


中医针灸英文自荐信 篇1

XX distinguished leadership of the school:


Sincerely thank you for your busy schedule to visit the job search materials.There is a warm heart and sincere desire to be your understanding and help.At this juncture, let me assure you I wish to apply.My name is曹立群, July 5, 1997, Siping Normal College, I graduated from the history of professional education, an undergraduate history.After graduating from the first run has been the focus of Jilin Yanbian II high school engaged in teaching history, and is currently a teacher in education.To work, I strive to do a good job in the history of teachers.Since 1998, six years in a row the school has been rated as outstanding teachers.In 2003 was named the state advanced workers.Now I am teaching, education, education and scientific research and continuing education in four areas introduce myself to you.First, the teaching of:

Since from the spirit of responsibility towards our students and schools, the party and the state is responsible for the spirit to all of our energy went into teaching.Has been teaching school, state, province, recognition, recognition is as follows:

December 2000, primary and secondary schools in Jilin province “in the modern educational technology environment of quality education under the new class” selected activities, the Division said “the tide of imperialism to carve up China,” was named the new first class.September 2002, in Jilin province, the third high school history teaching in the overall quality of academic activities, won a Class Two award rating.Engaged in the process of teaching, in order to improve the teaching effect, I pay attention to the modern educational technology and combine the teaching of history, to that end, while I study the production of teaching materials into multimedia courseware, the courseware for several times in the state, provincial, national award winners are as follows:

December 1998, the production of multimedia courseware for “victory in the Northern Expedition,” audio-visual materials in the state won the first prize award.May 1999, production of software “Review of World War II” in the history of Jilin province, the first major computer-aided instruction in the disciplines, won the first prize.In 1999, scientific research in national education activities, the production of multimedia-aided instruction courseware “Yanbian lovely home,” won the first prize.In 2003, the production of multimedia courseware “Yanbian feelings” in the three provinces in northeast middle school history teaching disciplines of modern information technology seminar, was named the first prize.In 2003, the production of English Courseware “Britain and Ireland” multimedia courseware selected seventh National Championship, in which more than 400 entries, 35 selected entries.September 2002, in order to provide our students with a history of the Internet learning platform, has produced a “history teaching in secondary schools” website(http://hisedu.126.com), in K12 the National Network of history teaching in primary and secondary education teachers in the personal home page the fifth day, about a thousand people have visited, here is a national history teacher and I have mutual areas, but also my students to learn the history of emotional resources and learning place for the exchange of experience.Since 1999, many organizations have participated in the School for teachers of information technology training, given all the teachers said the school Animator, Flash, Authoware software, and this semester I have a history of high-group collective group lesson preparation to the group talk about three other teachers how to use Flash, photoshop software, courseware production history, by history teacher Teaching and Research Group Leader and Members alike.Second, in terms of education:

Since the beginning of 2002 as class work, brought about by the class of outstanding achievement, in 2002, two years in a row in 2003 was named outstanding teacher.At the same time, in the Yanbian II took office website “Daniudi Forum”(http://bbs.yb2hs.com.cn)the moderator, opened up a “class forum”, “心灵驿站” and other columns, a number of themes arising from the students strongly repercussions, such as: “the class teacher and students can become a friend?” and “How to deal with students online to play all night?”, “Student Case Analysis” and other themes, students often respond to the theme of communication through the Internet so that teachers learn more about mental activities of students, but also with the students do not meet the online frank exchanges, strengthening the future of targeted education students to create the conditions laid the foundation.At the same time also strengthened between the class teacher, class teacher and student exchanges and communication between.Advise their students to actively participate in various extra-curricular competition in 1999, the third in the national patriotism education in primary and secondary school students in the competition, won the outstanding teacher award in 2001 primary and secondary school students across the country to celebrate the 80 anniversary of the Chinese Communist party education activities won the Outstanding Teacher Award for guidance.Third, teaching and research areas:

1, to write theses.Since the edge from the work involved in teaching, while pay attention to summing up of education, teaching experiences and lessons with the case, and written papers.June 1998, thesis on “extra-curricular activities and historical analysis of classroom teaching with examples,” a film by the Chinese urban social income “excellent collection of teaching experience in education reform.”

August 1998, the preparation of the “distribution of Yanbian moral education and the development and utilization of resources,” a book by the State Archives, State Archives Archival Information Society development as the outcome of the first prize.June 2001, thesis on “the history of modern education technology and innovative teaching education” by the Chinese Research Association for Education and intelligence as the outstanding achievements of the academic committee of the first prize.In 2002, the paper “Innovation education in the application of modern educational technology” has been published into the Radio “Chinese teachers books,” The first series of “history lesson students study innovative capacity-building” in the.2, to participate in research.Since the work, and actively participate in scientific research studies.1999, was hired as the National Education and Science, “Ninth Five-Year plan” focuses on the subject of the State Education Commission, “Education and the optimal allocation of information resources and the efficient development of the” sub-topic “information on the frontier of education in ethnic minority areas of the rational allocation of resources and efficient development of the” group members, is responsible for the “moral Yanbian and the distribution of educational resources development and utilization of” subject of study.In 2001, school-based teaching materials in the preparation of the “feeling of Yanbian University,” has been published by the students well.2001-2002, UNESCO participated in the Central Research Center of the curriculum materials of the “Ninth Five-Year plan” scientific research “the history of academic innovation and capacity-building” research, scientific research paper “Innovation in education technology in modern education” was included in the publication Radio Agency published the “China Teachers Series,” First Series “history lesson students study innovative capacity-building” in the.Now to participate in another national issueFebruary 2002, participated in the Northeast Normal University Department of History, World History postgraduate courses in professional education course is now closed down.In November 2003, to obtain the history of the Department of Northeast Normal University Master of Education(teaching).In view of the past six years of graduate education, teaching practice experience, I believe that they can better focus on high school engaged in teaching and class work of history.Years in particular the production of courseware and website experience, so I will definitely make your school disciplines of teaching and integration of modern educational technology to a new level.If you give me the opportunity to develop, I will be a sincere heart, full of enthusiasm, hard work and pragmatic work style, the efficiency of fast and efficient return on your school.Low job-seekers holding a book, read the mind of self-confidence sincere, I am looking forward to your school to become a history teacher!

If appreciated Thanks, please call(XXXX)XXXXXXX, or by e-mail xxxx@xxxxx.com contact me to see the following Web site, you can learn more about me, looking forward to hearing from Gong.Finally, I sincerely wish your school career development and bright future!


中医针灸英文自荐信 篇2

Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)is the essential constituent of Chinese traditional culture treasure.TCM,as one of the greatest treasures of our nation,its translation is very important in promoting cultural communication between China and other nations.However,there have been found many problems in the practice of TCM translation from Chinese into English.Domestication and foreignization are two major translating strategies as well as the main controversy in the translation theory.During the latest decades,the dispute between domestication and foreignization has become a heated issue in the field of translation.This paper mainly approaches TCM translation from these two translation strategies,and cite many examples in terms of TCM translation.The author hopes that this study may shed some new lights on TCM translation.

2 The Current Problems in TCM Translation

For various reasons translation of TCM into English is by no means an easy job.Good translation of TCM is based on many requirements such as good command of both ancient and modern Chinese languages,good command of English language,good command of translation theories and techniques,good command of knowledge of both Chinese and western medicine,etc.There have been found many problems in the practice of TCM translation from Chinese into English.Many readers have been so misled and got confused in meanings of theories of TCM that the further development of TCM is to be hindered.

At present,most translators on TCM translation only major in English,so their lack of relevant theoretical knowledge of TCM and clinical experience prevents them from understanding the real implication of some TCM terms.

2.1 Lack of standard

There are few translated textbooks reflecting the system o TCM,and the translations of the classics of traditional Chinese medicine are rare.In many translated editions,the concepts and the terminology lack unity,the readability and acceptability of the information transmitted cannot meet the requirement of the target readers.

Take“三焦”,“历节”,“五行”for examples:

Some translate“三焦”into"three warmers",others translate it into"triple heaters"or"triple energizers";

“历节”is translated into"acute arthrits","multiple arthralgia"or"severe and migratory arthralgia",even"white tiger joint running";

“五行”is translated into"five elements","five phases"or"Wuxing".

The lack of standard in TCM translation not only causes the confusion of the foreign readers,but also did great harm to the international communication of TCM.

2.2 Redundant translation

As we mentioned above,TCM language presents a classical literary features of more concise in structure and richer in rhetorical devices compared with the vernacular Chinese[1].Sometimes,one treatment or one theory can be described clearly and exactly by no more than two or four words.However,it is hard to convey the meaning clearly by no more than four English words while translating.Besides,it is not an easy work to translate the language of TCM into modern Chinese,and even harder in translating into English.Therefore,the rhythmic language of TCM usually loses its beauty and conciseness when being translated into English because of the redundant translation.

For example:

“明目清肝”is a four-word phrase in Chinese,but becomes a eight-word phrase in English("improving eyesight and removing heat from the liver");

The redundant translation of TCM terms don't give a clear explanation to the foreign readers.In addition,the long definition of TCM terms can hardly be accepted during the international communication.

2.3 Too literal translation

TCM differs from Western medicine in that it appears to be based on the mode of thinking.Due to the long history and complex cultural background,TCM is incredibly hard to perfect and time-consuming to understand.

For example:

“生气”means"vitality"in TCM,but if being translated literally into"get angry",so its translation betrays the original meaning;

Therefore,too literal translation of the basic TCM concept sometimes causes mal-practice and does harm to the acceptance and development of TCM.

2.4 Improper application of western medical terms

Although TCM and Western medicine have a lot in common in social function and cognitional object,there are a lot of differences in concepts as well as the whole treatment system.TCM system has its own specific terms and concepts,some terms apparently have the same form or spelling in Chinese with western medical terms,but,they have totally different connotations.

For example,“伤寒”(a name of disease)has different connotations in Western medicine and Chinese medicine.In our Chinese medical system,it has three connotations.The first refers to the exogenous febrile disease.The second refers to cold induced febrile disease and the third refers to the affection caused by cold.On the contrary,in western medical system,it refers to an acute,highly infectious disease caused by a bacillus.

In TCM translation it is essential to borrow some Western medical terms,but we cannot completely westernize the terms of TCM.Therefore,the translators have to retain the national characteristics of TCM terms.

3 Basic Principles for TCM Translation

In order to explore feasible and effective ways of translating,it might be helpful to establish in advance some basic principles which can serve as both norms in the course of translating and criteria in translation criticism.

3.1 Equivalence in information transfer

TCM text belongs to the informative texts,which functions in transferring medical information.So,while translating,we have to translate out the medical information first.The second step is to translate out the contained culture in TCM texts.Since TCM texts are informative,it is important to convey the medical information first,then the cultural connotation.

Translation equivalence refers to the degree which linguistic units can be translated into another language without loss of meaning.Many translators and theorists have been searching for closest equivalence between languages.Eugene A.Nida,a famous American translation theorist and translator,who proposed the theory of"Readers'Equivalent Responses".

According to Nida,languages may employ quite different forms to express essentially the same meaning.

For example:


"Bian Que who,on hearing of the dignified position of noblewomen in Handan,presented himself as a doctor underneath the skirts."

The above translation seems to be"faithful"to the original text word by word.However,the translation doesn't transfer the actual medical information of the original text.

First of all,“贵妇人”doesn't mean"noblewomen",instead“贵”is a verb in the original text,which means"respecting".“闻贵妇人”means that"hearing that women are respected by the local people".In addition,“带下”refers to"gynecology"(“妇科”)in TCM.Here,“带下医”is equal to"gynecologist"(“妇科医生”)in Western medicine.

3.2 Simplicity in linguistic style

One of the most prominent features of TCM language is conciseness,therefore,the translators should try to reserve the concise language of TCM.However,throughout the history of TCM translation,most translation works abandoned its briefness instead,some terms of TCM were translated into long sentences even paragraphs rather than words.

For example,the term“辨证论治”once was translated into"differential diagnosis in accordance with the eight principal syndromes;analyzing and differentiating pathological conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes"in English.The translation apparently is too long comparing to its original.

3.3 Adherence to national identity

As the theoretical system of TCM originates from Chinese ancient philosophy,the medical information carried by TCM is unavoidably distracted.Some terms in TCM are excessively rich in literary colors and philosophical meanings,which are hard to find their equivalence in English.In terms of cultural characteristic,the language of TCM has its distinct national identity which should be reflected in its translation work.

In translating,the translators should try to achieve not only linguistic but also cultural equivalence.

For example,some terms in TCM do not have their equivalent in English,we have to transliterate them.For example,we translate“阴”,“阳”into"Yin","Yang",“气”into"Qi".

3.4 Acceptability of target language readers

The translation of TCM must firstly remain true to the original medical information of TCM works rather than their styles or philosophical thoughts,i.e.,the translation of TCM should transfer the information on the ancient Chinese medical science to the foreign readers.

While translating TCM texts,we should take the commonness between TCM and Western medicine into consideration as well as we stress the national identity of TCM texts.We must make the translation understandable,or in other words,the rendition should be smooth and readable.Otherwise,the readers cannot grasp the information to the fullest possible extent.

4 Strategies for TCM Translation

A translator plays a key role in deciding what strategies they need to adopt to handle the problems in translation so that they can successfully perform the task of translating not only the meaning but also the cultural message of a target text.At present,many Chinese translators are arguing about the paradox of the two translating strategies,i.e.,domestication and foreignization.

4.1 Domestication

Domestication,which is target-language-culture-oriented(or TL culture-oriented),is a method of translation in which translators strive to substitute the culture-specific images in the source language with corresponding images specific to the target language culture.The representative of the domestication school is Eugene.A.Nida.His functional equivalence theory provides new perspective towards translation,and it introduces a new dimension—the relationship of readers of the target language text should be equivalent to that of the source language readers of the source language text.In a word,it shifts the focus from the comparison of the two languages to the communication processes involved[2].

According to Nida's theory,the translators of TCM texts do not have to stick to the form of the source text,that is to say,as long as the medical information in TCM text is conveyed to the target readers,the translation is successful.

4.2 Foreignization

Foreignization is a source-language-culture-oriented translation method that requires translators to retain the culture-specific images in the translation,so as to keep the"foreigness"of the source text.

On the basis of Venuti's view,domestication translation is a kind of translation strategy which minimize the"foreigness"of the source text in order to keep the target text smooth and natural whereas foreignization translation is deliberately breaks the cultural convention of target language,striving to reproduce as much as possible the"foreign elements".

5 Methods for TCM Translation

In view of international communication,the choice of appropriate methods in TCM translation can help read the effective international dissemination and win the acceptance of audiences.However,the choice of translation methods depends on the text and the expectancy of the target readers.

5.1 Substitution

Substitution is similar to what is commonly referred to many translators as"equivalence".

The compatibility of culture and aesthetically effectiveness of culture make the feasibility of substitution,in which different expressions or images are employed to re-press the same idea as expressed by certain expression of the source language[3].

According to Professor Li Zhaoguo's view,it is necessary and feasible for translators to replace some TCM terms with the correspondent expressions in western medical texts[4].Thanks to the alikeness and similarity between TCM and Western medicine,we can find some direct correspondence in the target language both in terms of meaning and function,such as“心悸”(palpitation),“便秘”(constipation),“黄疸”(jaundice),“白喉”(diphtheria)etc.

However,such words and expressions which can be substituted by western medical terms are limited in number.

5.2 Literal translation

According to Nida's theory[5],literal translation can be applied to case when the translated version is grammatically correct,functionally equivallent to the original language and when the target readers can understand both the designative and associative meaning.Literal translation can not only almost retain the national or local features carried by the source language,but also enrich the linguistic culture of the target language.

It is perferable and advisable to employ the literal translation in TCM translation on condition that it can clearly and adequately pass the meaning of the SL text to the TL readers.

Take“相生”and“相克”for examples,“相生”is translated as"mutual promotion";“相克”is translated as"mutual restriction".

Although we can not find their ready-made equivalents in English,these literal translation versions are vivid and easy for foreigners to read and understand.

As Newmark proposed it,"Literal translation is correct and must not be avoided,if it secures referential and pragmatic equivalence to the original."[6]

5.3 Free translation

Free translation is the way of reproducing the context without the form of the original,that is to say,it attempts to get the flavor or spirit of the original language.

When translating cultural words in TCM text which have no equivalent images in English,we can usually resort to free translation at the sacrifice of the form to fill out the underlying meaning.

For instance:

The original image“乌风”of“乌风内障”is translated as"black wind"in English,but actually“乌风”refers to“白内障”(glaucoma).“乌风”is specific to TCM and reflects the related culture,which is hard to be understood by foreigners if we persist in containing the original image.In this case,we have to abandon the original image in TCM and translated“乌风内障”as"glaucoma"by applying the method of free translation.

As we can see,by free translation,the target readers can read the translation version more smoothly and get closer to the original text both in meaning and structure.

5.4 Transliteration

Just as Prof.Li Zhaoguo described in his theory"Cultural Aspects of a language"(国情语言学说)that most words in any language of the world can find their corresponding words in another language,for those words are the core of our human language.Besides those core words,there are some specific words or phrases,which represent some concepts,thoughts,matters,etc.These terms are unique,which can not find any corresponding words in any other language to replace.For example,"Yin and

Yang"(阴阳),"Qi"(气),"Five Zang-organs and Six Fu-organs"(五脏六腑),which reflect the fundamental theory in TCM and the gist of treatment despite different symtoms.

In this case,the method of transliteration is usually applied in translating cultural-specific terms in TCM text.

However,sometimes,transliteration can not be fully comprehended by foreigners.In order to make the translation explicit some terms in TCM text need to be translated through the method of transliteration plus free translation or explanation.

For example:

“失笑散”is always mistranslated as"powder for stopping laughing".Actually this word-for-word mistranslation totally ignores the origin of the name and its contained cultural information.On seeing this mistranslation version"powder for stopping laughing",most foreigners may think that it is a kind of medicine for curing"laughing".They may misthink that if people take in this medicine,they will stop laughing.But,in TCM text really“失笑散”means that patients can't help laughing for they can be cured very soon after having taken this kind of powder.If we take the origin into consideration,we should translate it as"Shixiao powder".

In conclusion,transliteration is better applied in translating some culture-specific terms which cannot be expressed completely either by literal translation or by free translation.

6 Conclusion

This paper conducts a research of Traditional Chinese Medicine translation from two translation strategies,i.e.,domestication and foreignization.Although they have long been the point at issue in the field of translation theory,it argues that these two translation strategies have their own cultural origins,but they are not in extreme opposites.

On the basis of a detailed comparison of the two concepts from cultural perspective,the authour concludes that domestication and foreignization have their respective characteristics and practical value while translating TCM texts.

With the exploration of the general accepted methods listed in this paper for translating TCM text,i.e.,substitution,literal translation,free translation,transliteration,it is found that either the advocating of domestication or foreignization as the sole method is unavoidably one-sided.Therefore,different translation methods may be applied as long as the original meaning can be transferred properly and effectively.






[5]Eugene A N.Language,Culture and Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,1993:125.

中医针灸英文自荐信 篇3

引 言


一 中医药英文术语规范的同一性原则


二 同一性与单义性的承接关系

英文规范的同一性原则与中文规范的单义性原则存在密切的联系。单义性是指“一个概念应确定一个与之相对应的规范中文名”[2]。作为中医药中文术语定名的一项基本原则,它要求规范术语要具有唯一性。当一个术语与多个概念对应时,采用分化法或淘汰法实现“一词一义”;当一个概念对应多个术语时,确定一个为规范术语,即正名,其余为非规范术语,即异名,分为又称、曾称、俗称等。单义性原则把规范术语与非规范术语区分开来。在此基础上根据同一性原则分别予以翻译,“一词一译”,使译名在形式上也与原文保持一致。譬如“热邪”与“温邪”表示同一概念。根据中文术语的单义性原则,“热邪”被确立为规范术语,“温邪”确立为又称,“热邪,又称‘温邪’”即表述为:heat pathogen, also known as warm pathogen。


三 同一性优先于回译性








人名、地名属于专有名词,按国际通则,对外翻译时统一采用音译。部分中医药人名、地名具有多词一义的特点,英译时以中文规范术语的音译词作为英文规范术语,而不另设其他非规范术语,以避免指称上的混乱。如“刘完素”“刘河间”同指一人,“刘完素”是中文规范术语,因此以Liu WanSu为“刘完素”及“刘河间”共同的英文规范术语。

部分中药名亦存在多词一义的特点。对于中药名,既往的英文术语主要使用拉丁译词、英译词及音译词三种形式。拉丁语使用者日益减少,因此不宜用作规范术语。英译词在对外交流中与原词相互转换难度较大,因此实用性也不高。音译词缺乏理据性,且音调缺失,故偶有同音异义的现象出现。但它方便双语之间的交流沟通,近年来在中药国际化进程中发挥了很大的作用。同时,音译词富有异域感的发音赋予了它鲜明的地域性和文化归属性。出于推广中医药文化的考虑,将音译词确立为中药名的英文规范术语,英译词及拉丁译词分别为第二译名及第三译名,每一词首字母要大写。如“檀香”的英文规范术语的表达形式为:Tanxiang;Sandalwood; Lignum santali Albi。

对于多词一义的中药名,取其中文规范术语的音译词作为英文规范术语及第一译名,余者同上。如“泽泻”“水泻”“芒芋”为多词一义,“泽泻”为中文规范术语,则其英文规范术语即为Ze Xie;Oriental Waterplantain Rhizome; Rhizoma Alismatis。



中医药英译三百余年历史,产生了古籍译本近50种。译者所处时代、翻译标准、目标受众不同,所出译文亦千人千面。许多中文术语有多个不同译名,优劣不等、风格各异。如“命门”被先后译为Gate of Life、vital gate、Mingmen;“正气”被译为 vital qi、righteous qi、healthy qi。 一些译名沿用了多年,已深入人心;一些译名伴随时代的进步,还在不断地更新、与时俱进。譬如“任脉”先后有Conception Vessel, Conception Meridian, Conception Channel,Ren Vessel, Ren Meridian, Ren channel等译名。 其中,“任”字经历了从表示“妊娠”之意的conception到音译词Ren的转变,“脉”也经历了从“血管”vessel到“子午线”meridian再到“通道”channel的认识过程。



多义术语是指一个术语具有几个彼此不同但相互关联的意义,这些意义是由该词的基本含义引申、扩大或转移而来。虽然多义术语与它所代表的概念成一对多的关系,但在特定的上下文语境中,它通常只表示其中的某一含义。规范术语时将多义术语按义项进行分解,再分别予以翻译,使一个义项对应一个译名,以实现“一义一译”的同一性要求。如术语“结”根据上下文不同,或表示“积聚阻滞”,或表示“纠缠混杂”。在与“郁”搭配时,“结”取“积聚阻滞”之意,“郁结”二字合译为stagnation。 其中,“结”为“郁”(stagnation)含义的延续,因而不再另行翻译。在与“困”搭配时,“结”取“纠缠混杂”(intermingling)之意,因而“困结”译为retention and intermingling。


同音异义术语是指两个或两个以上发音相同,书写形式或相同或不同,但意义不同的术语。因具有相同或近似的语言外壳,同音异义术语在交流中时常被混为一谈,如“证”“症”与“征”。英译时应遵从同一性优先、回译性次之的原则,打破中文术语在语言形式上的相似性,根据各词的词义确立相应的英文规范术语。即:“证”反映的是疾病的本质,英译为pattern;“症”表示病人主观的异常感觉,英译为symptom;而“征”是医生发现的异常变化,则英译为 sign[3]。

英文译名中的同音异义现象,大都是由源语言中的多个术语译为译入语中的同一术语所造成,称为“多源术语”。如以往“中气下陷”中的“下陷”与“阳脱”中的“脱”都英译为 collapse,造成 collapse一词同时指代源语言中的两个不同术语,而成为多源术语。为了消除这一不良现象,完成英文术语规范后,需在中医药学各分支学科间开展术语查重工作。同音异义词一经发现,需协商调整,根据各原文概念另择合乎规范的译名。

四 结 语




英文自荐信 篇4

Distinguished Sir or Madam,How do you do!Thank you for you can for taking your valuable time to read my letter and wish your organization the cause of prosperity and bright future.My name is Wang Wei,I’m will be graduating from Hubei Light Industry Technology Institute,my major is electromechanical technology.I believe that both my studying experience and personal character will prove qualified to your position.I have solid basic knowledge of machinery and skilled use of AutoCAD,such as two-dimensional drawing,not only that,I already have basic theory of PLC and frequency converter,which are importance to APL.I think I’m a good team player and I’m a person of great honest to others,also I can able to work under great pressure,I expect to have a good opportunity to put all of my knowledge into practice,I am a doer and I can contribute a great deal to KRONES.I am always interested in news coming from your industry,and I’m deeply impressed by your company’s constant innovation and dominant role in the domestic market in the past of several years,I also admire and agree with the employee developmental values that KRONES has adopted,I find that my personal goals and ideas about business operations fit perfectly with the company goals and mission statement.Meanwhile, I am very bullish on your company in the industry,I think your company attaches great importance

to talent,and the work very well,I sure I can do it.Regardless of you choose me respect leadership,hope you can accept my sincere appreciation!looking forward to your reply, wish your work!your company prosperity!

Yours sincere,Wang Wei

英文自荐信 篇5


I learned from Chuming Shi that she is applying for an opportunity of further study in your school. She has a strong desire in pursuing further studies. As her direct tutor for three years in the middle school, I am glad to write this reference to support her application. I have full understanding of her in many aspects and I can say responsibly that she is a rare excellent student in our school.

Chuming has a good family background and has ever studied in the middle school affiliated to Renmin University of China which is one of the best schools in Beijing. At present, she is in Zhongguancun high school. She impressed first of all with her good scholastic performance and her all-round development. She picks up things very fast and spends a lot of her time in reading books and widening her spectrum of knowledge. Her mastery of English, which is far above school requirement, is most talked about and admired by both the school faculty and students.

Chuming has outstanding organizational skills, and she is able to successfully complete multiple tasks with favorable results despite deadline pressure. She designed their class clothes which are very popular in her classmates. She is smart, optimistic, and ready to help every student in the class. Due to her outstanding performances in organizational skills, she was recommended to work as Health Committee and ensured its success by demonstrating leadership abilities that her classmates both admired and respected. In addition, she is very good at playing the saxophone and often gives performances in the party of her school.

In my opinion, she is a remarkable person. Not only her intelligence, but also her confidence and willingness to help other people are really unusual. Of course, she is by no means perfect. As a student of less than 16 years old, she has great potential to be tapped. Therefore, she needs to be put into a more challenging environment to enrich and improve herself. An outstanding student needs an excellent academic environment and I believe that your programs will surely provide the best conditions for her to practice and experience.

At the same time,I strongly believe she will make a great learner, and hopefully, a great companion. If you have any further questions regarding her ability or this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

应届英文自荐信 篇6

Dear Sir/ Madam,My name is W---,But if you like, Zoe is my English name.I am a junior student in English Department of Foreign Language School, South West University, China.And I am going on 21 years old this March.I love my country as well as the colorful diversity of culture.America is a land of wander.She welcomes and embraces all kinds of culture and she is also the most developed country in the world.It has been my long-desired dream to see her with my own eyes, talk to her with my own mouth, and make friends with her with my whole heart.And this is my “American Dream”.I believe, by working in your company, being an excellent staff of yours, I will realize my “American Dream” in the most rewarding direction.I firmly believe that, in our world there will always be more solutions than difficulties.So I never yield to difficulties.When I get a task, I fulfill it with every effort.So, people around me say that I am very responsible.punctual is another characteristic of me.Because I just don’t like the feeling of being late.I like drawing pictures and when I was a 5th-year-student at primary school, I enrolled in a drawing studio.The whole study of drawing lasted for almost 6 years.It helped me become more patient and much easier to concentrate myself, for in order to give birth to a satisfied picture, I have to ignore all the distractions, concentrate on the pencils and papers and be patient enough to finish the picture one touch after another.At university, I designed and painted many posters for my community.I also like playing ping-pong ball and badminton.Those sports make me feel energetic and happy.Reading is also one of the many hobbies of mine.Harry potter is my favorite novel now.I have been a tutor of English during the previous summer holiday.The kids liked me very much.I also volunteered in a project launched by the local Education Bureau aiming at helping the local poverty-stricken university students in the summer of 2007.In the next summer holiday, I joined the group work with several other schoolmates in doing a survey about the development of china making industry of my hometown.We went to the relevant government offices and the factories, interviewed different kinds of people(the government officers, the managers, the workers as well as the masters of china-making in factories).We cooperated well and the better understanding of the china-making history and development made us more proud of our hometown.I know I am ready for the 3 months’ work and life in America.Also, I believe I will be an excellent employee of yours, and when I come back to China, I will bring home the friendship from American as well as harvest a fresh look on your land of wonders.Thanks for your time and wish you all the best!

