A].In J.Carson&I.Leki,Reading in the Composition Classroom:Second Language Perspectives[C].Boston:Heinle&Heinle Press,220-241.

人教新课标 高二Unit16 reading 篇3

Unit 2: English Around the World Ⅰ单元教学目标


Talk about English and its development, different kinds of English.Talk about difficulties in language communication.Learn to make dialogue using request and commands.Learn to transfer from direct speech and indirect speech.Learn to give opinions and organize ideas by way of brainstorming.Learn to make a poster showing your ideas clearly.Ⅱ单元目标语言


Talk about English and its development,Refer to the introduction in the teachers’ book.Talk about difficulties in language communication.Different speakers may come from different places, so they may use different words and dialects, such as subway and underground railway, left-hand-side and on the left, two blocks and two streets.Make dialogue using request and commands:

Pardon? Could you repeat that, please?

I beg your pardon? Can you speak more slowly, please?

I don’t understand.Sorry, I can’t follow you.Could you say that again, please? How do you spell it, please?



Include role international native elevator flat apartment rubber petrol gas modern culture AD actually present(adj.)rule(v.)vocabulary usage identity government Singapore Malaysia rapidly phrase candy lorry command request retell polite boss standard midwestern southern Spanish eastern northern recognize accent lightning direction subway block 2.认读词汇

Shakespeare Noah Webster Lori dialect Houston Texas Butord Lest catfish 3.固定词组

Play a role(in), because of, come up, such as 语法

Command & request Open the door.Please Open the door.Would you please open the door.Direct and indirect speech He told(asked)me to open the door.Ⅲ.单元教材分析和教材重组 1.教材分析

本单元的中心话题是“English language and its development, different kinds of English”.通过对世界英语这一话题的探讨,加强学生对英语语言的了解,对当代语言特别是英语发展趋势的了解,世界在发展,时代在前进,语言作为交流的工具,也随着时代的发展而变化,由于英语在世界上的广泛应用,它不断吸收、交融、容纳、创新,这就形成了各种各样带有国家、民族、地区特色的英语。尽管如此,我们还是要通过本单元课文的学习让同学们感受、了解美国英语、澳大利亚英语、印度英语、新加坡英语等都有自己的规律和习惯用法和不同发音规则。

1.1 Warming up简要介绍了世界英语的分支以及英语语言在不同国家产生的差异,使学生感受英语语言的多文化、多层次、多元性,对英国英语和美国英语的不同有一个初步的了解。

1.2 Pre –reading通过两个问题引发学生对课文主题的思考,以便参与课堂活动。

1.3 Reading 简要地说明英语语言的起源、发展变化、形成原因,以及它的发展趋势。1.4 Comprehending 主要是检测学生对课文基本内容的理解程度。

1.5 Learning About the Language 主要通过各种练习帮助学生重温本单元前几个部分所学的新单词和短语,同时也通过新的例子展现了美国英语、英国英语的差异,并着重介绍了本单元的语法项目(Request &Command and Indirect Speech)

1.6 Using Language其中的reading and talking主要介绍了当今世界各地英语有自己的特色,即使是美国东西部、南北部、说话均有所不同。为了帮助培养跨文化意识,可以让学生学完课文后讨论中国的方言,使他们感受到本国的文化差异。2.教材重组

2.1 导入 把Warming Up作为一堂课。

2.2 精读 把Pre-reading, Reading和 Comprehending整合在一起作为一堂精读课

2.3 语言学习把Learning About the Language 和Workbook 中的Using Structures结合在一起。


2.5听和说 把课文中的听和说整合成一堂课。

2.6练习课 workbook exercise & other exercise 3.课型设计与课时分配

st period Warming Up nd period Reading & Language Study rd period Learning About the Language & grammar th period Writing th period Listing & Speaking th period Exercise

Unit 2 English around the World Period One

Warming Up

一、教学目标(teaching aims)1.能力目标(ability aim)

a.Enable students to talk about the world English b.Enable students to talk about the differences between Am.English and Br.English 2.语言目标(language aim)More than;include;play an important role;because of;international;native;elevator;flat;apartment;rubber;petrol;gas

二、教学重难点(Teaching important points and difficult points)

a.Students learn about the World English and the differences between Am.English and Br.English b.Students can understand the jokes caused by the misunderstanding of different English.三、教学方法(Teaching Methods)

a.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.b.listening c.Discussion

四、教具(Teaching aids)

A computer;a tape-recorder;a projector

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step 1.Leading-in Fun time: warm the students up by asking them to greet each other with their dialects.At the same time, lead the students to thing about the topic of this unit---“language”.Step 2.Warming Up 1)A quiz about the national flag of countries speaking English as their first or second language.Lead the students to the topic “English Around the World”.2)Ask the students to think about the question about the “world Englishes”.Step 3.Talking about “world Englishes”, especially the differences between Am.English and Br.English.1)Listen to a dialogue between an American and an Englishman.And try to find out the cause of the misunderstanding between them.2)Talk about the differences between Am.English and Br.English.(mainly about vocabulary and spelling)Step 4.Speaking task Student make up a dialogue with a misunderstanding caused by the differences between Am.English and Br.English like the dialogue they listened to




Unit2 English Around the World Period Two Reading

一、教学目标(teaching aims)

Get the students to know English language and its development and different kinds of English through this passage.教学内容(Teaching contents)

Get the knowledge of English language and its development and different kinds of English.能力目标(ability aim)

Get some knowledge of different kinds of English.语言目标(language aim)Grasp some words and expressions: such as;play a role in;because of;come up;play a part in.Learn the grammar: the indirect speech of the imperative clause.二、教学重难点(Teaching important points and difficult points)The indirect speech of the imperative clause.三、教学方法(Teaching Methods)Task-based approach

四、教具(Teaching aids)Multi-media computer

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step 1.Warming Up Warm the students up by asking then to tell the differences between Am.English and Br.English Step 2.Pre-reading Ask the students to discuss some questions about “English” in pairs.1.How many people speak English in the world today? 2.Why do some people speak English? 3.What has helped to spread English around the world? 4.Do you think it important for Chinese to learn English? Why? Step 4.Reading 1)The First-reading Ask the students to scan the text and choose the correct answer in the book.2)The second reading Ask the students to read the text paragraph by paragraph, and get some detail information.a.For the first and second paragraph, students answer some questions.b.For the third paragraph, students find out the information to fill in the table of the development of English.c.For the last paragraph, students find out the reason why Indians speaks English.Step 4.Discussion 1.Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn? Why? 2.Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English? 3.Do you think Chinese will become the most popular language in the world instead of English in the future? Step 5.Extension Give the students some information of origin of Am.English and Br.English.六、作业(Homework)

1.Finish the exercise on page 10.2.Read passage on page 51



Unit 2 English Around the World Period Three Learning about the Language

一、教学目标(teaching aims)1.能力目标(ability aim)

a.Enable students to tell the differences between a request and a command.b.Enable students to learn about the Indirect Speech(request & command).c.Enable students to use about the Indirect Speech(request & command).2.语言目标(Language aim)

Command;request;retell;polite;boss Indirect Speech(request & command)

二、教学重难点(Teaching important points and difficult points)a.Students learn about the differences between a request and a command.b.Students learn about the Indirect Speech(request & command).c.Students can use about the Indirect Speech.三、教学方法(Teaching Methods)

a.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.b.discovering the structure through examples.c.Practice

四、教具(Teaching aids)A computer, a projector

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step1.Warming-Up(Revision)Warm the students up by asking them to go over the direct speech and the indirect speech.Do some exercise: change a statement or a question into indirect speech.Step2.Talk about Request and command.1)Talk about the polite and impolite tune.2)Change the commands into requests.3)Learn to give requests or commands according to the situations.Step3.Talk about hoe to change a request and a command into indirect speech.Ask(ed)sb.(not)to do sth.Tell/told sb.(not)to do sth.Step4.Practise change a request or command into indirect speech.Step5.Using the structure A game: Choose two students act two robots.One listens to the requests, the other listens to the commands.Other students give either requests or commands, and the robots do what the students asked them to do.六、作业(Homework)



Unit 2 English Around the World Period Four Writing

一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

a.Let students get to know how to write a statement by using brainstorming b.Try to use connecting words or sentences to make it as an essage or passage not just several sentences 教学内容(Teaching contents)Write a statement 能力目标(Ability aim)

Use the brainstorming way to connect sentences and then arrange them properly.语言目标(Language aim)I think’ I believe’

In my opinion, We learn English to……

二、教学重难点(Teaching important and difficult points)How to arrange sentences correctly.Try to use connecting words.三、教学方法(Teaching methods)Brainstorming way

四、教具(teaching aids)Multi-media computer

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step1.Lead-in Use the brainstorming way to ask students “Why should we live?”which is a simple question,at the same time there might be various answers to the question, which will stimulate their interest.Step2 Presentation Also use the brainstorming way to ask “Why should we learn English?” and “how can learning English help China?” Step3 A poster Write a poster to collect all their ideas, try to use complete sentences, such as: I like to study English use it for business in the future.I want to study English well so that I can read English books.Say, come to the blackboard and write down your ideas, try to use complete sentences, Such as: If I learn English well,I can bring in the advanced foreign technology to Ching, so China will become stronger.I decide to learn English well.In this case I canard English novels, so I can translate them inro Chinese, then more Chinese can know more things about the world.Step4.Write a essay The title is “Do we need to learn English?”

Step5.Display the structure on how to write the essay.1.State your point of view.2.Show the supporting reasons.3.Get a conclusion Step6.Show them the connecting words which can help them to join the sentence and paragraphs.Illustration: I think, I believe, In my opinion, As far as I am concern…… Addition: firstly, secondly, then, besides, at last…… Contrast: however, but, on the other hand…… Summary: in short, in a word, therefore, so……

Step7.Give them a simple example which is not complete Do we need to learn English? I strongly think we not only need to learning English but also learn it well……why should we learn it……How can Learning English help China in the future?......六、作业(Homework)



Unit 2 English Around the World Period Five Listening & Speaking

一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

教材(Teaching materials)listening materials on P12 and P14 on the textbook, another one attached 能力目标(ability sim)

Enable students to catch the listening materials and understand them and distinguish American and British English, try to use them in dialogues.语言目标(Language aim)

Distinguish some words used in American and British English, and some dialect and accent.二、教学重难点(Teaching important and difficult points)

Understand words used in American and British English which have the meanings and some dialect accents.三、教学方法(Teaching methods)Listening and talking

四、教具(Teaching aids)

Tape recorder and get students answer sheet printed out

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step1.Listening Textbook P14 Listen to the tape, getting to know American dialect and accent.Step4.Speaking After listen to different dialects and accents, see if students know how to pronounce the following words: Ask, after, either, neither, kilometer, box,…..Step3.Listening Do exercise.六、作业(Homework)



Unit 2 English Around the World Period Six Exercise

一、教学目标(Teaching aims)Finish the exercise on the workbook 1.能力目标(Ability aim)

a.Enable the students to command “commands and requests” b.Through cooperative work find out correct answer themselves.2.语言目标(Language aim)Full understanding of the readings.二、教学重难点(Teaching important and difficult point)Understand the main ideas of the passage.三、教学方法(Teaching method)a.Fast and careful reading b.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.c.Discussion

四、教具(Teaching aids)A computer

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step1.Warming up Step2.Speaking task(Review commands and requests)Offer them situations and try to make dialogue with commands and requests.Step3.Do the “Reading”on P13 and answer questions on it briefly.Step4.Finish the “Reading task”on P51 and complete the form after it.Step5.Group work Ask them to sum up what codes and short forms of words they often use when they often chat in the net wuth others.Step6.Check up their researching result.六、作业(Homework)


人教新课标 高二Unit16 reading 篇4







具体安排: 对于10个单元,每一单元用10课时,课本的学习可以这样进行:上新课8个课时,单元复习检测2个课时。






2、在听力方面,进一步提高学生的听力水平,从高一就开始就对学生进行了听力训练(用的是教材上的听力部分)。本学期订了《当代中学生学习报》,利 1









人教新课标 高二Unit16 reading 篇5

人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 3 Computer―教案2

人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 3 Computer―教案2   Unit 3 Computer教2 TITLE=人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 3     Reading part: Who am I? Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims (1)Get the students to learn the useful and expressions in this part. (2)Let students to learn about history and basic knowledge of computers. 1. Ability aims Develop students reading abilities and let them learn different reading skills. 3.Emotion aim: Arouse students great interest in learning computers and let them learn to use the computers in their daily lives. Teaching difficult and important points 1.Let the students learn more about history and basic knowledge of computers. 2.Get the students to learn different reading skills. Teaching methods 1. Task-based teachingand learning 2.Cooperative learning 3.Discussion   Teaching procedures and ways              Step1.Warming up Task1: How much do you know about computers? (Make a survey) 1. What does IT mean? Information technology 2. How to speak 科学技术 in English? Science and technology 3. What does PC mean? Personal computer  4. How to speak 人工智能 in English? Artificial intelligence   5. What does PDA mean?  Personal digital assistant 6.How to speak 笔记本电脑 in English? Notebook computer/ laptop  7. What does W.W.W mean? World wide web 8. What can computers be used to do in our daily life? …… Task2: What is it?  Give some sentences to describe different kinds of calculating objects and some pictures to help the students to guess what it is? ① An old calculating machine used in China until now. An abacus ② It is a new calculating machine which can solve a large number of mathematical problems. A calculator ③ It is built to solve some mathematical problems. But it is too big. A huge computer ④ It is a computer which can solve all kinds of problems and is used widely now . APC / desktop ⑤ It is a kind of computer which can be taken conveniently(方便). A laptop / notebook computer   Step2.pre-reading Can you put these inventions in an order according to the time when they appeared? ( )Analytical machine(分析机) ( ) Laptop ( ) Calculating machine (计算机器) ( ) Robot/android ( ) PC ( ) Universal machine(通用机器)   Step3. Reading (1)Skimming Task1. Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph (P19.Ex2) Task2 .Summarize the general idea of this passage. (2)Scanning Task1. True or False In 1642 I began as a calculating machine and could solve any mathematical problem. (F: solve any calculating problem) My real father was Charles Babbage, who wrote a book and build me in 1936.(F: Alan Turning) After I got my new transistors in the 1960s, I became smaller but cleverer and quicker.(T) I was brought into peoples homes in the 1970s.(T) Since my birth I have been built to take the place of human race.(F: build to serve human race)     (3)Careful- reading Task 1: Look at the timeline below. Fill in the blanks with information from the reading text. Time The development of the computers 1642   1822 The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage.     1940s     The first family of computers was connected to each other. 1970s   now     1642: The computer began as a calculating machine 1822: The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage. 1936: The computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. 1940s: The computers had grown as large as a room. 1960s: The first family of computers was connected to each other. 1970s: Computers were used in offices and homes Now: Computers connect people all over the world together. Step4. Conclusion of the text How did computers develop?  A calculating machine →_____________→ _________________→_________________→________________→_____________→ ________________→________________→_ many new applications  

